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Times have been tough for thousands of Nigerians who have either lost their jobs in the
past decade or waiting endlessly for a job that may never come. Poverty at grass roots
level is a sorry story as majority of the population has no means of sustainable livehood.
There is rural exodus of youths. It is necessary to educate Nigerians that paid
employments is no longer a REALITY in this country and that the only way out is SELF
EMPLOYMENT (start a small business of your own). By so doing you take control of
your worries, manage your destiny and provide security for your future.

Knowledge is only potential power says an adage and paves the road of RICHES when
you know which road to take information brings transformation. If you are not informed
you cannot be transformed. Enough information brings you to your destinations. This
equally confirmed in the scripture (Hosea 4: 6).

Why we have large scale of unemployment in this country is because the countrys
unemployed is made up of young people who lack PRODUCTIVE & MARKETABLE
For investment to take place there must be investment opportunity, which could be a
project. The purpose therefore for introducing any proposed project to the investing
populace is to create the necessary & general awareness of such projects in terms of
technical feasibility, economic viability, market potentials etc.

The purpose of this paper is to educate, expose and give you the step-by-step guide on
how to start GSM Recharge Card vouchers production. You will be told all you need to
know projects cost, raw materials, training and equipment.


Trade in the GSM voucher business is not really a new concept. The market is almost as
old as the GSM Industry in Nigeria itself. This Industry which first started in 2001 with
Econet now Zain as the operator, saw others like MTN, MTEL, GLO, Visafone etc
joining and with a potential so even grow much more. Nigerian economy is in investors
are showing interest in our local content and some are already onboard. No doubt the
telecommunication business and its subordinate elements such as sale of recharge cards
and voucher will continue to grow and demand for cards and vouchers will increase with
more money coming into circulation.

You can begin the recharge vouchers print business by starting on a large scale, medium
scale, or small. A major determinant is how much you are bringing in as your capital
outlay. This market is still growing and will grow to become part of existence. The
reason is because Mobile communication business and its subordinate element such as
sale of recharge card and vouchers have come to stay with the capacity to generate in
millions of Nigerians who will avail themselves of the opportunity of offers.

A recent market survey showed that besides sachet water pure water) recharge cards and
vouchers are the fastest selling products in the country accounting for over 5 million
customers patronage per day. What a goldmine!

Imagine how profitable it will b e for someone to embrace a business like this
Telecommunication Companys now declare profits and turnovers running into Billions
of Naira. How amazing? The interesting thing is that we all can have our share of this
booty through printing marketing of Recharge Vouchers.

I am not going to bamboozle you with unrealistic intrigues about promise of making
millions overnight. This is very possible but you must be ready to sow to reap. Little
profits re- invested into this business over a period of time can sure get you there.

My interest is to show you how to make as much as N30,000 as startup medium on a

small scale basis, N50,000 minimum capital and N15,000 - N35,000 for small scale
dealers. You ask how that is possible well read on and see for yourself.

One more thing that you need know for such is that no matter where you are and no
matter how many your market competitors are, you still will grab your fair share of the
market having put in place good marketing strategies to push your products.

Please note that the right to print recharge cards is vested only on the telecommunication
operators in the country such as MTN, GLOBACOM, MTEL, CELTEL, VISAFONE
etc. you alternatively be licensed by these operators to print recharge vouchers having
fulfilled all necessary conditions.

Recharge cards are in hard forms with computerized security sealed silver panel
containing the numbers for recharging while recharge vouchers are printed on soft papers
with or without the name of the licensed dealers on them and with no special feature.


1. You need to register with a dealer: this is absolutely free. What it entails is for to
be know to the dealer either by name or by other means of identification. They
will have email address and you will have installed their software on your
computer. Payments for PINS (vouchers are sold as PINS to the sub-dealers who
need to print them) will be made to the companys account number and
accompanied by a text message stating how you want the PINS to be sent to you.
Example: send me MTN 100(100 PINS), I have paid to your account VCI nigltd, Note that its important you call the dealers to confirm if they
have on ground what you intend to buy before going ahead to make payment into
their account.
2. You need a company with or without internet connection.
3. You will need a printer, which can be either colored or black and white. you can
go for any laser jet printer, laser jet print dont wash off as easily as Desk jet
prints do.
4. A flash drive (USB) is also required. This especially needed if you are not having
personal internet connection. In other words, you need to go to cyber-caf to copy
the encrypted PINS to your e-mail box by your principal dealer.
5. You will need pre-printed papers: an example of this paper is the one shown to
you at the training. Dealers will give you samples upon request. You can then
give it any printer to make copies for you. Plain papers can also be used in place
of pre-p. The most important things is to have clear prints.

Bulk order is very important in this business the minimum order placement you can make
is 100 units of any voucher denomination you want. Dealers sell PINS in 100s. You cant
pay and request to be sent MTN 100(99PINS) bit-by-bit orders are not allowed but you
can sell in its to your customers.

Internet connection is required as OINS ordered for will only be sent through the internet.
That is by email. If you have proposal internet connection that is cool! If you do not, it
still ok just that you will have to be visiting cyber-cafes occasionally to copy your PINS.
An important point to note here is that you must avoid downloading your PINS unto the
computer at the caf. Download into your flash disk and transfer to your business
computer. This is to guide theft by anyone. Also ensure that your email password is very
secure. If you dont have an email address, ask a family relative that you can trust or
friend to show you how to create one today.

Recharge vouchers transactions are mainly routed through emails except in the case of a
principal dealer that provides you other equipment such as orange box. Therefore you
need to open a valid e-mail for your business if you are not before. Recharge vouchers to
be sold to you as a dealer, is sent in an encrypted form called PINS. They are usually
encoded by your principal dealer for security purpose. You will be given a password to
decode it after downloading.

You must possible register online with your principal dealer in order to facilitate easy and
reliable trading with him. This would enable them create a record on their data-base for
your business transactions.

You must download the software provided by your main dealer on your computer. Do not
forget that you will be printing your recharge vouchers from this software after you might
uploaded your stock directly into it. Like I said before, some dealers give the software for
free while a few others charge certain fees. The choice of dealer will be absolutely yours
to make however. Remember to always call your principal dealer earlier before you place
you order. Here are the names and addresses of some of the principal dealers and their
price list.



Ringos Office is situated at tantalizer building building, 117 Allen Avenue, Ikeja,
Tel: 08032030771, 08060079090, 08054505959.


MTN 100




ZAIN 100


ZAIN 200


ZAIN 500


GLO 100


GLO 150


For Ringo, the software and installation price is N15, 000



Prepaid Nigeria is at 2nd floor, bamboo Plaza Annex, 6-8, New Isheri road, Omole,
Ikeja, Lagos. Tel: 01-7914279 or 08032036770. www.prepaidnigeria.Com or www.


MTN 100


MTN 200


ZAIN 100


ZAIN 200


ZAIN 500


GLO 100


GLO 150


Prepaid Nigeria offers their software free of charge. It can download at their website.



The operations of voucher colony defers from those of Ringo and prepaid Nigeria.
They can be contacted through



08034235993,, This is how they work.

You will be a reseller. That means you will be using voucher colonys network to
print vouchers from their POS terminals. Resellers may own or have access to cyber
cafes, business centers, banks or other location where a lot of human traffic exists.
Resellers basically sell vouchers to be the consumer that load the value on their

The steps are:


You install the voucher colony software (download software from site).

Add funds to your voucher colony account.

Login to their website and download voucher of choice.

print and sell downloaded vouchers via the POS terminal.

To start, you will need the following:


A computer

Regular access to cyber cafe to have internet connection

Pay for voucher colony reseller account (minimum is N20, 000)

You will need to purchase their POS terminal (P200 cost N21, 500)

Software and web access (N5000).

Please visit website for details on how to make payment and became a sub-dealer.

Please note that the practice discussed below apply to printing using computer and a
printer and not for POS terminals.


Before trading, your computer and printer must be in good condition remove any
virus from computer by installing up-do-da antivirus; defragment your hard drive to
increase speed. You need business capital. You must have an email account.

These tips would help: get your computer system and printer read Log on to the
internet to open a yahoo mail if you are not having one before. Decide who suits you
as your principal dealers. Log on to principal dealers website and complete a
registration form. You need to provide and ID and password to easily access your
market place on your personal computer.
Having done that; go back to your email and open your inbox for a confirmation
message sent to you by your main dealer. This would serve as evidence that your
particulars have been saved on the companys data-base .Your business transactions
can easily be tracked online.
You may also visit your principal dealer at their office to get registered and start
buying their PINS. This registration is free except where you may be requested to pay
for their software. Access your principal dealers website again so as to download the
trading software on your system. After downloading.

Install directly on your desktop the software. This would be used from time-to-time to
print and manger your bulk PINS.
Call your principal dealers agent to place your stock after payment to the companys
account. You must break-down your order for him and send this through text
message. E.g. send top me 200 units of MTN, 500 units GLO N150 and 200 units
ZAIN N100 I have paid into your account.
Copy these PINS from your mails and download directly into the software on your
desktop. You will print and manage your encrypted PINS from this software after.
Already, you are on your way to making good profits from the venture. Connect your
printer to your personal computer and print in batches, you may inscribe your name
on the voucher if you wish. What you need to do is to click on setup options and
manage your vouchers the way you like.
Your customers are those people in your locality that engage in interpersonal
communication through GSM and those carrying on GSM related business. In this

category are the GSM call centers, the road-side recharge card vendors and Ind
ividual. You can decide to sell to any of these customers who retailers are leaving
certain reasonable profit margin for them as well while you discharge your products
as fast as possible to replenish you stock on time. Conversely, you may be also sell
directly to final consumers so as to double your gains- you be making both profits of
a sub-dealer and a retailer. The only disadvantage of limiting yourself to sell directly
to the final consumers is that your stock may fast even through the profit


I may bother you as an entrepreneur how to sell your products and make good profits. Do
not have the fear that you are new in the business and my be denied good patronage. All
you need do is to make a through market survey of your area. Make a list of the sub
dealers that sell at cheapest rate to the GSM call centers around you. Then, try to
reasonable cut your price and wait for the result. You will discover that people tend to
walk a few kilometers from their vicinity to patronize a dealer in another locality simply
because of a reduction in price which is not even more than 50 kobo. For example, if the
cheapest MTN N100 in your area goes for N96, you may sell for N95.50 and beats the
other dealers (your competitors). Always remember however that no matter the number
of your competitor you still will have your fair share of the market. This is a principle t
hat is driven by creativity and good market strategy. You customers will come to you.

In addition to this you may accept t he family sales technique. This involves every
member of the same household having some vouchers with them at any certain time and
is ready to make sales at the slightest possible chance to do so. This method has been
tested and the results very positive. Selling at both wholesale and retail price can bring in
extra earnings and increase profit margin. A third method is the let others do the sales
method. In this method you involve people who may not be ordinarily interested in this
business by offering vouchers to them on credits and with profits. For instance Mrs. A
may not be into the sale of voucher, may be a cyber caf owner or business center agent.
You approach Mrs. A and offer her some cards say 10 of each units of MTN 100, Celtel
100 and Glo 100 at the rate of say N98. She makes N2 on each while you make N5 and
sell faster. It is the cumulative effect of this that will count.

You can sit down and study your environment property; you will discover other
techniques t hat will work for you. Always bear in mind that no matter the number of
your competitors, you still will have your fair share of the market.

Your principal dealer is also in the best position to sell to you recharge cards at reduced
costs. Running this together with voucher printing will no doubt increase your
profitability level. Best of luck and God bless.


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