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Faculty of Nursing

Master Course 2015 2016

Total quality management

Prepared by
Samah Mohammed Fathy
Under supervision
Dr. Reda Shehata

At the end of this lecture ,students will be able to identiy
and apply total quality management in all setting works
and apply its process successfully

At the end of this lecture ,students will be able to :
Define terms
Discuss effects of total quality management
Discuss history of total quality management
List principles and practice
Mention total quality management process
List elements of total quality management
List barrier for performing TQM in egyptian health
care system

Effect of total quality management
Principles and pratice of total quality management
total quality management process
Six basic concepts of total quality management
Elements of total quality management
barrier for performing TQM in egyptian health care system

As aresult of industrail revolution in Europe in the
18 century , second world war 1945:in response to
challenges from japanese componies, Usa start to
begin tqm standards in 1980.
Which say that management system for a customer
focused organization that involves all employees in
continous improvement of all aspects of the
organization to establish a customers goodwill and
value for money reputation.

Total Quality Management

The process or set of processes used to measure and assure the quality of a product

A way of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding

problems when delivering solutions or services to customers

(Total quality management )

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive and structured approach to
organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services
through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback
Total quality management represents a movement which is revolutionizing the way
business is done in the industrialized world. Using points of agreement between the
writings of the quality gurus

A management philosophy embracing all activities through

which the needs and expectations of the CUSTOMER and
COMMUNITY, and the objectives of the organization are
satisfied in the most efficient and cost effective manner by
maximising the potential of ALL employees in a continuing
drive for improvement.

Conformance to the expected use

: market research / contact

conformance to the expected use and to the expected price.

- Statistical quality control (SQC)

- Providing feedback at each step;

- Promote participation of the workers

conformance to the unexpected needs

Improve Quality (Product/Service)

Increase Productivity (less rejects, faster job)

Lower Costs and Higher Profit

Business Growth, Competitive, Jobs, Investment

TQM Six Basic Concepts

1. Leadership
2. Customer Satisfaction
3. Employee Involvement
4. Continuous Process Improvement
5. Supplier Partnership
6. Performance Measures
(All these present an excellent way to run a business)

1- Leadership
Top management must realize importance of quality
Quality is responsibility of everybody, but ultimate
responsibility is CEO
Involvement and commitment to CQI
Quality excellence becomes part of business strategy
Lead in the implementation process

2- Customer Satisfaction
Customer is always right in Japan customer is King
Customer expectations constantly changing 10 years
ago acceptable, now not any more!
Delighting customers (Kano Model)
Satisfaction is a function of total experience with
Need to continually examine the quality systems and
practices to be responsive to ever changing needs,
requirements and expectations Retain and Win new

Customer Feedback Tools/Method

Warranty cards/Questionnaire
Telephone/Mail Surveys
Focus Groups
Customer Complaints
Customer Satisfaction Index

Good experience are told to 6 people while bad experience

are repeated to 15 people

3- Employee Involvement
People most important resource/asset
Quality comes from people
Deming 15% operator errors, 85% management
Education and training life long, continuous both
knowledge and skills
Motivational programmes, incentive schemes
Conducive work culture, right attitude, commitment

4-Continuous Process Improvement

View all work as process production and business
Process purchasing, design, invoicing, etc.
Inputs PROCESS outputs
Process improvement increased customer satisfaction
Improvement 5 ways; Reduce resources, Reduce
errors, Meet expectations of downstream customers,
Make process safer, make process more satisfying to
the person doing

5- Supplier Partnership
40% prod. Cost comes from purchased materials,
therefore supplier Quality Management important
Substantial portion quality problems from suppliers
Need partnership to achieve quality improvement
long-term purchase contract
Supplier Management activities
Define product/program requirements;

6-Performance Measures
Managing by fact rather than gut feelings
Effective management requires measuring
Use a baseline, to identify potential projects, to asses
results from improvement
E.g. Production measures defects per million,
inventory turns, on-time delivery
Service billing errors, sales, activity times
Customer Satisfaction
Methods for measuring
Cost of poor quality
Internal failure
External failure
Prevention costs
Appraisal costs

The process of total quality management

measure the characteristics of a product and compare them with its

inspection performed by the workers themselves with a feedback loop to the

production line.

set of (implemented) predefined and systematic activities necessary to give

confidence in the process quality.

management centered on quality and based on the participation of everybody

which aims at the customer satisfaction and at the improvement of the
company's personnel, of the company and of the society.

Focus on the customers

(fitness to use or to latent requirements)
1. Who are my customers ?
2. What are their needs ?
3. What is my product or service ?
4. What are my customers' measures or expectations?
5. What is my process for meeting their needs ?
6. Does my product or service meet these needs ?
7. What actions are needed to improve my process ?

Continuous improvement
(fitness to standard and of cost)

Select a theme


Collect and analyze data


Collect and analyze data


Plan and implement solution


Evaluate effects


Standardize the solution


Reflect on process and the next problem

Total participation
Goals which are clear, challenging and reachable
Means to reach the goal
Responsibility for the outcome
Information about the corporate goals
Participation in decisions
Job security
Interesting work

4) Societal Networking
National promotional organization
knowledge dissemination
societal promotional activities
national standard certification
development of new methods

Barriers for achieving TQM in egyption health care system


Create constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and

service with aim to be competitive, stay in business and provide jobs.


Adopt a new philosophy new economic age, learn responsibilities

and take on leadership for future change.


Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the

need for inspection on a mass basis by building quality into product in
the first palace.


End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price, instead,

minimize total costs.


Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service,

to improve quality and productivity, thus decreasing costs.


Institute training on the job


Institute leadership, supervision to help do a better job.


Drive out fear, everyone can work effectively for company.


Breakdown barriers between departments. Work as teams to foresee

production problems.

10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for workforce.


Eliminate numerical quotas on the workforce.

12. Remove barriers that rob people pride of workmanship.

13. Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement.
14. Put everybody to work to accomplish the transformation.

Finally we abstract the effect of TQM to improve quality of the product, service,
and Performance measures or how TQM improve productivity by decreasing costs
and increasing profit which have a great influence on our organizations,
customer satisfaction and community.

Deming, w .Edwards. Out of the crisis.
McManus, Kevin. "Is Quality Dead?" IIE Solutions. July 1999
Youngless, jay. "Total Quality Misconception. January 2000

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