Wednesday, October 08, 2015 Edition

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pg 6




pg 6



Health Workers to benefit

100 Housing Units

pg 7


PYJ Demands Evidence


before TRC Prosecution

VOL 9 NO.157





The Liberian community is just like a relationship between a good father and
a good son or a good daughter. If you are coming from anywhere, this is the
only place that you will see Liberia flag standing, whenever they run into this
compound, Hotel Ibis Royal, they are safe and it has always been like that.
















These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market
in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the
commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.
Source: Research, Policy and Planning Department, Central Bank Liberia, Monrovia, Liberia

Page 2 | Frontpage


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

of the influential ECOWAS Commission and he previously
served the Sirleaf government in two categories as Minister
of Planning and Economic Affairs and as Foreign Minister.
With four months remaining on his tenure at ECOWAS,
speculations have been surfacing regarding Dr. Mcintoshs
political future and it likely that President Sirleaf might
give him the opportunity to return to the Ministry he once
He is one of many senior members of the ruling Unity
Party believed to be harboring political ambition like that
outgoing Minister Ngafuan.
In a recent interview with FrontPageAfrica McIntosh
expressed that he is worried over the current situation
in Liberia regarding corruption and did not rule out his
political future ahead of 2017.
With the Unity Party succession story still complex,
President Sirleaf might offer a way out of ECOWAS for
McIntosh served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the past
and the chances of accepting to return to a ministry he
previously headed looks slim but in Liberia it is easy for
individuals accept positions.

Samwar S. Fallah,

Monroviaoreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan resigned

his position effective as of October 10 leaving a
vacancy for one of the top positions in government.
Ngafuan has indicated that he discussed his
resignation with the President and the Liberian leader has
accepted his departure from government.
I have had a frank and cordial discussion with President
Johnson-Sirleaf on the rationale of my decision; and she
has gracefully accepted my resignation, stated Minister
While the departure of Ngafuan has left widespread
speculations especially when the Ministry he heads is facing
audit and investigation over the alleged mismanagement of
funding provided by the Japanese Government for capacity
building project at the Ministry, Ngafuan indicated in his
letter of resignation that he is leaving to prepare for his
political future ahead of 2017.
I have therefore determined that my continued service in
the Government in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs
will have the net effect of legally making me politically
inactive, an outcome that conflict with my intention for the
future. It is in light of the aforementioned, coupled with my
desire to keep my political options open, that I have written
the President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E. Mrs. Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf, tendering my resignation from the position
of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia
effective October 10, 2015.
With Ngafuan now out, the position of Minister at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs which is a high profile post as
the Minister is known to be the Dean of the Liberian Cabinet
due to the crucial role played by such person in selling the
good image of Liberia internationally is now vacant and
needs to be filled.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the government ministry
responsible for directing Liberia's external relations and
the management of its international diplomatic missions.
It is one of the first and traditional ministries of government
established as a cabinet-level branch of the government in
1848, soon after Liberia declared independence on July 26,
Originally called the "Department of State," the ministry
assumed its current name in 1972 and has since remained
the entity serving as the image builder for the country.
The Minister represents the President and the country at
numerous international meetings, conferences and other
major gatherings. Back home, the singing of bilateral
agreements and other essential documents are done by the
Minister on behalf of the country.
It is one of the few ministerial positions in government
which cannot be vacant for long period as Liberia looks to
build on the level of international goodwill it continues to
receive from the international community.
Ngafuan was appointed in February 2011 immediately
following the re-election of President Sirleaf for a second
term of office and during his more than four years reign

as Minister he has signed on behalf of Liberia dozens of

bilateral agreements some which culminated into donations
of material and cash to the country.


As President Sirleaf who arrived in the country late
Tuesday looks to find replacement for Ngafuan the soonest
to set the country foreign affairs on track, there are several
names surfacing, some of whom are individuals previously
appointed by President Sirleaf to lucrative positions in
One individual that is highly tipped to replace Ngafuan
is that of the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the
National Oil Company of Liberia, Cllr. Seward M. Cooper.
Cllr. Cooper was appointed Chairman of the NOCAL Board
in January 2014 a position he still occupies. Close Executive
Mansion sources say with NOCAL facing bankruptcy and
many officials of the entity looking for exit route, President
Sirleaf is likely to offer Cooper one by awarding him the
position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Cllr. Cooper is serving the key position of Chairman of the
Board of Directors of NOCAL, a company that few months
ago generated millions of dollars in signature bonuses on
contracts signed with major oil companies and also other
sources of income including sale of 3D semics data.
As Chairman of NOCALs Board, Cllr. Cooper is one of
many officials of NOCAL blamed for the collapse of the oil
company, an entity many Liberians few months ago viewed
as a beacon of hope in managing the potential oil industry
of the country.
Many Liberians are arguing that officials of NOCAL
should not be paid severance benefits as suggested by
the Management of NOCAL in a Sustainability Action Plan
(SAP) endorsed by President Sirleaf intended to rescue the
company from its current downturn.
Offering Cllr. Cooper the job of Foreign Minister after he
and others failed to ensure that NOCAL remains vibrant will
be seen as another misstep by President Sirleaf.
Besides, there are mounting calls for an audit of NOCAL
or some form of investigating to find out what led to the
company collapse and with such yet to be done, appointing
a senior official of the company to head the foreign affairs
of Liberia will be considered by many Liberians as a slap in
the face of transparency where an individual from a failed
entity is appointed to head another.
Cllr. Cooper appointment as Board Chairman of NOCAL is
an indication that he is highly connected in the inner circle
of the Sirleaf regime which is likely to pave the way for him
to be appointed as Liberias next Minister of Foreign Affairs.


Dr. Toga Gayewea McIntosh is currently the Vice President

McIntosh appears to be on good par with President Sirleaf
and provided he is willing to take up the position of Foreign
Minister, he could be one of the favorites for the job.
Besides Cllr. Cooper and Dr. McIntosh, there are individuals
within the Ministry who have been working with Minister
Ngafuan and are knowledgeable of the internal workings
of Ministry and could likely be candidates to replace the
outgoing Minister.
Shoniyin is one of the Deputy Ministers at the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs where he has been serving under outgoing
Minister Ngafuan.
Should President Sirleaf decide to look within the Ministry
to replace Ngafuan, Shoniyin could be provided an
opportunity to step up.

Shoniyin and dismissed Assistant Minister Thomas Kaydor
have been in the public glare in recent time for alleged
mismanagement of a Japanese grant provided to the
Ministry for capacity building.
The financial person for the management of the grant
is accusing Shoniyin of involvement in the scandal but
President Sirleaf has since dismissed Kaydor while Shoniyin
is still occupying his position.
President Sirleaf has already ordered an audit into the
expenditures of the Japanese fund and with Shoniyin as
one of the auditees, his appointment as Minister could
undermine the expected audit.

Shoniyin is occupying his position while Kaydor has been
dismissed even with full scale audit by the General Auditing
Commission of Liberia (GAC) as mandated by President
Sirleaf yet to be completed.
Wede Elliot- Brownell is the current Deputy Minister
for Administration at the ministry, a position she was
appointed to occupy after her attempt to help clean up the
University of Liberia met stiff resistance from students and
some officials of the university.
Students protested and held placards demanding her
resignation before Sirleaf appointed her to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs.
Madam Brownell is more an administrator than a diplomat
and could not be an ideal name for the position of Minister.


Cllr. Kanneh, is the Deputy Minister for Legal Affairs, a
position he has been serving under the outgoing Minister.
Although one of the principal deputies to the outgoing
Minister, Kanneh, a lawyer might likely be one of the
potential contenders to replace Ngafuan but will likely be
down the perking order.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Page 3


Lawmaker Tokpah Mulbah
Must Answer Questions

IN LIBERIA, IT has become a common practice for

individuals in high positions to violate the law relying on
their status.
IN MOST INSTANCES these individuals contend that they
make the law and should therefore decide what constitutes
POLICE SPOKESMAN SAM Collins speaking at a roundtable
held between security agencies and the media recently
responding to question on the widespread violation
of traffic laws by numerous vehicles in Monrovia and
environs said it is the security that knows what constitutes
traffic violations.
THE DEFENSE BY Collins is just one of many made by
senior government officials who wantonly violate the laws
they took oath to uphold.
ONE JOURNALIST AT the occasion boldly challenged
Collins and other senior police officials in attendance to
prove where it is stated in law enforcement that a law
enforcer can break the law in order to enforce the same
IT HAS NOW become a common occurrence for
government officials to be treated differently when they
commit offense for which ordinary citizens are normally
treated like criminals.
IN MANY COUNTRIES around the world, the law is the law
and officials of government who come in conflict with the
law are treated like ordinary citizens, some senior officials
even resign their positions when it becomes clear that
they have acted against the law.
FOR LIBERIA THE case is different as state security officers
including the police have repeatedly shown that officials of
government deserve preferential treatment than ordinary
Liberians irrespective of the acts committed.
SEVERAL LIBERIANS ARE languishing behind bars at
the moment for allegedly committing offenses such as
aggravated assault, battery, simple assault and other
offenses awaiting trial.
IN RECENT WEEKS, a member of the House of
Representatives, Tokpah Mulbah is facing allegations of
assault and battery with the victim physical body showing
stains of blood and bruises.
THE PHYSICAL BODY of the victim, a German lady does
not need additional evidence but what is required is
proving whether it was the lawmaker who committed
such barbaric act against a woman.
THE VICTIM IS saying that the police has been informed
of her situation but is yet to act, which points to how an
ordinary individual stands the risk of being killed by a
government official before fast action is taken.
AN OFFICIAL OF the Ministry of Gender, Children and
Social protection has even indicated that the ministry is
aware of the situation but is allowing the police to conduct
an investigation.
THERE IS ABSOLUTELY no justification why an alleged
act of brutality by lawmaker Mulbah with the victim
visibly displaying injured body parts should go several
weeks without arrest by the police for questioning and
subsequently being charged in line with the law.
LIBERIA IS UNDER obligation to protect the rights of any
citizen within the territorial limits of the country and as
such the German lady deserves full protection just as any
other Liberian citizen.

Celebrating October 5 World Teachers Day in Liberia:

Prototype of the Melancholic Dump Truck Story

BY Moses Blonkanjay Jackson (MsEd, EdM) (Author, Education Reform Advocate) October , Contributing writer

s I reclined in my regular thinking thoughts last evening, I

was overtaken by a feeling of melancholy and guilt regarding
how on October 5 each year, World Teachers Day (WTD), is
celebrated as a time to appreciate teachers: those who are
responsible to empower the population. I reminisced how over past
decades WTD has neither been celebrated nor teachers appreciated.
In spite of teachers being imparters of knowledge, they hold the least
status and respect; although they are the ones who prepare successful
politicians, lawyers, and engineers, they are not allowed to sit nor tread
where their handiworks flourish let alone receive salaries that their
former pupils and protgs earn; this is a complete prototype of the
sorrowful Dump Truck Story.
The Dump Truck Story
There is an old story which is supposedly the reason trucks are not
allowed to pass in front of the Executive Mansion of Liberia. According
to the story, President Tubmans Government was the one that built the
Executive Mansion on Capitol Hill.
During the construction, although there were other conveyances, dump
trucks did bulk of the work. Dump trucks brought the sand and crushed
rocks; dump trucks worked on Sundays; they were used to transport
daily hires; dump trucks moved the cement bags from factory to site
and were parked only after each workday ended. You can imagine how
tired and beat up dump trucks would be if they were humans.
Now, as soon as the Executive Mansion was completed, dump trucks
were banned from passing in front of it. When important functions
were held and other cars parked in the mansion yard, dump trucks
were forbidden despite the fact they labored to build the Executive
Liberian Teachers are like dump trucks; they sow and never reap the
benefits of what they sow; instead, they are made to suffer while the
seeds they sowed or people who they groomed and gave capacity for
the immeasurable influence and affluence they enjoy, sit on the fence
and watch them suffer. Melancholic, isnt it?
Like the dump trucks, teachers train politicians and politicians become
presidents, legislators and lawyers; instead of this lot rewarding
teachers they promulgate policies to cut teachers budgets and
presidents sign it into law. Teachers train diplomats but when the
Foreign Ministry sponsors state functions, teachers are never invited;
when education sector becomes messier, instead of calling teachers
to the roundtable, politicians take center stage and bellow out faulty
education reform mandates and far-fetched distasteful teacher
development strategies; teachers train journalists, but when they write
stories about teachers it is usually in compromised fashions; when
revered honors are being bestowed on so-called patriotic citizens for
service, teachers are neither invited to witness nor have themselves
honored. While other functionaries receive their emoluments on time
and in abundance, teachers have to bear excruciating pain before they
receive their meager wages.
All over the world, World Teachers Day (WTD) is observed on October
5 each year. It is a UNESCO initiative that devotes a day to appreciate,
assess, and improve educators of the world. The major goal is to
provide a time to
look at and address issues pertaining to teachers who are the most
significant professionals who surprisingly do not receive the respect
deserved in many parts of the world, including Liberia.
WTD 2015 Slogan
The slogan of the 2015 World Teachers Day is Empowering teachers,
building sustainable societies The designers of this slogan note It
is recognized that teachers are not only a means to implementing
education goals; they are the key to sustainability and national capacity
in achieving learning and creating societies based on knowledge, values
and ethics. However, they continue to face challenges brought about
by staff shortages, poor training and low status The designers further
assert, We will ensure that teachers and educators are empowered,
adequately recruited, well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated
and supported within well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed
systems. ...
AS other nations rush to comply with the ideals of the 2015 slogan,
it is yet to determine where Liberia stands with this powerful but
promising slogan.
Global Efforts towards Teachers Empowerment
Recently, much effort has been directed towards teacher quality. At
the conclusion of the World Education Forum (WEF) in May 2015 in
Incheon, South Korea, the 1600 attending education stakeholders
having recognized the importance of empowerment committed to
ensure that teachers and educators are empowered, adequately
recruited, well-trained, professionally qualified, motivated and
supported within well-resourced, efficient and effectively governed

A LAWMAKER SHOULD not be the one acting in a manner

that presents Liberians as brutal people. If this is this
private affairs, it should have been handled at the level of
such and not allowed to reach the police or the Ministry of
NOW THAT THE alleged action of lawmaker Mulbah has
reached the police and the Ministry of Gender, the police
must move swiftly to bring him to book for his action
irrespective of his status in society.
THE LIBERIAN NATIONAL Police and other state security

systems Later at the Oslo Summit held in July 2015, the need for
further investment in teacher education was highlighted.
Finally in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals
adopted at the UN Summit included an objective under Goal 4 to by
2030 substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including
through international cooperation for teacher training in developing
countries, especially least developed countries, and small island
developing States.
In the developing country of Liberia, instead of substantially increasing
the supply of qualified teachers, by empowering and appreciating
them, they are usually beleaguered by blames, and scapegoated by
mediocre education managers and partners. When students fail WAEC
exams, teachers take the blame. When education becomes messier as
it is now, fingers point to teachers; when ineptitude and mediocrity
engulf the whole
education sector, the onus is on teachers; when college education
becomes the equivalence of high school content, teachers take the
blame. In addition to taking blame, teachers are treated like dump
Perfunctory Duty of Education Stakeholders to Teachers
As the world celebrates WTD 2015 on October 5 and Liberia sits on
the fence, there should be a sober reflection of our attitudes towards
teachers. While there are underachievers and infiltrators who are
not passionate about the teaching profession but simply using it as
emergency survivor means, there exists hundreds if not thousands of
passionate teachers who deserve to be recognized and honored.
It is rather strange that education stakeholders in Liberia have not
conducted any public awareness about 2015 World Teachers Day.
Stakeholders including the Ministry of Education (MOE) and its
implementing partners
should be reminded that celebrating World Teachers Day is their
perfunctory duty. Programs should be organized no matter what form
and implemented over the year, to celebrate WTD and to appreciate the
teaching profession.
Stakeholders missing out on such a significant role and fine opportunity
to appreciate teachers would only place their proficiency and supposed
passion under the microscope.
The charge to keep
As a veteran and proven education specialist I have a charge to keep;
hence, in compliance with the 2015 WTD slogan, empowering
teachers for sustainable societies I call on all passionate teachers and
stakeholders to join me launch the Teachers Continuous Professional
Development program (TCPD). In addition to a National Teacher of
the Year Award program, we will offer free professional development
training (scholarship supported) to at least 1000 private and public
school teachers in 2015 as a way to celebrate, yet empower our
knowledge imparters and restore the honor befitting the profession.
Benediction (Call a teacher)
As Liberians go about their normal duties on October 5 without
any reference to teachers, let us demonstrate a minimum gesture of
appreciation for teachers. Just call a teacher by phone and say, Happy
World Teachers Day,
or simply say, Thank you for being a teacher
As a seasoned educationalist, I am confident that one day teachers will
cease being treated as dump trucks. On that day teachers will rise up
and take the management of their profession in their own hands; on
that day they will insist that their profession be rid of mediocre people,
gravy seekers, and those who lack acumen and the bailiwick to dictate
the way of their profession; on that day, they will rise up and declare
with a unified voice, appreciated at last, appreciated at last, thank God
Almighty we are appreciated at last
Now, may the Lord bless all teachers and keep them; may the Lord
make His countenance to shine upon teachers and give them the peace
that passes all understanding. Amen.
I am simply Thinking Thoughts
About the author
The Rivercess Village man, Moses Blonkanjay Jackson is a triple Ivy
League product, and a Jesuit protg; Mr. Jackson is a Yale University
Mathematics Curriculum Fellow, and a University of Pennsylvania
Physics Curriculum Fellow.
Mr. Jackson holds a Master of Education degree from Harvard University
and a Master of Secondary Education with Mathematics concentration
from Saint Josephs University. Blonkanjay was recently removed from
his position after diligently serving the Government of Liberia for two
years at the Ministry of Education as Assistant Minister for Teacher

agencies must strive to protect all citizens and hold all to

account for their actions in line with the law.
GONE MUST NOW be the days of you know who I am I? the
popular phrase used during the ugly past in Liberia when
individuals committed crimes against innocent civilians
without facing the wrath of the law.
IN THIS 21ST century, there should be respect for human
rights and equal treatment of all irrespective of status in

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Page 4 | Frontpage

The Reader's Page




Did Mrs. Sirleaf nominate and commission the former finance Minister
of Nigeria to Represent Liberia at an international function?
Why is Mrs. Sirleaf in constant violation of the Constitution and
Ststutory Laws of Liberia with absolute impunity?
Well, when the National Legislature of a nation is consistently bribed
by the President to have her way done, this is what Liberia gets.
Wow, Mrs. Sirleaf really thinks the constitutional power to appoint
in Liberia certainly includes appointing every citizen of West Africa.
While one powerful NIGERIAN Minister faces arrest and possible
prosecution in the UK for allegedly STEALING billion of Nigeria's Oil
money, the other Minister is unlawfully appointed to Represent Liberia.
Is this why some Liberians are opting for a Ghanian style of Revolution
to change Liberia?
Cllr. Frederick A. B. Jayweh
Ph: 720-278-8735
Here is why we have the current situation in Liberia. When the 5th
President of the United States James Monroe saw repatriating the
former slaves to Africa as a way to end slave trade in the U.S. and to
avoid an uprising in the U.S.
Several of the colonies joined together to form the Commonwealth of
Liberia in 1838 and Liberia declared its independence in 1847. The
name Liberia originated from the word Liberty or freedom, and the
capital city of Monrovia was named for President Monroe. This new
country was created with the objective of providing freedom, prosperity
and justice for all. Because of this objective, the wording on the official
seal of Liberia is The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here. It is now 168
years, but the vast population of Liberia has not experienced true
freedom because the appropriate mechanisms for creating awareness
empowerment structures for equal opportunities for all Liberians
have not been put in place. The founding of Liberia was meant to end
enslavement and was intended to appease the segment of Africans who
were victims of the slave trade. The second aspect was the creation of a
new country based on rule of laws and strong institutions but Liberian
leaders main concerns for the 168 years have been personal gains
for themselves, families and friends. Personalizing the resources of
the country when one is the position of power and control is the only
experience all Liberians. This culture grew out of the returnees because
it was the only thing they also learned from their former slaves masters
from the United. We must change this culture because this is part of the
fundamental problems for Liberia. Liberia's problems are not due to
ethnicity and religion or any particular tradition, instead they are due
to the nonexistence of awareness and empowerment structures.
I didn't expect for ALL ministers in the EJS government to hang in there
with her for 12 unbroken years. REALITY FOLKS! Secondly, presidential
appointees follow the "At Will" doctrine. Meaning either the President
or appointee can let go at anytime. Big news for ministers to quit but it
is part of public service. Maybe in Liberia we see being a Minister as a
profession. So folks stay in for 10 years behind one wood calling it desk.
I don't know if I mistakenly read part of this story which said that
President Sirleaf was represented at a function by a former Nigerian
minister.? Someone please tell me quick quick that I misread the sorry.
More to come.
OK , let reason this out together , shall we ? First , the author of the
article did not say at which functions did the former Nigerian Minister
represented the President while the Foreign Minister was present .
Was this a world Bank function , United Nations functions ? If so , at
what capacity ? UN women conference that was to be chaired by the
President , but was then co-chaired or represented by the former
Nigerian Minister while the Foreign Minister of Liberia was present ?
The author did not say whether the Nigerian Minister was still active
in her government or not . But one thing that is clear , is that the
President of Liberian belongs to so many organizations which she also
chaired with a co-chairperson or persons . And should the President be
unabled as in this case , her co-chairperson can represent her . The is
not like government to government signing agreements or one that is
representing the country Liberia . The author speaks of representing
the President Sirleaf at some unknown functions , but not in the
capacity of representing the Republic of Liberia at some functions .
The President just received an award , but anyone could represent the
President to receive that award on behalf of the President while the
Foreign Minister of Liberia is present . Especially , if it is coming from
an organization for which the President is a member . The author is
not very clear , neither did he asked the right question to find out the
reason why .

DISCLAIMER: The comments expressed here are

those of our online readers and bloggers and do no
represent the views of FrontPageAfrica

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The Editor,

his is a rejoinder to the Editorial of the Daily Observer

Kofi Woods and the Delusion of Innocence (September
3, 2015). I am reminded of an utterance in the movie: Sin
City; in which one of the many villains said: power is a
fragile thing it tolerates no threat upon reading the Editorial
published almost a month ago and no response thus far.
The Editorial clearly attempted to point out that in Liberia no one
can be opposed to corruption, no one can serve in the Government
of Liberia without being corrupt because in the view of the
Editorial we are all corrupt and therefore we should simply throw
in the proverbial towel and go to sleep while the nation coffers are
bled, its people pauperized and public mistrust of government
ebbs. For how else could one explain the Editorial point of view
which attributes unqualified audit of the stewardship of former
Minister of Public Works, Atty Samuel Kofi Woods II, to chicanery
and shenanigan and a harrowing process?
What the editorial miserably failed to do was to contextualize
the statements of Atty Woods. I will do that for the paper for
free. Two concurrent audits were conducted at the Ministry of
Public Works (2009-2013/2010-2013. There have been varying
interpretations and reportage of these audits in some sections
of the press. On August 21, the Nation Times ran a headline
Kofi Woods, others Hook. The article did not elaborate. Instead
it republished a document purported to be a GAC Audit report
minus any contemplation of an analysis. The article did not quote
Atty Woods suggesting that it did not contact him. This is what
yellow journalism accomplishes in this, our Liberia.
It was therefore incumbent upon Atty Woods to respond. He did.
The Daily Observer suggested that he should not have done so, he
had no right to defend himself and his integrity. In our Liberia, the
paper wants us to vainly believe that no one has integrity, no one
should be categorical about being law abiding. To do so would be
political, ambitious and self-serving. This is the surrealism that is
Liberia today when a prominent newspaper, buries its head in the
sand like an ostrich and chastises a decent human being for his
uprightness. And yet we all know what we see when an ostrich
buries its head in the sand.
The oddity of the Editorial is captured as follows: But, while no
court may be able to convict Mr Woods for a crime, there may be
no material evidence, there is such a thing as intangible guilt. The
Editorial takes one on a transcendental journey. The mere earthly
beings we are, should be worried about intangible guilt, whatever
that means. I am sure the folks at the Daily Observer also know
something about intangible sin, since they have accorded
themselves a transcendental pulpit to bully a good Liberian
man, an honest person who have served in a government, where
honesty is conspicuous by its absence. If I did not know better, I
would have suggested that maybe, just maybe this editorial was
written by a ghost who walks the corridor of the Foreign Affairs
Ministry building. But then again this would be odd, wouldnt it? To
have the respected Daily Observer succumb to such dilettantism?
Thus the oddity of it all.
One is thereby left to ponder about why an otherwise reputable
paper that was a victim of several extrajudicial experiences
including arsons, arrests and closure to engage in such a pedantic
posturing. This same paper now abhors objective standard test
to determine guilt? It has chosen to retreat to the subjective
that has no chance to withstand the rigour of legality? Atty.
Woods did. He voluntarily resigned, remained in the country,
submitted to two concurrent audits and will submit to any court
of competent jurisdiction consistent with law. Does this border
on any delusion of innocence? Is the court not clothed with the
authority to establish guilt or innocence? The Daily Observer,

however has a different standard, it condemns in the absence of

a hearing; it allots itself the right to be judge, jury and executor.
The following Shakespearean admonishment comes to mind: O
judgment, thou art fled to brutish beasts. And men have lost their
The absurdity of the editorial is established when it apparently
admonishes Atty Woods by saying one should remember the
biblical warning against gaining the whole world and losing
ones soul The editorial is suggesting that because Mr Woods
has responded to the Nations Times, in defence of his integrity
he has transgressed and therefore may lose his soul. Last time I
checked, the Daily Observer was a newspaper, now it appears that
it can even decide who loses his soul. Here again, if this was not an
absurdity, I would interject that perhaps the Editorial department
at the paper is totally, completely soulless, but I am not a man of
the cloth and I have no desire to subject a newspaper to eternal
Of course 2017 is within earshot, of course people will engage
in politics; this is what our Constitutional Democracy portends.
Why does the Daily Observer looks unkindly on ambition? What
is wrong with being ambitious?
As for whether Mr Woods is interested in the welfare of the people
than he is in power as an end in itself is amply documented. First
as Minister of Labour, where he saved the Government of Liberia
huge amount of money (in rental payment) by relocating the
Ministry to a new location with funds he sourced from oversea.
He rejected gifts that were sent to him by corporations he had to
monitor. He returned unspent monies to the public coffers when
he travelled oversea. As Minister of Public Works he returned
more than $25,000 USD to the public coffers by returning unused
gas coupons allocated to him as a Minister. He did all of these
things in the absence of any coded directive. He complied with
Executive Order #38 by rejecting Board and Sitting Fees. Does
this not comport with someone who is desirous of ensuring the
welfare of his people by refusing to abuse the public purse?
His long career of advocating for the poor and marginalized was
recognized long before he entered government. Perhaps the Daily
Observer needs to know that Atty Woods pioneered the human
rights movement in Liberia. His work at the Catholic Justice and
Peace Commission is a signature in this regard. He won the Reebok
Human Rights Award long ago before he ever contemplated
working in a government. The Liberian people know this and
the Daily Observer cannot, will not change that manifest fact and
unconquerable achievement. All the Daily Observer needs to do
is visit Firestone and see the new housing for workers that was
built as a result of Mr Woodss intervention while at Labour. At
Public Works, the President of Liberia Her Excellency, President
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf referred to him as a loyal lieutenant and
even suggested she can put her head on a chopping board to
attest to his integrity. The Daily Observer is perhaps oblivious
to history. As they say, legacy is self-evident. Atty Samuel Kofi
Woods II has already left his imprint in the times we live in.
Unfortunately the Daily Observer does not know this, elects not to
know this and instead wants to tarnish one of the best among us.
When in Kindergarten, my teacher warned us that we must not
behave like crabs in a bushel. When one crabs wants to climb out
of the bushel, all the other crabs pull him down. When Atty Woods
defend his integrity and abhor the cesspool of corruption that is
pervading our government, the Daily Observer is in angst. When
he decries the wanton abuse of public office, the Daily Observer
is vex. Yet, our artists, those who entertain us, have long pointed
out that when you vex you must bust! After all, this too is Liberia.
Ezekiel Pajibo is a Liberian national who hails from Sinoe


Rodney D. Sieh, Managing Editor, 0886-738-666;

Samwar S. Fallah, News Desk Chief, 0886-527
Gboko Stewart, Copy Editor 0886 484974
Danesius Marteh, Sports Editor, danesius., 0886236528
James-Emmanuel D. Cole, Jr, Graphics Designer
& Layout Editor,;
0886 211 390, 0777 027 030
Henry Karmo, Reporter, henry.karmo@
Bettie Johnson, Reporter, , / betty.johnson@

Al-varney Rogers, Reporter,, 0886-304498
Kennedy L. Yangian, Reporter, kennedy.yangian@ 0777296781
A. Macaulay Sombai, Sports Reporter, macaulay.sombai@, 077217428
Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042
Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666
Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753,


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Monroviagroup of Liberians
with like minds
have established a
group, Action for
Democracy and Development
which they are describing as
voice for the voiceless.
With founding members
including George H. Dahn,
James A. Thompson, Cllr. T.
Negbalee Warner, Nathaniel
T. Kwabo, Samson S. Tokpah,
Samuel Kofi Woods, II,
amongst others, the group
has indicated that it was
established to influence
politics, politics and the
overall governance system of
the country.
At the official launch of the
group Tuesday in Monrovia,
some of the founding
members explained that the
group is looking to do things
differently from what is being
done by civil society groups,
political parties and other
grouping in the country.
This group will serve as
voice for change, we complain
about people but we do not
take action on issues that
affect us, Ezekiel Pajibo, one
of the founding members of
the group stated.
ADD in its official launching
Nathaniel Kwabo, a member
listed five issues as its
shared values which it hopes
to ensure are visible and
functioning in the Liberian


New Group formed to foster democracy and development

Our working together is

sustained by the following
five (5) shared values: Justice,
participation and solidarity,
the group declared.
The group said it believes in
justice and the equality of all
persons before the law.
We believe that justice and
equality are the foundation
for the respect of human
rights and dignity of all
persons, irrespective of
gender, race, religion, tribe,
or any other difference
based on origin, choice or
preference. Our commitment

to equality goes beyond mere

espousal to ensuring that
equality is institutionalized
and consistently reflected in
making and implementing
every law or policy, the
statement of established
On the issue of Integrity the
group stated that it adheres
to and seek fairness, probity,
truth and accountability in
every action or decision that
affects others or relates to its
We believe that promoting,
recognizing and rewarding
integrity is essential to

combating corruption, and

public service as well as
cultivating a positive national
value system to guard actions
and decisions in public and
private lives, the group
According to the group
Liberians are responsible rot
hero own destiny.
Further stated the group We
believe that every person
or nation is ultimately
responsible for his or her/its
destiny and causative actions.
We therefore promote and
respect hard work and


Health Workers to benefit 100 Housing Units

amongst the lowest
of government and as such
they struggle to own a house
through construction which is
very expensive.
As essential the work of these
health workers many work
their entire career without
owning such valuable asset
due to the prevailing economic
conditions and the meager
Authority (NHA) recently
introduced a program to help
health workers become home
owners where a raffle draw
was conducted and successful
winners were selected to

become home owners.

Some senior officials of the
NHA offered portion of their
incomes to be used for the
construction of housing units
for deserving health workers.
decent living environment
for health worker has seen
a major boost with the
signing of a Memorandum
between the Ministry of
Health and the NHA for the
construction of 100 housing
units in 8 counties.
According to the MOU, the
Ministry of Health will provide
funding of US$500,000 at cost
of US$5,000 for which of the
100 units for dedicated health
At the symbolic signing

ceremony of the MOU Tuesday

at the Ministry of Health in
Monrovia, Edward Tolbert
Acting Health Minister said the
project is part of the Ministry
program dubbed the Resilient
Health Plan.
Tolbert said due to the near
collapse of the health sector as
a consequence of the outbreak
of the deadly Ebola virus, the
Ministry has drawn a post
Ebola health system recovery
plan aimed at rebuilding the
national health system capable
of resisting outbreaks such as
the EVD.
The Health Ministry official
said a good health sector
motivated work force.
The ministry has observed
that poor housing facilities

and high rental payments

out of sometimes meager
salaries demotivate some of
its workers across the country
thereby causing low outputs,
stated Mr. Tolbert.

Tolbert noted that a health

worker who is worry about
were to live will not be able to
perform properly.
Stated Tolbert The Ministry
believes strongly that a demand
driven and productive health
worker should be focused (a
health worker who worries
about his inability to own a
house of his own may not be a
focused health worker.
He described the program as
a motivational package gift

sacrifice as opposed to a
culture of dependency or
seeking easy and quick means
to overcome challenges and
achieve desired outcomes
The group says it is committed
to responsible citizenship,
including individual and
collective responsibility of
Liberians to achieve good
governance, and inclusive
Power to the people
ADD says the Liberian
Constitution puts the people
first and as such the group
subscribes to such principle.
Stated the group Power
especially after Ebola for some
dedicated staff by facilitating
the acquisition of housing
units from the NHA.
The Ministry is making a
nonrefundable down payment
of US$5,000 for each of 100
US$500,000 in eight counties,
Tolbert declared.
As per the MOU, the
beneficiaries will complete
payment for the units through
mortgage loan agreement
with the Liberian Bank for
Development and Investment
with the Ministry of Health
serving as guarantor on the
The Ministry will ensure that
beneficiary employees receive
their salaries through LBDI,
because nurses, midwives and
PAs generally fall in the low
income bracket, the Ministry
will ensure that payments on
loans do not exceed US$15.00
per month, the MOU states.

The Managing Director of

the NHA, Mr. Samuel Wlue,
promised that the NHA will do
its best to deliver the housing
units on time.
From the side of the NHA,
we will do our best to make
sure we deliver these units on
time, we hope workers will pay
back for others to benefit, said
Director Wlue.
The NHA boss described
housing as an essential aspect
of growth and said he hopes
other sectors will follow the
example of the Ministry of
Housing is an important
aspect of growth so, we hope
other sectors can do the same,
so that our country can grow,
Wlue noted.

Page 5

belongs to the people. The

true welfare of the people
is and should therefore be
the sole ends of all social
actions and movements. We
also believe that an effective
means of knowing what the
people want is by working
with them and enabling
their direct and meaningful
participation in deciding
policies and prioritizing
popular participation entails
decentralization and the
involvement of locals in the
making of decisions that
directly affect them.
ADD continues that it
believes in social solidarity
understanding and respect of
various interests and groups
in society.
Solidarity goes beyond
social safety nets to fostering
collaboration, for example,
student unions, youth and
women groups, civil society
organizations and others to
discuss shared problems and
identify possible solutions,
ADD noted.
attendance applauded the
formation of the group and
pledged support to the group.

He extended thanks to his

Deputy Prince Wreh whom he
said is working to ensure that
all the programs at the NHA
become a success.
"Say thank you to Mr. Wreh
becasue he is the one making
all of this to become a success"
said Director Wlue.
Liberias Chief Medical Officer
Dr. Francis S. Kateh described
health workers as the back
home of quality healthcare.
When nurses and doctors
are not happy, the provision
of healthcare will be at a
minimum, so we need to make
them happy, said Dr. Kateh.
Dr. Kateh said healthy people
make a good economy and as
such the Ministry is working to
make health workers happy so
that they can ensure that more
Liberians are healthy.
This is just the beginning,
we hope it is not the end, we
want it to multiply into other
counties, stated Dr. Kateh.
construction of the housing
units include Harper, Maryland
County (15); Barclay Ville,
Grand Kru County (15); Fish
Town, River Gee County (15);
Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County
(15); Greenville, Sinoe County
(15); Cestos City, Rivercess
County (10); Bopolu, Gbarpolu
County (10) and Monrovia
Montserrado County (5).
Acting Minister Tolbert said the
health Ministry has observed
that employees in these
counties are more constraint
than others and therefore they
are the first targeted counties.
According to the MOU, the
housing units are expected to
be completed April 2016. The
Health Ministry has indicated
that it has a plan for phase two
of these projects on a revolving
fund basis.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Page 6 | Frontpage




Monrovia -

r. Rodney Sieh,
headline the 2015 Global
Conference in Lillehammer,
Norway this week.
Journalists from more than
110 countries will descend at
the GIJ Conference from Oct.
8 to participate in 160 panels,
workshops, and special events
planned for the conference.
Journalism Network (GIJN)
is composed of nonprofit
organizations that produce
encourage the creation of
similar nonprofit groups.
Mr. Sieh will serve on a panel
moderated by award-winning
Norwegian journalist, Maren
along with US journalist
Ashoka Mukpo and Rosemary
Nwaebuni from Nigerias
Pointer Newspaper.
Sb is editor of a website on African Affairs
in Norwegian, independent
journalist and former editor
of Verdensmagasinet X. She

was educated in South Africa

and has worked in several
Norwegian newsrooms.
The panel will discuss in
depth, Investigating Health
Issues: Ebola, with emphasis
on one of the most widespread
epidemic virus disease in
global history. The disease, in
the last year hit the West Africa
region pretty hard, entering
Guinea in December 2013. The
mortality rate among infected
patient groups was as high
as 70 percent in countries
like Liberia, Sierra Leone and
Almost two years later more
than 11.000 people has
succumbed to the virus, and
the epidemic has had severe
consequences in countries

How did the epidemic spiral

out of control? and what kind
of challenges do reporters face
when covering an unknown
and deadly enemy? What kind
of lessons can the coverage of
an African epidemic teach us
about covering the next health
US journalist Ashoka Mukpo
was on assignment in Liberia
as a freelance photographer
for NBC when he himself

contracted Ebola in October

2014. He survived thanks to
fast treatment at hospitals in
Liberia and the US. Mukpo,
working as an investigator with
a local advocacy organization
industry operations in the
country. During the Ebola
crisis, he wrote and shot video
for a number of news outlets.
His work has appeared in The
Guardian, The Atlantic, VICE
News, and the Washington
Post, among others. Former
staff member at Human Rights
I think it's important in life
to take risks for things that
you believe in. But it's also
important to keep yourself
safe. So, I mean, it's hard to call
Ebola a learning experience.
But I think that I'm gonna
walk away from this with
some important lessons for
the future, he told NBC after
doctors said he no longer had
Ebola in his bloodstream.
Editor Rodney D. Sieh, editor
explain how he and his staff
covered the epidemic, and how
negligence and bad decisions
by the government and local
authorities made the situation

Rosemary Nwaebuni from

Nigerias Pointer Newspaper
will discuss her coverage
of Nigeria and Ebola: The
Success Story. Among her
stories is Corruption Paid
for in Lives in Nigeria's Delta
State, her investigation into the
sorry state of health care in her
region of Nigeria.
She has a knack for getting to
the root of issues by digging
investigation; holding corrupt
officials and criminals to
account for their actions. Her
passion for exposing societal
ills and bringing perpetrators
to justice as her driving force led
her into several investigative
works such as Corruption Paid
in Lives in Delta State Nigeria;
and Nigeria, a though Place
for a widow (Disinheritance:
A cultural tool of Violence
against Women) funded by
Forum for African Investigative
Reporters (FAIR).
She worked with INSIGHT
TWI/Africa Investigates to
expose activities of Nigerias
Fake Doctors in collaboration
with a Ghanaian colleague
She is a member of "Eye on
Corruption Global Network".
Africa is losing money.

Billions of dollars flow out

of the continent every year
due to the abuse of tax laws,
smuggling, and corruption. Its
a huge problem and its underreported. But there is now a
growing number of journalists
in Africa who are exposing this
illicit financial activity.
At this session you will hear
about investigations into stolen
funds stashed in offshore bank
accounts, secret tax breaks
for corporations operating
in Africa, the mispricing of
mineral exports, and much
more. The journalists will
present their stories and
explain some of the methods
they use.
The session will feature
participants in the Wealth
of Nations programme, run
by the Thomson Reuters
Foundation, which works with
Africas leading journalists
and media houses as well
as top journalists from across
the world to report on illicit
finance and tax abuse.
It will also feature journalists
from the African Network
of Centers for Investigative
investigative journalism by
sustainability and production
Derek Thorne
Project Manager, Thomson
Reuters Foundation
Derek Thorne is a Project
Manager at the Thomson
charitable arm of Thomson
Reuters. He primarily works
on the Foundations Wealth
of Nations programme, which
works with African media to
investigate the abuse of tax
laws and improve oil reporting.
Prior to this, he worked in
journalism, education, project
management and international
development. For five years
he worked at the charity One
World Media, where... Read
Rex Chikoko
Investigative journalist, The
Nation Publications Limited
Rex Chikoko is a Malawian
journalist with over 12
years experience in active

journalism. Currently, he is
working for one of Malawi's
leading print media houses,
Nation Publications Limited,
as an Investigative Journalist.
He developed interest in
investigative journalism in
2008 after attending several
organised by USAID in Malawi.
However, his passion for
investigative journalism grew
after... Read More
Musikilu Mojeed
Managing editor, Premium
Musikilu Mojeed, a member of
the International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists, is an
award-winning journalist and
Managing Editor at Nigeria's
Premium Times. He was until
2011 Investigative Editor at
Nigerias NEXT newspaper
groundbreaking investigative
work of that newspaper. He
also coordinated the paper's
WikiLeaks coverage. | A recent
Knight Journalism Fellow at
Stanford University, and... Read
John Reynolds
Business journalist, Freelance
John Reynolds is a freelance
business journalist who writes
regular news, features and
interviews for the Sunday
Independent in Ireland. He
also currently mentors trainee
journalists in investigating
stories related to illicit finance
and tax abuse for the Thomson
Reuters Foundation Wealth of
Nations Programme. In the past
he has written on business,
politics and renewable energy
for The Irish Times and UK
publications The Spectator and
The... Read More
Khadija Sharife
Forensic financial researcher
and editor, African Network
of Centers for Investigative
Reporting (ANCIR)
Khadija Sharife is a forensics
Africa. She works with the
African Network of Centers
for Investigative Reporting
(ANCIR), is a fellow with the
World Policy Institute, and
author of Tax Us If You Can:

commissioner the Liberia

revenue authority through
the real estate tax division
is expected to collect seven
million as contribution to the
national budget 2015\2016.
He also said that in order for
the real estate tax division to
meet the projected amount
key strategies have been
The massive real estate tax
education and the awareness
in that he says the LRA through
the real estate tax division
has engage the public through
robust media publicity which
he says the radio talk-show
public service announcements
and community engagements.
Another he says is for the
LRA to ensure compliance in
the public sector with respect
to the three branches of
government appointing official
and civil servants in keeping
with the revenue code of

In the expansion strategic

for community partnership
for revenue enhancement
the assistant commissioner
said the LRA seeks to engage
the seven cities, twenty-one
township and one hundred
and fifty communities in
Montserrado which he says the
pilot project will subsequently
be roll out to other counties
such as Bong, Grand Bassa,
Nimba and more.
The assistant commissioner
however is calling on all
property owners to visit the
LRA business office across the
country to regularize their
status as it relates to real estate
tax. Let me add that our real
estate tax regime is one of the
lowest property tax regimes
in the West African region.
Remember a good tax payer
is a national builder as taxes
bring development.


BY: Webster Clayeh 0886729972

he real estate tax

division of the Liberia
is calling people to
pay their real estate in order
to foster development in the
speaking at the ministry
press briefing the assistant
commissioner for real estate
tax division of the Liberia
revenue authority Lasana
kromah said in 2006 president
sirleaf was condescend of the
fact that people just came
from war and recognized how
people was starting with their
life over waved all taxes from
2006 to downward with the
attempt that everybody is
going to start a new page in
order for people to start paying
their taxes but unfortunate for
him he said today people there
are still low complain in the tax
According to the assistant

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


BY: Webster Clayeh 0886729972


Page 7

Praised Min Samukai for Controlling Nimba Violence

he government of
Liberia through the
ministry of health
and social welfare
and the ministry of finance
in collaboration with the
housing authority has signed
a landmark of memorandum
of understanding to provide
one hundred housing units
for healthcare working in the
Speaking at the ministry of
information regular press
deputy managing director for
administration at the National
Housing Authority prince
Wreh said the one hundred
housing units for healthcare
workers in every county is a
step in the right the direction.
According to Wreh the
ministry health has sense in
the critical need for health
workers assigned outstation
and has discuss with the
National House Authority to
have the provision of homes
made to health workers that
will be taking assignment in
the rural area.

We are going to be
constructing one hundred
houses in every county and
are going to be finance by
Liberia bank for development
and investment. The mortgage
process will take place soon
and with minimum income
we can see people owning
their own homes, the deputy
managing director said.
The deputy managing director
however disclosed that the
healthcare workers will get
the a deduction in their salary
which in order to own the
house he says their monthly
pay cut system will not excess
one hundred and two-five
united state dollars.
It is not an effort to see health
workers get their own homes
but also for decentralize of
government to take effect
the deputy managing director
said. He continue: we have
health workers all parts of the
country so to contribute to the
peace we taught as an entity
about plan that is going to help
our health workers, deputy
Wreh asserted.

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resident Ellen Johnson has refused to speak on the

controversial resignation of Foreign Affairs Minister
Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan that has sparked Public debate
in streets corners.
president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has called on Liberians to be
patient as she will make an official comment on the resignation of
Liberia Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan who resigned
recently from the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf led government.
Ngafuan is among many Ministers who started the first term of
the UP led government; he was first a Director of Budget and later
became Minister of Finance before being appointed as minister of
Foreign Affairs and Dean of the Liberian Cabinet.
Ngafuan resignation has sparked up public debate in streets
corners of Liberia with many awaiting for the Liberian leader to
arrive and make a statement as to what went wrong that led to the
resignation of the Minister.
But President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf upon arrival from the United
Nations General assembly called on the Liberian public to be
patient and await the arrival of the resigned Minister of Foreign
Affairs Minister to give the public a clearer understating as to
what led to his resignation.
I will not deal with matter like that in the absent of the person,

the person concern is out of the country let us wait until he come
back in the country and we will start from there, she noted.
commenting on the recently violence in Nimba County, the
Liberian leader said Minister Browne Samukai was able to move
swiftly and put the situation under control, saying he was he was
vigilant and took the right decisions to keep our nation safe, you
know I dont comment on things the day I arrive until I have a
chance to get proper briefing from those concern, the chairman
of the cabinet, Minister of Defense has briefed me as much as
possible but thats not enough hes going to give me a further
briefing when we meet in our security meetings, she noted.
The Chairman of the cabinet, Defense Minister Browne Samukai
at thanksgiving held at the All Saint Catholic Church in Margibi
County, turnover the mantle of authority to the President of
Liberia, saying, the country is safe and calm.
Madam President we want to welcome you back again in the
country, I want to safely say to that country is safe and people are
fully protected with things under controlled in Nimba County, he
President Johnson Sirleaf has been out of Liberia for over three
weeks attending the United Nations General Assembly Church.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Page 8 | Frontpage




hief Cliff Nzeruem,

the CEO of Hotel
Ibis Royale in
is a gem for many in the
Liberian community. His
goodwill during the long
running civil war helped
where he offered aide to
fleeing refugees remains
etched in the memory of
many Liberians who have
made this vibrant former
second home.
The hotel located just 5
minutes away from the
International Airport has
opened its doors to Liberia
and Liberians for years.
Chief Cliff as many call him
says coming to the aid of
Liberians was a no brainer
for him. The Camerounianborn says it is something
that has been with him
for a long time. I can still
remember when I grew
up in my village, when I
came back from Cameroun,
I was still in Class 4 in the
Secondary School and I
knew that people from my
area in Imo State always
had two options: The
first option is to go to the
United States of America for
further education and the
second was to go to Liberia
for further education. So
if in any case you dont go
to America and you go to
Ambassador Dew Mayson, a
former Liberia Presidential
candidate and long-time
friend of Chief Cliff says
the hotel owner is a friend
to all Liberians. He has
been a friend to Liberians during the Civil war and up
to the present. He has been
generous with his time and
his resources. Specifically,
there is no program given
by Liberians that the Chief
would not involve himself.
He has paid the school
fees of so many Liberian
to the alleviation of the
and unemployment with
which so many Liberians
are regularly confronted,
the Nigerian authorities
whenever Liberians find
themselves in problem
with the law. His hotel is
the site for meetings of
Liberian associations and
the rendezvous for the
celebration of July 26 and
Flag Day. For his generosity
and concern for Liberians,
Chief Cliff deserves the
appreciation of the Liberian
government and its people.
Genesis of a Friendship
Chief Cliff says his love
affair with Liberia and
Liberians began in 2003
when he was called upon to
offer aid to fleeing Liberian
refugees from Monrovia.
Sometime in 2003 the




The Liberian community is just like a relationship between a good father and a good son or a good
daughter. If you are coming from anywhere, this is the only place that you will see Liberia flag standing,
whenever they run into this compound, Hotel Ibis Royal, they are safe and it has always been like that.

Liberian embassy was still

in Lagos about three or four
gentlemen came led by one
Mr. Roland Bedell, he was
the Charge d Affaires of
the embassy there because
the ambassador Martin
George had been recalled
back to Liberia. He came in
with Varney Jackson and
Manfred Peters who were
working at the embassy
then and a lady by the name
of Anita and they said, there
was a problem. So I asked
them what the problem
was, can I help?
Chief Cliff says the Liberian
group told him that a batch

of refugees were arriving

from Monrovia by two or
three in the morning but
that they had no means
of offering them food or
Every store, every shop
must have closed, Chief
Cliff recalled. By then we
were just operating about
20-rooms hotel here.
Chief Cliff says that early
thousand refugees were
flown in. I said what
donation can I give? I said
in regards to cash, they said
no, they said food, medical
and all those things. I said

thats not a problem.

Chief Cliff says his desire
to help was inspired by
his own experience with
his father, who did gesture
similar to what he was
about to embark on when
he was a child. I remember
it was like history coming
back to repeat itself,
because I can remember in
1968, I was about six years
then, the Nigerian civil war
had broken up, then we
were in Cameroun, a city
called Kuma and a lot of
refugees were coming from
the Biafra and I remember
we had a very large

compound. Our place was

like the base and they made
my father the chairman of
the refugees.
Chief Cliff says now that
he was a man, history was
repeating itself before
his very eyes.
is repeating itself that I
must do what, hold this
opportunity and make sure
I help these people and for
me I had seen it all before- it
was not a problem.
1000 Refugee Arrive in
So on that day in the
evening around 12-0-clock,
we all left for the airport
waiting for the airline to
arrive. The first group
arrived with almost four
hundred and something
Liberians both sick, elderly,
young, old, women, men
which ever you could think
about it was a very sad
story because if you talk to
most of them, some people
had stayed at the airport
without food or water. But
before then, I had gone
to contact some hospitals
I knew to help on this
situation since there were
some sick among them and
we managed to get two
doctors and four nurses.
Chief Cliff says later
that evening just before
the refugees arrive, he
summoned his chefs and

hotel staffers from their

sleep and asked them
to prepare food for the
arriving Liberian refugees.
Chief Cliff recalls that
seeing the sorrowful sight
of human beings brought
tears to his eyes. I dont
know how to explain it, it
was just like these people
were almost dead. I had no
option but to call my hotel,
we had about ten cartons of
chicken and about ten bags
of rice. I instructed my staff
to wake everybody up and
start cooking this ten bags
of rice and chicken. So that
night about 4am, we had
to bring all this food to the
airport and we had to feed
all of them so between
900 to 1000 Liberians were
fed that night gratis.
He had brought relief to
a Liberian embassy out
of options and funding to
assist its own citizens and
even they could not help
but marvel at Chief Cliffs
good deeds. The embassy
officials were so happy. He
The next day, Chief Cliff says
another problem developed.
The Red Cross said there
were no provisions made
for transportation. I had to
send some of my aides in
the hotel to go to a place
where they got these big
buses - ten of them to come

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


and start the evacuating. Of

course when we asked them
they said they were going
to Olu Camp where the
refugees were staying but
they could not go straight
to the camp, they had to go
to the embassy by then the
embassy was still in Lagos
for formal registration
before they move to Olu
The burden had fallen on
the Chief because Liberia
was at war and the embassy
did not have the money.
The civil war was on
that means there was no
support coming from the
country. So the embassy
only relied on what they can
get from individuals like us.
And I remembered and said,
when we chartered these
ten buses and took them to
the embassy, and then to the
camp, one thing always led
to the other. Just because of
that sight, I fell in love with
Liberia and Liberians. And
since then until today, I see
them as my children, like
father and son and most
of them have always seen
Hotel Ibis in Lagos state as
their home up until today.
Liberians Grateful to
Chief Cliff
More than a decade later,
Chief Cliffs deeds continue
to have impact on scores of
Liberians including Thomas
Brown Jr., a Liberian who
hails from Sinoe County and
now an assistant to the chief
protocol of the Liberian
consulate in Lagos.
Brown says had it not been
for Chief Cliffs intervention,



he has no idea where he

would be today.
Its not easy. In every
society, you have someone
to uplift you and he has been
there for us. For me, I think
if he was not here, I dont
know. I think I would have
relocated myself to another
country. Because even if
you have the money, money
cannot solve everything.
Sometimes you have to
have somebody to push you
and hes been there for us. I
can tell you without him, I
wouldnt be comfortable in
Brown has been in Nigeria
since 1996. The April 6 war
brought me to Nigeria, he
says. Since then Ive been
here and I got a sponsorship
from the UNHCR and
the federal government
and since then, Ive been
here. I did my BSA in
Environmental Sanitation,
Federal University
since then Ive been here in
Lagos has become a home
for Brown who is married
to a Nigerian woman with
whom he has three kids.
Through the help of our
chief, Chief Cliff, formerly
known as the Liberian
consulate, he has been here
for us, gather us together as
Liberians, make us to feel
like home, we have a union
here in Nigeria, a Liberian
union in Nigeria and hes
one of the major sponsors
in terms of accommodation,
when it comes to the family
aspect, morally, hes there
for us.

government in Liberia will
one day recognize Chief
Cliff for what he did for
scores of Liberian refugees.
I will like for the Liberian
government and Liberians
to identify with him. Hes
been there for us, there is
no Liberian government
official that come Nigeria
here, Lagos precisely that
dont know him. It is an
honor for us to be with
somebody like this. It is not
every Nigerian that can take
this kind of responsibility so
let it get to the hearing of the
Liberian government as a
whole that there are people
that make we the Liberians
feel at home. Im very happy
to be with somebody like
him, since Ive been here,
weve had series of cases,
series of problems and hes
been there for us. For me, I
think a huge credit should
go to Chief Cliff
Window of Opportunity
for Business
Fatu Tallawally is another
Liberian who has made
Lagos a home away from
home and credits Chief Cliff
for providing a window
of opportunity for her
to become a respectable
business woman.
Fatu who has been residing
in Lagos for the past
fourteen years, says, she met
the Chief in 2012. Then,
we used to have Liberian
meetings. July 26 all the
Liberians around Lagos
will come together and
celebrate. I was celebrating
the July 26 in my house and

one guy was living with the

Papay called Prince Jolo.
Jolo told us that the Papay
like Liberians, that if we
go and meet the Papay, the
Papay will be able to offer
the July 26 in his hall and
his bush bar and he will
support us. So I came along
with the chairman of the
Liberian community, we
met the Papay, the Papay
gave us 10,000 Naira and
he hosted us, celebrated
with us and he has been
sponsoring and supporting
us since then and we have
been hosting all the July 26
here at Hotel Ibis in Lagos.
Fatu says, Chief Cliff, in
collaboration with the
embassy and the union
of Liberians, has helped
free a lot of Liberians from
prison, pay for funerals
and help many get on their
feet. Thats most of the
cases we normally have,
free Liberians from prison,
transport some to Liberia
and help some of them
when they are stranded,
they come here for help.
When some of them die, the
family come to the Papay
to help with burial, he
normally assists us.
Fatu says she took a risk
in asking the Chief for a
favor but never doubted he
would deliver. So when I
met the papay after the July
26 celebration, I wrote the
proposal to him and told
him that I would like to be
doing Liberian barbecue in
the hotel and that he should
give me space. He did not
hesitate and since then he

has allowed me to use that

space from 2013 to now.
Chief Cliff hopes that
other Liberians in Lagos
will follow the footsteps of
Fatu and others who have
made good on their stay
in Lagos. If you are here
in Nigeria, make sure you
learn something to take
back home. Dont go back
home as a liability. Even if
its making meat pie, fast
food; learn it. For ladies, if
its hairdressing, learn it.
We dont want people to
be encouraged to go back
home and riding Pehn Pehn;
No. Be meaningful because
if you are doing meat pie
and you take it back home,
get a small kiosk, your
meat pie and your soda
will go. You might even be
an employer of labor and
we have been listening to
that. A lot of them we have
sponsored to go learn salon,
to go and learn mechanic
for generator, to go learn
all kinds of trade today,
they are real happy and
they are coming back to
tell us, we are proud. I can
tell you that I know about
2000 Liberians who have
left here as skilled laborers.
They came to Nigeria
unskilled but today they
are skilled laborers. A lot
of graduates from Nigerian
universities all through
our encouragements.
For Chief Cliff, recollections
of the war years remain a
part of his life.
Late President Charles
Gyude Bryant recognized
that when he named the

Page 9

Chief Consul General for

Lagos in 2005 when the
Liberian embassy moved
to Abuja, the new Nigerian
Consul General Honor of
Hi Life
embassy moved to Abuja
that is to say there was
a vacuum here and the
government then of Gyude
Bryant wanted a consul
general here in Lagos to
take care of Liberians. I was
recommended by Dr. Martin
George because of the role
that I played in those two
years, really taking care of
Liberian affairs in Lagos.
However, Martin George
later, was recalled so
Ambassador Prince Porte
came in and continued
about the recommendation.
So Gyude Bryant invited
me to Monrovia and I was
commissioned as Consul
General in 2005 and since
them me and Liberia have
always been like butter
and bread, always glued to
each other. And Ive come to
realize that Liberians are so
united, they love themselves
and they love foreigners
only if you can understand
them and they under stand
you. So because of just that
there is a connection.
No longer a Consul General,
Chief Cliff continues to be
there for Liberians. .They
still call on me every time
something arise and I am
always willing to help. If
they have police problem,
Im called upon, if they have
immigration problem, its
me, if they have serious
health problem, its me,
if its a problem with
landlord, its me, every
problem they have its
always me. However, I
work closely in conjunction
with the embassy in Abuja,
Ambassador Prince Porte
and Dr. Alhassan Conteh, a
nice man and the consulate
here in Lagos. But because
of the way they take me,
they appreciate the help
given them. I have not
departed from that until
It is as if he never left, that
the position in itself was
just a post with a label for a
man still doing good things
to a neighbor from next
door. I am still performing
the same function but
Madam Oprah Benson is
still the Consul General in
Lagos. They say even in
the bible, somewhere in
John 3, Chapter 7-8: A good
man will obtain a good
favor from God If you do
things good, dont expect
those you are doing for to
pay you back, it is God who
would do what, pay you. So
God has been paying me for
the help Ive been rendering
my Liberian brothers and
sisters here because I dont
believe they can pay me.

Page 10 | Frontpage

Commission(TRC), Deborah
and Nancy Word, Global
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead
Maguire says the filmmakers

take audience takes us to the

roots of the Liberian Civil
War. This documentary gives
us an insight into why some
people kill and how a genocide
could be carried out upon the
Liberian people. There are
many lessons we need to learn
if we are to through education
and preemptive measures,
prevent future violent ethnic/
political conflicts and wars,
and this documentary will
make a great contribution
to our understanding and
peacemaking actions.
Jeff Newton, a CBS 60
Camp 72 is the kind of film
seldom being done anymore
because it takes so much time
and is so complicated that
most television and movie
producers are loathe to tackle
the nuanced content. But
here, Director and Producer
Seema Mathur delves into not
only the complicated subject
of what makes people kill,
but it also gives voices to the
voiceless Africans whom the
world has forgotten but whom
desperately need to be heard.
If genocides are to come again
or be allowed to continue, it is
because people forget. Camp
72 reminds us not to forget and
to remember our collective
Kyra Phillips, CNN Anchor &
Correspondent says Camp
72 is not only provocative and
emotional, it demands justice.
I know Seema Mathur poured

her heart and soul into this

project with the dream to make
a difference. She did just that.
Section on Human Rights says
the remarkable film manages
to be both bold and sensitive
in exploring a complex and
profound social tragedy lived
by the people of Liberia. At the
same time, it allows viewers
to witness and experience the
transformation and healing
that can emerge with time and
Micheline Muzaneza, a viewer
from the Democratic Republic
of the Congo marveled: Gladys
gave me hope. Before, because
of what I went through I had
no hope, but Gladys has made
me change the way I think and
now I have hope. These are
tears of hope.
Daniel Rothenberg, School of
Politics and Global Studies/CoDirector, Center on the Future
of War Arizona State University
agrees: Camp 72 provides
extraordinary insight into the
brutality of the Liberian armed
conflict and is one of the few
films that presents detailed
interviews with perpetrators,
showing how some have
prospered and others find
and disempowered. It reveals
the challenges faced by
survivors, the possibilities
of reconciliation, and the

what they learned from the

outbreak, while experts from
Washington can provide the
innovative technology and
approaches the region is
known for, she said.
investigations on the disease,
on our response, on our
successes, Johnson Sirleaf
With about $35 million in
annual grant funding, CIDR
(formerly known as Seattle
scientists and staff at its South
Lake Union lab. Projects include

development of a malaria
vaccine, better methods to
diagnose tuberculosis, and
basic studies of HIV and other
More than 1 million Liberians
are infected with malaria and
about 30,000 are living with
HIV/AIDS, said John Aitchison,
the centers scientific director.
The work that we do is really
designed to develop long-term
solutions to these diseases, he
While many of the aid groups
that flooded into Liberia
during the epidemic have left
or scaled back their operations,
more permanent investments
continue to pay off, Johnson
Sirleaf said.
The Allen-funded emergencyoperations center, in the
capital city of Monrovia, is
being used for research, as
well as for training health
workers and even immunizing
shots for measles and other
diseases were disrupted by the
outbreak, added Deputy Health
Minister Tolbert Nyenswah,
who was also present at the
But the country still lacks
a modern, well-equipped
hospital, and has only about 75
doctors to serve a population
of 4.3 million people.
Nevertheless, Liberia was the
first of the hardest-hit nations
to bring Ebola under control,
despite suffering the highest
death toll.
response, which included
closing the countrys borders
and mobilizing security forces

to quarantine crowded, urban

neighborhoods, drew criticism
both in and outside Liberia.
But her country had never dealt
with a disease as terrifying as
Ebola, she pointed out.
The effect is so rapid and
disastrous and horrifying, she
said. We panicked.
In some ways, though, the
outbreak drew people together.
Fear brought unity, said
Johnson Sirleaf. Everybody
came together to fight this
common enemy.
Thousands of communityhealth
trained to conduct basic
surveillance, checking peoples
temperatures and tracing
contacts of infected people.
Now, those workers can
help with other health-care
infrastructure improvements,
such as better roads and more
reliable power supply, health
care is still out of the reach of
many Liberians, she said
Without strong health systems,
the gains against Ebola may
be tenuous. Liberia was first
declared free of the disease
in May, but then a handful of
cases emerged this summer.
The sole Ebola death in the U.S.
was a Liberian man who flew
from Monrovia to Dallas to
visit family.
The message we sent to
everybody is that Ebola is not
just a threat to Liberia and
West Africa. Its a global threat,
Johnson Sirleaf said. Today its
Liberia, but tomorrow it could
be any other country, including
the U.S.

Key Battleground of Liberian Civil War Subject of AwardWinning Documentary, Screening Set for Oct. 10 in U.S.


documentary which
taps into a dark
period of the Liberian
civil war is set for screening
in the U.S. state of Texas on

he Ebola epidemic
Liberas threadbare
health systems, but also left
the West African nation better
prepared for future outbreaks
and with a greater sense of
solidarity, President Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf said during her
first visit to Seattle.
There is no 100 percent
guarantee, but we feel
capability can handle any
outbreak, she said.
The country now has an
emergency-operations center,
funded largely by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen, and teams
of health workers trained to
recognize and treat Ebola.
Regional hubs are in place to
quickly distribute emergency
gear, and most health centers
have new triage systems to
identify and quarantine people
who might be infected, Johnson
Sirleaf said in an interview
The World Health Organization
declared Liberia free of
Ebola in early September, but
sporadic cases continue to flare
in the neighboring countries of
Guinea and Sierra Leone.
Thats why we have to keep
these preventive measures in
place, Johnson Sirleaf said.
More than 4,800 Liberians
died and nearly 11,000 were
sickened in the worlds largest
Ebola outbreak, whichemerged
in 2014.
The countrys 76-year-old,
Harvard-educated president
traveled to Seattle this
past week to present the
keynote address at an annual
fundraiser in Bellevue for
the Center for Infectious
Disease Research (CIDR), an
independent, nonprofit lab
focused on diseases such as
malaria, tuberculosis and HIV,
which are among the biggest

October 10, 2015.

follows the quest for justice
and healing after the Liberian
Civil War is
produced and directed by

filmmaker Seema Mathur, Mike

Martin and Tom Taylor, was
completed in 2015.
attended by Cllr. Jerome
Verdier, former head of
the Truth & Reconciliation

Tuesday, October 6, 2015



killers in Liberia and other

African nations.
As the first woman elected to
lead an African nation and a
recipient of the 2011 Nobel
Peace Prize for her efforts to
help Liberia recover from a
brutal civil war, Johnson Sirleaf
drew a record crowd to the
Saturday event.
During her visit, she thanked
contributed to the fight against
Ebola. The Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation donated $50
million, including funds to test

a promising Ebola vaccine,

while Allen pledged $100
million for everything from
protective medical gear to selfcontained modules that can be
used to airlift infected medical
Their response is something
that touched all of us, she said.
During her visit, Johnson
Sirleaf said she hopes to lay
the groundwork for research
collaborations between her
country and CIDR and other
Liberian scientists and medical

Tuesday, October 6, 2015




Page 11



Nimba Senator Prince Johnson gives position on TRC

Wahala, sents secrets communication to colleague

(Independent, Nimba
County) says it is
unfair to recommend those
linked to the Liberian civil
war for prosecution without
The Senator made the
declaration Tuesday during
a discussion on whether
the senate should set up
a specialized committee
to review a presidential
request for the Truth and
Reconciliation Commissions
report to be implement.
Senator Johnson, in a
transmission to his Nimba
County caucus colleagues,
Thomas Grupee (NUDPNimba County), said the
presidents communication
was legally guarded and
that the media took it out of
In his comments, the Senator
cautioned his colleagues not
to be sentimental about the
issue but to take a careful
review of the TRC Act
emerging from the Accra
Peace accord. According to
the Nimba Lawmaker there is
clear violation and abuse in
the TRC report of their rights
without due process.
Said Senator Johnson: This
is a critical document. I have
gone through it there were
seven commissioners but

four differed. They wrote

their positions and gave it
to the Liberian Senate. It is
unfortunate that this is a
new Senate. The TRC wrote
the House of Representatives
and Senate and there are
sufficient documents to
show that there were gross
violations of our rights and it
was politically motivated.
People Want Trouble to
Continued Senator Johnson:
The TRC that was meant to
reconcile Liberians turned
out to be a political weapon.
We have the documents;
there is a general amnesty
law passed by the 51st
legislature. We want peace,
stability and security for our
country. So let us do the right
thing. You will get to know
during this discussion that
there are people who want
trouble to return and that
will not happen.
Senator Johnson said the
President was very legal
minded in her position but
declared the local media
took the Presidents request
out of context. She believe
in due process and the
TRC did not give any of us
due legal process. You do
for prosecution without
evidence, Senator Prince
Johnson averred in a secret
transcript to his colleague,

Senator Grupee, which was

viewed by our reporter.
Senator Prince Johnson
played a key role in
the Liberian civil war
as commander of the
Front of Liberia (INPFL), a
breakaway faction of Charles
Taylors NPFL.
His troops captured and
killed former President
Samuel K. Doe on Sept. 9,
Senator Johnson, like many
other warlords, appeared
before the TRC to
account of their role in the
brutal civil conflict.
The TRC has overall, 207
recommendations contained
in its findings including a ban
on some forty-two alleged
players of the war, including
In her communication to
the legislature, President
Sirleaf, said her Government
has implemented or is well
advanced in implementing
Senate Ad Hoc committee
On Tuesday the Plenary of the
Senate agreed to establish an
Ad Hoc committee to review
the Presidents Status report
on the TRC implementation
in line with the Accra Peace
Accord. Though the Senate
did not name committee

members, it was agreed that

people named in the report
should not be allowed to be
part of the committee which
has been mandated to report
to plenary next Thursday.
Despite the unanimous
decision by the Senate
through a yea and nay vote
taken; some Senators are
frowning against the setting
up of a committee, which
they say, is an attempt to
delay the process.
Senator Dan Morias (NPPMaryland County) said: We
want to have the truth and
we cannot limit the time to
hear the truth. What we want
to see coming out of the TRC
is the Truth. It is not to be put
under the Table.
Senator Alphonso Gaye (UPGrand Geed County) said: We
need to act on this document
why should we delay on
bringing to discussion this
report. It does not require
a specialize committee. No
one is specialized in Truth
and Reconciliation that is
complete procrastinating.
Senator Dallas Gwen
for his part, believes that
the document sent to the
legislature is a diluted
version of the TRC report and
called for the original version
of the Report to be brought to
the legislature along with the
{resident Transmitter letter.


Monrovia he Liberia National Commission on Small Arms (LINCSA)

in continuation of its build up to respond to the menace
of small arms and light weapons to regional peace,
security and development, has conducted a three-day
Training of Trainers (TOT) at the Justice and Security Regional
Hub in Bong County.
Funded by the European Union, and implemented by the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the training, under the
ECOWAS EU Small Arms Project, Voluntary Arms Collection for
Development, was designed to improve the skills and knowledge
of personnel of national security institutions on the security of
arms and ammunition and the management of arms stockpile and
their storage facilities.
The Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and
Naturalization, Peter Zaizay cautioned the trainees against the
misuse of their authority as security personnel carrying arms.
You are under oath to provide protection for civilians and to the
State, avoid arbitrary use of small arms and light weapons.
Deputy Commissioner Zaizay, reminded the trainees that they
have a responsibility to ensure that the Protocols and Standard
Operating Procedures on the management of weapons and small
arms must be adhere to in all circumstances.
He told the trainees to use the exercise as an opportunity to learn
more especially from other colleagues to effectively conduct their
affairs as mandated by law.
On his part, the EU, ECOWAS Cluster Coordinator, Lacina Barro
stressed that continuous training of security agencies and
Institutions remains paramount in arms collection, management,
record keeping and destruction.
Participating officers are to pay keen attention to these sessions
to ensure that at the end of the training, you are better prepared
and ready to manage the requirements associated with arms
collection, record keeping, management and destruction to
increase community security and development in Liberia
intimated Barro.
The nighteen trainees including three women, were drawn from
security institutions like the Armed Forces of Liberia, Liberia
National Police, Bureau of Immigration, National Security Agency,
and Executive Protection Service etc.
With the imminent draw down of the United Nations Mission
in Liberia, the TOT is to help ensure that security institutions
are prepared for the transition and to gain full autonomy in the
management of arms collection operations.
Facilitators from military and paramilitary security institutions
including Armed Forces of Liberia, the United States Army, UN
Mission in Liberia, discussed topics like community policing,
handling of firearms and weapons, weapons collection technique;
persuasion of locals to turn over weapons; transport and storage,
arms destruction etc.
To this end, selected officers are to pass on acquired knowledge
and techniques to their peers particularly in the collection,
handling, transport, storage and destruction of weapons and
explosives ammunition.

Governors Council Honors former director of Cyber Crime at the Ministry of National Security

Governors Council of
Liberia, representing
16 tribes and 15
counties honored the former
director of Cyber Crime
(Ministry of National Security)
Mr. Joseph J. Brown for his five
years work without salary and
for his extraordinary services
rendered to his country as
contributing to the growth of
The honor and certification
was held recently at Mr.
Joseph J. Browns residence in
Brewerville, outside Monrovia.
He was also honored for his
outside Monrovia, rendered in
a major combat in the deadly
Baghdad slum Sadr City, Iraq
on August 16, 2004 while
serving in the U.S. Army. He

was awarded for his services

by former US President George
Bush at a ceremony held at the
White House.
One of the awards he earned
was his courageous action
that led to the evacuation of
his crew despite numerous
risks. As a member of the Poro
society, his action put Liberia
on the world map, said Madam
Musu Thompson, president of
the Liberia Governors Council.
You did not choose to remain
in the United States, Madam
Thompson told him before
the gowning ceremony, but
chose to come home to help
your people. She said the
honor did not have anything
to do with politics but simply
to show their appreciation for
a Liberian who did not forget
his past. Delivering a special
message from President Ellen

Johnson-Sirleaf before the

gowning and certification
ceremony, the Director General
of the National Bureau of
Veteran Affairs, Brigadier
General Rudolf F. Kolaco Sr.,
(rtd) spoke about the character
of Mr. Brown.
He is a veteran soldier with
discipline who at a crucial
part of his career managed to
save his commanding officer
during his tour of duties in
Iraq, Director Kolaco said. It
was a reference Mr. Browns
tour of duty as a corporal with
US forces during Operation
Iraqi Freedom initiated by the
United States in 2003. Director
Kolaco reflected on the
quality of a good soldier, with
emphasis on being a follower,
faithfulness to duty, familiarity,
a fighter and being efficient.
Mr. Brown is a veteran who

possesses all these qualities,

Director Kolaco stated.
Responding after the gowning
and certification ceremony,
Mr. Brown, now 31 years old,
expressed appreciation to the
Government of Liberia and the
Governors Council of Liberia
for the honor and paid tribute
to his mother and called for
mothers to be respected in the
Mr. Brown, who served for
five years as the first director
of Cyber Crime Unit at the
Ministry of National Security,
compensation for the period,
reflected on the positive values
that he earned from his mother
that helped him in his military
determination to support the
Poverty Reduction Strategy

Mr. Joseph Brown, left, being congratulated by Director Kolaco

that President Johnson-Sirleaf

initiated. From 2010 2013,
the 31 years old, Brown loaned
out U$350,000 to youth and
business women as a way of
empowering his community,
along with a 40 foot container

of computers and reading

Brown holds an Associate
system; Bachelors in political
science and Masters in public

Page 12 | Frontpage

Republic of Liberia
Civil Service Agency
Testing Consultant Firm
The government of Liberia (GOL) through the Civil Service Agency (CSA) has
received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) for
Strengthening Governance-Civil Service Reform Capacity Building Project
(CSRCBP). The Civil Service Agency intends to apply part of the proceeds
of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for hiring a Testing
Consultant Firm to develop new Civil Service Tests that will reflect Regional
and international Standards and meet the requirement of the CSA.

The CSA administers sixty-nine qualifying tests to individuals desirous of

entering the service. Most of these tests have been administered for more
than twenty years and need urgent revision to reflect the changing realities of
the social, economic and technological environment which the public service
has undergone since the development of these tests.
Under take the revision of existing Civil Service Entrance Test that are
currently administered by the CSA,
Develop new test as necessary and,
Develop and execute a capacity building plan to train staff of the CSA to
undertake similar tasks in the future.

This assignment is estimated to cover approximately 100-staff day over 150

calendar days. The start date of the assignment will be no later than seven (7)
days upon the signing of the contract.

The Civil Service Agency now invites eligible Consulting Firms to indicate
their interest in providing this service. Interested Consultants must provide
information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by
submitting their detailed information (brochures, past performance records,
references of similar assignments executed in the recent past). They must also
provide description of work both general and on similar assignment. Specific
experience on World Bank founded projects will be an added advantage.
The short listing criteria are:

Experience in undertaking similar assignments and number of years in

Experience in working with the World Bank and/or Donor-funded Projects;
Technical and Managerial Organization of the firm;
Availability of competent staff with relevant qualification and experience to
undertake the assignment;
Experience developing civil service tests in the Sub-Sahara Africa Region.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) was established by an Act of
Legislature in September 2013 for the purposes of assessing and
collecting national revenues as specified in the Revenue Code of
Liberia and other related laws; administering, accounting, auditing,
enforcing revenue collection laws and regulations; and educating
taxpayers to facilitate tax and customs compliance.
The Liberia Revenue Authority now seeks to recruit competent,
hardworking, and committed Liberians with integrity for the
below positions:
1. Supervisor-Customs-Anti Smuggling Unit
2. Supervisor- Customs-Intelligence Unit
3. Manager-Assessment, Analysis & Accounting, Domestic Tax
Applicants will be selected through a highly competitive evaluation
Detail of the requirements can be obtained at:
Liberia Revenue Authority Social Media Pages( Facebook ,Twitter
and LinkedIn )
Interested individuals are advised that all applicants should submit
their resume Online ( via LRA job recruiting link
(job portal).
Note: Every ToR downloaded has an opposite corresponding link
to submit related application/resume for said job.
The deadline for application is on or before Monday, October 19,
2015 at 5:00 pm
The LRA strongly encourages qualified females to apply.
Note: This announcement and other LRA related information are
also available at and Liberia Revenue Authority
Facebook page.
A.Trokon Tarr
Head, Communications, Media & Public Affairs /LRA


The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the

World Banks Guidelines: Selection and employment of Consultants under
IBRD loans and IDA credits and grants by World Bank Borrowers (January
2011). (Consultant Guidelines), setting from the World Banks policy on
conflict of interest. Consultants may associate with other firms in the form of
a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications.
A Consultant firm will be selected with the procedures set out in the World
Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank
Borrowers. Selection is based on the Consultants Qualification (CQS) as set
out in Consultant Guidelines (May 2014, Revised October 1, 2006, May 1,
2010 & January 2011).
Interested Consultants may obtain further information at the address below
during office hours from 09:00 and 17:00hours, Mondays to Fridays.

Expression of interest must be delivered in a written form clearly marked:

Ref: Testing Consultant of the CSRCBP, at the address below in person or
by mail or by email on or before 16 Friday, October at 17:00hours.
The Project Coordinator
Civil Service Reform and Capacity Building Project
Civil Service Agency
63 Carey Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Attention: The Project Coordinator-CSRCBP


The petition having been heard, same is hereby ordered
granted and we now render that the name NATHANIEL
KOMOSEE beginning this 20th day of April, A.D. 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Page 13



P.O. BOX 10-9009

The Liberian Bank for Development & Investment organized and operating under the Laws of the Republic of Liberia,
is seeking for qualified Liberians to fill the below vacancy. Duty station is at its Monrovia Offices. Successful candidates
should be willing to travel out of Monrovia.
All applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Department no later than October 12, 2015. All signed
applications should be sent to Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for interview. For
additional information you may call: 0880 159 159.


Job Title
Grade Level: P1-P3
Reports To Vice President Treasury

Job Purpose
- Assist in the undertaking of a wide range of treasury management activities, developing long-term financial
projections, investment strategies and financial risk analysis.
Key Duties
- Measure impact of interest and exchange rates on Banks investment portfolio;
- Report/Analyze major development on global financial markets that impact the Banks portfolio;
- Raise memo to effect changes on system in exchange market, Money markets, Government and other securities;
- Conduct gap analysis and advise appropriate investment action;
- Maintain daily dashboard, measure the Banks cost of funds and advise on pricing of credit products;
- Measure, monitor and report the Banks FX exposure and resolve all transaction discrepancies to ensure settlement
by close of day and within 24 hours;
- Analyze bank cash flow requirements and identify funds available for investment;
- Advise and implement the transfer of funds and securities to implement;
- Help prepare investment proposals and contracts;
- Assist with formulation and implementation of investment policies
- Perform portfolio analysis and prepare periodic performance reports
- Perform any other duties assigned by Management
Key Performance Indicators
- Timely response to the Banks day-to-day cash requirements;
- Quantum of successful deals handled per period;
- Timely updates of exchange rates in the operating system.
Education & Experience
- Bachelors degrees in economics, finance or accounting;
- Three (3) years work experience in treasury management with at least two (2) years in treasury trading environment;
- Goal oriented, extremely capable communicator;
- Good analytical skills;
- Computer skills in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word;
- Good Knowledge of financial products;
- Knowledge of regulatory and/or liquidity processes;
- Understanding of banking products-both assets and liabilities;
- Knowledge of investment principles and practices related to securities
- Understanding of cash management principles assets and liabilities;
- Ability to evaluate and interpret economic and financial information
- Capability to asses and apply economic and financial conditions to current investment decision
- Ability to negotiate the purchase and sale of investment instruments

The Liberian Bank for Development & Investment organized and operating under the Laws of the Republic
of Liberia, is seeking for qualified Liberians to fill the below vacancy. Duty station is at its Monrovia Offices.
Successful candidates should be willing to travel out of Monrovia.

All applications should be addressed to the Human Resource Department no later than October 12, 2015. All
signed applications should be sent to Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted for
interview. For additional information you may call: 0880 159 159.


Job Title
Grade Level P1-P3
Reports To Vice President/Treasury

Job Purpose
- To implement the resource mobilization initiatives of the Bank, proactively monitor and manage the Banks
liquidity portfolio.

- Monitor and measure the liquidity position against established benchmark and report exceptions;
- Monitor and report the Banks daily inflow and outflow of cash;
- Maintain daily treasury dashboard;
- Implement the approved strategies to raise funds in domestic and international capital markets;
- Provide inputs into the monthly, quarterly and annual treasury business plan;
- Prepare daily and weekly Management reports on liquidity and rate outlook;
- Inform and provide recommendations to the Treasurer of significant developments, emerging opportunities
and challenges in areas of responsibilities;
- Carryout any other duties assigned by Supervisor/Management.
Key Performance Indicators

- Timely response to the Banks day-to-day cash requirements;

- Timely reporting of exceptions;
- Timeliness in identifying and establishing hedge positions and recommendation to mitigate risk position;
Education & Experience
- Bachelors degrees in economics, finance or accounting;
- Three (3) years work experience in treasury management with emphasis in liquidity management.
- Goal oriented, extremely capable communicator;
- Good analytical skills;
- Computer skills in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word;
- Good Knowledge of financial products;
- Knowledge of regulatory and/or liquidity processes;
- Understanding of banking products-both assets and liabilities;
- Understanding of issues within liquidity management and liquidity risk management

Job Announcement: Pool Fund Accounting Officer

1. Background: The Health Sector Pool Fund (HSPF) was established in 2008 to
finance unfunded priorities from the National Health Plan (NHP). A Health Sector
Pool Fund Management Firm manages the fund within the Ministry of Health. The
management firm is currently recruiting an experienced accountant to serve as a
Pool Fund Accounting Officer within the HSPF Secretariat. The HSPF Secretariat
is comprised of a small team of hardworking, dedicated professionals that are
supervised by a dynamicPool Fund Manager.

2. Responsibilities: The Accounting Officer will report directly to the Pool Fund
Manager and willshare the following responsibilities with other SecretariatStaffs
in strict adherence to the Pool Fund Procedures Manual:
ReviewingMOH payment requests to ensure consistency with contracts and
budgetary provisions under approved pool fund allocations, and processing
payments requests in keeping with the MOHs accounting procedures and the
Pool Fund Procedures Manual;
Participating in payroll monitoring and other fiduciary activities to control
against the potential leakage of funds;
Ensuring disbursement vouchers and checks are properly prepared, coded, and
submitted for approval to the appropriate authorities;
Usingthe MOHs ACCPAC accounting software system to account for all inflows
and outflows of funds, ensuring all ACCPAC journal entries are made on a regular
basis is an added advantage
Preparing cash flow projections and timed deposit requests for review by the
Fund Manager;
Strictly executing the MOH and pool fund advance and liquidation policies and
Conducting monthly bank statement reconciliation on the main pool fund bank
account and on the pool fund disbursement bank account statements;
Preparing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports for review by the
Fund Manager;
Supporting financial planning, forecasting, budgeting, controls and analysis
regarding proposed and approved pool fund allocations;
Supportingthe annual independent audits and fiduciary risk assessments of the
pool fund;
Participating in the periodic review of accounting and financial management
policies, practices, and procedures of the pool fund;
Performing other related duties as may be assigned by the Pool Fund Manager.
In the fulfillment of the duties detailed above, the Accounting Officerwill accepts
direction from the Pool Fund Manager concerning work assignments that will
vary according to workload.

3. Qualifications: The successful candidate should have an academic degree

BBA in Accounting or Finance from a credible institution with relevant experience
in bookkeeping, accounting, financial management, public administration, or
a related field. He/she will have an in-depth knowledge of issues inherent
to accounting for high value projects with demanding reporting and audit
requirements under a high degree of fiduciary scrutiny. He/she will have a
very strong knowledge of recording keeping and documentation requirements
inherent to effective financial management, as well as office computer skills in MS
Excel, MS Word, and preferably a good working knowledge of ACCPAC and other
accounting software.He/she will have a basicunderstanding of procurement and
contract award processes fundamental to the tender of goods, works and services.
4. Experience: We are looking for a resourceful candidate with a well-documented
track record of success in a similarly position working with government or
international donor funding. The successful candidates resume must clearly
show that he/she has at least 5 years of combined experience in the areas of
responsibility indicated in section 2. Knowledge of the health sector and the
Ministry of Health will be an advantage.

5. How to apply: We welcomereceiving by email (at,

hard copies of applications and CVs can also be dropped in the tender box situated
on the ground floor of the Ministrys Central Office in Congo Town under the stairs.
All applications should be addressed to:
James M. Beyan
Director of Personnel
Ministry of Health

The deadline for submission is October 20th, 2015 at 15:00 GMT

Page 14 | Frontpage




Tuesday, October 6, 2015




hirty-three out of Africa's 54 countries have shown

improvements in the way they are governed over the
last four years, research has found.
But the researchers behind the Ibrahim Index of
African Governance say progress "is stalling".
The index measures changes in development, human rights,
security and economic opportunity.
Mauritius and Cape Verde are the top-ranked countries, and
South Sudan and Somalia are at the bottom of the index
The Sudan-born mobile phone magnate Mo Ibrahim, who
funds the research, said that it is hard to make generalisations
because "Africa is not a country", and the research reveals huge
differences within the continent.



ato has urged Russia to end air strikes "on the Syrian
opposition and civilians", days after Moscow began
raids to support Syria's government.
Moscow says it is targeting Islamic State and other
Islamist positions, but US-led allies and Turkey say government
opponents are targeted.
Turkish F-16 fighter jets were scrambled after a Russian plane
entered Turkey's air space on Saturday.
Russia said the violation was for just a few seconds and due to
poor weather.
Saturday's interception took place near Yayladagi in the
southern Hatay region, Turkey says. The foreign ministry in
Ankara said it had summoned the Russian ambassador to issue
a "strong protest".




Doctors Without Borders hospital in Afghanistan

was struck accidentally after Afghan forces called
for air support from the American military, Gen.
John Campbell, the commander of U.S. forces in
Afghanistan, said Monday.
Saturday's bombardment in Kunduz has sparked international
outrage. It killed 12 medical staff members and at least 10
patients, three of them children, Doctors Without Borders said.
Another 37 people were wounded, according to the global
charity group, which works in conflict zones to help victims of
war and other tragedies.
Every person who died at the hospital was Afghan, the group
Addressing reporters Monday at the Pentagon, Campbell said
initial reports indicated the airstrike was called to protect U.S.
"We have now learned that on October 3, Afghan forces advised
that they were taking fire from enemy positions and asked for
air support from U.S. forces," he said. "An airstrike was then
called to eliminate the Taliban threat, and several innocent
civilians were accidentally struck."

scar Pistorius must

remain in jail and
not be transferred
to house arrest
after a decision to grant him
parole was again delayed.
His lawyer Brian Webber
told the AFP news agency
that a decision over his early
release has been referred
back to the parole board.
The Paralympic star was
jailed for five years in 2014
for the culpable homicide of
Reeva Steenkamp.
He has been fighting a
lengthy battle to be released
early from jail.
Pistorius was due to be

released in August, but

remained in prison after
Justice Minister Michael
Masutha made a last-minute
intervention blocking it.
The parole review board the final recourse for parole
disputes - met on Monday to
decide if the star, 28, should
be allowed out on house
A definitive parole ruling
is now unlikely to be
made before the athlete
in a separate legal process
conviction on 3 November in
This ruling could result in

him receiving a longer prison

Mr Webber explained that the
parole review board decided
to refer the matter back to
the original parole panel - the
body accused by Mr Masutha
of "prematurely" wanting to
release him in August.
There will not be much
because many people felt that
the judge erred by acquitting
him of murder.
The double amputee will
have to remain behind bars
because while his case joins
the lengthy queue of other
parole hearings that need

The arrests were "part of an

investigation into suspected
moneylaundering offences", it
No further details were
given but Nigerian media
AlisonMadueke was granted bail
but had her passport seized
and was ordered to stay at
her London address.
The 59-year-old, a close
ally of Jonathan whose
administration was dogged
by allegations of corruption,
has faced accusations of
graft in the past but denied

Buhari, who was elected
ticket, has pledged to crack
down on endemic fraud in
government and state-run
agencies, in particular in
the oil sector.
He has said that "mindboggling" sums have been
stolen over the years and
promised to prosecute
those responsible.
But he has also said he
would not conduct a witchhunt against the former

to be heard, and there is no

indication when this will
Legal experts say the
decision by the justice
minister Michael Masutha
to intervene was correct in
terms of the law.
At the time of his intervention,
Pistorius had been granted
parole only six months into
his five-year sentence.
The law states clearly that
an offender can only be
considered for parole after
serving one-sixth of his
sentence, in this case 10
But because he has now
served one-sixth of his
sentence, he probably should
be released by now.
Prosecutors argue that the
judge who presided over his
trial did not apply the law
correctly by acquitting him of
The judge instead found
him guilty of a lesser charge
of culpable homicide equivalent to manslaughter.
Reeva Steenkamp's parents
are strongly against Pistorius'
possible release, telling an
Australian TV channel in
August that the Paralympian
has ruined their lives.
"He killed her. He admits he
killed her. She's dead. Why
didn't he just let her walk
away? Why?" Reeva's mother
June Steenkamp asked in the


Lagos (AFP) igeria's former

oil minister has
in London, the
BBC said on Friday quoting
unnamed family members,
after Britain's National
Crime Agency said it had
detained five people over
nationalities of those held
were not disclosed but the
broadcaster said on its
website that relatives of
confirmed she had been
arrested in the British
petroleum resources from
2010 until earlier this year
when Muhammadu Buhari
defeated Goodluck Jonathan
in presidential polls.
She was the first woman to
hold the post in Nigeria -Africa's number one crude
producer -- and the first
female president of the
global oil cartel OPEC.
investigates serious and
organised crime, said in a
statement on its website
corruption unit arrested
five people across London.

No one was immediately

available for comment
Commission (EFCC) when
contacted by AFP and the
government in Abuja said it
had "no information" on the
Online and social media
reports, however, said the
EFCC had sealed AlisonMadueke's home in the
capital, Abuja.
reportedly been overseas
since Buhari came to power
on May 29.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Ronaldinho to miss Liberia versus G. Bissau matches as five foreign-based players arrive

A. Macaulay Sombai, sombai, 0777217428

Monroviahe National Football

team of Liberia The
Lone Star will this
October 8 come face to face
with Guinea Bissau in the
first leg of 2018 FIFA World
Cup preliminary round at the
Antoinette Tubman Stadium
Several Liberians are upbeat
and are predicting victory for
their national team.
Josephine Z. Yah, an employee
of the business department of
Winners Inc. a sport betting
agency is predicting that
victory is sure for the Lone Star
against Guinea Bissau come
Says Yah: I am sure that my
national team will deliver for
us the victory we are expecting
from them against the visitors
on Thursday because I have
observed that the players are
ready to continue to deliver for
the country and people.
Yah said keeping the visitors
under intense pressure from

the start of the game up to the

final whistle would surely give
Lone Star the needed victory
and called on Head coach
James Salinsa Debbah and
members his technical staff to
use all of the best strategies so
ensure that the players make
the difference for the country
and people at the end of the
Beloved Sedia Karneh,
Sociology Department of the
African Methodist Episcopal
University (AMEU) says she
is wishing Lone Star victory
against Guinea Bissau.
Karneh stressed that it took
longer time for Lone Star to
score the last victory against
Tunisia but indicated that the
victory brought high hope and
joy to the nation and people.
She is calling on the players
to do all they can in order to
deliver another win against the
Says Karneh: Lone Star win
against Tunisia was a wakeup
call for all Liberians including

those of us that have already

lost hope in our national team
but thank God our players
have brought us back alive and
I actually want them to face
the visitors with all of their
skills and strength so that they
can deliver the needed result
for the country and people
and I wish them success on
Janet M. Glaydor, another
employee at the business
department of Winners Inc is
also hoping for a win against
the visitors.
Madam Glaydor stressed that
Lone Star is ready to make the
difference for the country and
people against Guinea Bissau
on Thursday just as they did
against Tunisia last month
based on the quality of players
now on the team.
I expect victory from Lone Star
against the visitors because
the team now has with quality
of players and I know with
the help and seriousness of
the team coaches and players,
we will surely overpower

Guinea Bissau in both home

and away encounters which I
am optimistic would come to
reality said Madam Glaydor.
Mohammed Kawah, a teacher,
is predicting a 5-0 victory
for Lone Star against Guinea
Bissau but said the 5-0 would
only come to reality if the
players can keep the visitors
under pressure from start to
end just as they did to Tunisia.
Says Kawah: If Lone Star can
put out the same brilliant
performance they did against
Tunisia in the qualifying round
of the 2017 Africa Cup of
Nations, then I think she will
score more goals than expected
but it would not be less than
five against the visitors and
I wish them success as they
battle to advance to the next
stage of the competition.
Lisa T. Diasay, a fan of English
Premier League team Arsenal
is anticipating a 3-0 win for
Lone Star against the visitors
but is urging the players to
engage their opponents with
absolute coordination.

Liberia Marathon Trust holds cocktail for sponsors as November 8 draws nearer

Danesius Marteh,

he Liberia Marathon
Trust (LMT) said
its third marathon
will take place on
November 8.
The date was reemphasized at
a cocktail held at RLJ Kendeja
Resort and Villas on October 3.
According to LMT race director
Eunice Dahn, the dinner was
intended to get a reassurance
from their sponsors.
Dahn told FrontPageAfrica that
she was generally pleased with
the turnout on a rainy day.
I think it was a very great
event. We had, pretty much, all
of our sponsors in attendance.
That was the most important
thing because the event today
was about our sponsors.
It was about showcasing
our sponsors; showing our
sponsors to the public and
appreciating our sponsors for
being with us and supporting
us, an elated Dahn said.
The third marathon should
have been held last August (its
traditional month) but was
postponed at least three times
and finally called-off due to the
deadly Ebola Virus Disease in
Liberia and the sub-region.
So what new lessons have the
organizers learned ahead of a
well-publicized event?

Every event provides its own

story; provides its own lesson.
The marathon 2015 will also
give us a new story and a new
lesson and we are looking
forward to whatever that
brings. For example, we have
learned about dealing with
crowd control.
One of the challenges we
had in 2011 and 2013 was
the traffic that the marathon
caused and weve learned how
to deal with that. And we are
going to put in place those
measures that weve designed
to address that particular
issue. And after the race, we
are going to see if we really
learned that.
We also have learned about
fundraising. We had several
challenges over the past
[years] in terms of getting
sponsors onboard. Sometimes
sponsors take some time to
come because, you know, some
of their own internal policies
require a lot of time to get
through in terms of releasing
And so one of the ways we
thought to get over that was
to actually start approaching
them early, which is one of the
purposes of this event, starting
to let sponsors know even the

ones that are onboard that the

marathon is going to be on
again next year. So even though
you are a sponsor this year, you
should also consider that we
will be approaching you again
to sponsor, explained Dahn.
Liberia as gold sponsor along
with Cellcom as an incoming
gold sponsor with West
Construction, RLJ Kendeja,
Malta, CocaCola and Brussels
Airlines completing the list.
represented Deputy Sports
Minister Henry B. Yonton, who
confirmed that President Ellen
Johnson-Sirleaf, as she has
twice done in the 10 kilometer
race, will be on the road again.
Well, we are proud of the
organizers of this marathon
activity. The government of
Liberia has been supportive
of this initiative since its
inception and we will always
give it our support.
As far as I know of the last
marathon that was held, the
president of Liberia, Madam
Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf took part
and I am sure she will be willing
again to take part. The minister
of youth and sports, Mr. Eugene
Nagbe, was there. Other
members of the government

were present. So of course, we

will be there again to give our
support to the marathon, said
Yonton, who also confirmed his
There was a time for the
sponsors to interact with the
media about why they chose
to sponsor the marathon,
beginning ExxonMobil Liberia.
We are here to further
promote this event. Exxon is a
principal sponsor of the 2015
Liberian marathon. Exxon has
a global citizenship role around
the world. Our participation in
every country involves what
we called corporate social
responsibility. This is just one
of those, said Nathaniel Jallah,
public and government affairs
Event, such as the marathon,
that promotes unity, peace and
fellowship in Liberia is what
RLJ is all about. This is part of
what the hotel stands fall. Our
top managers are all Liberians
and we are trying to promote
anything that is positive in
Liberia, said Kou Dolo, food
and beverage manager at RLJ
Kendeja Resort and Villas.
The Business Start-Up Center
Monrovia, located on the
University of Liberia campus,
is one of the organizations that


Diasay is of the belief

that through the players
coordination, Lone Star would
surely deliver a convincing
victory for the country and
people against Guinea Bissau
a victory she thinks would
properly position the team for
the second leg in Bissau next
I am urging our players to
engage their opponents in a
coordinating manner because
through proper coordination
we all saw what they did to
Tunisia and they could do
more against the visitors then
what they did to the North
Africans but through proper
coordination and a team work
Diasay urged.
Mohammed V. Fofana is
predicting that lone Star would
perform to the expectation of
the Liberian people against the
visitors with a score of than
one goal.
Fofana acknowledged that he
has faith in the current Lone
Star squad based on the team
performance against Tunisia
in the qualifying round of the
2017 Africa Cup of Nations and
says he hopes that the team
would even do more against
the visitors.
He called on the players to play
the game with commitment
and total togetherness because
only through commitment and
total togetherness they will be
able to deliver a better result
for the country and people at
the end of the match.
To you players, please engage
your opponents with all of
your talents and strength just
as you did against Tunisia.
started partnering with the
I think this is a great initiative.
We are one of the partners
and our location is one of the
registration centers on the
UL main campus. We think
the marathon promotes unity
and peace among Liberians
and our partners. It is a great
initiative to just bring people
together. So we are happy to
be one of the partners, said
director Rudolph I Dennis, II.
One proverb says there is no
free lunch. So what do some
of these corporate institutions
hope to achieve?
[Laughing], that is a very good
question. Just having everyone
come here to the hotel with us
and just knowing that we are
part of history is something
great. That is enough for us.
We dont always have to get
something in return but we are
getting something in return.
It doesnt have to be profitwise but we are getting
something in return as far
as what it takes and what it
feels like is just to be part of
something so amazing and
such a great part of history in
the country, said Kou, whose
RLJ will hold two cocktails (a
day to and few days after the
marathon) for the runners,
organizers, volunteers and
media partners.

Page 15



he Argentina star
injured his knee
ligaments in the win
over Las Palmas, but
he's now ready to step up his
recovery work with a Clasico
date the goal
Lionel Messi has taken the
first significant steps in his
recovery from a serious
knee injury, with Barcelona
hopeful the Argentine will
be fit and firing in time for
the first Clasico of the season
against Real Madrid on 22
November, Goal understands.


he Reds want the

Dortmund manager
to replace Brendan
Rodgers and hope to have
their new coach in place
before they face Tottenham
on October 17
Liverpool want Jurgen Klopp
to replace Brendan Rodgers
and the German has indicated
his interest in becoming the
clubs new manager, Goal
Liverpool and Klopp will
take place this week with the
club confident of appointing
a new manager ahead of
their next fixture away at
Tottenham on October 17.
Klopp won two Bundesliga
titles during seven years
with Borussia Dortmund and
is considered by Liverpool
owner Fenway Sports Group
as an ideal fit to take over at



Colombian and
the Bianconeri
are keen to make
the 27-year-old's loan deal
permanent at the end of the
2015-16 campaign, though
the Blues may hold out for
Juventus are hoping to agree
a 20 million (14.8) deal
with Chelsea for the outright
purchase of winger Juan




VOL 9 NO.157




see page 15




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