Existence of God A Rational and Logical Argument

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Anything that has a beginning cannot be the cause

of its own existence.
A deterministic system needs a designer.
context of cosmology, then it becomes a necessity that there exist an
uncaused, intelligent (agency, source, entity) which caused all that
You were not responsible for your own birth nor, the smartphone you use came into
existence on its own.
it has been established that our universe was indeed created and did
not exist, it had a beginning, not only that scientist tells us that it
came out of nothing!!!
"All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe has not existed forever, but
that it had a beginning" : Stephen Hawking
"However, in recent years a few physicists and cosmologists have started to tackle
it. They point out that we now have an understanding of the history of the
universe.... entire universe, from the fireball of the Big Bang to the star-studded
cosmos we now inhabit, popped into existence from nothing at all.
But remember nothing cannot create something you still need something to create
something out of nothing.
Absolute nothing cannot exist because absolute nothing has no properties therefore
neither can it act nor it can be acted upon.
So if absolute nothing existed nothing would exist.
So what caused, created, our universe?
Simple logical and rational reasoning suffice.
Lets assume A created our universe.
Now there are only two possibilities for existence of A.
If there is a third possibility let me know
First possibility: A itself was created by say B and then B was created by
This is infinite regression which is inconclusive, irrational and impossible.
Lets say you have 1000 dominoes lined up, to begin domino effect you need first
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initial push to the first domino.
If you have infinite number of dominoes lined up, it means there is no
First domino and therefore there cannot be first initial push and hence
Domino effect cannot exist, the sequence will never start.
Because if there is no first domino then the dominoes do not exist but our universe
exist and it had a beginning.

The first scenario for A is therefore impossible.

The second possibility for A is the most reasonable, rational, logical, and the
only possibility.
Never had a beginning, it always existed, we can further expound that
A possesses intelligence (including all the knowledge and information
Present in our universe) and
'A' is capable of bringing things into existence out of nothing.
By being able to create things out of nothing 'A' is De-linked from the chain of
cause and effect, and is not a part of it
A is not the first cause but causes the first cause in the chain of cause and
effect and since it is De-linked from the chain, it requires no cause for itself to
exist and eliminates the problem of infinite regression.
Since 'A' always existed, it has no end and no beginning, which means it is truly
infinite, unchanging, therefore it does not require the function of time for its

Moving on to second statement

A deterministic system requires a Designer.
A deterministic system cannot arise out of randomness because randomness and
determinism are inimical to each other.
Actually there is no such thing as true randomness, there is no such thing as by
We have is bounded uncertainty, for example no matter how many times
You throw a dice, throw it for a zillion times, you will never ever get a 7.
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What we have is a bounded uncertainty that any number from 1 to 6 may show up.
If you plant an apple seed you dont get randomly an orange tree (unless Monsanto is
Even the uncertainty that exist at quantum level is a bounded uncertainty.
And randomness and uncertainty are two different things.
Tells us that it is Higgs boson that is responsible for giving mass and
Properties to all the matter that exists in our universe.
True randomness existed we would be seeing all kind of different matter
Popping out into existence. In fact our universe will collapse due to
Random process taking place,
"Stephen Hawking Says 'God Particle (Higgs boson
) Could Wipe Out the Universe" : http://goo.gl/k2LHnE
Do you think a unicorn is yet to pop out into existence?
All you have to do is know how to manipulate Higgs boson, and there you have a nice
little unicorn.!!!

A Deterministic system comes into existence, its parameters, its
Specifications, its possible states, needs to be pre-determined.
Example our humble electronic calculator which is a deterministic
System, before it can be manufactured (created) its specification needs
To be pre-determined, how many digits it can display, to what level of
Accuracy it can perform calculation and so on.
Our universe is a deterministic system and it is governed by laws of the nature
which gives it a deterministic attribute.
Before our universe came into existence, it had to be pre-determined
What type of laws of nature it will have, what possible state it can
Have, its behavior and so on.
And this can only come about if it has a Designer.

Where does God come in here?

There are two mistakes that an atheist makes.
They club Gods of different religions under one roof and reject them lock stock and
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This is like saying all bacterias are harmful for health, which is factually
A spoon by any other name is a spoon but A spoon by any other function is not a
The second logical fallacy an atheist commits is asking for empirical evidence for
existence of God.
god that has empirical evidence is a false god because anything that
Has empirical evidence means it obeys the law of nature and anything
That is subservient to the law of nature cannot be the creator of that

Lets talk about God of Islam Allah (swt).

Remember A it is always existing?
In the noble Quran Allah (swt) describes himself.
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.
(Chapter 112)
Beside this Allah (swt) has at least 99 names or attributes, some relevant one are
Allah is also known as al-Bq meaning
The One whose existence has neither beginning nor end. The One whose existence is
beyond the realm of time.
A possesses all intellect present in our universe.
Allah is also known as al-'Alm meaning
The One who is intuitively aware of all things, even before they happen.
One from whom no knowledge is concealed. The One who is aware of the complete
details of all matters.
A is capable of bringing things into existence out of nothing.
"Creator of the heavens and the earth from nothingness, He has only to say when He
wills a thing: "Be", and it is.": Translation by Ahmed Ali
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Verily, His command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, Be! and
it is!)
[Noble Quran 36:82)
be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth,
Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four
(pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all
(Noble Quran 35:1)
Our universe is deterministic.
This is in compliance with Islamic view.
" Verily, all things have We created in proportion and measure.." [Al-Qur'an 54:49]
One of the article of faith in Islam is Al-Qada' and Al-Qadr, of Allah.
al-Qada' and al-Qadr mean the predestination of an action or an event.
However if they are combined then al-Qadr means the predestination of an
Act or event before it occurs and al-Qada' refers to act or event after
It takes place.
As you must have realized 'A' is the only rational and logical Agency, entity,
source that is capable of creating our universe
And by function 'A' fits Allah. (Remember spoon?)
Now all you have to acknowledge is that..
'A' is for Allah.
But of course...
there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error:
whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most
trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth
all things._
Noble Quran-2:256

Islam is the most logical and rational religion.

It offers rational explanation for any query you may have.
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Related Topic: free will predestination and determinism

...Allah alone knows best.

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