Needs Analysis

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GOAL 2: Provide a convenient and comfortable area which will benefit the whole of Mapuan Community.

Objective 1: To employ spaces that will be utilized by accredited and recognized organizations of Mapua as a
place where they can meet and discuss their own activities and programs.
Strategy 1: Provide enough number of rooms/partitions for the organizations of Mapua. According to the
Council of Organizations (COO), there are about 20 accredited and recognized organizations in Mapua.
It doesnt have to be a four-walled room. Just as long as it has chairs, whiteboard, and a table, it will be
Programs 1: Schedule. Each organization will have to submit their preferred schedule of meetings
and must have it verified before they can be able to use the area.
Activities 1: Submission of preferred schedule would have to be vis--vis with the
organizer. This is make it a lot easier for the organizer for he/she will be the one who will
arrange all of the schedule of organizations for meetings.
Users 1: The Organizer is one of the key persons here. He/She must have a
workplace area of his/her own.
Spaces: Organizers Area. Can be a space with a comfortable big table with a
comfortable chair. It must have a computer for easy organizing of schedules.
Users 2: The students is another. They must have an area where they will wait.
Thus, a waiting Area must be suitable.
Spaces: Waiting Area. There must be a waiting area enough for 20 persons to
fit in. It must be an area which will invoke creativity to its user so that while
the members are waiting, they will not get bored.
Activities 2: The whole thirty minutes before their schedule for meeting is their time for
verification if they are the ones scheduled on that specific room/partitions. Verifications
will be handled by the Organizers assistant.

Users 1: Organizers Assistant is someone who stays in the site together with the
Organizer. His/her job is to help the organizer in any way possible. An slightly
smaller area will be provided for him/her.
Space 1: Organizers Assistant. This will have a smaller table and smaller
space but still equally comfortable.
Programs 2: Organizer. There must and should be an organizer of this strategy to allow a nice
flow all throughout and to prevent hassle of waiting outside under the sun.
Activities 1: One organization members might wait for another organization to finish their
discussion. Waiting is one time-consuming thing, and so the group decided that there will
be only a maximum of 2 groups who will wait.
Users 1: The users will be the members of the organization and maybe with their
Spaces 1: Waiting Area. There must be a waiting area enough for 20 persons
to fit in. It must be an area which will invoke creativity to its user so that
while the members are waiting, they will not get bored.
Spaces 2: Toilet. It will hurt to not a have toilets especially when you are
Spaces 3: Refreshments/Food stalls. Just few stalls will do. They must be
positioned near the entrance so that it may provide a 24-hour activity making
the area safe to public at night.
Users 2: The Organizer must also have his own area.
Spaces: Organizers Area. Can be a space with a comfortable big table with a
comfortable chair. It must have a computer for easy organizing of schedules.
Strategy 2:

Objective 2: To have spaces that will accommodate peer advising activities.

Objective 3: To provide resting places for both professors and students alike but of boundaries.

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