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… The bubbly noises are gradually changing into smooth but rusty kind of
humming sounds.
They keep moving passing some dark cave holes until they reach a slightly
bright corner.

The smooth rusty kind of humming sounds are now become clear, they coming from childish
laughter from out there…
  Graphic : Unknown

˝I thought we are on the bottom of a lake... In the water...˝ Athena asked.

˝Hihihihi… ˝ a sharp and high frequency of giggling came out before the wisdom of Nushka.

˝What are; space, time, mirror, air and water? They are the same stuff… Kind of dust that
manifested into the different forms and densities… Hihihihi… Especially around here my
Lady! Where your thoughts and what you see or hear, between your mind and your reality has
no distance… Hihihihi…. ˝
Ligo did not say anything, he just standing there holding the left hand of Athena… His eyes
without a single blink are watching a sand pit filled by countless kids changing their sizes,
getting bigger and smaller without constant pattern and joyfully throwing sand to each others.
Those strange kids are looks precisely like him self!
Every time the sand being thrown away, the dust is flying and circling around until it sucked
into the middle of the sand pit, which is stand a huge and tall tree made of dust. The huge tree
has symmetrical form and has countless branches. Dancing smoothly going along with the
rhythm of the childish laughter, the branches are wrapping into each others like countless
helix are getting smoother and lighter until cannot been seen other than smooth dark hairs
before they transformed into sparkling lights of circling discs.
˝Those leaves… They called it galaxy. That is funny isn’t it? That there are so many different
kind of names over something is the same? Hihihi… ˝
˝They? Who are they?˝
˝They are… Uhm, those who are keep trying to write and to define uhmm, something called
the Law… Good luck for them. Not important though, you don’t have to know anything about
them, at least for now.˝ He stopped for a brief moment and holding Ligo´s right shoulder.
˝Anyway, don’t forget my little Prince, why you are here is because you need to learn how to
use the projections of animals, trees, rocks… Or the projections of any other creatures other
than your owns if you want to save your lovely beautiful kingdom and your people!˝
Ligo did not reply. His mind is still covered by dark and thick cloud of fear; what is
happening to his father.
˝Do you still see no other than your self in the sand pit, my little Prince? Then you are still
captured in the prison of your own dimension! ˝
˝How could a little kid understands what you are talking about? I don’t see any other kids in
that sand pit but my self as a bunch of child playing around with sand… I am seeing countless
of my selves…˝ Athena protested as she wrapping her arms around Ligo and hold him tight.
˝Hihihihi…Some time the kids are easier to understand things than the adults… Give our little
Prince a chance…˝ Nushka said with a sharp and high sound of remarkable giggling.

Moving slowly and smoothly the bubble taking an orbit like circling the tree of the dancing
dust out there, passing the last series of dark holes of caves underneath the bubble. From out
of the blue suddenly Nushka declares a shocking statement, despite the confusion of the two

˝I am out of duty now my Prince and Lady Athena. Everything has it’s dead and headlines,
including me. See you around! ˝

Without waiting for reply, between Nushka and Lady Athena who holding Ligo´s shoulders
emerged sparkling lights separating them and the bubble splitting into two. A new bubble
carrying Nushka away from them then vanished into the darkness of one huge hole of the

It happened in a single breath that Athena could not raise any voice to stop that kind of
shocking ´good bye´ only for being left alone in the middle of nowhere, nothing but
surrounded by the shadow of spookiness with a young kid who could not even defend him
self from anything unfriendly like, for example, if they both separated by the splitting
Athena still did not see the point of this kind of bubbly journey, let alone a little kid like Ligo.
She is standing still inside a bubble that functioned more or less like a lift, but it has more
directions to move other than just to go up and down. Out there, in that dusty field there is no
size of big or small… All that exist is constant movement and changing. The most fear right
now for Athena is the bubble splitting…

At one point, Ligo releasing his hands off from Athena and staring out to the sand field like
something attracted him. His eyes are suddenly getting wider with a high state of excitement.

Not even an inch away of him released his hands off from Athena, the sparkling lights
emerged so fast that a new bubble created and carrying Ligo away from the bubble where
Athena is inhaling a deep breath of does not know what to do. Her mouth could not even
produce a single sound of word until some voices hanging around inside her head. The words
are not even belongs to her, but belongs to Nushka; between your mind and your reality has
no distance…The splitting bubble, the most fear in her mind one or two breath before it is
now the part of reality…

Despite the new development of transportation system of the bubbly tourism at nowhere
destination, both bubbles are getting further away apart to each others, navigated by the voice-
in-the-head of their passengers. Circling smoothly following of the orbit of the dancing tree of
dust or anywhere as you wish, including being sucked into the dusty field

Then that’s about it. In the eyes of Athena the bubble that carrying Ligo inside it is now
vanished and lost in the thickness of the dust. Or, perhaps, has become the dust…

Without turning back to Athena and perform the universal code of crying like a child would
do, Ligo seems to attracted on something so exciting that he does not even scared of being
completely alone. All that in his mind is to catch something is glittering and floating around
out there in the dusty field. Something Athena could not see; a golden butterfly. A same shape
and a same kind of twinkling-twinkling butterfly he was trying to catch before he was
nowhere to be found.
The Imaginary City of Pathzi is a collaborative writing organized by the Voyager.
Voyager was formed by four social network creators:

 Cafeist :
 Land of Fantasy :
 Laugh Everyday :
 One Earth One Change :

All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written of ´The Voyager´.

All the characters in this document are fictious and any resemblance to real persons, living or
dead, is purely coincidental

Copyrights © 2010 – The Voyager

Copyrights ©©
Copyrights 2010 – The
2010 - Voyager

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