CSE 306 Computer Networks

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HomeWork 2

CSE-306 -Computer Networks

Q1. The coder part of the codec and demodulator part of the codec are way too different from
each other. Write on some aspects of the difference between both of them.

Ans:- A codec is a device or computer program capable of encoding and decoding a digital data
stream or signal. The word codec is a portmanteau (a blending of two or more words) of
compressor-decompressor or, more commonly, coder-decoder.
The demodulator takes the wavy analog signal from the line and converts it do a digital signal.
The codec puts the transmitted data together from the data the demodulator spits out. A codec is
used to more effectively use the bandwidth..

Q2. The Nyquist theorem is one of the deciding factor in data communication. The fibre optics as
well as the copper wires are communication mediums. Do you think the theorem is valid for the
fiber optics or for the copper wires.

Ans: - Nyquist theorem says that if you have a function whose Fourier spectrum does not contain
any sines or cosines above f, then by sampling the function at a frequency of 2f you capture all
the information there is. Thus, the Nyquist theorem is true for all media.
The concept behind digitizing sound. Working at Bell Labs, Harry Nyquist discovered that it was
not necessary to capture the entire analog waveform; rather samples of the wave could be taken
at various points. He also found that in order to have enough information in the sample pool to
reconstruct the original waveform, the sampling rate must be at least twice the signal bandwidth.
Nyquist theorem is a sampling theory, doesn't matter what the media is, as long as the
transmission is on a TDM system.

Q3.Noise affects all the signals which are there in air. There are some communicating
modulation techniques. Noise affects which of the modulation technique the most.
Ans: - In order to study the effects of noise upon radio communication, an amplitude-modulation
radio system was set up in the laboratory and provision was made for generating electrical
interference and introducing it, together with the speech-modulated carrier from the transmitter,
into the receiver. In addition, arrangements were made for producing ambient noise at the talkers'
and listeners' positions, so that the separate effects of acoustic noise and radio noise could be
compared and their combined effects could be studied. By means of word articulation tests, the
intelligibility of speech heard over the radio system was determined as a function of signal-to-
noise ratio for each of a number of types of noise. Several principles of noise reduction were
studied, and basic parameters of the radio link were varied systematically so that their influence
upon the effects of noise could be determined. With regard to ambient noise, it was found that
exclusion of noise at the microphone is even more important as a prerequisite for effective radio
communication than it is for effective interphone communication, especially if either
compression or premodulation clipping is employed in the radio transmitter. Noise exclusion at
the listeners' end of the line is also important because, for optimal intelligibility under difficult
conditions, it is necessary for the noise reaching the ear through or under the earphone cushions
to be at least 10 decibels less intense than the noise coming through the earphones from the
receiver. The deleterious effect of electrical interference was found to depend greatly upon the
relation between certain characteristics of the noise and corresponding characteristics of the
receiver circuits. In general, interferences with continuous spectra are more detrimental than
those with line spectra, and non-impulsive types more detrimental than impulsive types. Noise-
reducing circuits were ineffective against random fluctuation noise, but in the presence of certain
types of impulse interference, limiters and canceling circuits provided such great improvement in
performance that it was possible to maintain satisfactory communication despite a 35-decibel
reduction in carrier intensity. As a general principle, it appears that, whenever there is a
characteristic difference between the wave forms or the spectra of the signal and the interference,
the impairment of intelligibility by electrical interference may be reduced by employing
amplitude-selective or frequency-selective circuits in the radio receiver.

Q4. Convert the following bit stream using Manchester and differential modulation techniques.

a) 1111

b) 0101

c) 0000

d) 1100

Ans:- a) 1111
b) 0101

c) 0000
d) 1100

Q5. The DC component plays a role in designing encoding scheme. Can we relate the DC
component’s effect on all the encoding schemes? Justify your answer by giving an example.

Ans:- This invention relates to the communication of data, and more particularly to a method of
encoding and decoding data to be transmitted serially along a communication network in an
environmentally hostile environment, such as in an automobile.

In order to transmit digital data over a communication network, the data is encoded at the
transmitter and decoded at the receiver. Two known forms of encoding which are typically used
with transformer coupled communication lines are Manchester Encoding and Alternate Mark
Inversion. Both require a clock recovery circuit that uses a local oscillator or phased locked loop.
These circuits can be complex and, accordingly, may be undesirable due to high cost and
reliability problems stemming from their complexity.

Q6.Multiplexing technique is used for combining the multiple channels into one channel.

Write the factors on which the combination is happening.

Ans:- Space-division multiplexing
In wired communication, space-division multiplexing simply implies different point-to-point wires for
different channels. One example is an analogue stereo audio cable, with one pair of wires for the left
channel and another for the right channel. Another example is a switched such as the analog telephone
access network (although inside the telephone exchange or between the exchanges, other multiplexing
techniques are typically employed) or a switched Ethernet network. Wired space-division multiplexing is
typically not considered as multiplexing

Frequency-division multiplexing

Frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) is inherently an analog technology. FDM achieves the combining
of several digital signals into one medium by sending signals in several distinct frequency ranges over
that medium.

Q7. There are numerous multiplexing techniques available. What in your opinion is the most
appropriate multiplexing technique for the fiber optics as well as copper wires?

Ans: - Multiplexing Techniques

Multiplexing is the process where multiple channels are combined for transmission over a
common transmission path.

There are two predominant ways to multiplex:

• Frequency Division Multiplexing

• Time Division Multiplexing

Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

In FDM, multiple channels are combined onto a single aggregate signal for transmission. The
channels are separated in the aggregate by their FREQUENCY.

There are always some unused frequency spaces between channels, known as "guard bands".
These guard bands reduce the effects of "bleedover" between adjacent channels, a condition
more commonly referred to as "crosstalk".

FDM was the first multiplexing scheme to enjoy wide scale network deployment, and such
systems are still in use today. However, Time Division Multiplexing is the preferred approach
today, due to its ability to support native data I/O (Input/Output) channels.
Time Division Multiplexing

Timeplex is probably the best in the business (IMHO) at Time Division Multiplexing, as it has
25+ years or experience. When Timeplex was started by a couple of ex-Western Union guys in
1969 it was among the first commercial TDM companies in the United States. In fact,
"Timeplex" was derived from TIME division multiPLEXing!

In Time Division Multiplexing, channels "share" the common aggregate based upon time

Q8. While transferring the data from the transmission medium there are various aspects of your
data getting tempered by other users. What in your opinion is the most secure and insecure
transmission medium? Justify your answer with an example.

Ans: - There are three broad categories of media: Wire, fiber and wireless. On a very high level,
it could be said that fiber is the most secure as it is the hardest to tap. Cable is a little more
secure, as physical access is not hard to tap and sniff the passing traffic. Then there is wireless, it
broadcasts point-to-point or well beyond the facility in all possible directions. Anyone that can
pick up the signal may be able to sniff sensitive information. Although there is a second item we
must consider, and that is the physical and technical controls that have been implemented.
Wireless can be made more secure by using WPA, encryption or 802.1x. A cabled network can
be fully switched, use encryption and have implemented VLANS. So the point would be that
even seemingly weaker systems can have controls implemented to make their security more

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