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Drill for Guards: Post Feed / Spot Up

Drill Purpose
Teaches players how to feed the ball in the post and reposition for the shot. It also
improves ballhandling skills.
1. 2 people are needed for this drill. The second
person can be a player or just another person to
catch a pass.
2. Set up a line of chairs, starting near the midcourt line and directed toward the baseline but
no deeper than the foul line extended. This is an
optional step to be used to work on dribbling.
3. Place a chair on the wing with a ball on it. The
position of the chair is of your choosing at a
distance within player's shooting range.
4. The 2nd person is in the strong-side low post.

5. Ball handler dribble weaves through the chair

line (remember this is an optional step).
Experiment with your dribbles and use different
types of changes.

6. Ball handler extends dribble to a good angle for

a post feed.
7. Ball handler throws a post entry pass.
8. Low-post receiver, if a player, makes a low post
move. If not a player, (a coach for example) he
just holds the ball.

9. Ball handler then cuts to chair with the ball,

scoops up the ball for shot.

Teaching Points
Use the 3-point line as a spacing guide. Many passes are fumbled because the
passer is too close or the defense is not spaced enough.
Work on different types of entries: baseline bounce pass, lob pass, etc.
Teach passing angles. If a coach is present, he can position himself as a dummy
defender to teach the passer to read the defense. He can play over the top (use
baseline bounce pass), baseline (throw middle pass), full front (lob or reversal pass).
Emphasize passer movement after the feed to space out off the post and strip the
Teach that some of the best shot opportunities, especially 3-point attempts, come
"inside out" after a post feed.

Do you have any questions or suggestions for this drill? Let us know by leaving
your comments...






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ksh says:
10/4/2007 at 6:43:57 PM

i need drills vedio



tom says:
10/17/2007 at 6:23:08 AM

I think the structure of this website is very good. It is easy to get the information you want and
it's not loaded with time-wasting graphics

Jim In Maine says:

11/12/2007 at 11:30:04 AM


11/12/2007 at 11:30:04 AM

I like the chairs to work on dribble moves and then proper feed to post. I think I would prefer
to have the passer flare to different spot and the post to kick back out. That way the guard
can work on proper catching and shooting form. Thanks for all you do. Jim in Maine


Peter Consenstein says:

2/23/2008 at 10:31:36 AM

Good drills, clearly mapped out, and they leave, as Jim in Maine points out, room for other
interpretations. As well, the boys are loving them.


Doug says:
12/11/2008 at 1:25:14 PM

This is an excellent drill! However, we added another part to it to complete the cycle. We
have another coach (or player) stand by the basket ready to get the rebound. After there is a
shot, the shooter quickly sprints down court and the rebounder passes to the shooter for an
outlet pass / fast break layup.


Hands says:
4/29/2009 at 11:29:01 PM

It is aawesome a sight but it would b perfect wit a video



kris #21 says:

6/16/2009 at 12:18:31 PM

I like this drill. I tried it this morning and its quite effective


Pratul says:
12/3/2009 at 9:35:46 AM

cool drill man.......

focusses on alll
ur skills, shooting, passing etc.....


Harold Wimberly says:

2/18/2010 at 1:04:20 PM

Doug I love that addition you added. Overall great drills you guys. I have Middle school boys
and they get a lot out of these drills.

Alan says:
7/5/2010 at 8:33:13 PM

I like the drills and the suggestions, l will work these guard drills into our general skills
development as well as modify for a simple game day motion offence.


development as well as modify for a simple game day motion offence.



Tom Mason says:

10/18/2010 at 4:44:42 PM

I am coaching a 8u girls travel team. I am looking for a drill or something for my ball handlers
to work on to prepare them for the pressure they are going to face in game situations. Not
just full court pressure, but just facing up the defense and being able to see what is going on.
I need my guards to be able to see the floor to get the ball where it needs to go. Anything
would be appreciated.


Jeff Haefner says:

10/19/2010 at 7:53:14 AM

Tom 8 is a little young to get this technical but the way we teach footwork fundamentals,
everything is based on seeing the floor. (This concept was taught to use by Don Kelbick.)
We teach 3 pivots (front, reverse, and drop step). We work on them constantly in different
contexts and different drills. There are also 3 counters to those pivots but that's not important
to answer your question. So every day in drills, we teach players to catch the ball (or pick the
ball up off a chair) and think shot, shot, shot. Even if they are out of their range or not even
facing the basket. It's always the same, pivot and think shot! This takes your eyes to the
basket, makes you a scoring threat, and makes your moves more effective.
It's a really simple teaching method. It's also mentality. We are always on the "offensive" and
putting on the pressure (whether we're on defense or offense). So it's them reacting to us, not
the other way around.
You can also try this drill which addresses your issue:
Just be careful about getting too technical with 8 year olds. Focus on dribbling, front pivots,
reserve pivots, jump stops, shooting, passing, and all the basic fundamentals. And most
importantly, make practice fun!!!


Joe Haefner says:

10/19/2010 at 3:06:49 PM

A simple game is "3on3 - Turn & Face"

You play 3v0 at first, then progress to 3v3. You simply say that if you don't turn and face the
hoop after every catch, it is an automatic turnover.

coach clevenger says:

1/5/2011 at 8:27:03 AM

AWESOME!! I will try this drill tomorrow night at our practice! I will then try to add a
rebounder and a fast brake off of this.


rebounder and a fast brake off of this.

Thank you for the tips!


Coach Henry says:

1/12/2012 at 9:55:00 AM

I like the drill...we will use it at the varsity boys level...i also like Jim in Maines idea of the post
kicking to the guard spotting up in a closer range. I continue to love the site.


Sue Heidlebaugh says:

9/16/2014 at 10:11:10 PM

I have added to this drill by having two post players working on posting up with defenders
including using a california cut it the ball handler cannot get ball into the first post. Also,
instead of chairs, I have the ballhandler being guarded by another guard. They start at the
other end of the court and play one on one till they get to the wing. This way you have the
guards working on their defensive one on one, the ball handlers working on their different ball
handling moves, and the posts working on posting up, etc.
It really combines a lot of things into one drill. I used to have the posts do the ballhandling
defense but I realize now that they don't ever do that in a game so I went to this format.
It really worked great for us last year.


Tyler says:
11/3/2014 at 1:55:53 PM

I add defenders to this drill. Help feeding the post with with pressure and making a post move
with pressure.


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