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Cisco ASA NAT Port Forwarding

NAT Port Forwarding is useful when you have a single public IP address and multiple devices
behind it that you want to reach from the outside world. Take a look at the example below:

In the
topology above we have an ASA firewall with a DMZ and two serversa HTTP server and a
SSH server. Lets imagine that the IP address on the ASAs E0/1 interface ( is a
public IP address. Our goal is to make sure that we can reach these servers from the outside
world. R2 is only there so we have a device in the outside so we can try if NAT is working.
HTTP uses TCP port 80 and SSH uses TCP port 22 so what well do is forward these ports.
Whenever someone connects on IP address TCP port 80 we will forward them to TCP port 80.

We can use different port numbers if we want and to demonstrate this, we will configure the ASA
so that whenever someone connects on TCP port 10022, we will forward it to TCP port 22.
Let me show you how to configure this. We start with the HTTP server:
ASA1(config)# object network WEB_SERVER
ASA1(config-network-object)# host
ASA1(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ,OUTSIDE) static interface service tcp 80

We create a network object that specifies the real IP address of the web server and then we create
our NAT rule. By using the keyword interface we tell the ASA to use the IP address on the
(outside) interface. The first port number is the port that the server is listening on, the second
port number is the outside port number. Lets configure another PAT entry for the SSH server:
ASA1(config)# object network SSH_SERVER
ASA1(config-network-object)# host
ASA1(config-network-object)# nat (DMZ,OUTSIDE) static interface service tcp 22

This network object is similar to the first one but you can see I used a different port number for
the outside. Whenever someone connects on TCP port 10022, it will be forwarded to TCP port
22. This takes care of the NAT rules but dont forget to create an access-list or our traffic will be

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