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What is life?
condition that distinguishes organisms from
inorganic objects
life forms are able to act on their own behalf to
support their own existence, and to reproduce
Every living thing is cellular
either a single-celled or a multi-cellular creature
membrane bound
contains a full set of instructions necessary for its
operation, reproduction

Not cellular, and are therefore described as "biological
entities" rather than organisms.

Grow as intracellular parasites after invading cells.

Viruses are reproduced and can evolve; however, they contain
no metabolic machinery of their own, so they use that of the
host cell to reproduce.
Without a host cell, viruses are merely inert, complicated
particles which do nothing.

The action of viruses

The T-4
virus is about to
attack the

The virus
injects its
material into

The bacterium explodes after it

is forced to make copies of the

The action of viruses

Here's what an actual population of E. coli bacteria looks like as it is wiped out by T4

Examples of viruses
Smallpox (Edward
Jenner in

- (Jonas
Salk, 1955)


Ebola Virus

Hanta Virus



Chicken pox





The chemicals of life

All living matter is
composed of
inorganic ions
small molecules

Figure 2-29 Molecular Biology of the Cell ( Garland Science 2008)

H20 and life

Cells ~70% water
involved in almost all
chemical rxns

Life has evolved around

special water properties
highly polar, therefore will
dissolve other polar

Biomolecules structures
arise from interaction with
Forms covalent and
noncovalent interactions

Biological molecules
Life on earth is carbon based: biological
molecules consist primarily of
carbon bonded to carbon
carbon bonded to other molecules

Carbon can form up to 4 covalent bonds.

Carbon may be bonded to functional groups
with specific properties

Biological macromolecules
Simplest organic molecules = Hydrocarbons;
consist of carbon, hydrogen
Covalent bonds store considerable energy.
Make good fuels

Biomolecules are typically large molecules (polymers)
constructed from smaller subunits (monomers)
Biomolecules built up, broken down via water

Biochemistry requires understanding the
structure, function of cellular components of
nucleic acids

Figure 2-30 Molecular Biology of the Cell ( Garland Science 2008)

Functional groups
Specific groups of atoms attached to carbon
Have definite chemical properties
Found in the various biomolecules
Proteins amines, carboxylic acid
Nucleic acids phosphoric esters, hydroxyl groups
Lipids alkanes, carboxylic acid
Carbohydrates alcohols, aldehydes, ketones

Rxns of biomolecules = rxns of their functional

determine how molecule will interact with other

contain an amino group (-NH2), a carboxyl group (COOH) and an H atom, all bonded to a central carbon
Formed from 20 different monomers (amino acids)
most abundant, functionally versatile biomolecule

Proteins derived from amino acids

A protein is composed of one or more long chains
of amino acids linked by peptide bonds

Enzyme activity

Enzymes = biological catalysts

Figure 2-47 Molecular Biology of the Cell ( Garland Science 2008)


Nucleic Acids
Responsible for
storage, transfer of
genetic information
2 types:
1. Deoxyribonucleic
Acid (DNA)
Encodes information
used to assemble

2. Ribonucleic Acid
Reads DNA-encoded
information to direct
protein synthesis

The molecular design of life


Also known as sugars

Molecules with a 1:2:1
ratio of C, H, O
empirical formula:
examples: sugars,
starch, glucose
Since C H covalent
bonds hold much
energy, carbohydrates
are good energy storage

The structure of glucose,

a simple sugar

Functions of carbohydrates
energy stores, fuels, and metabolic intermediates
structural framework of RNA and DNA

structural elements in the cell walls of bacteria

and plants
linked to many proteins and lipids
participate in biological transport, cell-cell

Classification of carbohydrates
e.g., glucose, fructose

Di, tri, tetra, penta, up to 9 or 10 monosacchs
e.g., lactose, sucrose

Polysaccharides or glycans
Homopolysaccharides-starch, glycogen, cellulose
Complex carbohydrates

Starch = nutritional
reservoir in plants; makes
up >50% of carbohydrates
ingested by humans
These chains are broken
down into individual
glucose molecules and
used to generate energy
Consumption of excess
carbohydrates leads to
conversion into glycogen
or fats for future use.

Effect of decreased
blood glucose

Structural carbohydrates
Cellulose found in plants

Chitin found in arthropods

and fungi

biomolecules that are insoluble
in H2O but soluble in organic
Examples of lipids:
Fats (triglycerides)

Variety of biological roles:

Fuel molecules/Energy store
Membrane components
Signal molecules

store twice as much energy as carbohydrates
May be saturated or unsaturated
Saturated fats - all internal carbon atoms are bonded to at
least two hydrogen atoms; maximum # of H

Unsaturated fats - at least one double bond between

successive carbon atoms

Fatty acids/Triglycerides
animal fats are usually saturated fats
solid at room temperature

plant fats (oils) are usually unsaturated

liquid at room temperature

Main component of biological membranes
Membranes usually exist as lipid bilayer
Polar head groups in contact with H2O
Nonpolar tail lies in interior


The watery interior of cells is surrounded by the plasma

membrane, a two-layered shell of phospholipids

Steroid hormones
are derived from

Metabolism of dietary fuels

In humans, catabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and
proteins for energy = important aspect of nutrition
provide energy to maintain body functions during rest and
all forms of physical activity

most diets provide >> required amt of calories

Carbohydrates, fats consumed in excess of
nutritional requirements converted to storage
Carbohydrates glycogen
Lipids triglycerides

How did life start?

Origin of life hypotheses

1. Special creation

or divine


2. Extraterrestrial origin
e.g., comets

3. Spontaneous origin
life originated from

inanimate materials
Abiotic evolution

Conditions on early Earth

primitive atmosphere not conducive to life
Earths surface temperature probably hotter than today

Early atmosphere often referred to as a reducing

No free oxygen (O2)

Contained free hydrogen (H2) and saturated hydrides

(CH4, NH3 and H2O)
Energy for chemical reactions between these gases
could come from electric discharge in storms or solar
energy (no ozone layer)

Stages of prebiotic evolution

Geophysical Stage

Chemical Stage

Biological Stage

How did the earths crust and

atmosphere look like when
life originated?

How can the building blocks of

life (nucleotides, amino acids) be
These blocks may (partially) have
been different from modern
How did the building blocks
organize into living organisms?



Origin of life
Life began~ 3.5 bya
Stage 1: Abiotic synthesis of organic
molecules such as proteins, amino acids and

Glucose, ribose, deoxyribose and other sugars form from

formaldehyde (CH2O) when exposed to UV radiation
Adenine forms from hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and was
probably the first base to form

The Miller-Urey experiment

Conducted in 1953 by Stanley L. Miller and Harold C.
Urey at the University of Chicago
Performed to test Oparin and Haldane's hypothesis:
Conditions on the primitive Earth favored
chemical reactions that synthesized organic
compounds from inorganic precursors

simulated hypothetical conditions present on the

early Earth
tested for the occurrence of chemical evolution

The Miller-Urey experiment

Miller-Urey experiment: results

After 1 week, the following were observed:
1. As much as 10-15% of the carbon within the system
was now in the form of organic compounds.
2. 2% of the carbon had formed amino acids.
3. Sugars, lipids, and some of the building blocks for
nucleic acids were also formed.
4. Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) themselves were not

Miller-Urey experiment: conclusions

experiments cannot reproduce the exact
conditions on the primitive Earth
reconstructed atmosphere was probably wrong
experiment had never been repeated with a more
accurate mixture

Showed that the basic building blocks for the

large macromolecules can be synthesized in
vitro from inorganic compounds

Origin of life
Stage 2: joining of small molecules
(monomers) into large molecules

From monomers to polymers

Amino acids combined to form polypeptides
could have occurred when dry or highly
concentrated monomers are heated

Condensation reactions take place forming

phosphodiester bonds form between
Formation of polynucleotides

Origin of life
Stage 3: origin of self-replicating molecules
that eventually made inheritance possible

What was the first biomolecule?


Nucleic acids

easier to
proteins than

special conditions
in the soup enabled
replication without


What is the first

DNA needed to make
Proteins needed to
make DNA
RNA world theory
proposes that RNA =
1st biomolecule
Since RNA can be used
to store genetic info,
but may also contain
catalytic properties
Figure 6-110 Molecular Biology of the Cell ( Garland Science 2008)

What was the first biomolecule?

Metabolism-first proponents argue that
simple metal catalysts, as opposed to
advanced protein-based enzymes, may have
created a soup of organic building blocks that
could have given rise to the other

Authors created nucleic acid precursors starting with just

hydrogen cyanide (HCN), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and
ultraviolet (UV) light
HCN abundant in comets; H2S common in early earth
Conditions that produce nucleic acid precursors also create
the starting materials needed to make amino acids and lipids
Results suggest that a single set of reactions could have given
rise to most of lifes building blocks simultaneously

Membranes defined the first cell

The phospholipids
form lipid bilayers
when they are
surrounded by water
Formed 1st organism:
Fed off organic
molecules in the
Utilized CO2, released

Cell-like microspheres can be

formed by agitating proteins
and lipids in a liquid medium

By 2 billion years ago free

oxygen was appearing in the
atmosphere due to the
activity of cyanobacteria
photosynthetic bacteria
able to produce free

What were the earliest organisms like?

Photosynthesis increased the amount of
oxygen in the atmosphere
Led to development of aerobic organisms

The oldest eukaryotic fossils are ~2 billion

years old
symbiotic community of prokaryotes living within larger
prokaryotes (Endosymbiosis theory)
led to development of membrane enclosed organelles

Endosymbiont theory

Some organisms acquired membrane-enclosed organelles from

engulfed bacteria

The oldest fossils of multicellular organisms are ~1.2 billion years old

Clock analogy for

some key events
in evolutionary

How many species are there?

Estimates of the total number of living species range
from 10 to 100 million.
Actual number likely around 13 14 million
most are insects, microscopic life forms in tropical
About 1.75 million have been given scientific names.
We may never know how many there are
Many will become extinct before being counted, described

Classifying living things

Until the 20th century, most biologists considered all
living things to be either a plant or an animal
By the 1970s, the 5 Kingdom system, which
accomodates fungi, protists, and bacteria became
accepted as the model by which all living things could
be classified
Current model = domain system, which classifies
organisms according to evolutionary history
includes a 3rd life form: the Archaea

The 5 kingdom classification scheme

Archaea: distinct fom prokaryotes

and eukaryotes
Archaea have an independent evolutionary history
from bacteria
thought to have split from Bacteria 2 bya

show many differences in their biochemistry from

other forms of life
may be the only organisms that can live in extreme
Methanogens (produce methane CH3)
extreme halophiles (salt-loving)
extreme thermophiles (heat-loving)

The 3 domain classification scheme

Did life arise on another planet?

Various space missions have aimed to answer the

question: Did life exist on Mars in the past or
Could Mars be used to tell us more about the
evolution of both Earth and our solar system?

First photograph ever taken from the surface of Mars.

Viking 1 Lander July 20, 1976.

Primary objectives of the Viking missions

- obtain high-resolution images of the Martian surface,
- characterize the atmosphere and surface
- search for evidence of life on Mars

Mission to Mars
..\..\youtube downloads\NASA Mars Rover Landing_ Curiosity
Lands, Beams Back Pictures of Mars Surface.mp4

Mission to Mars
Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars
ever had an environment able to support small
life forms, e.g., bacteria
In other words, to determine the planet's

Carries a gas chromatograph, mass spectrometer

and laser spectrometer
instruments will look for telltale isotopes, gases and
elements, especially methane and other carbon

The landing site of the Mars rover Curiosity was once covered with
fast-moving and possibly waist-high water that could have possibly
supported life, NASA scientists announced Thursday.
Star Tribune Sept 28, 2012
..\1st sem 2014 - 2015\Curiosity Rover Report (6_24_2014)_
Curiosity Completes Its First Martian Year.mp4

Mars One mission: a one-way trip to the

red planet in 2024

The Mars One project aims to establish a human colony on the red
planet by 2025
~20,000 applied to be part of the team (including several Filipinos!)
However, has been recently reported as poorly planned, doomed
to failure and could endanger the future of science

..\1st sem 2014 2015\The Great

Debate - What is

NatSci 50 reporting topics


Life outside earth: does it exist?

Unusual adaptations
Extinct/threatened species
Genealogy testing using DNA analysis
Mitochondrial Eve, Y chromosome Adam
Common misconceptions in genetics and
8. Synthetic biology

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