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Practice 8: Write about a character who managed to overcome adversity.

(Note: adversity = hardship, misfortune, problems, bad luck, difficulties,
Based on the novel Catch Us If You Can by Catherine McPhail that I studied
in Form Five, Rory who is the main character faces a lot of difficulties in his life.
However, this eleven year-old boy manages to overcome the adversity on his
path with his own efforts.
One of the troubles he has to face is when he lost his homework. At first, he
tries to search for his homework everywhere in his house. When he still could not
find it, he asks his Granda who lives together with him. Unfortunately, his ailing
Granda has accidentally thrown away his homework into the rubbish chute and at
the same time put the rubbish bag into his rucksack. Even though Granda has
put him into trouble, Rory still calms down and do not put the blame on Granda
as he understands his Grandas condition. Granda is suffering from memory
lapses. At school, Rory tries to find a solution by asking for his friends help. His
friends suggest some excuses he may give to the teacher, Mrs. Foley. However
after talking to his friends, Rory decides to tell the truth about the homework.
Although Mrs Foley has to punish Rory for not submitting his homework, she
compliments Rory for being honest with her. From this situation we could see that
Rory handles this problem maturely and seek others opinion in order to
overcome the adversity. Even though he can use the excuses given by his
friends, he knows that honesty is the best policy.
Rory has a misfortune life once again after his apartment is burned down
because Granda has left the chip pan on. As they lost their shelter, Val Jessup,
who is a social worker, has to make a hard decision for Granda and Rory. Rory
feels miserable as he has to stay at the Castle Street while his Granda stays at
Rachnadar. Rory does not like to be separated from his Granda as he loves his
Granda so much. In order to stay together, he decides to run away with Granda.
He shares his risky plan with his best friend, Darren. Darren helps Rory with his
plan by giving the spare key of his mothers caravan for hiding. After he gets a
huge help from Darren, Rory takes about three days to carry out his plan. At first,


he visits his Granda as usual at Rachnadar and he wedges open the emergency
before he goes back to Castle Street. On that night, he sneaks into Rachnadar
and takes his Granda away from there to the caravan site. From this event, we
can see that Rory manages to overcome his adversity because he is a brilliant
and brave boy. He comes out with a solution and thinks carefully before he
carries it out. He organises his plan very well and manages to run away with his
Granda smoothly.
During the Great Escape, Rory has to face a lot of troubles too. For example,
when he stays at Normas cottage, Norma has informed the police about his
whereabouts. This will give a problem to Rory as he is actually running away
from the police. Luckily, Normas daughter, Nicola, calls Rory and tells him about
her mothers action. Rory is shocked by the news but he does not panic. He
quickly packs his and Grandas things and runs out of the house with his Granda.
From this situation, we could see how Rorys quick action manages to save
themselves from the police.
In conclusion, this young boy goes trough a lot of hardship but he manages
to overcome the adversity by getting helps from other people. Besides, he is also
an ingenious boy who can come out with solutions to his problems.

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