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Pokemon Learning League

Self-Motivation (75th Story)

Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Iris, Axew, Ash, Pikachu,

Brock, Cilan, Misty and Serena coming into
Opelucid City on a partly sunny afternoon with
some wind blowing. The Sun peaks through the
moving clouds. Ash stretches out his arms and
speaks to the others.)
Ash: Doesnt it feel great out here today?
Pikachu: Pika.
Serena: It sure does.
(He turns over to the audience and casually speaks
to them.)
Ash (casually): Oh, hi guys.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Brock (casually): Hello.
Iris (casually): Hi, there.
Axew: Axew.
Cilan (casually): Hello.
Misty (casually): Hey, hows it going?
Serena (casually): Hello, there.
(As they continue on down the street, they pass by
a two-story building. It has a rustic look to it, a
rectangular crown roof and has a revolving door.
Brock points to it.)

Brock (curiously): Hmm. What kind of place is this?

Iris: Oh, thats the Battle House.
Ash: What kind of battles do they have here?
Iris: They have triple & rotation battles here.
Ash (impressed): Thats awesome.
Pikachu: Pika.
Iris: They can be a lot of fun.
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
(They resume on down the street. Minutes later,
they come to the town square, where they are
some & their Pokemon going about. In the center
of it, theres a statue of a giant Dragonite with a
plaque on it, commemorating how it saved the city
from a major disaster. The gang looks in awe at it.)
Serena: That looks amazing.
Misty: Yeah, it is. (She turns over to Iris.) Hey, Iris.
Whats the legend behind this Dragonite?
Iris: Well, it was said that a long time ago, a giant
tornado hit the city and caused massive
destruction. A lot of people were left without
homes and some even lost their lives.
Serena (sympathetically): Oh, thats terrible.
Iris: Yeah. Most thought that nothing could stop it,
until suddenly, a giant Dragonite came through the

clouds. Many were concerned that it was going to

do more damage, but it turned out it actually came
to stop it. So, it used a very powerful Twister
attack, and it collided with it.
Ash: Wow! So, what happened to the Dragonite?
Iris: No one knew what happened to it or where it
went, although some say its still roaming the Earth
to this day.
Ash (understanding): Ahh.
Misty: So, what should we do now?
(They think for a brief moment.)
Cilan: How about we go see how Draydens doing
at the gym?
Serena: All right, then.
(They resume on down the street.)
Misty: So, whats Drayden like?
Cilan: Hes the mayor of the city, as well as the
gym leader here.
Misty: Ahh. He must be tough.
Iris: He is.
(Now, we dissolve to eleven minutes later, where
they come to the Opelucid City gym and head
inside. Once there, they see Drayden with the
Hoenn Elite Four member Drake, and a young

dragon trainer named Angelina. She has long,

braided blonde hair in ponytails, amber eyes, is
wearing pointed glasses, and is wearing a longsleeved silk beige shirt that goes past the elbows,
tight jeans and sneakers.)
Iris: Hi, Drayden.
Axew: Axew.
Drayden: Hello, Iris. I see you and Axew are doing
Iris: Yes, we are. Drayden, this is Misty, Brock and
All: Hi, there.
Drayden: Hello. (He turns over to Iris.) Iris, Id like
to meet my old friend, Drake.
Iris: Hello, Drake.
Drake: Its a pleasure to meet you, Iris. Draydens
told me all about you.
Iris (intrigued): Really?
Drake: Thats right, and its a very admirable
dream. I wish you luck on it.
Iris (appreciatively): Thank you.
Drake: Youre welcome.
Ash: Hey, Drake.

(Drake turns over to Ash.)

Drake: Ahh, Ash. Its been quite a long time.
Ash: It sure has.
Iris: You know each other?
Ash: Yeah. We met way back in the Hoenn region.
Iris (comprehending): Oh.
Drake: Everyone, Id like you to meet Angelina.
Angelina (confidently): Hey, guys.
Drake: Shes my newest apprentice.
Ash: Thats pretty cool.
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika.
Drake: Mmm-hmm. Ready to show them what you
got, Angelina?
Angelina: Yes. Go, Sliggoo!
(She tosses her Pokeball into the air and Sliggoo
comes out of it.)
Sliggoo: Sliggoo.
Angelina: Sliggoo, start off with Blizzard!
Sliggoo: Sligg.
(It opens its mouth & gathers white energy inside
its mouth. Now, it fires a blizzard from it into the

Angelina: Now, use Shock Wave!

(Its body becomes surrounded in light blue
electricity and it fires a beam of light blue
electricity from its body.)
Misty: That was amazing, Angelina.
Angelina: Well, thank you. (She turns & goes over
to Sliggoo.) You did great there, Sliggoo.
(She strokes its chin and it snuggles her back.)
Sliggoo (happily): Sliggoo.
(She gets out a can of Pokemon food made
specifically for Sliggoo and pours out a handful of
Angelina: Here you are.
(Sliggoo gives a quick sniff and eats it out of her
Brock: I see you make your own Pokemon food.
Angelina: Indeed I do.
(He takes a sample of it from the can and tastes
Brock: You did a really good job on it.
Angelina: Well, thank you.
Brock: So, where do you come from?
Angelina: I came from Coumarine City in Kalos.

Brock: Ah-ha. Is it a great place?

Angelina: Yes, it is.
(Now, we pan back over to the others talking with
Cilan: So, Drake, why did you decide to visit
Drake: I came to see how Draydens been doing.
Cilan (understanding): I see.
Serena: Have you faced many tough opponent?
Drake: Oh, yes and some of them certainly put up
quite a battle.
Ash: Ill bet they were.
Drake: They were, indeed. (He turns over to Iris.)
Iris, theres something Id like to discuss with you.
Iris: What is it?
Drake: As you can you see, Angelina has the right
attitude & spunk, but she also needs the right kind
of motivation, so Ive planned a special triple battle
later today.
Iris: That sounds great.
Drake: Mmm-hmm, and I would like you to be my
(Iris gets a shocked & surprised look on her face.)

Iris (curiously & wondering): Umm, okay but why

Drake: Well, Id also like to see what you can do.
Iris (getting it): Oh, okay. Itd be a great honor.
Drake: Good to hear.
Cilan: Hmm. Perhaps we could help her build it a
little more before the battle.
Drake: All right, sounds good.
(They go over to Angelina.)
Cilan: So, Angelina. You excited to see this triple
Angelina (enthusiastically): Oh, yes I am. Its going
to be great.
Cilan: Thats great. Would you like to know more
on how you can build up your motivation?
Angelina: Okay, sure.
Serena: Oh, good. Well, have some motivators
around you, so you can remind yourself what
youre going for.
Ash: Yeah, and you if you really want to go for it,
you need to have the desire for it.
Angelina: All right, but I already have those. What
else can I do?

Ash: Well let Quinn tell you more about it.

Angelina (understanding): Oh. You really think he
can help?
Ash: Of course he can.
(He goes into his pocket, takes out the Pokepilot,
turns it on and calls Quinn, who is doing a training
regimen with Combusken.)
Quinn: Oh, afternoon guys. How are you all doing?
Iris: Were doing fine, Quinn. Hows the training
with Combusken going?
Quinn: Its going quite smoothly.
Brock: Thats great.
Quinn: Yep. (He takes notice of Angelina.) Hello,
Im Quinn.
Angelina: Pleasure to meet you. My names
Quinn: So, what are you guys up to?
Serena: Were visiting the Opelucid gym right now.
Quinn: That sounds interesting.
Misty: It is. Right now, were helping Angelina here
build up her motivation, so do you know any ways
she can do that?

Quinn: Of course I do. What you can do is focus on

positive goals. Knowing what you dont want to do
may be simple, but its often harder to pinpoint
exactly what you want to strive for, so if you want
to accomplish anything, focus on having positive
goals, and not think about negative fears.
Iris: Okay, thats a good one. What else?
Quinn: This next one is something you all probably
know: keep your goals small. When youre going
for a big goal, break it up into smaller goals that
are easier to accomplish.
Cilan: All right, now what?
Quinn: Another way. Try to keep track of your
progress. Basically, no matter what you go for,
whether its becoming a Pokemon master or a
doctor, always keep track of your progress as this
helps to drive & show the positive outcomes of
your behavior.
Misty: Thats a pretty helpful one.
Quinn: Oh, theres more. Try to periodically take
some breaks. When you do this, youll become
more effective at battling & training. However, its
up to you as to when those breaks can happen.
Ash: Okay, whats next?
Quinn: This next one is an obvious, but helpful one:
Dont be afraid of making any mistakes. We all

often do things we haven't done before. Know that

mistakes will happen and that youll grow & get
better over time.
Serena: Thats a good one. What else?
Quinn: Heres an interesting thing you can do: only
compare you to your previous self. Yes, youve
probably heard this a million times, and theres a
reason for it. Comparing yourself to others is a
very easy & fast way to demotivate yourself.
Remember, its only if youve improved that
matters, not how everyone else is doing.
Brock: All right, anything else?
Quinn: Yes, there is: start setting up larger goals for
yourself. After you start achieving your small
goals, you should start going for bigger ones, but
make sure to keep your end goal in mind or itll
start to feel like its far away & unachievable.
Angelina: Those are all really good tips.
Quinn: Yep, and theres one other thing I want to
mention: know that setbacks will happen. Its very
important to be in a mindset knowing therell be
failures along the way. Trying to be perfect will
lead to frustration and will tempt you to abandon
your goals.
Serena: Okay, thats a pretty good tip.

Quinn: Indeed, it is. So, would you guys like to see

Ash: You bet, Quinn.
Pikachu: Pika.
(Pan left to an upper panel, displaying four
moments where each trainer has an ambitious
Quinn: All right, you guys ready to go?
Misty: Yes, we are.
Quinn: Very well, then. Here, this trainer has a
desire to create new breeding techniques, but is
worried about how theyll turn out. What do you
think she should do?
Cilan: She should focus on positive goals.
Quinn: All right, then Cilan. Now, this guy wants to
push the limits of what fairy-type Pokemon can
really do. What do you think he should do?
Serena: He should take breaks occasionally.
Quinn: Very well, Serena. This girl heres coming up
with new, difficult Contest moves. What do you
think she should do?
Ash: She shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes.

Quinn: Okay, Ash. Lastly, this trainers trying to

create training techniques that are unlike any
others. What do you think he should do?
Angelina: He should start off with small goals.
Quinn: Okay, then Angelina. Good job there, guys.
Misty: Thanks, Quinn.
Quinn: No problem, Misty. Now, if youll excuse us,
were going to get to training. See you guys later.
Iris: See you later, Quinn.
Axew: Axew.
(Ash turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in his
Serena: Hey, Drayden. How did you & Drayden
first meet?
Drayden: Ahh, yes. That was a long time ago. It
was back in Slateport City.
(Flashback to decades ago in Slateport City, where
we see a cruise ship pulling into port. A teenage
Drayden comes off the ship with the rest of the
passengers and enters the city. He has dark brown
hair, is wearing, a light red shirt, black jeans and
sneakers. As he goes through, we see the Oceanic
Museum in an earlier state, the marketplace, a
performance area where the Contest Hall will be
one day, the shipyard and the local lighthouse.

Moments later, Drayden arrives at the beach,

where he sees dozens of people and their Pokemon
enjoying themselves. As he reaches the shoreline,
he spots a teenage Drake watching out over the
ocean. Drake has black hair, a white shirt & a
seamans coat, black shorts and sneakers.)
Young Drayden: Excuse me.
Young Drake: Oh, hi.
Young Drayden: What were just doing there?
Young Drake: Oh, I was thinking how great it would
be to go sailing around the world & battle all kinds
of trainers one day.
Young Drayden (intrigued): Oh, sounds interesting.
Young Drake: Yep. My names Drake, by the way.
Young Drayden: Its a pleasure to meet you. Im
Young Drake: So, where brings you to Slateport?
Young Drayden: I came all the way from Unova to
explore what the Hoenn regions got.
Young Drake (understanding): That sounds good.
Young Drayden: Yeah. All right, my turn. What kind
of Pokemon do you like to use?
Young Drake: I mainly specialize with Dragon types.
Young Drayden: Oh, good. I do, as well.

Young Drake: Thats great.

Young Drayden: Well, thanks. You want to see one
of them?
Young Drake: All right, sure, but lets do this
somewhere quieter.
(They leave the shoreline and go over to a
secluded spot not too far from the main beach.
Drayden takes out one Pokeball.)
Young Drayden: All right, ready?
Young Drake: Okay.
Young Drayden: Come on out!
(He tosses his Pokeball up and an Axew comes out
of it.)
Axew: Axew!
Young Drake: I have to say, it looks very healthy &
Axew (flattered): Axew.
Young Drayden: Well, thank you.
Young Drake: Okay, my turn. (He takes out one
Pokeball.) Go!
(He tosses it up and Bagon emerges from it.)
Bagon (spunky): Bagon!
Young Drayden: It does has a lot of spunk.

Young Drake: It certainly does. What do you say we

do a little training here?
Young Drayden: Sure.
(Now, a montage goes on, where we see them
doing extensive training, from practicing certain
attack moves, strengthening their defenses, &
improving on their speed. Now, they meditate
near the shoreline until a big wave hits and they all
get out of the way, narrowly missing it. Montage
ends with them and the Pokemon relaxing near the
Young Drayden: I think we did very well.
Young Drake: Yeah, we sure did.
Young Drake: So, where are you heading off to after
Young Drayden: Im going off to Fortree City. How
about you?
Young Drake: Im going to head over to Dewford
Town to do some more training.
Young Drayden: Oh, okay. How about we keep in
Young Drake: Sounds good to me.
Young Drayden: Well, I better be going. Hope Ill
see you around again.
Young Drake: All right, same to you, my friend.

(He leaves the shore and heads down the road.

Now, a montage goes on, where we see how over
the years, the two & their Pokemon have gotten
stronger, as well as their bond with one another,
how theyve inspired & strengthened each other
and honing their individual skills to great
Drayden (V.O.): Over the next several years, we
kept in touch with each other. We exchanged new
training tips, informed each other of our progress,
and whenever we meet up, wed show how much
stronger we had gotten.
(Now, we dissolve back to the present day as he
finishes up.)
Serena: Thats a very intriguing story, Drayden.
Drayden: Thank you, Serena. Now, if youll excuse
me, I need to get prepared.
(He walks off.)
Brock: Hey, guys. How about we do one thing
before we go to the Battle House?
Cilan: Very well, Brock. Lets see if the viewers are
up for this.
Brock: All right, then. (He turns over to the
audience.) You guys ready for this? (He casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) Oh, okay.

(Dissolve to three scenarios of trainers having big

dreams & building up their motivations.)
Serena (V.O.): Okay, lets get to it. Here, this
trainer wants to push herself to be a great
Pokemon Performer. What do you think she could
do here? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one and a half seconds.) Only
compare himself to his past self. Okay, then.
Brock (V.O.): Now, this girl is coming up with her
own medical techniques. What do you think he
could do here? (He casually waits for an answer
from the audience for one and a half seconds.)
Keep track of her progress. Very well.
Iris (V.O.): Finally, this guy is going for being the
greatest coordinator. What do you think he could
do here? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one and a half seconds.) Start
setting up larger goals for himself. Sure, why not.
(Dissolve back to them and Cilan casually speaks
to the audience.)
Cilan (casually): You guys did great.
Drake: Shall we be going now?
(They nod their heads in agreement, exit the gym,
head down the street and arrive at the Battle
House. Once inside, we see the battle field, which
has neon lights on it & three spots for the Pokemon

to be on for the triple battles. Theres also a

rotating platform for the rotation battles.)
Drake: Ready, Iris?
(She confidently nods her head.)
Drake: Very well.
(They go to the opposite sides of the field and get
into their positions.)
Serena: You think shell do all right?
Ash: Dont worry. Shes going to do great.
Drayden: This battle will now begin!
Drake: Go!
(He tosses up three PokeBalls into the air, and
Altaria, a Zweilous and a Goodra emerge from it.)
Altaria: (vocalizes.)
Zweilous: (growls & roars.)
Goodra: Goodra.
Iris: Okay, lets go!
(Axew jumps off her shoulder.)
Axew: Axew!
Iris: Gible & Dragonite, I choose you!
(She tosses two PokeBalls up and Dragonite and
Gible come out of them.)

Dragonite: (grunts.)
Gible: Gible!
Drake: You may go first.
Iris: Thank you. Axew, use Dragon Rage! Gible,
you use Flamethrower! Dragonite, Ice Beam!
(Axew opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast
of blue & black energy into the air at Altaria. The
beam forms into the shape of a blue & black
dragon. Then, Gible opens its mouth and fires a
red-orange stream of fire from it at Zweilous. Now,
Dragonite opens its mouth, forms an orb of light
blue energy in front of it and fires light blue beams
of energy at Goodra.)
Drake: Counter with Dark Pulse, Dragon Breath and
Focus Blast!
(Zweilous opens both its mouths and a light purple
orb surrounded in black & purple circles appears
inside it. Now, it fires a beam of black & purple
circles. Altaria fires a transparent beam of energy
with white rings around it from its beak. Now,
Goodra puts its hands together and forms a
sparking light yellow orb of energy in between
them. Then, it hurls it. The attacks collide and
cancel each other out.)
Drake: Now, use Take Down, Power Whip and Rock

(Altarias body becomes surrounded by a blue aura

and charges towards Dragonite. Zweilouss body
becomes outlined in orange, jumps into the air and
falls toward Axew. Now, Goodras tail glows purple
and hits Gible. All three attacks hit their marks
and do a considerable amount of damage to each
Iris: Dragonite, fight back with Thunder Punch!
Axew, Dragon Claw! Gible, Aerial Ace!
(Dragonite balls up its fist and it becomes
surrounded by electric sparks. Then, it gets
covered by a ball of electricity and throws it at
Axew: Axew!
(Axews claws glows light blue and he slashes out
at Goodra.)
Gible: Gible!
(Its body becomes surrounded by white streaks
and flies towards Zweilous. All three attacks hit
their targets, doing a significant amount of
damage to them.)
Iris: Now, use Night Slash, Axew! Dragonite,
Flamethrower! Gible, use Dig!
Axew: Axew!

(His glows dark purple and slashes at Altaria.

Dragonite fires a red-orange stream of fire from its
mouth at Goodra. Now, Gible uses its claws and
digs into the ground.)
Drake: Dodge them!
(Goodra and Altaria get out of the way of the
attacks, but Gible pops up from the ground and
attacks Zweilous, doing damage to it.)
Drake: Use Ice Fang, Sky Attack and Bulldoze now!
Zweilous: (growls.)
(Its fangs glow light blue and releases two light
blue beams of energy from its fangs at Dragonite,
doing a great amount of damage to it. Now,
Altarias body becomes surrounded by a white
aura and flies into Axew, doing damage to him.
Goodra stomps down on the ground and creates a
shock wave on the ground, which crashes towards
Axew, Gible and Zweilous, who all take a good
amount of damage, though Zweilous braced itself.)
Cilan: Drakes really trained them well.
Brock: You said it.
(Iris thinks for a few seconds, then gets an idea.)
Iris: Ahh. Axew, use Dragon Claw, then Night
Slash! Dragonite, Ice Beam then Dragon Rush!
Gible, Iron Head, and then Aerial Ace!

(One of Axews claws glows light blue and the

other glows dark purple and slashes at Altaria.
Dragonite flies up, then spins around and its body
becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white
streaks. Then, it fires multiple light blue beams of
energy at Goodra. Gible lowers his head and the
fin turns to iron from the base of it. Now, his body
becomes surrounded by white streaks and flies
towards Zweilous. Goodra, Zweilous & Altaria take
a great amount of damage.)
Ash: Those were good combination attacks.
Pikachu (agreeing): Pika-chu.
Misty: Yeah, that was.
Drake: I see what youre doing, and thats quite a
noble effort.
Iris: Thanks, Drake.
Drake: Now, Altaria, use Dragon Breath, then go
into Solar Beam! Goodra, Poison Tail, and then use
Power Whip! Zweilous, you use Dark Pulse and
Hyper Voice!
(Altaria fires a transparent beam of energy with
white rings around it from its beak, then gathers
more energy in its beaks and fires a golden of
energy, which the Dragon Breath wraps around
and heads for Gible. Now, Goodras tail turn purple
and swings it at Axew. One of Zweilouss heads

opens its mouth and fires multiple transparent

rings that are outlined in light blue from it, while a
light purple orb surrounded in black & purple
circles appears inside the other ones moth. Now,
it fires a beam of black & purple circles and the
two beams combine.)
Iris: Quick, dodge them!
(They all move out of the way of the attacks, but
Goodra swings it back around and hits Axew with it
and Zweilous redirects the beams at Dragonite,
both dealing a significant amount of damage.)
Iris: Now, use Giga Impact, Shadow Claw and
Axew: Axew!
(His body gets surrounded in an invisible energy,
then a bright flash of yellow light appears in front
of his face and he faces towards Zweilous. Now,
he shoots him at it and an orb of light purple
energy with spiraling light yellow streaks around it
appear around his body and slams into it, doing
great damage to it.)
Gible: Gible!
(Now, one of Gibles hands becomes surrounded by
a black aura with a purple outline. Then takes the
form of a claw and he slashes Altaria with it, doing
damage to it.)

Dragonite: (loudly bellows.)

(It takes to the air, then its wings glow light blue
and flaps them, releasing a powerful gust of wind
that damages every Pokemon on the field except
itself. It lands back on the ground)
Angelina (impressed): Whoa, that was intense.
Serena (agreeing): Yeah.
(Angelina looks on with admiration and
Drake: All right, use Take Down, Rock Slide and
(Goodra raises its hands up into the air. Then,
multiple white rings of energy appears above its
body high in the sky and large grey boulders come
out of the ripples. Now, they fall down and rain
over Dragonite & Axew, doing a greater amount of
damage to Dragonite. Altaria dives down at Gible,
flaps its wings once and goes so fast it becomes a
blur and directly hits Gible, dealing damage to him.
Zweilouss teeth glow white and bites down on
Axew, doing damage to him.)
Iris: Okay, Axew use Dragon Rage, then Dragon
Claw! Dragonite, use Thunder Punch, then
Flamethrower! Gible, you use Aerial Ace & Shadow
Axew: Axew!

(He opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast of

blue & black energy into the air, which forms into
the shape of a blue & black dragon at Goodra,
dealing a great amount of damage to it. Now, his
claws glows light blue and he slashes out at
Goodra, doing even more damage to it and
scuffing it up a bit. Dragonite fires a red-orange
stream of fire from its mouth at Zweilous, doing
some damage to it. Now, it balls up its fist and it
becomes surrounded by electric sparks. Then, it
gets covered by a ball of electricity and throws it at
Zweilous, doing a little more damage to it and it
gets scuffed up in the process.)
Gible: Gible!
(His body becomes surrounded by white streaks
and flies towards Altaria and directly hits it, dealing
a great amount of damage. Now, one of his hands
becomes surrounded by a black aura with a purple
outline. Then takes the form of a claw and he
slashes Altaria with it, doing more damage to it &
knocking it out.)
Drayden: Altarias unable to battle. Gibles the
Drake: Return, Altaria.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball.)

Drake: You fought well, old friend. Take a good

rest. (He turns back over to the battle.) Goodra,
use Poison Tail & Focus Blast! Zweilous, Ice Fang &
Hyper Voice!
(Goodras tail turn purple and swings it at
Dragonite, directly hitting it and dealing great
damage to it. Now, it puts its hands together and
forms a sparking light yellow orb of energy in
between them. Then, it hurls it at Dragonite, doing
a little more damage to it. Now, one of Zweilouss
heads opens its mouth and fires multiple
transparent rings that are outlined in light blue
from it at Axew, doing a good amount of damage
to him. The other heads fangs glow light blue and
releases two light blue beams of energy from its
fangs at Gible, who narrowly evades it, but
Zweilous redirects it & lands a direct hit, doing
tremendous damage to him and knocking it out.
He falls to the ground.)
Gible (exhausted): Gible.
Drayden: Gible cannot continue. Zweilous is the
(Iris goes over to him, kneels to his level and picks
it up.)
Iris (gently): Gible, you did really well out there.
Take a good rest.

(She calls it back to its Pokeball. She gets back up

and returns to her spot.)
Iris: Now, Dragonite, use Ice Beam! Axew, Dragon
(Dragonite opens its mouth, forms an orb of light
blue energy in front of it and fires light blue beams
of energy at Zweilous. Then, Axew opens his
mouth and fires a powerful blast of blue & black
energy, which forms into the shape of a blue &
black dragon, at Goodra.)
Drake: Dodge them!
(They move out of the way, completely missing the
Drake: Goodra, Rock Slide! Zweilous, Rock Smash!
(Goodra raises its hands up into the air. Then,
multiple white rings of energy appears above its
body high in the sky and large grey boulders come
out of the ripples. They fall down and rain over
Dragonite & Axew, doing a great amount of
damage to both of them. Now, Zweilouss body
becomes outlined in orange, jumps into the air and
falls toward Axew, landing on him & doing
Iris: Axew, use Night Slash, then Giga Impact!
Dragonite, Flamethrower and then Thunder Punch!
Axew: Axew!

(His claws glows dark purple and slashes at

Goodra, doing damage to it. Now, His body gets
surrounded in an invisible energy, then a bright
flash of yellow light appears in front of his face and
he faces towards Zweilous. Now, he shoots him at
it and an orb of light purple energy with spiraling
light yellow streaks around it appear around his
body and slams into it, doing great damage to it.)
Dragonite: (bellows.)
(It fires a red-orange stream of fire from its mouth
at Goodra, doing some damage to it. Now, it balls
up its fist and it becomes surrounded by electric
sparks. Then, it gets covered by a ball of
electricity and throws it at Goodra, doing a little
more damage to it.)
Drake: Goodra, Rock Slide again, then Bulldoze!
Zweilous, Crunch, and then Ice Fang!
(Goodra raises its hands up into the air. Then,
multiple white rings of energy appears above its
body high in the sky and large grey boulders come
out of the ripples. They fall down and rain over
Dragonite & Axew, doing a great amount of
damage to both of them. Now, it stomps down on
the ground and creates a shock wave on the
ground, which crashes towards everyone except
Dragonite, who hovers above it.)
Zweilous: (roars.)

(The teeth of one of Zweilouss heads glow white

and bites down on Axew, doing damage to him.
The other heads fangs glow light blue and
releases two light blue beams of energy from its
fangs at Dragonite, directly hitting it and doing a
lot of damage.)
Iris: Dragonite, use Dragon Rush!
(Dragonite flies up, then spins around and its body
becomes surrounded in a light blue orb with white
streaks and heads towards Zweilous.)
Drake: Counter with Dark Pulse!
(Zweilous opens both its mouths and a light purple
orb surrounded in black & purple circles appears
inside it. Now, it fires a beam of black & purple
circles. Both attacks collide, create an explosion
and send both Pokemon flying back and knocking
them both out.)
Others: (gasps in shock.)
Pikachu: Pika.
Drayden: Zweilous and Dragonite are both unable
to battle.
Drake: Zweilous, youve done well. Return.
(He calls it back to its Pokemon.)
Iris: Come on back, Dragonite. Youve earned a
good rest.

(She calls it back to its Pokeball.)

Iris: Okay, Axew, use Dragon Claw!
(Axews claws glows light blue and he slashes out
at Goodra.)
Drake: Dodge and use Focus Blast!
(He moves out of way of the attacks and narrowly
gets slashed. Now, it puts its hands together and
forms a sparking light yellow orb of energy in
between them. Then, it hurls it at Axew.)
Iris: Dodge it!
Axew: Axew!
(He quickly moves out of the way, but the attack
redirects and hits him, doing damage to him.)
Iris: All right, Axew. Night Slash!
(Axews glows dark purple and he slashes at
Goodra, doing some damage.)
Drake: Counter with Poison Tail!
(Its tail turn purple and swings it at Axew, who
narrowly evades it, but swings it back around and
hits Axew, doing a great amount of damage to him.
Axew falls to the ground.)
Iris: Axew, can you get up?
(He struggles to get back up, but he manages to,
though just barely. He breathes more heavily.)

Axew (tired, but determined): Axew.

Iris: Oh, good.
(Suddenly, a turquoise aura starts building up
inside of Axew. Iris notices this and gets a look on
her face as if to say, Wait a minute. I know this
Iris: Okay, Axew use Dragon Pulse!
(He open his mouth and a turquoise ball of energy
forms in front of him. Now, he fires it at Goodra,
directly hitting him and doing a great amount of
Drake: Use Power Whip!
(Goodras tail turn light purple and swings it at
Iris: Dodge it!
Axew: Axew!
(He jumps up out of the way, narrowly missing the
Iris: Now, use Dragon Claw & Night Slash!
(One of Axews claws glows light blue and the
other glows dark purple and he slashes out at
Goodra, delivering a great amount of damage.)
Drake: Goodra, Rock Slide and Focus Blast!

(Goodra raises its hands up into the air. Then,

multiple white rings of energy appears above its
body high in the sky and large grey boulders come
out of the ripples. They fall down and rain over
Axew, doing damage to him. Now, it puts its
hands together and forms a sparking light yellow
orb of energy in between them. Then, it hurls it at
Axew, directly hitting him and doing more
Misty: That doesnt look too good.
Serena: Yeah. Axew wont last much longer.
Iris (concerned): Axew, are you all right?
(He barely manages to get back and is more
scuffed up and breathing heavily. He affirmatively
nods his head.)
Iris (relieved): Oh, good. Now, use Dragon Rage,
then Night Slash!
(Axew opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast
of blue & black energy, which forms into the shape
of a blue & black dragon, at Goodra. His claws
glows dark purple and starts slashing out at
Drake: Dodge them and use Power Whip, then
Poison Tail!
(Goodra moves out of the way & narrowly avoids
both attacks. Now, its tail turn purple and swings it

at Axew twice, doing more damage to him, and

leaves a little bit of poison on him.)
Iris: All right, Axew, use Dragon Rage again, and
then Dragon Pulse!
Axew: Axxx-ew!
(He opens his mouth and fires a powerful blast of
blue & black energy into the air. The beam forms
into the shape of a blue & black dragon. Then, he
opens his mouth again and a turquoise ball of
energy appears in front of him. Now, he fires it at
Goodra. The ball orbits itself around the beam and
the two collide into Goodra, creating an explosion,
landing a direct hit and dealing critical damage to
it. When the smoke clears, Goodra still stands, but
just barely and is completely scuffed up. Both
Axew & Goodra struggle to stay standing on their
feet for a moment, but then, Goodra collapses to
the ground, exhausted and knocked out.)
Drayden: Goodras unable to battle. Axews the
winner, and the victory goes to Iris.
(The others applaud loudly.)
Ash: That was awesome!
Pikachu Pika-chu.
Serena: You said it.

Drake: Goodra, you did really well. Take a nice,

long rest.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball. We pan over to
see Iris going to Axew and picking him up.)
Iris: You were amazing, Axew.
Axew (exhausted): Ax-ew.
(Drake comes over to her.)
Drake: Iris that was quite the battle you put up
Iris: Thanks, Drake.
(The others come over to them.)
Angelina: That was an incredible battle, guys.
Iris: Thanks, Angelina.
Drake: You really got a lot out of it, didnt you?
Angelina: You bet I did.
Drake: Thats good.
Cilan: Ive never seen that much passion put into a
battle in a while.
Ash: Yeah.
(They turn over to the audience.)
All: Thanks a lot, guys.
Pikachu: Pika.

Axew: Axew.
(Dissolve to moments later, where theyre back at
the gym doing various activities.)
Misty: Well, that was an intense episode. Did you
enjoy it? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one second.) Oh, okay. Well see
you next time, then.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience,
resume what they were doing and we iris out,
ending the episode.)

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