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Daniel Medvedov [Compilator]


Viena / Madrid
2011 / 2015


"Was in China, too late, in a moonless night,

When the SimouRghs eyes appeared to my sight
Dropped He, soft, one of his feathers in the air. . .
And soon, rumors of his fame expanded everywhere. . .
Come you,
Atom of Love belong
Return to your center,
The Eternal Eye is looking at You
Cause you've traveled in the whole Dark & have to come back,
Return to your Sun, to dwell there. . . "

Words taken from Persian poem of 4500 verses, "Mantiq-UTT-Taiyr", "Colloquium of

the Birds" by Farid Uddin Attar.

What is Bird Simourgh?

Bird Simourgh is the God of birds. He lives in the highest peak of the mountain Meru.
All birds gathered one day to form an expedition in search of their God, Simourgh.
After many years of travel and high-flying, at mountain Meru came only thirty birds
without feathers, dying of thirst, clashing, almost to death.
On the mountain, at the peak, where they had to find their God, there was a small place
like an oasis in reverse, sand in the grass.
On that piece of sand was something written in Persian. Thirty birds came and looked in
amazement at the place where it should be their God, Trios. The letter said this: "Thirty
The Conference of the Birds, or The Bird Symposium is one of the books
fundamental to humanity.
The Persian poet Attar Faridd Uddin, of the twelfth century, writes a text which has the
story of the meeting of all the birds in the world and with their speeches and poems
appear gradually allegations of each to show that they are worthy to undertake a search
for his king The Bird Simourgh. In a magical and spectacular flight faced by many
valleys full of dangers, challenges, pitfalls and wonders, they - some od them - finally
arrive there.
The sixth valley is the valley of "amazement" the abyss of the sense of wonder. There, it
is both night and day, things look and fail to see, one is and one is not, things are both
empty and full, everything is a drama fraught with a paradoxical abysmal butafora. After
their trip deep, birds are a mirror, and that is where they can finally be seen and
recognized themselves: the name of his king, Simurgh (thirty) means their own number.
"Si," the first morpheme of the name, is a poetic generator [in Farsi] a game of paronimia
words, - "thirty", and evokes the myth of majesty and grandeur of such a large bird as
thirty birds and whose feathers are so beautifully colored than thirty colors (sirng) they
can be broken down into the rainbow body.

An old Persian fairy tale
By Homa A. Ghahremani
Translated to Spanish: Daniel Medvedov

He'd be and had not, there was only God, and had three children: Prince Jamshid, Prince
Qu-Mars, and the youngest, the Pincipe Khorshid, whose name means sun, light, divine
wisdom, one who is born of himself, an adept, the Initiate.
Khorshid had no mother, he was born of his own Self.
He was the king's favorite, the bravest of all.

In the palace garden was a pomegranate tree that was only three fruits; its seeds were
beautiful gems that shone like stars in the night.
Upon reaching maturity, pomegranates would become three beautiful young people who
were to be the wives of the three princes.
Every night, after the order of the king, one of his three sons guarding the tree, so that
nobody could even steal one of their fruits of Granada.
One night, when Prince Jamshid was guarding the tree, and fell asleep in the morning
saw a Granada was missing.
The next night, Prince Qu-Mars was on duty, but he fell asleep, and again, all discovered
missing the next day another fruit of Granada.
When his turn came, Prince Khorshid cut her finger and sprinkled salt on the wound,
burn to keep it awake.
Shortly later, after midnight, a cloud appeared over the tree and a hand coming out of the
cloud, grabbed the last fruit, Granada last left in the pomegranate tree. The Prince
Khorshid drew his sword and cut off one of the fingers of the cloud. Hand and cloud
disappeared instantly.
In the morning, when the king saw drops of blood on the floor, he ordered his children to
follow in the footsteps, find the thief and get the stolen grenades.
The three princes followed the blood drops through mountains and deserts until they
found a deep well where traces of blood ended.
Prince Jamshid offered to be lowered into the well with a rope, to find out what this
meant. Not even reaching half the pot, he shouted:
"Get me out, get me out, I'm burning!"
His brothers cape and threw him out.
The next, Prince Qu-Mars, also fell, but soon shouted the same thing was burning.
When Prince Khorshid decided to lower also he told his brothers that whatever they hear
and stronger than him yell from below, did not get it out, but rather had to keep lowering,
lower still. . . And then, all they had to wait only until sunset. If there is no sign of him,
they could leave, returning to the castle.
Prince Khorshid entered the well and, despite the unbearable heat we had, down to the
bottom and found there a young girl, beautiful as the full moon.
In her lap she was resting, the head of a Sleeping Beast, whose snoring was like a
thousand thunders and filled the air with smoke and heat.
"Prince Khorshid" - she whispered - What are you doing here? If the beast awakens, you
will surely kill and has killed others like you. Returns, while you still can and tell you
that there is still time: .. "
Prince Khorshid, who loved her since I saw her, refused to return. He asked who she was
and what she was doing there.
"My two sisters and I are captives of this monster and his two brothers. My sisters are
locked in two different wells, where monsters have hidden almost all the wealth they
have stolen the whole world. "
Prince Khorshid said:
"I will kill the monster and I'm going to release both you, as your sisters. But I'm going to
wake first, I do not want to kill him in his sleep..."

Prince scratched the soles of the Beast until she opened her eyes and stood, thundering.
He grabbed a millstone and threw it to the prince, who quickly jumped aside, drew his
sword and cut the beast into two pieces. Then he went to the two other wells, killing
monsters and rescued the two sisters of his beloved. The treasures that were there also
As it was not yet dark, his brothers were still waiting for him, and when he called them,
began to pull the rope up.
Girl Prince Khorshid loved wanted him out first out of the well, since she knew to see the
jewels and precious stones treasure, the brothers are going to get greedy and jealous and
would not take. But the prince insisted she go up first. When she saw that it was
impossible for the Prince changed his idea, he said: "If your brothers do not go out of
here and they'll leave podrirte in the well, have to know that: first, no one in this country
Golden Rooster and golden lamp, which will take me. The rooster is in a bunker, a sort of
trunk, and when you're opening, he will sing for you. And as she sings, its peak will fall
innumerable precious stones. The Golden lamp has its own light, and burns eternally. The
second thing
you have to know, it is that late at night, come two bulls who will fight against each
other. One is black and one is white. If you jump on the back of the white bull, he will get
well, but if you mistakenly jump on the black bull that will take seven floors below in the
well. . .
As she had predicted, when Qu-Mars Jamshid and princes saw the girls and boxes filled
with gold and precious stones, they were very jealous of his brother and his
accomplishments. . .
He is suspecting that his father, the King, was going to give him, surely he, the Kingdom,
cut the rope and dropped into the well. Then they returned to the palace and his father
who had been they who had rescued the girls, killing the beasts and brought the jewels
and precious stones, and that Prince Khorshid said he would not return. Prince Khorshid
was heartbroken. He saw two bulls coming and got up, thinking they were going to
attack. In a rush, he jumped on the back of the black bull and then, with the animal fell
seven stories down into the well. When he awoke, he found himself in a green field and
in the distance saw a city.
He started walking toward her when, suddenly, he found a peasant plowing. Attacked by
hunger and thirst, he asked the farmer a crust of bread and water. The man told him to be
very cautious and not to talk aloud, as very close if there were two lions and hear his
voice, come and eat the oxen. Then he said, "Grab the plow and plowing and I'll bring
you something to eat."
Prince Khorshid started to plow, guiding and pushing the horse with a very deep voice.
Two lions roaring out of nowhere and attacked him, but the prince's caught, released the
oxen, and two lions tied to the plow.
When the farmer returned he was too scared. Prince Khorshid said:
"Calm! Do not worry. Lions will not do any harm to you or your oxen. But if you're not
comfortable with them, I can let go. "
When he saw that the peasant was still the same fear of lions, loose and let go, and so the
lions and returned to where they had come. The man had brought food but not water.
Then he explained: "There is no water in the city, because a dragon is sleeping on the
common source, covering it.

Every Saturday, a young girl is taken against the source, and when the Dragon moves and
thus moves to catch young, some water can leave the source and full enough channels of
the city and people can well collect enough for one more week. This Saturday, the girl
offered to Dragon, sacrifice, going to be the daughter of the King. "
Prince Khorshid forced the farmer to bring before the King, who said the following:
"What will be my reward if I kill the dragon and saved the life of your daughter?"
The king replied:
"Whatever you want, and that is in my power to give it to you". . .

Saturday came and went with the young Prince to the source. The moment in which the
dragon moved aside to devour the girl, the Prince shouted the name of God and killed the
monster. There was great joy and a lot of partying in the city. When Prince was pushed to
tell which was the reward he wanted, and when said all he wanted was returning home,
King said:
"The only thing that can take you seven stories above the well is Simourgh. Simourgh
live near the edge of the jungle. It puts three eggs each year and each year her chicks are
swallowed by a snake. If you could kill the snake, it will surely take you home. "
............................................................................................. ..
Nota Bene
[In modern Persian literature, Simorgh, in Pahlavi, SEN- MURV, SIMOURGH - has
many ways to be understood. It represents the Divine Wisdom, and is the perfect
metaphor for People, teacher, adept. . . According to some texts Pahlavi, Simorgh is a
bird that dwells in the sea, in a tree that contains all the seeds of the plant world. Every
time you fly away Tree SIMOURGH thousand branches and branches sprout from the
trunk, and when he returns and settles on the tree, thousand branches and twigs are
broken and many seeds fall into the water. . .
In the famous book of Firdousi Shah Nameh (Book of Kings) - the abode of Simorgh is
on the peak of Mount GHAPH, currently the mountain ALBORZ]
Prince Khorshid went to the jungle and found the tree where the nest had SIMOURGH.
While carefully watching, he saw a snake up to the nest to swallow chicks scared. In the
name of God, the snake cut in small pieces and fed some hungry chicks waiting for her
mother to bring something to eat. He kept the rest for later and fell asleep under the tree.
When Simorgh flew over the nest and saw Prince Khorshid, he thought that this was one
that each year her chicks ate. He was about to kill him when her chicks shouted rather
that you had saved them from the enemy. It is realizing that it was he who had killed the
snake, covered with their wings Simourgh head Prince to overshadow him while he slept.
When he awoke, the prince told his story Simourgh and asked if he could help. Simourgh
advised return to the King and ask seven bulls meat. "Make your skin with seven sacks
and fill them with water. These are my provisions for the journey. I need to take you
home. Every time I say I'm hungry, you have to give me a bag of water and when I tell
you I'm thirsty, I have to give the skull of a bull "

On his journey upwards, on the surface, Prince Khorshid did exactly what Simourgh had
instructed him to do, until one sack of water had been. When, instead of saying that he is
hungry, Simourgh said he was thirsty, Prince Khorshid cut some flesh from his calf and
put to Simourgh in its beak. Simourgh immediately realized that this was human flesh.
The Ave tucked gently in her mouth until they reached their destination. As soon as you
have removed the prince advised Simourgh to return quickly, but she, knowing he was
not going to walk because he was limping, he refused to leave and with his saliva, again
put the meat on the calf and thus, the leg completely recovered. Realizing how brave and
generous was the prince, the Ave Simourgh gave three of his feathers and said that if I
ever needed it, to burn one, and so it would instantly help. Having said that, left flying.

Entering the city, Prince Khorshid heard were about to take place three royal weddings:
one for Prince Jamshid, one for Prince Qu-Mars and the third for the son of the Vizier, as
the youngest son of the King, the Prince Khorshid, had never returned.

Some day, some men came to the store where Prince Khorshid was apprenticed, saying
they had visited all the shops of the goldsmiths of the city and none had dared to take the
challenge to do what the king had ordered. Prince Khorshid asked what the king asked
what it was and they said the following:
"She has to marry the son of the Vizier put forward a test as a condition for marriage. He
marries only one who can bring a golden rooster takes gemstones from its peak when she
sings, and also wants a golden lamp which shines and illuminates itself and the eternity is
turned on. But so far no jeweler could do such things. "
Prince Khorshid recognized the signs and said: "With the permission of my Master, I can
make an ark with such Golden Rooster and a Golden Lamp, and that for tomorrow. The
men gave the jewels needed to do those things and left. Prince Khorshid gave all those
precious stones and his teacher came.
Prince Khorshid had given all those jewels to his teacher because - he said, "did not need.
That night, Prince Khorshid left the city and burned one of the three feathers. When
Simourgh arrived, he begged him bring the girl had asked, and Ave as it did, and almost
In the morning the next day, the men, marveled, brought these things to the king, who
immediately called the boy to court and suddenly found himself overwhelmed to discover
that this was none other than his own son, whom he loved most.

Prince Khorshid told his story but urged the king not to punish his brothers for the
damage they had done asked.
The whole town celebrated its return and there were three weddings indeed. The king
rose to Prince Khorshid his successor to the throne and they all lived happily ever after.

All Persian fairy tales begin with the phrase "I'd had Being and Non-Being, there was
nothing, only God. . . "
El Golden Cock [Gallo Dorado] is SAROUSH - ["Sarousha" in Pahlavi. Sarousha a
divine bird is the most powerful of the gods, it is the manifestation of righteousness and
integrity, honesty and perseverance. The defeats the demon of laziness and weakness. In
some versions, instead of rooster, it is a golden nightingale.
This lamp Dorada is the light of wisdom. In other versions, Prince Khorshid has to
bring back a golden grinder hand - used to grind coffee, or peppercorns - erotic metaphor
and symbol of fate and ancestral culture.

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