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30 September 2015

ADAL Rolfe Community Room

I. Call to Order.6:02 PM
II. Roll Call ...6:03 PM
Mallory Barnes, President Present
Myra Jackson, Executive Vice President Present
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance Present
Paul DeWater, Vice President of University Affairs Present
Sam Wolff, Senior Representative Present
Carlos Rodriguez, Junior Representative Present
Jon Miranda, Sophomore Representative Present
Claire Conway, At-Large Representative Present
Stephenie Simmons, Multicultural Representative Present
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative Present

III. Approval of Minutes .6:03 PM

Approved, abstention from John Miranda and Braden Wild
IV. Old Business
a. Racial Equity..6:04 PM
i. Speakers: Mallory Barnes and Paul DeWater
ii. Presentation, Discussion, Action
The We Are All Trayvon event is on Monday, October 5 2015, which
was planned to be in conjunction with the release of the racial-equity
platform. A work group wasnt made since the previous week, but one was
secured at this meeting. List of volunteers interested in drafting the platform
are as follows- Myra Jackson, Jon Miranda, Carlos Rodriguez, Sam Wolff,
Stephenie Simmons, Paul DeWater, and Leela Sabaratnam. Mallory will
reach out to everyone and a plan will be drafter by the October 7 2015.
V. New Business
a. Budget Proposal6:07PM
i. Speaker: Matt Kelly
ii. Presentation, Action (Vote)
The total budget for SGSU for 2015-2016 fiscal year is $81,500 with an
additional $10,000 from US bank. The proposed budget is based upon
spending from the past few years. The finance committee is in charge of
appropriations and receives 75% of the budget. The steering committee ran
a deficit last year due to incorrect account charges, but the amount is similar
to last year. PAB is receiving less funding but that can be adjusted. The
projects account holds the funding for the MPF, and the MPF will

potentially be working through appropriations this year. The reserves

account is similar to a savings account, with money rolling over from
previous years. The reserves account currently holds $22,022.84. The
sustainable project fund is a non-renewable fund created a few years ago to
fund sustainable projects across campus.
Motion is sought to move in to a joint session, unable to do so because 24
hours notice was not given. SGSU goes to recess for 10 minutes.
Recess ends6:23PM
Motion is sought to suspend governing documents, Braden is moved and
Stephenie seconds. Jon, Claire, Carlos, Braden and Stephenie approve.
Motion is sought to move into joint session, Stephenie is moved and Claire
seconds. Jon, Claire, Carlos, Braden, Sam, and Stephenie approve.
Assembly enters a joint session, Matt moves to approve budget proposal for
the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Mallory seconds, Jon, Myra, Claire, Carlos,
Braden, Sam, Mallory, Paul, and Stephenie approve, no opposition or
abstention. Myra moves to end joint session, Paul seconds and Jon, Myra,
Claire, Carlos, Braden, Sam, Mallory, Paul, and Stephenie approves. Myra
seeks to end suspension of governing documents, Braden is moved and Sam
seconds. Jon, Myra, Claire, Carlos, Braden, Sam, Mallory, Paul, and
Stephenie approve with no abstention or opposition.
To receive funding as a representative, find someone else interested if
possible but you can receive funding on your own. Representatives can
come to executive board meetings; give budget proposal that evaluates what
will be spent with direct quotes if possible and a conservative estimation.
After presenting to the executive board the executives will decide yes, no, or
if they need more information, with the initial funding limit being $10,000.
If a representative need more than $500, they must present to the entire
representative assembly. When purchases are made representatives must
provide documentation to Matt Kelly, and for the check requisition form.
b. Elections Presentation.6:30 PM
i. Speaker: Lindsey Habenicht (Secretary of Elections)
ii. Presentation
Elections sign up began today; if candidates or potential candidates come
to the office do the following: give them the elections calendar, which is
located on the back of the elections flyer. The information sessions, on
October 5th and 6th, are mandatory for people seeking office. The signature
packets are due by 5 pm on Monday, October 5th, when people turn them in
put them in Lindseys box. Claire is also on the elections committee, so you
can reach out to her for questions as well. October 7th is the first campaign
event, which is a meet and greet in the bistro. If anyone has any suggestions
for this event, reach out to Lindsey. As a member of SGSU please post on

social media about elections, and if you sign one signature packet you must
sign everyones packet. If you see any role breaking, reach out to Lindsey.
The elections commission consists of Lindsey Habenicht, Claire Conway,
Ellie Jud, and Nick Chock.
iii. Public Comment
As a member of SGSU it is your role to reach out to potential candidates
and support and be active in the elections community.
c. Pulse on Student Body (Outreach).6:40
i. Speaker: Claire Conway
ii. Presentation
Claire has been strategizing ways to directly speak to students, making it
clear that SGSU is approachable, transparent and hear to listen to them. The
goals for this project are openhearted listening to understand needs of
students, increased communication between SGSU, students, and decision
makers, transparency, SGSU approachability, and opportunities of
collaboration. The plan is to collect data via campus climate survey, and a
questionnaire used to encourage students to share specific ideas of how they
want change. The project will utilize the #fixitSGSU social media
campaign, working in focus groups, forums, and tabling. Tabling will help
increase approachability and visibility. After data is collected, a report
would be published. The date will help prioritize issues and put things into
perspective for students, SGSU, and decision makers. To strengthen the
plan, the conversation will involve students and faculty and it will then be
presented to the decision maker.
For action items, tabling materials need to be developed, the questions
need to be tailored, and branding ideas need to be developed.
iii. Public Comment
It is noted that this is a similar project to We Are SeattleU which
received a significant response. This project should collect a significant
amount of data and last for a quarter at minimum. A suggestion for data
collecting would be comment boxes, along with attending to campus climate
survey forums. Tabling could possibly occur during elections event or other
CSI events because people will already be coming and it wont appear that
we are bothering them.
Carlos moves to add an agenda item, a quick briefing on updates to code
of student conduct. John seconds, everyone in favor, added to after events
list after Myra speaks.
d. Events List ...6:59
i. Speaker: Myra Jackson
ii. Presentation, Action
The events on the list are found through campus calendar and through
Facebook, each SGSU member must attend two unstarred and one starred
event. The list has been emailed out to all of SGSU and when a member

attends an event they must talk about it and how you connected with
constituents at the next rep assembly meeting. The We are all Trayvon
event is highly recommended because SGSU sponsored it. The evening
event is $1 and SGSU could sponsor if steering sees enough interest. The
Seattle Race Conference is something for representatives to keep on their
radar. The Christmas tree lighting is an unofficially required event SGSU
takes a photo together.
The assembly moves into adding events to the list:
Jon adds Mens Soccer v. Mens Air force academy, October 4th 1 pm, at
championship field. Stephenie adds evening We Are All Trayvon event,
October 7 pm in Campion. Mallory adds campus climate forum on October
22nd from 12:30-2 in Pigott Auditorium and 7 pm in Bannan Auditorium.
Matt Kelly adds SU Rugby match, November 7th at noon on Logan field.
Stephenie adds the LGBTQ open house on October 1st from 4:30-6 in the
OMA lounge. Jon adds Mass of the Holy Spirit at the Immaculate
Conception church from 10:30 -1pm October 1; this will be a starred event.
Braden adds Disability Services game night on October 16th from 3-5 pm.
Other events can be added to the list, but the list can only be edited once a
month. Event attendance only counts for the events on the list, and if there is
a crucial event to be added, email Myra.
Matt seeks motion to approve events list for fall quarter of 2015, Jon
moves, and Carlos seconds. Everyone approves and the motion passes.
SGSU will buy 10 tickets to the evening We are all Trayvon event for
SGSU members.
e. Code of Student Conduct7:10
i. Speaker: Carlos Rodriguez
ii. Presentation, Action
The biggest changes to the code of student conduct are about sexual
misconduct. The changes are that there is no longer a sexual offense review
board; instead whenever someone is contacted about an offense they will
appoint an investigator and the investigator will form a report. The report
will be sent to Darrell Goodwin the dean of students, or Andrea Katahera,
title IX coordinator. There is a 60-day timeline, but it can vary depending on
the circumstances. The other changes to the policy are regarding retaliation,
which is no longer allowed and within the policy, consent is specified. Other
changes to the code of student conduct relate to reckless driving, the
smoking policy, drug paraphernalia, and the removal of gendered language
throughout redhawk commitment policies.
The dean of students hasnt notified students of change and it is unknown
when he will. The sexual misconduct policy has changed on interim basis,
according the Michelle Murray, and they are open to student responses and
feedback on the policy change. SGSU will help with finding how the new
process is working with students and how sexual misconduct can be
addressed in the future.

VI. Officer Reports7:31 PM

a. Mallory Barnes, President- Involvement fair had high attendance and a lot of
interest was expressed towards SGSU elections. The presidents breakfast is
October 21st, and will potentially have attendance from 60+ clubs. There was a
meeting with Father Steve with updates on the new Connelly center and the
administration is running an assessment of every program on campus and how
much funding they receive. The letters to North Seattle College will be delivered
soon, contact has been made with the chair of the college.
b. Palmyra Jackson, Executive Vice President- Public Safety will be coming to
speak about parking prices and the ORCA lift program. Bon Apptit will also be
coming, as well as Kiana Parker from disability services. Training is still
happening with new members, please help each other continue to learn. The off
campus retreat is happening in January, please send any schedule constraints.
c. Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance- Meetings will begin later this week
with many members of campus.
d. Paul DeWater, Vice President of University Affairs- Continuing to reach out to
committee chairs and continuing meetings this week. The application will be
coming out within the next day or so for committee representatives. There is also
a place to reach out to those who dont receive positions, potentially having them
be shadows.
Stephenie: Spoke with Jos about Hispanic heritage month, which ends October
15th, which led to a conversation about alternatives in how we can talk about justice.
An idea is having a conversation on campus talking about modern family or fresh off
the boat, potentially working with campus ministry or OMA.
Sam: Attended the first meeting for SSA, and am working on how to make a
productive relationship. Also trying to reach out to public safety to extend nighthawk
Braden: Began the process of modifying faculty training around disability training
and awareness. The students with disabilities coalition has started up and the CEO of
the fair trade conference has reached out to meet.
Carlos: Attended the involvement fair and spoke with people who were interested
in joining SGSU as well as being involved with it but not through elected positions.
Also, had a meeting James, a representative from housing, and will also be meeting
with Darrell Goodwin soon.
Claire: Cataloguing #FixitSGSU information and has been meeting with Lindsey
for the elections commission. Also, emailing constituents and answering questions as
well as meeting with Tyler to talk about screening presidential debates.
Jon: Currently thinking about project ideas to assist constituents, and is looking
forward to helping with other projects. Also reached out to the two other sophomore
representative candidates from the spring to let them know about new positions.
Jose: Registered to vote! Graduate Student Council had their first meeting
yesterday and would like to increase communication with SGSU, they are looking to


be more aware of SGSU events. Also, one of the goals for SGSU members is to use
inclusive language, and when everyone is in the office you need to be more inclusive
of the community that may not be informed. SGSU is the voice of the student body,
so everyone needs to be more understanding of the different levels of knowledge.
Committee Reports..7:49 PM
PAB: PAB is meeting on Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30. First Friday doughnuts is at

9 am!
Finance: Everyone met and went over appropriations, and talked about things will
work this year.
VIII. Announcements..7:52 PM
Myra: Sign up for your project, add it to the project chart on the Google doc. Also
make sure to sign in and out of office hours, and record what youve been doing. Everyone
has been doing an amazing job, love your enthusiasm, it just needs to be seen it on paper.
IX. Adjournment7:53 PM

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