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07 October 2015

ADAL Rolfe Community Room


Call to Order..6:01 PM
Roll Call .....6:03 PM
Mallory Barnes, President Present
Myra Jackson, Executive Vice President Present
Matthew Kelly, Vice President of Finance Present
Paul DeWater, Vice President of University Affairs Present
Sam Wolff, Senior Representative Present
Carlos Rodriguez, Junior Representative Present
Jon Miranda, Sophomore Representative Present
Claire Conway, At-Large Representative Present
Stephenie Simmons, Multicultural Representative Present
Braden Wild, Students with Disabilities Representative Present


Approval of Minutes .6:01 PM

Public Comment 6:05 PM
Aleina Cabrera, President of RHA: Goals are to collaborate with SGSU and other
organizations, looking to collaborate on events throughout the year. Personal email:, RHA email:
Jarrod Gallagher, staff writer for The Spectator: Seeking a statement on SGSUs stance on
adjunct and contingent faculty. As of now SGSU currently does not take a stance but will be
meeting as a group to work on one, potentially with feedback from students.

New Business
a. Housing Panel6:05 PM
Speakers: Stephenie Simmons, Carlos Rodriguez, Tyler Saito
Presentation, Discussion
The purpose of the panel is to talk about changes in rent around Seattle,
specifically around Capitol Hill. The objectives of panel are to provide a space
for discussion, provide background information on housing in Seattle, further
the discussion on rent control, and a call to action. Elections begin on November
3rd and this event will hopefully promote students to vote in city elections. The
panel discussion will consist of community leaders, faculty, journalists, and
graduate students. Nonprofit organizations that are being looked at are St.
James, Yesler Terrace CC, Marys Place, and Capitol Hill Housing. For faculty
representation, Dr. Jonathan Pierce will be present and will be bringing an
academic voice to the conversation. For journalists, Joni Batler, former Seattle
Times reporter, will be attending and will bring the government watchdog

perspective. The graduate students that will be present will bring the voice of
young professionals living around Capitol Hill. The goal for the panel members
is to engage in a conversation that expands past the Seattle U campus.
The date and location of the event are to be determined, but it is most
likely to be from 6-8pm. They are looking to collaborate with the civic
engagement learning community, different clubs, and Seattle U faculty and

Public Comment
There are suggestions that there are no more than four panels, as well as
reaching out to Anna Fisher, the president of graduate student council. As
members of SGSU, we can attend the panel and promote the event to the Seattle
U community. There are also suggestions to reach out to student activists for
participation in the event, and the Center for Community Engagement. For the
reception aspect of the event, there is a suggestion to have housing groups table
for more interaction and information sharing.
b. Changes to Appropriations + Publicity6:22 PM
Speakers: Finance Committee
The goal of the presentation is to make SGSU aware of key changes and
amendments to the appropriations policy. The types of funding that can be
received are individual, clubs, and multicultural, individual meaning that a
single student can apply for funding. For example they can receive funding
to go to a conference. All requests will be made online via a qualtrics page,
which makes the application process more accessible and easier for the
finance committee. Any request exceeding $500 must be presented to the
finance committee, but anything under requires no presentation. The finance
committee meets weekly from 5:15-6:15 on Monday nights.
The Multicultural Program Fund has shifted from using the word funding
to fund, because it allows for a more sustainable account. The fund can
apply to individuals, groups, and clubs. Any future revisions to the fund will
be receiving input from Pamela Alvarado, the assistant director of OMA
MPF is more integrated into appropriations, Multicultural rep will be sitting
officer on finance committee, changed from multicultural program fund has
shifted to funding, creates a more sustainable fund- can apply to individuals,
groups, and clubs. Future revisions will be made with contributing input
from Pamela Alvarado (AD of OMA), will act as somewhat as an advisor
for specific requests to MPF.
The finance committee bylaws are in internal committee documents, and
the bylaws accommodate the amendments made to SGSU governing
documents from the spring election. These changes are a result of 11 months
of planning between nine SGSU reps, one executive, along with advisors
from CSI and OMA. They will be publicized soon, in process of working
with Izzy to publicize changes
Public Comment

c. Fall Quarter 2015 Events Policy6:37 PM

Speakers: Myra Jackson
Presentation, Discussion
The events policy has shifted from requiring SGSU members to submit a
written assignment to doing a verbal report at the weekly rep assembly
Public Comment
If a group of SGSU members attend an event they are still expected to
individually speak at the meeting.
Myra seeks to approve the Fall Quarter 2015 Events Policy, Stephenie is
moved and Braden seconds. The motion passes with everyone in favor, with no
abstention or opposition. Myra then seeks to approve the Fall Quarter 2015 Events
Policy, Jon is moved, and Braden seconds. The motion is passed with everyone in
favor, no abstention or opposition.
d. Discussion on Faculty Training.6:45
Speakers: Braden Wild
The goal is to get a committee created with SGSU members who are
interested in reworking the faculty training process. The training currently
lacks sufficient disability awareness for professors, and the new version
could potentially include inclusive language awareness as well. Currently,
the training is being discussed between Braden Wild along with the director
of faculty training, and the associate provosts. The hope is that the
conversation will expand and involve three different standpoints; academic,
faculty, and the academic assembly. Information about the flaws in the
disability training has been noted by students through disability services and
through communication with constituents. When elections are over and
SGSU has a full group, Braden will reach out to them as well. Within the
next few weeks, a preliminary working group will get started and as campus
climate survey results come out the group will continue to evolve. Email
Paul or Braden if you are interested.
e. Bike Project Dedication. 6:54
With the recent passing of Max Snyder, a former Seattle University
student, SGSU would like to dedicate a memorial in his honor. He was very
involved with SGSU during his time at Seattle University, working to create
more bike storage across campus. The hope is to dedicate a bike shelter or
structure, in collaboration with students and alumni who knew Max.
Mallory seeks a motion for the authorization of a bike project dedication,
Stephenie is moved, and Carlos seconds. Everyone in favor, no one
opposed, with one abstention from Matthew Kelly. The bike project
dedication project is approved.


Officer Reports6:45 PM
a. Mallory Barnes- President
This week, Mallory has been meeting with the provost and working on
PAB related initiatives. She has also been reaching out to students about the bike
project dedication, as well as taking some much needed personal time.
b. Palmyra Jackson- Executive Vice President
This week, Myra has been continuing one on ones with members of
SGSU. Also, Jay from Bon Apptit is coming to speak to SGSU so reach out to
constituents about questions or concerns.
c. Matthew Kelly- Vice President of Finance
The goal for this year is to make every process in system as accessible as
possible, and more updates will come next week. Budget wise, SGSU is moving
towards digital PDFs for check requisitions, but until then photocopy the receipt and
turn it into the front desk.
d. Paul DeWater- Vice President of University Affairs
Due to the Roseburg Oregon shooting, Paul was very busy at the end of last week.
After the end of the week, he took some much needed personal time as well, partially
because he was sick. There are is no updated information about committees, so the
application hasnt been released to students. Soon, Paul will be meeting with his UW
counterpart and will speak specifically about gun reform for the city.
e. Braden: This past weekend Braden was in Sacramento attending a retreat and
conference for the fair trade conference. The Students with disability coalition is
going strong and has recently received funding and applications for executives.
Meetings with Rich and Kiana from disability services will begin soon, looking at
faculty training and what the priorities are for the office this coming year. He
attended the Sabrina Fulton event and spoke with some first years, who are
interested in what type of engagement they can participate in.
f. Jon: On Friday and Saturday, Jon attended the mens soccer games and observed
high attendance at both games. He is looking forward to work with Redzone to
continue the game attendance into winter quarter. At the Sabrina Fulton event, Jon
didnt speak to any students but observed high attendance and the success of other
representatives. He is also beginning to work with Mallory on club outreach.
g. Claire: For elections, we have candidates in all categories and there will be a
campaign rally on October 13th in the Student Center Hearth from 6:30-8:00.
Voting will begin that evening, and the results will be released through the
spectator on October 21st. The student pulse project is still underway, Claire is
currently brainstorming branding ideas and there is a sample priority sheet in the
office. She has also been reaching out to students who made #fixitSGSU
comments and inviting them to rep assembly. For the presidential debate viewing
parties, she is continuing to work the Tyler. Claire also attended the Sabrina
Fulton event and she looks forward to going to more events in the future.
h. Carlos: Carlos has been working on the affordable housing panel, and has been
working with Stephenie on researching inclusive language policies. After
attending the Sabrina Fulton event, he spoke with constituents who found the

event to be motivational and also go to see some learning comminutes engage in

conversations afterwards.
i. Sam: After attending the Sabrina Fulton event, Sam spoke with a group on
campus and hopes to reach out to them soon. During a PAB meeting, there was a
larger conversation on the change in the code of conduct and he and Mallory will
be meeting with Darrell Goodwin soon.
j. Stephenie: Stephenie attended the Sabrina Fulton event and spoke to community
members, ending up in a conversation with people interested in a shadow program
or some mentorship opportunities. She is also working with Carlos on the housing
panel and inclusive language awareness.
k. Leela: Currently, Leela is working on adjusting the office hour schedule and
cleaning and organizing office.
l. Izzy: Creating graphics for the finance committee, the campus safety forum, and
m. Tyler: Attended the first PAB meeting, and has been working on voting
registration. Recently he reached out to the civic engagement learning community
and registered 103 new students.
n. Mitchell: Attending meetings with the finance committee and will be meeting
with club advisors soon to update them on the changes. He can approve check
requesiton forms, make sure to photocopy and send him a PDF copy. Jos and
Mitchell will be on a rotating schedule for SGSU rep assembly meetings.


Committee Reports.7:00 PM
a. PAB: Currently, meetings are being set up with Darrell Goodwin, Michelle
Murray and facilities. The presidents breakfast in October 21st, from 9 am to 11
in Student Center 160. The campus safety forum is on Tuesday, October 13th from
12:30-1:30 in Bannan 102.
b. Finance: Good job! The adjustments have been in the works for almost a year,
Matt has the utmost confidence in the committee this year. If anyone has
questions the members of committee are well versed in the appropriations
changes. On a sentimental note, it is great to be a part of a team that cares about
each other.
c. UA: There has not been a meeting yet, but Paul would like to commend Claire for
all the hard work shes been doing.
Announcements..7:22 PM
a. Mallory: The first elections event is happening now, head over to the bistro show
support. She would like to acknowledge everyone for having so many good
projects. Please bring anything to rep if there is something SGSU should pass a
statement on.
b. Matt: If any systems on campus that are not working and you want to fix it bring
it to Matt, we want to make things easier for

c. Myra: Please be gentle with yourselves let me know, Myra will be fine with
anything you need. Make sure to give each other space, be mindful of what youre
asking people to do. Let SGSU know what you need help or support in.

Adjournment7:26 PM

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