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Tanggal : 8 September 2008

Kelas : VII A dan VII B
Jam : - VII A : Ke 1 dan Ke 7
- VII B : Jam Ke 3 dan 4



I. Bagi yang Al-Qur’an

1. Yaumaidin Turhamuun
2. Maqooman Mahmuudan
3. Afalaa Ta’qiluun
4. Maa Kaanu Ya’maluuna
5. Khoirul Faatihiina
6. Bimushrihiyya
7. Walahum ‘Adzaabun ‘Adziim
8. Angfusahum Wamaa Yasy’uruuna
9. Syai’in Muhiitho
10.La’allakum Tattafakkaruuna
II. Bagi Yang Iqro
1. laiba
2. Shooliha
3. Jannata
4. Huzuwan
5. Al hamdu
6. Bataqo
7. Jabarin
8. Kholaqo
9. Rojulan


yang Iqro Maupun Qur’an )
Tanggal : 8 September 2008
Kelas : VIII C
Jam ke : 5 dan 6

I. Read The Story Below. Rewrite And Determine The Generic Structure (Orientation,
Complication, and Resolution). ( Bacalah Cerita Dibawah Ini. Tulis Ulang Serta Tentukan
Bagian-Bagian Orientation, Complication Dan Resolutionnya).

Once upon a time, there was an old woman. She lived alone. She was sick but she had to find
something to eat.
One day, she walked to a village. She came to a big house. There was a fat man lived in the
house. He is a rich man. She thought that the man would give some food if she asked. She asked
some food to the man but the man drive her out rudely. The old woman went from the house
without any food. She felt sad.
Meanwhile, a man saw the old woman when she was driven out by the fat man. The man
named Fajri he felt concerned about the woman then he gave the old woman some food. The
woman was very happy because fajri helped her by giving some food.
The woman asked Fajri to take her home. Fajri, then took the woman to her house. In the way
home, the woman found some plants. She took some leaves from the plants. She showed to Fajri
that the leaves can cure many diseases.
After fajri had taken the woman to her house, fajri went home. In the way of home he met
with an angel, she said thank to Fajri because he has helped the old woman. The old woman is
actually an angel. The angel told Fajri that he can cure many people by the leaves that have been
showed by the old woman.
In the home, Fajri thought to open a clinic. fajri now became a traditional healer. He cured
many people by the ingredients of the leaves. Fajri became a famous traditional healer and became
a kind rich man.
Orientation (the …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
beginning of the story) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Complication (the series …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
of events) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Resolution (the ending …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

of the story) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

II. Answer These Questions Based On The Narrative Text Above!

1. How many main characters in the story? Mention it!
2. What the fat man did when the old woman asked some for food to him?
3. What was happened in the way home when Fajri took the woman home?
4. Who was actually the old woman? What did she said to Fajri?
5. What the end of the story? Is it a happy ending? Describe it completely!

Once upon a time: zaman Thought: berpikir Cure:mengobati/menyembu
dahulu kala. Drive out: mengusir hkan
Sick: sakit Rudely: dengan kasar Disease:penyakit
Had to: harus Meanwhile: sementara itu met:bertemu
Find: mencari Take home:mengantar Actually:sebenarnya
Eat: makan pulang Traditional healer:tabib
Walked: berjalan Found: menemukan Ingredients:ramuan
Village: desa Leaves:daun-daun Famous:terkenal
Fat: gemuk Plants:tanaman
Rich: kaya

1. Tugas MAPEL BTQ ditulis dipapan tulis. siswa mengerjakan tugas dan dikumpulkan di lembar
2. Tugas Bahasa Inggris
- siswa mengcopy lembar soal dan mengerjakan di lembar kertas tengahan.
- Hasil pekerjaan siswa dikumpulkan hari itu juga (tidak boleh dibawa pulang).
Linggapura, 8 September 2008

Kepada Yth,
Kepala SMP Muhammadiyah Tonjong

Assalamualaikum WR.WB

Dengan hormat,
Yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:
Nama : Arif Yazid,A.Md
Jabatan : Guru MAPEL BTQ dan Bahasa Inggris
Bahwa, saya pada hari ini Senin, 8 September 2008 tidak bisa memenuhi kewajiban mengajar seperti
biasanya dikarenakan ada kepentingan yang mendesak dan tidak bisa ditinggalkan. Demikian Surat
Permohonan Izin dari kami mudah-mudahan bisa menjadi maklum. Atas izin dan kebijaksanaannya
kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamualaikum WR.WB

Hormat saya,

Arif Yazid,A.Md

NB: - Mohon bantuan guru piket

- Tugas untuk tiap Kelas terlampir

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