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1. Approximately when did the world reach 1 billion people, 2 billion, 7 billion?

2. Name 1 country in the top 10 with highest natural increase rate. India, China, Nigeria, Pakistan,
United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Ethiopia, Dem. Rep of Congo, Bangladesh.
3. Name 1 country in the bottom 10 with lowest natural increase rate. Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia,
Belarus, Hungary
4. Why do scientists talk of a demographically divided world? Developing countries are having the
highest rates of natural increase while developed countries are having the lowest rates.
a. Why Population Growth Continues in the Developing World
i. Fertility remains above the replacement level (note: replacement fertility is about 2
children per women)
ii. Declining mortality
iii. Population momentum due to a young age structure

5. Approximately how much is the U.S. population growing each year?

a. Net immigration: About 1 million legal immigrants
b. 4.1 million births, 2.4 million deaths
c. Natural increase, 1.6 million people per year
d. NET GROWTH= ABOUT 3.3 MILLION (includes migration)

6. Define the crude birth rate, crude death rate, crude rate of natural increase.
a. CBR and CDR- The Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate are both measured by the rate
of births or deaths respectively among a population of 1000. The Crude Birth Rate is called
"crude" because it does not take into account age or sex differences among the population.





i. CBR= (Births/Midyear Pop)*1000

What is the bookkeeping equation of population growth?
a. Pt = Po + B D + I O Note: I = In-migrants; 0 = out-migrants
b. Linear Equation: pt= po + k*t Note: k= # added per year; t= # of years
c. Exponential growth rate: rt=ln(pt/po)
d. Doubling time the rule of 70: t=ln(2)/r
How can the absolute number of births increase if the crude birth rate is declining? Population
Momentum. Think of 1000 people having 1 baby instead of 200 people having 3 babies.
Population momentum is the tendency for population growth to continue even after replacement-level
fertility (2.1 children per woman) has been achieved. It is caused by a relatively high concentration of
people in their childbearing years - by a population that is age-biased toward youth.
What is the only sustainable population growth rate in the long term? It depends on how people
want the live their lives. If humans have less of a carbon footprint than more people can live in a
sustainable earth.
Describe the stages of the demographic transition and draw a graph of same.
a. High birth and death rates, zero or low growth
b. Death rates declining, birth rates still high so high growth rate
c. Death rates and birth rates both declining and growth rate declining
d. Both birth and death rates low so zero or low growth

11. What does the baby boom in the U.S. refer to? A baby boom is any period marked by a greatly
increased birth rate. Baby boomers are people born during the demographic PostWorld War II baby
boom between the years 1946 and 1964.
12. Describe what information from surveys is used to derive the wealth index for a household.
Income and expenditure data are hard to collect. So people ask about assets owned. Wealth index is
comprised of asset indicators such as if a household has radio, refrigerator, livestock, video, land,
washer, type of toilet, car, television

13. What is the shape of the age specific death rate?

14. Define the expectation of life at birth.

15. Define the maternal mortality rate.

16. Name one public health intervention that led to declines in mortality in 19th century Europe.
Clean Water and Sanitation
17. Describe the epidemiological transition.

18. In what region is maternal mortality the highest? Over 99 percent of maternal deaths occur in less
developed countries, particularly in Asia and Africa. While high-quality, accessible health care has
made maternal death a rare event in more developed countries, the lack of such health care has fatal
consequences for pregnant women in less developed countries.

19. Is malaria transmitted by female mosquitos, male mosquitos or both? Only Female
20. What is the definition of fecundity?

21. What is the definition of fecundability?

22. What is the definition of parity?

23. What is the definition of gravidity? Look at the question above

24. Sketch a typical pattern of age specific fertility.

25. Why is replacement level fertility (for TFR) about 2.1 births per woman instead of 2.0? If there
were no mortality in the female population until the end of the childbearing years (generally taken as
44, 45, or 49, though some exceptions exist) then the replacement level of TFR would be very close
to 2.0. The replacement fertility rate is roughly 2.1 births per woman for most industrialized countries
(2.075 in the UK, for example), but ranges from 2.5 to 3.3 in developing countries because of higher
mortality rates.
26. Name 3 of the intermediate fertility variables.

27. Why/how does age at marriage affect TFR in a population? It is a factor affecting exposure to
sexual intercourse.

28. What are the two types of unintended births?

29. What background or distal variable is most closely associated with fertility levels? Womens
educational level
30. Do men or women typically want more children? Give one or two reasons why this might be the
case. Men want more children because they do not face pregnancy and do not have to take care of
children as much as women.
31. What intermediate or proximate variable is most closely associated with fertility levels?
Contraception is the most important intermediate/proximate fertility variable determining fertility
32. Approximately how many sperm are there per ejaculate?

33. During which part of the menstrual cycle is progesterone high?

34. Name 2 side effects of oral contraceptives.

35. Briefly describe one of the fertility awareness methods. Calendar method, cervical mucus method,
standard day method, symptothermal method, temperature method

36. Give one reason why the withdrawal method is not very effective.

37. Is contraceptive use typically lower in rural or urban areas? Why?

38. In which region do most persons above age 65 live? Asia
39. Which region has the population with the highest percentage of persons above age 65? Europe
40. What is the definition of the old age dependency ratio?

41. What are the causes of population aging?

42. What one key item in a safe delivery kit helps prevent neonatal tetanus?

43. In what region are infant and child mortality the highest?


44. Name 2 of the top 5 causes of under 5 deaths in the world.

45. In which region is low birth weight the highest proportion of births?

46. Why is initiation of breastfeeding within an hour of birth important?


47. What is exclusive breastfeeding?

48. Is neonatal or post neonatal mortality usually higher in developing countries? Used to be
postnatal because we are finding ways to prevent postnatal deaths so it is now neonatal deaths.
49. Name 2 interventions to prevent neonatal deaths. Antenatal care, Tetanus toxoid protection at
birth, Intermittent prevention treatment for malaria, skilled attendant at delivery, exclusive
breastfeeding for the first sex months of life, timely initiation of breastfeeding, postnatal care within 3
days of brith

50. Name 3 vaccines recommended for children 0-6 years of age by WHO/UNICEF. Hepatitis B,
Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Tetanus, pertussis, Influenza, Measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, Hepatitis A,
Meningococcal, Inactivated poliovirus, Hemophilia influenza type B, Pneumococcal
51. What is a treatment for bacterial pneumonia?


52. What therapy saves children with diarrhea from dying?

53. What are treated bednets for? Malaria Prevention

54. Name 2 advantages of male sterilization over female sterilization (Note: relative effectiveness of
the two is debated it seems)

55. What is the definition of unmet need for contraception?

56. About how many abortions occur in the world each year? More than one-third of pregnancies in
developing countriesabout 76 million each yearare unintended. About half of these end in

induced abortions, most of which are either illegal or unsafe. The remaining half (16% of all
pregnancies) result in unwanted or mistimed births.

57. What country is the largest donor of international population assistance?

58. Name 4 contraceptive methods.

59. What is dual protection? Using of birth control

60. Why might abstinence only programs in high schools be problematic? People will still have
sex, not practical
61. Name 2 species that have gone extinct.
62. Approximately what result does the ecological footprint exercise give for the number of earths needed
to support the current population of the world at the average standard of living? 1.5 earths, but for
US its like 3.5
63. Name 2-3 common air pollutants.
64. Where is the ozone hole? Antarctica, Australia
65. Name the country with the largest share of deforestation overall.
66. How many other species do we share the planet with? 6-12 million
67. What is a biological diversity hotspot?
68. Name two areas that are biological diversity hotspots.

69. Name 2 endangered primate species.
70. Complete the sentence When a species is gone....
71. Name the region and subregion of the world with the highest HIV prevalence.
72. What is the main mode of HIV transmission in Africa?
73. How do we obtain the best estimate of the prevalence of HIV in a population? Surveys, antinantal
clininc- (bias because aninantal are women who have sex recently, but not women who are in
the same group who did not have sex recently. Military- younger man are only accounted not
other age groups)
74. How protective (what percent reduction in transmission to males) is male circumcision against HIV?
75. Why is breastfeeding a dilemma for HIV-positive women who give birth?
76. Should more money go for HIV primary prevention or for HIV treatment? State several reasons for
each side. Answer either way
77. What does sandwich generation mean? For America basically that people 20 years younger have
young children but older parents that are almost dying. They are taking the older and younger
78. Is the percent single among those 20-24 increasing or decreasing in the U.S.?
79. Define the crude marriage rate, the crude divorce rate .CMR= #M/pop*1000
80. Why are so few women over age 90 years married? There are not many men around
81. State one good reason why having a state incentive for premarital counseling would be good and one
good reason why it would be bad.
82. Define a mover, a migrant, an emigrant, an immigrant.
83. What is the mathematical relationship between the propensity to migrate between two places and the
distance between them?
84. Define the crude migration rate.
85. How can you estimate net migration with data from 2 censuses and vital registration data in-between
the census dates?
86. How have the major countries of origin of immigrants to the US shifted from the 19th to the 20th

What is the population of the world projected to be for 2050?

What were Malthus two postula and what proposition did he deduce from these?
What are the Malthusian positive checks on population?
Name two things in the commons that are regulated today but were not regulated 200 years ago.
Why are demographers worried by the projections of population to 2050 for Burkina Faso, Niger and
Describe in 2-3 sentences what happened on Easter Island that is relevant to Malthusian arguments?
What is the relationship, if any, between ethanol and world hunger?
What 3 demographic/ecological factors that are associated with conflict?
Name one instance when Malthusians have been proved wrong.


Name 2 infectious diseases transmitted by mosquitos.

What did Julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich bet on?
What do David Lam and Stan Becker have a wager about? Be specific.
What is a cornucopian response to the problem of increasing water scarcity?


Is it expected that the world will exhaust oil, natural gas or coal reserves by 2050? No because
people will find other alternative resources
Why is it a good idea to leave some coal, oil and/or natural gas in the ground? CO2 problem
Explain how reproduction is a negative externality. On the other hand, how does another birth
represent something positive to society? Negative externality- if everyone has 5births it will be bad
because your children will take space from other children, but
What is the main reason why you expect the situation of humans on earth to be better (worse) in
2050 than it is now?

Those from the midterm and since (TFR, exponential growth, rates, conception probabilities, etc.)

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