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High QualityGantoneseHot Meals
to Take Away
212 Radford Road, Coventry CVO 3BQ

Tel: 02476591414

Within3 mile Rodius
DeliveryChorge $1.00

All Fqpd oi is prepored


rantee Curd
@ - Suitablefor Vegetarians CHEF'SSPECIALITY
(|/ - Hot 32 FourSeasons................... ..........t4.60
f$t - Spicy & Hot (StirFriedMixedVegetables Beef&
RoastPorkwitha Touchof Garlic& OysterSauce)
souP 33 TripleCrown ..........e4.50
ffil SweetCornwithBeatenEggSoup.................f1.50 (King
2 Chicken& SweetCornSoup.... ...t1.50 & MixedVegetables)
3 Chicken& MushroomSoup.............................[1.50 34 Wandering
Dra9on......... ............t4.40
4 Chicken& NoodleSoup............ ..1.1
.50 (KingPrawn& Chickenwith.aVarietyol ChneseVegetables)
5 Hot& SourSoup............ .............t1.70 35 Shanghai (t ) ................,.............,......t4.20
(Sti FriedMange-Tout
withSeasonal cookedin
6 CrabMeat& SweetCornSoup.........................t1.80
Our HouseSpeaalChilliSauce& ChineseBiceWine)
7 King.Prawn
& Lettuce
Soup................."............t2.00 J b
ShanghaiKingPrawnI )..,...................... .......t4.60
37 CrispyChicken& Pineapples .....t4.30
APPETISERS (Deep FriedChicken Filletin ThinBatterwithPineapple,
8 CrispyAromaticDuck Served withSweet & SourSauce)
(Served withPancakes,Cucunber, Sprrng Onions 38 C ri spyLemonC hi cken
& HoiSinSauce) ..............t4. 30
Quarter(With 6 Pancakes) (DeepFriedChicken
................C6.20 Filletina LightlyCrispyBatter.
Halt (With ..................t1
1.30 Served with"Lemon Honey" Sauce)
Di m-SumCom bo. . . . . ....
39 C ri spyC hi ckenw i th P l umS auce ................... f . 4. 4O
...............t4 .3 0
40 C ri spyD uck& P i neappl es... .......t4 . 70
PrawnToast t4)MiniRolls 4) SpareRibse)
Chicken Wings (2)withSweet & SourSauce) QeepFried DuckBreast in ThinBatter withPineapple.
Served withSweet & SourSaucet
10 FortuneHouseDeluxeDim-SumCombo.......t5.50
(Prawn (4)MiniRolls (4)WonTon(2)SpareRibs(2)&
40a CrispyDuckwith "HoneyOrange"Sauce.......f4.70
Chicken Satay OnSkewers (2) 41 C ri spyD uckw i th P l umS auce ......... ...............t 4. 70
'11 42 CrispyShreddedChickenwith PekingSaucet4.40
Chicken Satay on Skewers (4)(wtth Satay Sauce)..t3.80
43 CrispyShreddedBeefwith Pekin-gSauce .....f4.40
12 Pa n c ak eRolls( 2) . . . . .... ................t1 .5 0
44 Salt & ChilliCrispyKing Prawnf|t ......... ...t4.70
& lZ Mi n iS pr ingRolls( 72J ..................t1 .8 0
45 S al t& C hi l l iC ri spyC hi cken(tl ...................... t 4. 40
&1 4 Mi n iCur r iedS am os aA4 ............,....................t1 .9 0
40 S al t& C hi l l iC ri spyB eef0) . ....................... . . t 4. 40
15 ButtedlyKing Prawns (12)(with Special Sauce).......t4.30
47 Fi l l etS teakw i th B l ackP epperS auce.............t6. 20
16 Wa ferW r appedK ingP ra w nR o l l sf4 )..............S3 .00 48 Fi l l etS teakw i th P eki ngS auce..................... . . . t 6. 20
17 Cri sp yW on T on ( wit sha u c(1 e )0 )........................t2 . 80
49 Fi l l etS teakw i th S atayS auce........................ . . t 6. 20
18 StuffedCrab Clawswith SaladCream (5)........t3.00 Fi l l etS teakw i th B l ackB eanS auce................. t 6. 20
19 Se sa m eK ingP r awnTo a s t..............................t2.80
20 CrispySquidlHong KongStyld (Large) ...................t4.40 FOO YUNG DISHES (torge)(scrombted Ess)
21 Sa l t& ChilliS quid( La rs (t)..........
e) . ............t4 .4 0 51 Special
FooYung..... ..................t4.10
22 ChickenWingswith BarbequeSauce (B)........t3.30 52 KingPrawnFooYung ................t4.30
23 ChickenWingswith PekingSauce 1a1............t3.50 53 Chicken
FooYung..... .................t3.80
24 Sa l t& ChilliChic k en W i n g s(B )(t) .........,........t3 .5 0 54 RoastPorkFooYung..... ............t3.80
25 Spare Ribs (Pick OneSauce Below) ..14.30 @SS MushroomFoo Yung..... .............t3.60
(a) BBQ Sauce (c) Syrup @SA MixedVegetables
(b) Lemon (d) Sweet& Sour Sauce SWEET& SOURDISHES(Meotin Botfer)
26 SpareRibswithBlackBeanSauce.................e4.50 57 S w eet& S ourC hi ckeni n B atter(12).............. . . t 3. 80
27 SpareRibswithPeking Sauce........................t4.50 58 S w eet& S ourS peci alMi x i n B atter(21...........t 4. 10
28 SpareRibswithPlumSauce...........................t4.50 59 Sweet& Sour King Prawnin Baller02)...........f.4.20
RibsfI)t...... . .............t4.50
29 Salt& Chillispare
30 YukSung(Chicken or Pork)(For
2 Fersons)
.......t4.20 SWEET (torgE)
(Mtxture Meat.FriedwithcnspyVegetable
of FinelyChopped 60 Sweet& SourChicken ...............t4.40
Servedon Boatsof Crispv
andMixedwithCrisovVermrcellt. 61 Sweet& SourCrispyBeef.............
Lettuce. VeryPopular
Stafters!!) 62 Sweet& SourPork..... ,.........,.....t4.2O
& Sl Ve g e t ar ianS ung. . . . ........ ............f4 .0 0 63 Sweet& SourKingPrawn...............................t4.70
Hot)(StirFiedwilhPineopple,Cucumber, Onion& FortuneH ouseS peci alFri edR i ce.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 50
GreenPepper ChilliSweeiSquce)
in o LightFresh FortuneHouseSpecialFriedRice(ChineseStyle)?.4.70
64 Chicken $)............... .................l.4.20 (Mrxed Meat& VegetablelnSauce,) (Szechuanor Satay Style)
65 RoastPork(D).... ............t4.20 99 Chicken& PineappleFriedRice
66 KingPrawn(S)....., ...........t4.60 " H aw ai i an"
S tyl e.......,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 00
67 Duck($) ........,.......t4.60 100 King Prawn& PineappleFriedRice
" H aw ai i an"
S tyl e............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 50
SATAYDISHES (Lolse) 101 " K haoP ad Gai "Fri edR i ce(Thai S tyle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 20
(fhe"Sofoy"DishisonolherMoloysion (ThaiFnedRiceCooked withChicken Gatic&
IharSr,reelCniili)f opular
StirFriedMixedVegetobles & Meot.Hof& Spicywith
o Touchof Peonut) 102 Roast Duck & Roast Pork on Fried Rice
68 Special Satay($1.... ..................t4.60 w i th B B Q S auce.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 60
69 KingPrawnSatayds).... ...........t4.60 103 Crispy Chicken on Fried Rice with BBQ Saucet4.2O
70 DuckSatay&)....... ..... ...........t4.60 104 K i ngP raw nFri edR i ce............. . . t 4. 50
71 Chicken f$t......... .................f.4.20 105 S hri mpsFri edR i ce..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 00
72 Beef(S) ...............t4.20 106 Y eunEC how Fri edR i ce................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 4. 0
107 S i ngaporeFri edR i ce($)....., . . . . t 4. 30
108 C hi ckenFri edR i ce.... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 3. 90
109 B eefFri edR i ce . . . . . t 3. 90
110 R oastP orkFri edR i ce............. . . . t 3. 90
111 V egetari an S i ngaporeFri edR i cefS / . . . . . . . . . . . t 3. 70
& t tz tvti xeC V egetabl eFri edR i ce . . . . . . t 3. 50
& ttg MushroomFri edR i ce.............. . . . t 3. 50

(spicvsweef) 'l14 FortuneHouseSpecial ChowMein.................t4.5
78 K ungP o S p e c i a l ......... ................t4.60 1 15 KingPrawn Chow Mein.............................-....
79 run! eo KingPrawn ..................t4.60 116 Shredded DuckChowMein....,..:....................t4
80 Kun gPoDuck............ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . t 4 . 6 0 117 Shrimps ChowMein ...................t4.00
81 KungPoChicken ..?4.20 118 Singapore ChowMein(Sl .........f4.30
82 KungPo Beef............. ................t4.2O 119 Chicken ChowMein ....,..............f3.90
120 BeefChowMein... ......................t3.9
CURRYDISHES (Lqrse) 121 RoastPork Chow Mein............ ..t3.90
Mushrooms, BoiledRiceorChips) 1 22 Y egelarian
Singapore Chow Mein($)............t3.70
(EggFdedRiceExlrolop) &123 MixedVegetable ChowMein .....13.50
83 Fortune HouseSpecial Curry..........................t4.80 124 Mushroom ChowMein............ ...t3.50
84 KingPrawnCurry............ ...........t4.80
85 DuckCurry ............t4.80 STIRFRIED KINGPRAWNDISHES (rotse)
86 Shrimps Curry.....,..... .................t4.60 125 KingPrawnwithCashew .....,.....t4.7
Nuts............. 0
87 Chicken Curry.....,..... .................e4.50 126 KingPrawn withMushrooms.. ....t4.50
88 BeefCurry... ..........t4.50 127 KingPrawnwithBambooShoots&
89 RoastPorkCurry............ ............t4.50 WaterChestnuts ............... .........t4.50
&gO Beancurds Curry........... .............f4.30 128 KingPrawnwithGreenPepperOr
&St Mushroom Curry........... .............14.00 Mushroom in BlackBeanSauce.....................t4,
&gz MixedVegetable Curry...... .........t4.00 129 KingPrawn withFreshGinger& SpringOnionst4.60
93 KingPrawn & Chicken Curry...........................t5.00 130 KingPrawn withTomatoes ........t4.50
94 KingPrawn& BeefCurry................................t5.00131 KingPrawnwithBeansprouts in OysterSaucet4.50
95 Chicken & BeefCurry............ .....t4.60 132 KingPrawnwithBlackPepper Sauce.............t4.50
96 Chicken& RoastPorkCurry ......t4.60 133 KingPrawnwithSeasonalVegetables ...........f4.50
134 Ch i c k enwit h Cas he wN u ts............. ................t4 .4 O ffi I 6Z " Szechuan" MixedVegetabtes($| j..................t3.50
135 Ch i c k enwit h M us hr o o m ................................
s t3.90 &1 68 "KungPo"MixedVegetables lSprcySweer).........t3.50
136 Chickenwith BambooShoots& ffi I Ae "Peking" MixedVegetabtes .............................t3.50
Wa terChes t nut s . . . ............ .........t3 .9 0 ffilzO "Satay"MixedVegetabtes 1$7 ..t3.50
137 Ch i c k enwit h P ineap p l e ................................. ..f3.90&171 MixedVegetables withCashew Nuts..............t3.70
138 C h i c k enwit hT om at o e s ......,...,........................13.90fu1t2 Yegetarian Ma-poTofu1$7 ........t3.80
139 Chicken& RoastPorkwith Beansprouts........13.90 1AVeryFantcus Szechuan BeancurdDtsh)
140 C h i c k enwit h F r es hG i n g e r& S p ri n gO n i o n s ...t4 .1 0 &173 Beancurd in.Oyster Sauce..............................t3.80
141 C h i c k enwit h S eas o n aVl e g e ta b | e s................1
. 4 .20 ffi174 Beancurd in Sweet& SourSauce...................t3.80
142 Chickenwith Green PepperOr
MUs hr oomin B lac kBe a nSa u c e............" .......2 4 20 ENGLISH DTSHES
143 Ch i c k enwit h B lac kP e p p e rS a u c e ..................? 4 .2 0 175 S i rl oi nS teakw i th C hi ps........... ..t6 . 80
(withGrilled Tonataes , Onions& Mushroons)
STIRFRIEDBEEFDISHES Gorse) 176 R oastC hi ckenw i thC hi ps& Gravy................. t 3. 80
144 BeefwithMushrooms......................................t3.90 177 Fri edS ausagesw i thC hi ps& Gravy...............t 3. 00
145 BeefwithBambooShoots& WaterChestnutst3.g0 178 S peci al Omel ette w i thC hi ps ......t4. 20
146 BeefwithPineapple......... ....... ..t3.90 179 K i ngP raw nOmel ettew i thC hi ps.................. . . . t 4. 60
147 BeeIwithTomatoes ........................................t3.90 180 ChickenOmelettewith Chips .....t3.90
148 BeefwithBeansprouts in OysterSauce..........t3.90 181 Chicken& MushroomOmelettewith Chips.....t4.00
149 BeefwithFreshGinger& Spring Onions........t4.10 182 MushroomOmel ettew i thC hi ps.................... . . t 3. 70
150 BeefwithSeasonal Vegetab|es ......................t4.20 183 P l ai nOmel ettew i thC hi ps ..........t3. 50
151 BeefwithGreenPepperOr Mushroom in
BlackBeanSauce.......... ............t4.20 DESSERTS
152 BeefwithBlackPepper
4.20 184 Pineapple
Fritters in Golden
185 BananaFritters
in Golden Syrup.....................t1
153 RoastDuckwithGreenPepperOr EXTRAPORTIONS
Mushroom in BlackBeanSauce.....................!4.60 186 MeatyEggFriedRice(60p ExtraForLarge)...........t1.70
154 RoastDuckwithChinese Mushrooms............t4.60 187 EggFriedRice(60p ExtraForLarge)......................t1.60
155 RoastDuckwithMushrooms .....t4.60 188 BoiledR|ce............. ....................t1
156 RoastDuckwithBambooShoots& 189 Chips ................. ....t1.20
WaterChestnuts............... .........t4.60 '190 PrawnCrackers...... ....................t1.20
157 RoastDuckwithFreshGinger& 191 PlainChowMeinfsofi Arood/es) .....t1.70
SpringOnions .......t4.60 &tSZ MixedVegetables.............. ......... t.1.60
158 RoastDuck& RoastPorkwithBeansprouts...14.60 @lgS Mushrooms ...........t1.80
&lg+ Beansprouts ..........t1.50
ROASTPORKDISHES (tqrse) &195 StirFriedOnions ...t1.50
159 RoastPorkChopSuey............. ..t3.80 @1gGBamboo Shoots& WaterChestnuts ...............t1.70
PorkwithMushrooms ......t3.80 197 CurrySauce/ B.B.QSauce/
161 RoastPorkwithBambooShoots& Sweet& SourSauce ..................t1.00
WaterChestnuts ............... .........t3.80 198 Gravy... ..................t1.20
162 RoastPorkwithOnions......... .....e3.80 199 OtherSauce.......... e_;
163 Special
ChopSuey... ..................t4.50 EggFriedRice,Chips& CurrySauce...............
'164KingPrawnChopSuey............ t2.90
..t4.50 EggFriedRiceCurrySauce........,...,...........
165 Chicken
ChopSuey ...................t3.90 Chips& CurrySauce ...................t2.20
166 BeefChopSuey... ......................f3.90
(Dishesin SetMenuconnotbe Chonged)

A1 Sweet& SourChickenBalls16,
il;H;;'"";:-l $6.s0
A2 Sweet& SourChickenBallsio7
ChickenCurry(OR Beef)
Crackers $7.00

B1 BarbecuedSpareRibs107
Sweet& SourChicken(Hong
BeefwithGreenPepper& BlackBeanSauce
;;;;;6;"J#: $15.00
82 Sweet& SourKing Prawnitz)
Wandering DragonrChef
s Speciattiest
Egg FriedRice(4
Crackers ........S15.00

DimSum Combo(ORChickenBalls1tz)
DuckwithGreenPepper& BlackBeanSauce
TripleCrown (Chefs
Egg FriedRice1s)
crackers ........$26.00

Sweet& SourChickenBallsttzl
Sweet& SourChickenfiangKang Styte)
FourSeasonsfChels Spectalties)
Egg FriedRice(4)
PrawnGrackers ........933,00

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