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here's a text function cheat sheet i just made for myself because i keep thinking i can channel the

mind of
the focwizard, and i keep screwing i put it on a sticky. You might like to do the same.
ARGLEN(inlength, infield, outfield)
BYTVAL(character, outfield) and HEXBYT(input, output)
CHKFMT(numchar, string, 'mask', outfield)
CTRAN(charlen, string, decimal, decvalue, outfield)
GETTOK(infield, inlen, token_number, 'delim', outlen, outfield)
LCWORD(length, string, outfield) same for UPCASE and LOCASE
LJUST(length, string, outfield) same for RJUST
OVRLAY(string1, stringlen, string2, sublen, position, outfield)
POSIT(parent, inlength, substring, sublength, outfield)
REVERSE(length,string,outfield) and then use LJUST on the outfield
SQUEEZ(length, string, outfield)
STRIP(length, string, char, outfield)
STRREP (inlength, instring, searchlength, searchstring, replength, repstring, outlength, outstring)
SUBSTR(inlength, parent, start, end, sublength, outfield)
TRIM(trim_where, string, string_length, pattern, pattern_length, outfield)

If you use EditPlus as your text editor (it's my favourite Windoze program), I have an auto-complete file
that can be installed and when you type the function name, EditPlus automatically completes the rest of
the syntax - all you have to do is fill in the variables.
These are the functions currently defined, it's easy to add the missing ones.
ARGLEN(inlength, infield, outfield)

ASIS (argument)
ATODBL(infld, length, outfld)
AYM(indate, months, outfield)
AYMD(indate, days, outfield)
BAR (barlength, infield, maxvalue, 'char', outfield)
BITSON (bitnumber, infield, outfield)
BYTVAL(character, outfield)
CALLDOS (length, 'string ', returncode)
CHARGET (num, infield, outfield)
CHGDAT('oldformat', 'newformat', indate, outfield)
CHKFMT(numchar, infield, 'mask', outfield)
CHKPCK (inlength, infield, error, outfield)
CTRAN(inlen, infield, BYTVAL('from','I3'), BYTVAL('to','I3'), output)
CTRFLD(infield, inlength, outfield)
DADMY(indate, outfield)
DADYM(indate, outfield)
DAMDY(indate, outfield)
DAMYD(indate, outfield)
DATECVT(date, 'infmt', 'outfmt'])
DAYDM(indate, outfield)
DAYMD(indate, outfield)
DECODE fieldname (code1 result1 code2 result2...[ELSE default ]);
DECODE fieldname (ddname [ELSE default ]);
DMOD(dividend, divisor, outfield)
DMY(begin, end)
DOWK(indate, outfield)
DOWKL(indate, outfield)

DTDMY(number, outfield)
DTDYM(number, outfield)
DTMDY(number, outfield)
DTMYD(number, outfield)
DTYDM(number, outfield)
DTYMD(number, outfield)
EDIT(fieldname, 'mask');
EXP(power, outfield)
FGETENV(envnamelen, envname, outfieldlen, outfldformat)
FMOD(dividend, divisor, outfield)
FTOA(number, '(format)', outfield)
GETTOK(infield, inlen, toknum, delim, outlen, outfield)
GETUSER (outfield)
GREGDT(indate, outfield)
HEXBYT(input, output)
IMOD(dividend, divisor, outfield)
ISALIVE(filename, handle)
ITONUM(sigbytes, infield, outfield)
ITOPACK(sigbytes, infield, outfield)
ITOZ(outlength, number, outfield)
JULDAT(indate, outfield)
LCWORD(inlength, infield, outfield)
LJUST(inlength, infield, outfield)

LOCASE(inlength, infield, outfield)

MAX(argument1, argument2, ...)
MDY(begin, end)
MIN(argument1, argument2, ...)
OVRLAY(base, baselen, substring, sublen, position, outfield)
PARAG(inlen, infield, delim, subsize, outfield)
PCKOUT(infield, outlength, outfield)
POSIT(parent, inlength, substring, sublength, outfield)
REVERSE(length, input, output)
RJUST(inlength, infield, outfield)
ROUND(infield, number, outfield)
SIMILAR(inlength1, string1, inlength2, string2, outfield)
SOUNDEX(inlength, infield, outfield)
SPACE(drive, freespace)
SPELLNUM(outlength, infield, outfield)
SQUEEZ(length, string, outfield)
SUBSTR(inlength, parent, start, end, sublength, outfield)
TRIM('L'/'T'/'B', string, string_length, 'pattern', pattern_length, outfield)
TRIMV('L'/'T'/'B', string, slength_limit, pattern, plength_limit, outfield)
UFMT(infield, inlength, outfield)
UPCASE(length, input, output)
YM(fromdate, todate, outfield)
YMD(begin, end)

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