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My UFO encounters and paranormal
experiences directed me on collision
course with secret covert interests
who monitored my interactions with
UFOs, I am the victim of secretive
harassment by unaccountable agents
from an unelected secret police in the
UK, an element of this bullying came
from advanced technology called
Control Effects Technology or Mind

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

New Horizons St Annes, The Community Centre St Albans Road St Annes On

Tony Topping is unique: he is a victim of mind control and mind invasive
technology by unknown agents of the state

I contribute for TV & radio regarding

UFOs, Mind Control, Conspiracy,
Espionage & the Psychic Spies of the
US & Russia during the Cold War,
currently writing my first book High
Strange Black.
The book explores the covert world of
operations and secrecy involving
UFOs and contact with extraterrestrial
intelligences, it is where science

Tonight, by popular demand, Tony will deliver his long-awaited talk about
mind control and political control, and what it is like to be a Targeted
Individual or TI.
Tony will explore the subject of mind control, dream warfare, and the
controversial deployment of covert technology upon an unwitting public, using
knowledge and research not heard of before in the UK from ancient sources
that show mind control is an ancient art.
Have your notebooks ready: it is going to be an informative night!
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping Lectures, TV &
Radio | Tagged #mindtap, Alexi Yu Savin, Alien Encounters, Bock Saga,
Broadcasting, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, Collins Elite, Janus Group, Jason
Bourne, KGB, kontrelle, mind control, Mind Kontrol, NATO, Porton Down,
Project Monarch, Richard Helms, Russia Psychotronics, STARGATE, The
Great UFO Conspiracy, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



fiction collides with real life, as I take

the reader into a world where contact
with UFOs began for me as a child
but not in the way people would
Major broadcasters who have used
my services are from ITV to Channel
4, Channel 5, BBC 2, BBC local
national news and radio. I am a
member of the NUJ.
My experiences with the UFO
phenomena continue to evolve
adding dynamic content any media
project as my saga revolves around
the real world of UFOs and covert
secrecy that I have witnessed.
It has at times not been pleasant the
violations of privacy amongst an
unknowing public with advanced
technology remain disturbing giving
rise to secret surveillance units
deploying mind invasive technology
on certain members of the public.
I was the unwilling partcipant in very
secretive and unethical operations
without oversight by an unknown
intelligence group. These Black Ops
activities I talk about are called
Unacknowledged Special Access
Programs (USAP).
Eisenhower clearly saw the cover up
expanding in a farewell address ICKE
said, "The potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists, and
will persist. We must never let the
weight of this combination endanger
our liberties or democratic

Tony Topping Writer & Broadcaster Some of these guys seemed a convinced
the authorities were after them. Do you think any of them were genuinely
scared for their safety?. Tony says that he is, or certainly that he was.
On Saturday 14th March 9pm More 4 broadcast a documentary The Great
UFO Conspiracy in the press release I am described as a guy who was
targeted by the government, This is the section of the story the viewer is not
Surveillance beyond electronic means that taps the mind is a serious matter
by unelected groups of state security & in this blog I share my thoughts on
what happened to me as a victim of mind control.
I demonstrate the impact of what they did as well as the mindset, In view of
the recent ISC report on the surveillance state it is very troubling. The people
behind such operations have immunity under secrecy and plausible deniability.
Standard | Posted in Trauma Based Mind Control, TV & Radio, UFO News,
US NAVY | Tagged #mindtap, Broadcasting, Channel 4, Classified Mind
Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Dan
Schrieber, electronic monitoring, Gang Stalking, Great UFO Conspiracy,
mind control, mkutlra, More 4, Organised Stalking, Psychotronic Weapons,

Unmarked helicopters filmed me, I

was followed and harassed by some
very real Dr Strangelove characters
whose activities would be comical if
the situation was not as serious,
these extreme experiences are taking
me into the world of film &


Tony Topping An Introduction To His
UFO Encounters & Dealing With A
Secret Police In The UK In 15

Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping On ITV This Morning

UFOs & Alien Abduction.

Tony Topping gives a wild interview to Broadcaster Nick Margerrison

regarding his astounding experiences with UFOs including the most head
spinning and amazing visions from Nordic Blonde Aliens on the morning
before fliming for a Channel 4 documentary. An incredible journey into the
world of ETs, covert operations involving elements of the government, Nick &
Tony piece together from Tonys experiences just what is going on at an
occult an esoteric level that involves the future of mankind an astoudning
broadcast well worth the listen. tonyopsufo@hotmail,.com,
Standard | Posted in Alien Abductions, Antarctica, Area 51, ARTICHOKE,
Beyonce Pop Single, BLUEBIRD, China Lake, UFO News | Tagged Alien
Abduction, Alien Encounters, Aliens, bbc, Black Briar, Broadcasting, Channel

Tony Topping Primary UFO Incident

Near His Home Causing Covert

4, CIA, Collins Elite, CRV, Dan Schrieber, DI55 & UFOs, dISCLOSURE,
Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring, Great UFO Conspiracy, Ian Collins,
Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, K, Kerrang Radio,
LBC, MASINT, mind control, More 4, NATO, Nazi UFOs, Noocosmology, p,
PROBE, Psychic Spying, RIIA. Chatham House, TALKSPORT, The Cult of
Nick, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity, UFO, UFO Abductions, UFO
Secret Police, UFO Sightings, UFO Sightings 2015, UFOs, Unmarked

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author


MARC 2015H

Measurement & Signature

Intelligence Gathering By Black
Helicopter Flying Over Tony Topping

Smiling through adversity.

Tony Topping Is A Writer & Broadcaster.

It was a fascinating journey taking Dan Schrieber into my world of UFO
experiences I always keep an open mind regarding the events that surround
me. The production team inform me that little was taken out of what I had to
say, it all went a bit Mark Thomas Comedy Product in true Channel 4 style as
we ventured into the building of an establishment rumoured to be involved in
investigating those who have had UFO encounters in a quest to find out
more, We also visit locations where I was stalked by some very strange
individuals this will be the first time that the stalking element of my story will
be aired by a mainstream broadcaster.
I say to camera laugh with me not at me in view of the nightmare I have
lived. It is important to clarify that I am what is termed a Targeted
Individual. Or TI, as well as being a media contributor & writer, with recent
membership to the NUJ. It is my hope that Channel 4 will venture where no
broadcaster has been before regarding my UFO experiences and the heavy
price tag I have paid.

My Interactions With Extraterrestrials

Across The Space Time Continuum
Tony Topping Audio Version, this clip
takes the listener further into the
mental component behind UFOs.

Tony Topping & Dan Schrieber The Great

UFO Conspiracy

My Private War Against Classified

Mind Control Operations Covert
Interests UFOs Audio Version

Standard | Posted in TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin, alien,
Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Aliens, AMMACH, Anna Miralis, Bases
Series, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, Dan Schriber, Daniel Lucchesi, Events,
Gang Stalking, Great UFO Conspiracy, Jason Bourne, Journals of a MILAB,
Majestic 12, Miles Johnston, mind control, More 4, NATO, Plum Pictures,
RIIA, STARGATE, Troop 10003, UFO, UFOLOGY, Will Daws

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



UFO Encounters Nordic Aliens & The

UFO Secrecy Police Tony Topping On
KGRA Starborn Radio

Tony Topping Covert Witness UFOs.

Stalked By The Mind Control Police

Please note I am speaking at New Horizons St Annes on the 23rd March 2015

"Crack Up" A Short Film Piece By

Tony Topping

& PROBE UK 28TH March 2015

In this fascinating edition and due to popular demand I update my supporters
on the latest news, building up to the filiming of a UFO involving Nordic ET at
a local location, AI flyng triangles, Vladmir Putin, Russia, UFOs, Ukraine &
World Affairs. My contribution to Channel 4 TV, an extract from my journals
and loads more in the continual saga of dealing with those people who are
Not From Round Here.
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged Alien Encounters, Aliens, Channel
4, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Edward
Snowden, Hybrid, MI5, Nazi UFOs, Nord, Nordic Aliens, Tony Topping UFO
Journals. UFOs MJ12, UFO Secret Police, UFO Sightings, UFOs. UFO

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author


29TH 2015

UFOs The Media & The Covert

Harassment Of Tony Topping On
Critical Mass Radio

Y.M.C.A. St.Annes
St.Albans Road, Lytham St.Annes
Nr Blackpool, Lancashire FY8 1XD
Probe International are the UK leaders in Paranormal Conferences. Many
speakers from all over the world attend Probe International
Conferences. We cover any subjects Including Ufology, Crop Circles,
Paranormal Phenomenon & much, much more. Probe
International holds two main conferences per year in Lytham St Annes Nr
Blackpool, Lancashire, a two day event in both October & March.

Stalked By A Secret Police UFOs &

The Harassment Of Tony Topping

3.30pm 4.30pm Tony Topping

Tony Topping makes a welcome return to PROBE with his
experiences of UFOs he is a target of covert harassment by
intelligence services, it has taken Tony 14 years to understand what
is happening as science fiction collides with his real life encounters
with Nordic & Dimensional Extra-terrestrials. High Strange Black

takes audience into the real world of UFOs and ET contact based on
Tonys experiences which have evolved into a true encounter
experience your understanding of the real life world of UFOs, ET
contact & state secrecy will be altered
Probe International Conferences are based in Blackpool, Lancashire
North West of England.

Saturday 28th March 2015

Please Note Doors open 9.00am please be seated before 10 am for a
prompt start
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin, alien, Alien
Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, AMMACH, Broadcasting,

The World Of UFOs & Covert

Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward

Surveillance In The UK Tony Topping

On Planet X

Snowden, Close Encounters, Collins Elite, Commissioning Editor, CRV, Dan

Schrieber, DI55 & UFOs, Ed Dames, electronic monitoring, ET, ET
Communication Conference, ET Conference, Events, MKULTRA, Nazi UFOs,
PROBE, Probe UK Conference 2015, Tony Topping, Tony Topping Channel
4, UFO Secret Police, UFOs, UFOs Over The UK, USAP, USO

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping UFOs & The Bock Saga

Tony Topping Bases at the Barge
Conference 2014

Tony Topping chats with Howard Hughes regarding his experiences of UFOs
and his extraordinary visions before filming for Channel 4. In May 2014, the
image portrayed in the 1st 8 minutes of the clip are of actual UFOs near
Tonys House. The second clip is from the art of Lloyd Canning bringing the
vision Tony witnessed to life. Currently articles run in the press regarding
Russia and Ukraine, it is the conviction of Tony that this vision was a warning
to nations of this world and the method which the UFOs communicate with is
also a unique theory as told to Tony by those Who Are Not From Round
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged #mindtap, AC, Alexi Yu Savin,
alien, Alien Abduction, Alien Abductions, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters,
Aliens, Alphernas Betern, AMMACH, Asser, Bases Conference, Bases Series,
bbc, Black Briar, Bloodline, Bock Sa-Ga, Bock Saga, Broadcasting, C4, CE4,
ce5, Channel 4, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, Close Encounters, Collins Elite, CRV,
Dan Schrieber, DI55 & UFOs, Ed Dames, ET, ET Communication
Conference, ET Conference, Illuminati, Jason Bourne, KGB, Kontrol,
MAJESTIC, Majestic 12, MILAB, Miles Johnston, Mind Kontrol, UFO, UFOs

The Tony Topping Show UK Cattle

Mutilations Specialist Mike Freebury



by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

The Tony Topping Show Ep 17 Tony

Talks of His Own UFO Experiences
A photo of actual UFOs arriving near my home.

GCHQ & River Ouse UFO Incident

The Crosby Comrades Club 96 Liverpool Road, Liverpool Merseyside LS23 5TG
Doors Open 7pm For 8pm Start 16th February 2015.
Spiritual Horizons Liverpool welcomes Tony Topping to the venue.
Tonys talk with a comprehensive Q & A session is called HIgh Strange Black,
he is a covert witness to secretive events surrounding UFOs.
Tony discusses his UFO interactions, journals and targeting by an unknown
intelligence agency.
With an emphasis on the ET contact element of his encounters that involve
liaison with Nordic and Dimensional ET, Tony calls this Crossing The Bridge.
Tonys unique knowledge has helped others come to terms with the close
encounter experience, as Tony guides his audience through the process of
contact with advanced ET intelligences

Tony Topping On The Ian Collins

Show Dennis Sees a UFO Call Tony
The Real Man In Black.

Although some shy away from the media Tony is a well known media
contributor having appeared for major broadcasters in the UK his experiences
are taking him into the world of documentaries & publishing.
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged #mindtap, Alexi Yu Savin, alien,
Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, Aliens, Alphernas
Betern, AMMACH, Asser, Bases Conference, Bases Series, bbc, Black Briar,
Bloodline, Bock Sa-Ga, Bock Saga, Broadcasting, C4, Channel 4, CIA,
Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



An Introduction To The Book By Tony Topping

High Strange Black A Covert Witness Testimony

Tony Topping On talkSPORT Crashed

UFOs & Other UFO Stories.

Using illustrations by the artist Lloyd Canning to

bring my experiences to life, one such image is
called Nordic Symbolic, the fascinating story of
how the Nordic Symbolic drawing came about is
the product of an experience that happened in
May 2014.
Selby Abbey & the town of Selby recently hit the news as host town for the

Mr UFO Tony Topping With Ian

Collins a Humourous Look at the
World of UFOs

wedding of Taiwanese recording artist Jay Chou to Hannah Quinlivan, the

town is a small expanding market town located in North Yorkshire UK, near
the historic city of York. It is possible that as early as AD959 and even further
back in history settlers lived in Selby, at a place called Church Hill. Selby also
carries another claim to fame, it is a hotspot for UFOs and some of the
residents of the town like to keep that a secret. Sightings in the town have
been reported in the 1950s and 1970s also in the early 1980s near the
power station at Drax. This is my story of the interaction with UFOs, covert
agents and unmarked helicopters that happened in London, across the UK &
Selby North Yorkshire, my book is called High Strange Black A Covert Witness

It has at times not been pleasant the violations of privacy amongst a

unknowing public with advanced technology remain disturbing giving rise to
secret surveillance units deploying mind invasive technology on certain
members of the public.I was the unwilling participant in very secretive and
unethical operations without oversight by an unknown intelligence group.
These Black Ops activities I talk about are called Unacknowledged Special

Tony Topping His Life & UFO

Encounters & Harassment Part 1

Access Programs (USAP).Eisenhower clearly saw the cover up expanding in a

farewell address ICKE said, The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced
power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.Unmarked
helicopters filmed me, I was followed and harassed by some very real Dr
Strangelove characters whose activities would be comical if the situation was
not as serious, these extreme experiences are taking me into the world of film
& documentaries.
A glimpse into Tony Toppings forthcoming controversial book about
UFOs called High Strange Black with illustrations by Lloyd Canning.
The book High Strange Black explores the covert world of operations and
secrecy involving UFOs and contact with extraterrestrial intelligences, it is
where science fiction collides with real life, as I take the reader into a world
where contact with UFOs began for me as a child but not in the way people
would think.
In the process of my contact experiences with UFOs I came under high
technology torture with weapons of mind control and wrote journals of
interaction about the beings behind the UFOs spanning a number of years
which I could not decipher, this makes me I feel a most unusual political
Only recently reading through my journals I reflected & discovered that
written in those journals is the diary of an operation to contact UFOs with
myself as an interface between two worlds. The horrifying entries of torture
via mind control and the disruption by those harassing me in the book is a
clear indication of very sinister events to keep such activities quite.

Tony Topping His Life & UFO

Encounters & Harassment Plus CE5
Part 2

Many startling conclusions were reached for the reader during my reflective
period before the High Strange Black publishing project. One of which is they
always deployed mind control on me a day later after my interaction with a
UFO, not before nor during interaction. They were always a day or two late
by the time they had understood a UFO had flown over my house in simple
terms a covert group of individuals had deployed mind invasive technology to
control and monitor a situation I had apparently stumbled into, involving
intelligences not of this world.
Using illustrations by the artist Lloyd Canning to bring my experiences to life,
one such image is called Nordic Symbolic, the fascinating story of how the
Nordic Symbolic drawing came about is the product of an experience that
happened in May 2014, a vision while in sleep.

Interactions written in my book High Strange Black had been going on for
quite a long time, on that morning I was due to film outside an establishment
that is involved in world affairs for the UK broadcaster Channel 4, contributing
to a documentary about UFOs. It as if a warning was being delivered due to
events in Ukraine by a culture of people from another galaxy it was quite
staggering the aliens were using clocks and a local location where a UFO had
appeared a few years back in the vision, as well as an angel or avatar symbol,
this and many other visions are illustrated in the book.
These people are commonly known as the Nordic Race. Beings who are
Scandinavian in look but do not look human, allegedly from the Andromeda
Galaxy, it is these extraordinary visions from the Nordic, that have been
brought to life by illustrator Lloyd Canning, for the book High Strange Black.
Zulu folklore clearly is aware of the Nordic as these were the first people the
Zulu set eyes upon before seeing any Westerners the story is extraordinary.
The reader would further be fascinated by Zulu folk-lore and this remarkable
statement. By Zulu Shaman Credo Mutwa

Many, many, many centuries ago, before the first White-man came to Africa,
we African people encountered a race of alien beings which looked exactly like
the European White-man who were going to invade Africa in our future.
These alien creatures are tall. Some of them are rather well-built, like
athletes, and they have slightly slanting blue eyes and high cheek-bones. And
they have got golden hair, and they look exactly like the Europeans of today,
with one exception: their fingers are beautifully made, long and like those of
musicians and artists.
Now, these creatures came to Africa out of the sky, in craft which looked like
the boomerang of the Australian people. Now, when one of these craft comes
down to land, it creates a whirlwind of dust, which makes a very large sound
indeed, like that of a tornado. In the language of some African tribes, a
whirlwind is zungar-uzungo.
Now, our people gave several names to these White-skinned aliens. They
called them Wazungu, a word which loosely means god but literally means
people of the dust-devil or the whirlwind.

And, our people were familiar with these Wazungu from the start. They saw
them, and they saw that some-in fact, many-of these Wazungu carry what
appears to be a sphere made of crystal or glass, a sphere which they always
playfully bounce like a ball in their hands. And when a force of warriors tries
to capture a Wazungu, the Wazungu throws this ball into the air, catches it in
his hands, and then disappears.
But, some Wazungu were captured by Africans in the past and forcibly kept
prisoner in the villages of chiefs, and in the caves of shamans. The person
who had captured the Muzungu, as he is called in singular, had to make sure
that he kept the glass-globe well-hidden from the Wazungu. So long as he
kept the globe hostage, the Muzungu could not escape.
And when Africans saw the real Europeans, the White men from Europe, they
transferred to them the name Wazungu. Before we met the people from
Europe, we Africans, we had met White-skinned Wazungu, and we transferred
the name Wazungu to the real Europeans, from the aliens.
The interaction with these aliens sets the backdrop to what is termed a
spiritual journey, however their version of a spiritual quest as explained in
High Strange Black is staggering in complexity in a world paradigm that is
destructive upon itself.
For the 1st time in any UFO book I talk about how the process of contact with
aliens from another dimensithon impacts on the experiencer leaving them
carrying an incredible signature in time, for the book is a beacon in a world of
darkness, a gateway into understanding that which is hidden from view.

I Welcome You To Read A Short Extract From The 1st Draft

Introduction Of My Book High Strange Black.

It is a constant feeling of stress for me, being involved in the covert

world of secrets that revolve around UFOs & their occupants,what
UFOs are, or where UFOs come from. If John le Carr had written
High Strange Black George Smiley would reach for the drinks
cabinet, It is where the world of my mundane life collides with
science fiction & covert interests who are aware we are not alone as
the human race in the multiverse.
High Strange Black is a covert witness testimony, a form of
disclosure grown from the complex real world of interaction with
aliens, people from other worlds & dimensions spanning forty years,
it has not been easy and the information discovered came at a price
for me.
Of observational interest to any secretive agency or organisation are
members of the public interacting with people who reside in a
dimensional world, they keep it classified & it is comical if it was not
as serious. Communication goes on with beings from other galaxies
(as if waving at someone across the road) with ordinary members of
the public here in the UK, this communication I call Crossing The
My experiences are far removed from mainstream UFO research and
very different to the stories we see written in the UFO books. By its
nature my process of interaction with beings from another
dimension is unique, leaving a signature within you that pulses
across time.
I was tortured remotely by mind control & stalked by agents
unknown, I look at who are the gatekeepers of the secret
information that UFOs are under intelligent control from people from
other worlds. My harassment began in 1999, the men and women of
the UFO secret police in the UK were monitoring my interactions
with the UFOs before I had begun to comprehend them. Thus it can

be said that somebody, somewhere, in government knows I am

having interaction with UFOs and is keeping it a secret.
Credo Mutwa reference
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio, Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping
Lectures, UFO News, Tony Topping MILAB Journals, US NAVY, Underwater
UFOs, China Navy, Alien Abductions, UFOs, mj12, China Lake, Area 51,
Antarctica, Mind Control, MKULTRA, Edward Snowden, MC, Mind
Controllers, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE, Trauma Based Mind Control, OCCULT,
Illuminati, Illuminutty, Jim Carey, Beyonce Pop Single, Pop Music Occult,
Esoteric, CIA, CIA Torture, CIA Torture Report, Control Effects, Secret State
| Tagged Edward Snowden, mind control, Jason Bourne, Classified Mind
Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Tony Topping & The Paranormal
Identity, electronic monitoring, Remote Viewing, Psychic Spying, KGB, PSI
SPIES, Joseph McMoneagle, Project Stargate, STARGATE, SRV, UFOs, Miles
Johnston, AMMACH, Tony Topping, Channel 4, Gang Stalking, Glenn
Greenwald, Mind Kontrol, Journals of a MILAB, NATO, Alexi Yu Savin, UFO,
Alien Abduction, MJ12, Alien Cover Ups, Llloyd Canning, High Strange Black,
Credo Mutwa, Zulu Folklore

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping gives a wild interview to Broadcaster Nick Margerrison

regarding his astounding experiences with UFOs including the most head
spinning and amazing visions from Nordic Blonde Aliens on the morning
before fliming for a Channel 4 documentary. An incredible journey into the
world of ETs, covert operations involving elements of the government, Nick &
Tony piece together from Tonys experiences just what is going on at an
occult an esoteric level that involves the future of mankind an astoudning
broadcast well worth the listen. tonyopsufo@hotmail,.com,
Standard | Posted in Alien Abductions, Antarctica, Area 51, ARTICHOKE,
Beyonce Pop Single, BLUEBIRD, China Lake, UFO News | Tagged Alien
Abduction, Alien Encounters, Aliens, bbc, Black Briar, Broadcasting, Channel
4, CIA, Collins Elite, CRV, Dan Schrieber, DI55 & UFOs, dISCLOSURE,
Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring, Ian Collins, Jason Bourne, Joseph
McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, K, Kerrang Radio, LBC, MASINT, mind
control, NATO, Nazi UFOs, Noocosmology, p, PROBE, Psychic Spying, RIIA.
Chatham House, TALKSPORT, The Cult of Nick, Tony Topping & The
Paranormal Identity, UFO, UFO Abductions, UFO Secret Police, UFO
Sightings, UFO Sightings 2015, UFOs, Unmarked Helicopters

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



There has been a price tag paid in delivering the information you will hear in
this report from Tony. Esoteric symbols dominant the music industry and the
cult of celebrity yet what is the driving force behind the All Seeing Eye Tony
has studied the work of Robert Masters & The Path of the Fifth Way (Goddess
Sekhmet) Sah, Sekhem Sahu meaning The breath of life Sah, The Word of
Might Sekhem. The mantra ends with the word Sahu meaning Realised
Humanand therein lies the rub as Tony explains the time and trouble in
delaying and disrupting the realised human being as a child of the cosmos.
Tony Toppings secret world spans forty two years of dealing with the esoteric
having extreme paranormal experiences since the age 2 the symbolism of
ancient India has often appeared to Tony, in this report Tony goes beyond the
normal understanding of the foundations of the Illuminati the force behind
this mysterious esoteric group must be respected as Tony Toppings
astounding perception and understanding of this ancient esoteric power is
Discussing the mocking by celebrities of the existence of the Illuminati from
Jim Carey to the new song by Madonna called Illuminati Tony draws on
unique documents from the KGBs psychic espionage unit Troop 100003
whose research document Who Reins The World gives fascinating insight
into how people are manipulated and ruled.
Tony also links to the work of Russian military general Petrov and his research
lecture Concept of Public Security the Illuminati from ancient times can thus
be known as the few who control the many.
Tony experiences in meeting this ancient force as a paranormal experience
leaves the adept in no doubt at whatever level of society they belong to that
an informed choice must be made as to what esoteric path one wishes to
The symbol of Lord Ganesha holds mysterious meaning for Tony as he also
talks of his recent UFO encounters.
The incredible book from Tony Topping High Strange Black is due out in
Russia General Petrov strategic studies of the Illuminati and political control
over populations in protection of national security. Part 1 Part 2
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged #mindtap, Alien Abduction, Alien
Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, Bases Series, Bock Saga, Channel 4, Classified
Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden,
CRV, electronic monitoring, Esoteric, Gang Stalking, General Petrov,
Illuminati, Illuminati Europe, Illuminati Mind Control, Illuminati Russia,
KGB, Mind Kontrol, Mind Terrorist, NATO, New World Order, NWO, Occult,
Occult Symbolism, Remote Viewing, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The
Paranormal Identity, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



In this info packed edition week commencing 7/12/2014 Tony talks about the
recent CIA torture report, mind control and the secret state he asks the
question are certain people targets of covert units with mind control ? his
appearance this month for Channel 4 in the UK, Jim Carey & his Illuminutty
improv and of course what everyone is fascinated with, Tonys extreme
paranormal experiences which runs in tandem with the metaphor of the third
Matrix film having been subjected to some strange events during the week.
The opinions expressed by Tony Topping may be subjected to change as his
journey continues, Mainstream and alternative media cannot use this clip
without prior permission. Copyright 2014,
Standard | Posted in Alien Abductions, ARTICHOKE, Beyonce Pop Single,
BLUEBIRD, CIA, CIA Torture, CIA Torture Report, Control Effects, Edward
Snowden, Esoteric, Illuminati, Illuminutty, Jim Carey, MC, Mind Control,
Mind Controllers, MKULTRA, OCCULT, Pop Music Occult, Secret State, Tony
Topping Author, Tony Topping Lectures, Tony Topping MILAB Journals,
Trauma Based Mind Control, Underwater UFOs, US NAVY, USO | Tagged
#mindtap, Alexi Yu Savin, alien, Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Alien
Encounters, Aliens, Alphernas Betern, AMMACH, Asser, Bases Conference,
Bases Series, bbc, Black Briar, Bloodline, Bock Sa-Ga, Broadcasting, C4,
UFO, UFO Sightings, UFOs, UFOs Over The UK

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping a target of strange high technology surveillance shares his

thoughts on the troubling covert harassment he received from a world beyond
the scope of the revelations of Edward Snowden Tonys shares with presenter
Charles Lloyd the true horror and darkly comical lunacy of individuals who
represent a covert interest group stalking him giving a bad name to those
who keep our nation safe.
Standard | Posted in ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, Edward Snowden, MC, Mind
Control, Mind Controllers, MKULTRA, Trauma Based Mind Control | Tagged
#mindtap, CIA



by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast,
Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied.

Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation

between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against
what we are told is a highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.
The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no
confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every
vessel that makes it offshore. The true nature of both the threat and the
extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable
classification level.

Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.

Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as

tested have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force

Base. These are armed with energy weapons.
UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nanotechnology with microscopic sensors being used to detect
behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things
only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files. (all Fox oddly
The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only
the following:

Opposition is extraterrestrial and extremely aggressive and

The threat represents a clear and present danger and is
isolated to the Pacific Basin
China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval
capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a
very real threat.
Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these
operations will lead to fatal consequences.
Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent
in a highly deniable form out of personal interest. Others in the US have
better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.
As to this being a total hose job, I dont see any advantage in it.
For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the
UFO issue. One real sighting had been made over South Korea.
After that, the internet had been flooded, yes, Googles YouTube with
manufactured phony UFO videos, some of beyond next generation quality.
All information given on how UFO video or photos are analyzed is totally false,
childishly so, especially that from the UFO networks. They are
professionally self discrediting.
About 6 weeks ago, a study group was appointed out of NATO and another
one in Asia to look at the pattern of UFO videos. A decision was made to
aggressively investigate one or more groups.
Being aggressively investigated on such an issue is not recommended.
I would love to be more entertaining, invent things, speculate or, perhaps,
include some fascinating videos.
I either have to give this a 70% or reclassify a reliable official source as
purposefully leaking something that makes no sense. My suggestion is that
readers follow other stories for verifications or information that would help in
some way, add it to the comment section and see if we can get a better grip
on what may well be an extremely dangerous situation.

I have had one implied threat, which is almost laughable as I am a board

member of a multinational defense firm larger than most armies. I have also
had several contact of a very suspicious nature, had one verified Homeland
Security computer attack which the software the DOD supplied me with
caught, quite embarrassing also.
Then, yesterday, Press TV in Iran called on my wifes mobile. It flashed US
Government for a second. It seems DHSs bugging capability crashed.
If they hire us, I am sure we can fix that for them.

Standard | Posted in Alien Abductions, Antarctica, Area 51, China Lake,
China Navy, mj12, Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping MILAB Journals,
UFO News, UFOs, Underwater UFOs, US NAVY, USO | Tagged Alexi Yu
Savin, alien, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, Aliens, CIA, Classified Mind
Control Operations What Edward Snowden, UFO

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, Paul Hellyer directed Canadian armed

forces during the time of the Cold War when he retired he publicly stated that
we are not alone in the universe and some guests from outer space actually
live here on planet Earth.
Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Russia Today asks the man
who says UFOs are a serious business Paul Hellyer. With thanks to Russia
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping Lectures, Tony
Topping MILAB Journals, TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin,
Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, Aliens, Bases Series,
bbc, Cattle Mutilations, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control Operations What
Edward Snowden, Collins Elite, Dan Schrieber, ET, ETV, Joseph
McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, Majestic 12, Majesty 12, MAJICOPS,
MJ12, NATO, NORAD, Nordic Aliens, Paul Hellyer, Project Bluebook, Project
Pounce, Psychic Spying, Russia Today, SERPO, STARGATE, The Big ET
Conspiracy, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity, UCT,

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping An Introduction To His UFO Encounters & Dealing With A Secret
Mind Control Police In The UK.
A Fascinating journey into my High Strange life in 15 minutes:
My lifetime experiences of UFO encounters and covert harassment condensed
into 15 mins, on the receving end of mind control from a secret and
unaccountable group. It is a darkly comical journey which has had many
strange incidents a long the way.
The Secret World Of Tony Topping. Covert Secrecy, UFO Encounters. Mind
Control, Conspiracy & Espionage #HIGHSTRANGEBLACK
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping Lectures, Tony
Topping MILAB Journals, TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged alien, Alien
Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Alien Encounters, Aliens, Alphernas Betern,
AMMACH, Bases Conference, Bases Series, Black Briar, Bloodline, Bock
Saga, Broadcasting, C4, Channel 4, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified
Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Collins Elite,
Commissioning Editor, CRV, Dan Schrieber, David Icke, Ed Dames, Edward
Snowden, electronic monitoring, ET Communication Conference, ET
Conference, Gang Stalking, Glenn Greenwald, Illuminati, Ingo Swann, Ior,
James Casbolt, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB,
KGB, Kontrol, MAJESTIC, Majestic 12, Majesty 12, MC, METACONTACT,
MILAB, Miles Johnston, mind control, Mind Kontrol, Mind Terror, MJ12, MK,
MKOFTEN, MKULTRA, NATO, Nazi UFOs, Noocosmology, Nordic Aliens, nro,
Pat Price, Perps, Plum Pictures, Project Stargate, Psychic Spying, RIIA,
Satellite Terrorism, Special Study Group, Television Production, The Peoples
Voice, Time Travel, Tony Topping, Tony Topping new book, U, UFO, UFO
Sigh, UFO Sightings, UFOs, UFOs 2014, UFOs Over The UK, USO

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



My Interactions With Extraterrestrials Across The Space Time

Continuum Tony Topping Audio Version
Voted on Facebook as the most fascinating broadcast from Tony regarding his
encounters to date.
In this audio report for October 2014 Tony Topping delivers once again some
astounding material regarding his high strange experiences with UFOs &
the esoteric, as the game continues among an unknowing public covert
harassment & mysterious dreams, communication across the Space Time
Continuum from people not of this earth Tony delves into the who & the
where but the elusive question is why.
The esoteric allures him to the area of Canary Wharf, his communication with
off world visitation delivering strange visions of the capital of the UK and the
SBS arrest on London Underground of two people suspected as not of this
world lead Tony to wonder what he also witnessed one strange day in London
in 2010, it would be comical if it was not so serious. The right of Article 10 is
expressed here.
Mainstream in all formats &; Alternative Media in all formats cannot use this
clip without permission. Tony Topping Rights Reserved 2014.
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping Lectures, Tony
Topping MILAB Journals | Tagged alien, Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups,
Alien Encounters, Aliens, Alphernas Betern, AMMACH, Big ET Conspiracy,
Broadcasting, C4, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Commissioning Editor,
Dan Schrieber, DI55 & UFOs, ET Communication Conference, ET
Conference, MJ12, NATO, Nazi UFOs, Nordic Aliens, SAS, SBS, Tony
Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity, Tony Topping Log
Books, Tony Topping new book, Tony Topping UFO Journals. UFOs MJ12,
Top Secret, UFO, UFO Sightings, UFOs, UFOs & Canary Wharf, UFOs 2014,
UFOs Over UK

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



A very deep conversation with Tony Topping regarding the piecing together of
his UFO encounters involving blonde aliens, covert mind control and
harassment by an unelected secret police in a world of chaos it would be
comical if it was not so serious.
Broadcast Media May Not Reproduce Without Permission.
Intro From Michael Melton:
We have a very fascinating guest this week, and I recommend you not miss
this show! Tonys story will keep you on the edge of your seat.
We will be talking to a gentleman named Tony Topping. Tony has done TV
work on UFOs, mind control, conspiracy and espionage, and the psychic spy
operations of the US and the then Soviet Union.
He has worked for major broadcasters from ITV to Channel 4 both local news
in England, and International. At two years old, it was discovered that Tony
was having high strange experiences. In 1996, they escalated, and he had an
encounter with a UFO. He also had one prior to that in 1992. However, the
sighting in 1996 changed his life. His focus was set on researching the UFO
His work filming UFOs caught the attention of a covert group individuals who
engaged Tony, against his will, into a private war of mind control and
harassment. He has been followed and filmed by unmarked helicopters, and
he was engaged unknowingly and against his will in covert operations that are
Tony studied at the Academy of Live and Recorded Arts. He was awarded one
out of twenty places, out of thousands applicants.
His research has been endorsed by the well-known Joseph McMoneagle, the
highly decorated remote viewer and instructor in remote viewing.
This bio just lightly brushes across this most interesting gentlemans
experience. He is ready and willing to talk about his life and his experiences to
If you are an abductee, a victim of mind control or electronic harassment, or
just interested in the subject matter, join us!
Join us for a really exciting show, full of amazing experiences and stories of
UFO encounters.
STARBORN SUPPORT RADIO: Where Experiencers Speak!
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin, alien, Alien
Abduction, Alien Encounters, Aliens, Channel 4, CIA, Classified Mind
Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Close
Encounters, CRV, electronic monitoring, Events, Journals of a MILAB,

Majestic 12, mind control, Mind Terrorist, MJ12, MKULTRA, NATO, Nordic,
Nordic Aliens, Noridc, Plum Pictures, Psychic Spying, SRV, Time Travel,
Tony Topping, Troop 10003, UFO, UFO Secret Police, UFOs 2014

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Recording of one of Dr. Byrds rare public lectures. Includes highly sensitive
information on the topic of mind control. Caution: contains graphic content
and should not be listened to by those who might be triggered by such
Eldon Byrd ran the Marine Corps electromagnetic weapons project in the early
80s and is one of the very few military mind-control scientists to ever publicly
discuss the issue.
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Lectures | Tagged #mindtap, Alan Frey,
Alien Abduction, Aliens, Altar Personality, Altars, Channel 4, CIA, Classified
Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring,
Events, Frey Effect, Gang Stalking, Glenn Greenwald, Illuminati Mind
Control, Jason Bourne, KGB, MI5, Microwave Harassment, Mind Control
Slave, Mind Control UK, Mind Kontrol, MKDELTA, MKULTRA, Mnd Control,
PSI SPIES, Ross Adey

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



The Tony Topping Show returns by popular demandSept 2014

Ronnie A Spiritual Robert McCall

Like the TV drama The Equalizer Ronnie spiritually equalizes the odds for
those who need help. From those in ill health, to a motor that would not fire
up. Got a problem, spiritual odds against you ? call Ronnie The Spiritual
Ronnie lives in Southport & met Tony via local ham radio, Tony discovered
that Ronnie is in fact a closet spiritual warrior with a fascinating tale of
paranormal experiences to tell including a UFO incident that happened to his
sister in 1965 relating to secret UFO projects. He tells the show of his studies
of the healer Smith Wigglesworth.
Tony explores Ronnies Evangelical beliefs and how it applies to his high
strange experiences, as well as Ronnies remarkable coincidences and
powerful healing prayers which has even been of help to Tony. The Tony
Topping Show interviews people who have never spoken about to any form of
media before.
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged alien, Alien Abduction, Aliens,
AMMACH, Bases Series, Bock Saga, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, CRV, Events, fsh, Healing, Joseph
McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, m3kdo, Majestic 12, Nazi UFOs,
Noocosmology, Pentecostal, Project Stargate, Robert McCall, rONNIE, Smith
Wrigglesworth, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Warfare, The Equalizer, The Tony
Topping Show, Time Travel, Timeslip, Timesli[, Tony Topping Channel 4,
Tony Topping PSI Spy, UFO, UFOs, UFOs 2014

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Smiling through adversity.

It was a fascinating journey taking Dan Schrieber into my world of UFO
experiences I always keep an open mind regarding the events that surround
me. The production team inform me that little was taken out of what I had to
say, it all went a bit Mark Thomas Comedy Product in true Channel 4 style as
we ventured into the building of an establishment rumoured to be involved in
investigating those who have had UFO encounters in a quest to find out more,
on the morning before travelling to the establishment a most mysterious
incident took place. We also visit locations where I was stalked by some very
strange individuals this will be the first time that the stalking element of my
story will be aired by a mainstream broadcaster.
In the world of media spin it is noted in the Channel 4 press release the
words these characters it is important to note that I and others with
similar experiences have been to hell and back, I was targeted by covert
interests beyond public scrutiny what we say and do is not because we are
characters but because it is in the public interest as I say to camera laugh
with me not at me in view of the nightmare I have lived. It is important to
clarify that I am what is termed a Targeted Individual. Or TI, as well as
being a media contributor & writer, it is my hope that Channel 4 will venture

where no broadcaster has been before regarding my UFO experiences and the
heavy price tag I have paid.

From the Channel 4 Press Office

Channel 4 beams up The Big E.T. Conspiracy
07 AUG 2014

Channel 4 has commissioned a one-off documentary from Plum Pictures that

will meet British people who believe in extra-terrestrial conspiracy theories.
Writer and comedian Dan Schreiber will travel across the UK to meet an array
of Brits who believe there is a global conspiracy to cover up alien visits to
Earth. In meeting these characters, Dan plans to discover why so many
people of all walks of life are captivated by extra-terrestrial mysteries. Along
the way, hell hear extraordinary theories on why authorities could be hiding
the existence of aliens, and how extra-terrestrial beings may already be
walking among us.
Commissioned by Anna Miralis for Channel 4, this one-hour documentary will
include accounts from those who claim to have experienced close encounters,
interviews with leading experts in the ufology community and individuals who
have dedicated their lifes work to uncovering the alleged alien cover-ups.
As well as stand-up comedy, Dans career highlights include co-creating BBC
Radio 4s Museum of Curiosity and being a researcher/Elf for BBC Twos QI.
Speaking about the project, Dan comments: Channel 4 have let me loose on
my first ever TV documentary to meet people who may have had contact with
aliens. Im fascinated by conspiracy theories the stories, the people and the
connections they make. This isnt about proving them right, or debunking
them, its just an appreciation for some fantastic mind-blowing ideas.
Will Daws, Executive Producer at Plum Pictures added: Dan is an exciting
new presenter who brings a fresh insight into the world of the ET conspiracy
theories. He has embarked on a mysterious journey full of claims of strange
sightings and government cover ups, but never loses his sense of awe at
being introduced to some of the countrys best-known conspiracy theorists.
Anna Miralis, commissioning editor for Documentaries at Channel 4, said: We
all at some point consider whether were alone in the universe, and some
have made it their mission to convince the world that we arent. Were excited
to be working with Plum Productions and Dan on this doc. His warm humour
and genuine passion for the topic make him the perfect frontman for the
The Big E.T. Conspiracy (w/t) is a 1 x 60 minute documentary from Plum
Pictures. It is directed by Daniel Lucchesi and executive produced by Will
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin, alien,
Alien Abduction, Alien Cover Ups, Aliens, AMMACH, Anna Miralis, Bases
Series, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control

Operations What Edward Snowden, Dan Schriber, Daniel Lucchesi, Events,

Gang Stalking, Jason Bourne, Journals of a MILAB, Majestic 12, Miles
Johnston, mind control, NATO, Plum Pictures, RIIA, STARGATE, Troop
10003, UFO, UFOLOGY, Will Daws

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Smiling through adversity.

With thanks to Steve DiBasio one of the best articles written

on the use of covert technologies and development, this
technology was used on me for a number of years. My
article @
Mind Control in the 21st CenturyScience Fiction and

Mind Control in the 21st Century

Science Fiction & Beyond
by Steven DiBasio

Is it coming to a home near you?

Conspiracy Theory?
Mind control is a topic commonly perceived as conspiracy theory
or X-Files fare. That is, it is seen as possibly not real, and
certainly not something about which one should be overly
This attitude at least partially arises from the widespread belief or assumption
that the human brain is so complicated(the most complex entity in the
universe is a common formulation)that it has not, and perhaps cannot, be
comprehended in any depth.
One writer, for example, describes the brain as of perhaps infinite
complexity,[1] while another, David Brooks of the New York Times, writes
that it is probably impossible that a map of brain activity could reveal
mental states such as emotions and desires.[2]
Similarly, Andrew Sullivan, blogger and former editor of The New Republic,
opines that neuroscience is still in its infancy, and that we have only begun
scratching the surface of the human brain, and links to a New Yorker piece
in support of that position.[3]

And the cover story for the October 2004 issue of Discovery
Magazine entitled The Myth Of Mind Control advises the reader
that while mind control is a familiar science-fiction staple, there is
little reason for real concern, because actually deciphering the
neural code would be akin to figuring out other great scientific
mysteries such as the origin of the universe and of life on Earth,
and is therefore hardly likely.[4]
According to the article, as the brain is the most significant mystery in
science and quite possibly the hardest to solve,[5] mind control remains at
worst a distant concern.
The underlying idea seems to be that sophisticated mind control is unlikely
without understanding the brain; and we do not understand the brain.

Understanding the Neural Code

Of course, one might question the notion that a full understanding of the
neural code is a prerequisite for mind control since it is not always
necessary to know how something works for it to be effective. Nonetheless,
the assumption that the brain is so complex that little progress has been
made in solving it is itself incorrect.
As neuroscientist Michael Persinger has said, the great mythology of the
brain is that it is beyond our understanding; no its not.[6] In fact, according
to inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, very detailed mathematical models of
several dozen regions of the human brain and how they work.[7] had
already been developed over a decade ago.
Kurzweil also said at that time that science is further along in understanding
the principles of operation of the human brain than most people realize.[8]
While the brain may be complicated, its not that complicated (emphasis
Similarly, an Air Force report from 1995, in a section entitled Biological
Process Control, predicts that before 2050 [w]e will have achieved a clear
understanding of how the human brain works, how it really controls the
various functions of the body, and how it can be manipulated:[10]

One can envision the development of electromagnetic energy

sources that can couple with the human body in a fashion that
will allow one to prevent voluntary muscular movements, control
emotions (and thus actions), produce sleep, transmit suggestions,
interfere with memory, produce an experience set, and delete an
experience set. [11]
As disturbing as such predictions may be, is it possible that technologies to
prevent (or perhaps even impel) muscular movement, control emotions,
transmit suggestions, delete memories, create false memories, and so on,
have already been developed?
Certainly, even a cursory review of the open literature reveals that
various sophisticated mind control technologies already exist.[12] Indeed, it is
rather shocking to realize how advanced mind control technology was, even
several decades ago.

Altering brain waves

For example, there is the 1974 invention of Robert G. Malech for which a
patent was granted in 1976 and assigned to defense contractor Dorne &
Margolin, Inc.for a method of remotely monitoring and altering brain
Moreover, experiments conducted over thirty years ago at the Stanford
Research Institute (SRI) showed that basic mind reading from EEG readouts
was possible, revealing the existence of a non-symbolic language of brainwave patterns which could be deciphered and translated.[14]
Indeed, [b]y the late 1960s remote control of the human brain
accomplished without the implantation of electrodeswas well on its way to
being realized.[15] A means of stimulating a brain by creating an electrical
field completely outside the head was developed,[16] and it was discovered
that electric pulses could stimulate the brain using far less energy than
previously thought effectual in the old implanting technique.[17]
Not surprisingly, with such developments arose legitimate fears of a future
world where human robots would perform the bidding of the military.[18]
And one source quotes a 1970s Pentagon agency report as saying that it
will likely be possible in several years to induce sounds and words directly
into the brain (bypassing the ears), as well as to use combinations of
frequencies and other signal characteristics to produce other neurological

The report notes that the Soviets had observed various changes in
body chemistry and functioning of the brain from the exposure of
the brain to various frequencies.[20] Also mentioned are studies at
MIT showing that magnetic brain waves can be picked up and
amplified as if the brain were a radio transmitter, no implants or
electrodes required.[21]
Finally, an article from 1981 describes how microwave generators placed in
appropriate locations and transmitting at low energy would create
interference patterns out of the interaction with brainwaves (brain
These interference patterns could then be built up by computer into a
three-dimensional moving picture of mental processesin other words, a
remote thought scanner (and tracking device) could be developed.[22]
Recent Advances

Subjected to outside influences

In light of these past developments, it is perhaps rather surprising to

read modern articles describing supposedly recent innovations in mind
reading and mind control technology in which it is sometimes claimed, for
example, that scanners, electrodes and proximity to the subject is required to
read and control minds.
Such claims reflect an apparent failure of the science of mind control to
progress as one might have expected considering the presumed interest, as
well as the spectacular rate of advancement of science and technology in
general in recent decades.
Of course, it would not be all that surprising if mind control technology has
advanced considerably, but that research has been carried out in secret for
reasons of national security.
CIA affiliated scientists have certainly conducted much research which
they have been prohibited from sharing with their peers,[23] and inventions
that implicate national security are routinely suppressed under Pentagon
secrecy orders.[24] Also, it might seem desirable to hide research programs
which sometimes require relaxation of ethical standards, such as that of
informed consent.
That said, even ignoring the likely existence of a secret science of mind
control, recent public advancements are quite troubling in their own right.
Some examples:

New connections are being made all the time.


In 2004, 25,000 rat neurons on a glass dish learned to fly an F-

22 jet fighter simulator.[25] After scientists placed the neurons on

the dish, the neurons quickly began to reconnect themselves,
forming a living neural networka brain.[26]
The lead scientist added that one day, though of course a long
way off, disembodied brains might actually be used to fly drones,
[27] though the current experiment was merely to enhance
knowledge of how the brain works, and possibly provide clues to
brain dysfunction.[28]

In August 2013, researchers revealed that miniature human

brains had been grown in the laboratory.[29] As is typical, any

negative implications or reasons for worry were minimized, while
possible therapeutic uses were highlighted. Thus, the
breakthrough was hailed as a great opportunity to understand
developmental defects. Though the writer does mention the
spectre of what the future might hold, the reader is reassured that
the research is primitive territory[30]though one researcher did
comment on the undesirability of growing larger laboratory brains.

On July 1, 2013, a magazine reported a claim by neuroscientist

Sergio Canavero that it was now feasible to transplant the head of

one human to the body of another and reattach the spinal cord.[32]


Scientists have reconstructed random images viewed by

subjects, from fMRI brain scans, in research that hints that one
day scientists might be able to access dreams, memories and

The brains of two rats have been linked, such that one, located

in North Carolina, responded telepathically to the thoughts of the

other, located in Brazil.[34] The second rats brain processed signals
from the first rats brain, delivered over the internet, as if they were
its own. The scientist speculated about the future possibility of a
biological computer, in which numerous brains are

A brain-to-brain interface has been created, allowing humans to

move a rats tail just by thinking about it.[36] Readers are told that
while it is not yet possible to communicate brain to brain with our
fellow humans we may be on our way to controlling other
species.[37] But, since it is still very early days the writer
hope(s) that any ethical concerns can be iron(ed) out.[38] Of
note, the study used focused ultrasound to deliver impulses to the
rats brain.[39]

Continuing the ultrasound theme: Focused pulses of low

intensity low frequency ultrasound, transmitted noninvasively

through the skull to the human brain, have been shown capable of
producing, not only pain, but also sound, as well as evoking sensory
stimuli.[40] Accordingly, a lab with a close working relationship
with DARPA, the Department of Defense, and U.S. Intelligence
communities, has been looking into using pulsed ultrasound to
encode sensory data onto the cortex; in other words, producing
hallucinations through the remote and direct stimulation of brain
circuits.[41] Possibilities are the ability to remotely control brain
activity and the creation of artificial memories.[42] Even Sony
has gotten in on the act, patenting a device for using ultrasound to
produce hallucinationsagain described as transmitting sensory
data directly into the human brain.[43] Most troublingly, one
source recently alleged that the NSA is using this ultrasound
technology to target individuals through their smartphones.[44]

A researcher was able to make a fellow researcher in a different

office move his finger just by thinking about it, in the first
demonstration of a human brain-to-brain interface.[45]

A low cost means of tracking people, even through walls, has

been developed. While in the past individuals could be tracked

anywhere by the military using radar technology, this technology
might enable entities with fewer resources to track people as well.

10) Scientists have remote controlled a worm by implanting

magnetic nanoparticles into it, and then exposing the animal to a
radiofrequency magnetic field which stimulated its neurons. The
scientists suggest that their research could lead to innovative
cancer treatments and improved diabetes therapies, as well as
11) Americans can now be spied on in their homes through their
internet-connected appliances, according to (former) CIA Director
David Petraeus.
Petraeus made his statements at about the same time a huge
microchip company, ARM, unveiled new processors which will
connect home appliances such as refrigerators, washers and driers
to the internet.[48]
12) LED lights have been ostensibly pushed for their efficiency over
traditional bulbs. However, LED lights are also semiconductors
capable of inducing biological and behavior effects.[49]
Breakaway Science?

Nural Codes
While the aforementioned public developments are quite concerning,
the reality is they may not actually represent the true state of the art in mind
control technology.
It would not be that surprising, after all, for a domain with national security
implications to at some point in its development branch off onto separate
tracks, one public and the other hidden.
If such a bifurcation were to occur, advancements made in secret would not
necessarily be incorporated into the public sphere. Eventually perhaps,
innovations and breakthroughs would result in the development of an
essentially new, covert science.
An example of a domain in which this bifurcation process seems to have
occurred is aviation. In the public sphere, the most advanced aircraft might
well be the F-22 fighter jet, or perhaps the F-35. However, if insider testimony
is credited, these aircraft seem almost primitive in comparison with flying
machines developed in secret.
Perhaps the most compelling statements in this regard come from Ben Rich,
former Director of Lockheed-Martins Advanced Development Projects, or
Skunk Works, a Lockheed division notable for its super high-tech, top secret
projects, among them the U2 spy plane and the SR-71 Blackbird.
As Joseph P. Farrells reports in his book Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops,
Rich made a number of peculiar and provocative comments at the end of his
career, and following his retirement on December 31, 1990 (prior to his death
five years later), comments strongly hinting at the development of an offthe-books physics and technology.[50]

For example, on September 7, 1988, in a presentation to the

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics in Atlanta,
Georgia, Rich lamented that he was prohibited from discussing
Skunkworks current projects, but he did say that they call for
technologies once only dreamed of by science fiction writers.[51]
In ensuing years, Rich elaborated slightly. For instance, while
speaking to the UCLA School of Engineering Alumni Association in
1993, Rich said that an error in the equations had been discovered
and corrected, making it possible to travel to the stars.[52] He
added, however, that these technologies are so locked up in black
programs, that it would take an act of God to ever get them out to
benefit humanity.[53]

Ben Rich Who saw it itlived it all.

Farrell goes on to relay a statement from an unnamed Lockheed retired
engineer who was quoted in a magazine article in 1988 as saying that we
have things flying in the Nevada desert that would make George Lucas
drool.[54] In the same article an Air Force officer involved in the
development of the SR-71 said [w]e are testing vehicles that defy
To compare them conceptually to the SR-71 would be like comparing
Leonardo da Vincis parachute design to the space shuttle. And a retired
Colonel chimed in: We have things that are so far beyond the comprehension
of the average aviation authority as to be really alien to our way of thinking.

Consider then for a moment the possibility that within the classified
world, in 1993, a technology, to quote Ben Rich, to take ET back
home had already been developed.[56] The implications are
enormous, not to mention rather frightening. One wonders where
the technology must be in 2014, more than twenty years later.
And if the aforementioned statements are true, and this seems plausible (why
would these individuals lie, or even exaggerate, especially to Engineering
Associations and Aeronautics institutes), what might this imply about the
current state of the art in domains other than aviation, such as neuroscience,
which has itself been the subject of intense weaponization efforts.

Indeed, what does such a vast discrepancy between what people

believe and what is actually true suggest about the nature of our
perceived reality in general?
Steven DiBasio is a writer, attorney, and sometime musician.
He lives in the Midwest. And more will be on the way. He can be
reached at:
Editing: Jim W. Dea

Quote | Posted in Tony Topping Author, TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged
#mindtap, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations
What Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring, Gang Stalking, Jason Bourne,
mind control, Mind Kontrol, Mind Terrorist, MKULTRA, NATO, Psychic
Spying, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Journals Of A MILAB An Entry By Tony Topping 10th July 2014

It was on the 8th July 2007 when I noted an entry of little child entering
Dreamscape, the noise and disruption to the mind was so deafening at the
time that it was only in 2014 I noticed and it raised questions, it is harder
than I thought to keep a journal sometimes beyond my comprehension I have
decided to work backwards today is the 10th July 2014 this morning was like
a freak show as time displacement is present as if you are some place forward
in time of have been into the future yet are strangely sat in the now, it is a
very isolating and lonely feeling and I sense screen memories surfacing with
them, I was upset today over events I have no control over, did my talk on
the 7th July and on the 8th wandered to the beach at Southport, a close
friend had a CE5 encounter recently he keeps it to himself such is the world,
as do many in my nation, two UFOs came in over the beach dots of light high
up no noise, no strobe my friends had never seen anything like it they circled
me something they have never done before and I am left in wonder
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping MILAB Journals | Tagged #mindtap,
Alexi Yu Savin, Alien Abduction, Aliens, AMMACH, Bock Saga, Channel 4,
Collins Elite, Joseph McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, Majestic 12, MJ12,
NATO, Project Stargate, PSI SPIES, Tony Topping & The Paranormal
Identity, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Eight? Infinity? August? Yet Another

2014 Holland
Crop Circle Discovered by Robbert van
den Broeke.

The Crop Circle enigma surrounding Robbert van den Broeke continues to
unfold in Holland, and the mainstream media remains mute about what
is happening! Here is a new Holland Crop Circle report from Nancy Talbott.
What is happening in the Holland Crop Circles deserves our worlds attention!
From Nancy Talbott:
Dear All.another circle, again foreseen by Robbert:
Date: July 8, 2014 (at, or
just after, Midnight of
Standdaarbuiten, Holland
Crop: Wheat
Found By: Robbert v/d

Diagram: Roy Boschman & Nancy Talbott
Photos: Roy Boschman
Report By: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (
On Sunday evening, July 6th, I
(Nancy) skyped Robbert v/d
Broeke because of a feeling I
had that another crop circle
was coming in Holland. Robbert
said he also felt something was
coming and both of us
remarked on the fact that we
were feeling extremely tired,
something weve both noticed
increasingly in the last few
years when new circles are
getting ready to appear near
Robbert. Then, on the evening
of Monday July 7th we were
again on Skype for awhile
when, at 12:05 am East Coast U.S. time (6:05 am July 7th, Robberts time)
Robbert looked up toward the ceiling of his apartment and suddenly said he
had a feeling in his stomach and heart and saw a blueprint of a new
formationan 8 (Robbert called it the number eight, although it could also
possibly represent an infinity symbol)which was coming in a crop circle very
soon. I asked him to draw me what he saw and he did, and held up a
sketch of an 8 to the Skype camera so I could see it.
Then on Tuesday, July 8th at 4:53pm U.S. time (nearly 11:00pm Robberts
time) while again on Skype, Robbert again looked up toward the ceiling
several times and all of a sudden got a certain look on his face that Ive seen
many timessaying then he felt a very massive energy around him and that
the crop circle was happening immediately. I heard him say Roosendaal (a
fairly distant town)and then said some other Dutch village name I didnt
catchand then said he had to go and call Roy right away, hoping Roy would
not yet be in bed so he could drive Robbert to find the new circle. The last
thing he said before hanging up was it sounds strangebut it feels
exactly like a baby is coming.
By the time Roy arrived (and I suspect the crop circle had already formed)
Robbert felt the place they had to drive was in-between the villages of
Hoeven, Oudenbosch and Standdaarbuiten (all very close together), instead of
Roosendaal. When they got to the right area Robbert saw (in his minds eye,
not visually) a white, luminescent aura over one of the fields and they
stopped the car & walked to this field. As they went down the tram-lines and
then found the formation Robbert felt a huge amount of activity in the air
over the fieldthat there were many helpers and light beings present.

Just as he had foreseen,

the formation is a
beautiful 8 with some
amazing lay details. The
wheat is laid very flat to
the ground throughout,
with two approximately 20
cm.-wide flat paths
coming out of both of the
8 circles.and a very
thin, 30 cm.-wide
flattened ring around the whole formation.

It had been raining

steadily for several days
and was also very hot,
and the ground was wet
and very muddy. But the
rain had stopped enough
by the time Robbert and
Roy arrived so they were
able to carefully pick they
way along the tram-lines
and could see, that even
thought their boots were
covered with mud, there
was no mud at all in the
new formation. Robbert
heard the crackling zzzzz
sound in this circle and
felt the electric feeling
was so intense the hair on
his arms was standing up
(as occurs when there is
an electrostatic charge
present). He also reported
that in a few parts of the
formation, if he stood
there too long, he began
to feel he might go knock
out and had to quickly
Apparently the energies
involved in this circle were
extremely intense and
Robbert and Roy both
thought the lay looked
unusualvery flat and
more mechanical than is
typical of most circles that
occur near Robbert.
Finally Robbert tells me he
got some messages in
this formation. He said he
clearly heard that those
of us around the world
who continue to work to
bring the truth about the crop circles being a genuine unexplained
phenomenon to the larger public are much loved by the non-human
energies which create the real circles, and that those of us doing this are
making history. And he told me he also got a specific thank you for
me.that they thanked me and were happy I continue to do my part. I

hesitate to recount this

because I know some
people will either think
Robbert tells me this
because he is, himself,
grateful for my helpor
that I report this only to
toot my own horn. But I
have come to a
decision.perhaps it was
when in February I sent
the heart to Robbert in

( )that I am
through trying to be politically correct at the expense of the phenomenon
itself. Something way beyond what we ordinary souls understand is
going onand its past time for honest, smart people to pony up.


For additional photos of this and other
Dutch crop circles, see Robberts Crop
Circle Archive:

For more info (in English)

about the anomalous
phenomena occurring
around Robbert for the
last 20 years, see
individual reports listed
below the introduction on
his BLT page:
Nancy Talbott
BLT Research Team Inc.
P.O. Box 400127
Cambridge, MA 02140 (USA)
ph: 617/492-0415
Standard | Posted in UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin, alien, Alien
Abduction, Aliens, AMMACH, Bases Series, Bock Saga, Channel 4, Classified
Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden,
Collins Elite, CRV, Events, Joseph McMoneagle, MJ12, NATO,
Noocosmology, STARGATE, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Rebecca Mccormack Alien Abductee Loving The

Alien A Journey Into High Strange.

An exclusive article on one woman and

her journey with ET contact

The last year of my life I have spent searching for answers of who I am, for a
woman at my age that might be an easy answer, but not for me. I am an
alien abductee. I was abducted in the UK in 1975. What does being an alien
abductee mean, it means that day in 1975 I became an alien. That day I was
blessed by their presence and my life was changed forever.
During my abductions, I have had my reproductive system altered and I am
supposed to give birth to a human hybrid that will help bring peace to our
struggling world.
There are many women like myself all over the World; we are modern day
Virgin Marys.
Today I communicate regularity with ETs by channeling information online. I
am able to channel all types of relevant information. I do this regularly. ETs
have become my family and they help me with day-to-day issues in my life.
Right now they are helping me find a potential partner that will be giving the
same channeling capabilities as me. ETs overall goal is to be an equal partner
in the family unit. This means help with husband and wife partnership,
parenting and financial freedom.
That is ETs overall goal for all abductees like me, a new type of family.
I have access to a map that will help me locate other abductees like myself.
With this map I have many options to bring these people out in the open and
tell our stories.
This is Bike Behr. He is one of us. Women like me are supposed to raise
children of advanced intelligence. Little geniuses. These children are able to
communicate with ETs the same way I do, in order to advance the childrens
intelligence and self esteem.
Video of Bike Behr:

Bike Baehrs facebook page:
The reason I have not known this all my life, is because my abductions as a
child were erased from my memory, for very good reason. Some abductees
choose to remember their experiences. I however, am not one of those
I believe that there is a good reason that this experience is not in my memory
bank. I am thankful that I dont have these memories and that this experience
has been erased from my memory. I believe that my abduction was erased
from my memory because ET wanted me to have normal childhood. That

would not have been the case if I had a memory of my abductions. However,
because of this experience a normal life has been challenging.
I have had many experiences all my life that were related to my abduction. As
a young woman most of them left me confused and isolated. That was not
the intention; however that was my reaction to the strange experiences.
There have been countless experiences of ET contact during my lifetime. One
particular experience happened when I was twenty-five.
I was working as a waitress in Vancouver. I was standing in the bar area put
away clean glasses. All at once all the glasses around me started to shatter.
Glasses that I tried to pick up exploded in my hands. I had no control over
this and the only way to stop was to leave the area.
I remember being very frightened and my boss, yelled at me and told me I
would have to pay for all the glasses I had broke. This was embarrassing and
I left the bar and stood out in the back yard crying to myself. Soon after that I
quit my job and moved back home to Winnipeg. In hindsight, this has been a
pattern in my life, when I would experience contact I would regress and want
to be in my home. That is why many of my experienced have isolated me.
I have made this mistake many times in my life. The comfort of home eased
the stress of the unknown.
Looking back on this experience, I believe it was ETs trying to communicate
with me, but at the time I did not understand this. The reason I know this is
because as of this years ETs have been communicating with me in a way I
can understand.
We communicate regularity online. They send me images and articles that
relate to my life and they help me make good life decisions that will allow me
to have the life they had always planned for me. However, like every parent
child relationship. The correct discussions are not always made.
Unfortunately at times it is very difficult to understand their form
communication and I felt very isolated and confused by the strange
experiences. I am convinced that this is pretty much the opposite reaction
they want from me. However, this experience has turned me into an introvert.
It was not until this year, with this newfound knowledge, that I learnt how to
communicate with ETs. Channeling information online has allowed me to fill
in all the gaps of my personal story and find out the true intentions of my
abduction and what this means for the future of this planet.
I call this past year The Year of the Owl. I can honestly say it was the
strangest most educational year of my life.
Two years ago I started a blog called Real Free Energy. This was a somewhat
confused mix of articles I wrote ranging from the Mayan calendar, solar
energy and the law of unconditional love. I say confused because it was.
Really it was just a way for me to put my ideas out into the world to get some
feedback so I could have some explanation for what I had been experiencing
in my personal life.
Since my late twenties I had been communicating with potential lovers with
telepathy. Many people call it the voice of God, Jesus Christ consciousness
connection, the voice of nature or the law of unconditional love. This profound
experience can happen with two people who have never met or even had a
physical conversation. I say physical because the divine matrix allows two
people to communicate through telepathy.

Remote viewing is another area within these personal connections. I am able

to-do this with the people I have a Jesus Christ consciousness connection
with. Somehow I am able to view their every move no matter where they are
in a room or how many people were in it. I can view them with ease in a
room the size of an arena. No matter how far they are from me and without
even looking in their direction.
Within these connections I am also clairvoyant and clair-feeling. Clairvoyance
means you can transfer images. Clair feeling means you can transfer feelings.
I can transfer feeling with my eyes simply by looking into a mans eyes.
What I had been experiencing was a form of communication with my lovers.
Men I was romantically involved with, I communicated with telepathy. For
those who dont know what this is, telepathy is mind to mind communication.
So no matter my partner was in the world, I could communicate by sending
messages to them with my mind. I can send messages, transfer feeling and
images, with my mind.
It is so strange for me that people think telepathy is impossible or those who
talk about it are crazy because it has been such a normal way of
communicating for me for so many years.
I have been searching for answers as to why I was capable of such
communication my entire adult life. However, I went to a long period of self
destructive behavior, due to all the abuse I had endured from potential lovers.
I was addicted to cocaine for five years. I lost everything I owned and ended
up homeless in the process of learning my true story.
My search began with a web site I called Real Free Energy. I had been
running the blog for a year or so when I stumbled across a strange video
called UFOs and Alien Contact 2012, a documentary narrated and produced
by two men. One of them was a researcher that had been researching the
experiences of women similar to me for some time.
He had been researching women who, like me, were confused by what was
happening in their personal life. From the way he was talking about their
experience they had no idea why they had such abilities and they were
seeking help from the wrong people. I am sure this is very common for
people like me.
He did not shine a good light on this phenomenon. He referred to us as
victims and stated that we are not to blame these people. The documentary
compared us to starving children in Ethiopia. He advised the population to
stay close to your family. The video was very confusing for me. I had always
believed I had a special gift, I just didnt understand how to control it or use
my abilities properly.
He went on to warn people about us. He continued to speak about ET
tactics and how they separate us from or friends and they they keep us in
silence That we use drugs and alcohol and that ET do sexual experiments on
us. Furthermore that they confuse us and that they keep us in silence. He said
that they talk about Love, but this has nothing to do with Love Like love
something criminal to talk about.
He concluded by saying that we need to pay very close attention to what
these people are saying because humans cannot compete with ET
technologies. Furthermore, humans needed to ask some very important
questions, What is ET purpose in abducting women, because so many of us
end up killing ourselves.
I had very mixed feeling about watching this video and so much of the
information was just so wrong. I really could never figure out where this
person stood on the whole issue. He stated that we were victims and that
we should pay close attention to what we had to say on one have, but on
the other hand he warned people against us.

He said that we talk about love, but this has nothing to do with love. When in
fact, this has everything to do with love.
In my opinion he had spoke to many confused women who did not
understand what was happening to them. He wanted to be some kind of voice
for them, but his information was so limited and based on his own fears and
the fears of uneducated abductees. The information was ill informed and he
himself was frightened that he did not have the correct answers.
The other narrator had such a star wars mentality explanation, that he came
off like a moron. So I will say very little about what he said. His theory was
that ETs are building an army against us with these children. He also went on
to say that ET tell us that we can change the world, when really all they want
is for them to have these babies. He also alluded to the fact that ET were
responsible for many missing children.
Watching this video really messed me up. I felt shamed and embarrassed.
However, I feel that a lot being an abductee. I always feel people are
laughing at me. I battle wrestle with the images and message from that video
daily. I know I was supposed to see it, but some days I wish I had not.
I remember watching the video and thinking, Im like those people but I have
never been abducted. In fact, I thought it happened in my home many years
later. It wasnt until further research, that I did learn I was abducted and that
the experience had been erased from my memory.
After seeing this documentary it became very important for me to learn more
about the abductee phenomenon and begin the talk about it openly. I was
shown this video for that reason. Before I saw the video I really had no idea
how powerful I was.
That is why the producers were discrediting abductees as they were. The fact
of the matter is humans just cannot compete with Alien technologies. I guess
this was a tough way to learn the value of my gift, but could see through their
lies and understand their fear.
I know I am a threat and I know this because of the way I have been treated
my entire life.
I felt a lot of shame from this video. The word sneaky kept on creeping up
in my mind. The video basically suggested my entire existence was sneaky.
My abduction and telepathy were scrutinized. The researcher brought up
much time the amount of secrecy involved. With this he is referring to the
telepathy and the memory loss.
Abductions are erased from humans memories for very good reason. Those
who chose to be hypnotized and remember their experience will be faced with
mental images that can be very damaging. As for telepathy, well that is done
in silence. It is mind to mind communication.
The video was designed to shame us. The produces know that many of us are
confused by this subject. They know that there is very little accurate
information available to abductees. When I saw the video I was very
frightened and shamed. I felt that I should be speaking to this researcher.
Thankfully I did not.
Shaming women sexually is the most effective method of enemy warfare.
Ufos and Aliens Contact 2012 (Full Documentary):
Two year later I have the correct information about the abductee
phenomenon. Looking back the sole purpose of that video was to scare and
confused women, like myself into contacting the produces. The purpose of the
video was to find out what procedure was done to abductees reproductive
system, research for the government to genetically reproduce a similar form
of human being.

The government must feel humiliated by the notion that ETs chose to make
contact with young children rather than politicians. That is why the opposition
against this contact is so sinister. The entire phenomenon diminishes our
entire political system.
Listening to other people opinions on ETs becomes more and more
challenging for me. I have come to my theories the only way I knew how,
putting out ridiculous sounding blogs on the Internet to openly find correct
answers. This has created much public ridicule. However, I have found my
answers. It took three years of constant research to find my answers.
Since then, I have learnt to channel correct information on the abductee
phenomenon for ETs.
The answers I have found are more wonderful than I could have ever
imagined. Before I spoke out, I walked around with my head down not
wanting to not attract any attention. I was scared to look into mens eyes. I
was embarrassed of what would happen when I looked at a man I was
attracted to.
For all of my life I believed that telepathy was just something I had a natural
ability to do. And that most people were able to do this but just chose not to.
I know this was wrong now. What I had been experiencing was not normal
human communication. In fact, it was not even me doing it. No human being
is capable of this.
I was capable of this form of communication because of ETs technologies. I
learnt that this was ETs way of making contact with humans. And that
whoever I came in contact with through this communication would be asked
to assist ETs in their overall mission to improve the lives for humans on Earth.
Many young women all over the world have been abducted for the same
reason I have been. There is much confusion and incorrect theories as to why
ETs have chose to make contact in this way. Many men and women are
suffering because of the silence and confusion.
Many years of my life I remained silent, only because I had no explanation for
the experiences. I was left frightened and confused. As I am sure many like
me have also felt for most of their lives. That is why I feel so passionate
about speaking out on the subject.
This is a very difficult subject to talk openly about. For many reason, for me
the biggest reason for remaining silent is because I just simply didnt know
how to express myself. I didnt know I was an Alien abductee, so how would I
know how to talk about what I was experiencing. It made absolutely no sense
to me.
Confusion and lack of information, made it very easy for people to tell me I
was crazy and delusional. How could I defend myself? It was confusing
experiencing these technologies that most people including myself at the
time, didnt even know existed. So I just kept quite.
Remaining in silence was a very difficult task. I did not want to fall in love
because when I loved strange things started happening. So I just did not
date. Or I did, but just with no one I had a potential for falling in love with.
It was not just the telepathy that I continually experienced. ETs would
contact me several different ways. They contact only began to happen when I
was of age to bare children. One night when I was in my mid twenties, ETs
came to me during the night in my bedroom.
I was alone in my bed and they gave me my first real sexual experience. This
is not to say they came to me to have sexual experiences. ETs used their
technologies to show me sexual pleasure to make me more open to sexual

It lasted several hours and I think that it was the most beautiful experiences I
have had in my lifetime.
At the time I was communicating with a fellow student with telepathy and
ETs were attempting to show me benefits of having sexual relations with this
Of course, at the time, I had no idea what was going on and like all the other
experiences I kept quiet about it. ETs have been with me my entire life, even
though for most of it I was unaware of their present. They have always been
beside me guiding me through my life.
I never had a broken limb or a cavity and I have never been seriously ill at
any point I have never visited a hospital for any illness of my own. I am in
perfect health.
Regardless, of whether I knew the details of my abductions, I have always
known there was something very special about me. I just could never figure
out what.
Then I found tumblr. I was given a medium to download all the info I ever
wanted to know about myself and my relationship with ETs. Through this
medium I was able to learn my story and communicate regularly with my new
Lots of it was pretty difficult to take. However, it did teach me what I needed
to know about how I need to present myself to the world to relay my
message in a way that people will listen to seriously. That has been a difficult
task because of the mystery surrounding this subject.
Ive learnt to live as two different people from this experience. I live in two
different dimensions, one as an Alien and the other as a Human. This is not
ideal, but as resent as one year ago; I lived as one confused and miserable
Human. So this is real progress.
I prefer my Alien life because it is filled with hope and dreams for a better
Human life. As of now my Human life does not reflect my Alien one. When the
two come together in harmony is when I will create a happy world for myself
and from what I have been shown that life will be pretty wonderful.
As you can imagine my learning process to where I am today was long and
tedious. There is absolutely no accurate information available for people like
me. This is the result of many things. First and foremost this information has
been hidden from the general public, so most people have no idea why this is
happening in our world.
The government is covering this abductee phenomenon for several reasons,
one because they have not been completely sure why this is happening. Also
they have no weaponry against ETs. Alien technology far surpassed Human
The only way they can keep control of the state is to confuse and scare the
population into believing that Aliens have made contact to harm Humans. In
reality they have made contact to make a more peaceful earth. ETs are not
like humans and they dont operate like Humans. They are powerful and they
will use their weaponry if humans dont obey with their mission.
Women are being abducted for several reasons. Aliens are reaching for
women to help them. Women create human life with their bodies. Aliens
create all life on this planet. That is the bound between women and ETs.
However, they have reached for women to also make contact with men. For
men and women to build strong families.
The monetary and patriarchy system has been developed to separate people.
The modern family functions better with a stable income. However, with the
current structure of the monetary system this means either one or both the
parents is away from the home for a majority of their childrens lives. Thus

there becomes a struggle between parenting and keeping the current financial
stability of the household.
ETs have made contact to change this situation for families. ETs are able to
use their technologies to give parents financial freedom. Basically, if both
parents except Yin and Yang in their lives and allow ETs to assist with
parenting they are rewarded with financial freedom. By using their
technologies to assist them with financial gain this can be done simply by
challenging relevant information that allows you to make good business
This freedom gives families the tools they need to live as a strong and healthy
unit. This is a new kind of family. One that is far different than the current
struggling model we see today.
The partner women like us choose should be one that has a similar
investment in a more peaceful world. The career past these parents choose
will be an area that will assist ETs in their overall mission of a more peaceful
In other words these families will become somewhat spoke people for ETs
overall message of peace.
ETs technologies can be used by humans for wonderful things. ETs have the
ability to turn a simple man into a great artist. A person with strong intentions
who uses their artist abilities to relay ETs message of peace. Basically, Aliens
are asking men to use art as a medium to portray their important messages to
the masses. This can be done through any artist medium, such as music,
photography, writing, and painting or digital art. Whatever type of artist the
man is ETs will help them become great artist with the help of their
Art is tone of the mediums which ETs use to communicate with humans. This
is how they ask humans to relay their true intentions for the abductees
phenomenon. This art has the power to alloy all abductees and other humans
to understand a war of the Worlds.
Examples of Alien communication through Art:
The secondary form of communication of ETs is through Art. Part of my
understanding of channeling has been to read the art created for Aliens to
communicate with me.
In this section I will attempt to show you how Aliens use art to relay there
messages to me.
Earlier in this article I told you I stumbled across the documentary called
Contact 2012. After I watched that video I felt that there was no hope for
me. That what I had experienced my entire life was a sinister plan to
encourage me to give birth to some strange form of human being for the sole
purpose to destroy our world because that is what the documentary was
basically saying about people like me.
At this time I stumbled across an image of me at the age of four playing in a
field. I am usually sent messages through art to answer any questions I might
have about my abduction. This was ETs way of telling me when I was
abducted and that I did not want to remember this time in my life.
From this image I knew that this was not a subject that I should be talking
about with anyone associated with the production of the documentary.
At the same time I was sent an image painted by Adrian Board a young artist
from Romania. I was able to couple the two images to give me a message
that asked me to keep quit at this time. That the real reason this film was
produced was to make me contact the produces for them to hypnotize me in
order to get information from me on my abduction.

The darkness behind me the day I was playing in the field told me that this
was very scary experience for a little girl and that I was best not to know the
details of my abduction. For this reason I will never be hypnotized in order to
remember my abduction.
Image 2

Art is used as a form of communication. For ETs to relay a message to me

they send me a piece of art or a related article to answer any questions I may
Right now, ETs are in the process of helping me find a life partner and a
father for my son. I have three different men in my life that might be
potential partners. So in many ways, these men are being screened by my
I get images several times a week from this particular artist. I have no idea
who he is. We have never met and as far as I know he lives half way across
the world from me. But the majority of his work revolves around what is
happening in my person life right now.
Each image comes to me as I need them. They are highly rendered images
from an artist that does not know me. Yet all his art is being used to
intemperate specifically what is happening in my personal life. That means he
is creating this specific art of my personal behavior prior to my actions.
How this is possible is unknown to me.
This happens on a regular basis for me. It has just become one of the joys of
my life at this point. It is like ETs turn love into art. They have created art out
of me and my potential lovers.
This example is a few years old and it was very puzzling at the time. The man
I was interested in a few years back talked a lot about the environment and it
was a large part of his life. ETs sent me an image of two people embracing
each other and then becoming tree.
I thought it was the most beautiful image I had seen in my life and the couple
is a spitting image of me and that man.
Image 3

Image 3

The squid is an example of an art piece sent to with the same artist
intentions. I have said earlier that ETs technologies can turn these men into
great famous artists. The man associated with these images had used squids
in his art prior to us meeting.
Image 4

Image 5

Extra Terrestrials view love as a form of art. Love in all forms. Their love for
me. My love for my friends and family, ETs love for mine and their future son
and my potential family.
Anyone who tells you anything different is misinformed.
An example of an artist I like to refer to in my research is Tom Bag Shaw. I
have had no contact with this man, but his reveals to me that he is one of
these men.
Tom Bagshaw:
Based in the Georgian city of Bath, England, Tom Bagshaw works as a
commercial illustrator under the moniker Mostly wanted and is represented by
The Central Illustration Agency. His talents are sought after by clients in
fashion, advertising, editorial and publishing, and include Saatchi & Saatchi,
Sony, the BBC, Kraft, GQ, Future Publishing, Scholastic and Random House to
name a few.
For his personal work he has developed a highly rendered digital painting
style through which he explores themes of fantasy, beauty and mysticism.
While his work deals with imaginative content, it also aims for a strong level
of realism in its presentation. Feminine beauty plays a large role in his work,
but the women he depicts are never frail damsels in distress. More often than
not they are strong, intriguing characters, with an air of mystery to them.
In Toms work he depicts several different women with alien attributes. They

are all beautiful, sophisticated and mysterious. Perhaps in his lifetime he has
had several experiences with these types of women. His illustrations certainly
seem to indicate this.
A Moment of Clarity:
The hallow is represented in several of Toms illustrations, symbolizing that
women who express the Christ Consciousness are angelic. The woman in this
image is being observed by onlookers. I have seen this as a common theme in
other artists work, Adrian Brode. The women are some type of curiosity for
many people. The three onlookers are formally dressed and from another
time, late 1800s.
The large tattoo on the womans back depicts her part of modern society. The
alien energy coming out of her heart shows the way she expresses love.
The woman is observing the three onlookers with the same curiosity as they
have. Although she is the one with the larger presence, she shares the same
curiosity of them as they do of her. The fact that she half nude and has dirty
feet shows she is humble and more connected to the earth than the
Image 6

I like the title of this one. Perhaps she was the one that got away. Here once
again a dignified woman with a hallow over her head. This is the first image I
have seen of Toms where a womans body part appears to be alien, a hybrid.
In many of his illustrations there are objects flying around the subjects head.
Such as aliens energies foes and birds. In this image they appear to be small
flying saucers.
Image 7

This illustration depicts a couple from the 1800s holding an alien baby. Both
the man and the woman seem to be looking out with a challenging stare. The
man is holding a cross and a picture of what appears to be some-type of
hybrid God perched up on stool and worshipped by two humans. The father
holds a cross and appears to be a religious man, Christian or Catholic. The
woman is surrounded by the same alien energies that are in the childs head.
This may mean the child is the one with the powers but the mother is
surrounded by the same energy force.

New Beginnings:
This illustration shows a mother with no man, but a fallen spaceship in the
near back ground. A gifted child is born with no father. A story reminiscent of
the immaculate conception by the Virgin Mary. In the bible Jesus Christ had
no father and Mary was a virgin. Catholicism depicts Marys Immaculate
Conception as a symbol of purity and submission. The mother depicted in this
image wears a red dress, but the child is in blue. In modern society a woman
wearing a red dress represents sexual power and confidence
The woman holds herself with an air of dignity and elitism. A well groomed
pure bread dog walks by her side with the same air of dignity. In ancient
civilizations, long before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christ Consciousness
was known under different names and worshipped by high-minded cultures.

The opinions expressed in this article are that of the author and may not be
the official position of Tony Topping
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Topping MILAB Journals, TV & Radio, UFO News | Tagged Alexi Yu Savin,
alien, Alien Abduction, Aliens, AMMACH, Bases Series, Channel 4, CIA,
Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward
Snowden, CRV, Events, Majestic 12, Noocosmology, Tony Topping, Tony
Topping & The Paranormal Identity, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping gets down deep with host Ben Jones regarding his UFO
experiences, his talk at the recent ET Communication Conference in Leeds, his
extraordinary paranormal interaction on the 23rd May before filming for
Channel 4 and the covert interest group that have hounded him for a number
of years Tony thinks we are being warned and keeps an open mind
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Abduction, Aliens, AMMACH, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control Operations
What Edward Snowden, Critical Mass Radio, CRV, electronic monitoring,
Gang Stalking, Glenn Greenwald, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle,
Majestic 12, NATO, Project Stargate, PSI SPIES, Troop 10003, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



This article courtesy of: has been following a story directly related to the USAF

neither confirm nor deny response to Lee Grahams Freedom of
Information Request.
Graham very specifically asked for DSP satellite results which would
confirm or deny detection of manufactured extraterrestrial
objects, i.e. alien spacecraft.
The USAF response was a flat we can neither confirm nor deny the

existence of the information you have requested as the existence

or non-existence of records would reveal a connection or interest
in the matters which is classified.

By this statement, the Department of the Air Force neither confirms

nor denies that such records may or may not exist.

That, my friends, is your government, forced by the FOIA to issue

the ultimate cop-out response.

Now, as reported by, the lock down on information about

US space satellite detection capabilities is being tightened

Leonard David writes:

Digging in on this story is not easy. Military higher-ups and the

agencies involved are guarded about how potent their satellite
sensors are as they stare at Earth for nuclear detonations, missile
launches and the like.

In a new exclusive interview with, U.S. Air Force

Brigadier General Robert Rego, who is in charge of the policy
guidance behind the data release, said the Air Force Space Command
is circling the wagons to close some loopholes in the dissemination
of potentially sensitive information.

According to Lee Graham, some of the evidence detected by DSP

satellite provides firm evidence of the entry of extraterrestiral
objects under intelligent control. explains the purpose of the DSP satellite, and why it is

considered so sensitive:

The system also spots incoming fireballs, even gauging the energy
released as an extraterrestrial piece of flotsam explodes in our
atmosphere. That information can yield scientific insight, such as the
objects mass as its brightness fades as it falls. A sensor-derived
light curve can offer important information about how the object
decelerated when it struck the atmosphere, and thereby yield
implications about its strength too.
But it is also the sort of info that seems to be at the crux of military
worries, forcing a secret stamp of disapproval in terms of freely
posting this kind of light curve data for all to see.

Military Seeks Common Ground with Scientists on Fireball Data Flap

by Leonard David, SPACE.coms Space Insider Columnist

A few weeks ago I wrote about scientists who were unhappy that a purported
clamp down was afoot on their use of data snagged by U.S. military
spacecraft hush hush satellites that from time to time catch natural cosmic
fireballs blazing through Earths atmosphere.
Digging in on this story is not easy. Military higher-ups and the agencies
involved are guarded about how potent their satellite sensors are as they
stare at Earth for nuclear detonations, missile launches and the like.
In a new exclusive interview with, U.S. Air Force Brigadier General
Robert Rego, who is in charge of the policy guidance behind the data release,
said the Air Force Space Command is circling the wagons to close some
loopholes in the dissemination of potentially sensitive information.
U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said hes monitoring the situation and
expects a solution that favors the needs of scientists.
For decades, these spacecraft have picked up incoming invaders in our air
space. And over time, the scientific community has been given selected,
declassified blasts of bolide (meteor) data from those satellites. Its all
valuable information for space rock hounds who would go search for
meteorites, and its also useful to astronomers who aim to gauge the Near
Earth Object (NEO) impact hazard posed by larger and less frequent
But then the word from scientists was that the space rock data sharing was
being short-circuited by the U.S. military. The initial story about that
controversial decision has touched off talk within civilian and military circles
and in Congress.
The angst of researchers was apparently sparked by a March 16 memo from
Brigadier General Rego, the mobilization assistant to the Director of Air, Space
and Nuclear Operations at the headquarters of the Air Force Space Command,
Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado.
That communique calls for a relook at the protection measures for bolide
reporting, due to the possible leaks of information regarding super-sensitive
traits of the U.S. Nuclear Detonation Detection System.
What the system does
The system is in place to detect, locate, and report nuclear detonations in the
Earths atmosphere and near space, doing so in near real-time. It makes use
of space-based sensors and ground-based mission processing systems. The
sensor payloads are carried onboard the militarys Global Positioning System
navigation satellites, as well as Defense Support Program spacecraft.
The system also spots incoming fireballs, even gauging the energy released as
an extraterrestrial piece of flotsam explodes in our atmosphere. That
information can yield scientific insight, such as the objects mass as its
brightness fades as it falls. A sensor-derived light curve can offer important
information about how the object decelerated when it struck the atmosphere,
and thereby yield implications about its strength too.

But it is also the sort of info that seems to be at the crux of military worries,
forcing a secret stamp of disapproval in terms of freely posting this kind of
light curve data for all to see.
In one case last year, according to insiders, that indeed is exactly what
occurred much to the U.S. militarys vexation, energizing a relook at the
chain of command in releasing bolide data.
Solution sought
According to a scientist familiar with using the bolide information, its an
unfortunate change in policy. Scientists for well over a decade have been
getting select slices of data churned out by U.S. classified satellites that have
eyed natural fireball events in Earths atmosphere. So the prospect of losing
that link has rattled the civilian fireball-watching community.
However, it appears the U.S. Air Force is trying to find a solution that satisfies
both national security concerns and scientific usability in regards to the outing
of fireball data.
Leading the charge is Brigadier General Rego.
In an exclusive interview June 30, Rego made it clear that there
has been no change to the data-sharing policy. Air Force Space Command has
recently reiterated its existing, published guidance on bolide data classification
to ensure consistent public release of information across a specific suite of
government agencies, he said.
Its under Regos watch that the Air Force Space Command does the job of
providing guidance, identifying the classification levels of the data shared to
make sure that select agencies know what information is releasable in the first
Circling the wagons
In reviewing the situation, what Rego found was, in lay terms, a bit too
What weve found as we dug into this is that there was quite a bit of gapping
that had occurred, even before the routine review that we did back in March,
Rego said. So notwithstanding the routine policy review, what were doing in
the next few weeks hereis circling the wagons so that we can remove some
of the Ad Hoc nature.
Rego also spotlighted his concern that theres no real mechanism in place to
ensure that the bolide data is sent to science researchers in a timely manner.
So by tightening the organizational ship, can the useful bolide data for
scientific purposes be made available more quickly?
Sooner and more consistently, Rego said. We can probably do this better.
The data is out there. Its not impacting military operations to gather the
data thats important to the scientific community, Rego added. Lets take a
look at how we can do that in a timely and collegiate manner.
Given Regos role in policy and guidance from a space perspective, what he
launched last March is a review of the governmental guidance surrounding
bolide reporting classification.
And one of the elements of that is to ensure that were protecting our
national capability, Rego said. So theres a balance thereand it goes on
across everything we do from missile warning to surveillanceto things like
this [distributing bolide data].

Close eye on the situation

The flare up about the fireball data release policy has received the attention
of U.S. Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, the California lawmaker with a longtime passionate interest in the entire Near Earth Object issue.
I have been keeping a close eye on this situation, and I am confident the
Department of Defense, in cooperation with the scientific community, will find
a solution that permits the release of scientifically valuable data without
compromising national security, Rohrabacher explained in a statement to
As for a message to the scientific community, Brigadier General Rego
emphasized that there was no intent, and in fact, no change to the data
sharing policy. Now underway is a fresh look at ways to improve the
relationship and data flow to make it more valuable to scientists.
I would encourage you to keep your eye out or your ear to the ground with
the scientific communityto see if we havent done some improvements here
over the next few months, Rego concluded.
Leonard David has been reporting on the space industry for more
than four decades. He is past editor-in-chief of the National Space
Societys Ad Astra and Space World magazines and has written for since 1999.

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Channel 4, Edward Snowden, Majestic 12, MJ12, NATO, Project Stargate,
PSI SPIES, Psychic Spying, SRV, Troop 10003, UFO, UFO Sightings, UFOs,
UFOs 2014, USO

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author


Who Reins the World
Boris K. Ratnikov
In early 90th of the last century Latin manuscript named Testament of the
World Ruler was found in one of secret funds. In the preface, unknown
author stated that the text is transferring the content of older document,
which was written in the times of Babylon Reign, based on the ancient
Egyptian and Persian manuscripts. Content of this document is controversial
with majority of established moral considerations and perspectives of society
development. This information was meant for the small part of professional
politicians of the highest rank. This is the oldest political ideology, main
statements of which are in the basis of any modern society. After reading of
this manuscript, it becomes obvious, that not people, but their ideas rein the
world, many of these ideas were formed in the ancient times. So there is
mystical paradox: people construct the rules, from which they become
dependent. The world is ruled by ideology of the ancient people. Life of those
who live now depends on the rules, constructed by the dead. Those rulers
cannot be killed or deposed. Thus their reign is infinite. Spiritual energy of the
World of the Dead forms mighty field force, which was called God by the
people. Influence of this force is unlimited, because it is in the conscious of
Here are main statements from Lord of the World Instructions:
1. Mighty has right to use force
Force is limiting freedom, but only force is able to unite the society. To justify,
why force was used, you should fined inner or outer enemy and inspire the
crowd to battle with him. The crowd is blinded tool of the mighty one.
Freedom is just an idea, but you should convince people believe in it.
Remember that SELF-ORGANIZATION is the best way to ruin any society.
Even mere promise of freedom, equality and brotherhood sow discord.
Discord causes need of terror, which is followed by dictature.
Criminal elements are true allies of any political system, which pretends to
battle with evil.
Idea of freedom cannot be real because nobody would be able to use it
properly. If the nation is granted self-organization, it will be turned to
complete debauchery. In-fighting will start and the state will be ruined from
inside. Weak state is an easy prey for external enemies. To avoid this, you
should cancel freedom and invent dictature.

Weak government only allows new discord in the society. Mighty government
has nothing to do with normal moral. Governor with normal moral is weak,
and his reign is not stable. Who wants to rein, must always use cunningness
and hypocrisy. Openness and honesty are the nice symbols for the population.
Blood and iron rein the world. The population, represented by its parvenus,
will be left on its own. It causes discords, chase for honor and rush for
wealth, suspiciousness and disturbances.
Terror brings uncomplaining obedience. Self-organization corrupts. No
compromise exists. Attempts to combine dictate and anarchy brings nothing,
except wars and weakening of the state. Disturbances are stopped by the
force. People deeds start to be ruled then by moral laws, not by animal
instincts. Then debt before the law arrives!
2. In nature is no equality
Equality goes against the natural laws. Everyone has different abilities and
different possibilities. Ancient told that the words freedom, equality and
brotherhood are unconscious repeat of old lure, thrown to the crowd
generations ago. Repeating these words, nobody thinks that they are
controversial. Real freedom of the personality must be protected from the
influence of the crowd. But what man could be free, when by force he is
made equal with another, who is less talented or weaker? What brotherhood
could exist in the crowd, consisting of the free personalities, each of them
seeking to satisfy own natural requirements? To counteract these false calls
there must be Doctrine of Austerity, based on the personal authority of the
governor. State force is revealed not only in terror, but in the suggestions,
which are called laws and ideologies. Law of inequality of minds, characters
and ideologies gives right to the mighty (and clever) to impose his opinion to
those weaker. It stops disagreements, allows to avoid violence inside the
3. Sleeping beast is easier to catch
The crowd, which finds the obstacle on its way to the authority, starts looking
for the leader. A bit later leader from the population arrives, who is supported
by the incidental people, who were near him just by chance. The crowd is
ready to have patience to different abuses, because the leader says it is not
his fault, but for the higher goal. For example, leader says that ravaging of
own country is for the general peace and happiness. As a result, the crowd
starts to believe that incompetency and chaos do not bring disaster, but are
for the good. With this belief the crowd ruins stability and creates
disturbances all the way. Drunk with the word freedom, people protest
against all laws, including the laws of nature.
Developing the desire for power in the newcomer leaders from the crowd, it is
important to promise them complete freedom of actions. Without moral and
political limits, they lose vigilance and start power-abuse over the society, just
for their private interests. These are sacrificed to the crowd, satisfying its
predatory instincts and creating visibility of rightness and order.
Quick popularity and success make latter-day leaders from the crowd very
self-confident; they lose vigilance, mind and political resourcefulness. Thus
they become marionettes of the governors, who under the mask of the
advisers take power in their hands.
4. To override the crowd, deprive its mind
It is better to disarm and override the crowd than fight with it. One does not
need to bring foreign thoughts from the social conscious. These should be
taken and used in the other way. One has to take in consideration that the
crowd always takes word for action. Thus ostentatious actions and expressive
promises can lead it in any direction, needed for the secret governor. To start
with, give freedom of speech to the representatives of the crowd. Empty
criticism, discussions and speech in-fighting break the habit of thinking,
drawing mind away to give answers. To form needed wishes in the crowd and
override it, you have to cause a lot of controversial opinions from different

sides. This inevitable controversy will disorient the population. In the

informational chaos people will stop understanding each other. Also you have
to proclaim freedom of a person. When one free person meets another free, it
causes conflict. When the crowd understands that it cannot reconcile the
hostile sides, it will be ready to resign to any governor, who in the words will
promise to stop quarrels in the society. Under the cover of ideas of equality
and brotherhood, you should build society in such a way that all important
decisions are taken collectively (by voting, for example), while any private
initiative looks inadequate.
5. You can win without battle
To conquer the strong state, it is not required to make war. It is enough to
corrupt the society, and when disappointment of the crowd reaches a certain
grade, take power in your hands. This could be done, even without crossing
the borders. At first you have to infect the state you want to conquer with the
idea of freedom. For example by proclaiming freedom of enterprise at your
own state and giving imaginary freedom to those who seek personal gain.
Loudly praise your economic success, which arrived as if due to this freedom.
Envy to the others happiness inevitably will cause irritation in your neighbors.
They would like to have similar prosperity. Time comes, and the crowd starts
chasing some pipe dream, which is as it thinks somewhere near. It loses
respect to its government, and any mistakes cause unlimited irritation.
Parvenus from the population arrive, whose activity destroys society
completely. It leads to chaos in the country. In such situation any foreign
power is taken with hope and thankfulness.
You should support the scientists-nonconformists, who inevitably arrive in any
corrupted society; they will turn to obedient servants, who will allow rule
destroyed and enslaved state.
6. State must be vulnerable
Stable prosperous state early or later will destroy its creator. The crowd,
feeling its greatness and power, plumes itself. In the free prosperous society
it starts to find adequate use to its abilities. But as the crowd has nothing in
possession, it ruining everything on its way. Any demonstration of the brutal
force strengthens the authority of the government and prevents possible
disturbances. You should have many petty monarchs, acting inside of the
state as inner organs in the human body. And overview that the executives
precisely fulfill their functions, taking complete responsibility for the
consequences of their work. If you damage one part in the state mechanism,
the whole state becomes will. This the state becomes very vulnerable.
Appointing one petty monarch and removing other, you could easily and
invisibly administer health of the whole state in any limits, up to killing it.
With this, it is important that the ruler always looks right for the crowd, and
all problems shown as if caused by his stupid assistants.
7. Faith in God makes the reign mighty
Bringing the crowd under control, you should never criticize openly its old
traditions. If the faith is an obstacle for the power, accurately switch it to the
new one, more adequate in the modern conditions. It is also necessary to
create new spiritual ideology in the same way, as it was done in the ancient
times, when old superstitions were replaced by the new.
First of all old beliefs are unmasked. You have to collect as much as you can
helpful blabbers-human-rights-activists, which being inside the nation will
every day show their dissatisfaction with the existing situation, supporting
their thoughts with false historical examples, which became known to them as
if from the very reliable sources. Inciting discontent of the crowd, blabbertruth-seekers will state that only strengthening of the authority is able to
make nation really happy and prosperous. Governor must welcome freedom
of speech and new ideas, arising as if from the crowd.

If in transitory period atheists, reformers or persons without definite

orientation arise, they also could be good to strengthen the authority. Do not
waste forces struggling with them; better use their weaknesses. Propagating
atheism, reformers seek not just wealth, but fame and popularity. Thus they
are very sensitive to attention and flattery. Attracting them to your side, you
have to give them complete freedom of speech, provoking new meetings
against any religions. Active atheistic propaganda makes religious figures seek
protection from the authorities.
8. He wins, who attacks first
In case the enemies, as a rule, start their conspiracy from secret
organizations, you have to leave them behind, creating similar organizations,
all activities of which are controlled by the trustees of the governor. From the
outside activity of these controlled organizations must be similar to the real
opposition activity, which protested against existing government. These false
organizations should have better conditions for their work, so that they seem
more protesting in comparison with actual conspirators. Due to invisible
patronage from the government, such pro-government opposition will be
more popular among the population then real opposition. This will draw and
fritter away forces of the conspirators, cause disorder and disarray among
them. There should be so many false secret organizations that activity of real
opposition loses sense in the whole stream of freethinking.
Any governing must look like fathers guardianship. Authority must look like
parents, who bring up in their children sense of duty and obedience.
Punishment is practiced as deterrent in any education. Fear before the
inevitable punishment forms sense of duty and civil responsibility.
9. Wealth gives power
Power must guarantee order in everything, especially in the financial
questions. Rich must know that in their interests is to give voluntarily part of
their profits to the government, buying so their security and possibility to get
profits further on. Mighty one is gladly paid for protection.
Governmental needs should be paid by those, who have possibility and for
whom it is not difficult. Equal fee for everybody increases hate of the poor to
the rich. And it leads to disturbances, spontaneous meetings and corruption of
the society. When you free the poor from paying fees, they will have more
respect to the government. To make peace among poor and rich, you have to
say to the people that the rich pay for government needs and guarantee
peace and order in the society.
To draw money from the population, promise its multiple increases, after
return some time later. You have to take moral in consideration. Moral is
different for everyone. Be successful in the politics is possible only in case you
are guided by necessity of the actions, not by moral principles.
10. Unprovable authenticity
Ideology of the ancient from the childhood is implanted in the conscious of
the man, so with the time it is hardly distinguishable from the own opinion.
Life of modern people consists of reflexes, rules and deeds, which were
characteristic for their ancestors, who left for another world many centuries
ago. Who could be honest with himself that he is only marionette, fulfilling
commands of unknown dead, who entered your independent conscious
many generations later?
The dead continue living in their works, making people obey their rules.
B.K. Ratnikov has used data from the book Mysticism by S. Gordeev for this
The article is placed
Please reserve copyright.

Boris K. Ratnikov

General-major in reserve, Federal Protective Service of Russian


Boris K. Ratnikov is general-major in reserve of Federal Protective Service of

Russian Federation.
In 1969 graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute, department of aircraft
control; in 1984 graduated from Highest Red Banner School of KGB
(Committee of State Defense Service) of the USSR as the officer with high
education and knowledge of Persian language. In 1980 was twice in the
official trip in Afghanistan as counselor; took part in the military operations;
awarded with military medals.
Since 1991 till 1994 was Deputy Head of the Main Administration of Protective
Service of Russian Federation. In 1996-1997 was appointed a counselor of the
head of federal Protective service of Russian federation. Until 2003 was
counselor of the chairman of the Moscow Regional Duma.
Currently is the head of Energo-informational laboratory of Academy of
National Association of Bodyguards (NAB) of Russia.

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Control Operations What Edward Snowden, Collins Elite, CRV, Glenn
Greenwald, Joseph McMoneagle, KGB, MC, Miles Johnston, Mind Terrorist,
MJ12, NATO, PSI SPIES, Psychic Spying, Remote Viewing, Tony Topping,
Troop 10003, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



A Vision From One ET Group Very

Real And Very Animated.

For a forthcoming Channel 4 documentary on the morning of the 23rd May

2014 Tony Topping went to London to be filmed by the broadcaster near the
Royal Institute of International Affairs,on that morning a vision was delivered
too him that was some type of warning, involving triangle UFOs & clocks on a
countdown to some type of conflict. Tony keeps an open mind, the question
arises has some advanced alien culture sent warnings to the US & UK
governments and if so why ?. In this clip Tony describes what happens.
The opinions expressed by Tony Topping maybe subject to change as his
experiences grow & may not be the official position of Tony Topping. No
media is allowed to use this footage without prior permission Rights Reserved
2014 Tony Topping.
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Lectures | Tagged alien, Alien
Abduction, Aliens, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Crop Circles, Edward
Snowden, electronic monitoring, Glenn Greenwald, Journals of a MILAB,
MJ12, Noocosmology, Nordic Aliens, Nordic ET, Psychic Spying, RIIA,
Sightings, SRV, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity,
UFO, UFOs, Visions

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping



Broadcaster Author

Words cannot describe the living hell a covert agency of the state put Tony
Topping through here he talks openly for the first time about his involvement
in UFO operations, being stalked and disrupted by mind control and his
excellent imporvised piece to camera of him cracking up which sums up what
words cannot say regarding his ordeal. The cover up regarding UFOs is in
place and Tony has been the victim of serious hi-tech crime. Show your
support. No media commerical or alternative my rebroadcast without prior
permission copyright 2014
Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged alien, Aliens, bbc, Channel 4,
Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward
Snowden, Documentaries, Edward Snowden, ET, Gang Stalking, Jason
Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle, Journals of a MILAB, MJ12, Noocosmology,
Psychic Spying, Remote Viewing, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity,

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



7th July 2014 7.30pm Start @ The Community Centre, St. Albans
Road, St. Annes-on-the-Sea, Lancashire. FY8 1XD
Tony Topping Presents an Evening Remote Viewing Workshop. (Expanded
Content Due To Popular Demand) In an exclusive presentation Tony
takes the audience through the techniques of Remote Viewing as developed
by Stanford Research Institute. Tonys research has been endorsed by
Remote Viewer 01 Joseph McMoneagle a true PSI spy & rare information not
commonly known about the Russian KGB explorations into Remote Viewing
will be presented. You will learn the techniques & gain an understanding of
the information management process of psychic spying. Many claim to be
remote viewers, Tony will teach you what the subject is really all about.
Working targets like the real Remote Viewers and exploring the concept of
signal from noise as used by SRI in America. A highly entertaining evening.
Tony is a broadcaster, lecturer & author, who has been harassed by covert
agencies he has appeared for various major broadcasters.

Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged #mindtap, Alexi Yu Savin,

Aliens, CENTRE LANE, CRV, David Morehouse, Dragoon Absorb, Ed Dames,
Events, Glenn Greenwald, Ingo Swann, Joseph McMoneagle, Journals of a
MILAB, KGB, Majestic 12, MJ12, NATO, Noocosmology, Paranormal
Espionage, Pat Price, Paul Smith, Project Stargate, PSI SPIES, PSI Spooks,
Psychic Spying, Remote Viewing, SCANNATE, Spooks, SRV, STARGATE,
SUNSTREAK, Troop 10003, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



The Rose Bowl Leeds Metropolitan University

09.30am Until 7.30pm
The Paranormal Identity
When Robert Ludlum wrote the spy novel The Bourne Identity he portrayed a
man seeking his identity as to what happened too him through a labyrinth
of,covert interests. Tony Topping equally seeks to know why events happened
too him as he presents to conference the story of his private war against
covert interests,mind control & UFO secrecy a shocking saga of corruption and
UFO contact with a covert agency at his heels, Tonys UFO experiences are far
removed from the world High Strange researchers write about.. He also will
be revealing information from his journals for the first time.
Joined by Ellis Taylor the experiencer whom first inpired the leading ET
abduction therapist Mary Rodwell to look at the alien abduction phenomenon.
Mike Cleeland, will take a deep look into the meaning of his own alien
experiences and those of other experiencers.
Lorriane Flaherty, has come across many cases of her own where her subjects
have described lives of other-worlds and even descibed abduction scenarios in
past-lives as well as in the present. UFO experiencer and broadcaster.
Anthony Beckett will explore the history of ET contact.
Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged #mindtap, Alien Abduction,
AMMACH, Channel 4, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, CRV, electronic monitoring, ET
Communication Conference, ET Conference, Events, Gang Stalking, Glenn
Greenwald, Journals of a MILAB, Majesty 12, Miles Johnston, MJ12, NATO,
Noocosmology, nro, SRV, STARGATE, Tony Topping, UFO, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping is a guest on the Planet X Show on The Peoples Voice TPV
portraying a sinister story of being stalked and targeted by a covert secret
police who are aware of the existence of UFOs & have been for a long time,
this is what happens when a member of the public begins interaction with
people not of this world. Tony talks of his interactions, of being stalked and
targeted by advanced mind invasive technology it is an amazing interview
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio, Uncategorized | Tagged #mindtap,
Channel 4, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What
Edward Snowden, CRV, David Icke, Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring,
Gang Stalking, Glenn Greenwald, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle,
STARGATE, The Peoples Voice, Tony Topping, TPV, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Journals of a MILAB The New Book Coming In 2014 From Tony Topping.
By popular demand the new book by Tony Topping called Journals of a MILAB
is currently being written by Tony Topping after his journals of his interactions
were reviewed after 8 years. They tell the incredible story of Tonys struggle
against forces beyond human comprehension, the people behind the UFOs &
the spine chilling harassment that hounded him via advanced technology for a
number of years. The book has a duality it can be read by anyone who has
never even looked at the UFO abduction subject before, it a human interest
story in its own right and it apparent that those behind the interactions left a
trail of information spanning years. Tony returned to his journals after
stopping them in 2009 to begin again in 2014, after taking tips from the
former KGB spy masters on how to improve the data being looked at.

Tony is pleased to share a fascinating entry that happened in May 2014 in

what he terms Dreamscape while asleep, very real, very full on images of the
craft of people from an advanced culture showing an interest in the affairs of
mankindit is noted later in that day he was filming for Channel 4 outside
Chatham House and the location shown in a field was also filmed by the

No media can reproduce

without permission
copyright 2014 Tony
What is striking about the interaction is the unmistakable triangle craft and
the drawing of two clocks, Tony is of course not the best drawer and this will
be forwarded to an illustrator, but it is of note a warning is being delivered
with attention drawn to the clock stopping at 23.45pm and the image of an
angel to the left continually and brightly shining on and off
These entries and Tonys astounding log books never shown or talked of
before in public from 2002 to 2008 are now to be published for the first time,
it is a fascinating story, one which charts Tonys ordeal as part of secretive
operations involving himself and attempted communications with those not of
this world. Some real think out of the box perception of what Tony has
written leads to him finding for the first time in years answers to questions.
Standard | Posted in Tony Topping Author, TV & Radio | Tagged #mindtap,
ACIO, Alexi Yu Savin, AMMACH, Channel 4, Classified Mind Control,
Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward Snowden, CRV, Edward
Snowden, Gang Stalking, Journals of a MILAB, KGB, MAJESTIC,
Study Group, Tony Topping, Tony Topping Author, Tony Topping Log
Books, Tony Topping new book, Tony Topping UFO Journals. UFOs MJ12,
Troop 10003

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



UFO aware she has gone behind a tree I am

unable to film it, the message. Warning

Tony Topping recently provided contribution for a UFO documentary for

Channel 4 produced by Plum Pictures providing some very unorthodox
information about the UFO cover up, adding the who, where and what
narrative for Dan Schriber and his team, Tony hopes this will lead to some
further work with the broadcaster due to his 1st class material about his
experiences he will shortly be assisting Cold Wire Productions for a
forthcoming TV series on UFOs.
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged AMMACH, Broadcasting, Channel
4, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What
Edward Snowden, Commissioning Editor, Dan Schrieber, Gang Stalking,
Glenn Greenwald, Journals of a MILAB, mind control, NATO, Plum Pictures,

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping My Private War Against Classified Mind Control Operations

Involving Covert Interests & UFOs
Tony Topping due to his experiences is a media contributor on UFOs, Mind
Control & Conspiracy.
What Edward Snowden Did Not Tell You.
This is an audio version of the article which is @
It has taken 10 years for Tony to choerently write about what happened too
him,regarding covert harassment and the use of mind control which has
developed beyond the routine montoring of emails and internet access, the
frightening normality of his perpertators in these actions are a concern to
security and liberty of everyone
The recent revelations of Edward Snowden regarding mass electronic
monitoring of the population via electronic means dramatically escalates I do
believe to the further horrifying and unfathomable world of mind control and
covert operations which I am a witness to from 1999 to present. Stalked,
intruded upon and subjected to very strange events.

It is correct to say that the secrecy behind theses operations go beyond

normal government and even the heads of our agencies who are tasked to
keep society safe. Unfortunately we have a lunatic element who far from
keeping society safe appears to be running riot with covert projects and
members of the public being selected for a unique brand of experiments with
artificial mind control technology, from across the UK to the US people from
all walks of life might be the target of these people as the developments in
mind terror weapons continue with no oversight.
Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged #mindtap, C4, Channel 4,
Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control Operations What Edward
Snowden, Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring, Gang Stalking, Glenn
Greenwald, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle, KGB, Miles Johnston, mind
control, Mind Terrorist, MKULTRA, Satellite Terrorism, Television
Production, Tony Topping, Tony Topping & The Paranormal Identity, tv

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



I Was honoured that

Joseph looked at my work
and gave vital insights
into the area of KGB
Psychic Spying
New Walton Street Club Kingston Upon Hull 21st May 7.30pm
Tony Topping Presents an Evening Remote Viewing Workshop. In an exclusive
presentation Tony takes the audience through the techniques of Remote
Viewing as developed by Stanford Research Institute. Tonys research has
been endorsed by Remote Viewer 01 Joseph McMoneagle a true PSI spy &
rare information not commonly known about the Russian KGB explorations
into Remote Viewing will be presented. You will learn the techniques & gain
an understanding of the information management process of psychic spying.
Many claim to be remote viewers, Tony will teach you what the subject is
really all about. Working targets like the real Remote Viewers and exploring
the concept of signal from noise as used by SRI in America. A highly
entertaining evening.
Tony is a broadcaster, lecturer & author, who has been harassed by covert
agencies he has appeared for various major broadcasters.
Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged CRV, Events, Jason Bourne,
Joseph McMoneagle, KGB, Mind Kontrol, Noocosmology, Project Stargate,
Remote Viewing, SRV, STARGATE, UFOs




by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

The King Arthur Pub

31-33 Benedict Street, BA6 9NB Glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom.

Tony Topping Presents an Evening Remote Viewing Workshop. In an exclusive

presentation Tony takes the audience through the techniques of Remote
Viewing as developed by Stanford Research Institute. Tonys research has
been endorsed by Remote Viewer 01 Joseph McMoneagle a true PSI spy &
rare information not commonly known about the Russian KGB explorations
into Remote Viewing will be presented. You will learn the techniques & gain
an understanding of the information management process of psychic spying.
Many claim to be remote viewers, Tony will teach you what the subject is
really all about. Working targets like the real Remote Viewers and exploring
the concept of signal from noise as used by SRI in America. A highly
entertaining evening.
Tony is a broadcaster, lecturer & author, who has been harassed by covert
agencies he has appeared for various major broadcasters.
Standard | Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged #mindtap, Collins Elite, CRV,
Events, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle, KGB, Noocosmology, Project
Stargate, Psychic Spying, Remote Viewing, SRV, Troop 10003, UFOs

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



A photo taken of me through trying times a few years back I

still smile.
For this article the tinyurl is:

Tony Topping My Private War Against Classified Mind Control

Operations Involving Covert Interests & UFOs
What Edward Snowden Did Not Tell You.

The recent revelations of Edward Snowden regarding mass electronic

monitoring of the population via electronic means dramatically escalates I do
believe to the further horrifying and unfathomable world of mind control and
covert operations which I am a witness to from 1999 to present.
It is correct to say that the secrecy behind theses operations go beyond
normal government and even the heads of our agencies who are tasked to
keep society safe. Unfortunately we have a lunatic element who far from
keeping society safe appears to be running riot with covert projects and
members of the public being selected for a unique brand of experiments with
artificial mind control technology, from across the UK to the US people from
all walks of life might be the target of these people as the developments in
mind terror weapons continue with no oversight.
Currently they have sunk back into the shadows, yet the concern is present
that I am still being monitored illegally and very closely.
Such is the brazen untouchable manner of classified operatives dealing with
illegal mind control upon the public it raises important national security issues
should world leaders with hands on nuclear triggers be targeted by such
technological unethical evil people called mind terrorists.
Only recently a Turkish investigation concluded the possibility that the Turkish
PM may be a target of this covert technology I raised the alarm and the
silence is deafening. This is the world beyond electronic gathering of email &
internet a world fully covered by the very secrecy system designed to protect
It is my public duty as a UK citizen to report and write on these matters. My
quarrel is not with those who are involved in highly dangerous work to protect
the innocent I hope that is clear. The world I have seen is one of covert
unacknowledged secrecy Orwellian in scope and guarded by psychopaths.
Currently researchers in my subject field who write books and are also in the
media have a policy that the events I or others describe do not happen too
them in the course of their research so therefore it does not happen too you,
this subtle form of ridicule is common for I am known as a Targeted
Individual or TI. Dr Steven Greer who was also a TI members of the UK
Diplomatic Service, former admirals and air chiefs in the UK have all
commented that such cloak and dagger activities do go on.
It took me a very long time to understand that mind control and covert
intelligence harassment of UFO researchers in the world of secrecy about
matters UFO or paranormal goes on, but it slowly takes years of experience to
reach these conclusions. I am a specialist in the UK on the subject of UFOs
this then developed into studying the worlds of Espionage & the world of
Psychic Espionage.
I have appeared for major broadcasters had part of my work endorsed by a
highly decorated individual awarded a Legion of Merit for intelligence
gathering by unorthodox means. I never thought my experiences would lead
me into the media.
My experiences began in 1999 but go back further down the years, yet the
start of this weird journey that began with covert monitoring gives new
meaning to the word monitoring agency it really began in 1999 the covert
harassment by any government agency is a crime and violation of my human
rights has occurred.
You have to become them and think like them to understand these very evil
people. Any inquiry or questions will be mocked the messenger will be shot on
no account would they want to acknowledge these activities go on in a world
of spin and media sycophancy of our current insane world.

Many corporations are involved, money has been spent on development of

mind control and mind interfacing, it is damaging PR to all concerned. To hell
with ethics or the crimes committed, for telling the truth is now a crime, this is
the world Snowden did not tell the public about. A world of top secret
development and unethical behaviour that would delight any Nazi scientist
from the era of WW11.

The Strange Events That Started Unwanted Attention From A Covert

Here is something I wrote a few years ago regarding what could be described
as testing a form of covert weapon against me in 2001.

That the mind was emotionally crippled and at the first hint of mind
invasion an element of my mind would find the invasion interesting,
You would it appeared be kept awake while asleep and then the
horrendous stabbing into the head would commence, with your head
vibrating in concert with music like the theme from the film The
Birds it happened in January 2001 my harrassor had run simulations
on me like some kind of lab animal I awoke thinking I was going to
die. Always between the hours of 0300-0400.
My controllers it appears were testing some type of non lethal weapon on me
and persisted in telling me to keep quiet about my liaison with them a secret
state out of control confident in secret immunity above all scrutiny the strange
behaviour continued.
I shall share with you some of the entries in my journals and the effects this
had on me in daily life which were terrible. First however we must understand
the background to mind control which at all levels is around us in terms of the
UFO subject it is often claimed that some are subjected to mind control
implants and illegal abduction.
The intelligence agencies, such as MI-6 began investigating these mindcontrol techniques early this century, but their records have been routinely
destroyed and tampered with. There are some survivors and professionals
who know that the British used programmed trauma-based MPD (DID) agents
in W.W. I.
The term MKULTRA was used by the CIA to instigate operations of mind
control its founder was a man called Sidney Gottlieb an American Military
Shrink who developed poisons for the CIA, as well as have a passion for folk
dancing, as we shall note the research I write here is American based,
however this technology was also deployed on myself remotely in the UK
under tax payers money.
Sidney was a stutterer but was awarded a degree in speech therapy as well as
having a club foot, it takes a deformed mind to carry out these operations on
other people so that comes as no surprise, one of the operatives ordered a
drink in a pub at the height of my harassment and one would never realise
underneath the charming smile the man gave to the barman what they are
involved with as he commented on the actions he had carried out upon me
quietly and with confidence to the woman he was with I shall come to that
Project MKULTRA was activated by the director of the CIA Allen Dulles the
agenda was to experiment on unwitting subjects that would crush the human
psyche to admit anything, the UK arm of these people from 1999 onwards
had a great go at cracking me and succeeded I am a broken man because of
MKULTRA was used in the 1950s to subject people to various drug and mind
control experiments Director Richard Helms burnt all evidence of CIA
involvement in MKULTRA the term MK stands for the agencies technical
division the word ULTRA is a classification designated from World War 2
intelligence, and during my experiences I would have the honour of having
MKULTRA style mind control delivered remotely too me, remotely from a

secret location night, and day.

These developed into what could be termed atrocities of the human mind as
they exposed my psyche to every conceivable item of torture and perversion,
while at the same time telling me that I was insane and needed help when in
fact they had caused the problems it is a common modus operandi remember
you must think as them.
My Private War With Mind Control Tony Topping Radio KTPF

They cause the insanity with the technology + tell you, you are
insane because of what they have done + you need there help to
cure you of the hell they have caused hence them being present
doing what they are doing.
Jason Bourne and the Bourne trilogy gives some very dramatic insights into
the mind set you are up against and I am just an ordinary member of the
public up against operatives of some unknown organisation, in the films
Bourne seeks to find his identity I also seek to find why these events
happened too me, I have gone the distance and reached conclusions as to
who and where but not why.
It is of note that I placed a web site on the internet and discovered that these
unaccountable people would crawl out of the woodwork, the technical term
for this technology used is Non Lethal Weapons Technology, or to use another
term Strategic Personality Simulation, in a US Air Force Report called New
World Vistas Air & Space Power For The 21st Century it is said that:

It would also appear possible to create high fidelity speech in the human
body, raising the possibility of covert suggestion and psychological direction.
When a high power microwave pulse in the gigahertz range strikes the human
body, a very small temperature perturbation occurs. This is associated with a
sudden expansion of the slightly heated tissue. This expansion is fast enough
to produce an acoustic wave. If a pulse stream is used, it should be possible
to create an internal acoustic field in the 5-15 kilohertz range, which is
audible. Thus, it may be possible to talk to selected adversaries in a fashion
that would be most disturbing to them.

A very good photo fit of my

stalker a man immune from any
oversight confident that the
shadow secret state is like
diplomatic immunity.
I had also been followed by them on numerous occasions as I had been
controlled under MKULTRA, MONARCH programming for a long time, I recall
the man in the photo fit above had during these classified operations visited a
local pub in Selby called The Cricketers Arms he had walked in and ordered a
drink at the bar with a woman in her fifties they appeared not to be stopping
long, they took up position to observe me not realising perhaps that I had
observed them as I walked past to go to the toilet he looked at the woman
and said I see he is off to the toilet again. This in reference to his constant
and alarming mind invasive techniques to wake me up to go to the toilet at all
hours which was common alarm clocks were even used for auditory purposes.
He did not follow me but stayed where he was propping himself up against a
pillar I walked past him again upon my return, and I am sure the purpose was
to communicate some fiendish plan too me, the woman did a bizarre thing by
trying to get my attention in a mirror, she held her head back and looked at
me tilting her head slightly, and then said to him why wont Tony
communicate with us. I do not know come on lets go. Looking at me like I
was some type of stranger in a foreign land.
This man had stepped into my world a world even I could not understand. In
that moment he had of course stepped into the realm of common law what is
disturbing is his confidence to go about his work without challenge upon an
unknowing public.
The second time I came under surveillance was also in a pub a few months
later and these two were cool customers, as they wandered in to observe me
the woman in question who I recognised from my strange goings on calmly
got a drink with the man she was with but she was not calm and had a
nervous energy about her all the while the public oblivious.
I walked out stood at the door she also with the man she was with made for
the door she stood next to me and in a foreign accent said See you later
Anthony. I concluded correctly that harassment was going on and it would
escalate with the reason why constantly eluding, Le Carre could not have
written it better.
Another suspicious appearance of these people came in the form of an
unmarked helicopter while walking home in 1999 unmarked and green in
colour Janes Defence Weekly concluded it was an AS555 that unusually is not
on issue to UK military.
Secondly a Lynx pilot commented it was a sliding door variant with winch a
highly unusual craft, unmarked breaking every air regulation in the book like
from a Jason Bourne film it hovered over a road junction horizontal too me a
few feet above a street lamp. Motorists could not believe it as horns were
blasted in protest. I reached a conclusion that it was them and they were

calibrating the technology used on me up close and personal strange but true.
It caused much debate on the ITV This Morning programme.

Chatting to Phil & Holly about my experiences

the helicopter in view. ITV This Morning.

A good shot of the AS555 or AS550 now climbing

away from the junction a bristling array of
domes are mounted.

Like a scene from a spy film the site of where the

helicopter appeared
Hovering across the road junction, car horns blared because he was
dangerously low, from the canal opposite fishermen stood with hands on hips
as the AS555 flew side on to myself for sinister reasons.

This helicopter and the people in it are part of some very strange events in
my life.

They used this technology with ruthless glee and left me in a daze while
trying to hold down a full time job, and keep myself sane, it was common for
me to be followed around the local town or anywhere I went. A bizarre event
at the height of being awoken day in and day out happened at a local
designer outlet where I was followed in 2000, a radio rally in Blackpool in
about 2003 where once again I was followed, pubs were also game this was
not covert observation this was overt observation they were indeed trying to
covertly control me into a Manchurian Candidate.

It is the presence of this

object identified as a UFO
by image analysis that
triggered a bizarre series
of events.

A plane that moves sideways and reverses, it is also off its

approach corridor, because it is a real UFO.

The UFO Illunimates a TV antenna under

intelligent control

All this was triggered by the repeated appearance from May to November
1999 of a mysterious UFO object that I filmed, and later would send for
analysis it is this single incident that caused mayhem upon me, the more
astute ask how they knew before I did that such objects were appearing and
why were resources allocated to target me and from where ?

Evidence of the footage I have filmed plus the helicopters overt and covert
surveillance speaks of an invisible ball that you cannot see going into the back
of a net, we see the net move giving evidence of esoteric activity there is no
evidence no paperwork trail, nothing at all that points a finger to these black
operations or the people involved remember you are the criminal not them
that is how it works.
When the persecution began for me it was during the time of mysterious
helicopters and UFOs being filmed over my house, I remember it well as I was
staying in Southport and I woke up to a thump in the head a synthetic thump
with some words downloaded in front of me as if on a screen and it would
eventually send me to the point of crack up which I hid from the world, with
some educated guess work I concluded that these intrusions upon me were
based on a source that was some type of psychotronic weapon delivered via a
psychotronic station.
Other gems of torture included waking me up as if I had urinated the bed,
waking me up as if the bed had been defecated in and screams into the head
all hours of the night do us a favour and throw yourself in the river. was
often delivered, to name but a few. I began to keep a log of these horrifying
intrusions, the theme was that they were The Police Of The Silence. They
said Surely We Are The Police Of The Silence We Want You To Join Us, in
what way I could join them remained odd, but covert and overt observation
continued by them, including every area of my life being taken over remotely.
My journals began in odd years but the one in 1999 makes chilling reading, as
the enforcement to make me be a Manchurian Candidate of a mysterious
shadow operation went on.
Another entry possibly May 1999, in conjunction with black helicopter
observations, indicates 0230 awoken with two slight prickly feelings in left
and right hand side of brain.
Wednesday 17th Theme Tune played in head. The entry for the 17th may
sound odd but not if you take it from the perspective of a hidden hand
responsible for covert weapons testing or other covert projects ranging its hi
tech mind control artillery upon the victim, then you will realise that
everything is done for a reason including the apparent strange advertising
theme tune played at full volume in your head while asleep just perhaps for
amusement value. It was for them at times comical yet it was a serious
project to reach a hidden goal separate from any form of oversight as a UK
tax payer I should not be putting up with this behaviour.
On the same day it is written a malicious phone call is received at my house,
9th June 1999 and twice again on the 10th June 1999 at 0815, and 1250, the
strange objects over my homes are ever present drones ? UFOs ? I can only
On the 11th June awoken from further strange visions & also at 0230-0300 of
that morning my head appears to be nodding without control while in sleep an
odd sensation, common among mind control victims as they involuntary
muscle control under remote command, banging noises, phone heard, various
remarks said all delivered via a form of mind control technology that causes
inception into the very centre of thought.
17th June 1999 0230 approximately, awoken from heavy imagery and effects.
I am of course being bullied however in those years the ordeal was terrible. a
vague memory but is this outfit attempting to observe the incoming UFO craft
via this advanced technology. Or is all part of horrific advanced artificial
weapons development upon the human mind frankly the jury is out with me
on that.
I was developing trauma symptoms because of this and they knew it, my
appearance became poor I spiralled into depression, work was now the only
thing I had, things would get so bad, that I would often attend my job in a
suicidal state of mind due to all this, work kept me from the abyss, and thank
god for that, it was mind control at its worst.

The theme was to make me powerless in a nation that was meant to stand for
freedom and democracy, at a certain level however a conspiracy of silence is
directed at the population, the 4th December 1999 is a classic entry as my
mind was continually exposed to imagery and lack of sleep started me to have
eating problems, then they labelled me even more mental than before with
continual screams at me that I was fucking mental projected once again
with advanced audio delivery to the mind while in sleep always on the hour.
One entry no date given was spine chilling, I know it was in 2000 and they
were capable of keeping you awake while asleep the mad bastards used a drill
sensation in my head somebody drilling into me, and then the voice, the voice
saying Mr Topping you will contact us, Who are you I replied, I am
nobody, You will adhere to it. Said the voice. Common also were attacks to
the crotch area with some type of artificial simulation, there was constant
mocking of the forces of law and order the testing continued with the adding
of a bizarre Stockholm Syndrome towards the man who targeted me.
Some of the activities they did too me with this simulation technology
included repeated sexual violations, awoken from images of men with guns,
various mobile phone messages left, numbers untraceable, one answer
machine message appeared to have me under observation coming out of my
local Tesco, as two males one of whom was my stalker as seen in this article I
do believe, debated me wandering out of the shop on an answer machine
message they intentionally wanted me to hear it. The theme is all about
control of the mind, kept active during sleep with senseless chatter, and
noise, hellish while working night shifts and trying to sleep during the day.
The saga continues I now have become full time in giving lectures and
appearing in the media on these subjects I am like a ship in a storm perhaps
it has all ended in failure for my persecutors who had a top secret goal that
failed because the wrong man was picked for some kind of classified
operation they sink into the shadows but I have awoken and it is my duty to
tell you about the world Snowden never told you about.
What is frankly disgusting is corruption has become the new normal the only
debate among these corrupt people of a secret state will be lock down and
why was a project the goal of which I know not of in failure, that is the mind
set you are up against. They dont do ethics, Bourne found his identity I still
seek mine. Blackbriar is perhaps closer to reality than we think.

Rights Reserved Copyright Tony Topping 2014 no commercial media

of any kind may use images or text from this article without prior

Copyright All Images & Text 2014 Tony Topping

Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged #mindtap, Allen Dules, AMMACH,

Black Briar, Bloodline, CIA, Classified Mind Control, Classified Mind Control
Operations What Edward Snowden, Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring,
Gang Stalking, Glenn Greenwald, Illuminati, Jason Bourne, KGB, Kontrol,
mind control, Mind Kontrol, Mind Terror, Mind Terrorist, MK, MKOFTEN,
MKULTRA, Perps, Remote Viewing, STARGATE, Tony Topping, Tony Topping
& The Paranormal Identity, Top Secret, Treadstone, ULTRA

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of



Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

Tony Topping On KTPF Radio 8.30pm 04/05/2014

Jason Bourne found his identity I still seek mine to find out why these
mysterious events happend too me.
For a number of years Tony Topping was subjected to strange events
involving UFOs & also high strange mind invasive technology by indivduals
from an unknown agency this led him to study the world of Remote Viewing &
Paranormal Espionage. He also is a popular contributor to mainstream and
alternative media, he also lectures all across the UK. Tony discusses its
development and how the KGB Psychic Spies developed a new understanding
of man and the cosmos, that is a story all in itself, never heard of in the West.
Join Tony
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged Classified Mind Control, CRV,
Edward Snowden, electronic monitoring, Jason Bourne, Joseph McMoneagle,
KGB, MC, Miles Johnston, Project Stargate, Psychic Spying, Remote
Viewing, SRV, STARGATE, Tony Topping

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author



Tony Topping was a keynote speaker at the Bases Conference 2014 he talks
to Ben Porter regarding The Bock Saga, UFOs, the invasion of the
subconscious and his developing work a truly revealing conversation about
placing a lens on the esoteric forces among us
The opinions expressed by Michael Prince (James Casbolt) or the organisers of
the conference may not be the official position of Tony Topping.
Standard | Posted in TV & Radio | Tagged Alphernas Betern, AMMACH,
Asser, Bases Conference, Bases Series, Bock Sa-Ga, Bock Saga, Collins
Elite, Ior, Ior Bock, James Casbolt, Miles Johnston, mind control, North
Berwick Law, Pyramids, Ring of Power, Royal Court of Asser, Tolkien, Tony
Topping, UFOs, We The Scythians

by Covert Witness
The Secret World Of
Tony Topping
Broadcaster Author

The Bases Project Spring Conference Bock Sa-Ga Lecture/High

Strange Journals & Super Soldier Talk.
The Barge Inn Honeystreet Alton Barnes Wiltshire 27th April 2014 11.00 am
Tony Toppings Lecture On The Bock Sa-Ga Endless Fascination For
For the 1st time in public Tony will also discuss his High Strange journals from
1999 until 2008 he has never really talked about them before it is hoped it will
help others
Tony Topping specialist in matters high strange, an experiencer & TI known
as a paranormal Jason Bourne travels into the realms of ancient knowledge
from a period of history known as Paradise Time, Tony tells the story known
as The Bock Saga, an incredible Sa-Ga laid down for generations that the
origin of man began in Scandinavia. Powered by a sacred ring of power whose
theme reflects across history. The opinions expressed by the organisers &
other speakers may not be the official position of Tony Topping.
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