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5.1 Teachers Notes
The Directed Writing question carries a total of 35 marks 15 marks for content and 20
marks for language. The marks for format, which can vary between 1-3 marks depending on the
text type, are included in the 15 marks allocated for content. In this section, candidates are given
only one question. This means that candidates do not have the luxury of choice which they are
given in the Continuous Writing section.
Most candidates find this question quite manageable. In fact, even weak candidates can be
taught to cope with this question to a certain extent. Several factors make this question quite do
able. Firstly, candidates are given help with content. This means candidates do not have to worry
about what to write as content points are provided. It is not difficult to score full marks for content.
In fact, candidates can score full marks for content if they are able to use the information given in
grammatically sound sentences, irrespective of the sentence type or length. It is also easy to get
marks for format if they have been exposed to the formats of different text types. Secondly, this
question does not demand much linguistically unlike the continuous writing question. Most
candidates are able to cope with this question, even if they are linguistically limited. Thirdly, the
question is usually set around the experiences of students. Hence, there is no reason for
candidates not to attempt this question.
Below is an analysis of the questions which have appeared over the past ten years:

Letter (informal)






Letter (formal)




Letter (informal)

To inform mother of choice of present for your brother
and persuade mother to lend you some money
To inform students on ways of coping with stress
To inform students about road safety - causes of road
accidents and suggestions to reduce them
To inform the class teacher about the choice of class trip
To inform the school principal about the conditions of the
school canteen
To inform a friend about a holiday camp


Letter (informal)

To convince a friend to run for the post of head prefect






A Report


A letter (Informal)


A Talk


A letter (informal)
A letter of
An Article

To tell students about a science reference book

To inform students about a friend who has been chosen
as the Best Group Leader
To inform the Principal of the reasons why students lack
of interest in sports
To tell a cousin the benefits of taking part in National
Service Program
To inform on how to manage sprained ankle to the Red
Crescent Society members in school
To advise sister on how to spend money wisely


Text type

To complaint to the town council

To inform about crime prevention

Common errors
Poor time management. Do not spend more than the allocated 45 minutes on this question.
Otherwise you will not have enough time for the second question.
Lengthy essays. Do not write too much. As mentioned earlier, this question does not make
many demands on a candidate. Directed writing is a succinct piece of writing. All you have to
do is use the given points and provide a sentence or two (maybe three) to elaborate on them. A
response of 1 - 2 pages is more than sufficient. After all, the more you write the more
mistakes you might make. Some candidates make the mistake of writing one paragraph for
each point. If you do this, your essay is going to be very lengthy. Save the time and energy for
Continuous writing.
Usage of informal language. This paper tests your written English. Do not use spoken
language. Avoid using slang words (such as guys.), contractions, and informal language (such
as informal idiomatic expressions or informal phrasal verbs).
Poor punctuation. Some candidates do not punctuate their sentences correctly. Make sure you
end your sentence with a full stop and not a comma. Also, make sure that the pronoun I is
written in upper case and not lower case (i) as is the practice among some candidates.
5.2 Students Tips
General Guidelines for Directed Writing
Read the question carefully. Identify your task, your role and your audience.
Use the 45 minutes allocated for this question wisely.
Plan your essay and organize your thoughts (this includes what to write and how to elaborate
on points)
Include an introduction and a conclusion and make sure your paragraphs are well organized.
Use all content points given. It is advisable to cross out the points you have used, so that no
point is left out.
Include points of your own only if you are asked to. Otherwise, do not waste precious time
doing so because you will not get any extra marks.
Elaborate on the points given. Write 2-3 sentences to elaborate on each point. Remember a
crucial aspect of this paper is language and your ability to write can only be tested if you
provide sufficient language for the examiner to gauge your linguistic ability.
Use a variety of sentence structures so that your essay is not dull and monotonous.
Always read through what you have written. Correct grammatical, spelling and punctuation
5.3 Sample Essays And Practices
Sample essay and practice 1
General guidelines
1. Articles are pieces of writing giving information, advice or suggestions to the readers.
2. They are usually written for the school magazine or school newsletter.
3. The tone and style are formal.
4. An articles format
a) Title can be taken from the rubric
b) Writers name Just write By, and then followed by your name just below the title.
c) The people who are going to read the article.
Many students feel that they have too many things to do in one day. Many of them really do not
manage their time wisely and end up not completing their homework or school projects on time.
You want to make a few suggestions on how they can manage their time in a better and more
effective way.

Write an article for your school magazine giving your suggestions on how to manage time. Include
the following points.
Change attitude
Pay attention in class
Try to complete as much homework as possible during school hours
Make a To do list
Set priorities right
Set a realistic target for examination
Plan a personal timetable
Make time for rest and relaxation
Join study groups
Seek help from parents, teachers or friends
Speak to school counsellor
Stay happy and healthy
When writing the article, you should remember to:
- Include the title
- Include the writers name
- Include all the points given
- Write in the format of an article
Sample Answer
How to Manage Time
By Albert Moss
Today many students feel that they have too many things to do in one day. Many of them
really do not manage their time wisely and end up not completing their homework or school
projects on time. So, here I would like to give some suggestions to students on how to manage
Firstly, students must change their attitude. Next, students should pay attention in
class. Thirdly, students must try to complete as much homework as possible during school
hours. Furthermore students can make a To do list.
Students ought to set their priorities right. Students should set a realistic target for their
coming examination. Furthermore, students can plan a personal timetable. Students must also
make time for rest and relaxation.
Students can join study groups. All students should seek help from parents, teachers
or friends if needed. Students should speak to the school counsellor if necessary. Finally
students should be happy and healthy when they spend their time wisely.
Examination Tips
1. Introduction of the article can be taken from the rubric as shown in the sample.
2. All students need to do is to add the phrase students followed by a modal, in front of the
given content points to create meaningful sentences.
e.g Students should, Students must etc.
3. Use conjunctions and sequence connectors
Practice 1
You are asked to write an article for your school magazine Your article is on Disciplinary
Problems in Schools. In your article, you also suggest ways to overcome the problems. Below are
some notes you have made.
Playing truant cutting classes, loitering in shopping complexes, frequenting cybercafes during
school hours
Smoking in toilets, behind the bushes, cutting classes to smoke
Bullying intimidating, beating, extorting money

Vandalism destroying school property, graffiti

Gangsterism involved in gangs, fighting, recruiting juniors
Suggestions to overcome the problems
Joining voluntary organization
Being active in games and societies
Doing part-time job
Taking up a hobby
Intervention by parents
Do remember:
To give a title
That your audience are students
To use all the notes given above
To write in paragraphs
Sample essay and practice 2
General guidelines
1. Read questions and notes to understand situation. Determine:
a. Type of speech thank you/farewell/informative
b. Main idea/theme of speech pollution/safety/smoking/dumping babies
c. Who is your audience? students, teachers, club members
2. Identify the relevant points in the questions.
3. Elaborate on the points. Give examples.
4. Know the format of the speech:
a. Address the audience
b. Introduce yourself
c. State the topic
d. Conclude by summarizing all the points
e. Thank the audience
5. Some useful expressions
a. Opening.
- Good morning/afternoon/evening to the Principal, teachers..
- A very good morning I bid to the Chairman, teachers and my fellow friends.
b. Beginning.
- Today, I would like to talk about.
- I am Adiba bt Kassim and this morning I wish to talk about..
- Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about.
c. Closing
- I hope I have given you all the information on..Thank you
- Finally, let me end my speech by..
As the President of the Environment Club, you have been asked by your teacher to give a speech
to all students in your school on how they can help to reduce environmental problems. In your
speech, include the following notes:

Reduce energy usage
Do not waste electricity
Use products that have
Use energy saving

Reduce air pollution

Avoid open burning
Use unleaded petrol
Practise car pooling

Reduce waste
Use environmental
friendly products
Use recycled
Use washable items

When writing your speech text, you should remember to:

use the appropriate greeting and closing
state the purpose of the speech
use all the notes given
write in paragraphs
Sample Answer
Good morning to the Principal, teachers and friends. My name is Labu bin Labi from class
5 Science. As the President of the Environment Club, I have been asked by my teacher to give a
speech to all students in my school on how they can help to reduce environmental problems.
Firstly, we have to reduce energy usage. Do not waste electricity. For example we must
switch off the lights and fans before we leave the classroom. We should use products that have
timers so they will switch off automatically when the time is up. We should also use energy
saving appliances like light bulbs and many others.
Secondly, we have to reduce air pollution. For example, we should avoid open burning.
It is better to bury than to burn rubbish in the open. We should also use unleaded petrol for our
cars. It is also good to practise car pooling to work. Fewer cars on the road means less traffic
and less pollution.
Thirdly, we have to reduce waste. We must use environmental friendly products that do
not harm the environment. We should also use recycled materials like paper bags instead of
plastic bags. We should also use washable items to reduce waste.
That is all for now. Thank you everyone for listening.
Examination Tips
1. Remind students to write an appropriate greeting according to the question requirement.
2. All points should be written in complete sentences in order to be awarded marks for content
3. Remind students to write simple sentences instead of lengthy ones to avoid grammar mistakes.
4. Giving examples is considered as an elaboration.
Practice 2(a) Speech
As the President of The Road Safety Club, you have been asked by your teacher to give a speech
to all students in your school on how motorists cause accidents and suggest some ways to reduce
these accidents.
Use the notes below to guide you.
Turning without signalling
Switching lanes, traffic jams - highways
Breaking traffic rules after midnight
Weaving in and out of traffic
Beating traffic lights
Underaged motorists
Speeding in housing estates
Ways to reduce accidents
Vehicle - in good condition
Traffic police - peak hours, after midnight
More speed traps
Impose heavier fines
Road safety campaign - raise awareness
In your speech, remember to:
provide a title

use all the information above

add two other ways to reduce accidents
Practice 2(b) Talk
Many students in your school complain that they are stressed. As the President of the Health Club
in your school, you have been asked to give a talk during assembly. You have made a list of the
reasons given by these students and you would like to give them some suggestions on how to
cope with their problem.
Use the following notes to write your talk.

- long hours spent at school
- too much homework
- too many projects
- frequent exams
- tuition classes
- high expectations from parents
- lack of sleep

- have a positive outlook
- plan a timetable
- study consistently
- have manageable goals
- exercise regularly

When writing out your talk, you should remember to:

address your audience
state the purpose of the talk
use all the points given
end your talk appropriately
Sample essay and practice 3
General guidelines
1. A report gives information to a particular person or group.
2. It has to be formal and concise
3. The content is inclusive of facts and opinions.
4. Types of report:
a. Report of an incident
b. Report on activity or event
c. Report on a survey
d. Newspaper report
Basic format
Report On__________________________________
: ( to whom the report is directed to )
From : ( the person who writes the report )
Date : _______________
Facts and elaboration.
Reported by,

You are the Secretary of the Environment Club in your school. Your club has successfully
organized Environment Week in your school. Write a report to the principal about the event.
Include the following information in your report:

3rd 7th March 2011
raise awareness
beautify school compound
paint murals
plant trees
recycle old newspapers
poster drawing competition
speech by invited guest


create conducive environment
instill love for nature
foster closer relationship
develop co-operation
When writing the report, you should remember to:
give the report a title
address the report accordingly
provide an appropriate ending
use all the information given
write in paragraphs

SMK Gemilang
From: Secretary
The Environment Club
Environment Week In My School
The Environment Club in my school has successfully organized an Environment Week. The
duration of the Environment Week was from 3rd - 7th March 2011.
The first objective of the programme was to raise awareness about the environment
among the students. The second objective was to beautify the school compound with as many
plants as possible.
There were many activities organized by the Environment Club during the week. Students
painted colourful murals on the wall about environment. They also planted trees around the
school with the help of the school gardeners. They brought old newspapers from home to be sent

for recycling. They took part in poster drawing competition on environment and they also
listened to a speech by an invited guest during the closing ceremony.
The advantages of the Environment Week are as follows. Firstly. it creates conducive
environment to the students. Secondly, it instils love for nature in everyone. Thirdly, it fosters
closer relationship between students and teachers in the school. Fourthly, it develops cooperation among students.
The Environment Week was successful and hopefully the programme will be held every
year as an annual event.
Reported by,
Labu bin Labi
Labu bin Labi

15 March 2011

1. Remind students that they should use the words in the rubric to help them with their
introductory paragraph.
2. All points should be written in complete sentences in order to be awarded marks for content
3. Remind students to write simple sentences instead of lengthy ones to avoid grammar
Practice 3
You and your classmates have just returned from a trip to Kuala Lumpur. You are the class monitor.
Write a report to your class teacher about the trip.
Include the following information.
Trip to Kuala Lumpur
Date : 15 - 17 December
Duration: 3 days and 2 nights
No of students : 32
No of teachers: 3
Mode of transport: Bus
Accommodation: Hotel
Cost per person: RM 120.00
Paces of interest:
Art gallery
Shopping complexes
Parks and gardens
When writing the report you should remember to:
give the report a title
address the report accordingly
provide an appropriate ending
use all the information given

Sample essay and practice 4

Formal Letter
Basic Format
Nur Adilah bt Mufti
24, Taman Desa Minangkabau
06400 Pokok Sena
The Director,
Municipal Council
P.O. Box 43
063500 Alor Setar

24 APRIL 2011

Dear Sir,
Complaint About Services
With the reference to the above matter, I


I hope.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
(a) Letter of complaint
There has been a plan to build a mega shopping complex near the public beach in your
neighbourhood. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper protesting
against the plan. Write the letter based on the notes below:
A shopping complex already exists
Project may drive tourists away
Spoil the beauty of the beach
Local businesses affected
Increase traffic flow in the area
Social ills will increase
When writing the letter, you should remember to:
Address the letter to the editor of a local newspaper
Use all the notes given
Elaborate all the notes

Sample Answer
Jason James,
5, Kampung Pantai Merdeka,
08100 Pantai Merdeka,
Kedah Darul Aman.
The Star,
08000 Sungai Petani,
Kedah Darul Aman.

26 MAY 2011

Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter on behalf of the residents of Kampung Pantai Merdeka. It has come to our
knowledge that the local authority has already given the green light to build a mega shopping
complex near the public beach of Pantai Merdeka. We are totally against the mega project. These
are our reasons.
Firstly, we do not need a mega shopping complex as a shopping complex already exists
in our area. [Where?] The existing shopping complex is only 1 kilometre from the proposed site.
Secondly, the new shopping complex will spoil the beauty of the beach. [What will happen?] The
swaying coconut and casuarina trees will be cut down. Besides, there will be more rubbish on the
white sandy beach.
Next, the project may drive tourists away. [How?] The beach area will be reduced and
the shady areas will be demolished. With the mega project, there will also be an increase of
traffic flow in the area. [How?] [When?] More heavy vehicles such as lorries and trailers will use
the village road throughout the construction period. [What effect?] This will increase the number of
road accidents.
Furthermore, local business will also be affected. [Who are involved?] Ten hawkers who
sell foods and drinks along the beach will be affected. [What are the effects?] They will lose their
income and will be unable to support their families. Finally, we believe social ills will increase.
[How?] The mega shopping complex will have a big cinema and a bowling arena. These kinds of
places may attract more teenagers to loiter and play truant. These may lead to an increase in
social ills.
We appeal to the authorities to shelve their plans without any further delay as it would mar
the beauty of the beach.
Yours faithfully,
Jason James
Examination Tips
1. Make a simple introduction. Explain more about the location of the neighbourhood.
2. Rewrite the points given in complete sentences. Elaborate each of the points given by giving
simple details. Ask wh-questions to help you to elaborate.
3. Plan the organisation of each point.
4. If you do not have any personal experience regarding the issue, try to be imaginative. Your
imagination may help you to provide some relevant details.
(b): Formal Letter of request


The Parent-Teacher Association of your school is organising a food fair to raise funds for various
projects. As the Secretary of the Interact Club, you are in charge of writing a letter to a fast-food
restaurant asking them to sponsor the food.
In your letter, include the following:
date, day, time and venue of the food fair
2 objectives of the food fair learn to share, experience the importance of cooperation
further details about the food fair
- involve all clubs and societies
- expected crowd: 1,000 people
- amount of money to be raised: RM10,000
request for sponsorship of food
request for lucky draw hampers
When writing the letter, you should remember to:
Address the letter to the manager
Use appropriate opening and closing
Include other relevant details
Sample Answer:
Interact Club,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cempaka,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang.
The Manager,
KKC Fast Food Sdn. Bhd.,
28, BL Free Trade Zone,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Pulau Pinang.

12 JULY 2011

Dear Sir,
Our school is organising a food fair to raise funds for various projects. Here are the details of the
food fair:
Date : 5 August 2011
Day : Thursday
Time : 9.00 am 2.00 pm
Venue : School Hall
The food fair has two objectives. First of all, the club aims to encourage the students
to learn to share with others. [How can they share with others?] They must learn not to be selfish
and help others in any way they can. Another objective is to allow students to experience the
importance of cooperation. [With whom will they cooperate?] Through this food fair we are sure
the students will learn how to work with other students of different clubs and societies.
The followings are further details of the food fair. This project will involve all clubs
and societies. [How many?] So far 12 clubs and 9 societies have confirmed their participations.
They will sell different kinds of foods to the expected crowd which is about 1,000 people. [Who
are they?] The fair is open to all the students and their parents. Our target amount of money to
be raised is RM10,000. [Why RM10,000?] We need that amount of money to organise various
projects that will benefit the students.


We would like to make two humble requests here. The first is to request for your
sponsorship of food. [How much? What kind of food?] We really appreciate if you could sponsor
100 pieces of fried chickens and 100 pieces of fish burgers. There is also a request for your
company to sponsor lucky draw hampers. [How many? What is the cost?] It would be good if
you can sponsor 3 hampers. Each hamper may cost RM20.00 each.
Every member of the Interact Club prays hard that your company would be able to
sponsor the food and hampers. We put a very high hope that you will be part of our fund-raising
activity. Your generosity is truly appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Interact Club,
Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Cempaka.
Examination Tips:
1. Make a simple introduction. Refer to the question for the key ideas to be written in the
2. Rewrite the points given in complete sentences. Elaborate each of the points given by giving
simple details. Ask wh-questions when giving elaboration. Certain wh-questions are much
easier for you to answer such as when, who, how many and where. Answering why is normally
more challenging.
3. Plan the organisation of each point.
Practice 4
Letter of complaint
There are a few matters in your school which could be improved. You and your classmates have
had a meeting and decided to write a formal letter of complaint to the principal. As the class
monitor, you have been asked to write the letter.
In your letter, include the following:
Unsafe wooden chairs
Fans not working
Broken doors
Limited choices of foods
High price of foods
When writing the letter, you should remember to:
Set out the letter correctly
Use all the notes given
Elaborate each note appropriately
Sample essay and practice 5
Informal Letter
General guidelines
1. Informal letter is written to pen pals, friends, relatives and family members.
2. The format of an informal letter has the following features.



a) Senders address
b) Date any form but avoid writing in the formal form 30 August 2011
Both a) and b) must be written on the top right-hand corner of the letter
c) Salutation on the left hand side of the letter Dear mum, Dear sister,
d) Start your letter asking about the receivers well-being How are you?
e) If you are replying a letter you may start like this I received your letter
f) State the purpose of your letter I am writing this letter because.
g) Closing Yours sincerely (for friends, pen-pals, etc.), Your loving daughter, etc.
Do not use Yours faithfully as it is used for formal letter.
Three marks are usually awarded for format although there are more than 3 features.
Write your letter in 3 - 4 paragraphs.
Informal language can be used in an informal letter Ive, dad, mum, sis, be happy, etc.
Do not use sms language such as u for you and b4 for before
Basic Format
Muhammad Akiff bin Azizan,
No. 4, Taman Desa Impian,
06350 Naka,
12 April 2011
Dear Hani,
I have just received your letter ...
Yours sincerely,

Your father wants to buy a computer but he is not sure whether it is better to buy a laptop or a
desktop computer. He asks for your opinion. After doing some research, you come up with some
information on both computers.
Using the notes given below, write an informal letter to your father stating your choice and
supporting it with reasons.

Slim and light
Can function on battery
More expensive
More fragile
Easier to steal

Easier to upgrade
Harder to steal
Bulkier- difficult to carry around
Require more space
Rely on direct supply of electricity

When writing out your letter, you should remember to include the following:
To state your choice
To make comparisons
To state the purpose of the letter
To give appropriate greeting and closing
Use all the points given


122,Taman Pearlview Avenue,
High Tech Park,
09000 Kulim,
Kedah Darul Aman.
Dear father,
How are you over there? I hope you are fine. I am doing okay here. I am writing this letter to
let you know about my opinion on whether to buy a laptop or a desktop computer. I think you
should buy a desktop computer.
Firstly, desktop computers are cheaper. They are also easier to be upgraded. It is harder
to steal desktop computers because they are heavy.
However they have some weaknesses too. They are bulkier and difficult to be carried
around. They also require more space and rely on direct supply of electricity.
On the other hand, laptops are portable, slim and light and can function on battery.
However I do not recommend it to you because laptops are more expensive and fragile. Besides,
they are easier for people to steal.
I hope that I have been helpful. I know that you will make a right choice. If you still have
doubts, feel free to contact me again. Till then. Goodbye .
Your loving son / daughter,

1. Refer to other model letters to see how the given content points are constructed into
meaningful sentences.
2. Sentences need not be long.
3. Just add phrases like They are or Desktop computers to the given content points.
4. Remember there would be 12 content points and it is easy to get marks for all the content
5. End your letter in a friendly, informal manner Well, till we meet again, Goodbye.
Practice 5
You have a cousin who lives in Kuala Lumpur. You have decided to organize a trip there for you
and your classmates during the second term holidays. Write a letter to your cousin informing him
or her of your plan.
In your letter, ask your cousin to help you rent rooms at a hostel. You should also include the
following informations:
Details of your visit
Number of people going
Number of days you intend to stay there
Number of rooms required
Budget for the rooms per day
What you plan to do
Kuala Lumpur Tower
National Zoo


Science Centre
Tour the city
Go shopping at KLCC
When writing the letter, you should remember to:
- Use suitable format
- Use all the informations given above
- Elaborate on what you plan to do


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