Studyplan India and World International Relations For GS Mains Paper 2 Essay and Interview Along With

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[Study-plan] India and World, International

Relations for GS (Mains) Paper 2, Essay and
Interview along with Free Study Material
1. Why should I prepare International Affairs?
2. Step 1: Gather the material
3. Step 2: Prepare the Mental Framework
Based on Location
Based on Phases
Dynamic portion: Two parts
4. How to approach the Dynamic portion?
5. Supplimentary Reading
6. Appendix: Official Syllabus
1. India and the World :
2. Indias Economic Interaction with the World :
3. International Affairs and Institutions:

Why should I prepare International Affairs?

1. Because in General Studies Mains (Paper II), they ask questions worth more than 100 marks,
from this topic.
2. In the Essay paper, they regulary ask essays directly or indirectly related to Globalization and
International relations.
3. For the interview.

Step 1: Gather the material

Click on individual links to download the respetive study-material.
1. IGNOU booklets for India and the World
Ive compiled the essential PDFs in this link
Click me to download India and World IGNOU Booklets
(optional) : For extra-reading and reference (particulary for Essay Fodder material), you can visit
and download more files from following Pages
2. Neeraj Singhs Notes on GS Mains (it contains separate folder for India and World)
3. Current Affairs ZIP file of last Year
Youll find plenty of useful information about UN,UNESCO, ILO etc in your GS Manual as well.
4. General Studies Papers of last 25 years

Step 2: Prepare the Mental Framework

In your head, visualize following. What exactly are you supposed to prepare?

Based on Location
1. India and her neighbours (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan, Afghanistan, SriLanka, Nepal and China)
2. India and the regions (South America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Europe and so
3. India and the big 5 UNSC members (USA, China, France, Russia and UK )
4. India and Economically powerful nations (Australia, Japan, S.Africa, Brazil, UAE etc)
5. India and Organizations (UN, ASEAN, G20, GCC, EU, IMF, World Bank etc.)
Indias interaction with the world can also be classifed into following phases

Based on Phases
1. Post-independence NAM/ Panchsheel Era
2. During the Wars with Pakistan and China
3. Atomic Bomb test
4. Cold War
5. Fall of USSR and LPG reforms in 1991.
6. Second Atomic Test
7. Post 9/11

8. The Latest happening (Current).

Now superimpose both, and youve prepared India and the world.
^upto point number 5, I would classify under static question / theory portion.
Lately the UPSC has stopped asking questions from it, after all how much can they ask from
NAM or Panchsheel! Whatever they could ask, has been asked in last 25 years GS papers, just
look at the old papers and try to frame skeletal answer.
But since UPSC has a nasty habit of throwing unexpected surprizes, so one should go prepared.
So, how to approach the Static portion?
From the given IGNOU ZIP file, prepare a very short note, highlighting keywords of Indias relations
through each region and each phase. There are 193 countries in UN, you dont have to prepare
each and every one of them but only the important ones, given in the Based on Geography.
This pretty much sums up the static portion.
Now what about the dynamic (i.e. current based). Well past two years, majority of questions are
coming from the dynamic portion only.

Dynamic portion: Two parts

1. Where India is involved. (Example: Bilateral visits of Presidents and prime ministers, India at
Coppenhegan etc.)
2. Where India is not directly involved. (example NATO in Afghanistan, US-China, Greece & EU
sovereign debt-crisis, South Sudan etc.)
What types of questions can be asked from this portion? To understand it, just browse through
the old question papers and prepare the current affairs on that line.

How to approach the Dynamic portion?

1. First make list of bilateral visits (you can find information on website of Ministry of External
Affairs) Then dig up on google, What trade-pacts or treaties were signed. You dont have to
do Ph.D on each and everything, for example of PM of Nicargua visited India, and signed a

few trade pacts, its hardly of any importance but when PM of Bangladesh visits India and
discusses something on land tranfer, border or river dispute that part is important. Again no
need to mug up how many crores were given as loan or what was the exact date of meeting
2. The list of all important international events happened last year, where India was not
involved, can be found in your monthly issue of Chronicle, Wizard, Pratiyogita Darpan.
3. What to prepare for Diospora? First the theory: OCI, PIO, NRI, Citizenship issues. Then based
on current events. For example,
1. Kamla Prasad Bissesar became PM of Trinidad and Tobago last year, so prepare that
2. Crisis for Indian Workers in Tripoli, Middle east, Libya etc.
3. Schemes of Government for the protection and welfare of Indian workers abroad. And
so on.
^this list is not exhaustive, just as an example.
You cannot prepare the international relations in a week, its a continuous process, keep a habit of
reading newspapers daily, particularly the Columns related to International relations. But at the
same time, you dont need ball by ball commentary on what is going on, for example Political
turmoil of Nepal, their Prime minister keeps changing every fortnight, so by the time it is October
November, theyd be 25-30 Prime ministers already (!), you try to mug up the names and timelines,
it wont do you any good.
Secondly, If youve to attempt an Essay on Globalization or international affairs, youll need
fodder material (facts and viewpoints), therefore reading newspapers and columns Is must.

Supplementary Reading
Depending on your time and energy, you may approach
1. Frontline (again all issues can be freedly downloaded by clicking me)
2. Political and Economic Weekly and
3. The Economist.
But like I said earlier, there is no need to do Ph.D, else you wont be left with any time or energy for
other subjects. Always keep the syllabus in mind, youve to prepare the topics, not the books or

Appendix: Official Syllabus

The Official Syllabus of UPSC for International relations Topic in GS Mains (Paper II)

1. India and the World :

This part will include questions to test candidates awareness of Indias relation- ship with the
world in various spheres such as the following:- Foreign Affairs with special emphasis on Indias
relations with neighbouring countries and in the region. Security and defence related matters.
Nuclear policy, issues, and conflicts.
The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to India and the world.

2. Indias Economic Interaction with the World :

In this part, questions will be on economic and trade issues such as foreign trade, foreign
investment; economic and diplo- macy issues relating to oil, gas and energy flows; the role and
functions of I.M.F., World Bank, W.T.O., WIPO etc. which influence Indias economic interaction with
other countries and international institutions.

3. International Affairs and Institutions:

This part will include questions on important events in world affairs and on international

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June 6th, 2012 | Category: Diplomacy , Studyplan

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