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12 Annual Conference

Recent Innova ons in Capital Markets

27 October 2015, Hotel Trident, Nariman Point, Mumbai

Key Speakers
Mr. U.K. Sinha

Mr. Jayant Sinha

Mr. Shaktikanta Das

Mr. HR Khan

Mr. Mark Wiseman

Chairman, Securities and

Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

Minister of State for Finance

Govt. of India

Secretary, Department of
Economic Affairs, Govt. of India

Deputy Governor
Reserve Bank of India

CEO, Canada Pension Plan

Investment Board

Dr Saurabh Garg

Mr. Sunil Sanghai

Mr. Anup Bagchi

Mr. Manoj Joshi

Ms. Chitra Ramakrishna

Joint Secretary (I&C),Department of

Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance

Chairman, FICCI Capital Markets

Committee and MD & Head- Banking
India, HSBC

Co-Chairman, FICCIs Capital

Markets Committee and MD & CEO
ICICI Securities Ltd

Joint Secretary (FM)

Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance

Managing Director & CEO,

National Stock Exchange of
India Limited

Session Highlights

Start-up and other innova ve schemes by the

Government of India

Session on Mutual Funds

Deepening of Bond Markets

Special session on Economy

Why Attend?
r This is an important event that discusses a wide

range of key issues concerning capital markets in

par cular and nancial sector in general
r Learn from senior policymakers, na onal and

interna onal industry leaders about the prevailing

investment climate, recent policy reforms and role
of foreign and domes c ins tu onal investments
in Indian capital markets
r Interact and share your views with speakers during

Q&A sessions
r Obtain Conference Publica on - A compendium of

ar cles on the theme of the conference

r Network with key industry stakeholders

For further details, please contact:

Mr. Apoorv Srivastava (For Sponsorship) /
Ms. Rosy Jose (For Registration)
FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg
New Delhi-110001
Contact: +91-11-23487424/509

About the Conference

CAPAM is a leading event in the Indian capital markets space and provides an excellent
pla orm to discuss and debate key issues pertaining to this sector. It is addressed by
senior policy makers and leading na onal and interna onal experts.
Organized under the aegis of FICCI's Capital Markets Commi ee, the 12th edi on of this
conference promises to be a high prole knowledge-sharing and networking pla orm.
Senior policy makers, regulators and who's who of the nancial services industry are
expected to par cipate at the forum.

Who Should Attend?

This conference is designed for all organiza ons and individuals with an interest in capital
markets, including:
r Execu ves of the Capital Markets and Financial Services Sector

Banks, Investment Banks and Merchant Banks

Stock exchanges, Depositories, Stock Brokers, Por olio Managers

Ins tu onal Investors- Mutual Funds, Private Equity Firms, Venture Capital,
Angel Funds, Insurance & Pension Funds

Investment Advisors

r CEOs, CFOs and Finance Managers of Companies

r Representa ves of Government and Financial Sector Regulators
r Foreign Por olio Investors (FIIs, QFIs)
r Legal Firms
r Research rms, Educa onal Ins tu ons & Economists

Delegate Fee (Inclusive of all taxes)


FICCI Members
v Corporate Members
v Associate Members
Non Members


INR 4275
INR 5130
INR 5700
INR 2280

Our Partners
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Market Research Partner

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