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The Representation Of Eminem In Two


Firstly, one way that Eminem is represented is through the cinematography and specifically the
angle of the shot. In hip-hop connection, we see a low-angled mid shot of Eminem. By showing a
low angle shot, it shows Eminem towering over the reader, making him seem powerful, strong and
superior. This correlates with the target audience and the genre of the magazine. As the genre is
hip-hop and a key theme that runs throughout it as an image for an artist, is power. Therefore, this
is what the target audience consequently expects to see in a hip-hop artist. Also as the target
audience is predominantly teenage males, they value this trait more than other audiences. They
consider power to become a sign of a good hip-hop artist. Therefore, Eminem is represented as
being strong and powerful through using a low-angled shot; in order to conform to the genre and
the expectations of the target audience. In comparison, Eminem is represented very differently in
top of the pops through the shots cinematography. We see him in a high- angle mid-shot. The
reason for this is to make him seem almost submissive, as we, the reader are looking down upon
him, which is the opposite effect to that created in hip-hop connection. Eminem is made to seem
submissive in order to (like in the other magazine), conform to the genre and expectations of the
target audience. As the target audience is primarily teenage girls for this magazine, they do not
value or expect power in an artist and they do not value it as a trait as much as males. Therefore he
has to be represented differently. He is shown as submissive in order to appear more sensitive, a
characteristic the target audience would expect more.

Secondly, another way that Eminem is represented in the two magazines is through his costume. In
hip-hop connection, we see him wearing a white shirt, tie and a Rolex watch. These items are
what we would associate a business man wearing. As a result, the connotations we associate with a
business man is success and wealth. Consequently, this shows Eminem is successful and wealthy,
through his costume. This representation targets the target audience, as, stereotypically, men value
wealth and aspire to be wealthy and consider success in a field such as business as being the mark
of being a man. Therefore the target audience identifies with this with Eminem, this represents
Eminem as a figure that the target audience should look up to. This would be a factor in their
decision of whether to buy the magazine. Opposing this, in top of the pops he is represented in a
very different way to that in hip-hop connection. Where as in the latter, he shown to be
successful, in the first, he is shown as being family friendly. By having Eminem wear clothes that
you would associate with an average, normal or everyday person, it detaches him of the stigma
attached to his genre (rap), as being violent and misogynistic by representing him as someone that
the target audience recognises. Therefore, in both magazines, Eminem is represented in a certain
way to cater to their target audience; in hip-hop connection, he needs to be seen as successful,
where as in top of the pops, he needs to appear family friendly.
Furthermore, in both hip hop connection and top of the pops, Eminem is represented through his
props and costume. In the first, he is holding a gun, this portrays him as being dangerous, but also
powerful. This is effective use of mise-en-scene as in the genre, power and an aspect of danger is
expected to be affiliated with an artist. In comparison, almost the opposite is created in top of the
tops, in terms of costumes, his image is manipulated as they cover up his tattoos that are clearly
visible in hip-hop connection. The reason for doing this could be that, often, the connotations of
someone with tattoos is someone rebellious, alternative or different, or specifically musically
related, it is often related with more underground scenes within the music industry. This completely
juxtaposes the identity of top of the pops, which caters to teenage girls, with the genre being pop
music, which is typically family friendly. Therefore the connotations set with Eminems usual
appearance, with his tattoos, are eradicated by covering up his tattoos, in order to appeal to the
magazines own audience. Consequently, in evaluation, costume and props are used in order to
create connotations of an artist and to control what audience the magazine should appeal to.

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