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Date: ____________

Gives titles to paragraphs listened to
Identify the key sentence in a paragraph
Write the titles of paragraphs correctly

Health consciousnesses

II. Subject Matter:

Giving Titles to Paragraphs Listened to Identifying the Key Sentences

PELC, Listening 4 p. 20
Developing Reading Power 5 p.106
Chart, Picture of children drinking soft drinks

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Checking of assignments
2. Review
Read the sob-topics in each group on the box, write an appropriate main topic for each
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
Fidel V. Ramos
Ramon F. Magsaysay
3. Motivation
Show the picture of children drinking soft drinks?
What are the children drinking?
You drink soft drinks too?
4. Setting the motive question
What are the bad effects of alcohol to our body?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation
The teacher calls on two best reader pupils and the teacher instructs the other pupils to
2. Additional questions for comprehensive check up.
How will you get away form these bad effects of alcoholic drinks?
Why do we have to go away from these?
Why do we have to protect ourselves from alcoholic drinks?

3. Discussion
What is the key sentence in paragraph 1? Paragraph 2? Do key sentences give clue to the
title? Why? How? What is the best title for paragraph 1? Paragraph 2?
(The teacher writes the little of the paragraphs) How are the titles written?
4. Practice Exercise
(Using a tape recorder let the pupils listen to a recorder paragraph. If there is no recorder
available let an able pupil read the paragraph aloud) after reading, let the answer the
a. Identify the key sentence in the paragraph. Why did you select the sentence as the key
sentence. What is the paragraph about? What title can you give the paragraph? Based on
the paragraph why is cholesterol important? Why is it not? How can we make our body
free from too much cholesterol? Why should we avoid too much cholesterol?
5. Generalization - additional questions
Where can you find the key sentence, at first, last or middle sentence?
6. Guided Practice
Group Work: Group the pupils into 4. Ask them to choose their reporter and leader in
each group. Give them an index card each group containing a paragraph. Instruct them to
answer the following to be reported afterwards:
1. What is the key sentence of the paragraph?
2. What is the paragraph about, hence what title can you give the paragraph?
3. What health value was mentioned from the paragraph? What is its importance to our
IV. Evaluation:
(Listen to the teacher as she reads the paragraph)
1. Write the key sentence of each paragraph
2. Select its title from the titles in the box.
Clums for Summer
A Beautiful Day
A Strange Clam
The Unlucky Fisherman
A Beautiful Princess
A Kind Family
V. Assignment:
Listen to the news reports over the radio or on the TV newscasts. Write down the titles of the
given news.

Date: ____________
1. Objective:
Gives titles to stories listened to
Note details from stories listened to
II. Subject Matter:
Giving Titles to Stories
Nothing Details
Writing Titles of Stories

PELC, Listening p. 20
Skill book in English, pp. 65-67
Chart, picture of a lion and a mouse

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Word with ge sounded as / j /


2. Checking of Assignment
3. Review
How do you write titles of stories, poems, paragraphs, songs etc?
4. Guide pupils to look for a word or phrase in the sentence that helps them guess the meaning
of the unlined words.
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation
Have the pupils listen carefully to the story as one of the pupils read aloud the paragraph.
One day, a lion caught a mouse and was about to eat him. The mouse pleaded for his life,
saying, Please spare me! Perhaps I might be able to help you someday. The lion, the king of
the beasts, pitied the mouse and let it go away.
Later, hunting in the woods, the lion was trapped in a net. He struggled and fought, but he
could not get free. The little mouse heard the lion and ran to him. With his sharp teeth, he
gnawed at the ropes until the lion was free.
2. Comprehensive Check up.
Who caught the mouse and was about to eat? What did the mouse do?
What did the lion do?
Why did the mouse help the lion?
How did the mouse help the lion?
Can you do what the mouse did? How?
3. Discussion
Have the pupils work out a semantic map to show the main idea and the details.

4. Generalization:
What clue helps you give the title of a story?
5. Application
a. Guided Exercises
Call on pupils to act-out or narrate each selection. Ask a pupil and give the title of the
selection using a strip of cartolina given to them. Let them paste the answer on the board.
1. My hobby is gardening. I have a flower garden where I take care of roses,
bougainvilleas, African daisies, gladiolas, poinsettias, and ferns. Every afternoon, I
water my plants and on Saturdays I weed the garden, cultivate the plants, and burn
the rubbish. The garden is always in bloom because there are flowers the whole year
round. My plants have big beautiful fragrant flowers. I get my flowers fertilizers
from a compost pit. Every morning I pick fresh flowers from my garden and put them
in the vases in our living room. Gardening is fun. It also helps ma e the home
b. Independent Exercises
The pupils will prepare 3 pcs. of '/4 sheet of paper and write A Band C on each. They
will read the selection and then show the teacher their choice of A, B, or C as the title of
the story in each exercise.
1. While mother cat was cooking dinner, her little kitten went out to play. He went
along the path and soon was deep in the forest. He could no longer find his way.
It was getting late Baby Cat did not know where he was. He decided that from the top
of the tall tree, he could look for the path to take him home
a. Baby Cat Gets Lose
b. Baby Cat Gets in the Tree
c. l3aby Cat Gets Home
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the following stories. Select the correct title of each story in the box. Write the title in
your paper correctly.
Mother's Love
Man's First Clothes

A Faithful Dog
Dynamite Fishing

The Newsboy
Vacation Days

1. Rolando's vacation days in the province are soon to be over. How much he was enjoyed
swimming in the brook, riding in bancas or on horse's back and climbing trees. When mother told
him to pack up his things tears swelled in his eyes, He will miss the songs of the birds and the
sweet smell of grass and the activities he had in the province.
2. Juanita is the oldest son of Mang Pedro, a barber and Aling Mameng, a laundry woman. Juanita
helps support the family by selling magazines and newspapers to their neighbors. He rises at 5:00
o'clock in the morning and picks up his papers from the paper-dealer and delivers them to his
customers. He usually passes by the baking shop and buys hot pandesal which he muncehes
while on his paper route. He finishes distributing the newspapers in time to attend his morning
classes. In the afternoon he delivers magazines and afternoon newspapers too.
V. Assignment:
Listened to the news reports over the radio or TV newscasts. Write down the titles of the given

Date: ____________

Use plural form of nouns ending in y
Read plural form of nouns ending in y correctly
Write the plural form of nouns ending in y

Love ones neighbor

II. Subject Matter:

Plural Forms of Nouns Ending in y

PELC 4, p. 20; English in Grade V, p. 13;

Skill book in English IV, pp. 63-65; English for Filipino Children V, p. 18
Developing Reading Power 5 p.106


Chart, flashcards

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Review
Using flashcards call on a pupil to give the plural form of the singular noun on it. The
pupil who answered correctly will now be given the flashcard and let him/her call on a
classmate to give the plural form of the next noun on the card. Do the same with the next,
one to answer.
2. Motivation
Do you have neighbors? Who are they? Do you love them?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation
Have a pupil read e paragraph.
Mr. Cruz and Mr. Reyes family are neighbors in a city. These two families have three
children each. Mr. Cruz has one girl and two boys He R. Reyes have two girls and one boy.
Eric, one of the boys of Mr. Cruz has a pet monkey. He teaches his pet plenty of tricks. Nilo,
the only boy of Mr. Reyes, is fond of playing toys. He has different kinds of toys in his room.
He plays with them as soon as he arrives home from school.
2. Additional Comprehensive Check up.
If you are Nilo, will you also play with your toys as soon as you arrive home from
school? Why? Why not?
3. Skill Development
a. Have pupil look at the nouns ending in y. Show them on the flash cards. Place each card
in the pocket chart and let them read the words.
4. Generalization:
How do we form the plural of nouns ending in y?

5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Ask the pupil to count 1-4. Group all l's under one group, all 2s under a group and so
on. Teacher reads a singular noun, pupils write the plural nouns on the board. Teacher
checks whose group gets the highest score.
1. Form the plural of the following singular nouns, then read.
1. story
4. fairy
2. key
5. comedy
3. bay
2. Write the singular or plural forms of the following
1. country
4. ponies
2. diaries
5. berry
3. library
b. Independent Exercises
Ask volunteer pupils to answer by writing the answers on the board
1. There are plenty of joey in the wide farm.
2. Bring home some cherry when you go to Baguio.
3. Miss Santos has plenty of jewelry in her jewelry box.
4. The little girls are busy playing with their dolly.
5. The Castillejos team brought home two trophy during the athletic meet.
IV. Evaluation:
Use the plural form of each underlined noun to make the sentence correct.
1. Listen to my story.
2. She attended plenty of party last summer.
3. Minda's group caught several dragonfly.
4. I have different colors of daisy in my garden.
5. Do you have plenty of enemy?
V. Assignment:
List down five (5) nouns ending in y in their singular and plural forms.

Date: ____________

Write the plural form of nouns ending in f or fe
Use the plural form of nouns ending f or fe
Pronounce the plural form of nouns ending in f or fe


II. Subject Matter:

Plural Forms of Nouns Ending in F or Fe

PELC 4, p. 20; English for Filipino Children V p. 19;

Skill book in English IV pp. 66-68


Chart, flashcards

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Review
Write the plural form of the following nouns. (The teacher flashes the flashcards with
nouns ending in y)
a. country
e. valley
b. lady
f. body
c. key
d. family
d. baby
g. family
2. Motivation
Have you experienced working in groups? Did you enjoy it?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Through role playing, let some pupils act-out by reading presenting the dialog.
2. Comprehensive Questions:
a. What did the teacher ask the class bring?
b. What did Vilmas group bring?
c. Who brought a picture of a giraffe and wolf?
d. How many knives did Leonard group bring?
3. Skill Development
Ask the pupils to forms 2 groups. A them to come-up front and write as m nouns as they
can which they heard from the dialogue.
4. Generalization:
How do we form the plural of no ending in for fe?
5. Practice Exercises
a. Guided Practice
Give each row a bond paper a pentel pen. Instruction each row to group themselves
face to face. As you give the singular form, pupils will write the plural form their bond
paper. Check if answers are correct .

b. Independent Exercises
Give each row 1/4 cartolina. Each will write the correct plural form of each noun in
the parenthesis in each blank. The first row to post on the board receives the most
1. The office has five (staff) _______ .
2. Snow White saw plenty of (elf) ________.
3. Full-grow cows are called (beef) ________.
4. Men use (brief) ________ for underwear.
5. There are three (clef) _______, the G, F, and C.
IV. Evaluation:
Use the plural form of each underlined noun to make the sentence correct:
1. Mother bought two (knife) _____ yesterday.
2. The children arranged the books in the (shelf) ______.
3. Mr. Sanchez divides the mangoes into (half) _______.
4. The policeman put (handcuff) ______ to the prisoners.
5. Hard work and initiatives are (proof) _____ of success.
V. Assignment:
List down five nouns ending in f or fe in singular and plural forms.

Date: ____________

Use the plural of irregular nouns
Write the correct spelling of the plural form of irregular nouns
Pronounce the final sound of the plural form of irregular nouns.

Taking Good Care of Books

II. Subject Matter:

Plural Form of Irregular Nouns

PELC Fun with Grammar 5, pp. 28-31; English in Grade V, pp. 285-286; English for
Filipino Children V p. 19


Chart, flashcards

III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activity:
1. Review
Using a chart, ask the pupils to fill in the blanks with the plural form of the nouns.
2. Motivation
Are you fond of reading stories? What story do you like best?
B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation
Have the pupils read a book report which Danilo Montes read to his classmates.
A Book Report
Peter Pan by JM Barrie is one of the most exciting stories I have ever read. Wendy and
her two brothers were surprised one night by a Visit from Peter Pan. Peter took them to Never
Land, a place where children never grow up. They had fairies for playmates. They could fly
about like fairies so they could easily get up and down their tree huts. Wendy and her brothers
enjoyed Never Land. But after sometime they got lonely for their parents and wanted to go
home. All the other boys except Peter wanted to go with them. But before they could leave
Never Land, they were captured by a terrible pirate and his men. If you want to find out what
happened to Wendy and the boys, you should read the book.
2. Comprehensive Questions:
Would you like to go to Never Land? Why would you like to go there? Why don't you
like to go there?
3. Skill Development
From the chart, have the pupils underline the plural nouns used and ask the class to read
all the underlined plural nouns.
4. Generalization:
How do we form the plural of irregular nouns?
5. Practice Exercises

a. Guided Practice (using a chart)

1. Ask row 1 pupils to read the singular nouns and row 2 pupils to read the plural nouns
correctly. Do the same with row 3 and row 4.
2. Call on a pupil to rewrite on the board the following sentences by making the
subject plural and the necessary changes
3. Call on a pupil. Ask him/her to pick a strip of paper in the magic box. Let him/her
read the sentence and change the singular noun to plural noun.
b. Independent Exercises
Play the game "Oh You are Lucky"
Pupils pick a strip of paper in a box. A red strip of paper means the said pupil is
lucky, then he/she receives gifts, an envelope and a candy. Those who received gifts will
be asked to open their envelopes containing a sentence. Then ask him/her to select the
correct noun to use in the blank.
IV. Evaluation:
Select the correct noun to use in the blank.
1. Hes the ______ I told you about.
2. There are ten ______ in the city council.
(goose-geese) 3. Was the ______ cooked?
4. Where are the _______.
5. Look, Mon, I got a new ________.
V. Assignment:
Rewrite these sentences changing the underlined nouns to plural. Make the other changes

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