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1. Is Animal Farm an allegory? If yes, Why? 10M

2. What is the archetypal imagery? How do the characters in Animal Farm resemble the real life
characters? Describe each character. 5M + 20M
3. For what purpose did Old major called the meeting of the animals? 2M
4. What are the points summarized by Major? 12M
5. What is Beast of England? Why do the animals like it so much? To what emotions and needs does it
appeal 2M + 1M + 5M
6. What motto does Major give the animals? 2M
7. What is the figurative language of animal farm? 1M
Match the following: 10M
A motherly middle aged mare
A huge, strong horse of good character
A foolish pretty white mare
A skeptical donkey
He began the whole idea of the revolution
He doesnt talk much
Owner of the Manor Farm
Most persuasive speaker


Old Major



Describe two forms of walkabout of Mary and Peter? 2M

How has technology taken the kids away from nature? 2M
Describe the children from the wombats point of view. 2M
Mary thinks Peter doesnt understand the problems. Show how much he understands and how
much he doesnt. 5M
5. Define the following words and include the part of speech: 4M
a. Recalcitrant
b. Dissipate
6. Draw a sketch of something described in this chapter. 4M
7. The first chapter contains a flashback to when the plane crashed. What happened to the navigating
officer and the pilot? 1M
8. What is the effect of the author including the animals that visit the children at night while they sleep?
What purpose does this have? 2M
9. Define the following words and include the part of speech: 2M
a. Interloper
10. What simile is used to describe the ironbark tree? 1M
11. How does Mary respond to the Kookaburras cries in the morning? What does Marys reaction to the
Kookaburras cries indicate about her and the roles she believes she must fulfill? 4M
12. What two things is Mary worried about? 2M
13. Describe the journey of the sunlight before it reaches the children. 5M
14. Explain the meaning of bolstered up by its support. 1M
15. Both slept soundly, unconscious of the growing beauty of the Australian dawn What does the writer
want to say? 2M
16. dwarfed by the immensity of his surroundings. Why did Peter look like a dwarf? 2M
17. Hi, Mary! he yelled. Im coming too. How does the writer make Peter sound very young and
dependent on Mary? 2M
18. How did Mary play her role as an elder sister to Peter? 4M
19. Match the following: 5M
Piercing shriek
Crystal Clear
Auditory Imagery
She started to swirl around and about her like the
muleta of a matador
The oil-laden leaves of the Eucalyptus tree
The leaves started twisting edge-on to dodge the
shrivelling rays of the sun

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