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Pete Auty, Judy Baker, Julie Bateman, John Burgess, Annie Robertson, Ric Stubbings


Happy Anniversary to John & Anna Burgess who cut short their anniversary to facilitate Meeting 6 at Burgo’s
Shed. 

The Finance Committee (Ric Stubbings, Steve Phelan, Chrissy Grant, who are signatories, and David Long)
felt that the $10500 for Youth should be put to community consultation. The remaining $48000 to be put to
community for either one project or split between different groups within the community (eg CFA,
Community House etc). FRC resolved that, to be absolutely transparent in the management of funds from
the Flowerdale Relief Fund, the Community Forum be a vehicle through which financial positions are
communicated. The FRC also feels that it needs to be made clear that the FRC does not DISBURSE funds
from the Relief Fund – there is a separate committee which approves expenditure.

Re Forum: Wikki has been set up. John will attend two meetings in town this week. All logistics for
Flowerdale Forum II have been put in place.
On Wednesday a meeting was called by Jeanette Kamar to discuss options with the existing 2 tennis courts
once the four new courts have been built. 12 people attended. Discussion re what happens to the two
tennis courts. John suggested a covered multi-purpose facility could be erected on that site. Much debate
ensued. The final outcome was that the meeting agreed that the cricket club would have two bowling nets
on the existing tennis courts plus two or three lawn bowls lanes to be made.
Youth session was held at Burgo’s last Wednesday. FRC has approached Paul Michael who agreed in writing
that he would donate 1 acre of land to house a Youth Space. We have applied for money for a Youth Space.
FRC fully endorses the Youth Space Work Engine and will continue to support this group as much as
possible. Committee acknowledged that the “Youth Group” is a huge group consisting of children from 0-
school age, primary school age children and youth from 12-18 years.
Section 86 Committee: All FRC members will be in attendance for the next meeting scheduled for Thursday
18th March.

Email received from Rob Croxford asking for an agenda for Flowerdale Forum II was tabled. FRC response
was that they would let Rob know by Wednesday.
Tanya Hallet was approached by Siobhan from the Hub & Kim Fawcus re child care on the 20 th March.

Communication from Jenni Emmins re meeting tomorrow night re residents. Judy and Pete will attend.
Judy also reported that after discussion with Steve Mackrell (Murrindindi Constructions) they were open to a
“nature strip” being formed between the start of the Service Road (near Mae Pearse’s old home) and
Creekside Drive.

Next Meeting: Friday 19th March 2010 at Burgo’s Shed at 7pm.

Poorman’s Lasagne
Hoof Over Hills Shiraz
Hoof Over Hills Rose

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