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Definitions of Omnibus Bill


Omnibus came from the Latin word which means for everything. It is
a proposed law that covers a number of diverse and unrelated subjects
and topics. Moreover, when it refers to bill it is a single document that
packages together several measures into one or combine diverse
subjects but accepted in a single vote only by a legislature. For this
reason, some consider omnibus bills to be anti-democratic.
House of Commons Glossary of Parliamentary Procedure defines it as,
A bill consisting of a number of related but separate parts that seeks
to amend and/or repeal one or several existing Acts and/or to enact
one or several new Acts.

It can also refer to bills that may not necessarily be long, but that, if enacted,
would have a far-reaching impact on statute law in general.

The strategy behind an omnibus bill is to force members of Congress to

vote for things they might not want to vote for individually by putting
those things in a bill that the members will not want to defeat.

Pros and Cons of Omnibus Bill

Arguments for and against omnibus bills have been put forward over
the years. The omnibus nature of a legislative proposal may be defended on
the grounds that its various components reflect a common principle, theme
or purpose, or are part of a single administrative initiative. The grouping of
the various amendments may then actually enhance parliaments study of
each component and its interaction with other elements of the bill, and
facilitate the examination of the bill. Omnibus bills grouping different
proposals on the same subject may also help to focus parliamentary debates.
Objections to omnibus bills typically centre on the legislative process
offers various opportunities for parliamentarians to express their views and
vote on different measures of each bill, particularly at the report stage in the
House of Commons.

Omnibus Power Bill: A primer

- It is one of the most debated proposals to ever reach Congress.

- Indicates the Administration of Macapagal-Arroyo
Difference of Old Power Law and New Power Law
The New Power Law has sufficient safeguards than Old Power Law to
ensure transparency and competition to protect interest of the consumer.
This move also will allow government to channel funds intended for the
power sector to other basic priorities.
How this bill strengthens the investor confidence of the Philippines?
The passage of the bill is a positive signal to investors of the
government economic reforms. Moreover, it will attract to the investors of
other developing countries which otherwise would go to the Philippines since
this bill ensures the reliable and competitively priced electricity. There is also
a continuing series of consultation and roadshows in this bill to identify the
concerns and imposed necessary solution and improvements that will attract
more the investors.
Benefits gain from this Bill
1. Consumer This bill will enable the consumer to have a power of
choice in choosing electricity provider that will give those lower rates
and better service.
2. Government It will mean a leaner budget and more streamlined
operations. The excess budget will be used to other vital services.
3. Industry It will give them opportunity to enhance reliability and
security of electrical supply.
Power bill for Global Competition
The provisions of Power Bill promote competition in the electricity
industry. With greater efficiency and removal of cross-subsidies, power rates
are expected to go down. This will makle Philippines globally competitive and
generate more job opportunities.
Relation to the fiscal position of the Government
If the government continues to guarantee on Napocors borrowings to
finance its operation, total government borrowings are expected to increase.

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