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Only 2 uses
1. ownership
2. omission

Apostrophe - Ownership
Use possessive nouns to show that someone owns
That is the nose of Mary.
That is Marys nose.
Those are the toes of Gary.
Those are Garys toes.

Apostrophe - Ownership
Use posessive nouns to show that someone owns something
Moses tablets
Achilles heel
Jesus parables or Jesuss parables

Apostrophe - Ownership
If 2 people own the same thing, use an apostrophe s for only
the second person
The marriage of Jim and Mimi
Jim and Mimis marriage
The father of Kate and Meg
Kate and Megs father

Apostrophe - Ownership
If 2 people do not own the same thing, use an apostrophe s
for both people
The toes of Jim and Mimi
Jims and Mimis toes
The teeth of Kate and Meg
Kates and Megs teeth

Apostrophe - Ownership
If the noun is already plural (boys) just add an apostrophe
One boy and one car
The boys car
Two boys and two cars
The boys cars

Apostrophe - Omission
Use an apostrophe to indicate missing letters or numbers
10 oclock

Apostrophe - Omission
Use an apostrophe to indicate missing letters or numbers
Both boys and girls are invited to try out for the swim
Tomatos are for sale.
I grew up in the 1990s.
There are three 9s on this page.

Apostrophe - Omission
The rule about letters and apostrophes...
Mississippi is spelled with four ss, four Is, and two ps.

Who VS Whom

Who vs. Whom

I love you.

Subject is the person doing something

I am performing the love; therefore I am the subject

Object is having something done to them

You are the object of my affection

Who vs. Whom

Use who when referring to the subject of a clause
Who loves you?

I think it was Thomas Jefferson who was the third president of

the United States.
Use whom when referring to the object of a clause

Whom do you love?

Mrs. Dimwit consulted an astrologer whom she met in Seattle.
(She met him in Seattle.)

Who vs. Whom

He/Him trick
Him and whom both end with the letter m
When trying to choose between who or whom, ask if the
answer to the question would be he or him
Who (or whom) do you love?

Answer is I love him, so whom is correct

Who (or whom) broke his heart?
Answer is She broke his heart, so who is correct

Who vs. Whom Practice

1. Joe is the chef (who/whom) cooked that fabulous stir fry.

2. (Who/Whom) is that for?

3. Joyce is the girl (who/whom) got the job.
4. I decided to vote for (whoever/whomever) called me first.
5. Into the dark apartment walked David, (who/whom) we nearly killed with
surprise when everyone shouted Happy Birthday and jumped from behind the

Who vs. Whom Extra Practice

The good doctors newsletters...

Who if next word is a verb
Whom if next word is not a verb

Comparative Analyses

Discuss sample essay

Decide the criteria for a good comparative analysis
Rate essays from best to worst
Write order on board

Each body paragraph should

* Identify element (topic sentence)
* summarize part of essay illustrating that element
* give direct text from essay (quote)
* Explain how this example shows the elements effectiveness
* summarize part of essay illustrating that element
* give direct text from essay (quote)
* Explain how this example shows the elements effectiveness
* Revisit identification of element (concluding sentence)

Works Cited page

A Work in an Anthology, Reference, or Collection
Works may include an essay in an edited collection or anthology, or a chapter of a book. The
basic form is for this sort of citation is as follows:
Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). City of

Publication: Publisher, Year. Page range of entry. Medium of Publication.

Peer Review Comparative Analysis

On peer review sheet, write

Reviewed by: (insert your name)

Summary author: (peers name)
Exchange essays.
Read the essay and complete the peer review sheet.
Give both to author (your peer).

For Thursday
Read Chapter 14 (causal [pgs 232-246])

Comparative Analysis essay due Tuesday, October 20

Order of materials for submission
rubric, final copy, prewrite (freewrite done in class, notes on stories
written for homework and class discussions), plan (outline), rough draft(s),
peer review

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