TKD - ANP270 Lecture Student Evaluations

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What is your



What is your


How has the course

Why did you sign up for compared to your
this course?
expectations so far?

I am planning on going
into the healthcare field,
(occupational therapy),
and I thought it would give
me an interesting
perspective on my future The course has exceeded my
expectations greatly

How have your thoughts on

culture, health and/or gender
changed or become validated
since starting this course?

My thoughts had definitely

changed for the better and my
scope has widened greatly. I think
of healthcare and treatment
practices very differently. I hope
to take the ideas from this course
and incorporate it to my future

How does this course

compare to other lectures
you have taken/are taking
at Michigan State

This class is much better than

any course I've taken at
MSU. Instead of just
Taz taught us to always
memorizing old and dry
question what's in front of us
concepts, we actively
and to critically think about the
integrate those concepts into larger institutional forces that
current issues which helps
influence decisions made in
me learn them much better. health care



I signed up because I
wanted to learn more
about women in general
and how things differ
throughout cultures.

This class is a whole lot more

interesting and I believe that
the instructor does a much
better job at teaching than
most professors. The quizzes
we have is a good way to
I learned about health issues
gain points and show that
form multiple perspectives.
you're doing the reading. It's
This was a lot more than I
All of the positive and negative
better than taking an exam
asked for but I'm really glad I'm thoughts about society have
because it forces you to stay
taking this class. All I want to become validated. By allowing me on top off things instead of
do is learn more about people to have an in depth
waiting till the last minute. It's
and how I can help them. I
understanding of what's going on, also good for those of us who
believe that this class will help I have formed stronger opinions work really hard but don't test
me do that.
on gender, culture, and health.



Health promotion minor

I really enjoyed this class so

far. I've learned a lot about


Anthropology was
required by the university
but I wanted to take
something that would
benefit me in my career.
Also, I love learning about
women so I can better
represent them.

I am loving what I am learning

in this class. It is teaching me
how to look at situations
differently than I did before. I
think this will benefit me in the
patient care aspect in the

This is an interactive course.

The teaching approach is
made so that you can apply
the information to real life
I have looked at certain diseases information and everyone is
and female issues on more of a involved. Even though this is
person to person level, and
a large lecture hall, I have
throughout culture, instead of just been able to get to know my
in a health care setting.

I have learned to look at

situations from different
perspectives and in ways that I
have never thought of before




Required for graduation

but sounded interesting
since it's medical related

Very close



I enjoy learning about

womens health !

It has exceeded my
expectations !







To fulfill requirements for a I love that this class is so

minor in health
interactive and genuinely

What is one concept or skill

you learned in this course so Would you recommend
far that will help you
this course to another
personally or professionally? student? Why or why not?
I would definitely recommend
this course to other students.
Unlike other college classes,
we dont just read a book and
memorize information to later
regurgitate. We actually have
in depth discussions, really
interesting readings and not
only are we learning really
abstract ideas and dealing
with pretty intricate content,
but we are also learning
critically thinking skills that
are very specific to
healthcare and medicine

Yes, only if you truly want to

learn about people. This
class is for people who are
open minded. If that
describes you, then I highly
recommend this class.
Learning how to be unbiased
However, if you aren't a
when it comes to other cultures people person or you are
is something that will help me in very judgmental, then please
all aspects of life
don't take this class.

This is one of my favorite

classes at Michigan State
thus far

If presented with the

opportunity, would you take
another course from this
instructor (Tazin Daniels)?
Why or why not?

Do you have any additional

comments about this course or

I would most definitely take this

another class by her because I
think the stuff we learn and talk
about is extremely relevant to
real world issues many of us
future healthcare students will
actually deal with

I am a senior and Taz is by far the

best professor I have ever had. She
actually wants us to learn in a really
organic way and I feel like this is how
learning in higher education should
be. I really wish more professors ran
their classes like this since it's so

Yes because she's one of the

best professors here. She's really
passionate about the topic and
gets the class involved.
Stay awesome!

Yes, because it isn't very

strenuous but you still learn a Yes, she makes class very
enjoyable, yet informative
I have learned to study the
human before the disease. I
think that we often try to
categorize people to make
things easier but this does not
always solve the problem. I am
now learning that I must look at
the person first.

Yes. Although it is mostly

taken my females, I think that
this course is relevant to all
people going into the health
care, no matter what level
they are at.

Yes. Her teaching style is

different and effective. She puts
in time and effort to get to know
her students and to reach out to
those who need her assistance.

I think that this course will highly

benefit me in my career. Although I
just stumbled upon it, I will use it for
the rest of my life.

This is my first semester at

Michigan State but it's the
most interesting & we discuss To be open minded and look at Yes, it's interesting and
things that actually interest
situations from different
seems as if it's designed so
that every student does well

Yes, the class is set up so that

every student can be successful
and Taz is very good at lecturing
and keeping your
attention/keeping the class

It really doesn't compare. I

have never had a college
experience like this.

Yes! I love it!

Yes! She has a very creative and

unique teaching style.
Good Luck Taz !!!

I think this class is going to

challenge me to be more open
minded on things that I'm very
opinionated about. That respect
for other people's beliefs and
opinions can only serve to help
me in my personal and
professional life.

I find myself talking about

this class when I'm with my
friends. I get so excited about
this class that I can't wait to
find out what my friends feel
about some of the topics. I
would definitely recommend
this class.

Yes. She is really down to earth

and confident and you can tell
she's passionate about her field.
It makes it easy to learn and stay

Learning to really think about

things critically from other's
perspectives. Trying to find a
deeper understanding in others
than just your own is extremely

Yes. She keeps the class moving

and engaged so I'm never bored.
Materials are also presented in
Yes. It's very thoughtan open-ended manner, so I'm
provoking and interesting
encouraged to draw my own
while remaining a well paced interpretations before hearing
Great class overall!

Taz doesn't believe in high

stakes exams and I love that.
Exams is where I struggle the
most. I feel that grades based
on final exams are unfair. I
fined myself spending so
Pretty much everything I've
much time in other classes to
thought about our culture has
memorize the material that I
been validated in this class. I
end up not actually learning
think that's what keeps me so
it. In Taz's class I can really
intrigued. I get really excited when engage in the lecture and
we learn about a topic in class
participate and learn without
and I think "I've always felt
the fear of missing any small
thought that!".
detail and failing an exam.

Minor in Bioethics,
Humanities, and Society

I don't think my thoughts have

changed because I've had lots of
previous experience with other
cultures, however my
appreciation and insight has
grown. I now have better tools to
Similar to what I expected,
analyze other culture's
except much more open-ended perspectives and have a better
for my own opinions and
understanding of the purpose of It's much more relaxed and
interpretations to form.

Option for my minor and

looked interesting

It has been much better than

expected, she allows class
participation to the maximum
and feeds on the ideas of the
students. She uses notecards
for attendance to allow
participation to be mandatory
yet not too out there.

This is much better. I like the

fact that I am able to do some
work outside of class to
prepare other than reading a
text book and it is interesting
and pertains to my life in
some way. It is much more
It has only been a couple weeks engaging and interesting than
but my knowledge has expanded any other class I've taken in
immensely on these topics
the last 3 years here.

Just the idea that women in

general are so stereotyped still
today and even though we have Absolutely, it is interesting
fought to be where we are, there challenging and actually
is still so far to go
pertains to life.

Yes, she presents material in a

fashionable way that allows us to
understand and utilize the
information and then apply it to
the readings and fishbowl
discussions we have daily.
She is fantastic and very personable!

What is your









How have your thoughts on

culture, health and/or gender
changed or become validated
since starting this course?

What is your

How has the course

Why did you sign up for compared to your
this course?
expectations so far?


I like it a lot! I feel like the way

it's taught is really good and
I felt like this course would you don't need good speaking I am more aware of health and
help me explore majors
skills but confidence.
culture around the world

How does this course

compare to other lectures
you have taken/are taking
at Michigan State

I feel like I can actually hear

the views of the students
here. J familiarize myself with
peers and it is interactive.
Public speaking skills

I have Learned new things about

what the average woman
It's well organized and very
encounters in every day health

Interested in women



Partially to fulfill my health

promotion specialization. I
also found the concept to
be potentially very
interesting and applicable
to my future.

Not at all. I would not consider

it a bad thing though. Although
I do enjoy the lectures since
they are informational, it is very
discussion based and she
really tries to involve the


I have become more

knowledgeable on how other
cultures/countries deal with
We do a lot of readings but we certain issues and how they differ
Sounded interesting and I also watch videos and have
from Western society. This class Its a lot more engaging and
liked Anthropology in high class discussions that tie
has made me less ethnocentric in not as boring as most
everything we read together.
my way of thinking.






It's given me more of a global

perspective and has made me
think about how our culture
affects other cultures.

What is one concept or skill

you learned in this course so Would you recommend
far that will help you
this course to another
personally or professionally? student? Why or why not?

Public speaking

I was interested in women

and health. Because I am
a girl, I believe what I
learned in this course
would be helpful for me for
a whole life time.

I learned a lot of interesting

facts about women's bodies.
And I learned how to think
about things critically. That is
better than my expectations.

This class gives me less

pressure comparing with my
other classes like writing and
psychology. Because I don't
This class talks a lot about
need to spend a lot of time to
different cultures, and I am from memorize anything, I just pay
China. So I have more than one attention to what I am
cultural experience. I am proud of interested. We don't have test
it and I can use my experience as or exam, either. That's
I know the difference between
illness and disease now.

I signed up for this course

because I needed a class
that counted as an ISS
class for the honors
college, and I picked this
specific class because I
really enjoy learning about
women's health concerns
around the world and the
different diseases and
illnesses that go along
with it.

This course exceeded my

expectations. I think that this
course is really helping me
learn about women and health
around the world, and the
lectures are so interesting and
fun to go to. I love the fishbowl
and the excitement that
everyone has for this class and
subject. I love that there is no
quizzes or tests because I can
focus on actually paying
attention and learning
interesting things rather than
just learning things for the test.

This course is more

interesting and interactive
than other lectures that I've
taken. Every student gets a
chance to talk in this class,
My eyes have definitely been
and it seems like everyone is
opened to different viewpoints
really respectful and willing to
and thoughts because of this
listen. I feel like this course is
class. I think that some of my
more personable than other
thoughts have been changed and lectures that I've taken, and I
others have been validated.
really like that.

Definitely she is very

knowledgeable and friendly, very
skilled in her work and

I will recommend this class

to a male because it seems
as if mostly females take the

Yes I will take another class

because she's very well
organized she responds to
emails in a timely fashion and is
very professional

She is a great teacher's assistant and

she is a very open-minded person
and easy to talk to

I would. Her teaching method is

refreshing compared to the
typical. Although I think a smaller
class would be better just to give
more opportunities for
involvement. When I say
opportunities, I mean the feeling
of comfortability for discussion.

One thing that I would fix is more

discussion of what she wants us to
take out of the articles that she found
important. Also, I do think that a
different setting and possibly smaller
would be more fitting for this class.
The way she teaches does help with
those barriers of a larger classroom

Yes, because its very eye

opening and interesting.

Yes, she's knowledgeable of

anthropology and class is always

I would recommend this

class to another student,
because this class is a
relaxed class and you can
enjoy it while learning.

Yes, definitely. I like her so much.

She is so patient. If I have any
questions, she always helps me
out. And she makes the class
have a lot of fun and we can
I hope these articles posted on the
discuss things and share our
D2L could be shorter and focus on
experiences and ideas, that's
something. Sometimes it's too much
really good.
to read through.

I would definitely recommend

this course to another
student because everything
I think that learning the
is so interesting and fun to
difference between disease and learn about. I love the way
illness has opened my eyes and the class is set up, how there
has made me see illnesses
is the notecard, then the
differently. I think that personally lecture, then the fishbowl,
I will be able to look at different and how there are dropbox
illnesses and diseases and
activities that allow you to
know more about them for the
choose the five ones that you
future, in whatever comes my
like the best. I love this

The topics are interesting and

Taz conducts the class in an
intriguing way that leaves no
room to be bored or

I was interested in how

women specifically are
affected by gender
differences in health.

I would definitely recommend

this course to other students.
This course is very different
I believe that the way the
from other courses I am
course is set up is idea for
currently taking, because it is
learning and retaining
Before this class, I was aware of not strongly lecture-based.
I have learned to use
information. The instructor
many of the differences in health We are required to actually
anthropological perspectives to does a wonderful job at
care between cultures and
demonstrate our knowledge look at and analyze situations, getting everyone involved
The course has provided me
genders. However, this class has of the topics learned, which as well as to be more openand making sure that the
with plenty of information about shown me specific examples of
helps motivate us to learn
minded when listening to other class all understands what
women's health.
how these things are effected.
people's opinions.
they are learning.

It's more open to

interpretation and opinions.

Public speaking.

I would love to take another

course with this instructor. I love
the way the class is set up, and
how there are no multiple choice
quizzes or tests. I think that Taz
is such a good teacher and she's
really passionate and excited
about what she's teaching, which
makes me excited about the
class. I've already learned so
much, and its only been a few

Yeah, she is very passionate

about the topics and she is open
to other people's opinions on
controversial topics. She is more
interested in hearing those
I would, it does not have
opinions than if they coincide with
exams so the student will be her own, and I believe that is one
better able to focus on topics of the key ways a professor can
rather than hurriedly trying to allow their student's mind to
memorize them.
No. Hope she does good!

The course was

mandatory and I entered
the college of psychology
late so it was my only
interesting option.

The course definitely made me

realize how many more topics of
health are apparent for women
than what I thought.

Do you have any additional

comments about this course or

Yes! It's a very helpful and

genuine course

So far, I have learned how to

read long articles within
I've never had a class like it. reasoning, such as when and
It's probably the most
how to skim and when to fully
involved class that a teacher read. Although this may not be
has expected but it still has
much, with the weekly activities, I would due to the interesting
an adequate amount of
I feel as if I'll learn a variety of
concepts and the fair amount
writing skills.
of school work each week.

Cultural relativism

If presented with the

opportunity, would you take
another course from this
instructor (Tazin Daniels)?
Why or why not?

If I had the opportunity to take

another course from this
instructor, I would. She is
wonderful at getting the class
engaged in the topics and
making sure that we all
understand what we are being
taught. She gives us a lot of
information, but teaches it in
ways that we will remember. I
believe that the way she has set
up the class is ideal for retaining
No additional comments.

How does this course

compare to other lectures
you have taken/are taking
at Michigan State

How has the course

Why did you sign up for compared to your
this course?
expectations so far?

How have your thoughts on

culture, health and/or gender
changed or become validated
since starting this course?


Taz sets up the class in such a

perfect way that engages us
students and lets us know
exactly what to expect. The
class uses both lecture,
independent study, and class
participation (usually college
courses only focus on one of
these learning styles). She
starts out with showing us the
daily schedule, then we do an
independent index card to get
us thinking about this weeks
topics, then we share our ideas
with people around us, then as
a class we discuss the topic.
She seamlessly moves into the
lecture (which is always super
interesting) and then we do
fishbowl (6ish people go in
front of the entire class and
discuss various topics for 20
minutes and then the audience
asks the "panel" questions).
Now, I have to say I LOVE
watching others debate, but
being in the fishbowl was
TERRIFYING. This is the only
part of the course I had beef
with because I HATE being in
front of people. But we only
had to do this one time so
that's not too huge of a
sacrifice- plus its worth it to get
to hear everyone else's
opinions at some point. Then
after fishbowl we do a closing
index card and then class is
over! *an hour and twenty
I signed up for this class to minutes in this class goes by
get elective credit outside faster than fifty minutes in my
other classes, hahaha!
of my major

This course has been far and

beyond my expectations for a
college course. One of the
main thing I like is that we do
not have huge exams
throughout the semester.
Instead we have a reading
quiz everyday before class.
So we don't have to worry
about cramming a ton of
information into our head only
to forget it all as soon as the
test is over. At least for me,
not having exams takes so
much anxiety out of the class
and frankly I feel like I retain
MORE information having to
thoroughly read and analyze
the reading materials for the
quiz than I do in my other
classes that use major exams
to test our knowledge. And as
I mentioned, the way Taz
organizes the daily schedulemeaning we do not just get
lectured at, or just have a
powerpoint, or just reading for
the day, we get it ALL.
thought/reflection time,
lecture time, discussing
issues both with small groups
around us and the entire
class, the fishbowl. The way
the class is organized really
I guess I would say that my
keeps our attention and
thoughts have been both
keeps things interesting for
us- which in turn makes us
validated and changed.
To stop, wait and think about
VALIDATED meaning I still
learn more (at least for me it issues before blurting out my
support MOST of my original
does). I cannot stand being opinion. Because sometimes my
opinions. CHANGED meaning I lectured at for an entire class gut reaction to an issue is
can now see both sides of the
period (which is most MSU
swayed- even without others
issue. Some things that I may
courses), its so boring I have influencing my opinion, just me
have felt very passionately about fallen asleep in some
pondering an issue in my own
before I still agree with, but now I classes. I guess that is why head. This is definitely a
can see the other view-points
so many people do things on valuable skill to have in the
perspective which in turn makes their computers during boring workplace and with everyday
me respect it more and approach lectures- in an attempt to not encounters with
fall asleep.
the issue more delicately.


As an advertising student,
I haven't had much time to
dip into social topics that I
find interesting. I've
always wanted to take
something relating to
women in society and this
fit into my schedule really



I think it has exceed thus far.

More issues and controversies
It is required as part of my have been discussed within the I think they have become more
minor and also sounded Fishbowl then what I was
validated since each culture deals
with issues and health differently.


I was excited about the

content, it also counts for
IDS: health and my major and health
promotion minor

What is your




What is your


What is one concept or skill

you learned in this course so Would you recommend
far that will help you
this course to another
personally or professionally? student? Why or why not?

This class is nothing like my

others. They are all similar
This course is exactly what I
Many of my thoughts have been and relating to business,
expected it to be. It's kind of a validated. All of the material we
marketing and creative
large class, but it feels smaller watch and read for class has me design. This course instigates
and inclusive. Looking through nodding my head in agreement. discussion and I have a more
the syllabus, I saw that many However I have been challenged emotional investment in the
topics I'm interested in are
to think in new ways, especially topics. The "fishbowl"
ones that we have covered and regarding other cultures that are discussion style is something
will cover in coming weeks.
vastly different from mine.
I've never done before.
Thinking before I speak.

This course has gone beyond

my expectations. The reading
assignments are so interesting,
Taz is such an amazing
speaker and knows how to
keep up engaged

It fulfills a requirement for

Anthropology, but it also
seemed like an interesting
I think it's what I expected.

I think it's different because it

is engaging every single
student, whether they are in I think the weekly activities allow
the Fishbowl or asking a
me to improve upon my writing
question to the group.

This course made me realize that

the realms of culture, health, and
gender overlap more than I
expected and it is all very
This course is much more
structured and interactive
I think I like it better. I like that
the class is broken up. I can't
actually sit still for more than
30 minutes (and even that is
a struggle sometimes). I like
that I can switch my focus a
couple times throughout the
class, but I don't get so
distracted that I don't pay
attention anymore.

I learned about medical issuing

and how it is such a huge thing.
Moving forward I can look at
each situation and
advertisement in a different light

If presented with the

opportunity, would you take
another course from this
instructor (Tazin Daniels)?
Why or why not?

Do you have any additional

comments about this course or

ABSOLUTELY!!!! This class

deals with so many subjects
that affect citizens everyday
lives so everything we learn
is relevant and useful (this
class is 1000 times more
useful that chemistry or
stupid math classes), And we
learn to see both sides of an
argument, so where we
might have viewed an issue
in society as black and white,
now there is a bit of grey
area, which is actually a
good thing- especially when
discussing sensitive topics
like abortion and what
should or shouldn't pay for,
etc. This class really teaches
us to become more tolerant
and accepting- something
more people in our society
really need to learn.

Holy smokes. I cannot speak highly

enough of Taz. Seriously, I can only
think of ONE other professor that I
had at a community college that was
as great as she is (and I have been in
YES!!!! I love how she conducts college for five years, so I have
her classroom and teaches the experienced round-about 50 different
material. Usually in classes,
professors...) If that doesn't say
students don't respect the
something about the extremely high
professor- they are texting,
quality of a professor she is than I
facebooking, watching netflix, but don't know what to say. She said that
she is so interesting, kind,
her research is in the study of college
engaging and relate-able that I
students with ADHD and that her
rarely see people NOT paying
research influenced how she
attention. Its really quite
designed the course, and boy is this
remarkable. (and I sit in the very an awesome structured course. Six
back of the class so I can see for star rating for Taz!! (and yes, i know
sure that everyone pays
the star-rating-system only goes up to
five stars...)

Yes. It's manageable but

challenging at the same time.
You experience a different
way of learning compared to
other lectures of this size. I
wouldn't only recommend it
to women either. This course
could definitely help educate
men on these topics and get
them comfortable talking
about it.

Yes. Her teaching style is unique

and you can tell she is
knowledgable and passionate
about what she teaches. She's
very accommodating with her
This is my favorite class this

Yes. I think that even though we

don't have exams and such, I am
still learning information each
I think it is a great opportunity week through the necessary
to learn more about the world readings and videos. I know that I
through a cultural and health will remember these things
through listening and discussion. N/A
100% yes because it is so
engaging and I feel like I
actually learn instead of
memorizing and regurgitating
for an exam

Yes yes yes or course! She is so

enthusiastic, organized, fun,
relatable, and knows what she is
talking about.

I would love to. Besides the

fishbowl (I just can't focus on that
many people), I really enjoy how
the class is broken up. I think Taz
is enthusiastic about her work
which makes me more excited to
learn what she has to teach.

I love the structure and routine of the

class, there is never a huge curve
ball and I think she creates an
emviroment and safe space where
everyone's opinions are vald and
voices are heard

How have your thoughts on

culture, health and/or gender
changed or become validated
since starting this course?

How does this course

compare to other lectures
you have taken/are taking
at Michigan State

Yes, I have learned to open my

mind and consider the differences
between different cultures and not
always assume one culture's way
is correct and another's is wrong.

I really like how the class is

broken down into different
parts. The lecture is short and
to the point and I still get
everything I need out of it. I
feel that I'm learning because
I want to and not because I
have to in order to get a good
grade on an exam or
Same answer as previous


It's a lot more writing than I

To fulfill a requirement for anticipated, however, it is
college pre-requisites and relatively feasible to finish if
also as an honors option. one is working hard enough.

This course has made me

become more opinionated in my
beliefs but has also made me
think in grey rather than just black
and white.

It is much more enjoyable

and holds your attention well.
It also lets me express my
ideas and concepts freely
rather than giving the facts
that need to be followed.


I though would be
interesting studying
women health apart of
general medicine (that is
dominated by men's
health problems)

It is going very well so far!

Now every time I think about

some issue involving health
problems I automatically try to
contextualize by culture, gender, Pretty similar! I am enjoying a
and social factors, not just by the lot and consider this course
physiological problem itself.
very useful.



because I was genuinely

interested in learning
about women's health and
I have never taken an
anthropology class before,
so I wanted to learn more
about that aspect as well.

I've learned much more about

what anthropologists do and
how they differ from other
medical/ government
professions. I've also learned
more about topics that I didn't I've realized that health is defined
know were happening, such as by culture and that it's not the
genital manipulation.
same across the world.


I've definitely learned to be more

accepting and understanding of
The course is interesting, and it different cultures. I've learned not
definitely has caught my
to attribute a definitive opinion or
attention as something that I
perspective toward things that I
look forward to learning and
don't necessarily understand or
To gain insight in on a
passing on my knowledge to
are not apart of, so you learn to
woman's perspective as it those who seek to gain
gain a appreciation for those
pertains to cultural and
information on women's health whom you don't socially or
Human Biology social health.
demographically identify with.


It sounded like an
interesting course that
would possibly help me in It has exceeded my
Athletic Training the future in my field.
expectations by far.

What is your







What is your

How has the course

Why did you sign up for compared to your
this course?
expectations so far?

I needed an anthropology
course for my major and
this one stuck out most to I am definitely glad I took this
Communication me.


It was recommended to
me by my adviser, and I
loved my previous
anthropology class, so I
gave it a shot.

It was required for my


To take into account the whole

picture rather than one aspect of
someone's life. This will help as
I pursue a career in osteopathic
medicine where one must take Yes. It is easy to get a 4.0 if
into account many things rather you apply yourself and is
than just the symptoms at hand. very interesting to go to.

Do you have any additional

comments about this course or

Yes, because she doesn't make

it impossible to receive a 4.0 and
holds everyone's attention by
getting them involved and active
instead of just lecturing.

She is really nice and easy to talk to.

When going into office hours she was
eager to help and very supportive of
my ideas.

Yes. Because even it is not

related to you health major,
or anthropology major, it is
useful to your own life once
you become a more
conscious person.

Yes. She has a great skill to do

all the content make sense
contextualizing everything. Also, Great Class, Great Instructor. That's
she has great learning strategies. all.

yes, I like the way that the

class itself is set up.

yes, Taz is professional, but at

the same time not intimidating
and she definitely knows what
she is talking about and clearly
cares a lot about the topic she is
teaching. Also, she is probably
the most well organized and
This course has been one of my most
consistent instructor I have ever enjoyable classes that I have had
thus far at MSU.

This course isn't extremely

demanding, but it requires of
a student to engage,
participate and demonstrate
their understanding of the
material based on weekly
readings. In all, it isn't as
difficult as other courses that
I have taken at Michigan
Definitely medical terminology
State, which is a good thing. and classification of illnesses.

I would definitely recommend

this course to another
student. This course is
particularly unique, in that
you learn from the
experiences of those who
find themselves at the
forefront of many of the
social and cultural issues we
discuss in class.

Yes, Tazin is well educated in her I would like to recommend those who
field and is well spoken. You get have not taken an anthropology
the sense that she enjoys what course to consider taking one,
she does because you can see because you gain a certain level of
the enthusiasm in her teaching. appreciation.

I'm a freshman so I haven't

taken any other college
courses, but currently ANP
270 is one of my favorite

It is an excellent course to
take that is extremely
informative and interactive. I
have already recommended
it to people.

Taz Daniels is an incredible

instructor. She is extremely easy
to connect with and her way of
presenting material and
information is spot on.

I've never had a lecture class

set up in this type of format.
For example, the fishbowl

The concept that culture is a

parameter that changes the way
you approach a physiological

that people handle things

differently and that culture
influences us more than what
you think

I'm developing better listening

skills and learning to develop my
understanding of other people's

This course is a lot better

than others that I have taken.
It is interesting and it's more
enjoyable when you don't
I just feel a lot more knowledgable have to stress out about
about the medical field and
exams but can learn through
different types of education and reading and talking it out
available medical care in other
during class. I feel like I learn
cultures. I find it very interesting. and remember a lot more.

Being a freshman this was my first

lecture class I attended and Taz was
very kind and is making this course
so enjoyable and has even had me
questioning my choice in major which
says a lot.

Yes I would! She is obviously

extremely knowledgeable, is very
approachable, and is super

I am currently taking three

lectures and a math class.
This course is based more on I am a health and fitness coach,
I am SO GLAD I took this
discussion and ideas than
and I work with clients looking to
course. I love the laid back
testing, which is unique. The change their lifestyles and lose
atmosphere and the discussion I've really been able to, in just a lectures themselves are
weight. I've been able to tie in
format, and I love being able to few short weeks, open up my
interactive, rather than just a messages about the media, selflearn stress-free without simply mind to health issues as more
professor speaking to a
love, body image, etc into my
memorizing items for a test. My than just physical bodies, as well class--which is great! It's also discussions with clients, and
overall expectations were that as issues outside of America. It's great to not only learn about that's been awesome.
MSU classes would be difficult also been interesting to look at
a subject, but to establish and Personally, I've been able to
and stressful, and I'm
the cultural influence on health
challenge my beliefs
look at myself and my health in
pleasantly surprised with this and wellness, especially in the
surrounding the things I learn, a much different light,
class especially.
specifically my mental wellbeing.

It's the complete oposite. I

really enjoy this class and I
enjoy the topics that we read

If presented with the

opportunity, would you take
another course from this
instructor (Tazin Daniels)?
Why or why not?

Yes. I have ADD and her

teaching style is perfect for me.
She explains things well and has
Definitely. It is interesting and a great energy and makes me
doesn't cause any stress.
want to learn.

Compared to other lectures

I've had at MSU, Taz is a lot
more engaging and actually
cares if we're participating
even in a large lecture hall.



I have been able to see things

from a more medical standpoint.

What is one concept or skill

you learned in this course so Would you recommend
far that will help you
this course to another
personally or professionally? student? Why or why not?

I think medicalization, which is

one of the newest thugs we
have learned, is going to make a
big impact on the way I look at
new "diseases" and their cures
in the future. It's made me go
back and look at all of the things
in my life that I think are only
curable with medicine that don't
need to be.

I absolutely would. It's super

interesting and eye opening,
for one. It's also nice to be
able to relax and learn
without stressing about

Yes! I love her format and I think

it's really beneficial to my
learning to be able to discuss
ideas with her as an equal, rather
than just hear her speak as a
Thanks for the great class :)

I would. I have learned so

much valuable and
interesting information from
this course.

Yes I would. I wish that everyone

could experience Taz's teaching
style because it is honestly a life
changing experience. It's such a
great way to learn and get
involved with the class itself. I
enjoy the class because of the
way she teaches it.

What is your


What is your

How has the course

Why did you sign up for compared to your
this course?
expectations so far?

How have your thoughts on

culture, health and/or gender
changed or become validated
since starting this course?

How does this course

compare to other lectures
you have taken/are taking
at Michigan State


I feel this course has really

Not only is Anthropology challenged my previous
my major, but I've taken
thoughts and opinions on
Taz's course over the
women and health issues as
summer and absolutely
well as, educating me on
loved it. She made me fall issues I didn't realize were
in love with Anthropology. even issues.

I feel I have become even more

open minded every time I leave
class or read the material
assigned. I have started to view
things differently too and because
I am a woman I feel a greater
inner strength taking this course.
It's kind of like a feeling of being
challenged and it's a good one.

I definitely want to use what I've

learned in this course and apply
it to my future career in
Anthropology. I would probably
I feel this course is by far one use the medical anthropology
of my favorites compared to portion of it which was studying
the culture, health and Illness cultures views on what is
course previously taught by considered a normal disease or

What is one concept or skill

you learned in this course so Would you recommend
far that will help you
this course to another
personally or professionally? student? Why or why not?

Absolutely! I feel at the end

of the course it helps you
think more critically and it
gives you view that you
would have never looked
through of how the world

If presented with the

opportunity, would you take
another course from this
instructor (Tazin Daniels)?
Why or why not?

Yes, I've taken her course

already in the summer and as
I've mentioned before it was the
reason I changed my major to

Do you have any additional

comments about this course or

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