4503 Assignment 1

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EE4503 Power Engineering

Assignment 1

Name: Swagato Sen

Matric Number: U1122661G

The answers for the assignment was computed in MATLAB in 1 script file. The
script file has many comments to indicate which question the code belongs to.
The copy of the MATLAB code is pasted here. After the MATLAB code, results for
each question is presented which is obtained by running the code.

% ----------- Question 1 --------------------% create admittance matrix
Y11 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.2i) + 1/(0.1i) + 1/(0.15i);
Y12 = -1/(0.2i); Y13 = -1/(0.15i); Y14 = -1/(0.1i);
Y22 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i) + 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.2i);
Y21 = Y12; Y23 = -1/(0.1i); Y24 = -1/(0.15i);
Y33 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i);
Y31 = Y13; Y32 = Y23; Y34 = 0;
Y44 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i);
Y41 = Y14; Y42 = Y24; Y43 = Y34;
Y = [Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14
Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24
Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34
Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44];
% impedance matrix Z is the inverse of Y
Z = inv(Y);
%---------- end of Question 1 -----------------% -------------------Question 2----------------% Thevenin resistance as seen from bus 4
Z44 = Z(4, 4);
Vth = 1;
% fault current (per unit)
If = Vth / Z44;
% fault current magnitude (kA)
IfkA = abs(If * 100 / (110 * sqrt(3)));
%---------- end of Question 2 -----------------% ------------------ Question 3----------------% compute multiplying factor K(t)
tau = 25 / (2 * pi * 50);
K3 = sqrt(1 + 2 * exp(-2 * 3 / 50 / tau));
Iratedmom = K3 * IfkA;
%---------- end of Question 3 ------------------

% ------------------ Question 4 ----------------% long inverse time IDMT = alpha = 1.0 beta = 120
% fastest time multiplier => K = 0.1
alpha = 1.0; beta = 120; K = 0.1;
I_ratio = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20];

delay_time = [];
for i = 1 : numel(I_ratio)
time = K * beta / ((I_ratio(i))^alpha - 1);
delay_time = [delay_time, time];
% plot the IDMT curve
plot(I_ratio, delay_time, '*-');
xlabel('Overcurrent ratio');
ylabel('Time (s)');
%---------- end of Question 4 -----------------% ------------------ Question 5 ----------------% To avoid saturation, V_sat > I_sec * Z_ct * (1 + X / R)
% So, Z_ct < V_sat / (I_sec * (1 + X / R))
CTratio = 5 / 5000;
V_sat = 60; I_sec = IfkA * 1000 * CTratio;
Z_ct = 60 / (I_sec * (1 + 25));
% if CT with ratio 4000:5 is used
CTratio = 5 / 4000;
I_sec = IfkA * 1000 * CTratio;
V = I_sec * Z_ct * (1 + 25);
if (V > V_sat)
display('CT saturated');
display('CT not saturated');
%---------- end of Question 5 ------------------

Question 1

% ----------- Question 1 --------------------% create admittance matrix

Y11 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.2i) + 1/(0.1i) + 1/(0.15i);
Y12 = -1/(0.2i); Y13 = -1/(0.15i); Y14 = -1/(0.1i);
Y22 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i) + 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.2i);
Y21 = Y12; Y23 = -1/(0.1i); Y24 = -1/(0.15i);
Y33 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i);
Y31 = Y13; Y32 = Y23; Y34 = 0;
Y44 = 1/(0.15i) + 1/(0.1i);
Y41 = Y14; Y42 = Y24; Y43 = Y34;
Y = [Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14
Y21 Y22 Y23 Y24
Y31 Y32 Y33 Y34
Y41 Y42 Y43 Y44];
% impedance matrix Z is the inverse of Y
Z = inv(Y);
%---------- end of Question 1 ------------------

------------------ Matlab result ------------------------------------Y=

0 -28.3333i

0 + 5.0000i

0 + 6.6667i

0 +10.0000i

0 + 5.0000i

0 -28.3333i

0 +10.0000i

0 + 6.6667i

0 + 6.6667i

0 +10.0000i

0 -16.6667i

0 +10.0000i

0 + 6.6667i

0 -16.6667i


0 + 0.0903i

0 + 0.0597i

0 + 0.0719i

0 + 0.0781i

0 + 0.0597i

0 + 0.0903i

0 + 0.0781i

0 + 0.0719i

0 + 0.0719i

0 + 0.0781i

0 + 0.1356i

0 + 0.0744i

0 + 0.0781i

0 + 0.0719i

0 + 0.0744i

0 + 0.1356i

------------------------------------------------------------------------The admittance matrix is Y. The impedance matrix is Z.

Question 2
% -------------------Question 2----------------% Thevenin resistance as seen from bus 4
Z44 = Z(4, 4);
Vth = 1;

% fault current (per unit)

If = Vth / Z44;
% fault current magnitude (kA)
IfkA = abs(If * 100 / (110 * sqrt(3)));
%---------- end of Question 2 ------------------

------------------ Matlab result ------------------------------------If =

0 - 7.3740i
IfkA =

------------------------------------------------------------------------Fault current in If in per unit system is 7.374 pu. In kA, it is 3.8703 kA.

Question 3
% ------------------ Question 3----------------% compute multiplying factor K(t)
tau = 25 / (2 * pi * 50);
K3 = sqrt(1 + 2 * exp(-2 * 3 / 50 / tau));
Iratedmom = K3 * IfkA;
%---------- end of Question 3 ------------------

------------------ Matlab result ------------------------------------Iratedmom =

--------------------------------------------------------------------------Rated momentary current is 4.6488 kA.
Question 4
% ------------------ Question 4 ----------------% long inverse time IDMT = alpha = 1.0 beta = 120
% fastest time multiplier => K = 0.1
alpha = 1.0; beta = 120; K = 0.1;
I_ratio = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 18 20];
delay_time = [];
for i = 1 : numel(I_ratio)
time = K * beta / ((I_ratio(i))^alpha - 1);
delay_time = [delay_time, time];

% plot the IDMT curve
plot(I_ratio, delay_time, '*-');
xlabel('Overcurrent ratio');
ylabel('Time (s)');
%---------- end of Question 4 ------------------

------------------ Matlab result -------------------------------------

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Question 5
% ------------------ Question 5 ----------------% To avoid saturation, V_sat > I_sec * Z_ct * (1 + X / R)
% So, Z_ct < V_sat / (I_sec * (1 + X / R))
CTratio = 5 / 5000;
V_sat = 60; I_sec = IfkA * 1000 * CTratio;
Z_ct = 60 / (I_sec * (1 + 25));
% if CT with ratio 4000:5 is used

CTratio = 5 / 4000;
I_sec = IfkA * 1000 * CTratio;
V = I_sec * Z_ct * (1 + 25);
if (V > V_sat)
display('CT saturated');
display('CT not saturated');
%---------- end of Question 5 ------------------

------------------ Matlab result ------------------------------------Z_ct =



CT saturated
--------------------------------------------------------------------------The maximum CT impedance is 0.5963 ohms. When the CT ratio is changed to
4000:5, the CT is saturated because the voltage is greater than the saturation
voltage of 60 V of the CT.
The DC offset required to supply the maximum current would be higher since the
CT ratio has been decreased from 1000 to 800. As a result, the current flowing
through the secondary coil of the CT would also be higher, hence the DC offset
requirement would be higher if the current at the time of fault is not maximum.

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