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Student Senate

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

6:00pm, 111 Harrison Hall
I. Call to Order
II. Two Minutes of Silence
III. Roll Call
IV. Announcements and Remarks by the Chair
a. Senator Introductions
b. Elections Next Week!
1. Elliott, Stoddard, Bishop, Wells Senator
2. Scott Hall Senator

V. Consent Calendar
a. SR021004: A Resolution to Support House Bill 317
b. SR021007: A Resolution Thanking Housing, Dining and Guest Services
Consent Calendar approved by unanimous consent.
VI. Student Concerns
Mr. Forrest: Miami Student comic response, email quotes regarding student
senate duties/success
Ms.Moore: DVD now partnership, is similar to Redbox, but sell directly to
institutions, working with Shriver currently
Mr.Ciccone: commuter students concerned with Oxford campus not closing due
to snow emergencies
Mr.Cowles: Miami snow plow trucks at yeager during snow fall while streets not
Ms.Keefer: Maple street ignored by snow trucks
Mr.Herbst: during snow emergencies, Miami staff may need to stay overnight so
they need a place to park and Oxford plows cannot plow Miami streets
Mr.Frazier: Health center open until 6:30 but pharmacy only open until 5:30

a. Changes to President’s and Dean’s List

Mr.Hoffman: proposed changes similar to proposed changes to Latin honors,
numbers will be fairly consistent, Presidents would be top 3% per school, Dean’s
would be the next 17% , so top 20% for each school
Mr.McNabb: one of the biggest concerns for students is understanding the
standard for each student per school, because it wouldn’t be implemented for two
years, they’re willing to send out an email at the end of semester of what would
have been necessary if this would be implemented
Mr.Hoffman: G.P.As as a whole has been increasing over the past years

VII. Reports
a. President of the Student Body
- cartoon in the Miami student
b. Vice President of the Student Body
-P.R. for the elections
c. Vice President of Campus Activities
-conference in Boston
d. Vice President of Student Organizations
-final numbers for funding in
e. Secretary for Off Campus Affairs
- next weekend walkabouts for Census, extreme importance to Oxford
-earmark for Route 27 to be re-done
f. Secretary for On Campus Affairs
-Miami hosting no-frills conference
g. Secretary for Academic Affairs
-meeting regarding Outstanding Professor awards
h. Secretary for Diversity Affairs
- upcoming Monday DAC meeting with Mr.Scott and President Hodge,
Greek game tomorrow against Akron, thank senators who came to
Basketbrawl, BSC article in Odyssey
i. Secretary for Public Relations
- thanks for help with postcard writing campaign, there will be another
even in March
j. Secretary to the Executive Cabinet
-Blood drive next Wednesday
k. Treasurer
-supposed to testify to the state house, delayed
l. Tech Director
m. Advisor
-University birthday tomorrow

VIII. Special Business of the Day:

a. Cathy McVey & Debi Alison – IT Services
-Bandwidth in the residence halls increased as of today, going up in
increments of 50 megabits per second, and seeing the impact
-Webpages will see relief sooner than video, connecting via guest vs.
muwireless makes internet slower as well
- Funding assisted by housing and dining services
Mr.Kadon: difficulties configuring mac to the mu wireless service
Mr.Senko: same thing, every time taken off-campus needs re-configuring
Ms.Keefer: I haven’t had any problems with my Mac, but my friend has
problems with Sisco and she has a Dell.
-Strategic plan to make a website similar to the Miami Ideas website, will
be sure to keep reading the Miami Ideas
Mr.Senko: is there any way to link the two websites?
Mr. Sauter: I will help you work on that
Mr.Herbst: are there any concerns that increasing bandwidth will increase
demand too much?
-attempt to balance an acceptable amount of service with the cost to buy
more bandwidth
-one wireless access point can support about 16 people connecting to it, so
access points in the library were increased
- potential to share bandwidth between academic buildings and residence
Mr.McNabb- Thank you for working on this, and coming in tonight

IX. Old Business:

X. New Business:
a. SR021005: A Resolution Expressing Condolences to the Family, Friends,
and Loved Ones of Brendan Burke
Mr.Streubing- the words in this resolution cannot adequately express what
the ones who knew Brendan Burke felt about him, lets honor him with our
votes and continue his dreams and level of conviction. If anyone wants to
be added as a sponsor, send us an email
Mr.Bly- If passed; it would be presented at his memorial service Friday
Resolution passes by unanimous consent.

b. SR021006: The Walk About Revision Bill of 2010

Mr.Streubing: time window expanded from weekend to two week
Mr.Herman: this bill has been one of the more positive things as far as off-
campus representation of ASG is concerned
Mr.McNabb: love the idea of loosening the guidelines
Resolution passed by unanimous consent.

c. SR021008: A Bill to Support Miami’s signing of the ACUPCC

Mr.Forrest: commitment to become climate neutral as an entire university,
it was initially passed on
Mr.Frazier: cost implications?
Mr.Forrest: the most costly part of this is becoming carbon neutral, but it
can be adjusted by university to meet the university budget
Ms.Riddle: what happens if he signs it and we fail?
Mr.Forrest: it would ruin our reputation

XI. General Announcements

a. Diversity Affairs Council Meeting Monday February 22nd @ 7:00 w/ Dr.
XII. Adjournment

A Resolution to Support House Bill 317

Matt Frazier, Off-Campus Senator

Ben Rees, On-Campus Senator

Jonathan McNabb, Student-Body President

Adam Harris, Student-Body Vice President
Tom Foster, Treasurer

Submitted to Student Senate on:

February 4, 2010

Whereas: Credit unions cannot currently hold public funds in the State of Ohio;

Whereas: House Bill 317 would allow credit unions to hold public funds;

Whereas: First Miami Student Credit Union is one of two completely student-run credit
unions in the United States;

Whereas: First Miami Student Credit Union currently holds $1.1 million in assets and
services 1700 accounts for the Miami University community;

Whereas: Associated Student Government manages an annual budget of close to a


Whereas: Associated Student Government distributes over $600,000 to over 350 student
organizations on campus;

Whereas: All student organization accounts are managed by Miami University General

Whereas: First Miami Student Credit Union would be able to better serve student
organizations while improving fiscal accountability.

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government of Miami University

supports Ohio State House Bill 317, specifically the ability of credit unions to hold public

Further be it Resolved: The passage of this bill would be beneficial to credit unions
across the state of Ohio as well as the First Miami Student Credit Union.
A Resolution Thanking Housing, Dining and Guest Services

Matt Forrest, Off-Campus Senator


Audree Riddle, Off-Campus Senator

Tyler Sinclair, Stanton Hall Senator
Meghan Wadsworth, Anderson Hall Senator
Nathan Zwayer, Off-Campus Senator

Submitted to Student Senate

February 16, 2010

Whereas: On November 10, 2009, Nancy Heidtman, Director of Dining/Culinary

Support Services came in and spoke to student senate and;

Whereas: During this meeting student senators expressed concern about the inability
for students to use meal plans during weekday lunch times in Haines Food
Court in the Shrive Center and;

Whereas: Housing, Dining and Guest Services has adjusted and shortened the time
students cannot use meal plans in Haines Food court to one hour;

Whereas: Miami University students, including many student senators, appreciate

and have made use of the increased access to Haines Food court during
weekday lunch times this semester and;

Whereas: We would like to see this change made permanent within Haines Food

Therefore be it resolved: Associated Student Government (ASG) would like to thank

Housing, Dining and Guest Services for hearing our
concerns and adjusting to the changing needs of Miami
University students.
A Resolution Expressing Condolences
to the Family, Friends, and Loved Ones of
Brendan Burke

Jason Kulig Kevin Miicke

Scott Wiley Shehab Helal
Patrick Giblin EJ Corporan
George Radzyminski

Kelly DiTurno
Ben Lockshin
Ben Basara
Chelsea Kiene
Aaron Bly
Anthony McNamara
Thad Boggs
Marissa Sims
Matt Hoffman
Thomas Marzella
Andrew Ferguson
Dr. Brian Danoff
Professor Melanie Marlowe
Paul Struebing
Global Fusion
Diversity Affairs Council
Miami University Spectrum
Miami University College Democrats
Miami University Office of GLBTQ
Stage Left

Submitted to Student Senate:

February 9, 2010

Whereas: The Miami University family lost a dear and loving friend in Brendan Burke on
Friday, February 5, 2010.

Whereas: Brendan was and will continue to be an inspiration to his family, his friends and
his classmates and will be greatly missed.

Whereas: The dreams that Brendan sought to realize, shall never die and will forever live on
in the hearts, minds and actions of those who his life has touched.

Whereas: The words offered in this resolution cannot capture the great despair felt by those
who loved and continue to love Brendan, they can remind us of the friendship,
love and blessing that he was in our lives.

Whereas: It is fitting that this body offers its condolences and sympathy to those family
members and friends who loved and will forever love Brendan on behalf the
student body as a whole,

Therefore be it resolved: That from this day forward the Miami family be dedicated to the
propositions of equality and love for all, for which Brendan fought,
and that those beliefs and ideals will never die on this campus or
any corner of this world

Further be it resolved: That the Associated Student Government expresses its deepest and
most heartfelt condolences to those who have lost a friend, a son, a
brother, a nephew, or a grandchild on behalf of a student body, a
nation and a world heartbroken that they will never know the
heights that Brendan would have reached or the effect on our lives
that he would continue to have had;

Further be it resolved: That all present shall observe a moment of silence in remembrance
of our great and loving friend Brendan, not for him alone but also
for those who he loved and has been forced to leave behind today;
to remember what he was to us and to pray that which he wished
for others will some day come to pass for all the world.

For when he shall die,

Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night,
And pay no worship to the garnish sun.
Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet

The Dream Shall Never Die.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
The Walk About Revision Bill of 2010

Paul Struebing, Off-Campus Senator

D. Carson Cowles IV, Off-Campus Senator

Aaron Bly, Off-Campus Senator

Kurt Kadon, Off-Campus Senator
Audree Riddle, Off-Campus Senator
Anthony McNamara, Off-Campus Senator
Matthew Ciccone, Secretary of Off Campus Affairs
Oxford Tenants Organization

Submitted to the Student Senate

February 16, 2008

Whereas: Representative government cannot function properly without the involvement of

those represented, it is imperative that student senators build relationships with
their constituents and are available to them.

Whereas: Going door to door is the most effective means of making personal contacts and
building relationships with constituencies and has been effective in building
relationships with many in the community.

Whereas: Off campus senators have very few resources, such as list serves to contact their

Whereas: The current walkabout program has been successful in its limited form, it leaves
students without the ability to build relationships, interact with their
representatives, and remain informed on the accomplishments of their

There for be it resolved: The walk about program shall be expanded to three times a year to
ensure a stable relationship with off-campus constituents. With the
set schedule as follows, the weekend before classes begin, and
over a period of two weeks prior to both Thanksgiving and
Spring Break.

Further be it resolved: These auxiliary walk abouts, implemented by the Secretary for
Off Campus Affairs, would provide updated information
concerning safety, break and move-out procedures, and ASG
activities that would not be received in the initial walk about using
an appropriate form of media.
Further be it resolved: That the auxiliary walk abouts would be far less expensive than the
initial walk about because we are providing limited information
and updates that supplements the initial information packet.
A Bill to Support Miami’s signing of the AUPCC

Matt Forrest, Off-Campus Senator


Nathan Zwayer, Chairman, Adhoc Committee on Environmental Sustainability

Jay Harmon, Off-Campus Senator
Audree Riddle, Off-Campus Senator
Randi Keefer, Secretary for On-Campus Affairs
Meghan Wadsworth, Anderson Hall Senator
Stefan Linder, President, Green Oxford
Megan Qua, Vice President, Residence Hall Association

Submitted to Student Senate on:

February 16, 2010

Whereas: As of February 15, 2010 Miami University has not signed the American College &
University Presidents Climate Commitment (AUPCC);

Whereas: the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment is a nationwide
effort to address global warming by garnering institutional commitments to neutralize
greenhouse gas emissions, and to accelerate the research and educational efforts of higher
education to equip society to re-stabilize the earth’s climate; and,;

Whereas: To date 667 institutions of higher education have signed the AUPCC including:
American University, Auburn University, Ball State University, Cornell University, Duke
University, George Washington University, Northeastern University, Ohio University,
Rice University, Syracuse University, The Ohio State University, University of
Cincinnati, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Massachusetts,
University of Missouri System, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of
Toledo, and Western Michigan University;

Whereas: As Miami strives to be a leading national institution we feel significant and public
action must be taken in the arena of environmental sustainability and reducing carbon

Whereas: With the passage of SR020902 Associated Student Government (ASG) Student
Senate established a Adhoc Committee on Environmental Sustainability in order to hold
ourselves to a higher level of environmental accountability;

Whereas: We, the representatives of the student body, feel the need to hold our university to a
higher standard of environmental accountability;

Whereas: We strongly agree with the following statement of AUPCC that signing institutions
commit to:
“We believe colleges and universities must exercise leadership in their communities and throughout
society by modeling ways to minimize global warming emissions, and by providing the knowledge and
the educated graduates to achieve climate neutrality.”

Therefore be it Resolved: The Associated Student Government of Miami University as

representatives of the student body urges Miami University to reconsider the signing of AUPCC
and strengthen its commitment to the environment.

Further be it Resolved: The passage of this resolution serve as the official petition to President
David C. Hodge to make Miami University a leader in fighting to reduce carbon emissions.

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