(Continuum Studies in Continencity of Being-Continuum (2010) 78

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Heideggers Heritage: Philosophy, Anti-Modernism and Cultural Pessimism


readers. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: only a power of cultic origin, only a
belief, could conceive of something as audacious as extending the perspective of
utility [Zweckmaessigkeit] into the infinite.60

Jnger then is reprising a theme which should seem familiar enough, that is,
the prevalent misapprehension that technological advance represents progress
progress for the sake of progress. Jnger suggests however that he wants to avoid any
moralizing in this he is in agreement with Heidegger who insists that the posture
of the cultural pessimist is inadequate. And indeed, in characterizing the manner
in which people seem to have been completely duped by the myth of technological
progress, Jnger is close enough to some of the ways that Heidegger characterizes the
all-consuming influence of Gestell which might well have been described as extending
the perspective of utility into the infinite.
One of the crucial defining features of the First World War for Jnger was the
emergence of total mobilization. In previous wars there was general mobilization
but this was, for Jnger, very much a partial measure and what set the Great War
apart was the manner in which everything and everyone fell under the sway of a total
We can now pursue the process by which the growing conversion of life into
energy, the increasingly fleeting content of all binding ties in deference to
mobility, gives an ever-more radical character to the act of mobilization The
events causing this are numerous: with the dissolution of the estates and the
curtailing of the nobilitys privileges, the concept of a warrior caste also vanishes;
the armed defense of the state is no longer exclusively the duty and prerogative
of the professional soldier, but the responsibility of everyone who can bear arms.
Likewise, because of the huge increase in expenses, it is impossible to cover the
costs of waging war on the basis of a fixed war budget; instead, a stretching of all
possible credit, even a taxation of the last pfennig saved, is necessary to keep the
machinery in motion. In the same way, the image of war as armed combat merges
into the more extended image of a gigantic labor process [Arbeitsprozess]. In
addition to the armies that meet on the battlefields, originate the modern armies
of commerce and transport, foodstuffs, the manufacture of armaments the
army of labor in general. In the final phase, which was already hinted at toward
the end of the last war, there is no longer any movement whatsoever be it that
of the homeworker at her sewing machine without at least indirect use for the
battlefield. In this unlimited marshaling of potential energies, which transforms
the warring individual countries into volcanic forges, we perhaps find the most
striking sign of the dawn of the age of labor [Arbeitszeitalter]. It makes the World
War a historical event superior in significance to the French Revolution. In order
to deploy energies of such proportion, fitting ones sword-arm no longer suffices;
for this is a mobilization [Ruestung] that requires extension to the deepest marrow,
lifes finest nerve. Its realization is the task of total mobilization: an act which, as if
through a single grasp of the control panel, conveys the extensively branched and
densely veined power supply of modern life towards the great current of martial

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