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U.S, Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D.C. 20835 September 30, 2015, MR. JASON LEOPOLD VICE NEWS: 589 VENICE BOULEVARD VENICE, CA 90291 FOIPA Request No. 1281214-000 ‘Subject: "MOHAMMAD RAGHEAD" Dear Mr. Leopold The enclosed documents were reviewed under the Freedom of information/Privacy Acts (FOIPA), Tile 5, United States Code, Section 552/552a. Deletions have been made to protect information which is exempt from disclosure, with the appropriate exemptions noted on the page next to the excision. In addition, a deleted page information sheet was inserted in the file to indicate where pages were withheld entirely. The exemptions used to withhold information are marked below and explained on the enciosed Explanation of Exemptions: Section 552 Section 8528 F (byt) F Oma T oe) FH@ rene r0@ Foo F exo Tow 50U.S.C. 3024(i(1) F emo) r we F ome TF we rom Tr we) Foe) Foe, r we Foe Foo Tw) F (6) rw 184 page(s) were reviewed and 56 page(s) are being released F Document(s) ware lacated which originated with, or contained information concerning, other Government agency(ies) [OGA]. T This information has been referred to the OGA(s) for review and direct response to you. ¥ Weare consulting with OGA(s). The FBI will correspond with you regarding this information when the ‘consultation is finished. "In accordance with standard FBI practice and pursuant to FOIA exemption (b)(7\(E) and Privacy Act ‘exemption ()(2) [5 U.S.C. § 552/552a (b)(7)(E)/G)2)], his response neither confirms nor denies the existence fof your subject's name on any watch ists For your information, Congress excluded three discrete categories of law enforcement and national security records from the requirements of the FOIA. See 5 U.S. C. § 562(c) (2006 & Supp. IV (2010). This response is limited to those records that are subject to the requirements of the FOIA. This is a standard notification that is given to all our requesters and should not be taken as an indication that excluded records do, or do not, exist. Enclosed for your information is @ copy of the Explanation of Exemptions, F vou have the right to appeal any denials in this release. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Director, Office of infrmaton Poicy(OIP), US. Department of uston,1425 New York Ave., NW, Sisto T1050, Weshington,O.C £20530-000", or you may submit an appeal hyough OIP's eFOIA porta thier i 7 Your appeal must be received by OIP within sty (60) days rom the date of ts ltr in oder tobe considered timely ‘The envelope andthe letlershoUld be clearly marked Freedom of information Appeal” Please cle the FOIPA Request Number assigned to your request so that may be easy dented T The enclosed material is from the main investigative file(s) in which the subject(s) of your request was the focus of the investigation, Our search located additional references, in files relating to other individuals, or matters, which may ‘oF may not be about your subjec(s). Our experience has shown when ident, references usually contain information similar tothe information processed in the main file(s). Because of our significant backlog, we have given priority to processing only the main investigative files). you want the references, you must submit a separate request for them inwting, and they willbe reviewed at a later date, as time and resources permit ‘See additional information which follows. Sincerely, Shir David M, Hardy Section Chief Recordiinformation Dissemination Section Records Management Division Enclosure(s) In response to your Freedom of information (FOIA) request submitted to Records Management Division at Winchester, VA, enclosed is a processed copy of the documents responsive to your request. ‘As previously indicated, document{s) were located which originated with, or contained information concerning other Government agency(les) [OGA]. We are consulting with those OGAs and are awaiting their response. Due to the fact that our office has processed all other information Currently in our possession, your request is being ‘administratively closed at this time, pending the completion ofthe outstanding consultation by our office. The FBI will correspond with you regarding those documents when the consultation is finished. ‘This material is being provided to you at no charge. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOT/PA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEST FOI/PAH 1281214-0 Total Deleted Page(s) = 28 Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page 16 ~ b5; Page 20 ~ Referral/consult; Page 21 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 22 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 23 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 24 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 25 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 26 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 27 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 28 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 59 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 60 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 61 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 80 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 81 ~ Referral/Consult; Page @2 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 83 ~ Referral/Consult; Page 84 ~ Referral/Consult; RIANA X Deleted Page(s) x X No Duplication Fee X X For this Page x XXXXKK XXX AKER KHAKI, ALL FBI IGFORMATION CONTAINED EEREIN 18 UNCLASSIFIED DAME 1-12-2014 BY P2muenKes usiee (OPA) (FBI) (or) BN) i4 10:28 AM (OPA) (FB) Tew arlicles coming from the intercept? UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO SentinelCaseld: NON-RECORD Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Lwas iust asked an odd question by a CTD counterpart. He has been asked a few questions about a program called Jo prepare a brief for the EAD. He was told it is because of either a new Greenwald or new intercept article. He wasn’t certain. Do you know if the Intercept has informed us about any new releases? Any help/context would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO 6 prc be Ic BIE DECLASSIFIED BY F2zNUSKSS NSICC Cd b6 (OPA) (FBI) bic |(OGC) (FBI) 77 289M outa Toso CIEE EOLA [OPA BH Ce: [OGC) (FBI); ‘Subject: Tntercept Article "Watch Commander — ‘SBGRET/NOFORN SentinelCaseld: TRANSITORY RECORD Classification: SECRET//NOFORN Classifie 7 Derived From: AC, dated 20120629 Declassify On: 31 All: attached please find The Intercept article with the leaked NCTC document and slide. b6 b7c Office of the General Counsel Federal Bureau of Investig Tel: (571) 350-4201 Cell Unclassified email: Blackberry| Confidentiality Statement This message is transmitted to you by the Office of the General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The ‘message, along with any attachments, may be confidential and legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, please destroy it promptly without further retention or dissemination (unless otherwise required by law), Please notify the sender of the error by a separate e-mail or by calling 571-350-4201, Fro crayon bs Sent Tuesday, August 05,2014 2:48 PM ere nn Yi) (Go| euemuemeeeees [roc yr) hrscy CFB Subject: Intercept Article "Watch Commander” — SECRET///NOFORN Classification: SB2RET//NOFORN Classified Derived From: NsIc, dated 20120629 Declassify 01 231 TRANSITORY RECORD bs Het prc IE Ihave tached the nterep arle ae Inked source document fing mentioned as well. Please let me know if you need any additional assistance. WatchCommand «Thelntercept At, Thanks, ferrorist Screening center Classification s5pden/ /NoFORN Classification: ssyQer//NoFORN sBxET/ ‘/SOPORN Classification ALL TNPORIATION CORTATKED : HEREIN TS UNCLASSIFIED DANE 11-15-2014 BY FZMeisKan BSICG (OPA) (FBI) Fora) ra EDO 11 PM esa 22 20a (OPA) (FB .- UNCLASSIFIED/IFOUO bo bre SentinelCaseld: NON-RECORD bre Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Loresume this is the renart or aversion afit that is the subiect af the Inter: nt story: fice bé bre BIE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO UU RNFORATTON ‘COSTAE: casera SLRS HETCS HEREIN 1S UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT ise ee NMERE SEOMRY OTHERWISE DECLASSIFY ou- 11-13-2039 OPA) (FBI) pate: a1-a3-2014 (Hic) (FB!) 114 3:12 PM A eR RE| - ssoiferi Renn 6 bre Sentine!Caseld: NON-RECORD Classification: Ser 3 Classified Bi Derived Frot Declassify on 23W68B5, 7 dated 20120629 FB No, go ahead. From| ](OPA) (FBI) ‘Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 3:10 PM To| (HIG) (FBI) ‘Subject: RE} Classification: sz RE Classified By: ‘Sgin66) Derived Froi Declassify On ‘Thank you Do you mind if | forward this to our] From{____| (HIG) (Fi) sepu Tacs 2014 1:45, To} (OPA) (FBI) oroca) Subject =; Classification: SRE TR Classified B Derived From: Declassify SIC, dated 20120629 b6 b7c bi b3 bé b7c BIE ew (8) SE Classification Classification: Classification Sk pyc ALU riomarioN comrariey: SE a HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT WHERE SEOMN OTHERWISE (OPA) (FBI) Cig) (Fi) SentinelCaseld: NON-RECORD Classification: SEG ORN Classified By? Derived Frot Declassify FBI 0391232 dated 20120629 fal Alu Tounterinteligence Division FBIHQ, Room 4063 Classification SERRLGFON pt fo3 bé b7c BIE om a1-i3-2014 (OPA) (FBI) From: Co Tero yre bs Sent: 11:39 PM bic To: (OPA) (Fa ‘Subject: Issue we discussed earlier. ETHNOFORN SentinelCaseld: NON-RECORD Classification: epeer/ novo Classified By> Derived Frot Declassify ssaf National Press Office FBIHO- Washington D.C. Office of Public Affairs desk bb Classification seper/ /NOFORN b6 pyc BIE « ALL DHFORUATION CONTAINED BATE 11-13-2014 By F2DMORSS NSICC | LC t~SY b6 (OPA) (FBI) bIc From: (OPA) (FBI) Sent Thursday, July 10, 2074 3:74 PM Te HARDY, DAVID (RMD) —— (OPA) (FBI) Ce: Ce ENT) Subject: RE: Snowden Leaks Identify Muslim-Americans Under FBI And NSA Surveillance — UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO SentinelCaseld: TRANSITORY RECORD Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO TRANSITORY RECORD ‘This is great David, thanks for thinking of us. bé From: HARDY, DAVID (RMD) (FBI) ae Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 10:18 aM of es FanL_____] (0a) ran ce: RMD) (FB) ‘Subjeck Sowden LESks Identify Muslim-Americans Under FBI And NSA Surveillance —- UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO TRANSITORY RECORD ‘Thought somebody might ask you about whether we've had any requests for the five individuals in the articles. ‘Snowden Leaks Identify Muslim-Americans Under FBI And NSA Surveillance. The Washington Post (7/10, Nakashima, 4.22M) notes that on Wednesday morning, Glenn Greenwald and Murtaza Hussain of The Interceot (7!) reported that the NSA and the FBI ‘monitored the e-maiis of several prominent Muslim American activists and attomeys,” which “prompi{ed}..protest ‘rom chil liberties advocates and strong pushback from the government." The Post notes that The Intercept's reporting is “based on documents leaked by...Edward Snowden, which included a spreadsheet sting thousands of e-mail addresses ‘monitored between 2002 and 2008.” The New York Times (7/10, Savage, Subscription Publication, 965M) reports that ‘among those identified by First Look as having been subjected to survellance were Hooshang Amirahmadi, a Rutgers University professor who is the president ofthe ‘American iranian Council" Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Isiamic Relations, Asim Ghafoor, ‘a defense lawyer who has handled terrorism-related cases,” Faisal Gill, a former Department of Homeland Security lawyer who First Look said later did some legal work with Mr. Ghafoor on behatf of Sudan in a lawsuit brought by victims of terorist attacks,” and ‘Agha Saeed, the national chaiman ofthe American Muslim Aliance. be a bic BIE Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ALL FBI TRFORUATION coMmAZNED HEREIN 1S UNCLASSIFIED DATE 11-15-2014 BY F22Ma5KS5 NSICG Bé pic BIE Subject: FW: Fwd: Broad Coalition Urges ‘Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S. Muslim Leaders CAIR response to the Greenwald story is below, Fronf b6 Sent : prc To| Subject: FW: Fwd: Broad Coalition Urges ‘Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S. Muslim Leaders You may be aware of the most recent CAIR communication but I thought I'd send it in case you have not seen it. Public Affairs Specialist Federal Bureau of Investigation Sacramento Field Office 450 Orange Grove Avenue Sacramento, CA 95841 desk b6 cell b7c www. fbi. gov/sacramento Original Message: Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2014 9:15 AM To! Subject: Fu Fwd? Broad Coalition Urges ‘Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S. Muslim Leaders sent this to me last night. Fror TC ce: Sent: Thu Jul 10 00:14:59 2014 Subject: Fwd: Broad Coalition Urges ‘Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S, Muslim Leaders FYI Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: . 6 From: ae a ™ Subject: Broad Coalition Urges Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S. [http: //ng.constantcontact .com/ui /imagesi/shr_drw_left. png] [hnttp: //mg.constantcontact .com/ui /imagesi/shr_drw_fb. png] [http: //g. constantcontact .com/ui /imagesi/shr_drw_twit. png] [http: //mg. constantcontact .com/ui /imagesi/shr_drw_linked. png] [http: //4mg.constantcontact .com/ui /images1/shr_drw_divider. png] [http:// mg. constant contact .com/ui /images1/shr_drw_more. png] [https //mg. constantcontact .com/ui /imagesi/shr_drw_right.png] [http://ang. constantcontact .com/ui/images1/shr_btn_1ike_sm.png] [CAIR California] San Francisco Bay Area July 9, 2614 Broad Coalition Urges ‘Full Public Accounting’ for Government Surveillance of U.S. Muslim Leaders (WASHINGTON, D.C., 7/9/2614) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, today joined with a broad- based coalition of 45 organizations, led by the ACLU, in insistingchttp: //r20. TS91CgtFCBBSA S0QFGXOQvg8YO81n-scOSWiAieaSnmaMdzKc2RLsts610Thbo_jHCw2bKqnClheqa- ‘SGw31ZCBFOen4FhOQKaQSw2mnrQH2Z 1844 jAgaHnY cAHURGZZSjodoVU_Xep9XUGBel FwAjpX1CB4RSXPj89- 2#§C1S2i7¥pkKMBiJ€mZLvoQ2AzNYCXFRKFECOXI- 673F31A7qV5ICB1KT4dYgkLRWbVKhSBBQ==8c=xF8xFublcoJ8SZTSGEgkI8zXzaawALALVCycfxPdkSaJpnbJ4cVLysg= =&ch=ikHFtbiDfDxJhZWT1HUFCHJOD4PIKvw613H210g_9NKGI03jcIpxkw==> that President Obama "provide a full public accounting" of surveillance practices of American Muslim leaders. According to new revelations by journalists Glenn Greenwald and Murtaza Hussain, CAIR'S national executive director was among those reported to be targeted for surveillance. Addressing that apparent targeting, CAIR said: "This is an outrageous continuation of civil rights era surveillance of minority community leadership by government elements who see threats in all patriotic dissent." [NOTE: In response to the new revelations, the White House called for a reviewchttp: //r20.rs6. net/tn. jsp?#=001jGErLG2Rpav5JaXXrSB4s7gRFA4I7eIZn1b1ZntTS91CgtF c8B5ASOQ FGXO@vqBY@B1n-scOSWiALeaSnmiNQzKc2RLstsG1@ThbQ_jHCwabKqnClheqa- SGw}T2CBFOOen4FhOgkaQSw2nnrQH2ZTB44 jAg4MnY CAHURGZZSjodoVU_Xep9xUGBe1 FAjpX1CB4RSXPj89- 2F4C1S217YpkKhBij8mIL voQZAZNYCKFRKFECOXI- 673F31A7qVSICBLKT4dYgkLRWbvKhSBBQ==&c=x 8xF uNco}85ZTSGEgkI82XzaawAL 4LVCycfxPdKSaJpnbJ1cYLyse= =&ch=iKHFtbiDFOXIHZNTIHUFCHJOD4PIKvW613H210g_ONKGJO3jcIpxkw==> of training and policy materials for racial or religious bias, but has not yet offered a position on the surveillance issue. ] In a letter to President Obamachttp: // jsp? f=001jGErLG2Rpav5JaxxrS84s7gRFA4I7eIZNIbIZNt TS91CgtFCBBSASOOF GXO0vq8VO8IN-sc95WiALeaSnmINQzKc2RLsts610ThbQ_jHCW2dKqnCLheqa- ‘SGujTzCBFOOeN4FhOQKkaQSw2mnrQH2ZTB4i jAgAHnYCAHURAZZS jodoVU_Xep9xUGBelfwAjpX1CB4R5xPj89- 2451821 7¥pkKhB1j8mIL voQ2AznYCxFRKFECOXI- 673431 A7qV5IC81KT4d¥gkLRWOVKNSBBQ==8c=xF8xFublcoI85ZTSGE gkI82KzaawALALVCycfxPdkSaJpnbJ1cVLyse= =&ch=iKHFtbiDfDxIhZWTIHUFCHJOD4PIKvWw613H210g ONKGIO3}cIpxkwe=>, the coalition wrote in part: "The First Look report is troubling because it arises in this broader context of abuse. Documents obtained through an American Civil Liberties Union Freedom of Information Act request show that the FBI has been mapping a broad spectrum of communities, including American Muslim communities, the African American community and Latino Anerican communities, without any basis for individualized suspicion. Under the guise of community outreach, the FBI targeted mosques and Muslim community organizations for intelligence gathering. It has pressured law-abiding American Muslims to become informants against their own conmunities, often in coercive circumstances. It has also stignatized innocent Muslims by placing them on the No Fly List and other watch lists. In short, the government's domestic counterterrorism policies treat entire minority communities as suspect, and American Muslims have borne the brunt of government suspicion, stigma and abuse. "These practices hurt not only American Muslims, but all communities that expect law enforcement to serve and protect America's diverse population equally, without discrimination. They strike the bedrock of democracy: that no one should grow up fearful of law enforcement, scared to exercise the rights to freedom of speech, association and worship.” Signatories to the coalition letter include: Access ‘American Civil Liberties Union ‘American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee Amnesty International Arab American Institute Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus Brennan Center for Justice Center for Community Change Center for Constitutional Rights Council on Anerican-Islamic Relations Defending Dissent Foundation Free Press Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders Human Rights Campaign Human Rights Watch Interfaith Alliance Islamic Society of North America Lambda Legal Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund Muslim Advocates Muslim League Fund of America Muslim Public Affairs Council National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National Coalition on Black Civic Participation National Gay and Lesbian Task Force National Inmigration Law Center National Immigration Project of the National Lawyers Guild National Lawyers Guild National Network for Arab American Communities National Religious Campaign Against Torture National Security Network National Urban League New America Foundation's Open Technology Institute New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good Partnership for Civil Justice Fund Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund The Sikh Coalition South Asian Americans Leading Together Transgender Law center T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries In its own statement CAIR added: “The Obama administration continues to allow some government agencies to treat all Americans as objects of suspicion. It is time for a full public accounting regarding surveillance of American minorities. This includes explaining the use of the blatantly prejudiced ‘Mohammad Raghead' as a placeholder in a document describing how to properly format surveillance justification.” This past weekend the Washington Post revealedchttp: // OQFGXO@vq8YNBSN_AaBviTHiyslik2uqaVabCD1stsPBLS- SxENhiQFiW@_mVUGkOT1zLa_pAzrk471SKICV6oschdzzui2qEert4bPDLbaqjJTg2TUKY6eQVo- ‘@juulwepzuepL Sqcacyu-dcQzSSGDccUKSdOUCU-rNOZxEB3Z70FF KOUFGCANLLOpxytpcFVhw5_6iZBBQbLDr- OdazcabsCs7SUst7auz1SafGYuA-jepcBEIxSogi JOCBixvB- ‘itisallj qlEVMRtYzZ0epu0 gGN@wc9Cow tF c1QKSqLx1xgk04F5e1 -GXMNpobGxWyXHAMUAas@H7x- vgv23¢qRwBo8rUL1ptoR2kSrT&c=xFBxFuWcoJ85ZTSGEgkI8zXzaawAL aL VCycfKPdKSaJpnbJ1cYLysg==&ch=iKHFt biDFDxINZWTIHUFCHJODAPIKVW613H210g ONKGJ03jcIpxkw==> that the vast majority of the information in a cache of NSA intercepted communications contained within the Snowden documents were not from intended surveillance targets. Among the files were “medical records sent from one family member to another, resumes from job hunters and academic transcripts of school children." Other groups have issued statements independent of the coalition letter: Access The NSA revelations continue to shockchttp: // GXOOvqBYFYSSiss- NRpKrFjADgYb1Mo7qFB2Kgnpi geSHMAHZggbet7qF PDGZKHKIPST2SOVTIAKBXLZyxEPe3 PUdUSHb4qgLISSKBTWOEWE7 bE nilwqbITT7eAvAE4uT2e- PDKCF2B_X7H@FkeVO1JAgOYTOoSNaniBtpHIoR cl :f8XFuNcoI8SZTSGERKIB2XZaaWALALVCycFXPAKSaJpnbI1cYLy sg .KHFtb4DFDxIHZWT1HUFCHJOD4PIKvw613H210g_9NKGI03jcIpxku= The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) ADC Responds to Glenn Greenwald's NSA Revelationschttp: // jsp?#=001jGErLG2RpavSIaXxrSB4s7—hFAI7eIZnlb1ZntTSACgtr ces SASoQFGXO@vq8YIUSte3C9LKPraba2jL8yr1C3xrau~ eyhuCSq1v16PemJ61kF3yiR7bA_2qF ZmnEXBOgMVUOANRdjSEw6xsTuTRbcon24wCqIwIZ196751cGRIdpBAMUBYTY St f_ADUdRye19jdAPTbLafN3WKPxnUI_ESK@Qgb@NhingssSL-nPK3s9FVFBZ6QqF7IFINKtUVgH4-REb- it-Rc=xF8xFUNCOISSZTSGEgkI82XZaaWALALVCycfxPdkSa pnbJ1.cYLysge=&ch=ikKHF tbiDFDxIhZWTIHUFCHJODAP 3kvw613H210g_9NkGJ03jcIpxkw: Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) NSA Surveillance of Muslim Leader Fits Same Pattern as FBI Spying on MLK, Say Civil Rights Attorneys ich=1KHF tbiDfDxIhZWTLHUFC Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) EFF Statement on Intercept Article Revealing Surveillance of Muslim Activists Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) NPAC Condemns New Revelations of NSA, FBI Spying on Muslim Leaders National Coalition of South Asian Organizations South Asian Organizations Respond to Surveillance of Muslim, Indian, and Pakistani Americans CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. Help Us Promote Justice & Empower American Muslims Support CAIR this Ramadan [Donate] A group of generous donors has pledged to match your donations to CATR-SFBA this Ramadan dollar-for-dollar up to $30,000. This means that your donation of $5,000, $1,000, $500, $250, $1, or any amount you can afford will insha‘Allah be doubled. Donations to CAIR-SFBA are both tax-deductible and Zakat-eligible. [Like us on Facebook] [Follow us on Twitter] [View our videos on YouTube] bie [http: //] 7 This email was sent to | Update Protile/Ematl Address | Instant removal. with SafeUnsubscribechttp: //visitor.constantcontact . com/do?p=un&n=0015E96aARSAYOAXESHNgBXCwi3D%3D8, ch=a97d03a0-4231-11e3-b306-d4ae529a8786&ca-88d9365e-1da6-4b7F-9a49-e637d600F35e>™ | Privacy Policyshttp: //ui.constantcontact .com/roving/CCPrivacyPolicy.jsp>. [http: //img.constantcontact . com/letters/images/CC_Footer_Logo_New.png] CAIR-California | 3000 Scott Blvd | Ste 101 | Santa Clara | CA | 95054 be bre ALE TtoRErroN comAnED DATE 11-13-2014 BY v6 b7c BS From: Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2074 5:46 PM To: Ce: Subject: BS Fal Office of Public Affairs ALOR CONAN: HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DATE 11-19-2014 BY F2Mu5KI5 NSICC yg Ic From: Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 3:21 PM To: <= Subject: Press inquiry from Democracy Now! Want to do this? Original Message. Fron| sent : To} Subject: URGENT press inquiry from Democracy Now! Hi Thanks for speaking with me just now. Democracy Now is a TV and radio news hour airing on 1,20 stations. We'll be covering the Intercept's latest story about surveillance of Muslim Americans and wanted to see if a representative from the FBI could join us by phone, video Skype or in studio. Our show is live between 8-9 am ET tomorrow morning. Many thanks, Ai aroaio coRTATRED: HEREIN 15 UNCLASSIFIED Wednesday, Juy 08, 2014 9:36 AM OPA-NPO Subject: Greenwald story The long-awaited Greenwald story posted last night, and | am providing t nl Af vau set calls f Jr field office lis working on a PAG| link for your awareness and reading rvelllance; 6 bic 1 BS FBI Office of Public Afairs ALL IMPORIATION coNFALHED HEREIN Ts UCLASSTE bare 2 bs bre BS. D14 9:25 AM To: Subject: ETE Pas: This pas riginal Message: 2014 8:03 AM subject: Fur Intercept FSA. From bs tof pre bs. Sent: Wed Jul 9 @1706: Subject: Re: Intercept < Original Message = From! = Wed Jul 09 00:49:18 2014 Re: Intercept : Intercept Fyi the article is out... uu eat ERED DATE 11-13+2014 BY EZ2MAOKRS NSICC SRECRMATION ‘CONTARNED 58 UNCLASSIFIED b6 bIc PA) (IMD) bs ce: Subject: Re: Greenwald Story Thanks ‘Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld Be Fre pre To: bs {ono Subject: Re: Greenwald Story OPAL NSD) (IMD); ToAc) GMD" [NSDyGMDY: ‘Sent: Tue Jul 08 17:53:57 2014 ‘Subject: RE: Greenwald Story Team: bs From b6 Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:43 PM. b7c ‘ fi ry m on: NSD)} (FBI) FEN, NSO) (exc L___ Ins; (ran ‘Subject: Greenwald Story bs bs Tuesday TuM8_2974 6:30 PM Subject: Re: Greem wald Story {REORUATION coerATED UNCLASSIFIED PIMEDKSS NSICC HEREDN 1 Dane 41+ bs <== 70 Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld BS. Fri Te Sent: Tue Tul 08 18:22:38 2014 Subject: Re: Greenwald Story Fro I bé Te bic Sent: Tue Jul 08 18:02:36 2014 bs Subj : Greenwald Story From: ‘Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:57 PM To’ ‘Subject: Fw: Greenwald Story Fyire below. v6 bic Thanks, bs Fron Toray ToL (NSD) GMD} KODA) GMDy (OPA) GMD) som SD) GMDYI In D) (IMD) esororDyl Sent: Tue Jul 08 17:46:17 2014 Subject: RE: Greenwald Story uesday, July 08, 2014 5:43 PM tz NSD] bs bé bie BIE bs. bs ALL THFORUATION commaTKED TSS ea RETLSTME ROW 6 bic Remind me the name of the guy here in JEH that you were talking to on this? Original oo Fron: Sent: Tuesday, Jul 2:23 PM To subject? et me Know. + Not sure 4t does. what background do you need? oid|___] send the PAG? original me: eee From To: Sent: Tue Jul 68 da:i7:44 2014 Subject: FW: Let me know... any chance that massive email exchange has some background on the Greenwald matter that we can pull from? 7A ae From: Sent: TUSSda 11:44 AM Tof Subject: Fw: Let me know... FYSA...all I need is background. Looking in the system but nothing so far. Original Message ~ From To: sent? Tue Jul 08 41:42:04 2014 Subject: Re: Let me know... ldo not worry about it and send what you have. T will send to you, S soon as it’s done. From: To: Sent? Tue Jul 68 11:38:16 2014 Subject: Fw: Let me know... ‘Am on red side if u can send draft I can take a look and add info Sent? Tusa, T2Ir21 2014 Subject: Re: Let me know... b6 bic b6 bic bé bic What did Jsend a bre Sent; Tue Jul 08 11:26:06 2014 Subject: Re: Let me know... Thanks ‘ready sent me something this morning. Almost done with the PAG. Just need to find info for the background section. Will not have a Q and A section this time around. But please send what you have so I can make sure it's the same statement. Original Message ----- Froi b6 To bre Sent: Tue Jul @8 11:23:01 2014 Subject: Re: Let me know... Hi, just finished a presentation so will send in one sec Original Message From To: Sent: Tue Jul 08 09:57:58 2014 Subject: Fw: Let me know... a In the meeting now and have been asked about the PAG again. Please forward e-mail chain that includes statement. Thanks, Original Message be Bre sent? Mon Ju 16 2014 Subject: Let me know. Tet me know wien you have time for a quick call on something that the FOs have been requesting and that Jasked about this morning. Hint: PAG regarding upcoming/expected disclosures. “Thank. x Wraktice) (bb) Subject: b6 BS Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld | jue Jul 08 18:22:38 2014 Subject: Re: Greenwald Story gn asceeeeaeeees] To| Sent: Tue Jul 08 18:02:36 2014 ‘Subject: RE: Greenwald Story bé b7c BS i Se To} Subject: Fir: Greenwald Story Fyire below, Thanks, rom| a A lors To| —(NSDy OMY Tooas) Go Ws) GHD y NSD) GMD) bé bIc KNSD) (MD), [OAC OMDY NSD) MDF) ne ue Jul 08 17:46:17 2014 Subject: RE: Greenwald Story b6 bre bs From! Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2014 5:43 PH ce Tsp. kanas); ean] 1 keen; _,—____ean] JOPA); kro (ns NSD) (OA); [soy] ‘Subject: Greenwald Story bs bs ALL $BT INFORMATION CONTAINED DATE 11-15-2016 BY F2aMGEKs6 WSICG AG) 1) (IMD) 7 subject: RESaene Ee — : SA Ic piece is below, in case you missed it... N.S.A. Records Detail Surveillance of American Muslim Leaders By CHARLIE SAVAGEJULY 9, 2014 WASHINGTON — A new report based on documents provided by Edward J. Snowden has identified five American Muslims, including the leader of a civil-rights group, as having been subjected to surveillance by the National Security Agency, The disclosure of what were described as specific domestic surveillance targets by The Intercept, published by First Look, was a rare glimpse into some of the most closely held secrets by counterespionage and terrorism investigators. The article raised questions about the basis for the domestic spying, even as it was condemned by the government as irresponsible and damaging to national security. ‘The report was based on what it desoribed as a spreadsheet of email addresses said to have been monitored between 2002 and 2008, and was co-written by Glenn Greenwald, a primary recipient of the trove of documents leaked by Mr. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor. The document is titled “F.LS.A. Recap,” suggesting that the eavesdropping took place under the process authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Among those identified by First Look as having been subjected to surveillance were Hooshang Amirahmadi, a Rutgers University professor who is the president of the American Iranian Council, a public policy group that works on diplomatic issues regarding relations with Iran, and Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Coutcil on American-Islamic Relations or C.A.LR., a Muslim civil rights organization, Also named were Asim Ghafoor, a defense lawyer who has handled terrorism-related cases; Faisal Gill, a former Department of Homeland Security lawyer who First Look said later did some legal work with Mr. 5 Ghafoor on behalf of Sudan in a lawsuit brought by victims of terrorist attacks; and Agha Saeed, the national chairman of the American Muslim Alliance, which supports Muslim political candidates. In its report, First Look said that the documents did not say what the suspicions or the evidence was against the men that justified the surveillance, acknowledging that “it is impossible to know why their emails were monitored, or the extent of the surveillance.” In video clips posted by First Look, several of the men denied wrongdoing and said they suspected their religion contributed to any targeting. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has issued about 1,800 orders each year for surveillance or physical searches on American soil. To obtain a court order to wiretap an American under that law, the government must persuade a judge that there is probable cause to believe the target is engaged ina crime on behalf of a foreign power; non-Americans need only be agents of a foreign power without a suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. ‘None of the five American Muslims named by First Look has been charged with a crime in connection with the apparent monitoring. ‘The government refused to confirm whether any of the five had indeed been subjected to surveillance or, if so, what the basis for it was. A group of several dozen civil liberties and rights organizations sent a letter to President Obama on Tuesday expressing concerns about the potential for “discriminatory and abusive surveillance,” but also acknowledged that “we don't know all the facts,” and asked for an explanation, “We cannot trust government assurances of faimess and legality when surveillance is being conducted without sufficient public oversight,” it said. “As a first step, we urge you to provide the public with the information necessary to meaningfully assess the First Look report.” Gadeir Abbas, a staff attorney with C.A.LR., called the apparent surveillance of its executive director an outrage. “It’s but the latest indication that the N.S.A. is spying on Americans based on the exercise of their constitutional rights,” he said. “In this case, what has been revealed makes very clear that Americans’ faith as well as their political activism is what the N.S.A. uses as the basis for its targeting practices.” Ina joint statement, the Justice Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence strongly denied such accusations, pointing to the standards that a judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court must agree have been met before the government may eavesdrop on an American under F. I. S. A.. “Gtis entirely false that U.S. intelligence agencies conduct electronic surveillance of political, religious or activist figures solely because they disagree with public policies or criticize the government, or for exercising constitutional rights,” they said, adding: “On the other hand, a person who the court finds is an agent of a foreign power under this rigorous standard is not exempted just because of his or her occupation.” First Look, which profiled the five men, pointed to some possible reasons they might have attracted suspicions, In 2007, for example, the Justice Department named CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in its prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation, a Muslim charity later convicted of providing material support for terrorism by funneling money to Hamas. A redacted screenshot suggests that Mr. Awad’s email was monitored from Nov. 9, 2006, to Feb 1, 2008. James McJunkin, a former assistant director of the F.B.1's counterterrorism division, declined to comment on any particular target. But in general, he said, the F.LS.A. process allowed the government to respond to reporting, either by another part of the intelligence community or by a foreign partner, that an organization might be involved in raising money for ostensibly charitable purposes that is used abroad to train equip a terrorist group. “We've got to determine whether that is in fact true, and that’s why you may have individuals in leadership positions who are targeted for F.18.A. collection,” he said, “You can’t target the head of a civil rights organization for that, If you're targeting an individual for F.LS.A. collection, you are doing so because you believe he has specific intelligence that can either prove or disprove a linkage to terror financing or material support.” He added: “Reporting this type of information on national security cases is highly irresponsible and damaging to national security.” Mr. Abbas, the C.A.LR. lawyer, said: “We have been subject to intensive scrutiny for years and that scrutiny has resulted in nothing other than smears. Our record is clear and it’s public. We are a Muslim civil rights organization. We defend the civil liberties of Americans in court in the media and we empower American ‘Muslims to participate in our democracy.” First Look reported that the spreadsheet contained a column headed “Nationality” and that 202 of the email addresses belonged to “U.S. persons,” while 1,782 belonged to “non-US. persons” and 5,501 were listed as “unknown” or left blank. Many of the emails appeared to involve foreigners overseas suspected of links to terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda, it said. First Look also identified email addresses for tivo other Americans on the list whose ties to a terrorist organization, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, are well known: Anwar al-Awlaki and Samir Khan, both of whom had propagandized in favor of Islamist violence and were killed by an American drone strike in Yemen in September 2011. American officials accused Mr, Awlaki of having evolved into an operational terrorist, and said he was the specific target of the strike, while Mr. Khan was a bystander. The First Look report, which suggested that anti-Muslim prejudice contributed to the surveillance, also published what it said was part of a 2005 training document about how to format a memo seeking permission under F.LS.A. to wiretap someone. In the example, it used the fake name “Mohammed Raghead.” Asked to respond, Vanee Vines, an N.S.A. spokeswoman, said: “N.S.A. has not and would not approve official ‘raining documents that include insulting or inflammatory language. Any use of racial or ethnic stereotypes, slurs, or other similar language by employees is both unacceptable arid inconsistent with N.S.A. policy and core values.” And Caitlin Hayden, a National Security Council spokeswoman, said, “The administration takes all such allegations extremely seriously, and upon learning of this matter the White House immediately requested that the director of national intelligence undertake an assessment of intelligence community policies, training standards or directives that promote diversity and tolerance, and as necessary, make any recommendations changes or additional reforms.” ae URL: http://www look.htmlhp&action=click&pgtype-Homepage&version=HpSum&module=first-column-region®®ion=top- news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0 [1 NSA Public & Media Affai NEW***s*"*Wedia line: a ‘Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 8: \M Tof 1 ‘Subject: Re: Statement]_______] DNI is posting the statement and will send the link. From coral Sent: Wednesdav. Tuly 09 a To: NSD) fODAGIT Keer TOPAYT NSD) Ian (FBI) TAG] NSD) ‘Statement? ‘Subjer {Just heard from NBC that they decided to hold the web piece they had written and are not planning on posting it. From Sent: Weanesoa To! il| soa b6 BIC b6 BIC b6 prc bE b7c b6 b7c loreal spf spy ee Is) KOAG){ Will come back to you on posting| has the statement. From Sent: Z To] b6 bre F StaTaTETT Hi, Will the statement be posted? | have| asking for something... bs bre jubject: Re: Tweet Here itis: Reading now. bs pI ‘Subject: Tweet SA A promo: User Actions Follo Eyes peeled to the Intercept tonight. b6 Ic From| Sent: Tuesday, Jul 03 PM [NsDy Tol roDacy| am ] [COPAY Jopay (nsoy [een [asoyT Joac)' Fay ‘SUDJECT RET GEENA STO Okay. Will huddle with PAOs at NSC, DOJ, FBI, NSA and ODNI in a paired down chain and get back with a revised draft for the group. bs From: bre Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:59 Pw. bs Tol |nsoyl kopacyt [ Tea: t a (FBI) (OPAY| YOrpayT aa) FBI)’ ot Tmsovd aN NSD); Fe] Subject: RE: Greenwald Story From:| bé bic ‘Sent: Tuesday, Julv 08, 2014 5:54 PM. ral fwspyf opacy'f ean IOEATI rent ORG)‘ y Subject: RE: Greenwald Story Team: Ibs of rr rrT:—~—“—é~;éCtCt;é‘i‘(CS;SC Sent: EESTI aiid To! Inspy:f (ons) FBI] (FBT) |(OPA)'s JOPAY? [nsoyt Bi) Fe) f J JNSDY (AG) ay Tani ry Subject: Greenwald ps SoARTIETcorTERED: SEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED 014 BY F22UASKSD NSIC BATE From: J , 2014 4:4 SOTA Ns [ODAG) (IMD), FALLIN) Subject: jedla Inquiry: | , 6 We're OK with that. ae From] ‘opal Sent: Thutsdav. lune 19. 2077 275 PM To! lwsb) (aéD)| NSD) GQ Jor) GIMDY ‘Subject: Fw: Media Inquiry: THE THEETCEDE bé BIC From: Koray bs Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2014 03:58 PM To jopa) Ce| \cora) ‘Subject: Media Inquiry The Intercept / Reporter: Telephone; Request! L Deadline: ASAP (5pm today) iat ATON eo HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFI2 DATE 11-19-2024 BY E2muSKe5 usr ( Wednesday, July 09, 2014 6:28 AM OPAY (JMD)L 1 usps cid (ODAC a ra ns iy) NSD) (IMD) JORGYTIMDY] NSO) OMIDY] Subject: Re: Statement| DIN is posting the statement and will send the link. TH =_y—_—_——__———1_| bs EBD re | | | COPAY Ins) nsby | (Fi sD (NSDyI (rm Tory qasort OT y (OPA) | — REE SeatSTENE | just heard from NBC that they decided to hold the web piece they had written and are not planning on posting it. Hopefully a sign of the response we can expect from the majors. | From: ] bé Sent; Weonesday Iu S—20Te WS AH bre To| FBI); Fenf i jroreyy ‘Subject: RE: Statement ‘Will come back to you on postin hes the statement. —— July 05, 2014 7:55 AM “Subject SaTEMENT] Hi. Will the statement be posted? | have asking for something... From: Sent: 6 Ic 6 bic “SUBJECE REP Tweet Here it is: Reading now. From; ‘Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 08:16 PM Tof ject: Tweet SA be Ic A promo: User Actions Follow bs bic Eyes peeled to the Intercept tonight. 1 Fey OP, Troray (FBIy FBI) [ns0) (oAG’ NSDIT Teiy ‘Subject: RE: Greanwald Story Okay. Will huddle with PAOs at NSC, DOJ, FBI, NSA and ODNI in a paired down chain and get back with a revised draft for bs the group. bre BS From: Sent: July 08, 2014 5:59 PM. Tod t's if Lopaci a et rand (OPAL TORATA NSD): lean mH Inspy: (ons) nso Tray ‘Subjects RE: Greenwald Story (opaGysl h (OPA; KOPAY} wi ‘Subject: RE: Greenwald Story I} anf 3 b7c Team: From: Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 5:43 PM Te 7 (Fer); (NSD); (FB) (OPA)| KOPAy! TNL [auspy: IAG) FED Subject: Greenwald Story BS b6 bic bs BS bs KNSD) CIMDY "ABC on Intercept Subject: _ Feds Spied on Prominent Muslim-Americans, _ Report Claims By JAIIES GORDON MEEK, BRIAN ROSS and RHONDA SCHWARTZ 4 minutes ago Good Morning America O shares ‘View photo | Feds Spied on Prominent Muslim-Americans, Report Claims (ABC News) A new report based on NSA documents taken by Edward Snowden has revealed the names of prominent American Muslims whose emails it claims were monitored by the FBI and the NSA for years — the most specific allegation yet of the U.S. government's domestic spying and one that officials said could compromise ongoing operations, ‘The report, published overnight by Glenn Greenwald at the fledgling news outlet The Intercept, identifies five of some 202 “U.S. Persons” listed in NSA documents whose emails were allegedly swept up over a six-year period ending in 2008: Nihad Awad, Executive Director of CAIR, the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the country; Faisal Gill, who served with the Department of Homeland Security and ran for public office in Virginia as a Republican; Asim Ghafoor, a defense attorney who has taken on terrorism-related cases; Hooshang Amirahmadi, an international relations professor at Rutgers University; and Agha Saeed, a former political science professor at California State University and National Chairman of the American Muslim Alliance. “There is absolutely no question in my mind that the reason I was being surveilled is because I am a Muslim, ‘There is nothing in my background. I have always carried a security clearance," Gill told ABC News in an interview broadcast today on "Good Morning America", The disclosure by The Intercept of Americans allegedly once spied on secretly, and possibly under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, is unprecedented, according to some officials in national security positions who say they urged Greenwald not to use the names of any individuals because it could compromise ongoing operations or wrongly implicate the people cited. Alll five named by Greenwald have denied involvement in terrorism and none have ever been charged with any terrorism-related crimes. ‘The new disclosures raise a host of questions -- namely why these individuals’ emails were collected by U.S. spies inside the homeland in the first place, given the layers of legal review such intelligence warrants undergo. Current and former officials said the Attorney General and the FBI director would have been personally involved in overseeing any FISA warrant targeting the leader of a civil rights group such as the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is protected by the First Amendment speech protections of the Constitution. In his potentially explosive story, Greenwald admits he only has a list of thousands of email addresses which may have been targets of intelligence collection, adding that because other files he does not possess are still classified, "itis impossible to know why their emails were monitored, or the extent of the surveillance," “Itis also unclear under what legal authority it was conducted,” Greenwald writes. Any spying inside the U.S. linked to terrorism or espionage must be approved with a warrant from the super- secret federal court that oversees classified FISA surveillance and clandestine FBI searches, In June last year, with Greenwald's help, Snowden leaked the first known copy of a FISA court order since the court's inception 35 years ago. Greenwald also concedes in his online article that The Intercepts reporters and editors do not know "what, if anything, authorities found that permitted them to continue spying on the men for prolonged periods of time," but said the five shared a "Muslim heritage." "It is entirely false that U.S. intelligence agencies conduct electronic surveillance of political, religious or activist figures solely because they disagree with public policies or criticize the government, or for exercising 2 constitutional rights," said a joint statement by the Department of Justice and Office of the Director of National Intelligence Tuesday night. ‘While the reasons for surveillance aren't known, some of the men named had public associations that may have raised questions. Gill, for instance, once worked as a consultant for the American Muslim Council, which was founded by Abdulrahman Alamoudi, a man who pleaded guilty in 2004 to charges related to his “activities... with nations and organizations that have ties to terrorism.” Gill was investigated for this connection twice by the DHS and was cleared both times, The Intercept reported, yet the surveillance continued, A senior government official said without knowing the underlying probable cause presented to a federal judge from the FISA court in each case, Greenwald and The Intercept cannot know why the e-mails of the purported targets were collected. As a result, the official said, Greenwald and Snowden cannot know whether the surveillance revealed evidence or intelligence in each case that was incriminating or exculpatory ~- or whether some targets later cooperated with the FBL. Several officials said it was “irresponsible” to name individuals as surveillance targets when no public court record exists. The identified targets could be guilty or innocent or even cooperating with the government, the officials said "You don't know if somebody was later approached to become an informant," the senior official said, "To the extent any of these people were targets, [The Intercept report] is a serious compromise. And if they weren't targets, they shouldn't be named.” The Intercept said many of the emails on the spreadsheet titled “EISA Recap," which they said Snowden provided, “appear to belong to foreigners whom the government believes are linked to al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.” But the report says their three-month investigation showed that “in practice, the system for authorizing NSA surveillance affords the government wide latitude in spying on U.S. citizens.” However, current and former U.S. officials told ABC News that Snowden or Greenwald may have misunderstood some of the NSA documents, which they reported are spreadsheets with 7,485 email addresses, including many among multiple accounts by individuals. “You should not assume all of the names Glenn Greenwald has were targets of surveillance," a senior official familiar with Snowden's pilfered cache told ABC News last week. A former senior official once closely involved in the FISA warrant process told ABC News that The Intercept's. reporters were repeatedly warned by him that they "were getting it wrong" in how they interpreted what the NSA spreadsheets from Snowden signified. The documents also were curiously absent of the markings secret files typically carry which denote its specific level of classification and distribution limitations. "The documents indicated to me that they were not targets," the former official said. Greenwald, who delayed his announced publication date last week by several days while seeking additional clarification from the U.S. government, reported the Department of Justice refused to comment and he was ultimately unable to determine under what legal authority the surveillance was conducted or whether the men were formally targeted under FISA warrants. “Unlike some other nations, the United States does not monitor anyone's communications in order to suppress criticism or to put people at a disadvantage based on their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation or religion,” the joint statement provided to ABC News by the government offices said. “Our intelligence agencies can 3 collect communications only when they have a legitimate foreign intelligence or counterintelligence purpose. This work is done to help protect Americans.” “Moreover, no U.S. person can be the subject of surveillance based solely on First Amendment activities, such as staging public rallies, organizing campaigns, writing critical essays or expressing personal beliefs, On the other hand, a person who the court finds is an agent of a foreign power under this rigorous standard is not exempted just because of his or her occupation,” the statement says. ‘The Intercept also reported that Snowden provided a 2005 training document that instructed “intelligence community personne!” to file memos correctly to justify a FISA warrant. “In the place where the target’s real name would go,” Greenwald writes, “the memo offers a fake name as a placeholder: ‘Mohammad Raghead.”” Another senior government official, who is not authorized to speak to the press, told ABC News that the offensive document was produced by a low-level "knucklehead" who only shared it with a few fellow government or military employees, not thousands of intelligence workers. Vanee Vines, a spokesperson for the NSA, told ABC News that while the agency would not comment on the “authenticity of any allegedly leaked material,” the NSA “has not and would not approve official training documents that include insulting or inflammatory language.” “Any use of racial or ethical stereotypes, slurs or other similar language by employees is both unacceptable and inconsistent with NSA policy and core values,” Vines said. ABC News’ Rym Momtaz and Lee Ferran contributed to this report. ve bre NSA Public Affairs Persona: | —__ — PAO Office’ AuY [gar TmroRMATIoF ‘coma’ HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED arm 11-15-2014 By Ezauaexan m6 BIC Monday, October 27, 2074 5:51 PM FW ABC on Intercept Here is the only record | have that contains the words “Mohammed Raghead” FBI National Press Office FBIHQ- Washington D.C. Office of Public Affairs jesk fell be From| ee Ic Te ws0. aMol (ODAG) Tossa Insound NSD) NSD)OMD) NSDLAMD); — oMoyd KNSD) (MD) ‘Subject: ABC on Intercept Feds Spied on Prominent Muslim-Americans, Report Claims By JAMES GORDON MEEK, BRIAN ROSS and RHONDA SCHWARTZ 4 minutes ago Good Morning America O shares View photo Feds Spied on Prominent Muslim-Americans, Report Claims (ABC News) A new report based on NSA documents taken by Edward Snowden has revealed the names of prominent American Muslims whose emails it claims were monitored by the FBI and the NSA for years — the most specific allegation yet of the U.S. government's domestic spying and one that officials said could compromise ongoing operations. The report, published overnight by Glenn Greenwald at the fledgling news outlet The Intercept. of some 202 “U.S. Persons” listed in NSA documents whose emails were allegedly swept up over a si period ending in 2008: Nihad Awad, Executive Director of CAIR, the largest Muslim civil rights organization in the country: Faisal Gill, who served with the Department of Homeland Security and ran for public office in Virginia as a Republican; Asim Ghafoor, a defense attorney who has taken on terrorism-related cases: Hooshang Amirahmadi, an international relations professor at Rutgers University; and Agha Saeed, a former political seience professor at California State University and National Chairman of the American Muslim Alliance. "There is absolutely no question in my mind that the reason I was being surveilled is because I am a Muslim. ‘There is nothing in my background. | have always carried a security clearance." Gill told ABC News in an interview broadcast today on "Good Morning America” The disclosure by The Intercept of Americans allegedly once spied on secretly, and possibly under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance inprecedented, according to some officials in national security positions who say they urged Greenwald not to use the names of any individuals because it could compromise ongoing operations or wrongly implicate the people cited. All five named by Greenwald have denied involvement in terrorism and none have ever been charged with any terrorism-related crimes. The new disclosures raise a host of questions -- namely why these individuals’ emails were collected by U.S. spies inside the homeland in the first place, given the layers of legal review such intelligence warrants undergo. Current and former officials said the Attorney General and the FBI director would have been personally involved in overseeing any FISA warrant targeting the leader of a civil rights group such as the Couneil on American-Islamic Relations, which is protected by the First Amendment speech protections of the Constitution. In his potentially explosive story, Greenwald admits he only has a list of thousands of email addresses which may have been targets of intelligence collection, adding that because other files he does not possess are still classified, "it is impossible to know why their emails were monitored, or the extent of the surveillance." “Itis also unclear under what legal authority it was conducted,” Greenwald writes. Any spying inside the U.S. linked to terrorism or espionage must be approved with a warrant from the supe secret federal court that oversees classified FISA surveillance and clandestine FBI searches. In June last year, with Greenwald's help, Snowden leaked the first known copy of a FISA court order since the court’s inception 35 years ago. Greenwald also concedes in his online article that The Intercept's reporters and editors do not know "what, anything, authorities found that permitted them to continue spying on the men for prolonged periods of time," but said the five shared a "Muslim heritage." "Its entirely false that U.S. intelligence agencies conduct electronic surveillance of political, religious or activist figures solely because they disagree with public policies or criticize the government, or for exercising constitutional rights," said a joint statement by the Department of Justice and Office of the Director of National Intelligence Tuesday night. While the reasons for surveillance aren't known, some of the men named had public associations that may have raised questions. Gill, for instance, once worked as a consultant for the American Muslim Council, which was founded by Abdulrahman Alamoudi, a man who pleaded guilty in 2004 to charges related to his “activities with nations and organizations that have ties to terrorism.” Gill was investigated for this connection twice by the DHS and was cleared both times, The Intercept reported, yet the surveillance continued. A senior government official said without knowing the underlying probable cause presented to a federal judge from the FISA court in each case, Greenwald and The Intercept cannot know why the e-mails of the purported targets were collected. As a result, the official said, Greenwald and Snowden cannot know whether the surveillance revealed evidence or intelligence in each case that was incriminating or exculpatory -- or whether some targets later cooperated with the FBI. Several officials said it was “irresponsible” to name individuals as surveillance targets when no public court record exists. The identified targets could be guilty or innocent or even cooperating with the government, the officials said. "You don't know if somebody was later approached to become an informant,” the senior official said, "To the extent any of these people were targets, [The Intercept report] is a serious compromise, And if they weren't targets, they shouldn't be named." The Intercept said many of the emails on the spreadsheet titled “FISA Recap," which they said Snowden provided, “appear to belong to foreigners whom the government believes are linked to al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah.” But the report says their three-month investigation showed that “in practice, the system for authorizing NSA surveillance affords the government wide latitude in spying on U.S. citizens.” However, current and former U.S. officials told ABC News that Snowden or Greenwald may have misunderstood some of the NSA documents, which they reported are spreadsheets with 7,485 email addresses, including many among multiple accounts by individuals "You should not assume all of the names Glenn Greenwald has were targets of surveillance, familiar with Snowden’s pilfered cache told ABC News last week senior official A former senior official once closely involved in the FISA warrant process told ABC News that The Intercept's reporters were repeatedly warned by him that they "were getting it wrong" in how they interpreted what the NSA spreadsheets from Snowden signified. The documents also were curiously absent of the markings secret files typically carry which denote its specific level of classification and distribution limitations, "The documents indicated to me that they were not targets," the former official said, Greenwald, who delayed his announced publication date last week by several days while seeking additional clarification from the U.S. government, reported the Department of Justice refused to comment and he was ultimately unable to determine under what legal authority the surveillance was conducted or whether the men were formally targeted under FISA warrants, “Unlike some other nations, the United States does not monitor anyone's communications in order to suppress criticism or to put people at a disadvantage based on their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation or religion,” the joint statement provided to ABC News by the government offices said. “Our intelligence agencies can collect communications only when they have a legitimate foreign intelligence or counterintelligence purpose. This work is done to help protect Americans.” “Moreover, no U.S. person can be the subject of surveillance based solely on First Amendment activities, such as staging public rallies, organizing campaigns, writing critical essays or expressing personal beliefs. On the other hand, a person who the court finds is an agent of a foreign power under this rigorous standard is not exempted just because of his or her occupation,” the statement says. The Intercept also reported that Snowden provided a 2005 training document that instructed “intelligence community personnel" to file memos correctly to justify a FISA warrant. “In the place where the target's real name would go,” Greenwald writes, “the memo offers a fake name as a placeholder: ‘Mohammad Raghead,"” Another senior government official, who is not authorized to speak to the press, told ABC News that the offensive document was produced by a low-level "knucklehead” who only shared it with a few fellow government or military employees, not thousands of intelligence workers. Vanee Vines, a spokesperson for the NSA, told ABC News that while the agency would not comment on the “authenticity of any allegedly leaked material,” the NSA “has not and would not approve official training documents that include insulting or inflammatory language, “Any use of racial or ethical stereotypes, slurs or other similar language by employees is both unacceptable and inconsistent with NSA policy and core values,” Vines said. ABC News' Rym Momtaz and Lee Ferran contributed to this report. ve bé bic NSA Public Affairs Personalf Pao offi

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