Development During Industrial Experience: Kill Riting AND Oral Ommunication

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I am Goutham Premkumar, a student of Edith Cowan University pursuing a masters degree in

Engineering and my specialization is in Instrumentation, Automation and Control Engineering. I

completed my bachelors degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering from Anna
University, India. I also have a professional experience for a year as service engineer.
My cousin was working in a reputed automation corporation as an Instrumentation Engineer and
he inspired me to do a bachelors degree in instrumentation. The urge to gain more knowledge
made me to do the masters degree. I strongly believe that engineering qualification and the
educational qualification I gain from ECU will help me to get a hike in my career.


Effective communication helps other people to understand what we try to explain to them, so I
try to develop strong communication skills.
Development during industrial experience
I was really fortunate to be a part of organization where I was able to develop both technical and
communication skills. It was a part of my job to give a formal report about my findings from
examination and service or maintenance the instruments need. I also have to discuss with my
colleagues about the work.
Development during semester
For every assignment I had to do some research work before doing the assignment which was a
new experience for me. There were of presentations as a part of the curriculum which really
improved my vocabulary.
Development outside the coursework
I work as a console operator at a petrol station. I had to interact with a lot of people speaking
different accents of English. It was really challenging for me to understand them in the
beginning. After few days, I got used to it and it really improved the way I communicate with
other people.

Working in team is the efficient way to complete a work. Most of the engineering work are
carried out as a team. Every engineer must have the ability to work as a team.
Development during industrial experience
I had worked in many projects as a team. When we visit an industry for a service, as an
Instrumentation Engineer, I had to work with mechanical engineers, technicians. I like to work as
a team and this helped me to learn many things about teamwork.
Development during semester
For A2 my group members suggested many ideas for the topic. I was really hard to consolidate
everyones idea. But my industrial experience helps me work as a team.

Development outside coursework

Apart from studies I took part in various group activities such as organizing functions, camps
etc., I worked as a team to make the programs successful.


Proper planning makes everything perfect. It helps us complete the work in time.
Developed during industrial experience
When we get a project from the customer we have to plan and divide the work among various
departments. Planning helps us in effective time management and completing the work in time.
Sometimes I will be handling more than two projects. So every day I needed to prioritize the
Development during semester
We have many assignments, presentations, labs and exams during the semester. I have to plan my
work and prioritize the work which needed immediate attention. This helped me finish the work
in time.
Development outside the coursework
Every shift I work have a list of duties such as cleaning, stocking and checking for expires which
I have to finish. Every time I have to prioritize and plan my work because number of customers
visiting the shop is not predicable.

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