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286 The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam 56. C. The entire breaker will be completely damaged 100 4.6 mm 13mm Land Ill only 0.8 mm True 50, 100 150V Stranded wire Glass II, Division 1 He asks to repeat and clarity the instruction 68.4. 250 69.8. steel 70.4. 204 74. A. Buried interior PC water piping system 72.4. 460 mm . 15 mm . 3,000 mm 35mm? Armored cable first aid 80 1,800 mm 200 4,300 mm 0133 1,000 mm 6.4 mm. 1. Thermal protector 100 Flat conductor cable 3.0 tle ‘warning signs and signals both A and B 20% 16 5 Note: As a rule, branch circuits suppiying continuous duty load shall be loaded only to 80% of their rating. Load=0.8(20) Load=16 A 94.8. even spacing numerous Tights 95.C, 9,100 mm 96.4. 6A 97.C. 50mm 98.8. Cablebus 99. B. shall not be 100.D. 26mm Rating: 85-100 - Topnotcher 70-84 — - Passer 50-69 Conditional 0-49 - Failed Q Structure of matter ‘+ Matter - anything that occupies space and has weight + Element ~ a substance that ‘cannot be decomposed any further by chemical action + Compound - a combination of two or more elements + Molecule - smallest particle that @ compound can be reduced to before it breaks down into its elements. . The atomic structure of an atom: ‘Atom - smallest part that an element can be reduced to and still keeping the properties of the element. ee -” Fectron_|- | 9.107 x10" “Neutron | None | 1.672 x 10" ‘The center of the atom is called nucleus. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom, Theories & Formulas Electrons are revolving around the nucleus in @ specified path called orbital shells. The number of shells {s dependent upon the total number of electrons of the atom, Orbital sheUs of an atom: K-shelt - first orbit (innermost) L-shell - second orbit "Valence electrons - electrons found in the outermost shell or orbit of an atom. + Atomic Number - represents the umber of electrons or protons of an atom. "Atomic Mass ~ represents the ‘sum of protons and neutrons of an atom, Copper [29 | 29 | 34 ‘Aumioum [13 | 13] 34 Classification of materials according to conductivity: + Conductor - has 3 or less valence electrons 288 __ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam. + Semi-conductor - has exactly 4 valence electrons + Insulator ~ has 5 or more valence electrons : 2 A body is said to be charge, It it has elther an excess or deficit of electrons from its normal values due to sharing. Coulomb (C) is the unit of electric charge which is equivalent to 6.25 x 10 electrons or protons. Any charge has the capability of doing work of moving another charge either by attraction or repulsion. Example, assume 1 C of charge can moved 3 electrons. Come [ a oo 6 electrons will be attracted by the +2 C plate and 3 electrons will be aitracted by the +1 C plate, making @ resultant motion of 3 electrons going towards the +2 C plate ‘The net number of electrons moved in the direction of the positive charge plate depends upon the potential difference between the two charges. + Volt (V)~ unit of potential difference which Is equal to one joule of work done per one. coulomb of charge. where: E = potential difference (volt) W = work done (joule) Q = charge (coulomb) Q_ When 2 potential difference between two charges forces a third charge to move, the charge in motion Is called an electric current. eel © Ampere (A) - unit of charge flow equal to one coulomb of ccharge past a given point in ‘one second. vg where: I= current (ampere) Q =charge (coulomb) t= time (second) The fact that a wire carrying @ ‘current can become hot, It is evident that the work done by the applied force in producing the current must be ‘accomplished against some ‘opposition called resistance. * The resistance of a wire varies directly as its length and Inversely to its cross sectional area. L n-o() where: R » resistance (ohm) p= resistivity (ohm-CM/ft) L = length (ft) ‘A= cross sectional area (CM) ‘Theories & Formul Circular mils (CM) - area of @ circle having a diameter of one mil. Aaa? where: A= cross sectional area (CM) d = diameter (mils) Note: 2 Inch = 1,000 mits 2. MCM = 1,000 CH Experiments have shown that ‘the resistance of all wires generally used in practice in electrical systems, increases as the temperature increases. where: Ry = resistance at temperature 1 Rp = resistance at temperature 2 of a given material is zero. Silver. 9 24: Cot 10.37 | 234.5 ‘Aluminum |_47 236 ‘Tungsten | __33 202 Zinc 36. 250 Nickel a7. 147 Common types of resistors: + Wire wound resistor - a specal type of wire called resistance wire fe wrapped round an insulating core. its wattage ratings are avaiable from 5 watts or more. + Carbon composition resistor = this resistor Is made from finely divided carbon mixed with a.powdered insulating material as a binder. Its wattage ratings are available are 1/8 to 2 watts. Resistor color code 1 io Joloo}sforfn| > |uo}ro)[o> + Tolerance - the amount in percent by which the actual resistance can be different from the color coded value. 290 __ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam ‘Theories & Formulas _291. = Electrical power - rate of + Total voltage is equal tothe sum Wihatis the resistance of a carbon Te big ig Sees Set of the voltage drop across each ~ resistor withthe following color ey resistance In the circu. b eelePePRap= = 4 Bands, brown, black, orange and PectoperRop== eee re Total volage sequal to the : resistance in the Setong digit <0 (lock) Pe eiciia powar (ot) thelial Jed = second dig = 0 (bk ‘electrical power (w yee ee amiieao Cee ae) Corent in each resistance nthe BoB 628 Tolerance = 35% T= current (ampere) : R = resistance (ohm) peg + Total current is equal tothe “Thus, Its ohmic value is 10 x 20° or Rehoh-h of the currents ineach 10,000 ohma 15% Other practical units of power: fence Tie Tee @ Conductance (6) is a mea 1 horsepower (Hp)=746 watts Oe eng eecaen inductance sure wer (HP) = stors connected hth. Serene: eae ese (Wom nwo restos co helt tat Conduct electric current. 1 megawatt (MW) =1,000,000 watts a Current Division Theorem ar 2 Kilowatt-hour (kW-hr) ~ unit " (COT) in two resistors connected in which electrical energy is sold i eee to a customer. conductance (mho or siemens) ee REE & resistance (ohm) wert it Ohm's Law states that the where: ee |p Re current flowing in an electric W = energy consumption (kW-hr) = | } ircult is directly proportional to =power drawn (kW) ; ih b the impressed emt applied to the = time of usage (hour) eke : aokegivenyGie 6 Bat on BR equivalent resstance ofthe sald. Serles cireult- the load z eRe FF ut. resistances are connected en : ao (E 2. Parallel circuit - the load hog one ys resistances are connected across ane oe 1 Series-paraltel circuit - a Rk A ‘combinational cireult which when & i ‘Simplified will result into a series t circuit, tes page L ae [age lage B b + Total resistance is equal to the Ci ‘sum of the individuat resistance + Total resistance is equal to the eam Connected inthe circuit, reciprocal of the sum of the 2° impressed votage (vot) 12 current crawn (ampere fe ostance Conny Ry eRitRy tact, reciprocals of the individual resistance connected in the circuit. Re =r, + Raha +R; 292__The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam 2 Paraltel-series circuit - 2 combinational circuit which wnen simplified wall result into & ‘parallel circuit. pnPtr) 5 Ry HRD #RS) @ Delta and wye connected resistances where: Ry, Rr, Re = wye-connected resistors Ry, Re, Re = delta-connected resistors ‘= Conversion from delta connected to wye connected: +! Conversion from wye connected {to delta connected: Rap = PaRrtReRe + Rae 5 ie nyc et pe BiB tRaRe Pa Ry = Conversion for identical | resistances connected delta or wye! P Ry=3Ry Celtis a single unit for electrolysis (process of converting chemical energy to electrical energy). Classification of celts: = Primary cell ~This type of cell ‘cannot be recharged. After it hhas delivered its sated capacity, the cell must be discarded. =» Secondary cell - This type of ‘cell can be recharged due to its chemical action can be reversed. Carbon | 1.5 | Primary Zine zinc | 15 | Primary chloride Manganese | 1.5 | Primary or ain. Secondary | Mercury- | 1.35 | Primary oxige Siver- | 15 | Primer ‘oxide oy: Cithium —[~3.0_ | Primary Lead-acid_| 2.0 | Secondary Nickel | 41.25 | Secondary cadmium jWickel-iron | 1.2 | Silver-zine [1.5 | Secondary Siver- | 1.1 | Secondary cadmium Classification of cells according to type of chemicals used: + Wet cell - uses liquid chemicals + Dry cell - contains @ chemical paste ‘Sizes for popular types of dry cells: D | 2min — c|1%in | Lin AA_| 17/8 in | 9/16in Aaa | 1% in | 3/80 Cells are connected in series in order to have a high voltage output. = “Theories & Formut __293 2 Celis are connected in parallel ia ber so have’ a high citrent a td tl te] te ‘Ty I a 7 le a caer adeciers See tiie ore ene ee eis eee Waanawr sae insulating medium called dielectric. (ened a where: C= capacitance (Farad) ‘A = area (size) of the plate (m*) d = alstance between plates (m) 2s = permittivity of free space = 8.854 x 107 F/m = dlelectric constant ‘Ar Glass | 4, ica 5 iz 35 Porcelain ‘ll =o =e c Q = charge accumulated (C) C = capacitance (F) E = voltage across (E) Series connected capacitors. & ‘= Total capacitance is equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual ‘capacitance connetted in the circuit. Sth tte 1 cae + Total voltage is equal to the.sum of the voltage drops across each ‘capacitance jn the circuit. Em E+E tt, = The charges accumulated in each capacitor are equal to each other, {=A =Q=Q Parallel connected capacitors &=S GRE Gi a @ * Total capacitance is equal to the sum of the individual capacitance connected in the circuit, QE tGttG, = Total voltage Is equal to voltage drops across each capacitance in the circuit. 56-6. =6, = Total charges accumulated is equal to the sum of the charges stored in each capacitor in the circuit, A=W HAD Energy stored in a charge capacitor Leet at gent(@ Roe oie) where: W = energy stored (joule) C= capacitance (fared) E = voltage across (volt) Q = charge accumulated (coulomb) Elastance (S) is the reciproca! of capacitance. , C = capacitance (Farad) Q_ Inductor or choke coil - a two terminal device that consist of a coiled wire wound in common ‘core or in free air. ¢ = mean length of magnetic path ‘Air 1 i 200, Nickel 100) 8,000 ‘Mumetal zine ferrite | 1,500 1 Seties connected inductors a Leb tl tethy Theories & Formulas __ 295 2. Paraitel connected inductors — a ‘a septate Goa Energy stored in an inductor carrying a current: uae u es u weit W = energy (Joule) L = inductance (henry) I= current (ampere) The fundamental sinusoidal AC wave equation. ¥(8)= Aq sin ® VI) = Ap sin we we 2st where: Y = instantaneous value of the wave ‘An = maximum or peak value ‘angle of rotation (degree) f= time (second) w = angular velocity of the wave (radian/second) frequency (hertz) Period (7) of an alternating wave is the time needed in ‘seconds to produced one cycle 1 pertod (second) = frequency (Hz) Wavelength (2) Is the length of the alternating wave for one ‘complete cycle. x, Me AOE, jt where: 2= wavelength (m) Ve = velocity of ight (3 x 10° m/s) = frequency (Hz) Average value of an AC wave = the arithmetical average or mean of all the values of an alternating quantity teken over one half of the cycle. the AVE} AVE =0.636A,, Q_ RMS (root-mesn square) value of an AC wave Is defined as the square root of the average of the squares of the given quantity taken over @ complete period. RMS =0.707Ay Phase relation among waves: = In-phase waves - waves that ‘occur at the same time = Qut-of phase waves - waves that do not occur at the same time @ Reactance - property of an Inductor or a capacitor to oppose current flow in a given circuit X= 2nft Nb Bie where: X.= inductive reactance (ohm) X< = capacitive reactance (ohm) = frequency (Hz) C= capacitance (fared) = inductance (henry) Impedance (2) - the joint effect of combining resistance ‘and reactance in an AC circuit, x I —e © AC source = (RHR KP ef z where: (2 = impedance (ohm) E = supply voltage (volt) I = current drawn (ampere) Active, Reactive and Apparent powers drawn by an AC circult, PeElcos® Q=EIsing See where: P = active or real power (watt) Q = reactive power (var) $= apparent power (volt-ampere) 0s 0 = power factor Triangular relationship between the active, reactive and apparent powers, sPaG -g cos o= ot = 2 Theories & Formules _297 Types of power factor: + Unity pf - the voltage and current are in phase Examples of unity pfloads: resistive loads such as incandescent lamps, clectrc fat rons, water henters, ete * Lagging pf - the current lags the voltage by an acute angle o. Examples of lagging pfloads inductive loads such s electric motors, Auorescentlamps, door bells, electric fans, television set air-conditioning unit ete Cloads with a winding ora coll ont. Leading pf - the current leads the voltage by an acute angle 8. Examples of leading pfloads capacive lods suchas synchronous motors Admittance (¥) is the reciprocal of impedance eb one where: Y = admittance (mho or siemens) Z = impedance (ohm) GQ Resonance - a circuit phenomenon wherein the circult ower factor is unity. barr where: {fr = resonant frequency(hertz) = Inductance (henry) C= capacitance (farad) 298 _ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam Q Voltage and current relationship In a three-phase balanced system. = Wye-connected system = Vi = line to tine voltage Vp = line to ground voltage or phase voltage I= line current Ip = phase current + Delta-connected system > b fh 4 RG oh= Sh 1 Thvee-phase power formulas P= 3Eplp cos 0 = V3E,), cos Q=3Eph, sin 0 = V3E,), sin S=3E pp = EL, 2 Approximate neutral current in a three 4-wire system ye [OOF ala) (aly) - (ph) where: Iy = neutral current L, Izand Is = currents in the three lines conductors 2 Two-wattmeter method of measuring three-phase power. Procedure: ‘Connect the current colls of the two wattmeters in each of the two lines while the potential coils are connected to these two lines and to the third line (common point). ‘sing line 1 as the common potential terminal using line 2 as the common potential terminal a 7 a m Ba + sing line 3 as the common potential terminal a Wi a We a Pas = Wi + We where: Wi, We = wattmeter readings 2 Classification of tools a. Hand tools are tools ‘operated by our hands without the need of ‘electricity to operate it. Examples: Screw drivers, Electrician’ pliers, Hacksaw, etc, b. Machine tool are tools ‘operated by our hands with electricity to o te ed ‘ Examples: Elect dul, Soldering gun, Electrie pipe cutter, ete rate Theories & Formulas 299. ‘C-clamp — used in holding objects togethier while they are being assembled Center punch ~ used for marking metal parts Electrician's knife ~ used by ‘electricians to removed insulation of large wires or big cables. File - used to remove rough edges Gimlet ~ used to make an initial hole for wood screws Hacksaw ~ used for cutting metals. Hammer - used for striking hard objects like nails, etc. 2. Claw hammer - used for b. Ball pen hammer - used to Hickey ~ used in beniding small size pipes Micrometer ~ used to measure the dlametar of mal wires in Pipe-cutter ~ use cut small size of pipes Pipe-threader -used in threading pipes, Pipe-vise ~ used to hold down the pipe while itis being cut 300 __ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician’s Exam * Pliers - used for cutting, ‘wisting or gripping electrical ‘components, ‘a, Uneman’s pliers (Side- ‘cutting pliers) b. Long nose pliers ¢. Diagonal pliers (simply called “cutter” in the Practice) d. Mechanical pliers = Puller ~ used for pulling out (gears, bearings or bushings + Push-pull tape rule ~ a length ‘measuring tool + Reamer ~ used to cut away the rough edges inside the pipe after being cut ‘+ Screw drivers -used to turn or drive screws with slotted heads. a. Standard screw driver b. Phillips screw driver © Stub screw driver (short in tength) = Wire stripper - used in removing the insulation of small size wires, = Wrenches - used to tightened oF loosened objects 2. Adjustable wrench -size Is adjustable b. Open-end wrench - used to grip the nut only in two sides ; Box wrench - used to grip the nut in all sides 4d, Allen wrench - used for hexagonally shaped nuts e. Vise-grip wrench - used to locked on the objects and rip it f. Pipe wrench - used for ‘aripaing pipes only 2 Types of electrical measuring Instruments: + Indicating instruments - devices that indicate directly the value of the quantity being ‘measured on the scale. Examples: Voltmeter, ammeter cohmmeters et, ‘+ Integrating instruments - Examples Wehr mete, power ctor meters, ete = Recording instruments - devices that give a record of the variations of the electrical Quantity being measured over a period of time. Examples: Load-graph, sesmograph, chronograph, et. _ Ammeter shunts * used to extend the range of an ammerer —h gi aye —'| ¢ Pl Ra Tait ohhh where Ry = galvanometer coll resistance Ris = shunt resistance I= current in the shunt resistance T= current to be measured Note: ‘An ammeter is always connected in ‘series with the load. > Q Potential divider - used to extend the range of a voltmeter > Re 7% EmTg(Ry +Rye) where: Note: A voltmeter is always connected In parallel to the load whose voltage ‘across Is to be determined. Theories & Formules 302. Pre Caloriemeter ‘Clamp ammeter Dynamometer Frequency ‘Galvanometer Hydrometer | Specie gravity “Thermometer | Temperature | Wattmeter ot Q Generator is’a machine used to converts mechanical energy © electrical energy. Prime mover is a machine that drives the generator 302 The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician’s Exam Main parts of a de generator * Yoke or Frame - It is cylindrical in form to which an even umber of poles are bolted. It is either made from cast iron or cast ste! + Armature core and winding - tthe core is cylindrical in form made from sheet stee! laminations with slots that carry the armature windings. +, Poles and Field windings - it is used to generate magnetic lines of flux. +” Commutator - itis cylindrical in shape and consists of hard drawn copper conductors Insulated from each other. It is, also called a mechanical rectifier. = Brushes - used to connect the external load circuit load to the armature. It is made from carbon particles and are held in position by spring pressures. Types of armature windings: + Lap winding - a winding that forms a loop as it expands around the armature core. It is sultable for high current de generators. = \ow vo) = -Wave winding ~ a winding that forms a wave as It expands around the armature core. It is suitable for high voltage dc generators. =\es onrrinke 2 Number of armature current paths: = for lap winding a=mP = for wave winding 2m where: 2 = number of current paths P = number of poles ‘m = multiplicity factor 1, if simplex (one coll) = 2, if duplex (two coils) 2. Generated emf equation of a de generator e 60a where: E = generated emf (volt) P = number of poles N = speed of prime mover (rpm) Z = number of armature conductors 4 = flux per pole (weber) 2 = number of current paths Note: 1 weber = 1x 10° maxwells Q. Exciter - an external equipment used to supply voltage to the fleld windings of a generator. + Self-excited tor - the field winding is excited from its ‘own generated In the armature. + Separately-excited generator = the field winding is excited from a separate source such as a battery. Types of sett-excites de generators according to connection: ‘+ Shunt generator ~ the field and armature windings are ‘connected across each other. where: E = generated emf Vi = load voltage Rs = armature winding resistance. Ray = shunt field winding resistance I, = armature current and the armature windings are ‘connected in series. EV +1(Ry +R) ‘Theories & Formulas _303 where: Rea = series fleld winding resistance Jeg = Serles field current + Long shunt compound generator - the series field winding is connected in series with the armature winding while the shunt field winding is ‘connected across the series combination. —s — 1 Lak thy E=V +1,(Ry + Rae) + Short shunt compound jenerator ~ the series field winding Is connected in series with the load while the shunt field winding is connected across the armature winding. St 304 __The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam Tok thn E=Vt1RethRee Voltage regulation (%VR) ~ percentage rise in voltage at the terminals of a generator when the load Is removed. MyR -( 100% Va where: Vi = no-load terminal voltage Vn = fullsload terminal voltage Requirements for the parallel ‘operation of dc generators: + the same extemal characteristics, ‘or behaviors when loaded + terminal voltage of each machine must be numerically equal = terminal polarity must be the same Motor is a machine that converts erectrical energy to mechanical energy. It is the ‘opposite of a generator. Speed-torque characteristics of a de motor: The speed of a de motor is directly proportional to the back ‘emf and inversely as the flux generated per pole. of) back emf or counter emf proportional constant + The torque exerted by a de motor Is directly proportional to both the armature current drawn and the flux generated per pole. THkLo where: T = torque exerted I, = armature current ‘d= flux generdted on the poles k = proportional constant Types of de motors according to connection: ‘+ Shunt motor - the field and armature windings are ‘connected in parallel across the supply voltage. This machine is used where almost a constant speed is required. Examples, in lathe machines, wood working machines and other machine tools Ra = armature winding resistance Rin = shunt fleld winding resistance Jy = armature current Jey = Shunt field current ‘current drawn from supply ‘supply voltage. This machine Is used where (a) the load suddenly comes and goes after ‘Some time (b) where constant speed Is not essential. Examples, n punching machines, Preses, power hammers, iting machines, e. eee *@s Rel BV -T(Ry + Ree) Long shunt compound motor = the series field winding is connected in series with the armature winding and connected in parallel with the shunt field winding. Tel, thy Ey= Ver Ty(Ry + Ree) ‘Theories & Formulas _ 305 ‘Short shunt compound motor = the series feld winding is connected in series with the ‘supply voltage while the shunt field winding is connected across the armature winding, Differential compound motor ~ the serfes field winding fs so. that the flux: produced by it opposes thet of the flux produced by the shunt feld winding ‘Cumulative compound motor = the series field winding Is so ‘connected so that the: produced by it aids or assists the flux produced by the shunt field winding. ‘Speed regulation (%NR) - percentage rise in speed when load is removed SwNR = (Cheeta 100% 306. The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam Q DC motor starting - at starting, the motor draws a high ‘armature current. The reason of this high starting current is the back emf, since at starting Its value Is zero. To reduce the starting current, a starting resistor (rheostat) is connected in Series with the armature windings. Aen, Tystan where: R = resistance of starting resistor Ry = armature winding resistance Jutsu) = armature current at starting Vi = supply voltage 2 Motor reversion - the direction of rotation of a DC motor is reversed by any of the following methods + interchange the terminals of the amature windings ‘+ interchange the terminals of the field windings Q Speed control - the speed of a dc motor can be controlled by varying the resistance of a rheostat connected in series to any of the following: + a rheostat in series with the armature wiridings + a rheostat in series with the field ‘windings (common method) + a theostat in series with the supply terminals, Q Power rating of a de motor is the maximum safest mechanical Power it can deliver to the load. 2nNT * where: P = mechanical power (hp) speed of the motor (rom) torque exerted by the motor constant 44,760 If Tis in newton-meter = 33,000 If Tis in pound-foot Standard HP rating of de motors: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4, 1, 1 Ye, 2, 3, 5,7 Ya, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200 Alternator - an alternating ‘current generator. The working principle Is exactly the same as that of a dc generator. However in alternators it is the field which is made to rotate while the armature is kept stationary. @_ Relation between speed, number poles and frequency of the generated emt: P = number of poles T= frequency (Hz) Types of alternator as to number of phases: Single-phase alternator ~ there is only one winding used, Re ‘Three phase alternator - there are three separate windings used. ‘Theories & Formulas 307 where: Ep = generated voltage per winding (rr per phase voltage E.= line to line voltage or voltage ‘measured between any two line conductors of the alternator Tests on alternators: + Resistance test - use to evaluate the resistance of the windings per phase Test procedures: 1. Stop the machine from running ‘and disconnect all loads 2. Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistence between any two ines. 308 __ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam where: Ry = de armature resistance per phase Ry = measured resistante in any two terminals of the alternator ‘+ No load test or Open circuit test ‘Test procedures: 1. Connect a rheostat and a DC ammeter in series with the fleld winding. 2. Run the machine at synchronous speed: 3, Measure the voltage’across any two lines of the generator using ‘an AC voltmeter. dust the rheostat resistance so that the AC voltmeter will read ‘approximately equal to the rated line to line voltage of the alternator. where: Exe = voltage generated per phase the test V = line to line voltage as measured by the voltmeter + Short circuit test Test procedures: 2. Connect a cheostat and a DC ammeter in series with the field winding. 2, Connect three AC ammeters in wye connection to the armature terminals. 3. Run the alternator at synchronous speed and slowly adjust the rheostat so that the DC ammeter will read the field Current used in the open circuit test. 4. Record the average reading of the three ammeters. where: Jue = short cfreuit current carried by each winding verage line current as ‘measured by the three ‘ammeters 1 The purpose of the open and short circult tests is to evaluate the synchronous Impedance and synchronous reactance of the ‘alternator per phase. G__ Requirements for parallel operation of aiternators: » operating frequency must be equal = tine to tine voltage must be equal = phase cequence must be the same Transformer - a static device by which electrical energy is being transferred from one alterfating current circutt to without @ change in frequency. Theories & Formulas__ 309 Main parts of a transformer: 2. Primary winding - the ‘winding which is receiving ower from the source. bv, Secondary winding - the winding which is supplying power to the load. ¢. Core ~ pait which serves as the medium for magnetic flux (Classifications of transformers: ‘According to the core used 1. Core type transformer 2. Shell type transformer, ete 1. Distribution type transformer 2. Instrument type transformer 3. Power transformer 4. Welding transformer 5. Rectifier transformer 6. Regulating transformer 7. Ughting transformer, etc According to voltage transformation 1, Step-up transformer (iow to high) 2. Step-down transformer {high to low) 320__The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's 2 Ideal transformation ratios: SM Ne Tests on transformers: + No load test or Open circuit test - use to determine the iron * loss or core loss of the transformer. ‘Test procedures: 1. Connect a voltmeter and a ‘wattmeter at the low voltage side of the transformer. 2. Supply the low voltage side with its rated voltage, Use the reading of the voltmeter to ccheck the magnitude of this voltage 3. Record the reading of the wattmeter. Note: The reading of the wattmeter during the test is equal to the core losses. + Short circuit test - use to determine the copper loss, equivalent resistance and impedance of the transformer. Test procedures: 1. Connect an ammeter, a voltmeter and a wattmeter in the high voltage side of the transformer. 2. Supply the high voltage side with a variable ac source while the low voltage side is short- creuited. 3. The variable ac source Is varied ‘until the ammeter will read approximately the rated high side current. 4, Record the readings of the ammeter, voltmeter and the wattmeter. Note: The reading of the wattmeter during the test is equal to the copper losses of the transformer at rated load. G_ The purpose of the open and short circult tests is to evaluate the synchronous impedance and synchronous reactance of the alternator per phase. ®, eee °F 2,08 he xn VRe Re where Pec = wattmeter reading during the short Craut test x = volumeter reading during the short test Je = ammeter rexding during the short test Re = equivalent resistance referred to the ‘igh side .2.= equivalent impedence referred to the ‘igh side X= equivalent reactance referred to the ‘oh side + Polarity test Note: The correct polarity of the terminals of a transformer is needed during parallel operation of transformers and when several transformers are to be banked for three phase applications. ‘The polarity can be determined using any of the following ways: * Noting the manner in which the terminals are marked. ‘+ Perform a simple voltmeter test by impressing the high voltage side with a voltage smaller than its rating. 32a Indications: If the voltmeter reading (V) is greater than the supply voltage (E3), Polarity is additive while If its reading Is smaller than the supply voltage, the polarity Is subtractive. 2 Paraile! operation of transformers Requirements: 1. voltage ratio must be the same 2. transformers must be properly ‘connectéd as to polarity 3. the ratio of the equivalent resistance to reactance of all transformers should be the transformer with only one winding common to both primary and secondary windings. 342___ The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exar Q._ Instrument transformers - Used In conjunction with an ammeter or a voltmeter to measure relatively large values (of current or voltage. + Current transformer (CT) - the primary terminals 's ‘connected in series to the line in ‘which the current flowing through it Is to be measured while an amimeter of suitable ange Is connected across the secondary terminal + Potential transformer (PT) - the primary terminals Is ‘connected across the high voltage line in which the voltage across It is to be measured while ‘a voltmeter of sultable range Is ‘connected across the secondary terminals. Types of three-phase transformer bankings: + ¥-¥ connection - has the advantage being all the transformer windings are subjected only to the fine to line voltage divided by square root of 3. TR Mi V3Vn € Mia ~V3Vi2 lath laste ‘-A connection - used for moderate voltages, large current operations. Ae Ma Vn Ma Mee Ky = V5 © he = pp 4-¥ connection - used for stepping up voltages TAO Ma Mn 2 Ma V2 Ky = Villy @ ha = Ira Y-4 connection - used for stepping down voltages Ma iv Yar Rael oka = Fil + VA (open delta) connection - Used in applications where load 1s small and the use of a closed ‘A bank is unwarranted. Also Used if one of the transformers {in @ 4: bank fails or under ‘maintenence procedures. tn MS 4 Mis Mn MaMa hath la“ Ie where: Vis lie to ine votage Vp = phase volage A= tne asrent db phase arrent 2 Comparison between an open delta bank to a closed delta: bank Sytene * VS ranatormer Sa-tant = 3Sranstormer Sv-tane 57-73% Of Syren where: * Srecetemar = KVA rating of each wansformers ‘Theories & Formulas __313 Q Standard kVA rating of ‘single-phase transformers: 1,1.%, 2, 3, 5,7 VY, 10, 15, 20, 25,.30, 37 %, 50, 78, 100, 150, 167, 200, 250, 333 and 500 ‘Standard kVA rating of three- hese transtormers: 3,6, 9, 15, 20, 25, 30, 37 ¥s, 45, 50, 60, 75, 100,112 ¥2, 150, 200, 225, 300, 400, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 O ACmotors ‘Types of rotor as to construction: ‘Squirrel cage type - the rotor ‘consist of aluminum bars located in slots in the iron core and ‘connected to one another by ‘ieans of heavy cast aluminum ‘ings located on both ends of the core, ‘Wound rotor type - tne rotor has windings that are connected to a commutator. Capacitor motors ~ a single- phase induction motor that uses 2 squirrel cage rotor and a stator ‘that has two windings ¢alled the ‘main or run windings and the start or auxiliary windings, The direction of rotation is reversed ‘by interchanging tite connéction to the start or to the run 3. end plays or brackets 4. centrifugal device 5. stationary switch 6. one or more capacitors 314 __The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician’s Exam Q. Capacitor-start motor - an electrolytic capacitor Is inserted in the start windings. The motor Is equipped with a centrifugal switch that disconnects the start winding after the rotor has accelerated to about 75% of Its rated speed. 2 Permanent-split capacitor motor ~ a capacitor motor having no centrifugal switch. Tt Uses an olled filled type capacitor instead of an electrolytic type. Q Two-value capacitor motor - a capacitor motor using different values of capacitance for the start and run windings. Q_ Repulsion-start induction motor - one of the oldest forms of single-phase induction motor and were widely used from 1930's through 1950's. The rotor has a standard de armature winding, a commutator of special design and a centrifugal mechanism for short circuiting all the commutator, bars when ‘the motor approaches its rated speed. Features: a. high starting torque b. tow strating current its capable of doing well on low voltage d. most expensive of all single phase motors 2 Universal motor - itis: basically a series de motor which is specially designed to operate on single-phase ac as well as dc supplies. The direction of rotation is reversed by interchanging the connection to the armature or to the field. ‘This motor is commonly used in portable tools such as electric drills, saws, etc and in home appliances such as blenders, mixers, vacuum eaners, etc. Features: a. high speed b. small in size Standard HP rating of single- phase AC motors: 1/6, Ye, 1/3, Ye, %, 1, 1%, 2, 3, 5,7 Ys, and 10 Q. Three-phase squirrel cage Induction motor ~ supply voltage Isa three-phase voltage. The direction of rotation Is reversed by interchanging any two tine terminals to the motor windings. Features: ‘more powerful compared to a single-phase no starting windings ‘c._not noisy, unlike single-phase motors which vibrate at a rate of ‘twice the frequency of the AC voltage supplied 4. rotor speed is slower than its synchronous speed @ Wound roter induction motor = It consists of a rotor core with three windings in place at the conducting bars oftthe squirrel ‘cage rotor. The advantage of having windings in the rotor is. that the wires can brought out through the slip rings so that resistance can be added and therefore current through the windings can be controlied, Features: variable speed capability b._ high starting torque Q Standard HP rating of three- phase induction type ‘squirrel-cage and wound- rotor type AC motors Ya, 3/4, 1, 1 Ya, 2, 3, 5, 7 Yas 10, 15, 20, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200 2 Synchronous motor - the basic parts are similar to a three-phase synchronous generator. The motor is needs @ dc voltage to excite the rotor windings, Features: ‘a, under normal condition, it runs ata constant speed b. it'can be used to improved system power factor G_ Standard HP rating of three- phase synchronous motors: 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75, 100, 125, 150, and 200 Overcurrent ~ any current in excess of the rated capacity of the equipment or the rated ampacity of the conductor. ‘Causes of overcurrent: + overload of the equipment or ‘conductors + short circuit or ground fault ‘Types of overcurrent devices: + fuse + circuit breaker (CB) Fuse ~ an overcurrent protective device with a circuit ‘opening fusible element which ‘opens (break) when there Is an overcurrent in the circutt Theories & Formulas __315 General classification: + Cartridge fuse - it is enclosed In Insulating tube. = Plug fuse ~ itis enclosed in porcelain or rubber commonly Used in various electrical ‘appliances. * Fuse wire - opened wire of iow ‘melting point commonly used in the safety power switch. Rule of thumb: Fuses will hold five (5) times their rating for diferent periods of time based on the type of fuse used, Non-time delay fuse will hold five times its rating for 1/4 to 2 seconds (Riot ideal to loads which requires more than 2 seconds to accelerate). Dual-clement time delay fuse will hold five times its rating for 10 seconds. Important ratings when choosing replacement fuses: + Voltage rating - the rating ‘must match or exceed the voltage rating of the circuit + Amperage rating - the rating ‘should match the full load ‘current rating of the equipment ‘or ampacity of conductor as closely as possible. + Interrupt capacity - the total ‘current in which the fuse can Interrupt without being damage. amechanical = switching device capable of making, carrying and breaking currents under normal or abnormal circuit conditions. Note: The name of the circuit breaker is taken from the medium. or the manner of extinguishing ‘the are produced when the circuit. breaker's contacts opened. ‘and compressed air to extinguish the arc + Air type CB - interruption ‘occurs in free air . _* Oil type CB ~ uses a special cil to extinguish the arc ‘+ Gas type CB - uses SF6 (Sulphur hexaflouride) gas to . extinguish the arc + Vacuum type CB - uses a . vacuum container Q Important ratings when choosing = replacement CB' + Rated voltage, Rated normal current ~ values used to designate It and which is related to the operating conditions of the CB + Rated breaking capacity - expressed In MVA as the product, of the rated breaking current in kilo-amperes and the corresponding rated voltage in kv. Rated frequency - frequency Of the electrical system in which the CB is to be connected. red Master Electrician's Exam blast type ce - uses dry ~~ Rated short time current - effective value of current in which the CB must carry for a stated time. This requirement is needed since the fault current which has to be cleared by another CB, may have to flow through It Advantages of a fuse over a CB: itis reliable (it can stay in position for a long period and can act whgn needed)... first cost is cheaper It does not require periodic maintenance ‘Advantages of a CB over a fuse: it can be used again after the fault has been corrected Its position (open or close) can easily be detected or viewed It can act as a switch Standard Ampere ratings of fuses and circuit breakers: 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 100, 110, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 600, 800, 41000, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000, 5000 and 6000 Switch ~ used to control (Switch-on or switch-off) the current path in a circuit. SS Duplex (two single | Sz pole on one switch plate) Triplex (three B single pote on one switch plate) Double pole Se Three pole See “Automatic door | Sue Key operated Se Master selector | Sw Remote control | Sux Switches for lamp controts: SPST (single pole single throw) switch - used to control a single or group of lamps from one location. This ‘switch has only two terminals, SPOT (single pole double throw) or Three-way switch = used to control the lamp from ‘two different locations. This switch has three terminals. 2 Poo Sw Sow Theories & Formulas 347 Four-way switch - a special type of switch used in conjunction with three-way ‘switches to control a lamp from three or more different locations. ‘This switch has four terminals. B See Sow Note: For lamp’s control from three ‘or more locations, there should always be two 3-way switches needed and the rest, are 4-way switches. for four locations, needs two 3-way switches and two ‘4-way switches Disconnect (safety power ‘switch) - 2 mechanical switching device use to isolate 2 Circuit or an equipment from the supply side. It could elther be fused or non-fused type. ‘Standard ratings of disconnects in amperes: 30, 60, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1200, 1400, 1600 ‘and 1800 Motor con‘rol system — controls the electrical eneray used to run a motor and majority of the devices used to control that energy are in the ‘motor controller. Theories & Formulas 319 318 The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam sh Theories SRS aa Q_Standord full led amperes (FLA) Standard full load amperes (FLA) Devices under mator control system; @_‘Standard ful load amperes (FLA) 2 of three-phase induction eum of single phase AC motors type squirrel-cage and = Power circuit group - these wound-rotor type AC motors Components carry the rated voltage and current needed to | 025 perate or run the motor, These | 0.166 m7 | 0:33 devices commonly includes 025 23 | 050 Gisconnecs, power conductors [0.33 36 | or wires, fuses, circuit breakers, Os 49 1 ‘magnetic contactors, rigid metal os 69 | 1s Conduits, and everioad hesters, Z é } 2 and others vs 2 | : + controtereutt group -mete =F 2 tee tetiazt] = |e components are necessary In S—[s6 [322 [30.8] 28 ' 10 sultehing power to the motor | 4 (on and off) under certain 25 80] 46_| 44 | 40 oie nase aes 10 [400 [37.5]-s5-[ 50. i 20 commonly includes stare and 35 ‘stop buttons, relays, limit ‘Souwee: Phiipplne Blecrical de, Part 1 2 Switches and other Sensors, | indicating devices (pilot lamps), @ Standard full load amperes (FLA) f 50 alarms and others. 2 of three-phase induction 60 | 77 type squirrel-cage and j aie Disconnect switch - used to ete ee | 100_| 124 Isolate the motor from the power | Hosts source. t 150 | 180 | 144 Size = 115% of FLA 200 | 240 | 192 Sore Pepin ea Coe, Pat Se eee ees where! FLA = Full Load Amperes Standard full load amperes (FLA) of a three-phase synchronous. type AC motors Example What size of disconnect shall be used in 1 ¥2 HP, 230-V single-phase motor? 53 21 63 26. 83. 33 104 42 Refer to the table for standard motor's FLA: For 1 Ys HP, 230 V, the FLAIs 10 A, 123, 49 | a2, 155, 62 | 15, 202 ‘g1_|_20, 253 tor | 25. 302 [451 | 121 | 30 ‘400 [201 [161 | 40. Size = 115% of FLA = 1.15% 10 158 Refer to the table for standard sizes, of disconnect, use 30 A (minimum standard size of disconnect) Source: PiipineEleccal Code, Pat 1 320 __The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician’s Exam Q- Standard full load amperes (FLA) of DC motors: 122 16 24 aL 38. 30, 46 GL 50. 75, 60) 901 75 iit 100 148 125 185 150 222, 200, 294 Source: Philppne Becta Code, Port 1 Power cireuit conductors - these conductors carry the full load current to the motor terminals. Size = 125% of FLA Example. Refer to previous example, what size ‘of type THW copper conductors shall be used? Size = 125% of FLA 1.25 x 10 =125A Refer to the table for standard ‘ampadty of conductors, use size 2.0 mm? THW copper whose ‘ampacty Is 15 A. 2 Allowable ampacities of insulated copper conductors rated 0 ~ 2000 V, 60°C to $0°C 30_| 90-| 110} ais [115 38400 | 125 | 130] 130 50_| 120 | 145 | 150 | 150 60_['135 [160 [170 |-170 80_|160.| 195 | 205 |"20 400 | 185 | 220 {225 [225 125 [210 | 225 | 265 | 265. 150 [240 {280 | 295 | 295 200 | 280 |~330__[ 355 |_355 250 | 315 | 375_| 400 | 400 325 | 370 | 435_| 470 | 470 400 | 405 | 485__| $15 | 515 500 | 445 | 540_| 580 | 580 ‘Source: Phippine Eeccl Code, Prt 1 2. Fuse or CB - used to protect tthe motor for overcurrent due to fauts | Size = Percentage factor of FLA ae | “squirrel cage and Sreonats mots | vant vag, } rors Sarg | ‘won- ] Time Rodeo. | 700% | 250% | time | delay | | cosesimrriov. | fore | som delay | use Gctetetaretoe. | room | 200% | fuse TOR 150% Rie ase feu cge Srecronots mao sen rorvorage, retro rer Sarin ‘No code letter. 300% =| 175% be jc Greiertsy. | Soo | sr Code letter B to E.. 250% | 175% 200% Se et iso | is ox “ATAC squirrel cage a tnd spvonee s mace Sate tomer Seno terrae hon 304 20% Nocdemter | 2som | s75% town a0 20% Nocatee — | 200% | s75% 15 Guemterrtov. | dso | tr ; Coeteterbtoe. | zoom | tm | Code letber Aa. 150% | 150% Hah ecnce 150% ‘arene Netnre hn 304 150% Nocatee | sow | s75% ore tan 04 Scure: igo alse Par Nocoseteter | 200% | 175% ae Tee} 1. Note: The size should be selected to aa the closest lower standard size, ‘sonp However as a rule, if there is no (No code letter. 150% | 150% available standard size, the next Horton 30 higher standard size shall be used. Nocofwwster’.. | sso | 150% Example: ‘Source: Pitppne Electrical Code, art 1 Refer to previous example, what size of a time delay fuse shall be used to protect the motor from overcurrent? 322___The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician's Exam 125% of FLA 1.25 x 10 1258 Referring to the table for the Setting percentage factor to be used for a time delay fuse, use 175% Size = 1.7510 = 17.58 Note: The number of overload heaters to be used is dependent on ‘types of motor and type of supply system available. ‘Therefore use 15 A (the closest lower standard size available) GQ Magnetic contactor - (tis Cora Number & basically 2 large switching relay Samer) ey designed to open or closed the Bec path of current to the motor terminals. single | 2wire, | Linelther phase | single ‘conductor, Note: Contactors are manufactured freee eee and sized using some international {PC | OF DC. sopeeas ungtounded Single | 2-wire, | Linthe phase | single ‘ungrounded Factors to consider in selecting sizes | Ror | Grane ac_| coma : De | or DC, ore conductor + voltage rating Sones i es eee Single | 3-wire, | 1 neither + horsepower rating phase | single ‘ungrounded = duty cycle ‘AC or | phase AC | conductor pc | oroc, 2 Thermal overioad retay ~ grounded used to protect the motor during neutral critical overloading periods. Two | 3-wire, two | 2, one in phase | phase AC, | each phase AC. 1 Service factor (SF) - 2 tungrounded nameplate data used to two] 3-wire, two | Zin Be Getermine whether the motor is | phase | phase AC, | ungrounded Silowed to carry overloads fora | AC | one conductors Certain period of time. conducter ‘rounded two | wire, two) 2, one per ize = inse= phase | phase Ac,” | phase n Size = 125% of FLA (if SF =1.15) Base | phase ac | phase Size =115% of FLA or conductors ngrounded (if SF=1.0 oF not written) Three [any thee [3, one in those | proce | escn phoce enamel ‘Source: Phiipne Bera Coe, Part If the motor of the previous example has a service factor of 1.15, what will be the trip setting of the overload relay to be used? Sizing the feeder conductors nd the feeder protective device supplying more than one motors: Conductor size = sum of the motors FLA + 25% of the largest motor FLA Feeder protection = largest motor protective device + sum Of FLA of the remaining motors Example: Given the FLA of the three motors as shown below, what is the size of the feeder conductors and the size of the feeder protection to be used? Motor A = 10 A Motor B ="12 A Motor C = 8A Conductor size = 10+ 12 +8 +0.25(12) 233A Refer to the table for standard conductor ampacity, use 8.0 mm? ‘THW copper conductor whose ampacity is 40 A. For the largest motor pratection (motor 8): 250% of FLA. 25x12 =30A ‘Therefore, use a 30,4 CB Feeder protection = largest protective device + summation of the other motor currents, = 3041048 =48A Therefore, use a 50 A CB Theories & Formulas 323 Basic motor contro! circult diagrams: ‘= Start-Stop push button control with 2 sealing path start Pigee t aL é ‘+ Start-Stop control from two different locations " Start a Stopt Stop2 | Note: The stop buttons are < ‘connected in series while the start buttons are connected in parallel. + Controt methods with pilot lights and alarm, Note: The buzzer is used to give an alarm in cases where the motor is experiencing an overioad. 324 The Question Bank in Registered Master Electrician’s Exam + Jop-Start-Stop push button ‘control Jogging ~ is an operation in which the motor will run when 2 pushbutton is pressed and wil ‘stop when the said pushbutton Is released. u a a Stop Jog | OL + Forward-Reverse-Stop control with electrical circuit Interlock. D_ Reduced vottage or reduced current starting - these methods are used in starting a large horsepower, large voltage and a large current rating three phase AC motors. 4 + Autotransformer starting - this method provides reduced voltage to the stator windings at start, and thus the starting current will be lower than it would have been started on rated line voltage. After a preset time, the autotransformers are removed and the motor then Continues to run at rated line voltage. ‘Star-delta starting - this method applies only to a three- phase delta connected motor ‘with all six leads, extended to the motor’s terminal box. At starting, the motor is connected ‘wye, which means that each winding carries only 58% of the supply voltage and this makes a fower current at starting instant, ‘After a preset time, the motor Is reconnected in delta and continuous to run. Part winding starting - this ‘method provides lower starting ‘current by first connecting one part of the windings across the supply voltage and after a preset time, the second part is to be connected across the first part, Primary resistance starting - this method uses a resistance of suitable current capacity. These ‘resistors are to be connected in series with each line conductors to the motor. Due to the resistance, the voltage supplied to the stator will reduced because of the voltage drop in the resistances. ‘Secondary resistance starting - this method is used to start a wound rotor induction motor. At starting a wound rotor induction motor, the stator or primary circuit is supplied with the line voltage while resistances are connected in series to the rotor or secondary circult to limit the current, 1 THumination (E) - the intensity Of tight per unit area Terms, quantities, units and conversion factor Light - the energy radiated in the form of luminous flux that produces @ sensation to the eyes. = Lumen (Im) - unit of luminous flux: + Brightness ~ the intensity of ‘sensation resulting from viewing light sources and backgrounds. + Color - defined as the quality of visual sensation which Is associated with the spectral distribution of light. = Glare ~ a strong steady dazzling Hight * Candlepower (1)- the light radiating capability of a light source candle power + Coefficient of utilization {C.u.) ~ ratio of the lumens actuslly received by a particular surface to the total lumens emitted by the luminous source. ‘This is dependent an type of lamp, type of lighting system ‘and color of the room. ._lumens received Cur" Tumens emitted Theories & Formulas 325. + Depreciation factor (D1) ~ itis the factor related cleanliness of the lamp Including the room, of lamp after recommended Iife, etc. Thumination when pit. = Svervthingts new ilumination under actual condition + Efficacy ~ ratio of luminous ‘output to the Input power In watts. lumen output Eftecacy = artage consumed ‘Average efficacy of various types of lamps: Fluorescent ‘50-80, 40= 60 60. 30 = 1007 =20 ‘Incandescent. 34-20 ‘Mercut Metal + Footcandie (fc) - unit of Illumination when foot Is taken as the untt of length. footcandle = MIST = few (12) unit of tlumination when meter is taken as the unit of length. lumens footcandle = ‘mens Note: 1 footcandle = 10.76 lux 326 __The Question Bank in Laws on illumination + The illumination.on a surface is directly proportional to the luminous intensity of the illuminating source. + The illumination on a surface is Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the illuminating source and the surface. +The illumination on a surface is directly proportional to the cosine of the angle made by the normal to the illuminated surface with the direction of the Incident flux. Lamp where: E = Illumination at 2 point ‘T= luminous intensity of the light source d = distance of the light source to ‘the point concerned. 0 = called the angle of incidence Lighting systems are classified In terms of the percentage of light that falls downward towards the work plane and the percentage of light towards the walls and cellings. direct General 30 30 diffuse ‘Semi- 40 0 Indirect Indirect 10 30 Q Electrical lighting materials: = Incandescent lamp - the most ‘commonly used lamp ‘Characteristics: 2. cost is cheaper . fast starting and small in size only about 10% of the input Power is converted to light d. Sensitive to voltage fluctuations life span is short * Fluorescent lamp - one of the ‘most commonly used lamp, ‘second only to the incandescent lamp. Characteristi a. for the same light output, it ‘consumes lesser eneray than an incandescent lamp b, pleasant light output (high efficacy) cc. Ife span is longer d. not sensitive to voltage fluctuations e. limited to Indoor usage f. noisy due to ballast hum __ Theories & Formulas 337, © Mercury temp ~ @ combination of the arc discharge basically a mercury lamp with 2 ‘characteristics of the fluorescent certain innovation of its arc lamp and the shape of an tube. incandescent lamp. Characteristics: Characteristics: 2. better coloring effect ‘2. higher lighting efficiency compared to a mercury ‘compared to incandescent tamp lamp b. efficacy is higher compared b. available in many different toa mercury lamp sizes and shapes . fe span Is shorter requires a ballast and a compared to a mercury certain warm-up period tamp before discharging full intensity 4. Ike the fluorescent lamp, it is also noisy + Sodium tamp - high intensity discharge lamp Characteristi a. small in size b. life span is longer high lumen output 4d. does not start instantly but warm-up period is shorter than that of the mercury lamp + Tungsten halogen lamp - 2 ‘special type of incandescent lamp also known as quartz lamp. Advantages over an ordinary incandescent lam 2. lighting ability (level of light output) is constant b. longer ie efficacy is higher

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