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Probability & Statistics

Homework 06
Conditional Probability

Solve each problem

1. A fair die is tossed twice. Find the probability of getting a 4, 5, or 6 on the first toss and a 1, 2, 3, or 4 on
the second toss. (R: 0.33333)

a) both will be alive. (R: 0.72)

b) neither will be alive. (R: 0.02)
c) at least one will be alive. (R: 0.98)

2. Find the probability of not getting a 7 or 11 total on

either of two tosses of a pair of fair dice. (R: 0.60494)

11. A box contains 2 red and 3 blue marbles. Find the

probability that if two marbles are drawn at random
(without replacement)

3. Two cards are drawn from a well-shuffled ordinary

deck of 52 cards. Find the probability that they are
both aces if the first card is

a) both are blue. (R: 0.30)

b) both are red. (R: 0.10)
c) one is red and one is blue. (R: 0.60)

a) replaced. (R: 0.00592)

b) not replaced. (R: 0.00452)

12. Box I contains 3 red and 5 white balls, while Box II

contains 4 red and 2 white balls. A ball is chosen at
random from the first box and placed in the second
box without observing its color. Then a ball is drawn
from the second box. Find the probability that it is
white. (R: 0.375)

4. Three ball are drawn at random from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls, and 5 blue balls. Find
the probability that they are drawn in the order red,
white, and blue if each ball is
a) replaced. (R: 0.03556)

13. If R is the event that a convict committed armed robbery and D is the event that the convict pushed dope,
state in words what probabilities are expressed by

b) not replaced. (R: 0.04396)

5. If at least one child in a family with 2 children is a
boy, what is the probability that both children are
boys? (R: 0.33333)

a) P (R|D)

b) P (D|R)

c) P (R|D)

6. Find the probability of a 4 turning up at least once

in two tosses of a fair die. (R: 0.30556)

14. In the senior year of a high school graduating class

of 100 students, 42 studied mathematics, 68 studied
psychology, 54 studied history, 22 studied both mathematics and history, 25 studied both mathematics
and psychology, 7 studied history but neither mathematics nor psychology, 10 studied all three subjects,
and 8 did not take any of the three. If a student is
selected at random, find the probability that

7. One bag contains 4 white balls and 2 black balls; another contains 3 white balls and 5 black balls. If one ball
is drawn from each bag, find the probability that
a) both are white. (R: 0.25)
b) both are black. (R: 0.20833)
c) one is white and one is black. (R: 0.54167)

a) a person enrolled in psychology takes all three

subjects. (R: 0.14706)
b) a person not taking psychology is taking both
history and mathematics. (R: 0.375)

8. Box I contains 3 red and 2 blue marbles while Box

II contains 2 red and 8 blue marbles. A fair coin is
tossed. If the coin turns up heads, a marble is chosen
from Box I; if it turns up tails, a marble is chosen
from Box II. Find the probability that a red marble
is chosen. (R: 0.40)

15. The probability that a doctor correctly diagnoses a

particular illness is 0.7. Given that the doctor makes
an incorrect diagnosis, the probability that the patient enters a law suit is 0.9. What is the probability
that the doctor makes an incorrect diagnosis and the
patient sues? (R: 0.27)

9. A box contains 5 red and 4 white marbles. Two marbles are drawn successively from the box without replacement, and it is noted that the second one is white. What is the probability that the first is also white?
(R: 0.375)

16. The probability that a married man watches a certain television show is 0.4 and the probability that
a married woman watches the show is 0.5. The probability that a man watches the show, given that his
wife does, is 0.7. Find the probability that

10. The probabilities that a husband and wife will be

alive 20 years from now are given by 0.8 and 0.9, respectively. Find the probability that in 20 years

Academia de Estadstica

Probability & Statistics

c) a vehicle entering the Luray Caverns does not

have Canadian plates or is not a camper?
(R: 0.91)

a) a married couple watches the show. (R: 0.35)

b) a wife watches the show given that her husband
does. (R: 0.875)
c) at least 1 person of a married couple will watch
the show. (R: 0.55)

19. In USA Today (Sept. 5, 1996) the results of a survey

involving the use of sleepwear while traveling were
listed as follows:

17. A random sample of 200 adults are classified below

by sex and their level of education attained.


Homework 06
Conditional Probability



If a person is picked at random from this group, find

the probability that



a) What is the probability that a traveler is a female who sleeps in the nude? (R: 0.018)

a) the person is a male, given that the person has

a secondary education. (R: 0.35897)

b) What is the probability that a traveler is male?

(R: 0.614)

b) the person does not have a college degree, given

that the person is a female. (R: 0.84821)

c) Assuming the traveler is a male, what is the probability that he sleeps in pijamas? (R: 0.166)

18. The probability that a vehicle entering the Luray Caverns has Canadian license plates is 0.12; the probability that it is a camper is 0.28; and the probability
that it is a camper with Canadian license plates is
0.09. What is the probability that

d ) What is the probability that a traveler is male if

he sleeps in pajamas or a T-shirt? (R: 0.479)
20. Find the probability of drawing 3 aces at random from
a deck of 52 ordinary cards if the cards are

a) a camper entering the Luray Caverns has Canadian license plates? (R: 0.32143)

a) replaced. (R: 0.00046)

b) a vehicle with Canadian license plates entering

the Luray Caverns is a camper? (R: 0.75)

b) no replaced. (R: 0.00018)

[1] Wackerly,D.D., Mendenhall III,W. y Scheaffer,R.L., Estadstica matem
atica con aplicaciones, sexta edici
on, Thomson, Mexico, DF, 2002.
[2] Johnson,R., Miller,I. y Freund,J., Probabilidad y estadstica para ingenieros, octava edicion, Pearson Educaci
Mexico, 2012

Academia de Estadstica

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