Non-Abelian Whole Gauge Symmetry

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ISSN 2347-3487

Non-abelian whole gauge symmetry

R. M. Doria1
Petrpolis, 25600, RJ, Brasil.

The wholeness principle is analysed for non-abelian gauge symmetry. This principle states that nature acts through
grouping. It says that physical laws should be derived from fields associations. At this work, we consider on the possibility of
introducting a non-abelian fields set {

AaI } under a common gauge parameter.

A Yang-Mills extension is studied. Taking the SU (N ) symmetry group with different potential fields rotating
under a same group, new fields strengths are developed. They express covariant entities which are granular, collective,
correlated, and not necessarily Lie algebra valued. They yield new scalars and a Lagrangian beyond Yang-Mills is obtained.
Classical equations are derived and (2 N 7) equations are developed.
A further step is on how such non-abelian whole symmetry is implemented at SU (N ) gauge group. For this, it is
studied on the algebra closure and Jacobi identities, Bianchi identities, Noether theorem, gauge fixing, BRST symmetry,
conservation laws, covariance, charges algebra. As result, one notices that it is installed at SU (N ) symmetry
independently on the number of involved fields. Given this consistency, Yang-Mills should not more be considered as the
unique Lagrangian performed from SU (N ) .
Introducting the BRST symmetry an invariant

L eff

is stablished. The BRST charge associated to the

N -potential

fields system is calculated and its nilpotency property obtained. Others conservations laws involving ghost scale, global
charges are evalued showing that this whole symmetry extension preserve the original Yang-Mills algebra. Also the ghost
number is conserved. These results imply that Yang-Mills should be understood as a pattern and not as a specific
Concluding, an extended Lagrangian can be constructed. It is possible to implement a non-abelian whole gauge
symmetry based on a fields set {


}. Its physical feature is a systemic interpretation for the physical processes.

Understand complexity from whole gauge symmetry.

color cmyk 0 0 0 1.

Beyond Yang-Mills; Systemic Gauge Symmetry; Non-Abelian Whole Gauge Model.

Council for Innovative Research

Peer Review Research Publishing System


Vol. 10, No. 3

2834 | P a g e

September 21, 2015

ISSN 2347-3487
1 Introduction
Gauge symmetry is guiding physics [1]. The physical laws search is being determined by symmetry groups. They
carry the lemma where the numbers of gauge fields should be given by the number of generators of a given group. Under
this principle Yang-Mills theories have been developed [2, 3]. Nevertheless it is possible to move beyond to this situation by
including an undefined number of potential fields rotating under a same symmetry group [4]. Different origins based on
Kaluza-Klein [5], supersymmetry [6], fibre bundle [?], -model [7] have already been studied to consider an initial set of
fields transforming under a common gauge group as

AI ' = UAIU 1

U .U 1 ,


i t

I = 1,..., N and U = e a a . The matrices t a are the group generators of SU (N ) . This matrices satisfy the
Lie algebra for SU (N ) . The index a is an internal indice and run according to the groups choice.

Eq. (1) indicates the existence of a non-abelian gauge symmetry involving different potential fields. It introduces the
meaning of wholeness through gauge symmetry. Consequently emerges a new concept for physical laws be understood. Its
whole symmetry deploys an ab initio for describing a systemic nature. For this, it constructs a fields association under a
same gauge parameter. Considering that such fields satisfy the Borschers theorem [8], one can redefine them. To get a
better transparency on symmetry, one should write the model in terms of the

{D , X i }

fields basis, where

D Dat a

is defined as

D = AI ,



D D ' = UDU 1
and where

X i X ai t a

U .U 1 ,


are potential fields

X 1 = A1 A 2 , A (N1) = A1 AN.


X i X i ' = UX iU 1 ,



i = 2,..., N . Thus the field D


works as the usual gauge field and the fields

transforming in the adjoint representation. Geometrically, the potential fields

of the higher-dimensional manifold that spontaneously compactify to

X i

M 4 B4

X i

as a kind of vctor-matter fields

can be originated from the torsion tensor



is the Minkowski space-time

and B some k -dimensional internal space. Thus the origin of the potential fields can be treated back to the vielbein,
spin-connection and potential fields of higher-dimensional gravity-matter coupled theory spontaneously compactified for an
internal space with torsion [5].
Nevertheless by definition, the physical fields are that ones which physical masses are the poles of two-point Green
functions. For this, one has to diagonalize the transverse sector by introducting a matrix

[9]. The

{D , X i }

basis is

not the physical basis. It yields an operation guaranteed by the Borschers theorem saying that physics must be
nondependent under fields reparametrizations [8]. Thus, the physical basis

D = 1I GI , X i = iI GI
and so, given the

{GI }

is obtained rotating as

matrix invertible condition



one gets

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GI GI ' = UGIU 1

gI =

I 11

U .U 1 ,


GI GaI t a . The presence of different coupling constants means on

. It is understood the notation

the possibility for coupling with different currents.

The outline of the paper is organized as follows. The methodology is first to expose the new aspect originated from
SU (N ) symmetry, and then, understand how through the gauge parameter and group generators the non-abelian
symmetry is implemented. So at section 2, the non-abelian fields set symmetry {


} is proposed through an extended

Lagrangian with respect to Yang-Mills. In section 3, from internal mechanisms one studies that this extended model is
consistent with the symmetry skeleton which antecedes the Lagrangian. In the next two sections, Bianchi and Noether
identities are derived. At section 6, the Lagrangian is divided in different pieces according to the scalars produced from
generators decomposition. In section 7 one extracts on the classical equations showing about granular and collective
space-time evolutions, covariance and with relationships beyond Lie algebra. Conserved currents are explored at section 8.
The energy-momentum tensor is expressed at section 9. On symmetries as BRST, ghost scale and global gauge
transformations, corresponding charges algebras and ghost number conservation are left for section 10. The corresponding
Slavnov-Taylor Identity is written at section 11. Concluding remarks are posted at section 12, saying on the possibility of a
systemic physics be described based on the whole symmetry principle.

2 Non-abelian whole Lagrangian

A non-abelian gauge symmetry association is defined through equations (1), (3), (5), (8). They are showing that the

SU (N )

symmetry can be worked out through different fields basis as {

{D , X i }


{D , X i } , {GI } .


is called the constructor basis due to the fact that, under this field-referential, the gauge invariance origin for the

Lagrangian terms become more immediate. This is because the field

X i


works as the usual gauge field and the fields

transform covariantly.

The candidate for non-abelian whole Lagrangean will contain granular and collective contributions coming from
antisymmetric, symmetric and semi-topological sectors [10]. Working out the Lagrangian in constructor basis, one gets

LGI ( D , X i ) = tr ( Z z ) 2 tr ( Z z )(Z ~
z ) mij X i X j ,

is the most general covariant field strength with granular dependence on fields, and

collective fields.



is associated to

Z .

Decomposing on antisymmetric and symmetric sectors

Z = Z[ ] Z ( )


Z[ ] = dD i X [i ] ,



with the following granular field strength

D = D D ig[ D , D ] ,


X [i ] = Xi X i ig [ D , Xi ] [ D , X i ] .


For the symmetric sector,

Z ( ) = i X (i ) i g X i ,


the metric tensor of Minkowski space and

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X (i ) = Xi X i ig [ D , Xi ] [ D , X i ] .


Similarly for the collective field strength,

z = z[ ] z( )



z[ ] = [ij ] X i Xj a(ij ) [ X i , Xj ] b[ij ]{X i , Xj },


z( ) = a[ij ][ X i , Xj ] b(ij ) {X i , Xj } u[ij ] g [ X i , X j ] v(ij ) g {X i , X j }.



Notice that


are not necessarity Lie algebra valued as it is

in the usual Yang-Mills theory. However in

order to explore the abundance of gauge scalars that such extended model offers one should also consider all possible
group-valued structures in the non-irreducible sector contribution.
Besides that, one can yet to express the gauge fixing term so that the Lagrangian Eq. (9) become


( D i X i )

LGI LGF , with


The transverse diagonalized gauge invariant Lagrangian, which means the physical Lagrangian, is given by

LGI (GI ) = tr ( Z z ) 2 tr ( Z z )(Z ~
z ) mIJ2 GI G J IJ ( G I )( GJ ),
where the corresponding field strengths one written in terms of physical fields. Rewriting Eq. (11),

Z[ ] = aI ( GI GI ) iga( IJ ) [GI , GJ ] ,



aI = d1I i iI , a( IJ ) = aI 1J i 1I iJ .


z[ ] = [ IJ ]GI GJ b( IJ ) [GI , GJ ] c[ IJ ]{GI , GJ }


For Eq. (17),


[ IJ ] = [ij ]iI Jj
b( IJ ) = a(ij ) iI Jj
c[ IJ ] = b[ij ]iI Jj


For Eq. (14),

Z ( ) = I G(I ) I g GI ,

G(I ) = GI GI ig J [GI , GJ ] [GI , GJ ] ,




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g I = g1I , I = i iI , I = i iI .


For Eq. (18),

z( ) = b[ IJ ][GI , GJ ] c( IJ ) {GI , GJ } u[ IJ ] g [GI , GJ ] v( IJ ) g {GI , GJ }.



b[ IJ ] = b[ij ]iI Jj , c( IJ ) = c(ij ) iI Jj

u[ IJ ] = u[ij ]iI Jj , v( IJ ) = v(ij ) iI Jj


Notice that eqs. (21), (23), (26), (28) transform covariantly.

3 Symmetry skeleton
We consider five preliminary types of fundamental mechanism analysis on the conditions for including more fields.
They are based on counting the number of degrees of freedom, geometry, supersymmetry, symmetry and dynamics. This
section intends to explore the most subtle, the fourth hability. It is based on the following instructions: algebra closure, BRST
algorithm, Bianchi identities, local Noether theorem, covariance. The function of these symmetry topics will be to study
whether the SU (N ) gauge group accomodates the presence of N potential fields rotating under the same group
parameters. These arguments purely based on symmetry will work as basis for including an extended Lagrangian to SU(N)
Symmetry Group. Gauge fields, being Lie algebra-valued carry group properties. Therefore, a first call of command from
symmetry is to verify whether the set of gauge transformations implemented by such general gauge theory is able to build up
one algebra. Considering the physical sector, one gets the field transformations

GaI = [DI ( x)]a


[DI ( x)]a = I 11 a ( x) [GI ( x), ( x)]a



and taking two successive gauge transformations, one gets that the algebra of infinitesimal transformations closes:

[ (1), ( 2)]GaI = gf bcaDI ( 2b1c )


The Jacobi identity of the Lie algebra imposes a next relationship. It is necessary to show that these infinitesimal
transformations generate the whole invariance groups. Verify that the Jacobi identity acting on field


is satisfied. From

Eq. (32), it yields

{[ (1), [ ( 2), ( 3)]] cycl . perm.}GaI = 0


Eq. (32) and Eq. (33) apply to any tensorial combination. Concluding this first consistency test, one can state that the local
properties for the N -potential fields of the classical transformations are summarized by Eq. (30), Eq. (32) and Eq. (33).
The next text includes quantum aspects. It is the BRST algorithm. BRST transformations [11] have been
considered a very useful technique to probe the internal structure of a gauge theory. By taking supplementary fields with
unphysical statistics it was noticed, initially, as a method to originate the Ward identities and also to compensate the effects
due the quantum propagation of zero modes which are contained in a potential field. However it was later understood that
the BRST framework also reveals more intrinsic aspects of the theory. Besides solving the gauge dependence of the
gauge-fixing term, it brings a perspective where it anticipates the notion of Lagrangian. This means that BRST signature
appears at the level of first principle for detecting a full Lagrangian. In this way, as the ghosts and the auxiliary fields are
unphysical quanta, one could say that the BRST method works like the X-ray technique for detecting a possible physical
illness embedded in the body of the theory. For instance, by computing the cohomology of the BRST charge, one is able to
infer about the stability and absence of anomalies in the theory [12].
Considering that the BRST and anti-BRST symmetries [13] penetrate in the symmetry instructions for organizing
the most general gauge invariant Lagrangian, our proposal is to use it for testing how for gauge theories will be able to
absorb the presence of more potential fields. We are going to follow the Baulieu & Thierry-Mieg prescription [14]. There
the ghost technical device takes from the very beginning, for predicting the Lagrangian, a set of basic fields
; and in our case it should be complemented by the presence of

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X i , N 1

D , c , c , b

massive vector fields.

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The inclusion of the auxiliary field b , interpreted as a Lagrangian multiplier for the gauge-fixing condition,
promotes the BRST and anti-BRST as fundamental symmetries of gauge theories. The symmetry generators s and s of
fields into ghosts become independent of the notion of Lagrangian in the sense that transformations do not depend any more
on the gauge-fixing term of the Lagrangian. Writing in terms of the fields,

sD = c, s D = c ,
sX i = [ X i , c], s X i = [ X i , c ],
sc = [c, c], s c = [c , c] b,
sc = b, s c = [c , c ],
sb = 0, s b = [c , b],


= - g[ D ,-],


D = - g[ D ,-] gi [ X i ,-],




sc s c = [c , c].


Information contained in Eq. (37) can be checked by Eq. (34). They completely determine the properties of an extended
gauge symmetry.
The algebraic method will be scheduled in terms of Lorentz invariance, dimension analysis, ghost number, BRST
and anti-BRST invariance, hermiticity and global invariance. It builds up the following expansion
Q = L1 (cl ) sK 3 sK3 ss K 2




and K 3 are polynomial functions on all fields satisfying the above conditions. The operators
1 , K 2 , K3
s obey the following nilpotency relations

s 2 = ss s s = s 2


which are equivalent to the closure of the classical algebra and to the Jacoby identity.
Now, the next step is to prove that this full extended BRST invariance Eq. (34) leads to the most general
non-abelian gauge independent physics. From the fact that
immediately extends the result



has dimension four and zero ghost number, one

for Yang-Mills theory by

K 2ext = K 2 4i D X i


K 2 = 3 D2 5c c



Notice that the term

4ij X i X j

invariants giving a null contribution to

Looking for

obeys all requisites to enter the

K 2ext

definition. However, they are


L Q . They are then irrelevant.

K 3ext , one explores a combination of four independent monomials, three present in the discussion of

Yang-Mills theory

bc ,

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bc c[c , c] = s (cc ),
Dc =


1 2
s D ,


and still fourth possibility in our case

i X i c = i s ( D X i )


However one can eliminate Eq. (43) - Eq. (45) from the game since they are of the type
the same as in ordinary Yang-Mills theories

s K 2 . So the result here is

K 2ext = K3 = 6bc


We should like to emphasize here that for most of the classical Lie groups, but not
invariant symmetric tensor of

rank 3 , d abc .

SU (2) ,

there exists an

In these cases one must still consider others candidates to

K 3ext :

d abcDa D b c c , and i d abcDa X ibc c . However, according to the prescriptions, we discard them because they break
the s -invariance of the Lagrangian. However a difference here is that these symmetric tensors can appear conveniently in
the theory through the L1 contribution.
In order to determine

K 3ext , one proceeds in the same way as for K 3ext . The result is again as in Yang-Mills theory
K3ext = K3 = 6bc .


Observe without loss of generality that one can write

sK3 = s K3 = 6b 2 = 6 s(bc ) = 6 s (bc).

Finally we have to find

L1 . From K 2ext


K 3 , Fadeev-Popov and the gauge-fixing terms are reproduced in the

extended Yang-Mills approach. Nevertheless a main difference lies on the fact that
-gauge field but also a function of

X i ,



is not only a function of the

vector fields. Then, as BRST invariance is equivalent to the classical gauge

invariance, the most general possibility is given by

L1 = tr 1 ( Z z )(Z z ) 2 ( Z z )(Z z ) mij2 X i X j ,





are written in the previous section. One can indeed check, after some algebra, that really

s L1 = sL1 = 0


which is the last requirement to establish our final Lagrangian. We have therefore shown that the most general non-abelian
Lagrangian satisfying Baulieu and Thierry-Mieg programme is really the effective Lagrangian we have been using from the

LQ = LGI ( D , X i ) tr[ss 3 D2 4i D X i 5c c 6b 2 ].


The b field can be eliminated by using its equation of motion and in the limit of Landau gauge one gets the generating
functional for Green functions:

Z [ D , X i , c, c , J , J i , , ] = DDDX iDcDc [ ( D i X i )]e


J i = J i , with J the external source associated to D

field and


to the

X i


vector field and

Seff = d 4 x{LGI ( D , X i ) tr[ c Dext c J D J i X i c c ]}.

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The third instruction dictated by the symmetry relies exclusively on algebraic identities, as for instance, the Bianchi
identities. Mathematical considerations yield two relationships to be analyzed and explored by each particular theory. These

[ A, [ B, C]] [C, [ A, B]] [ B, [C, A]] = 0,


[C,{A, B}] [ B,{C, A}] = 0,


Identities Eq. (54) and Eq. (55) will take different forms relative to the structure of the particular theory under consideration,
as it becomes evident if we apply them to the cases of general relativity or Yang-Mills. Nevertheless, their implementation in
physics is not immediate. In order to transform them into a type of constraint equation, they must first obey a kind of physical
closure. This means that Eq. (54) and Eq. (55) must be consistent with dimensionality and covariance considerations. Thus
a good candidate that gauge theories provide to surpass such a convenience is the covariant derivative. So, from Eq. (54),
one gets the following identity

DT D T DT = 0


T = [D , D ].



From Eq. (55)

[D ,{D , D }] [D ,{D , D }] [D ,{D , D }] = 0,


the operational identity will be

D S D S D S 6 = 0


S = {D , D }.



The significant physical question for the Bianchi identities of the extended theory concerns the possible covariant
derivatives that can be built up. Since this model provides two basis

{D , X i }


{GI }

one should take them both

as a laboratory to grow the covariant derivatives. From the first set, one gets two types of covariant derivatives:
given by Eq. (35) and

D ( D , X i )

( D )

through Eq. (36). Now, taking these covariant derivatives in Eq. (56) or Eq. (59), one

gets different kinds of Bianchi identities. While the second Jacobi identity is more useful for effective theories, Eq. (54)
serves our interest of exploring about the physical fields.
Thus taking the physical set, the corresponding covariant derivative is

DI = g I GI . From eq (54) one gets

the most general identity

[DI (GI ),[DJ (GJ ), DK (GK )]] cycl . perm. = 0,


which contains the basic conditions for being proposed as a physical equation. It has the covariant property and correct
dimensionality. Then, splitting up the corresponding field strength in symmetric and antisymmetric piece, one gets the
following identity:

G[I ] G[I ] G[I ] = 0


G[I ] = [D (GI ), D (GI )].



Eq. (62) means that this extended model contains N Bianchi identities, where each one is associated to a corresponding
physical field. A similar result one gets from Eq. (59) for effective cases.
The attempt in this section is being to identify the existence of instructions in gauge theories for assuming a number
of potential fields different from the number of group generators. So as a final aspect for analyzing a possible origin for this
extended model is by means of invariance of the action. It leads to Euler-Lagrange equations which will be studied in the
following sections and contributions from surface terms. The effort here will be just of introducing more fields at the minimal
action principle. It gives,

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I Lx
I d x
( I )
( I )

S = d 4 x


I {D , X i } . Eq. (64) shows that while the conservation laws are to be manifested for all the system, the

equation of motion appear individualized for each field, separately. Therefore an emphasis from this result is that the
different identities which the Noether theorem and total angular momentum gives rise to are conservation laws for all system
containing N fields.
The local Noether theorem for a non-abelian gauge involving
by the three following equations:

potential fields in the same group is understood

J Na ( D, X i ) = 0,


i L
= J Na ( D, X i ),
g D


( Da )

a ( x) = 0,




J Na ( D, X i ) =
, D
, Xi .
( D )
( X )


Thus, from the analysis of the global and local instructions given by Eq. (65) and Eq. (66), one gets that there is an
explicit information on how symmetry moves a room to accommodate the
the other hand, Eq. (67) only informs that

( Da )

X ia

fields. It is calculated through Eq. (68). On

is totally antisymmetric. However, implicitly, from dimensional

analysis and gauge invariance, it is also possible to guess that there can be
their presence through a coupling with the genuine gauge field

D .

X i

fields. Eq. (67) contains indications for

It can be made through mixed propagators and

interacting terms. For instance, Eq. (11) plus Eq. (17) satisfy Eq. (67).
The inclusion of more potential fields should rather be characterized as an extension of the usual case. Therefore
our preference in writing the Noether equations in terms of the set
conditions by turning off the

I {D , X i } , where it is easy to get the boundary

fields. From this basis, we will analyze three pieces of information from Noether theorem.

First it is to reobtain the old result where symmetry current derived from inhomogeneous

field will play a dual role. Its

expression obtained from Noether theorem coincides with the relationship which will be performed for the corresponding

D -equation. Another consistency test is from Eq. (66), or taking its divergence. Then, the proposed Lagrangian must verify
the equality between the left-hand side and right-hand side. The third information that Noether theorem provides should not
be understood as a conservation law but as a constraint of the theory. Substituting the weaken condition Eq. (67) in Eq. (66)
one gets

T [ ] = J ,

T[ ]

is a skew-symmetric tensor depending on

the matter of

and the


X i


in our case is essentially made of

fields we have put in the game of the extended model. Thus the axiomatic approach to defining gauge

theories as the theories where the equation

F a = J a ,
should be obtained as a symmetry constraint is enlarged ( F

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is the QCD field strength). Eq. (69) reexamines this reflex

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between symmetry and Coulombs law.
In the physical set the local Norther theorem is transposed as

J N (G) = 0,



= J N ,
( GI )


( x) = 0,
g I ( G )



J N (G ) =
, GI .
( G )


It then appears clearly that Coulombs law does not contain a necessary compromise with a non-dynamical origin. It was
just a coincidence for the case involving one field. Observe also that even its strongest condition, Eq. (73) does not require
for the fields


being not dynamical.

Another conservation law concerns to the total angular momentum

J k = Lk S k .

It contains the orbital

angular momentum plus the spin contribution. It gives

J k = 0,

where L

= xk x k

and the spin-current

S k =


( k ) GI .
( GI )

To conclude this section, we would note that the so called four types of internal mechanisms work not only to detect
the presence of N fields but also to isolate the identity carried by each of them. The first instruction shows, formally, the
possibility of more than one field to be transformed under the same group parameter (x) ; from the Baulieu &
Thierry-Mieg procedure one gets a method to assume an extended Lagrangian; the existence of different equations
associated to each field spots be developed through the Bianchi identities; the minimal action principle brings a conjunction
between the whole system involving N fields and the individualization of each quanta through the variational principle.
There the identity of each field is obtained through its correspondent covariant equation of motion, while the system identity
is organized through conservation laws. This means that the conservation of energy-momentum, angular momentum and
internal charges are instructions only for the system as a whole.

Consequently the symmetry skeleton is able to support more flash: the presence of more potential fields besides
the usual gauge field. The principle that the number of potential fields must be equal to the number of group generators is
enlarged. The SU (N ) group allows to introduce different fields rotating under the same symmetry and associated with

different symmetry weights I , and coupling constants g I . However it is still necessary to ascertain a fifth consistency
of the above skeleton for assuming more fields. It is to study on the covariance properties of the equations of motion. It will be
considered in the subsequent sections

4 Bianchi identities
Considering the covariant derivatives Eq. (35), Eq. (36) and the collective expression

xij = [ X i , Xj ] , one gets

the following Bianchi identities:

D D D = 0

D X [i ] D X [i ] D X [i ] ig ([ X i , D ] [ Xi , D ] [ X i , D ]) = 0
D X (i ) D X (i ) D X (i ) ig ([ X i , D ] [ Xi , D ] [ X i , D ]) = 0

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D x
D x
D xij [ Xj , X [i ] ] [ X j , X [i ] ] [ X j , X [i ] ] = 0

Then, defining


z[ ] = a(ij ) xij , and z( ) = a(ij ) xij , one also derives the following expressions
D z[ ] D z[ ] D z[ ] a(ij ) ([ Xi , X [ j ] ] [ X i , X [
] ] [ X , X [ ] ]) = 0
D z( ) D z( ) D z( ) a[ij ] ([ X i , X (
) ] [ X , X ( ) ] [ X , X ( ) ]) = 0
D z[ ] D z[ ] D z[ ] a(ij ) ([ X i , X (
) ] [ X , X ( ) ] [ X , X ( ) ) = 0

D z( ) D z( ) D z( ) a[ij ] ([ X i , X [
] ] [ X , X [ ] ] [ X , X [ ] ) = 0


5 Noether identities
The local Noether theorem provides three relationships

[ ]
[ ]
[ ]

2 [ Z , dD i X ] 3d [ z , D ] 3[ z , dD i X ]

a = 0,
( )
( )










2 d (1Z [ ] 3 z [ ] ) [21Z [ ] 3dz [ ] , dD i Xi ]

a = 0,
21 i [ Z ( ) , Xi ] i g [ Z ( ) , Xi ] 3 i [ z ( ) , Xi ] i g [ z() , Xi ]


4d Z

[ ]

2d3 z[ ] a = 0.


6 Lagrangian scalars
The potential fields Lagrangian plays with different quanta. From group theory arguments one knows that a
quadrivector carries information about different spin states. Neverthless as gauge invariance acts differently one the vector
and scalar sectors, one expects that it will work as a source for rendering explicit a different dynamics for each one of those
parts. So we should now split the Lagrangean in antisymmetric and simmetric parts rewrite Eq. (9) as

L( D , X i ) = tr 1Z[ ] Z [ ] 2 z[ ] z[ ] 3 Z[ ] z[ ]

tr 1Z ( ) Z ( ) 2 z( ) z ( ) 3 Z ( ) z ( ) ,


A new aspect in this whole gauge model is that fields strength are not just Lie algebra valued. They can be
decomposed through groups terms

t a , t a tb , [ta , tb ] , {ta , tb } , and one gets an expansion where each term transforms

covariantly. It yields a Lagrangian whole expansion which englobes the usual Yang-Mills sector and the whole extension.
Defining the field strength

F Z[ ] z[ ]


one gets

F = A I Ba t a Cabt at b



A[ ] =

b[ij ] X i a Xaj ,

B[a ] = dDa i X [ia ] c(abc
ij ] X X ,

cab = ij ( X ia Xjb Xia X jb ),
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b[ij ]d abc.
ij ] = ia( ij ) f


S Z ( ) z( )


Similarly from,

one expands the symmetric field strength

S = (i X (ia ) i g X ia )t a

(ij ) X (ia Xjb) t at b a[ij ] X ia Xjb u[ij ] g X ia X jb [t a , t b ]

b(ij ) X ia Xjb v(ij ) g X ia X jb {t a , t b }.



L = LA LS ,


LA = trF F ,


considering the antisymmetric sector,

and performing calculations, one obtains


being build up by 5 scalar meshes

LA = NA2 2 NA Ca a Ba Ba iNf abcBa C bc

N Ca a Cb b CabC ab d3abcdCabC cd ,



d3abcd = d abf dcdf d acf dbdf d adf dbcf .


Similarly for the symmetric sector, one obtains a 8 meshes decomposition. Given

LS = S S ,


LS = L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 ,


one gets,


L1 = NA2 ,
L2 = iNf abc Aa B bc ,
L3 = 2iNf


Aa C bc ,

L4 = Baa B bb Bab B ba

d3abcd Bab B cd ,

L5 = Cab 2( B ba B ab ) (d3abcd d3abdc) B cd ,


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L6 = 4 Baa Dbb
2( Bab Bba ) Dba

N ab

B (d3abcd d3abdc) Ddc


L7 = 2(Cab Cba ) (d3abcd d3abdc d3bacd d3badc)Cab Ccd ,


L8 = 4 Daa Dbb
2 Ddc (d3abcd d3abdc d3bacd d3badc) Dab Dcd ,



Aa = i X (ia ) i g X ia ,
Bab = (ij ) X ia Xbj ,
Cab = a[ij ] X ia Xjb u[ij ] g X ia X jb ,
Dab = b(ij ) X ia Xjb v(ij ) g X ia X jb ,

f abc are the anti-symmetric structure

invariant rank 3 tensor of the group.


constants and

d abc

are the components of the completely symmetric

7 Field Equations
The on-shell informations also will be depending on this generators expansions. It gives for

1 4d Z [ ]ta 4i



(dDb i Xib ) Z [ ][ta , tb ]


3 2d z[ ]ta 2i (dDb i Xib ) z[ ][ta , tb ]



1 4i i Xib Z ( ) 4i i X ib Z () [ta , tb ]

3 2i
and for

X i

i Xib z ( ) i X ib g ( ) g ( ) [ta , tb ] = 0



i Db Z [ ][ta , tb ]

i Db z[ ][ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] ) Xib Z [ ]{ta , tb }


1 4 i Z [ ]ta 4i

2 4a(ij ) Xib z[ ][ta , tb ] (4b[ij ] 2 [ij ] ) Xib z[ ]{ta , tb }

3 2 i z[ ]ta 4i

1 4i Z ( )ta 4 i Z ( )ta 4i

( i Db Z ( ) i D b Z ( ) )[ta , tb ]

2 4(a[ij ] Xib z ( ) u[ij ] X ib z() )[ta , tb ] 4b(ij ){Xi , z ( ) }ta 4v(ij ){X j , z() }ta

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2 i z ( ) i g ( ) z ( ) ta 2 b(ij ) Xib Z [ ] v(ij ) X ib g ( ) Z ( ) {t a , tb }

3 g
b ( )
( )
ib ( )
( )
i D g ( ) z ) 2a[ij ] X Z
2u[ij ] X g ( ) Z
[t a , tb ]
2i N ( i D z


Taking the trace in the above equation, one gets

21 (d Z [ ]a gf abc(dDb i Xib )Z [ ]c )
21 gf abc(i Xib Z ( )c i X ib Z ( )c )

3 (d z[ ]a gf abc(dDb i Xib ) z[ ]c )
3 gf abc(i Xib z ( )c i X ib z( )c ) = 0

Multiplying the equation of motion by



and taking again the corresponding trace, we have

1 (d (d aek if aek ) Z [ ]e
g (dDb i Xib )(if abc f cek f abcdcek )Z [ ]e )
1 ( gi (if abc f cek f abcdcek ) X ib Z ( )e

gi (if abc f cek f abcdcek ) Xib Z ( )e )


(d (d aek if aek ) z [ ]a

g (dDb i Xib )(if abc f cek f abcdcek ) z[ ]e )


( gi (if abc f cek f abcd cek ) X ib z( ) e

gi (if abc f cek f abcdcek ) Xib z ( )e ) = 0


The corresponding equations of motion at physical basis are

1 4aI Z [ ]ta 4iga IJ GJb Z [ ][ta , tb ]

2 4a( IJ )GJb z[ ][ta , tb ] (4b[ IJ ] 2 [ IJ ] )GJb z[ ]{ta , tb }

3 2aI z[ ]ta 2a( IJ )GJb ( gz[ ] Z [ ] )[ta , tb ] 2(b[ IJ ] [ IJ ] )GJb Z [ ]{ta , tb }

41 I Z ( ) I g( ) Z ( ) ta

4 2 (a[ IJ ]GJb z ( ) u[ IJ ]GJb g( ) z ( ) )[ta , tb ] (b( IJ )GJb z ( ) v( IJ )GJb g( ) z ( ) ){ta , tb }

I z ( ) I g ( ) z ( ) ta b[ IJ ]GJb Z [ ] u[ IJ ]GJb g ( ) z ( ) [ta , tb ]

= 0 (100)
Jb [ ]
( )





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In order to understand more specifically the model one should also express the equations of motion through Eq.
(88) sectors. Considering first the

where the


D -field equation of motion, one gets

[ ]b
= jSa, D


W[ a ] = 4B[a ] 2i ij f abc X [bi Xcj] ,


contribution is

where the covariant derivative is defined at Eq. (3.3) and the


contribution is

jSa, D = j1a j2a j3a



j1a = 4 gf abc p j X ( ) jb i g X jb X pc p j 4 j X jb X pc ,

j2a = 2igN ij f bmn f bac p X im( X ) jn X pc p g X im( X ) jn X pc ,

j3a = 4igNf bmn f bac ( p p )a[ij ] ( p 4 p )u[ij ] X im X jn X pc.

Given that Eq. (7.7) depends only on
work as source to

X ie

fields, one gets that through this model

{Da , X ie }


X ie



Eq. (101) contains three features. First, it is covariant which proves that the introduction of this extended symmetry
is consistent. Notice that it not only show on covariance but also on the presence of a conserved current when Eq. (7.6) is not

j a = Ba = df abc(dDb i Xbi )W [ ]c


The charge associated to this current as the same symmetry boundary condition as in the usual QCD [15].
Second, deriving the Noether theorem expression Eq. (68), one gets

J Na = Nd W [ ] , dD i Xi ,
which is exactly the


D -field equation of motion without the right hand side jSa, D .

Third, due to the Poincar lemma, one derives the expression

jS , D = 0,

showing that

jS, D


is conserved covariantly. Its relationship with Noether current is

jNa = jS,aD f abc (dDb i Xbi )W [ ]c.

Considering for

X i


fields, we get the following covariant equations of motion

i NDab
W[ b ] mij2 Xja = JTa,i ,


JTa,i = JAa,i JSa,i ,



which corresponding expressions are in Appendix B.

Considering that the main proposal at this section is to show that the introduction of a fields set in the SU (N )
gauge symmetry preserves covariance it will be not necessary to calculate the physical fields equations of motions.

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Given that the minimal action expressions between two generic fields reference system

S[ ] S []
= 0,

one gets that its corresponding equations can be related to the




{GI } -basis

is given

through the


I 11 (


( GI )

Ii1 (


( GI )


So eqs. (111) generate that the explicit covariance obtained through eqs. (7.4) and (7.11) are preserved at

{GI }


8 Directive and Circumstantial Symmetries

The whole physics introduces the meaning of an integral organization including two kinds of symmetries. They are
the directive and the circumstantial symmetry. Their qualitative difference is that while the director symmetry appears as a
natural instruction from the gauge parameter, the circumstantial symmetry will be depending on relationships between the
so-called free coefficients studied at Apendice B.
From these two types of symmetries one derives currents conservations. Associated to the gauge parameter one
gets the Slavnov-Taylor identity (off-shell) and the Noether identity (on-shell) which yield one conserved current with N-fields


X ia
X ia


which produces a directive conserved current

J directive
= 0.


Rewriting Eq. (7.1), one gets


1d Z a g ( D a i X ia ) = J a ( D)


J a (D) current is explicitly derived at Appendix C. Considering that Eq. (8.3) coincides with Noether identity,
J a (D) conservation is a directive. It takes obligatory one degree of freedom from Da field.

Similarly for

X ia

fields, one gets


1 i Z [ ] mij2 X ja = J ia ( X )
J ia (X ) current is written at Appendix C. Consequently the classical
X ia = 0 will depend on circumstances between the free coefficients.


decoupling of the longitudinal sector

9 Energy Momentum Tensor

Given the expression


= T ( S S S )

T =

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X ia L

( Da )
( X a )
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S =


X a

( Da )
( X a )





= A S


one gets


A = 4Z[ ]a Z[ ]a 4 z[ ]a z[ ]a 2 z[ ]a Z[ ]a 2Z[ ]a z[ ]a LA



S = 4i Z ( ) a X ( )ia 4i Z ( ) a X ( ia)
2i z( ) a X ( )ia 2i z( ) a X ( ia)
4 z( ) a a[ij ][ Xi , X j ]a 4 z( ) au[ij ][ X i , X j ]a

4 z( ) ab(ij ) { Xi , X ja } 4 z( ) a v(ij ) {X i , X ja }
2Z ( ) a a[ij ][ Xi , X j ]a 2Z ( ) au[ij ][ X i , X j ]a

2Z ( ) ab(ij ) {Xi , X ja } 2Z ( ) a v(ij ) {X i , X ja }

4i (Z ( ) a Xia ) 4i (Z ( ) a X ia )
4i (Z ( ) a Xia ) 4i (Z ( ) a X ia )
4i (Z ( ) a X ia ) 2i ( z( ) a X ia )

2i ( z( ) a Xia ) 2i ( z( ) a X ia )
2i ( z( ) a Xia ) 4i (Z ( ) a X ia )
2i ( z( ) a X ia ) 2i ( z( ) a X ia ) LS


Eq. (9.3) provides the conservation law

= 0.


10 Charges Algebra
Although the gauge fixing term breaks the gauge it is possible to show that there is a symmetry that is preserved in
the Lagrangian which is the BRST symmetry. Considering the group parameter as

a = gc a


is a bose

quantity, c a fermi quantity and some anticommuting global quantity, we will derive the BRST invariance. For
convenience it will be studied at constructor basis.

Considering the general Lagrangian

Leff = LGI L matter LGF L FP

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where the corresponding terms

which means


is defined at Eq. (9), the covariants derivatives with to this extended model are

= - g[ D ,-],


D = - g[ D ,-] gi [ X i ,-],


abc b
D gi f abc X bi , and with a matter term as
= gf

L matter = aDac c .


Further, the gauge fixing term at Eq. (19) can be rewritten in terms of the scalar auxiliary field



LGF = b a ( Da i X ai ) bab a


L FP = i( c a )Dab
c ,


and the Faddeev Popov term is





are the ghost fields.

Considering the infinitesimal BRST transformation

Da = ab
c ,

X ai = gf abccb X ci ,

= igc at a ,
c a =

g abc b c
f c c ,

c a = ib a ,
b a = 0,


one gets,
c ) = 0, (c c) = 0,


L eff = 0


2 Da = 2 X ai = 2c a = 2c a = 2ba = 0.


2 a
GaI = Dab
I c = ( sGI ), GI = 0.


which yields,

and also that BRST transformations are idempotent

Similarly at

{GI }


The fundamental object in a gauge theory is not the Lagrangian but the functional generator ot the Greens
functions. It is given by

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Z [ J ] = N ' DDDX i DcDc .e

a D a j ai X ia
i d 4 x L eff J

So we have to show that

Z [0]


is invariant under BRST transformation. Considering that the part involving

already proved, we have now to demonstrate on the invariance of the measure


L eff


. Calculating the

functional Jacobian of the BRST transformation,


Da ( x), X ia ( x), c a ( x), c a ( x)

Db ( y), Xib ( y), c b ( y), c b ( y)


detJ = 1, which means that it is a constant that does not depend on fields and that can be absorved by a
functional constant. In fact by introducing the fields set {D , X i } the measure DDDX DcDc is preserved.
one gets that

Given that the model contains the BRST symmetry the Noether theorem leads to the conserved current


L eff

X ai

L eff


L eff
L eff
L eff
c a a c a a .



For simplicity, we are going to separete in antisymmetric and symmetric parts



= b aDac
( gDb gi X bi )c c D
b c b 4 g ( c ) D 4 gf

4 gc a f abc ( gDb gi X bi ) D
igc a ( c c) a i

(c c ) a c a


which gives the following expression for the BRST charge

QABRST = d 3 x b aD0acc c 0b a c a i g ( 0c ) a (c c) a .


Considering that

2i (Q BRST ) 2 = i {Q BRST , Q BRST } = [i Q BRST , Q BRST ] Q BRST ,


and the relationships

[QABRST , Da ] = i( c a ),
[QABRST , X ai ] =

[QABRST , b a ] = 0,
[QABRST , ] = gc at a ,
{QABRST , c a } =

(c c ) a ,

{QABRST , c a } = b a .


One gets



QABRST = d 3 x ( 0b) a (c c) a ( 0b) a (c c) a = 0.

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L S ( D, X i ) , one derives

Including from Eq. (14) the symmetric sector

= 4 gi f abccb X ci X (ai ) ,


QSBRST = d 3 x 4 gi f abccb X ci X (0ai ) .



Given that

BRST ( f abccb X ci ) = 0 , one gets

QSBRST = 4 gi d 3 x f abccb X ciX (0ai ) = 0.


At this way we show that similarly to QCD

Q BRST = 0, and 2Q BRST = 0.


Another conservation law is with respect to the scale global symmetry for ghosts

c a c a = e c a ; c a c a = e c a .


Consequently, one gets a Noether conserved current

J c = i c aDac
c ) ( c )c ,


and a conserved hermitean charge

Qc = i d 3 x c a 0 c a c a gf abcD0b c c g i f abc X 0bic c


working as the ghost-scale generators of the fields operators transformations

[Qc , Da ] = [Qc , X ai ] = [Qc , i ] = 0,

[Qc , c a ] = ic a ,
[Qc , c a ] = ic a .


next symmetry to be studied corresponds to the global gauge transformation. The corresponding infinitesimal
transformations are

Da = f abc b Dc ,

X ai = f abc b X ci ,

c a = f abc bc c ,
c a = f abc bc c ,

b a = f abc bbc ,

b = g b .



L GI , L matter , L GF

and L FP under Eq. (150), one gets that they are separatedely

invariants. Thus one derives the following Noether conserved current

J Ga = 4 g ( D D ) a ja ( D i X i ) b

i(c D c) a i( c c) a 4 gi ( X i D ) a



is the matter current. It gives

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QGa = d 3 x{4 g ( D D 0 ) a j0a ( D0 i X 0i ) b


i(c D0c) a i( oc c) a 4 gi ( X i D 0 ) a



[QGa , Db ] = if abcDc ,
[QGa , X ai ] = if abc X ci ,

[QGa , bb ] = if abcbc ,

[QGa , i ] = t a i ,
[QGa , cb ] = if abcc c ,
[QGa , c b ] = if abcc c .


Concluding, we obtain that the charges algebra is the same as in QCD:

[QBRST , QBRST ] = 0,
[iQc , QBRST ] = QBRST ,

[Qc , Qc ] = 0,
[QG , Qc ] = 0,
[QG , QBRST ] = 0,
[QG , QG ] = if abcQG .


Eq. (155) is showing that the charges algebra depends only on the symmetry involved. It does not depend on the number of
potential fields being considered at the fields set.
Finally, in order to close this section we are going to calculate the ghost number operator. It is defined as

N a = {QBRST , D c a }.


N a = 4 D
J Ga ,


N a = 0.


Calculating Eq. (156), one gets

which gives

11 Slavnov-Taylor identity
Another ingredient on this non-abelian extension is to consider the Slavnov-Taylor identity. Now we perform those
BRST transformation on generator functional to obtain the Slavnov-Taylor identities for the extended symmetry SU (N ) . It
is convenient to define the generator functional in terms of sources for fermions and bosons

Z ( J , s, , , , ; u, w, v, , ) = DDDX iDcDcDD exp (i d 4 x Ltotal ),


where the total Lagrangian in terms of fields and sources is


Ltotal = Leff J a D a sa X ia c a c a

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in which


1 ab
D ( D)c b wa f abcc b X ic v a ( f abcc b c c ) (it a c a ) (it a c a ) ,
are sources of


X i ,



( , a )

anticommuting sources associated to

Faddeev-Popov fields, and ( , ) are associated to the fermions ( , ) , respectively. The three last terms of Eq. (160)
have been introduced of a way that the total Lagrangian remains invariant by BRST transformations in accord with the
nilpotent relations. The others sources

(ua , wa , v a , , )

are anticommuting too. Now the invariance of the generator

functional under BRST symmetry implies that

DDDX DcDcDD exp d


x( J aDa s aX ai c a c a ) = 0,

and by substituting the BRST transformations, one gets

DDDX DcDcDD exp d



[ Dab ( D)c b ]J a s a f abcc b X ci

1 abc b c
f c c )
( D a ) a (iT a c a ) (iT a c a ) } = 0


in which it is easy to show that the Jacobian of those transformations is unity. Those expression is written in terms of
derivatives of the generator functional in relation to sources


x[ J a

a Z
s a a

( a ) a
] = 0.
v g1


Z = eiW , a same equation holds for W

d x[ J

a W
a W

( a ) a

] = 0.
v g1


We convert this differential equation into an expression in terms of the one particle irreducible 1PI generating functional
, then we use the Legendre transformation by using
us to relations

J a =


as function of the sources

(u, w, v, , )

too, that leads

, s a =
, = a , a = a , = ,
X i


= Da ,
= X ai ,
= a ,
= a ,

v a v a


Hence the expression (11.6) becomes


a a
( D a ) a

] = 0. (166)
D u
X i w
c v g1

For simplify the form of this expression, the generator functional

has the following dependence in terms of


Z = DDDX iDcDcDD exp{i d 4 x[c ( D abcb ) c a ]},


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that give us

= g1 (



and finally we get the functional differential equation


] = 0,
Da u a X ai wa c a v a



d 4 x( D a ) 2 .


The equation (169) is Slavnov-Taylor identity for extended SU (N ) . It will give us the important relations between Green
functions of the massless, massive gluons and Faddeev-Popov ghosts that imply into the renormalizability of the model. The
question of full renormalizability will not demonstrated here cause it is necessary a detailed analysis on Slavnov-Taylor
identities and redefinitions of the parameters into the Lagrangian. It will be dedicated in a next paper.

12 Conclusion
The effort in this work is to implement the whole gauge principle at non-abelian level. Gauge symmetry depends on
two variables which are the gauge parameters and group generators. They define Lie algebra valued fields transforming

t a , also work to accommodate the

gauge symmetry for a fields set transformation as Eq. (1). Consider on the possibility of an antireductionist physics where N
-non-abelian fields act together. Given the SU (N ) symmetry drive new association features which go further than
under gauge symmetry. The purpose is to show that these two variables,


Yang-Mills understanding. This means to preserve the symmetry pattern and introduce a new Lagrangian.
Eight aspects attached to group generators and gauge parameters were analysed in order to express the
consistency of introduction of this extended gauge model. From group generators: algebra closure and Jacobi identities,
Bianchi identities; from gauge parameters: Noether theorem, gauge fixing, BRST symmetry, global transformations (BRST,
ghost scale, gauge global); charges algebra, covariant equations of motion plus Poincar lemma from both symmetry
variables. And so, they are showing that SU (N ) gauge group acts as an operator where it does not matter the number of
fields involved on its transformations. Consequently, given a certain SU (N ) gauge group it is possible to derive a
Lagrangian where the number of potential fields is not necessarily equal to the number of group generators as ruled by
Yang-Mills theory.
Eq. (1) introduces that symmetry should be treated as an environment. A fields association physics appears. In a
further work we will analyse on more details other classical aspects, renormalizability, unitarity. For instance, study on its
consequences on the Slavnov-Taylor identity. And so, understand on possibilities for a systemic physical process be
described through this non-abelian whole gauge principle. Complexity should be an achievement related through a gauge
totality principle.

13 Group relationships
Gauge theory considers fields as Lie algebra valued. So one should express

X i X ai t a , GI GaI t a

AI AaI t a , D Dat a ,

under the corresponding group generators properties

[ta , tb ] = if abctc ,

{ta , tb } =


ab d abctc ,


where Eq. (172) does not belong to the algebra. And with the following traces properties

tr (ta ) = 0

tr (tatb ) = N ab

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tr (ta tbtc ) = i

f abc

tr (tatbtctd ) = ab cd ad bc

d abf d cdf d acf dbdf d adf dbcf .


14 Covariant X i -equations of motion

Eq. (7.11) corresponds to ( N -1) covariant equations of motions related to

X i -fields. At this Appendix it will be

expressed the correspondent currents

JTa,i = JAa,i JSa,i ,




is derived from the Lagrangian antisymmetric sector, eq (89). It gives

JAa,i = Njia 2 pq 2 ae [ij ] X [pc X qc] ij X ap[ X eq] ji X [pe Xq]e d3aecd [ij ] X [pc X qd] X j e

b[ij ]d abcW[
b[ pq] 4 Nd abc i ( X [pc
X ] ).


jia = 2if abc ( jk ) [ D
i X
i j f cmn X [im
X ] ]X




from Eq. (92), one gets

JSa,i = ab
T(i )b Jia ,


= ab gf abcDc ,




T(i )



are calculed from the 8 meshes that build up


according to Eq. (94). It gives

T(ia ) =

T(ia ,k) ,
k =1



J =

Ji ,k ,


k =1
where only the first three meshes in Eq. (94) contributes to

Tia, . They are

T(ia ,1) = 4 N i j X (ja ) ( i j 4i j i j ) g X ja ,

pm qn
T(ia ,2) = 2iNf amn pq i X (pm
X ) g X X

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T(ia ,3) = 4iNf


pm qn
i (a[ pq] X (pm

X ) u[ pq] g X X

pm qn
(a[ pq] 4u[ pq] ) g X X


Jia , one gets

Jia,2 = 2 f abc [iq ] j Xjc X qb j Xqb X jc ,


Jia,3 = f abc aiq ( j X (
u[iq ] ( j 4 j ) X ib Xqc .
) i g X ) X


From mesh 5 to 8 there is no more propagating terms. Eq. (177) will receive just sources. Thus from

(L 5 ... L8 )

J i , a ,


k =5

we get calculations which will not contribute to the scope of this work. For instance, mesh (5) gives

i ,5

4 (il ) Xpn X qn X la 2( il X pn( X ) qa li X pa( X ) qn ) X nl

= pq N
il (d 3aLmn d 3mnaL ) li (d 3 Lamn d 3mnLa ) X pm( X ) qn X lL


Consequently, the above Eq. (187) shows how others sources from Eq. (186) will not interfere on the covariant
property of

X i

equations of motions due to the fact that they depend only on

X i -fields whose transform covariantly.

15 Conserved currents
Classically, in order to avoid undesired degrees of freedom we should relate them to conserved currents. For this
every field in this whole model must be associated to a corresponding conserved current. Noether and Slavnov-Taylor
identities already inform on the existence of only one natural conservation law. In this apendice one explores the conserved
currents through the circumstantial symmetry.
Considering Eq. (7.1)-(8.3), one gets the following

D -current expression:

J a ( D) = J a(i ) ( D)

i =1


J a(1) ( D) = 41 (ig (dDb i Xib )Z [ ][ta , tb ])

J a(2) ( D) = 41ig (i Xib Z ( ) i X ib Z ( ) )[ta , tb ]
J a(3) ( D) = 23 (ig (dDb i Xib ) z[ ][ta , tb ])
J a(4) ( D) = 23ig (i Xib z ( ) i X ib z( ) )[ta , tb ]



J a(1) ( D) = 4ig1{c 2 Db ( D D ig[ D , D ])

d j Db ( X j X j ig ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ]))

d i Xib ( D D ig[ D , D ])

i j Xib ( X j X j ig ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ]))}[ta , tb ]

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J a(2) ( D) = 41ig{i j Xib ( X j X j ig ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ]))

i j g Xib ( X j X j 2ig )[ D , X j ]
i j X ib ( X j X j 2ig[ D , X j ])
i j g X ib ( X j X j 2ig[ D , X j ])}[ta , tb ]
J a(3) ( D) = 2ig3{dDb (a(ij ) [ X i , X j ] b[ij ]{X i , X j } [ij ] X i X j )
k Xkb (a(ij ) [ X i , X j ] b[ij ]{X i , X j } [ij ] X i X j )}[ta , tb ]

J a(4) ( D) = 23ig{ k Xkb (a[ij ][ X i , X j ] u[ij ] g [ X i , X j ]

b(ij ) {X i , X j } v(ij ) g { X i , X j })
k X kb (a[ij ][ Xi , X j ] u[ij ] g [ X i , X j ]
b(ij ){Xi , X j } v(ij ) g { X i , X j })}[ta , tb ]


it yields,

J a ( D) = 4ig1 (d 2 Db d i Xib ( D D )
(d j Db i j Xib )( X j X j ))[ta , tb ]
4ig1 (i j Xib ( X j X j ) 2i j X ib X j
2(i j i j g ) X ib X j )[ta , tb ]

4 g 21 ((d 2 Db d i Xib )[ D , D ]

(d j Db i j Xib )([D , X j ] [ D , X j ]))[ta , tb ]

4 g 21 (i j Xib ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ])
2(i j i j i j g ) X ib [ D , X j ])[ta , tb ]
2ig3 (dDb k Xkb )(a(ij ) [ X i , X j ] b[ij ]{X i , X j }

[ij ] X i X j )[ta , tb ]
2ig3{ k Xkb (a[ij ][ X i , X j ] u(ij ) g [ X i , X j ]
b(ij ) {X i , X j } v(ij ) g {X i , X j })
k X kb (a[ij ][ Xi , X j ] u[ij ] g [ X i , X j ]

b(ij ){Xi , X j } v(ij ) g { X i , X j })}[ta , tb ]

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Eq. (C.3) can be rewritten as the following expansion



DD = Db D a1 Db D a2 D b D a3
a1 = 41igd 2 [ta , tb ]
a2 = 41igd 2 [ta , tb ]

a3 = 0
DX = Db X i b1 Db X ib2 D b X ib3
Xib D b4 Xib D b5 X ib D b6

b1 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]

b2 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]
b3 = 0
b4 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]

b5 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]
b6 = 0
XX = Xib X j c1 Xib X j c2 X ib X j c3
c1 = 41ig i j [ta , tb ] 41igi j [ta , tb ]
c2 = 41ig i j [ta , tb ] 41igi j [ta , tb ]
c3 = 81ig ( i j i j i j g )[ta , tb ]

DDD = Db D e Df (41 g 2 d 2 )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

DDX = ( Xib D e Df Db D e X if Db De X if ).
.(41 g 2 d i )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]
DXX = Xib D e X jf (41 g 2 i j 41 g 2 i j )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]
Xib De X jf (41 g 2 i j 41 g 2 i j )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

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X ib De (81 g 2 )(i j i j i j g )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

Db X ie X jf (22igd )(a(ij ) [te , t f ] b[ij ]{te , t f } [ij ]tet f )[ta , tb ]

XXX = Xkb X ie X jf (22ig k [te , t f ] b[ij ]{te , t f } [ij ]tet f )[ta , tb ]

Xkb X ie X jf ( k a[ij ][te , t f ] k b(ij ) {te , t f })(23ig )[ta , tb ]

X kb X ie X jf (( k u[ij ] k a[ij ] k u[ij ] g )[te , t f ]
( k v(ij ) k b(ij ) k v(ij ) g ){te , t f })(23ig )[ta , tb ]


Notice that eqs. (3.24) and (3.27) coincide.

Similarly for

X ia

fields equations of motion, eqs. (7.2) and (8.4), are the following

J ia

currents expression:

J ia ( X ) = J ia ( k )
k =1


J ia (1) ( X ) = 4ig1 i ( Db Z [ ][ta , tb ])

J ia (2) ( X ) = 41 (i Z ( )ta i Z ( )ta
ig (i Db Z ( ) i D b Z ( ) )[ta , tb ])
J ia (3) ( X ) = 22 (2a(ij ) X jb z[ ][ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] ) X jb z[ ]{ta , tb })

J ia (4) ( X ) = 4 2{(a[ij ] X jb z ( ) u[ij ] X jb z( ) )[ta , tb ]

(b(ij ) X jb z ( ) v(ij ) X jb z( ) ){ta , tb }}
J ia (5) ( X ) = 3 (2ig i Db z[ ][ta , tb ] 2a(ij ) X jb Z [ ][ta , tb ]
(2b[ij ] [ij ] ) X jb Z [ ]{ta , tb })

J ia (6) ( X ) = 23{i z ( )ta i z( )ta

ig (i Db z ( ) i D b z( ) )[ta , tb ]
(a[ij ] X jb Z ( ) u[ij ] X jb Z ( ) )[ta , tb ]
(b(ij ) X jb Z ( ) v(ij ) X jb Z ( ) ){ta , tb }}



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J ia (1) ( X ) = 4ig1 (d i Db ( D D ig[ D , D ])

i j Db ( X j X j ig ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ])))[ta , tb ]
J ia (2) ( X ) = 41{(i j ( X j X j ig ([ D, X j ] [ D , X j ]))

2i j g ( X j ig[ D , X j ])
2 j i ( X j ig[ D , X j ])
2i j g ( X j ig[ D , X j ]))ta
ig (i j Db ( X j X j ig[ D , X j ] [ D , X j ])

2i j g Db ( X j ig[ D , X j ])
2 j i D b ( X j ig[ D , X j ])
2i j g D b ( X j ig[ D , X j ]))[ta , tb ]}

J ia (3) ( X ) = 22 (2a(ij ) X jb (a( kl ) [ X k , X l ] b[ kl ]{X k , X l } [ kl ] X k X l )[ta , tb ]

(2b[ij ] [ij ] ) X jb (a( kl ) [ X k , X l ] b[ kl ]{X k , X l [ kl ] X k X l ){ta , tb })

J ia (4) ( X ) = 4 2{(a[ij ] X jb (a[ kl ][ X k , X l ] u[ kl ] g [ X k , X l ]

b( kl ) {X k , X l } v( kl ) g { X k , X l })
u[ij ] X jb (a[ kl ][ Xk , X l ] u[ kl ] g [ X k , X l ]

b( kl ) {Xk , X l } v( kl ) g { X k , X l })[ta , tb ]
(b(ij ) X jb (a[ kl ][ X k , X l ] u[ kl ] g [ X k , X l ]
b( kl ) {X k , X l ] u( kl ) g [ X k , X l ])
v(ij ) X jb (a[ kl ][ Xk , X l u[ kl ] g [ X k , X l ]

b( kl ) {Xk , X l } v( kl ) g {X k , X l })){ta , tb }}
J ia (5) ( X ) = 3{2ig i Db (a( jk ) [ X j , X k ] b[ jk ]{X j , X k } [ jk ] X j X k )[ta , tb ]

2da(ij ) X jb ( D D ig[ D , D ])[ta , tb ]

2 k a(ij ) X jb ( X k X k ig ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ]))[ta , tb ]

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d (2b[ij ] [ij ] ) X jb ( D D ig[ D , D ]){ta , tb }

k (2b[ij ] [ij ] ) X jb ( X k X k ig ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ])){ta , tb }}

J ia (6) ( X ) = 23{i (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] u[ jk ] g [ X j , X k ]

b( jk ) {X j , X k } v( jk ) g {X j , X k })ta
i (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] u[ jk ] g [ X j , X k ]
b( jk ) {X j , X k } v( jk ) g { X j , X k })ta
igi Db (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] u[ jk ] g [ X j , X k ]

b( jk ) {X j , X k } v( jk ) g {X j , X k })[ta , tb ]
igi D b (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] u[ jk ] g [ X j , X k ]
b( jk ) {X j , X k } v( jk ) g {X j , X k })[ta , tb ]
k a[ij ] X jb ( X k X k ig ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ]))[ta , tb ]

2k a[ij ] g X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ])[ta , tb ]

2 k u[ij ] X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ])[ta , tb ]
2k u[ij ] g X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ])[ta , tb ]
k b(ij ) X jb ( X k X k ig ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ])){ta , tb }

2k b(ij ) g X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ]){ta , tb }

2 k v(ij ) X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ]){ta , tb }
2k v(ij ) g X jb ( X k ig[ D , X k ]){ta , tb }}


which yields

J ia ( X ) = 41 (i j ( X j X j ) 2(i j j i i j g ) X j )ta
4ig1 (d i Db ( D D ) i j Db ( X j X j ))[ta , tb ]
4ig1 (i j Db ( X j X j ) 2(i j j i i j g ) D b X j )[ta , tb ]
3{X jb ( D D )(2da(ij ) [ta , tb ] d (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })

X jb ( X k X k )(2 k a(ij ) [ta , tb ] k (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })}

23{X jb ( X k X k )( k a[ij ][ta , tb ] k b(ij ) {ta , tb })
2 X jb X k (( k a[ij ] k u[ij ] k u[ij ] g )[ta , tb ]

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( k b(ij ) k v(ij ) k v(ij ) g ){ta , tb })}

4ig1 (i j ([ D , X j ]) 2(i j j i i j g ) [ D , X j ])ta

23{i (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] b( jk ) {X j , X k })
(i u[ jk ] i (a( jk ) u[ jk ] g )) [ X j , X k ]
(i v( jk ) i (b( jk ) v( jk ) g )) {X j , X k }}ta

4 g 21 (d i Db [ D , D ] i j Db ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ]))[ta , tb ]
4 g 21 (i j Db ([ D , X j ] [ D , X j ])
2(i j j i i j g ) D b [ D , X j ])[ta , tb ]
ig3{X jb [ D , D ](2da(ij ) [ta , tb ] d (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })

2 i Db (a( jk ) [ X , X ] b[ jk ]{X , X } [ jk ] X j X k )[ta , tb ]

X jb ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ])(2 k a(ij ) [ta , tb ] k (2b[ij ] [ij ] )){ta , tb }}
2ig3{i Db (a[ jk ][ X j , X k ] b( jk ) {X j , X k })
(i u[ jk ] i (a[ jk ] u[ jk ] g )) D b [ X j , X k ]

(i v( jk ) i (b( jk ) v( jk ) g )) D b {X j , X k }}[ta , tb ]
2ig3{X jb ([ D , X k ] [ D , X k ])( k a[ij ][ta , tb ] k b(ij ){ta , tb })
2 X jb [ D , X k ](( k a[ij ] k u[ij ] k u[ij ] g )[ta , tb ]
( k b(ij ) k v(ij ) k v(ij ) g ){ta , tb })}

22 X jb (a( kl ) [ X k , X l ] b[ kl ]{X k , X l })(2a(ij ) [ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })

4 2{X jb (a[ kl ][ X k , X l ] b( kl ) {X k , X l ])(a[ij ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) {ta , tb })
X jb ([ X k , X l ](u[ kl ] (a[ij ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) {ta , tb })
(a[ kl ] u[ kl ] g )(u[ij ][ta , tb ] v(ij ){ta , tb }))

{X k , X l }(v( kl ) (a[ij ][ta , tb ] b(ij ){ta , tb })

(b( kl ) v( kl ) g )(u[ij ][ta , tb ] v(ij ){ta , tb })))}


Eq. (C.6) can be rewritten expanding as


X = X j a1 X j a2 X j a3

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a1 = 41i j ta

a2 = 41i j ta
a3 = 81 (i j j i i j g )ta

DD = Db D b1 Db D b2 D b D b3

b1 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]
b2 = 41igd i [ta , tb ]
DX = Db X j c1 Db X j c2 D b X j c3

X jb D c4 X jb D c5 X b D c6

D e X jf (41igi j )[te , t f ]ta

X jf D e (41igi j )[te , t f ]ta

De X jf (41igi j )[te , t f ]ta

X jf De (41igi j )[te , t f ]ta
De X jf (81ig )(i j j i i j g )[te , t f ]ta
X jf De (81ig )(i j j i i j g )[te , t f ]ta

c1 = 41ig i j [ta , tb ] 41igi j [ta , tb ]

c2 = 41ig i j [ta , tb ] 41igi j [ta , tb ]
c3 = 81ig (i j j i i j g )[ta , tb ]

c4 = 3 (2da(ij ) [ta , tb ] d (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })

c5 = 3 (2da(ij ) [ta , tb ] d (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })
XX = X jb X k d1 X jb X k d 2 X jb X k d3
X je X kf (23 i (a[ jk ][te , t f ] b(ij ) {te , t f })ta )

X kf X je (23 i (a[ jk ][te , t f ] b(ij ) {te , t f })ta )

( X je X kf X kf X je ).(23 (i u[ jk ] i (a[ jk ]
u[ jk ] g ))[te , t f ]ta 23 (i v( jk ) i (b( jk ) v( jk ) g )){te , t f }ta )

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d1 = 3 (2 k a(ij ) [ta , tb ] k (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })
23 ( k a[ij ][ta , tb ] k b(ij ) {ta , tb })
d 2 = 3 (2 k a(ij ) [ta , tb ] k (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })
23 ( k a[ij ][ta , tb ] k b(ij ) {ta , tb })

d3 = 43 (( k a[ij ] k u[ij ] k u[ij ] g )[ta , tb ]

( k b(ij ) k u[ij ] k v(ij ) g ){ta , tb })
DDD = D D e Df (41 g 2 d i )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]
DDX = Db D e X jf (41 g 2 i j 41 g 2 i j )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]
Db D e X jf (41 g 2 i j 41 g 2 i j )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

D b De X jf (81 g 2 (i j j i i j g ))[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

X jb D e Df (3ig ).(2da(ij ) [te , t f ][ta , tb ]

d (2b[ij ] [ij ] )[te , t f ][ta , tb ])

DXX = Db X je X kf (23ig i (a( jk ) [te , t f ] b[ jk ]{te , t f } [ jk ]tet f )

23igi (a[ jk ][te , t f ] b( jk ) {te , t f }))[ta , tb ]

D b X je X kf (23ig (i u[ jk ] i (a[ jk ] u[ jk ] g ))[te , t f ]

23ig (i v( jk ) i (b( jk ) v( jk ) g )){te , t f })[ta , tb ]
X jb D e X kf (3ig k (2a(ij ) [te , t f ][ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] )[te , t f ]{ta , tb })

2 2ig k (a[ij ][te , t f ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) [te , t f ]{ta , tb }))

X jb De X kf (3ig k (2a(ij ) [te , t f ][ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] )[te , t f ]{ta , tb })

2 2ig k (a[ij ][te , t f ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) [te , t f ]{ta , tb }))

X jb De X kf (43ig ( k a[ij ] k u[ij ] k u[ij ] g )[te , t f ][ta , tb ]

43ig ( k b(ij ) k v(ij ) k v(ij ) g )[te , t f ]{ta , tb })
XXX = X jb X ke X kl (22 (a( kl ) [te , t f ] b[ kl ]{te , t f } [ kl ]tet f ).

.(2a(ij ) [ta , tb ] (2b[ij ] [ij ] ){ta , tb })

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4 2 (a( kl ) [te , t f ] b( kl ) {te , t f }).(a[ij ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) {ta , tb }))
X jb X ke X lf (4 2 )(u[ kl ] (a[ij ][te , t f ][ta , tb ] b(ij ) [te , t f ]{ta , tb })

(a[ kl ] u[ kl ] g )(u[ij ][te , t f ]{ta , tb } v(ij ) [te , t f ]{ta , tb })

v(ij ) (a[ij ]{te , t f }[ta , tb ] b(ij ) {te , t f }{ta , tb })
(b( kl ) v( kl ) g )(u[ij ]{te , t f }{ta , tb } v(ij ){te , t f }{ta , tb }))


Thus depending on free coefficients expressions one can decouple the longitudinal sector. Given the model symmetry
circumstance, one gets ( N 1) conserved currents

J ia ( X ) =

1 2
mij X j = 0


16 Volume of circumstances
The volume of circumstances measure the number of invariant terms in the Lagrangian. It is an interesting property
that fields association physics can offer. It relates the free coefficients associated to scalar terms as

d 2 , d i , i j


so on. Physically these free coefficients can take any value without violating gauge symmetry.
As an example, we are going to the case

LA = trZ Z , which yields th following volume of circumstance

5 4 9 3 33 2
N N N 7 N 3,


given by the structure

D a D a : 1
D a X [ ]ia : ( N 1)
X [i ]a X [ ]ak : ( N 1) 2

Da X bi X cj : ( N 1) 2
X [ak ] X bi X cj : ( N 1)3


X a X X b X


( N 1)( N 2)

X bi Xcj X sk X tl : ( N 1) 4


It is still possible to rewrite some of these structures in more elementary terms

Da X bi X cj :
f abcDa X bi X cj :

N ( N 1)

d abcDa X bi X cj :

( N 1)( N 2)


X [ak ] X bi X cj :
2867 | P a g e

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f abc X

[ ]



N ( N 1) 2

d abc X [ak ] X bi X cj :

( N 1) 2 ( N 2)


X bi Xcj X sk X tl :

abc st



f X X X



N ( N 1)

f abcd sta X bi Xcj X sk X tl :

N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

d abc f sta X bi Xcj X sk X tl :

N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

abc st



d d X X X
Similarly one gets for



( N 1)( N 2)

LS = tr (Z ( ) Z ( )


the following volume of circumstances

(5N 2 6 N 4)( N 1) 2 ,


given by the structure

X (i ) a X ( ) ak : ( N 1) 2
X ai Xak : 2( N 1) 2

X (ai ) X bk X cl : ( N 1)3
X ai Xbk X cl : 3( N 1)3


X a X X b X


N ( N 1)

N ( N 1)
X i a X aj Xkb X bl : 3

X bi Xcj X sk X tl : ( N 1) 4
X bi X cj Xsk X tbl : ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)(3N 2)


It is still possible to rewrite some of these structures in more elementary terms

X (ai ) X bk X cl :
f abc X (ai ) X bk X cl :

2868 | P a g e

( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

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d abc X

( )



N ( N 1) 2


X ai Xbk X cl :
f abc X ai Xbk X cl : 3

d abc X





( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

N ( N 1) 2


X bi Xcj X sk X tl :
( N 1)( N 2)
f abc f sta X bi Xcj X sk X tl :

abc st




f d X X X


N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)
N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

d abc f sta X bi Xcj X sk X tl :

N ( N 1)
d abcd sta X bi Xcj X sk X tl :


X bi X cj Xsk X tbl :
f abc f sta X bi X cj Xsk X tbl :

( N 1) 2 ( N 2)(3N 4)

f abcd sta X bi X cj Xsk X tbl :

3N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)

abc st


f X X





( N 1) 2 ( N 2)(3N 4)

d abcd sta X bi X cj Xsk X tbl :

3N ( N 1) 2 ( N 2)


With this, we have, in general, that the total volume of circumstance of the Lagrangian is

which outshines Yang-Mills ( N = 1 ),

2869 | P a g e

25 4 41 3 117 2
N 21N 7,

L :1


free coeficient.

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