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Volume 4 Issue 3

August - September 2015

A Bi-monthly bulletin of Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation

The Great Journey Unto The Unknown




Ganesh Charturthi

Onaghosha in Sandeepani

One Day Camp for Samskarvarg Children


August 15th
Ramayana Parayanam
Samapanam Programme

Sri Krishna Jayanthi

U.B. Day Celebrations
SKIE Programme
Regular Activities
Didis Programmes
Secret Of Work

he credit for the greatest exploration of space goes

to the Indian Seers, who aeons ago, fired the rockets
of their minds to explore the truth of Chidakasha, the
space within them. The entire Indian philosophy is based
on the science, technology, inference and practical utility of
this Mangalayan the most intricate probe to explore the
inner Truth. This is what the Kathopanishad emphatically
mentions in its opening stanza;
Kaschit dheeraha pratyagatmanam eikshat avritha
chakshu amrthathvam ichan

The result of this exploration had been the intimate

knowledge of Truth, within and the wonderful technology
they perfected to extrapolate this inner journey to the
outside as well, to cover the entire universe. Thus did they
succeed in integrating the vyashti with the samashty
man with the Universe. The unparalleled success, the Indian
Rishis achieved in this exploration has made our
Motherland the most coveted spiritual destination for the
entire humanity from time immemorial. This Vedic vision
has since then percolated into and divinized countless
number of Seers, Philosophers, Teachers, Seekers, as well
as simple Human Beings eagerly searching for Truth.
Four stages are formulated by the Rishis in this
extraordinary journey of Mangalayan unto oneself, in
raising self into Selfhood. These have come to be known as
the paths of Karma, Bhakti, Raja and Jnana Yagas.
As in any rocket launching, there are several stages to
be passed through in the inner journey of Mangalayan. The
first effort is to free the mind from the heavy gravitational
force of ones own Karma, its vasanas and the cravings it
creates in the human mind. Unless and until one learns to
wriggle out of the tentacles of Karma, vasanas and
attachment to results, human mind cannot lift itself up.
Hence in Swamijis Practical Vedanta (Viveka Sopana) great
importance is given to the science of transforming Karma
into Karma yoga or work into worship. Only then can the


Volume 4 Issue 3

August - September 2015

mind start its journey onward and Godward. The mind purified and made lighter through Karma
yoga proceeds in its flight through the realm of emotions which in turn need to be filtered to get
rid of the gross human likes and dislikes and other emotional entanglements. Otherwise the flight
will slow down and be pulled back into the realm of material inspirations. This is achieved by
transforming emotions into love of God or Bhakti, through Bhakti yoga. As the human mind, rid of
its worldly attachments passes into the realm of Bhakti he realizes that the whole Universe is
pulsating with Divine Love. Each and every human emotion is a note which has its origin,
sustenance and dissolution in the Eternal Nadabrahma. With this awareness all the discordant
notes in our life gets dissolved and the mind soars into realms unattainable by mundane minds.
When emotions are thus purified and gets centered on the Almighty, it still needs some more
rarefication which is attained absorbing the various disciplines of Raja yoga. After these three
stages are dropped, the rocket is well on its way to its destination, the only propellant now being
ones sincerity in the search for the Ultimate Truth. The only fuel that the rocket can carry that is
thought the mind is permitted to entertain is the awareness of Aham Brahmasmi. That alone can
push the rocket to its final destination into the timelessness and spacelessness of the Self the
abode of Sadchitananda the goal of Mangalayan.
Which science or technology can be compared with this journey into the Absolute
Auspiciousness, the final landing spot of Mangalayan?

Incredible India Love India as Swamiji loved

By Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari

Compilation of Swamijis
Buy the
Book Now


Vivekananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation

Ananda Dham, Sringapuram, Kodungallur, Kerala

` 150/-

How can you help ?

Volunteer your time
By sponsoring our English Publication
By becoming an Annual Donor of the Project
By Sponsoring Programmes, Youth Camps and Celebrations
By spreading the work done by the Vedic Vision Foundation


Volume 4 Issue 3

Independence Day
Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August. Flag hoisting was at 9.50 a.m. by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi, in the presence of Sandeepani Sishuvihar children and their parents.
Children sang the National Anthem and recited the School
pledge. Little Dheeraj was dressed as Mahatma Gandhi.
Dheeraj and his friends along with their parents sat and listened to Didi on the significance of Independence Day.
Sweets were distributed after that.

According to our philosophers,

freedom is the goal. Knowledge
cannot be the goal, because
knowledge is a compound. It is







it is freedom

alone that is desirable. That is

what men struggle after.
..Swami Vivekananda

August - September 2015


Volume 4 Issue 3

August - September 2015

Ramayana Parayanam Samapanam

On Karkatakam 31st (16th August), Ramayana Samapanam programme
was arranged. A Ramayana quiz was conducted by Didi and Smt Mridula, in three stages, one for the tiny tots of Sishuvihar, second one for the
L P School going children and the third for the mothers and grandmothers. The winners received tokens from Didi. This was followed by
chanting of the different Ramayana texts, Valmiki Ramayana, Tulasi Ramayana, Adhyatma Ramayana in Sanskrit and lastly mass chanting of
Adhyatma Ramayana in Malayalam by all those present for the
Smt Sheila teacher, a close well-wisher, spoke on the extraordinary qualities of Sri Rama. Didi too spoke to the audience. Lastly, Lakshmi Didi
honoured Smt. Baby who without fail accompanied, Kum. Bindu in her
home visits during the entire Ramayana month.
It is believed that the tradition of reciting Ramayana during
the Karikidakam started from 16th century. This could be because Thunchath Ramanujan Ezhuthachan, the great Malayalam poet and linguist lived in that times and had translated
the epics Ramayana and Mahabharat to Malayalam for the
benefit of the common man. The concept of Ramayana
Masam is also unique to Kerala. The period between mid July and mid August is considered the Ramayana Masam, which is Karikidakam, as per the Malayalam Calendar. This is also the beginning of
Dakshinayanam, or the South-East movement of the Sun. This means that the rays of the Sun are
not as powerful as in the Uttarayanam time (mid January - mid July), and thereby lowers immunity
and digestive power in humans. The Karikidam month is also called as 'panja' masam or the month
of scarcity, after all it is the time of heavy rains. The Sundara Kand of Ramayana read during these
time frees and strengthens the mind from unwanted thoughts in turn thus providing the reader
and the listeners to prevail through hard times.

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Ganesh Charturthi
Ganesh Charturthi according to the Malayalam calendar was celebrated on 18th August. Sri Sivanji, of
Gurupadam, performed Ganapathi Homam and
Srichakra Puja. The inmates of Anandadham were
delighted to have Mananeeya Balakrishnanji, Vice
President of Vivekananda Kendra-Kanyakumari, in
their midst. Man. Balkrishnanji met the children of

He whom all the Vedas seek, to

see whom men undergo all sorts
of asceticism, I will tell you His
name: It is Om. This eternal Om is
the Brahman, this is the immortal
One; he who knows the secret of
this whatever he desires is his.
..Swami Vivekananda

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Onam celebration in Sandeepani Sishuvihar

As is the trend in all schools and colleges big or small in Kerala, Onam is celebrated by the students along with their teachers and staff, before the Onam holidays. The tiny tots of Sandeepani
Sishuvihar too celebrated Onam on the 21st August, by helping their mothers and teachers to put
up a beautiful Poo Kolam (floral diagram) with flowers and leaves. From morning to noon many of
the tiny tots were kept busy with their mothers. After that they danced to the tune of music,
pulikali was also imitated by many of them who decorated their body to look like tigers. One of
them was dressed as Mahabali, another as Vamana avataram. They had great fun posing in front of
the camera along with their mothers, teachers and Didi. The last item was prasad distribution.

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

One Day Camp for Samskarvarg children

On the occasion of Eknathjis Punya Tithi on 22nd August, a full day Camp from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the
Samskara varga children of Kodungallur and P. Vemballur, was conducted at Ananda dham campus.28
children were present.
The camp started with prayer and bhajans. Didi lit the lamp. Little Anushree form Kodungallur, introduced Didi to the children from P.Vemballur since they came for the first time. Didi spoke to them on
Bharat as a Punya Bhoomi, Tyagabhoomi, Dharmabhoomi, Yaga Bhoomi and Tapobhumi and it
was the duty of each of them to become like Swamiji love India and serve Her so that their lives on
this earth would become purposeful as linniaged by Mananeeya Eknathji. The children listened with
rapt attention. After a small break, second session was conducted by Sri Sudhakarji on kuttikalude
dinacharya, as to how they should plan out their daily routine. A session on Suryanamaskar and
Yogasanas was conducted. Lunch followed, children experienced the joy of Samuhya bhojanam.After
lunch session was story telling the story of Vamana Avatar and significance of Onam by Su.Padma and
explanation of the mural exhibition on the life of Swami Vivekananda by Su.Bindu.At the last and before the krida yoga session a quiz was conducted by Su. Mridula, on the different sessions during the
day. Each group were equally capable in answering the questions which showed their grasping capacity. After games the session came to an end with the chanting of Shanti mantra.
On the same day coupons worth 300/- were gifted to the needy and deserving families in and around
Ananda Dham so that they could also celebrate Onam with joy during the festival. They could buy
things of their choice worth Rs 300/- from a particular consumer shop, so that the gift would not be
misused. Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi gave away those coupons to the deserving women and children.
Vedic Vision has been organizing this for the last so many years, coinciding it with Ma.Eknathji Punya
Tithi. Uniqueness of this project is that the entire programme is sponsored by well-wishers and friends.

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Sri Krishna Jayanthi

Sri Krishna Jayanthi is the day when Anandadham turns into a Vrindavan. This time it fell on September 5th just after the great Kerala festival of Onam. Sri Krishna Jayanthi is the day when all our
Sishuvihar mothers get transformed into Yashoda. From morning they start dressing up their children, as Sri Krishna or Radha, thereby raising themselves into Yashoda consciousness and thus
come to enjoy a tiny drop of the true bliss of having Sri Krishna as their little child.
Forty children participated. Apart from Sandeepani Sishuvihar school children, there were an equal
or more number of children from the neighbourhood. After the display on stage as the little Krishnas, Gopikas and Radhas, there were solo bhajans on Sri Krishna by the children. All the mothers
with their children then went round the Sri Krishnas statue in our Vrindavan Park chanting Hare
Krishna. This was followed by Uriyadi or Breaking the Pot, enjoyed by all participants. All the participating Krishnas, Radhas and the singers received their token gifts


Volume 4 Issue 3

SKIE Programme
The SKIE programme was formally inaugurated on
September 12th 2015. Sri. Chandrasekharan Master
kindly consented to share the honour. Sri Chandrasekharan Master is a retired (but not tired) educationalist and an acknowledged authority in varied areas
of Philosophy, Culture and Civilization. He is also an
avid Philatelist and Numismatist. The lighting of the
Bhadra Deepam by Sri Chandrasekharan Master, Ma.
Lakshmi Didi and Major General P Vivekanandan
(Retd.) PhD. with chanting of the Omkara in the background marked the beginning of a new era in awakening for the selected school students.
They were to get exposed to a learning to identify the
self, develop the self, purify the self, learning that is
free from the usual compartmentalized form of education available in class rooms. Knowledge that will
make the individual invincible, in all walks of life.
Sri Chandrasekharan Master led everyone through a
magical journey of information and knowledge on
how education used to be in ages gone by, the renowned gurukulas of those times, the temples of
knowledge and the richness of our heritage. He cited
how life skills development used to be an essential
part of the basic education before the individual
moved to the specialised areas of learning like Fine
Arts(Gandharva Veda), Medicine(Ayur Veda), Engineering(Sthapatya Veda), and Military Science(Dhanur
Veda). He emphasised the importance of Time Management and Punctuality, a core foundation of acquiring knowledge.
Lakshmi Didi, explained the eternal harmony between
Iccha Shakti, Kriya Shakti, Jnana Shakti; Desire, Action
and Knowledge. The equilibrium between Desire and

August - September 2015

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Action, is brought about by Knowledge. In todays world the education system falls short in bring
out the best in the individual and creating the wholesome individual. What the individual grasps is
mostly the superficial aspect, like the example of the tip of the iceberg. Didi talked about the immense potential in each individual and the need for it to be awakened which will lead to super
charged individuals ready to face the world.
Major General Vivekanandan touched upon the need for a holistic development of the individual
which will lead to a happy and contented family that will ensure peace and harmony in the society,
the nation and the world at large.
All of them whole heartedly welcomed the students to the yearlong SKIE program. Post the inauguration, Sri Shafi spend the rest of the day with the group of children who had enrolled for the
SKIE program. Sri Shafi conducted different team building games and interactive sessions, which
helped the participants of the SKIE program to quickly get to know each other and build a sense of
camaraderie amongst them. The sessions of SKIE have been planned for 2nd Saturday and 3rd
Sunday of every month.


Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Universal Brotherhood Day Celebrations

U B. day celebrations started with a bang. The painting competition was was organized in the campus from 9:30am
to 12 noon on 15th September. 82 children from ten schools in and around Kodungallur participated.. There were
46 students of junior group of classes V, VI VII. Topic for the group was 'Ideal Village'. The senior group included
students of classes VIII, IX and X, with 36 students. The topic for this group was ' Smart city or 'Model City'.
Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi lighted the lamp and wished them well before they began. One should see the paintings!
Their creative imaginations made them forget themselves and just pin drop silence prevailed. Who says children
are uncontrollable? Master Gohul Menon (Cl VIII)of BharatVidya Mandir ,Valapad and Abela Ruben (Cl IX)of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Irinjalakuda were declared the first prize winners amongst the seniors. Master Avinash C.S (CL
VII) of BharatVidya Mandir, Valapad was the winner in the junior group.
On 16th September, Narration Competition based on the incidents from the life of Swami Vivekananda, both in
English and Malayalam for the school students of classes VI and VII, was organized from 9: 30 am to 12 noon. Eight
Schools participated. Overall, there were 40 participants. We had Brig. Radhakrishnan, Smt Shanta Nair, Smt. Radhakrishnan, Smt.Santana Lakshmi, Smt. Subhadra and Smt. Jyothi Unniraman well-wishers of Kendra as the judges
for the competition,
On the same day in the afternoon, from 2pm to 3.30 p.m. an Elocution Competition (getting by heart and delivering the speech of Swamiji) both in English and Malayalam, was organized for the high school students. 30 students
from ten schools took part Kum Malavika M. K. (Cl VII) of Bharat Vidya Mandir, Valapad was declared first from the
juniors in Narration competition in Malayalam. Kum. Gouri S. (Cl VII) of Amrita Vidyalayam bagged the first position in Narration competition in English. In the Elocution competition, Kum. Sriya C.P. (Cl VIII) of Amrita Vidyalayam, was declared first in Malayalam Elocution and Kum. Amritavarshini also of Amrita Vidyalayam secured first
in English Elocution.
A quiz programme was conducted on 17th September for the Higher Secondary school children. The subject chosen was Indian Freedom Movement. Eight teams, consisting of five members in each team from in and around
Kodungallur participated. The programme started with a prayer and brief introduction by Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi
with her unique way of conveying message, explained to the children the real meaning of 'freedom', Shri Vinod
Ponoth was the quiz master. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Irinjalakuda group was declared as the winners.
The Universal Brotherhood Day celebration came to a grand finale on September 19, with the prize distributions
and a unique event called "Vanichitrapuja". Srimad Swami Nandatmajananda from Ramakrishna Math, Thrissur,
was the chief guest. The concluding function began with a short prayer, lighting of the ceremonial brass lamp by
two 'child' Vivekanandas, Ma. Lakshmi Didi, and Swami Nandatmajananda. Ma. Lakshmi Didi, took the audience
back to September 11, 1893.The description of the event at Chicago, took each and every one present on a journey back in time to visualize the magnificent event when the world stood dazzled to hear the saffron robbed,
monk from India, give a soul-stirring speech about tolerance and universal acceptance. Swami Nandatmajananda,
present editor of Prabhuda Keralam, held the audience spellbound by drawing a beautiful portrait of Swami Vivekananda to the tunes of a song in the praise of the Swami. This procedure is what Swamiji called as
Vanichitrapuja. Later Swami Nandatmajananda in his address recounted an event in the life of Charles Darwin
Darwin who was not very keen in visiting the church on Sundays. When his family spend their time at church he
would visit a nearby colony of underprivileged people and take 10 children out on a shopping spree to the nearby
city. The joy he experienced in seeing the children enjoying the day was far greater than a visit to church. On a
weekend an Afro-American mother came to him with her child and requested that Darwin take that child to the
city. Darwin stated that we had already selected the 10 children and he cannot include another. However after repeated request from the Mother and her appeal that her child had never visited the city and that they were too
poor to even have a proper meal a day, Darwin agreed. The child was thrilled, and had a good time in the city, was
able to have some food and moved around with the other children. Late in the evening Darwin got the children
back and left them with their parents. While Darwin was leaving the 11th child, he came running to Darwin and
asked him "Are you Jesus". The joy that Darwin could give the child, brought Darwin closer to the Almighty than
the dedicated worshippers in the Sunday Church.
Blessed are those who spend time with the needy, to share their sorrow and pain and in the process get peace,
happiness for the self and bring in joy and harmony to others. Swamiji gave away prizes for the individuals and
teams for the different events like Painting, Elocution (Mal and Eng), Narration (Mal and Eng), and Quiz.
The ceremony came to a close with the chanting of the Shanti Mantra.

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

Universal Brotherhood
Day Celebrations

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

9 ladies and 10 gents attended the Yoga Satra during the months of August and September. 20 ladies and 15 gents attended the regular Yoga Varga in the morning batch for gents
and ladies and the afternoon batch for ladies only.

Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra Puja

Ganapathi Homam and Sri Chakra pujas during pournami on 29th August and 28th September were conducted by Dr Vijayanji and his disciple Sri Shivanji of Karumatra centre.

Satsanga Prabhashana Parampara

On the 22nd and 23rd August and 26th and 27th September, the last Saturday and
Sunday Sri Girishkumarji conducted his regular classes on Srimad Bhagavad Geeta.

Samskar varga
40 children regularly attended the Samskara Vargas held at two places viz. at
Kodungallur and P.Vemballur.


Volume 4 Issue 3


Inauguration of the Annual Meet of TAPASYA


Inauguration of Sri Narayana Guru study class at Maliankara College


Independence Day


Samapan of Ramayana Month


Chettikkal Devi temple


Inauguration of Onam celebration at Matrusadanam,



As Chief Guest in the Award giving to Dr Harishankar


Inauguration of Nursery at Pavithranjis house.


Sri Krishna Jayanthi


Sri Ramakrishna devotees conference at Ernakulum.


Inauguration of SKIE programme


Sri Ramakrishna devotees conference final session


Painting competition for school children at Anandad-


Narration Competition in English and Malayalam for

school children


Universal Brotherhood Day finale


G.B. Meeting at Chennai


Yoga Book Release at TCR- received the first copy and


August - September 2015


Volume 4 Issue 3

August - September 2015

Secret of Work
Dr. M. Lakshmi Kumari

here is not a single moment in our life when we are not working. WORK is the channel through
which our personality flows outward and finds its equilibrium in the world. We establish our
relationship with people and environment through our work. Our social status is largely

dependent on our work and very often others judge us, our merit and demerit, with our work as the
basis. Through work, we can redeem ourselves and also degrade the self. Therefore, it is essential for us
to know something about the secret of work.
In no other country or its philosophy has work merited as much attention as in ours? Yet we are
far from the ideal, nay, we hardly pay enough attention to work so as to make it a tool for selfdevelopment and social and national upgradation. In fact, the secret of work should be taught to the
children and the idea allowed to grow in them from their childhood so as to develop in them the right
attitude towards work.
Without the right knowledge of working, we find people frittering away their time and energy and
ultimately ending up in creating a lot of misery for themselves and others. Firstly, there are those who do
not work at all. They while away their time and wither away the great potential power of work within
them. Just as disuse leads to the natural stunting of the unused organ, so does the entire human
personality get stunted through non-working. A second category spends all their energy in doing the
wrong kind of work, detrimental and destructive, thereby mobilizing disharmonious currents in the
society. A third group, is there, who want to do the right work, but not knowing the secret and technique
of such working, end up doing the right work in the wrong way! Like the rower of an anchored boat, all
their efforts are in vain. They remain where they are without any progress in their lives and contributing
nothing to the betterment of society.
A rare few amongst us, having discovered the secret of work, do the right work in the right way
and make their life a blessing for the rest of mankind. In Indian tradition, this rare type of work has been
elevated to a system of Yoga by which man can link himself with the Supreme. Not only so, such a way of
working can help us to bring out the potential divinity within us.
Swami Vivekananda laid great stress on this right type of working and enjoins upon us to
understand the significance of it and adopt it as our regular norm of working to pull out not only our
individual lives but also the nation from the morass into which it has fallen.
It is of common knowledge that to channelize and concentrate our life energies we must have a
goal in life, a mission in life. Many are the people who even after identifying their goal pay scant
attention to the means. Swamiji pinpoints perfection of the means as the secret of success. He goads us
to pay great attention to the details. If the means are right, right results would naturally follow, a very
important principle which in our own times we have seen exemplified in Mahatma Gandhis life.

Volume 4 Issue 3


August - September 2015

A second point is to cultivate detachment. Deep involvement in the work should be combined with
effortless withdrawal if need be. It is said that this was a rare trait showed by Vinobhaji , especially in his
last days, by total and absolute detachment from all the work he had initiated and guided. Unfortunately,
lesser men that we are, we cling to the work with a passionate attachment which is detrimental to our
inner growth. Those who come to work become worked up, who come to rule turn into slaves. Swamiji
warns of this weakness in us again and again.
The weakness arising out of our attachment and expectation for results are the main drawbacks in
our lives. Today, all our pleasures and pastimes are centred round this weakness and real joy eludes us.
Swamiji uses strong words to condemn this: We are all beggars, whatever we do, we want returns. We are
all traders. We are traders in life, we are traders in virtue, we are traders in religion and alas we are also
traders in love. How very true!
The great lesson to learn is that we get caught not by what we give but by our expectations. Where
desires and expectations are transcended, there exists no misery. Let us learn from Nature. She goes on
giving, never asking for any return. Whenever we break this law, misery follows.
With attention to these details perfection of means, non-expectation of results and total
detachment when we work, work turns into meditation and it becomes a sure path for self- unfoldment.
This ideal should be the central core of all the work we do so that in a lesser or bigger way, slowly but
steadily, karma becomes karmayoga.
There are three components in any work, namely, the action, the agency and the result. Karmayoga
takes care of all the three. True awareness, detachment and God-orientation purify the action and its doer.
The result of such an action naturally has to be for the ultimate good though in worldly terms it may not
always appear to be so. Therefore, Swamiji stresses that Karmayoga is not for changing the world but is
for the transformation of the doer. When the doer has perfected his actions, such action can create more
and more centres of purity, detachment and excellence.
To carve out karmayoga from the karma which we do today, a threefold chiselling is necessary
that is, renunciation of self-centred agency of action, our preferences for specific actions and expectation
of results. The polishing should start from even the smallest of actions. No action is insignificant as every
one of them leaves a mark on our personality. Like a master-painter imparting life to his sketches through
tiny faint strokes here and there, so can we add beauty, grandeur and meaning to our life and work
through small actions executed exquisitely in total atonement to the Universal Law.
Ma. Eknathji has shown us the way through the Kendra prayer, which ends with the following
Jeevane yavadadanam syat pradanam tathodhikam
Let us give more than what we take from life. May this be the constant prayer on our lips.
Om Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!

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