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POL 110 Final Exam Answers
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Question 1
Under the Constitution, bills can originate in either house of Congress with the exception of?

Question 2
The Supreme Court recognizes privileged speech for members of Congress so long as that
speech is?

Question 3
Amendments that are unrelated to a bill but added so that their subject also can be considered by
Congress are called?

Question 4
U. S. Senators serve for a ____ year term.

Question 5
A bill that can have amendments from the floor is operating under __________ rule.

Question 6
To obtain a partys nomination for a seat in Congress, a candidate typically must.

Question 7
Until 1995, Congress passed many laws that?

Question 8
Which Democratic presidential candidate received 90 percent or more of Democratic votes?

Question 9
Studies suggest which of the following would be an effective way to increase vote turnout?

Question 10

When all is said and done, today, campaigns are largely run by

Question 11
Which of the following has been shown to increase voter turnout?

Question 12
Which of the following resulted in a dramatic change in the number of blacks who registered and

Question 13
Public participation in elections is lowest in

Question 14
To win in a plurality system, a candidate must have

Question 15
Three sources have become important to interest groups in raising money: government grants,
direct mail, and

Question 16
Passed by Congress in 1939, the Hatch Act

Question 17
More than half of all PACs are sponsored by

Question 18
By 1972, the Democratic National Convention became a place where delegates met to

Question 19
In almost all states, candidates are selected by

Question 20
James Madison looked to the _______ to protect the people from their own temporary errors
and delusions.

Question 21
In the 1950s, women were more likely than men to

Question 22
In recent years, many white Southerners have shifted from

Question 23
When The New York Times sought to publish the Pentagon Papers and the federal government
sued to prevent publication, the Supreme Court

Question 24
Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as

Question 25
Most national surveys draw a sample of around _____ people.

Test Exam 2

Question 1
Today, the major source of congressional campaign money is

Question 2
Which of the following was a major change in regard to American elections?

Question 3
President __________ ordered endless polls, sometimes weekly, to help him decide what
positions to adopt.

Question 4
In presidential elections, __________ are more loyal to their partys candidate.

Question 5
An analysis of campaign promises made between 1944 and 1964 by the two major parties
revealed that ____ percent of the promises were carried out.

Question 6
The 2008 election was somewhat significant because it featured

Question 7
The Supreme Court recognizes privileged speech for members of Congress so long as that
speech is

Question 8
A bill can be introduced by

Question 9
The purpose of the Committee of the Whole is to

Question 10
The franking privilege allows a representative in Congress

Question 11
The Speaker of the House:

Question 12
A presidents veto can be overridden by?

Question 13
Direct election of U.S. senators was mandated by passage of the?

Question 14
In 2008 half of all Americans received their political news from:

Question 15
Workers in Britain or in France are more likely to think of themselves as members of the:

Question 16
Libel law in the United States is most accurately described as?

Question 17
James Madison looked to the _______ to protect the people from their own temporary errors
and delusions.

Question 18
In the 1950s, women were more likely than men to?

Question 19
To a remarkable degree, media ownership in the United States is?

Question 20
Organization offering solidary incentives are more likely to organize?

Question 21
In the United States, most people participate in political parties by?

Question 22
More than half of all PACs are sponsored by?

Question 23
Party organizations that feature groups of people who enjoy the game and/or see politics as a
way to meet and be with other people are called __________ associations.

Question 24
Thousands of organized interests are located on and around __________ Street in Washington,

Question 25
By 1972, the Democratic National Convention became a place where delegates met to?

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