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General Specification

Section 2aPiling



Contractor's Responsibility
the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the safety of the
work and for taking all necessary precautions to prevent
settlement or damage to adjacent buildings, roads and
surrounding ground. He shall inspect the adjacent buildings
and surrounding area at regular frequent intervals and shall
immediately report to the Engineer any signs of damage or
distress which may become evident.
If directed by the Engineer the Contractor shall provide shoring
to the adjacent buildings and shall move and reposition any
shores as may be necessary to get the rigs into position for
driving the piles adjacent to the buildings.
All such work shall be carried out and any damage rectified at
the Contractor's own expense.
Piling works shall be carried out in accordance with the Code of
Practice for Foundations 2004.


Damage to Existing Services

Care shall be taken not to disturb existing drains, gas or water
mains, cables or other underground work. Should any damage
occur the Utility Authority and the Engineer are to be notified
immediately and all damage made good at the Contractor's
The Engineer is to be informed as soon as possible if it is found
that any of the existing services shown on the drawings are
significantly out of position and if any additional services are


Site Investigation Report

Where a site investigation report and/or borehole logs are
made available by the Engineer they are given in good faith as
to the ground condition likely to be met. The Contractor is to
make his own interpretation of the report and/or borehole logs
and of the applicability of the conditions shown in the
boreholes over the site as a whole and of the possible and
probable variation in conditions which may occur between


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Contractor to Visit Site

Contractors tendering are advised to visit the site of the works
and make themselves thoroughly acquainted with the location,
general site conditions, accessibility, storage space, restrictions
for loading and off loading materials etc. and any other
conditions which may affect their tender.


Size and Capacity of Piles

The piles shall be of the size or sizes shown on the drawings.
They shall be capable of carrying the loads shown on the
loading schedule without undue settlement and of withstanding
the loading test required by the Building Authority.


Unless otherwise stated, materials for concrete piles shall be of
the quality described in Section 2e Concrete Specification.


Setting Out
The Contractor shall provide all necessary instruments, lines
and pegs and shall set out the pile positions in accordance with
the piling plan and any further details provided by the
Although the setting out of piles may be checked by the
Engineer, it is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that the
piles are installed in correct position and to the required levels
and rake.
If any discrepancy should be found between the dimensions
shown on the drawings and the dimensions found on site the
Contractor shall inform the Engineer who shall give instructions
to resolve the discrepancy.
The position of any pile shall not be adjusted by the Contractor
without the prior approval of the Engineer or his representative.
The Engineer may require additional piles to supplement any
pile which deviates from the acceptable tolerances or is
incorrectly located to such an extent that the eccentricity
cannot reasonably be provided for by a simple amendment of
the pile cap.
Such additional piles shall be provided at the Contractor's
expense and no claim for extension of time will be entertained.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Tolerances for Piles

Piles shall be driven as accurately as possible to the vertical or
to the specified rake. Unless other tolerances are shown on the
drawings, piles shall not deviate more than 1 in 75 from the
specified alignment and in no cases the pile shall be more than
75mm from the true centre on plan.
No part of any piles shall be allowed outside site boundaries,
unless the Engineer specifies otherwise on the drawings.


Driving Test for Piles

The Contractor shall, when required, carry out driving tests on
piles selected by the Buildings Department or by the Engineer.
Such tests shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer
or his representative and the Buildings Department. A full
record of hammer drop, number of blows and penetration shall
be kept for the full length of penetration and a number of
temporary compression diagrams shall be taken as directed by
the Engineer.


Notification to Commence Piling

The Contractor shall give at least 48 hours advance notice to
the Engineer prior to commencing the first pile to enable the
Buildings Department and the Engineer of his representative to
be present.


Load Tests on Working Piles

Load tests on working piles selected by the Building Authority
or by the Engineer will be required. The number will usually be
about one test for every hundred piles.
Tests required by the Building Authority shall be done in the
manner prescribed by the Building Regulations and as required
by the Buildings Department. Tests required by the Engineer
shall be by the maintained load method usually with eight
One unloading cycle may be required upon
reaching the working load. The test load will usually be twice
the maximum capacity of the pile.
If a pile fails under test, any additional piles and testing to
compensate for the failure shall be at the contractor's expense.
Full records shall be kept of time, load settlement and recovery
during the test and the test and the test report shall include
plots of load and settlement against time and load against


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Pile Load Test Procedure


The kentledge shall be set up over the pile and supported
in such a manner as will avoid any dangerous tilting
before, during or after the tests.
The load shall be transferred to the pile head by means of
a hydraulic jack and loading frame. If a dynamometer is
not incorporated in the loading equipment the jack shall
be calibrated immediately before the test by an approved
independent laboratory.


Settlement readings shall be taken from a datum which
will not be affected by any movement of the ground due
to the test load. Measurements shall be taken to an
accuracy of 0.01 mm.
Records shall be kept of time, load and settlement.
Graphs of these records shall be plotted showing:(i)

load plotted above and settlement plotted below a

common base line of time and
(ii) (for constant rate of penetration test) settlement
plotted below a base line of load, or
(iii) (for sustained load tests) final settlement under each
increment plotted below a base line of applied load.
The recovery of the pile on removal of the test load
should be recorded in a similar manner.

Constant Rate of Penetration (Type A Tests)

The constant rate of penetration test is carried out by
controlling the increase in loads on the pile in such a way
as will cause the pile to penetrate into the ground at a
constant rate. The load is increased in this manner until
the rate of penetration increase without application of
further load. The load is then released to zero.
Three such tests are to be carried out consecutively on
each pile. The rate of penetration for the first test should
be about 0.5 mm per minute, for the second test 0.75
mm per minute and for the third test 1.0 mm per minute.
A plot of settlement against time shall be kept during the
test both as a guide for controlling the rate of settlement


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Section 2aPiling

and as a record of the actual rate obtained and any

variation from a constant rate.

Sustained Load (Type B Tests)

Sustained load tests shall be carried out by loading the
pile in equal increments and observing the settlement for
each increment until it has substantially ceased. The
next increment then applied & the procedure repeated.
Unless otherwise specified or ordered, the full test load
shall be twice the estimate working load of the pile and it
shall be applied in four increments.
Settlement readings shall be taken immediately before,
and immediately after applying the increment. They
should then be taken at short intervals which can be
increased as the rate of settlement decreases.
Settlement can be considered to have substantially
ceased when the slope of the settlement curve plotted
below a base line of time decreases and approaches the
horizontal (incremental settlement less than 0.05 mm per
10 minutes).


For the constant rate of penetration test, failure shall be
taken as the point at which the rate of settlement
increases without the application of further load or
alternatively the point at which it is no longer necessary
to increase the load to maintain the constant rate of
For the substained load test failure shall be taken as the
point at which the rate of settlement continues
undiminished or increases without the application of
further increments or alternatively the point at which the
load/settlement graph approaches the vertical.


Acceptance Criteria
The acceptance criteria for tests on working piles shall be
the criteria specified by the Building Authority.


Trimming Pile Heads

Concrete piles shall be carefully trimmed to cut off level in a
manner which will not damage the shaft. Reinforcement where
provided shall be stripped of concrete ready for bonding into
the pile cap.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


An accurate and comprehensive record shall be kept of each
pile and the following data and daily record sheets signed by
representative shall be submitted to the Engineer each week in
pile reference number
date and time of commencement and completion of
ground level at pile position
depth driven or bored
depth concreted and quantity of concrete used
(f1) final set for last ten blows (if applicable)
(f2) `N' value below tip of pile (if applicable)
(f3) the torque at each metre of penetration (if applicable)
details of obstructions or delays
details of inclination or displacement of the pile during
For each caisson the following additional information is

daily progress
type of ground encountered
date of approval of base
tables and charts showing the data for proving the bases

Test pile driving records and copies of the results of any load
tests shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate.
A copy of the daily records shall be kept on site together with a
marked up copy of the piling plan showing the depths of the
piles and date of installation.

Foundation Record Plans and Report

The Contractor shall prepare a piling record plan in the form of
a tracing or sepia of the piling plan showing the following

The final positions of the piles (i.e. any deviation greater

than the tolerance).
The toe level of each pile referred to P.D.
A number of spot levels to show the general ground level
of the site.

This plan shall be brought up to date at intervals during the


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

work so that prints can be taken for submission to the Building

Authority as each section of the work is completed. Six copies
of the completed record plan shall be submitted to the
Engineer without delay after the last pile has been installed.
The Contractor shall also prepare a piling report containing all
the information required by the Building Authority. This report
shall be brought up to date at intervals so that it will be ready
for submission section by section. Four copies will be required.

Site Clearance
On completion of the work the Contractor shall leave the site
clean and tidy, and free from all debris, surplus materials, etc.
resulting from his operations.


Obstructions and Delays

The Contractor is deemed to have included in his rates for
installing the piles through any type of strata encountered.
Prior to any pile installation, the Contractor shall submit his
proposal on the method of overcoming underground
obstructions for the Engineer's approval. If a method is already
specified by the Engineer, the Contractor shall follow without
Any delays caused by the overcoming of underground
obstructions shall not constitute a claim for extension of time.


Pile Length
The piles shall be capable of carrying without distress to the
superstructure the working loads shown on the drawings and
shall satisfy the requirements in respect of settlement under
test load. The contractor shall determine the length of the
piles based on the pile tests, and/or available site investigation
reports and/or the results of such other tests and investigations
as he may carry out, and the lengths of pile already driven.
Before fabricating any pile the contractor shall submit for the
Engineer's approval the length of pile he proposes to drive and
details of the number and position of splices he proposes to use
to make up the pile. The Engineer's agreement shall not
relieve the Contractor from his responsibility for providing piles
of adequate length capable of carrying the working loads
indicated on the drawings and schedules, but shall be mainly
for the purpose of agreeing the measurement as the work


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Section 2aPiling

The minimum net length below cut-off level shall be 4.5m for
driven piles. The contractor shall use appropriate methods,
including preboring, to achieve installing the minimum length.

Defective Piles
If, in the opinion of the Engineer, any pile is incapable of
permanently carrying its design load because of the pile having
been installed outside the specified tolerances or damaged by
over-driving or by the construction of another pile nearby or
otherwise failing to conform to the Specification, the Contractor
shall submit remedial works proposal for the Engineer's
approval. The remedial works may consist of re-installation of
the defective pile at another location, additional piles or
revisions to pile cap and tie beam details.
The Engineer may instruct that the approved remedial works
be carried out by the Contractor or by the Superstructure
Contractor with the cost recovered from the Contractor if, in
the opinion of the Engineer, it is more beneficial for the
execution of the project to do so. Normally, if the remedial
works fall within the scope of the Superstructure Contract, the
Engineer will instruct the Superstructure Contractor to carry out
the remedial works. The decision of the Engineer in this respect
is final.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling



Additional Ground Investigation

Carry out additional ground investigation borings immediately
after commencement in order to supplement the original
ground investigation for the purpose of confirming the lengths
required for augered piles. The number, location and depth of
the additional boreholes shall be agreed with the Engineer
before starting.


Length of Augered Piles

The length of augered piles shall be based on friction on a shaft
of the specified diameter. For the purpose of estimating the
pile length, the allowable unit friction shall be taken as 1.6N
kPa up to a maximum of 64 kPa where N is the standard
penetration test blow count.
The load transmitted to the ground by the length of shaft above
any level is taken as the lesser of the total shaft friction above
that level or the safe bearing capacity of the stratum at that


Construction of Augered Piles

The piles shall be constructed by boring to the required depth
with a continuous flight auger of the required size and forming
the shaft by pumping in a Portland cement/sand grout/mortar
as the auger is withdrawn. The grout/mortar shall be pumped
under pressure to ensure that the shaft is the full specified size
and in tight contact with the ground.
The grout/mortar shall be cast to such a height above cut off
level as will ensure that the whole length of the shaft is sound
and not contaminated by soil falling in above cut off level.
The reinforcement cage shall be installed immediately after
completion of grouting and before the grout/mortar reaches the
initial set. The cage shall be free from soil or other deleterious
material and shall fall under its own weight to the specified
level within the shaft.
Adjacent piles closer than 6 pile diameters shall not be grouted
within 24 hours of each other.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Underground Obstructions
If underground obstructions are encountered at depths greater
than a few metres that cause auger refusal, the following steps
shall be taken:



Grout the augered hole and relocate the pile when the
pile is closer than 6 pile diameters from any completed


Remove the obstruction by a method approved by the

Engineer, backfill the hole with sand and reinstall the pile
when the pile is 6 pile diameters or more away from any
completed pile. However, the shaft friction resistance
above the obstruction shall be ignored in the design of
the pile length.

Grout/mortar for Augered Piles

The grout/mortar used shall not be inferior to Grade 25D.
Fluidity of the grout/mortar shall be checked on a sample taken
from the chute of each truckload of grout using a 19mm
diameter flow cone in accordance with ASTM C939-10. The
flow rate shall be within the range of 10 to 25 seconds.
The maximum grout/mortar temperature shall not exceed 38 0


Reinforcement for Augered Piles

Augered piles shall be reinforced for at least the top 10m of the
pile. Longitudinal bars shall be deformed high tensile bars and
binders shall be mild steel.
The reinforcement shall be made up into cages and provided
with suitable means of maintaining the specified cover. The
cages shall be lowered into the fluid grout and held at the
correct level until it sets.
The cover to the reinforcement shall not be less than 75mm.
Any tolerance required must be applied to the cages of
reinforcement to ensure that the cover is not less than this
minimum value.


Sampling and Testing of Materials

One sample per pile of the grout/mortar shall be taken. Two
150mm cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm cubes if
accepted by the Engineer, shall be made from each sample and


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

tested at 28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.

Reinforcing bars shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with CS2:1995.

Integrity Testing of Piles

When instructed by the Engineer, pile integrity testing with
Sonic Echo Test or Vibration Test shall be carried out on 15% of
the augered piles selected by the Engineer.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling



Construction of Driven Cast-in-place Piles

Piles shall be constructed by driving a steel tube to the required
depth of set, pouring concrete to form the shaft and extracting
the tube. The tubes may be driven either from the top or from
the bottom.
Care must be taken when driving tubes near newly concreted
piles. No tube shall be driven closer than 5 diameters from any
pile cast less than one day earlier.
The Contractor shall submit particulars of the tube and hammer
he proposes to use and the driving criteria he proposes to
adopt for the agreement of the Engineer. The adequacy of the
piles to carry the working load shall remain the responsibility of
the Contractor.


Reinforcement for Piles

Piles shall be reinforced with at least dowel bars at the top.
Longitudinal bars shall be deformed high tensile bars and
binders shall be mild steel.
The reinforcement shall be made up in cages and provided with
suitable spacers securely fixed to the cage to maintain the
specified cover. Care shall be taken to set the cages at the
correct level in the pile.
The cover to the reinforcement shall not be less than 75mm.
Any tolerance required must be applied to the cages of
reinforcement to ensure that the cover is not less than this
minimum value.


Concreting Piles
The concrete shall be Grade 20D or a special concrete of
equivalent strength suitable for the particular piling method
used. Particulars of the mix proportions shall be submitted to
the Engineer.
Unless the concrete is compacted by ramming it shall be
designed with a high workability so that it will flow to fill the
shaft completely as the tube is extracted. For reinforced piles
the concrete must be able to flow around and embed the
Before placing concrete the pile must be checked for
cleanliness and any soil or debris which may have entered the


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

tube must be removed.

The concrete shall be placed
continuously and as quickly as possible so that it is still
workable when the tube is extracted. The tube shall be
extracted with care to allow the concrete to flow out and
prevent necking. If it is necessary to extract the tube in stages
an ample head of concrete must be maintained to overcome
ground water pressure.
The shaft shall be concreted to a height above cut off level
sufficient to ensure a sound shaft and to prevent contamination
by soil falling into the hole.

Sampling and Testing of Materials

One sample per 25 cu m or 25 batches, whichever is the
smaller volume, of the concrete used in the piles shall be
taken. Two 150mm cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm
cubes if accepted by the Engineer, shall be made from each
sample and tested at 28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.
Reinforcing bars shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with CS2:1995.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling



A temporary steel casing shall be used for bored piles unless
the Engineer approves another method for supporting the sides
of the hole.
In soils liable to "flow" the bottom of the casing must be kept
far enough in advance of the boring tool to prevent the entry of
soil into the casing, so preventing the formation of cavities and
settlement in the adjoining ground. The Contractor shall take
all possible precautions to prevent this and shall allow in his
tender for any such action necessary.
Care shall be taken when excavating within the casing to avoid
excessive pumping action caused by the grab.


An enlarged base or bell-out may be formed where piles are
founded on rock. Such bell-out shall have a gradient not
exceeding 30 degrees from the vertical, and the size shall not
exceed 1.5 times the shaft diameter.


Founding Stratum Determination / Pre-drilling

Where piles are founded on soil standard penetration tests shall
be taken at each pile at 1.5m maximum intervals from the
tentative pile founding level down to a distance of at least 3
times the diameter of the pile shaft, or 5m whichever is
Where piles are founded on rock pre-drilling using NX size drill
shall be carried out for each pile to a depth of at least 5m into
the category of rock specified for founding.
The cost of all proving shall be borne by the Contractor unless
otherwise provided for in the Contract.


Steel reinforcement shall comply in every respect with the
requirements of the Concrete Specification (Section 2e).
The reinforcement shall be made up into cages well tied and
braced to withstand handling without damage.
The cover between the main bars and the inside of the casing
shall be 75 mm and shall be maintained by mild steel spacer


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

rods tack welded to the binders.


Materials for concrete, proportions for concrete, mixing,
transporting and testing concrete shall comply in every respect
with the requirements of the Concrete Specification (Section
In general concrete for piles will not be vibrated and the mix
should therefore be designed with a higher workability than
concrete for normal structural work.


Placing Concrete in Piles

No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement has been
inspected and approved.
Immediately before starting to place concrete the bottom of the
pile shall be thoroughly cleaned out.
Each pile shall be concreted in a continuous operation. The
Contractor shall arrange for an adequate and continuous
supply of concrete in order to avoid interruption of the work.
For concrete placed in the dry a hopper or funnel shall be used
with a length of pipe sufficient to direct the flow of concrete
and prevent it falling against the reinforcement or the sides of
the shaft. Concrete placed in the wet shall be placed by tremie.


Tremie Concrete
Concrete mixes designed for placing by tremie shall contain not
less than 400 kg of cement per cu m and will generally require
a higher percentage of fines than ordinary concrete.
The tremie pipe shall not be less than 150 mm dia for concrete
with 20 mm max. aggregate nor less than 250 mm dia for
concrete with 40 mm aggregate. The pipe shall extend to the
bottom of the bored pile. Length of pipe shall be connected
with a quick-acting coupling so that sections can be removed
as required without delay. The joints shall be made watertight
by a gasket or other effective method.
The top of the pipe shall be connected to a hopper of suitable
size for the length of pipe used and for the rate at which the
concrete is to be supplied. A means of raising and lowering the
hopper and pipe under full control at all times must be


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

A sliding plug (e.g. an inflated rubber ball of suitable size)

which will be pushed down the pipe by the weight of concrete
shall be placed in the pipe ahead of the first charge to prevent
the concrete mixing with the water in the pipe. Once the pipe
is charged the bottom end shall be kept buried in the concrete
to a depth of 1 m to 1.5 m. A means of sounding shall be
provided to check the level of the concrete surface and ensure
that the pipe is buried to a sufficient depth to maintain a seal
and control the flow of concrete.
The hopper must be continually recharged without delay in
order to maintain the flow and prevent the pipe from becoming
clogged. With proper control the concrete should flow as the
pipe is gradually raised. If it should be necessary to surge the
pipe to discharge the concrete great care must be taken to
prevent accidental withdrawal of the bottom of the pipe with
consequent loss of seal.
In the event of accidental loss of seal, a record shall be kept of
the level at which it occurred and the pipe must be recharged
using the sliding plug and taking care to avoid a sudden out
surge of water from the pipe.
Tremie concrete shall be placed until the top of the pour is 0.3
to 0.7 m above cut off level so that sound concrete is within
75mm of the specified level after cutting away the weak
surface layer.

Pressure Grouting
Pressure grouting below the tips of the piles, if stated on the
drawings or required by the Engineer, shall be carried out by
the Contractor as described hereunder.
Method A - An NX size hole shall be drilled to 5.00 m below the
base and two grout pipes of 25 mm minimum
diameter shall be installed (one to bottom of the
drilled hole and the other to pile base level). The
Contractor shall submit details of the grout mix he
proposes to use, for the Engineer's approval, prior
to commencing. Mixers must be able to provide a
continuous supply of grout to the pump and the
pump able to deliver the required grouting
pressure. Immediately before grouting the system
shall be flushed with clean water. Grout shall be
pumped into the pipe extending to the bottom of
the drill hole until it appears through the return
pipe (extending to pile base level). The return pipe
shall then be plugged off and grout pumped until
the required pressure is reached.


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Section 2aPiling

Method B - If directed by the Engineer four 25 mm diameter

PVC grout tubes shall be installed in the pile prior to
pouring of concrete.
These grout tubes shall extend from base level to 1 metre
above existing ground level and shall be equally spaced around
the perimeter of the pile.
Details of the proposed grout mix shall be submitted for
approval prior to commencement of grouting.
Grout shall be pumped into each tube in turn until a pressure of
3 MPa is reached and this pressure shall be held for a period of
5 minutes or as directed by the Engineer.
For both Methods A & B the Contractor shall keep full records of
grouting including the date each tube was grouted, the
proportions of the grout and any admixtures used, pressure
records and details of any interruptions and details of the
volume of grout used.
Copies of these records shall be
supplied to the Engineer within 3 days of grouting.

Sampling and Testing of Materials

One sample per 25 cu m or 25 batches, whichever is the
smaller volume, of the concrete used in the piles shall be
taken. Two 150mm cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm
cubes if accepted by the Engineer, shall be made from each
sample and tested at 28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.
Reinforcing bars shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with CS2:1995.


Post Construction Proof Drilling

For piles founded on rock, core-drilling shall be carried out,
through a closed-end tube cast in the pile, for each pile to
verify the soundness of the concrete/rock interface. At least
1m length above and below the interface shall be covered by
such core-drilling.


Test Coring
The Contractor is to take one NX size drill coring through the
full depth of the piles selected by the Engineer or the Building
For piles founded on rock the core shall be taken 600mm or half
a diameter of the pile base, whichever is the greater, into the
base material.


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Section 2aPiling

For piles founded on soil the core shall be stopped when it has
broken through the base and standard penetration tests shall
be made at 1.5m maximum intervals from the pile founding
level down to a distance of at least 3 times the diameter of the
pile base, or 5m whichever is greater.
The cores are to be properly arranged in core boxes and
marked with the pile number and depths. The Engineer or the
Building Authority may require a number of samples from each
core to be sent to an approved laboratory for crushing tests.
Should the appearance of the core or the test results raise
doubt as to the quality of the concrete the contractor shall
carry out at his own expense such additional coring, tests or
remedial work as the Engineer may require.

Pile Integrity Testing

Sonic logging tubes shall be cast in each pile, the number of
tubes determined in the following manner:
Pile Shaft Diameter
900mm or below
Above 900mm

Number of Tubes

When instructed by the Engineer, sonic logging shall be carried

out on piles selected by the Engineer up to a maximum of all
the piles.


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Section 2aPiling



Use of Hand-dug Caissons

Hand-dug caissons shall
permitted by the Engineer.







Construction Methods
The methods of excavation, equipment and temporary works
used in the construction of the caisson foundations shall be
those which have been successfully employed on previous
occasions where the ground and substrata conditions have
been similar. They shall be such as will minimise the risk of
loss of ground or settlement of adjacent structures and
If in the opinion of the Engineer modifications or amendments
to the methods of construction are required during the course
of the work in order to ensure that the caissons are constructed
in accordance with these contract documents, the contractor
shall carry out such modifications and amendments without
additional payment.


The Contractor shall submit with his method for caisson
excavation full details of the dewatering system he proposes to
use for the approval of the Engineer. Such approval shall in no
way relieve the Contractor of his obligations under clause.
If the Building Authority should require modifications or
additional precautions to the proposed method of dewatering,
the Contractor shall carry out such modifications and/or
precautions without additional payment.


The Contractor's attention is drawn to the relevant construction
safety regulations and to BS 8008: 1996 " Safety Precautions
and Procedures for the Construction and Descent of Machinebored Shafts for Piling and Other Purposes."
The Contractor shall give special attention to:


preventing surface water, spoil or other objects running

or falling into the caisson excavations,
adequate ventilation of the excavations whenever men
are in them,
guarding unattended holes by means of railings or covers
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Section 2aPiling



of ample strength properly secured in position,

providing alternative means of access in case of
breakdown of mechanical lifting appliances and for
preventing exhaust fumes from engine driven plant from
entering the excavation,
the provision of such equipment for rescue and first aid
as may be appropriate to the nature and extent of the

Blasting is prohibited.


All caisson excavations are to be properly cased down to
foundation level or rock level to prevent the entry of ground
water and to support the sides of the excavation.
The clear internal diameter of the casing shall be not less than
the nominal diameter of the caisson.
The top section of casing to a depth of 2 m below ground level
shall be constructed of Grade 20P concrete not less than 150
mm or 1/20 of the nominal diameter of the caisson in
A heavier top section may be required where mechanical
equipment is to be used close to the excavation.
remainder of the casing may be of steel or of precast or insitu
The contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer his
proposals for the method of construction and materials to be
used for the casing.


Caisson Bottoms
Caisson shall be taken down to a compact soil stratum or rock
which can safely support the bearing pressures shown on the
drawings to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
In caissons founded on soil the main excavation shall stop
about 300 mm above final base level. The last 300 mm to 500
mm shall be excavated and the bottom cleaned out
immediately before placing concrete.
Caissons founded on rock directly under colluvium, alluvium or
marine deposits shall be socketed about 300mm into the rock.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Where the surface of the rock is reasonably level (i.e. slopes at

not more than 1 in 10 from the horizontal) the Engineer may
accept 40 mm dia dowel bars drilled and grouted into the rock
in place of a socket. The aggregate cross sectional area of
such dowels shall be not less than 1% of the nominal area of
the caisson shaft.
Caissons which have penetrated a sufficient thickness of
completely weathered, highly weathered or moderately
weathered rock before reaching a stratum of adequate bearing
capacity will not be normally require sockets. The depth of
penetration through the more weathered rock will depend on
the degree of weathering and the slope and joint pattern of the
foundation rock. Where the surface of the foundation rock
slopes at more than 1 in 6 it shall be cut back or stepped so
that the bearing surface is at not more than 1 in 6 from the
Where the bearing stratum comprises fractured or closely
jointed rock a socket or belling out of the base may be

Proving the Base

In caissons founded on soil when the agreed bottom level has
been reached a series of standard penetration tests shall be
taken at the centre of the caisson to a depth of 1.5 times the
diameter below the final bottom level.
In caissons founded on rock, the rock at the bottom of each
caisson shall be proved for a depth of 5.00 m under the general
supervision of the Engineer or his representative. Proving shall
be done by drilling holes with a rock drill weighing not less than
32 kg timing each 300 mm of penetration and plotting the
results on a graph. Alternatively proving may be done by
taking NX cores 5.00 m long. The proving holes will usually be
vertical but the Engineer may require some or all of them to be
inclined in order to check the location of weathered joints or
the horizontal extent of boulders. Prior to the Engineer's final
inspection the contractor shall place a 20 mm dia mild steel rod
5.5 m long in the proving holes ready for inspection.
The cost of all proving tests shall be borne by the Contractor.


Additional Excavation or Belling Out

The Engineer may order any additional excavation or belling
out which he considers necessary.
Where extra excavation is required proving tests shall be


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

carried out or repeated from the new bottom level.

Where belling out is required the angle of dispersion of the load
from the shaft shall be taken at 60 degrees from the horizontal
and all parts of the excavation for the bell shall be taken clear
of the core of dispersion of load.

Approval of Caisson Base

No reinforcement or concrete shall be placed in caisson until
the base has been inspected and approved by the Engineer or
his representative.
The Contractor shall provide safe and convenient access for
such inspection and shall clean out all loose material and pump
the caisson dry ready for inspection.


Steel reinforcement shall comply in every respect with the
requirements of the Concrete Construction Specification.
The reinforcement shall be made up into cages well tied and
braced to withstand handling without damage.
The cover between the main bars and the inside of the casing
shall be 75 mm and shall be maintained by mild steel spacer
rods tack welded to the binders.


Dowel Bars and Anchor Bars

Where dowel or anchor bars are required they shall be of the
lengths shown on the drawing or approved by the Engineer.
The holes in the rock shall be flushed out with clean water and
filled with 1:1 cement sand grout by means of a pipe extending
to the bottom of the hole immediately before inserting the
dowel or anchor bars.


Materials for concrete, proportions for concrete, mixing,
transporting and testing concrete shall comply in every respect
with the requirements of the Concrete Construction
In general concrete for caissons will not be vibrated and the
mix should therefore be designed with a higher workability than
concrete for normal structural work.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Placing Concrete in Caissons - General

No concrete shall be placed until the reinforcement has been
inspected and approved.
Immediately before starting to place concrete the bottom of the
caisson shall be thoroughly cleaned out.
Whenever possible each caisson shall be concreted in a
continuous operation. The contractor shall arrange for an
adequate and continuous supply of concrete in order to avoid
interruption of the work.
Where breaks in construction cannot be avoided the concrete
shall be allowed to set. The surface shall then be cut or
chipped back to sound concrete to the approval of the Engineer
and thoroughly cleaned out before concreting recommences.
Whenever possible any seepage through the casing shall be
sealed off and the caissons are to be concreted dry.
For concrete placed in the dry, a hopper or funnel shall be used
with a length of pipe sufficient to direct the flow of concrete
and prevent it falling against the reinforcement or the sides of
the shaft.
Concrete placed in the wet shall be placed by tremie.


Placing Concrete in Caissons Founded on Soil

Caissons founded on soil are to be concreted 'dry' unless the
special approval of the Engineer is obtained for the contractors
alternative proposals.
Immediately after excavating and cleaning out the final 0.3 m
to 0.5 m soil, a layer of concrete at least 0.5 m thick shall be
placed on the bottom. This concrete shall be lowered down the
shaft in skips in order to avoid disturbing the prepared bottom
When this concrete has set concreting of the shaft may
continue in the manner specified.


Placing Concrete with Seepage at Base

When a minor seepage at the base cannot be entirely
prevented the Engineer may approve the use of a richer mix
with a lower w/c ratio for the first few batches which are to be
placed immediately after removing the pumps to form a plug
about 2 m deep before continuing with the concrete mix


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

approved for the shaft.

Where major seepage occurs at the base the Engineer may
approve casting a plug of tremie concrete of sufficient depth to
form an effective seal. The surface of the plug must be cut
back as specified in clause 13 before the remainder of the shaft
is cast in the dry.

Tremie Concrete
Concrete mixes designed for placing by tremie shall contain not
less than 400 kg of cement per cubic metre and will generally
require a higher percentage of fines than ordinary concrete.
The tremie pipe shall not be less than 150 mm dia for concrete
with 20 mm maximum aggregate nor less than 250 mm dia for
concrete with 40 mm aggregate. The length shall extend to
the bottom of the caisson. Lengths of pipe shall be connected
with a quick-acting coupling so that sections can be removed
as required without delay. The joints shall be made watertight
by a gasket or other effective method.
The top of the pipe shall be connected to a hopper of suitable
size for the length of pipe used and for the rate at which the
concrete is to be supplied. A means of raising and lowering the
hopper and pipe under full control at all times must be
A sliding plug (e.g. an inflated rubber ball of suitable size)
which will be pushed down the pipe by the weight of concrete
shall be placed in the pipe ahead of the first charge to prevent
the concrete mixing with the water in the pipe. Once the pipe
is charged the bottom end shall be kept buried in the concrete
to a depth of 1 m to 1.5 m. A means of sounding shall be
provided to check the level of the concrete surface and ensure
that the pipe is buried to a sufficient depth to maintain a seal
and control the flow of concrete.
The hopper must be continually recharged without delay in
order to maintain the flow and prevent the pipe from becoming
clogged. With proper control the concrete should flow as the
pipe is gradually raised. If it should be necessary to surge the
pipe to discharge the concrete great care must be taken to
prevent accidental withdrawal of the bottom of the pipe with
consequent loss of seal.
In the event of accidental loss of seal, a record shall be kept of
the level at which it occurred and the pipe must be recharged
using the sliding plug and taking care to avoid a sudden out
surge of water from the pipe.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Tremie concrete shall be placed until the top of the pour is 0.3
m to 0.7 m above cut off level so that sound concrete is within
75 mm of the specified level after cutting away the weak
surface layer.

Pressure Grouting
Pressure grouting below the tips of the caisson, if stated on the
drawings or required by the Engineer, shall be carried out by
the Contractor as described hereunder.
Method A - An NX size hole shall be drilled to 5.00 m below the
caisson base and two grout pipes of 25 mm
minimum diameter shall be installed (one to bottom
of the drilled hole and the other to pile base level).
The Contractor shall submit details of the grout mix
he proposes to use, for the Engineer's approval
prior to commencing.
Mixers must be able to provide a continuous supply
of grout to the pump and the pump able to deliver
the required grouting pressure. Immediately before
grouting the system shall be flushed with clean
Grout shall be pumped into the pipe
extending to the bottom of the drill hole until it
appears through the return pipe (extending to pile
base level). The return pipe shall then be plugged
off and grout pumped until the required pressure is
Method B - If directed by the Engineer four 25 mm diameter
PVC grout tubes shall be installed in the pile prior to
pouring of concrete.
These grout tubes shall extend from base level to 1
metre above existing ground level and shall be
equally spaced around the perimeter of the pile.
Grout tubes shall be fitted with nozzles which can
be locked off without loss of pressure.
Details of the proposed grout mix shall be
submitted for approval prior to commencement of
Grout shall be pumped into each tube in turn until a
pressure of 3 MPa is reached and this pressure shall
be held for a period of 5 minutes or as directed by
the Engineer.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

For both Methods A & B the Contractor shall keep full records of
grouting including the date each tube was grouted, the
proportions of the grout and any admixtures used, pressure
records and details of any interruptions and details of the
volume of grout used.
Copies of these records shall be
supplied to the Engineer within 3 days of grouting.

Sampling and Testing of Materials

One sample per 25 cu m or 25 batches, whichever is the
smaller volume, of the concrete used in the piles shall be
taken. Two 150mm cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm
cubes if accepted by the Engineer, shall be made from each
sample and tested at 28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.
Reinforcing bars shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with CS2:1995.


Test Coring
The Contractor is to take one NX size drill coring through the
full depth of the caissons selected by the Engineer or the
Building Authority. For caissons founded on rock the core shall
be taken 600 mm into the base material. For caissons founded
on soil the core shall be stopped when it has broken through
the base and a standard penetration test shall be made in the
soil immediately below the base.
The cores are to be properly arranged in core boxes and
marked with the pile number and depths. The Engineer of the
Building Authority may require a number of samples from each
core to be sent to an approved laboratory for crushing tests.
Should the appearance of the core or the test results raise
doubt as to the quality of the concrete the Contractor shall
carry out at his own expense such additional coring, tests or
remedial work as the Engineer may require.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling



High Yield Steel

The steel for pile section shall be weldable structural steel
conforming to:
BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S355JR,
BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S450J0
or to such other specification of equivalent quality as may be
approved by the Engineer.
The steel for reinforcing the piles and for the cap plates may be
mild steel to BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S275JR.


Test Certificates
As soon as the material is delivered to the site, the Contractor
shall provide the Engineer with the manufacturer's test
certificates to show that the material fully complies with the


Pile Marking
After fabrication and before driving the head, each pile shall be
marked with a serial reference number. The pile shall also be
marked off at half meter intervals, measured from the toe, to
facilitate record keeping during driving.


Stacking and Handling

Piles should be stacked in such a way that no part of the pile is
over stressed. The Contractor shall submit his proposal for
stacking the piles to the Engineer for his approval.
Contractor shall exercise care in the lifting and handling of
piles. Piles shall be straight before commencement of driving.


The Contractor shall obtain the prior approval of the Engineer
for his rig, weight of hammer and driving procedure before
commencing to drive any piles.
As the piles are expected to be driven to a hard stratum, care
shall be taken to avoid damage to the piles by over-driving or
by causing excessive driving stresses.
Calculated driving
stresses shall not exceed 0.9 yield stress unless approved
otherwise by the Engineer.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

The drop or stroke used shall be such that the piles are not
damaged. Each pile shall be fitted with a well-fitting helmet of
a pattern suitable for the pile head and properly packed before
being driven. If necessary, the head of the pile shall be
reinforced to resist high driving stresses.
The piles shall be driven to a set proposed by the Contractor,
agreed by the Engineer and based on the test pile results. The
Engineer's agreement shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for the load carrying capacity of the piles.

Offcuts which show no signs of damage may be used in the
most economical manner to make up or extend piles. Such
piles shall be arranged with the minimum number of splices,
and the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval before
such pile are driven.
The bottom section of each pile shall be a full 12.00 m (or
longer) section without splices. For the intermediate part of a
pile made up from offcuts, each offcut used shall not be less
than 4.00 m and two or more offcuts shall be welded together
and checked that they are straight and true before being
welded to the section already driven.
Shorter offcuts may be used at the top part of the pile to make
up the required length.


Lengthening of Pile
Where found necessary, the Engineer may order a driven pile
to be lengthened. The lengthening piece shall be of similar
section to the driven section. Care shall be taken to ensure
that the extension is truly in line with the driven section.


Cutting off Piles

After a pile has been driven to required set and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, the section of the pile above the
cut off level shall be cut away as instructed by the Engineer.


Pile Heads
After the pile has been cut off to the level shown on the
drawings, the head shall be ground to give a true and level
surface onto which shall be welded a steel bearing plate.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Pile Protection
Prior to driving, all piles shall be coated to a depth specified on
the drawings with two coats of bituminous solution complying
to BS 3416, Type 1 for protection against corrosion. All paint
shall be supplied to the painters ready for application, and the
addition of thinners or of any other material shall be thereafter
prohibited. Any instructions given by the paint manufacturer
shall be strictly followed.
Paint shall be applied to dry surfaces which have been
prepared and cleaned as specified by the paint manufacturer.
The interval between the preparation of the surface and the
application of the first priming coat shall be as specified.
Where not specifically stated, the priming coat shall be applied
on the same day that the preparation is carried out.
Any coat that has become damaged or defective in any way
shall be made good before application of the subsequent coat.
If the final coat is damaged during handling, the affected area
shall be rubbed down and additional coatings shall be applied
to the approval of the Engineer.


The Engineer may order that the operation be ceased at any
stage of driving, to be resumed after a lapse of 24 hours or any
other period. Redriving is to be carried out in a manner similar
to the initial driving and continued until the required ultimate
resistance is achieved. Piles which have risen for any reason
shall be re-driven to the original level (or to such others as the
Engineer may determine) unless otherwise directed by the


General Requirements for Welding

Welding shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of BS EN 1011-1:1998 and BS EN 1011-2:2001 or
other accepted standards. Unless otherwise specified, manual
metal-arc welding shall be used.
All welding shall be carried out by skilled and competent
welders. If required, welders shall have passed approval tests
to BS EN 287-1: 2004, BS 4871-3:1985 or BS 4872-1:1982 as
An experienced and competent operator shall be assigned to
supervise welding and a record shall be kept on site to identify
welders responsible for major welds.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Welding shall not be carried out under adverse weather

conditions unless under adequate cover.
Electrodes for welding shall be covered electrodes complying
with BS EN ISO 2560:2005. Welding consumables, including
electrodes, shall be kept in a controlled manner. Any drying or
baking of electrodes shall be carried out in strict compliance
with the manufacturers recommendations.
Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for the welding of high
tensile steel.

Details of Welds
Fusion Faces
Fusion faces shall be free from irregularities and properly
prepared such that the accuracy of the specified size of welds
can be maintained.
Fusion faces and the surrounding surface shall be free from
heavy scale and oil, paint or other substances which may affect
the quality of the weld.
If the initial preparation is by gas cutting, the faces shall be
ground, filed or dressed to remove irregularities and to
maintain the tolerances specified.
Fillet Welds
Parts to be fillet welded shall be brought into close contact and
the gap due to incorrect fit up shall not exceed 1.5 mm.
The minimum leg length of a fillet weld as deposited shall be
not less than the specified size, and the throat thickness as
deposited not less than 0.7 of the leg size where the fusion
faces are at right angles to each other.
Butt Welds
Butt welds shall be single V or double V with the following
Included angle of V
Root face
Misalignment of parts

60 degrees minimum
3 mm maximum
1.5 mm minimum
3 mm maximum

The face of butt welds shall be at all places proud of the

surfaces of parent metal. Where a flush surface is required, the

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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

surplus metal may be dressed off. In all complete penetration

butt welds, where these are to be welded from both sides, the
back of the first run shall be gouged out to clean metal before
welding is started on that side.
Butt welds for thickness of more than 12 mm shall be welded
from both sides.
Where butt welds are to be welded from one side only, these
shall be completed with the aid of a backing strip of mild steel
or by the adoption of a special method of welding approved by
the Engineer. In all cases, it must be ensured that complete
fusion of the parts to be joined is readily obtained.

Non-Destructive Tests on Welds

Prior to driving in the spliced sections of the piles, the fillet and
butt welds of not less than 10% of the total number of welded
joints shall be tested by means of non-destructive tests
(ultrasonic and/or magnetic particle inspection).
The test
reports shall form part of the piling records.


Dynamic Pile Testing

When instructed by the Engineer, Dynamic Pile Test shall be
carried out on up to 15% of the piles or 30 numbers, whichever
is greater, selected by the Engineer. Computer Pile Wave
Analysis shall be carried out on up to 5% of the piles selected
by the Engineer.


Additional Requirements for Piles Driven to Bedrock

Driving Test for Piles
At least 2 driving tests shall be required to demonstrate that
this type of piles can be successfully installed at the site.
Pre-drilling using NX size drill shall be carried out to a depth of
at least 5m into the category of rock specified for forming the
rock socket, or the designed rock socket length of the pile,
whichever is the greater.
The extent of the pre-drilling shall be such that the position of
every pile lies within 5m of the position of a pre-drilling hole.
Verticality Checking
The verticality of the piles shall be checked during installation


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

by a method acceptable to the Engineer.

Additional Proof Testing
Dynamic Pile Tests shall be carried out on at least 10% of the
piles as a more stringent proof test requirement.
Post Construction Proof Drilling
After the completion of the piles, additional proof drilling shall
be carried out to verify the rockhead profile. The proof drill
holes shall be sunk at least 5m into the category of rock
specified for founding. The number of proof drill holes shall be
at least 2 for sites with 100 piles or less; or 1% of the number
of piles for sites with more than 100 piles.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling



The piles shall be precast reinforced concrete piles. Materials
and workmanship for casting the piles shall comply with
Section 2e Concrete Specification unless otherwise stated in
this section.


Pile Shoes
Pile shoes shall be made of "chilled-hardened" cast iron with
straps of mild steel cast into the base and running continuously
through it. The cast iron shall be clean grey tough metal, free
from sand, honeycombing, porous places, air holes or other


Reinforcement for Piles

The reinforcement for piles shall be mild steel. The longitudinal
bars shall be butt welded in accordance with BS 7123:1989. No
bar shall have more than four welds in its length and every bar
shall be straight after welding. The top ends of the longitudinal
bars shall be cut, filed or ground square and set flush with the
top surface of the pile. The corner bars shall be held apart by
pairs of purpose made spacer forks.
Binders shall be accurately bent to size and shape. The
tolerance limits on the bending dimensions shown on the
drawings are +1 mm or -2 mm. Tie the binders securely to the
longitudinal bars with iron binding wire to form a strong cage of
reinforcement so that the bars will not be displaced when the
concrete is placed and compacted around them. Tuck the ends
of the wire ties towards the centre of the pile.


Concrete for Piles

The concrete for the piles shall have a minimum cement
content of 400 kg per cubic metre of concrete and a maximum
water/cement ratio of 0.5. The water contained in damp
aggregate shall be determined and the water added to the
mixer shall be adjusted to ensure that this water/cement ratio
is not exceeded.
Before making the trial mixes required by the Specification,
submit to the Engineer grading curves of the coarse and fine
aggregates and of the combined aggregates proposed for the
trial mixes. From each trial mix make six test cubes and
arrange for two cubes to be tested at 3 days, two at 7 days and
two at 28 days. Also test the workability of the trial mixes by


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

means of the slump cone or the compacting factor method.

Casting of the piles may proceed when satisfactory 7 day cube
tests are obtained.

Casting the Piles

The Contractor may choose to cast the piles on site or in his
own casting yard. In the latter case, the Contractor shall allow
the Engineer and his representative access to the casting yard
for inspection at any time during working hours.
Piles shall be cast on level platforms in strong, well braced
moulds. The moulds shall be straight and true to shape with a
tolerance of -0 and +5 mm on the dimensions of the cross
section. The heads of the piles shall be truly perpendicular to
the axis of the pile.
The cages of reinforcement shall be suspended in the moulds
and braced in position by wire loops and ties which shall be
removed after compacting the concrete and before finishing
the surface. Spacer blocks will not be permitted.
Cast each pile in a continuous operation. If any interruptions
occur the affected piles may be rejected. Take two samples of
the concrete for each pile at approximately the quarter and
three quarter stages of the concreting. From one sample make
eight cubes and make four from the other, and cure the set of
four cubes by immersion in a tank of water. Cure the set of
eight cubes under wet sacking in the same manner as is used
for curing the piles. Send two cubes from each sample for
testing at 3 days and send two from each for testing at 7 days.
Send two cubes for testing at 28 days. The last of the 12 cubes
from each pile may be tested at any age at the contractor's
discretion e.g. to confirm the strength before lifting or before
driving the pile.
Side forms may be stripped after two days but the piles shall
not be lifted or stacked until the concrete reaches a strength of
17 MPa. Such stripping of forms or lifting and stacking must not
adversely affect the curing of the concrete.
Take good care to cure the piles by keeping them continuously
damp with a covering of wet sacking or by other means
approved by the Engineer. The surface of the concrete (and
the sacking) must not be allowed to become dry for a period of
at least 10 days. Curing by means of impervious membranes
will not be accepted unless they have wet sacking underneath.
Curing compounds will not be accepted for the initial curing but
may be used after seven days of wet curing.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Lifting and Stacking

Piles shall be handled and stacked in such a way as will avoid
overstressing any part of the pile. The Contractor shall submit
his proposals for lifting, stacking and pitching the piles to the
Engineer for his approval. Take care in lifting the piles to avoid
shock particularly when lifting them off the casting beds.
Piles may be stacked horizontally one above the other for
curing and storage. The base on which the piles are stacked
must be firm, level and capable of supporting the weight of the
piles without differential settlement.
The piles must be
supported on wooden blocks of uniform thickness and at least
300 mm wide, arranged in the same vertical line in each stack
and at spacings which will not overstress the pile nor be likely
to cause permanent deflections due to creep of the concrete.


Piles shall not be pitched until 21 days after casting or until the
strength of the cubes is at least 25 MPa whichever is the later.
Place the piles accurately as to position and rake and guide
them in their movements by the leaders of the driving rig or by
other approved means. If damage occurs due to heavy driving
of piles of this minimum age, the period between casting and
driving shall be extended to allow further gain in strength.


Piles shall be driven by a drop hammer of not less than 8
tonnes in weight. Driving shall be through a helmet of steel
plate with a 75 mm thick hardwood cushion set with the grain
vertical between the helmet and the pile and a short hardwood
dolly above to receive the blow of the hammer. The packing
and the dolly shall be renewed as necessary to ensure they are
in good condition when driving to the final set.
Take all reasonable precautions to ensure that each pile is
driven continuously to the required level or set. The final set
shall be such as will give a resistance to penetration, calculated
by the Hiley formula using the measured temporary
compressions, of at least twice the designed working load.
A short drop shall be used at the start and it shall be increased
as the resistance to penetration increases to a maximum drop
of 1.4 m. Take care to ensure that the hammer blow is coaxial
with the pile in order to avoid transverse vibrations in the
unsupported length of the pile.




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General Specification
Section 2aPiling

The first two piles to be driven shall be redriven after a period

of rest of at least 24 hours, in order to confirm that the
resistance to penetration increase after the period of rest. If
the resistance on redriving is less than the resistance on the
first driving, the piles shall be driven to final resistance of 2.5
times the designed working load. Two additional piles in
another part of works as directed by the Engineer shall be
redriven for further confirmation.
If the resistance to penetration has been confirmed to increase
after a period of rest, the Engineer may order any pile which
does not attain the required set to be redriven a further 300
mm after a period of rest of not less than 24 hours. If the final
set on redriving indicates a driving resistance which in the
opinion of the Engineer provides an adequate factor of safety
the pile may be accepted.

If a pile has not reached the required set during the initial
driving or upon redriving after a period of rest, it shall be
lengthened and redriven to the required set.
Lengthening shall be carried out by striping the concrete for a
length of 1 m and removing the lateral ties. New bars of the
same size with the ends cut filed or ground square shall be
butted to the longitudinal bars and the joint covered by 2 m
long splice bars securely wired to the old and the new bars.
Binders of type A and type B alternately shall be added at 75
mm centres for the length of the splice. Between the splice and
the head of the extension binders shall be provided to the
same detail as in the original pile.
Strongly constructed shuttering shall be constructed around
the pile and held firmly and accurately in alignment. The
bottom of the shutters shall overlap the top of the existing
concrete and shall be sealed with a rubber gasket or by
caulking to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete. The
extension shall then be concreted with the same mix of
concrete as was used in the piles and the head shall be
accurately finished perpendicular to the axis.
The shuttering shall not be striped for 4 days. The head of the
extension and the sides, after the shuttering has been stripped,
shall be covered with sacking which shall be kept continuously
wet for a period of 10 days.
The lengthened pile shall not be redriven until the extension
has reached a strength or age approved by the Engineer.


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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


As soon as two or three piles have been driven erect
substantial bracing to the piles and to each subsequent pile as
soon as it has been driven. Timber bracing shall be not less
than 300 mm x 200 mm in cross section.


Where piles are required to pass through a stratum of sand to
reach a bearing in a lower stratum and the sand is so compact
as to cause high driving stresses which may damage the pile,
jetting may be used to loosen the sand.
Jet pipes may either be attached to the sides of the pile or be
independent pipes surged down at the sides of the pile. The
arrangement of jets shall be balanced to ensure that the pile
does not lead off out of alignment.
Jetting shall be stopped if there is any tendency for the tips of
the piles to be drawn out of alignment, or when the pile
reaches the decomposed granite stratum. In every case jetting
shall be stopped before the completion of driving which must
always be finished by ordinary methods.
The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in advance if he
intends to use jetting.


The Contractor shall appoint a responsible member of his site
staff to inspect each pile during driving, to keep the records
required by this Specification and to notify the Engineer as
soon as possible of any cracks, damage or irregularities
observed during the driving.
Where serious transverse vibrations or other irregularities have
been observed during driving or where cracking has been seen
or suspected, the piles affected shall be inspected immediately
after driving or, if ordered by the Engineer or his
representative, before the completion of driving. Piles with
normal driving records may be inspected at any convenient
Inform the Engineer when such inspections are to be carried
out and keep proper records of the dates and results of the
inspections of the piles.


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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Dynamic Pile Testing

When instructed by the Engineer, Dynamic Pile Test shall be
carried out on up to 15% of the piles or 30 numbers, whichever
is greater, selected by the Engineer. Computer Pile Wave
Analysis shall be carried out on up to 5% of the piles selected
by the Engineer.


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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling



Pile Types
The piles must be of a proprietary type manufactured and
handled in accordance with the manufacturer's compliance
standards approved by the Building Authority.


Manufacturer's Certificates
Manufacturer's certificates for each batch of piles delivered to
the site shall be submitted to the Engineer. Such certificates
shall state



that the piles have been manufactured in accordance

with the manufacturer's compliance standard approved
by the Building Authority;


that the piles are satisfactory for the purpose intended;


the mix proportions and admixtures used in the

concrete; and


the results of all cube and core tests.

Storage and Handling

Piles shall be delivered, handled and lifted with due care and in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
Piles shall be stacked neatly off the ground.


During the final set, hammers of weight less than 70% of the
weight of the pile shall not be used. If a drop hammer is
adopted, its stroke shall be limited to not more than 1.2m.


Splicing to increase the pile length shall be carried out by
welding the jointing plates of the lower and upper segments in
accordance with the manufacturer's approved details.
During the progress of the works, the Engineer may require
certain of the welded joints to be examined by radiograph
and/or ultrasonic tests. These test shall be carried out to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and the results shall be submitted
for approval.


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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Pile Integrity Tests

Depending on the ground conditions giving rise to the
possibility of cracking of piles, the Engineer may specify a
certain proportion of the piles for non-destructive pile integrity
tests such as Pile Driving Analyser tests and Vibration tests.
Any defects detected by these tests shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and at the Contractor's own cost.


Pile Heads
After the pile has been cut off to the specified level, concrete
plugs shall be placed and dowel bars provided as shown on the


Pile Dynamic Testing

When instructed by the Engineer, Dynamic Pile Test shall be
carried out on up to 15% of the piles or 30 numbers, whichever
is greater, selected by the Engineer. Computer Pile Wave
Analysis shall be carried out on up to 5% of the piles selected
by the Engineer.


- S2a/42 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling



Grouting Material
Grout for piling shall consist of ordinary Portland cement and
water with approved non-shrinkage additive.
Water for grout shall be clean, fresh and potable having a
temperature not exceeding 300C nor less than 50C.
Any approved admixtures shall be chloride-free and comply
with BS EN 934-3:2009.
The maximum total chloride content, expressed as a
percentage relationship between the chloride ion and the
cementitious content by mass in the grout shall be 0.1%.
The maximum amount of bleeding of grout shall not exceed 2%
in the first 3 hours and not exceed 4% in total. In addition, the
water must be reabsorbed by the grout within 24 hours after
Free expansion of the grout measured 24 hours after mixing
shall lie between 0% and 5%. A negative percentage shall not
be accepted.


Grouting Design
The grout shall be non-shrink and have
characteristic strength of 30 MPa at 28 days.


The grout mix shall be designed by the Contractor to conform

to the strength requirement specified and to have a
consistency suitable for pumping.
A trial grout mix shall be carried out to demonstrate the
suitability of the grout with respect to strength and consistency
for the Engineer's approval.

Sampling and Testing of Grout

Test for Crushing Strength
One sample of the grout shall be taken for each pile not more
than 30 minutes after mixing and protected from change in
moisture content before making test cubes. Two 150mm grout
cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm cubes if accepted
by the Engineer, shall be made from each sample and tested at
28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.


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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Test for Bleeding and Free Expansion

One sample from the trial grout mix shall be provided not more
than 30 minutes after mixing and protected from changes in
moisture content before tests are carried out.
The sample shall be divided into 3 specimens. Each specimen
is to be placed in a covered cylinder with a diameter of 100
10mm to a depth of 100 5mm and the amount of bleeding
and free expansion is measured by a scale fixed to the outside
of the cylinder.
Flow Cone Efflux TestOne sample from the trial grout mix shall be taken and tested
in accordance with ASTM C939-10 to determine the Flow Cone
Efflux time.
Except with engineer's prior agreement for grout mixes
containing additives, grout having an efflux time of less than 15
seconds will be rejected.

Reinforcing Bars
Reinforcing bars shall be 50 mm diameter hot rolled deformed
high yield steel bars of Grade 460 conforming to Construction
Standard CS2:1995 "Carbon Steel Bars for the reinforcement of
Concrete", free from rolling defects, loose rust, scale , oil or
The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's mill certificates
for the bars for the Engineer's approval. Samples of bars shall
be tested in accordance with the Building (Construction)
Regulations as augmented by Practice Notes to Authorized
Persons and the Registered Structural Engineers.


Mechanical Couplers
Mechanical couplers shall be of the specified proprietary type
or an approved equivalent tension type coupler.
Reinforcing bars shall be prepared and couplers installed


Pre-drilling using NX size drill shall be carried out to a depth of
at least 5m into the category of rock specified for forming the
rock socket, or the designed rock socket length of the pile,


- S2a/44 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

whichever is the greater.

The extent of the pre-drilling shall be such that the position of
every pile lies within 5m of the position of a pre-drilling hole.

Mini-pile Excavation
Drilling for minipiles shall be carried out using a 219 x 6.3 mm
CHS casing to form a 235 mm minimum diameter hole. When
the casing reaches rock of the required quality, a 190 mm
minimum diameter rock socket shall be formed for a minimum
depth of 4.5 m. The casing shall remain in position during the
formation of the rock socket.
Where water flushing is used, care shall be taken to prevent
erosion of the existing ground. Water shall pass through a
sedimentation tank before being discharged outside the site.
When drilling is completed, the hole shall be thoroughly
cleaned to get rid of loose soils before receiving reinforcing
bars and grout.


Mini-pile Installation
If necessary, reinforcing bars shall be spliced by mechanical
couplers arranged in a staggered pattern. Spacers shall be
fixed to the bars at regular intervals to maintain the bars in the
desired positions and to provide adequate grout cover. The
couplers in the pile head shall be adequately protected from
the ingress of grout into the unoccupied end.
Grout shall be placed via a suitable tremie pipe which extends
to the bottom of the hole, in less than 30 minutes after the
grout is mixed. The casing shall not be withdrawn during the
grouting operation.
Grout shall be allowed to fill the hole up to the ground level to
ensure that the pile is completely grouted.


Verticality Check
Verticality, inclination and alignment of the mini-piles shall be
checked during installation by a method acceptable to the


Sampling and Testing of Materials

Reinforcing bars shall be sampled and tested in accordance
with CS2:1995.


- S2a/45 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling


Post Construction Proof Drilling

After the completion of the piles, additional proof drilling shall
be carried out to verify the rockhead profile. The proof drill
holes shall be sunk at least 5m below the as-built top level of
the rock socket of the nearest pile or to the as-built bottom
level of the rock socket of the nearest pile, whichever is the
deeper. The number of proof drill holes shall be at least 2 for
sites with 100 piles or less; or 1% of the number of piles for
sites with more than 100 piles.


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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling


2a10.01 Grouting Material
Grout for piling shall consist of ordinary Portland cement and
water with approved non-shrinkage additive.
Water for grout shall be clean, fresh and potable having a
temperature not exceeding 300C nor less than 50C.
Any approved admixtures shall be chloride-free and comply
with BS EN 934-3:2009.
The maximum total chloride content, expressed as a
percentage relationship between the chloride ion and the
cementitious content by mass in the grout shall be 0.1%.
The maximum amount of bleeding of grout shall not exceed 2%
in the first 3 hours and not exceed 4% in total. In addition, the
water must be reabsorbed by the grout within 24 hours after
Free expansion of the grout measured 24 hours after mixing
shall lie between 0% and 5%. A negative percentage shall not
be accepted.
2a10.02 Grouting Design
The grout shall be non-shrink and have
characteristic strength of 30 MPa at 28 days.


The grout mix shall be designed by the Contractor to conform

to the strength requirement specified and to have a
consistency suitable for pumping.
A trial grout mix shall be carried out to demonstrate the
suitability of the grout with respect to strength and consistency
for the Engineer's approval.
2a10.03 Sampling and Testing of Grout
Test for Crushing Strength
One sample of the grout shall be taken for each pile not more
than 30 minutes after mixing and protected from change in
moisture content before making test cubes. Two 150mm grout
cubes, which may be replaced with 100mm cubes if accepted
by the Engineer, shall be made from each sample and tested at
28 days in accordance with CS1:2010.


- S2a/47 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Test for Bleeding and Free Expansion

One sample from the trial grout mix shall be provided not more
than 30 minutes after mixing and protected from changes in
moisture content before tests are carried out.
The sample shall be divided into 3 specimens. Each specimen
is to be placed in a covered cylinder with a diameter of 100
10mm to a depth of 100 5mm and the amount of bleeding
and free expansion is measured by a scale fixed to the outside
of the cylinder.
Flow Cone Efflux Test
One sample from the trial grout mix shall be taken and tested
in accordance with ASTM C939-10 to determine the Flow Cone
Efflux time.
Except with engineer's prior agreement for grout mixes
containing additives, grout having an efflux time of less than 15
seconds will be rejected.
2a10.04 Steel for Pile
The steel for pile section shall be weldable structural steel
conforming to:
BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S355JR,
BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S450J0
or to such other specification of equivalent quality as may be
approved by the Engineer.
The steel for reinforcing the piles and for the cap plates may be
mild steel to BS EN 10025:2004 Grade S275JR.
2a10.05 Test Certificates of Steel
As soon as the material is delivered to the site, the Contractor
shall provide the Engineer with the manufacturer's test
certificates to show that the material fully complies with the
2a10.06 Stacking and Handling
H-Piles shall be stacked in such a way that no part of the pile is
over stressed. The Contractor shall submit his proposal for
stacking the piles to the Engineer for his approval.
Contractor shall exercise care in the lifting and handling of
Piles shall be straight before commencement of

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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

2a10.07 Offcuts
Offcuts which show no signs of damage may be used in the
most economical manner to make up or extend piles. Such
piles shall be arranged with the minimum number of splices,
and the Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval before
such pile are driven.
The bottom section of each pile shall be a full 12.00 m (or
longer) section without splices. For the intermediate part of a
pile made up from offcuts, each offcut used shall not be less
than 4.00 m and two or more offcuts shall be welded together
and checked that they are straight and true before being
welded to the section already driven.
Shorter offcuts may be used at the top part of the pile to make
up the required length.
2a10.08 Cutting off Piles
After a pile has been installed to required level and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, the section of the pile above the
cut off level shall be cut away as instructed by the Engineer.
2a10.09 Pile Heads
After the pile has been cut off to the level shown on the
drawings, the head shall be ground to give a true and level
surface onto which shall be welded a steel bearing plate.
2a10.10 General Requirements for Welding
Welding shall be carried out in accordance with the
requirements of BS EN 1011-1:1998 and BS EN 1011-2:2001 or
other accepted standards. Unless otherwise specified, manual
metal-arc welding shall be used.
All welding shall be carried out by skilled and competent
welders. If required, welders shall have passed approval tests
to BS EN 287-1: 2004, BS 4871-3:1985 or BS 4872-1:1982 as
An experienced and competent operator shall be assigned to
supervise welding and a record shall be kept on site to identify
welders responsible for major welds.
Welding shall not be carried out under adverse weather
conditions unless under adequate cover.

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General Specification
Section 2aPiling


- S2a/50 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Electrodes for welding shall be covered electrodes complying

with BS EN ISO 2560:2005. Welding consumables, including
electrodes, shall be kept in a controlled manner. Any drying or
baking of electrodes shall be carried out in strict compliance
with the manufacturers recommendations.
Low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for the welding of high
tensile steel.
2a10.11 Details of Welds
Fusion Faces
Fusion faces shall be free from irregularities and properly
prepared such that the accuracy of the specified size of welds
can be maintained.
Fusion faces and the surrounding surface shall be free from
heavy scale and oil, paint or other substances which may affect
the quality of the weld.
If the initial preparation is by gas cutting, the faces shall be
ground, filed or dressed to remove irregularities and to
maintain the tolerances specified.
Fillet Welds
Parts to be fillet welded shall be brought into close contact and
the gap due to incorrect fit up shall not exceed 1.5 mm.
The minimum leg length of a fillet weld as deposited shall be
not less than the specified size, and the throat thickness as
deposited not less than 0.7 of the leg size where the fusion
faces are at right angles to each other.
Butt Welds
Butt welds shall be single V or double V with the following
Included angle of V
Root face
Misalignment of parts

60 degrees minimum
3 mm maximum
1.5 mm minimum
3 mm maximum

The face of butt welds shall be at all places proud of the

surfaces of parent metal. Where a flush surface is required, the
surplus metal may be dressed off. In all complete penetration
butt welds, where these are to be welded from both sides, the
back of the first run shall be gouged out to clean metal before

- S2a/51 -

Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

welding is started on that side.

Butt welds for thickness of more than 12 mm shall be welded
from both sides.
Where butt welds are to be welded from one side only, these
shall be completed with the aid of a backing strip of mild steel
or by the adoption of a special method of welding approved by
the Engineer. In all cases, it must be ensured that complete
fusion of the parts to be joined is readily obtained.
2a10.12 Non-Destructive Tests on Welds
Prior to grouting the spliced sections of the piles, the fillet and
butt welds of not less than 10% of the total number of welded
joints shall be tested by means of non-destructive tests
(ultrasonic and/or magnetic particle inspection).
The test
reports shall form part of the piling records.

Pre-drilling using NX size drill shall be carried out to a depth of
at least 5m into the category of rock specified for forming the
rock socket, or the designed rock socket length of the pile,
whichever is the greater.
The extent of the pre-drilling shall be such that the position of
every pile lies within 5m of the position of a pre-drilling hole.

2a10.14 Pre-boring
A temporary steel casing shall be used for pre-bored H-piles for
supporting the sides of the hole. The casing shall be seating on
rockhead or top of rock socket before the rock socket hole is
In soils liable to "flow" the bottom of the casing must be kept
far enough in advance of the boring tool to prevent the entry of
soil into the casing, so preventing the formation of cavities and
settlement in the adjoining ground. The Contractor shall take all
possible precautions to prevent this and shall allow in his
tender for any such action necessary.
The temporary casing shall be free from any distortion, internal
projections and hardened grout.
Extraction of temporary casing shall be carried out while the
grout is sufficiently workable to ensure that it is not lifted.
The use of an approved vibratory extractor will be permitted.

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Dec 2011

General Specification
Section 2aPiling

Bentonite slurry or other drilling muds shall not be used.

When boring is completed, the hole shall be thoroughly cleaned
to get rid of loose soils before receiving steel H-pile and grout.
Where water flushing is used, care shall be taken to prevent
erosion of the existing ground. Water shall pass through a
sedimentation tank before being discharged outside the site.
2a10.15 Pile Installation
Spacers shall be fixed to the H-piles at regular intervals to
maintain the H-piles in the desired positions and to provide
adequate grout cover. A minimum cover of 40mm shall be
provided to the H-piles. The Contractors shall submit the
proposed spacer details for the Engineer's approval before
commencement of work.
Grout shall be placed via a suitable tremie pipe which extends
to the bottom of the hole, in less than 30 minutes after the
grout is mixed.
Each pile shall be cast in one continuous operation and in any
circumstances shall not be left partially grouted.
Grout shall be allowed to fill the hole up to the ground level to
ensure that the pile is completely grouted.
2a10.26 Post Construction Proof Drilling
After the completion of the piles, additional proof drilling shall
be carried out to verify the rockhead profile. The proof drill
holes shall be sunk at least 5m below the as-built top level of
the rock socket of the nearest pile or to the as-built bottom
level of the rock socket of the nearest pile, whichever is the
deeper. The number of proof drill holes shall be at least 2 for
sites with 100 piles or less; or 1% of the number of piles for
sites with more than 100 piles.


- S2a/53 -

Dec 2011

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