GS 4 Mason Stone Cladding Work

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General Specification

Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work







Sand, Lime, Cement and Water


Cleaning Down and Protection


Veneer Masonry


Granite for Masonry Walls & Thick Facings


Rubble Masonry Generally


Uncoursed Square Rubble Masonry


Squared Rubble Masonry Brought Up to Courses


Regular Coursed Rubble Masonry


Rubble Masonry Retaining Walls Generally


Ashler (Dressed Stone) Masonry



Scope of Works




Responsibilities, Performance Criteria and Tests to be



Material and Workmanship




Installation and Erection


Handling and Protection






Maintenance Manual and As-Built Drawings


Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work


Particular Clauses

Veneer Masonry
Specify Type, Quality of Stone for Veneer Masonry (Marble,
Slate, Granite, Onyx etc.) and who supplies it


Granite for Masonry (Definition)


Rubble Masonry Generally


Uncoursed Rubble Masonry (Include 4.1.07)


Squared Rubble Masonry (Include 4.1.07)


Regular Coursed Rubble Masonry (Include 4.1.07)


Rubble Masonry Retaining Walls Generally

Note :
Include 4.1.07 and 4.1.08 for Uncoursed Rubble
Retaining Walls
Include 4.1.07 and 4.1.09 for Squared Rubble
Retaining Walls
Include 4.1.07 and 4.1.09 for Regular Rubble
Retaining Walls


Thick Stone Facings to Concrete Walls

Note :
The type of stone facing as detailed above must be
included, e.g. 4.1.12 for Ashlar, 4.1.07 and 4.1.09 for
Squared Rubble etc.


Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work



All materials shall be of the best quality obtainable and shall
be of the thicknesses, and sizes shown; free from flaws,
defects, stains and blemishes.


A sample of each type of material to be used, not less than
100mm x 150mm in size shall be furnished as soon as
practicable after signing of the Contract, the cost of the
sample including delivery charges being borne by the
Contractor. On approval of this sample, all subsequent
material supplied shall be equal in all aspects.


Sand, Lime, Cement and Water

These shall be as specified under 'Plasterer and Pavior'.


Cleaning Down and Protection

At completion of the work, all surfaces shall be cleaned down
and pointed. (All masonry wall and floor finishes shall be
protected with building paper and other surfaces with building
board or timber with all edges cased until completion of the
Contract when the protection shall be removed and all
surfaces cleaned, waxed and buffed to approval).
stonework that may be damaged on delivery or during the
erection of the building is to be removed and replaced at the
Contractor's expense.

4.1.05* Veneer Masonry

Veneer masonry shall be of butt/ bevel/ square reveal Joints
between slabs according to detail drawings and shall not
exceed 1.5mm and shall be fixed with proprietary colour
grout as specified under section 10 Plaster and Pavior.
Deviation in level over the whole face of veneered wall or
floor shall not exceed 6mm. The faces of adjacent slabs shall
be precisely laid in the same plane so that adjacent edges
line up. Maximum allowable deviation shall be 0.5mm in this


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Veneer masonry wall slabs are to be fixed by suitable fixing

method to withstand the weight of the slabs as well as the
movement of the building structure. Acceptable fixing method
includes proprietary adhesive system full mortar bed of nonshrinking grout or else with a void of not less than 12mm on
Plaster of Paris dabs so spaced that each slab is supported by
not less than five dabs. The slabs are to be fixed with dowels
and cramps of adequate strength of bronze, or stainless steel
internally, but only stainless steel externally. A sample of
these shall be submitted as soon as practicable after signing
of the Contract, the cost being borne by the Main Contractor.
On approval of this sample all subsequent material supplied
shall be equal in all aspects.
Veneer masonry floors shall be fixed with fast setting thick
bed proprietary tile adhesive as specified in Section 10 Plaster
and Pavior, on top of cement sand screeding minium 25mm
thick or minimum 75mm cement sand screeding reinforced
with wire net. For wet areas, a layer of cementious based
water proofing to be applied on cement screeding laid to
required fall before fixing of stone. Any mortar stains left on
surface of slabs after slabs are set shall be removed with a
weak solution of muriatic acid and then thoroughly rinsed
with clean water or by method specified by manufacturer of
proprietary tile adhesive and colour grouting.

Granite for Masonry Walls and Thick Facings

All granite shall be of good and uniform colour, free from
vents, holes, red streaks, vein and all other flaws and defects,
equal in all respects to sample blocks to be submitted to the
Architect and approved by him.
Each stone is to hold its full size, dressed square to the back
and beds and with joints worked to true right angles.


Rubble Masonry Generally

Each stone shall be dressed square to the back on the beds
and side joints, the surfaces being plane to within 10 mm.
The face shall be rough hammer dressed to a regular convex
All stonework is to be built in cement mortar as described in
'Bricklayer'. The mortar shall be liberally applied so as to
ensure that no cavities remain in the bed or at the joint, care
nevertheless being taken to ensure that the faces are not
stained. The beds and joints shall be between 6mm and
16mm in thickness. Care shall be taken to ensure that vertical
joints are not continuous (i.e. the joint between two stones at
the same level shall be covered by the end of the stone


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

The beds and joints shall be raked out on the face to a depth
of at least 12mm as the work proceeds and pointed to a neat
flush, weathered and recessed or keyed joint as required.
No stone shall exceed 300mm in height, or be less than
150mm long on bed. The length on bed shall in each stone
be greater than the height.
Where walls are less than 300mm in thickness and faced on
both sides, the facework as described shall be carried through
the full thickness of the wall, the facings on both sides being
securely bonded together with cement mortar with bond
stones carried through the full thickness of the walling
regularly spaced at intervals of not less than one per square
Where walls are greater than 300mm in thickness and faced
on both sides or where walls are faced on one side only, the
hearting or backing may be of random rubble masonry or
brickwork, the whole being solidly bonded together in cement
mortar, with bond stones carried through the full thickness of
the wall regularly spaced at intervals of not less than two per
square metre. Care shall be taken as work proceeds to ensure
that no cavities remain between the hearting and facing.
Where masonry walls join reinforced concrete structures, they
shall be securely bonded together as specified in 'Bricklayer'.
4.1.08 Uncoursed Square Rubble Masonry
Uncoursed squared rubbed masonry shall be as specified
above, a generally random effect, without pattern or courses
being required. The top of the wall only shall be brought to
an even horizontal line.

Squared Rubble Masonry Brought Up to Courses

Squared rubble masonry brought up to courses shall be all as
specified, but with the facework brought up to level horizontal
courses at intervals of not greater than 750mm.


Regular Coursed Rubble Masonry

The stone and workmanship for regular coursed rubble is to
be all as specified for uncoursed squared rubble masonry, but
all stones in any one course are to be of even height, the
height of the courses varying from 175mm to 250mm. The
bond stones in each course are to be regularly spaces so that
each bond stone is midway between the bond stones of the
courses immediately above and below.


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work


Rubble Masonry Retaining Walls Generally

All retaining walls shall comply with regulations 76-84 of the
Hong Kong Building (Construction) Regulations, 1990.
Rubble faced retaining walls shall have a face of squared
rubble masonry brought up to courses generally as specified,
but the size of individual stones may be increased. Horizontal
bond courses of 1:2:4 concrete 300mm thick, shall
provided as indicated in the drawings, the outer face of the
concrete being flush with the face of the pointing of the
granite walling.
Weep holes of 75mm internal diameter earthenware or
concrete pipes, extending the full thickness of the wall, shall
be provided at 1.8M centres horizontally and 1M centres
vertically. The weep holes in alternate levels are to be
regularly spaced so that each weep hole is midway between
these in the levels shown above and below.
Dry rubble stone at least 300mm thick shall be hand packed
behind the retaining wall.
Regular coursed masonry retaining walls shall be generally as
specified above, except that the granite face shall be coursed,
but need not be rough hammer dressed to a regular convex
surface. Pointing shall be weathered.
Dry stone retaining walls shall be constructed of roughly
dressed granite blocks, wedged in position with granite
wedges to ensure that each stone is secure. Any walls in
which it is found that stones or wedges can be moved will be
demolished and re-erected.
Concrete bond courses as specified under rubble faced
retaining walls shall be provided as indicated in the drawings.


Ashlar (Dressed Stone) Masonry

The stones for the facework of ashlar masonry are to be fine
punched on the face to a true and even surface, accurately
squared back and fine punched on the beds for the full
thickness of the stone so as to produce a joint not exceeding
3mm thick, and similarly squared back and dressed 75mm on
the joints, the whole being solidly bedded in cement mortar.
Each course is to be of equal height, and will be not less than
225mm and greater than 450mm.


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

The thickness of ashlar facing is, except where otherwise

specified, to be 150mm for the stretchers, with 300mm thick
headers spaced at regular intervals in each course of not less
than one per square metre.
Where walls of 300mm or less in thickness are to be ashlar
faced both sides, the ashlar work is to be carried through the
full thickness of the wall and the facings on both sides
properly bonded together.
In the case of walls exceeding 300mm thick which are to be
faced both sides, or walls which are to be faced on one side
only, the hearting or backing may be uncoursed squared
rubble, but in such cases the headers are to be carried as
bond stones for a minimum of two-thirds of the thickness of
the wall.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work



The works included the design, supply and installation of
the stone cladding works in accordance to the design
intent provided by the Architect. The scope of works of
contractor is decribed below but not be limited to:

The Design of Stone and Fixing

(A) To furnish informations and samples to assist the
Architect in selection and confirmation of the best
sources of stone.
(B) Prepare all detailed shop drawings to meet the
Architect's outline design drawings in respect of stone
pattern and sizing.
(C) To design metal framework, where required for the
support and fixing of stone cladding.

Supply of Stone
(A) For each area of stone specified, select one suitable
quarry with adequate material of the best matching
colour and acceptable consistency.
(B) Before installation of any stoneworks that adjoin
existing ones, the material should be laid for visual
inspection and approval by site staff before any actual
installation works commence.

The contractor shall allow for carrying out of:
(1) All testings which may be required to satisfy the
Building Authority for obtaining approval of structural
plan and/or consent to commencement of works.
(2) All site testings which may be required by Building
Authority as specified in Building Regulations, PNAPs
or as imposed conditions of approval or consent.
(3) All testings to material as required in this specification
or tender drawings.


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Visual Mock-up
Prior to placement of order of stone material, visual mock
up shall be erected on site or off site as approved by the
architect. Unless specified otherwise, visual mock up shall
comprises at lease 2 nos. of 600x600mm panels for each
type of stone material, Detail of visual mock up such as
panel configuration and joint detail shall be agreed with

Provide Non-staining Sealants

Select for the Architects approval, sealants that are
compatible with the stone selected.



At Tender Stage
The Tenderer shall submit with the tender the following :


Location of the quarries that are capable of

supplying, without unacceptable variations, the
quantities of stones specified.


A programme showing a logical sequence from the

date of order, the time required for quarrying,
transportation to factory, shop drawings and design
preparation, submission to the local authorities (if
required), cutting and finishing and delivery to the
site for installation through to completion.


The Tenderer shall submit a written guarantee

agreeing to replace or repair defective materials and
workmanship within a period of 10 years
commencing from the end of the 12 months' defects
liability period of the Main Contract. The guarantee
shall include sealants performance and their
compatibility with stone.

After Award of Contract


Visit to the Factory

The Contractor shall allow for minimum two
representatives from the Architect and the Employer
to visit the factory where the blocks are cut to
ascertain the acceptability of the materials and
manufacturing facilities.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work


Submission Programme
The Contractor shall submit a programme to outline
the dates of major submissions for agreement with
the Architect. The contractor shall diligently follow
the agreed programme to carry out submissions and


Shop Drawings
The Contractor shall provide complete detailed shop
drawings and cutting lists showing details of
support, bonding, jointing, setting and anchorage.
The drawings shall indicate dimensional details of
joints, together with location and details of all fixing
attachments and inserts. The Contractor shall also
provide building elevations showing location of
individual units by piece mark from shop drawings.
Shop drawings and cutting lists shall be prepared
with dimensions in metric units and text in English.
The review of the Architect will not relieve the
Contractor from any of the responsibilities and
requirements as specified in this document.


Structural Calculations
The Contractor shall submit full structural
calculations and fixing methods proposed for the
external and internal stone.


Government Submission
The Contractor shall prepare all drawings and
calculations and submit to the Buildings Authority
for approval (if required) and when requested,
conduct load and other tests. Where required under
the Buildings Regulation, approval and consent shall
be obtained before the commencement of
installation work. Any delay caused by late approval
or consent will be the sole responsibility of the


Range Samples
For each type of stone specified, submit 3 sets of
actual panels of size 600mm x 600mm extracted
from the selected quarry showing the range of
colour variations. The Architect shall determine the
acceptable variance and shall return one set of the
approved stones to the Contractor for use as
manufacturing control samples. The other set shall


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

be kept on site as control panels. All stone delivered

to the site and found not to be within the approved
range shall be rejected.

Joint Samples
Sample of joints shall be submitted for review and


Fixing Metal Samples

Submit for review 2 sets of all types of fixings
proposed by the Contractor before commencement
of manufacture, inclusive of shim plates, angle
plates, spring clips, lock-nut and bolts etc.


The Contractor shall submit samples of sealant
caulked between 2 stone panels for the Architect to
select the colour.
The Contractor shall furnish
detailed technical specification of the sealant to the
Architect. Review of the type of sealant does not
release the Contractor's responsibility in selecting a
suitable sealant. When required by the Architect,
sealant with non-standard colour to be used, sample
of non-standard colour sealant shall be submitted
within 6 weeks after confirmation of colour code.


A Detailed Construction Programme

The Main Contractor's to prepare a detailed
programme of work for the stone supply and


Method Statements for Site Installation and Quality

Detailed step by step method statements for:(1)


Setting out.
Transportation of stone.
Structural surface preparation if necessary.
Installation of fixings i.e. drilling, installation of
s.s. shims, angle plate, anchors and bolts,
inclusive of testing (pull-out test) of anchors.
Installation/replacement of stone.
Protection of stone before completion.




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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Design Responsibility
(A) The specification and the design drawings of the
stone are for the sole purpose of defining the design
intent and performance requirements. The tender
drawings shall indicate the preferred arrangement of
elements and their approximate sizes.
The details and minimum stone thickness are to
show aesthetic standards only and do not purport to
identify or solve structural and performance
problems such as wind pressure, thermal/structural
movement, building tolerance, fixings adequacy and
anchorage, and etc. The contractor shall allow for
stone slab with thickness greater than the minimum
thickness specified or stone back fixed undercut
anchor shall be adopted where required to satisfy
the structural calculation.
(B) Shop Drawings
The shop drawings shall be a set of fully designed
and dimensionally co-ordinated drawings prepared
by the Contractor incorporating all considerations
relating to wind pressure, thermal/structural
movement, fixings adequacy, buildability, etc. and
shall meet the design and aesthetic requirements of
the contract. Shop drawings shall show all joints
and joint sizes designed to accommodate
movement, expansion etc.
(C) Structural Calculations
All calculations must be in accordance with current
version of Buildings Regulations and PNAPs. Due
allowance must be made for expected wind loads
where the areas are in an external or semi-external
condition. The Contractor shall submit the following
structural calculations for the Architect to review.
These calculations will be submitted to the Building
Authorities, if required.


Based upon the tolerance specified in Clause, the physical characteristics of the
stone offered, the Sub-Contractor is to
establish that the thickness proposed for
external stone is adequate.

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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work


The analysis of all fixing types, specified in the

shop drawings, all plates, bars, shims, pins,
anchors and bolts.
The entire external stone cladding system,
including all fixings, shall be designed to a
minimum factor of safety of 2.

(D) Building Regulations and Codes


The design of the stone fixings shall comply

with requirements and Building Regulations
and Codes.


The design of the stone fixings shall as a

minimum requirement, comply with wind load
effects in accordance with Building Regulations.


The Contractor shall be responsible for the

preparation of the design calculations and all
other information as required for the
submission to and approval and obtain consent
to commencement of works.

The following abbreviations are used in this specification:

American Iron and Steel Association

American National Standards Institute
American Society for Testing of Materials
Federal Specification
British Standard Institution
Japan Institute of Standards

Design Wind Pressure

For external and semi-external stone works, minimum
design wind pressure, both positive and negative, acting
normal to the plane of the wall shall be according to wind
load effects in accordance with Hong Kong Building

Building Tolerances
In designing the fixing system, assume that the position
of the surfaces and edges of insitu concrete surface can
vary up to 25mm in any direction, from the normal
design position shown on the drawing, the detail
tolerance specifications for insitu construction.


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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Building Movement
The stone system design shall take into account the
(A) Estimated maximum vertical movement.
(B) Estimated maximum horizontal movement.
(C) Maximum beam deflection.

Thermal Movement
Make provision for expansion and contraction resulting
from exterior surface temperature range of - 0oC to
Make allowances for horizontal and vertical movements.

It is stressed that the data in Clauses must be

taken into consideration when recommending the
thickness of stone and Tenders are expected to show
details and calculations justifying the thickness chosen,
to the Architect's approval.



Stone Specification
(A) Types of Stone
Types of stone to be referred to drawings &
Particular Specification.
(B) Sources of Stone



All materials supplied for each type of stone

specified, shall be sourced from one quarry
unless otherwise approved by the Architect in


The supplier shall supply the name and address

of the quarries concerned for each type of
stone specified.


The blocks from the quarry shall (preferably)

be cut from a selected portion of the bed. All
blocks cut shall be numbered and a record
drawing should be prepared, showing the
locational source of the blocks at the quarry.


The stone blocks shall be processed by

factories with good reputation & experience.
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Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(C) Physical Characteristics of Stone Materials

The Contractor is to supply details of the physical
characteristics of the stones offered, obtained from
a recognised independent laboratory. The physical
properties required are listed below:(1)

Compressive strength
Flexural strength (Ultimate tensile strength by
(4) Shear strength
(5) Coefficient of thermal expansion
(6) Weight
(7) Frictional wear test
(8) Knoop microhardness
(9) Compressive strength (after freezing)
(10) Impact resistance test
(11) Elasticity modulus
(12) Chemical resistance
The Contractor is to confirm that the material to be
supplied are suitable for use in the environmental
conditions prevalent in Hong Kong.
(D) Tolerances and Dimensions



Stones shall be to sizes as shown in the

approved shop drawings.


Stones shall be square and variations of face

dimensions shall not exceed 1mm in 900mm.


Variation of thickness on any stone panel shall

not exceed 2mm.


Bow and twist shall not vary from the finish

plane by 1mm in 1200mm.


Notches and holes shall not vary from the

designed location by more than 2mm. The
size of slots and holes shall not be greater than
the designed value by 1mm.

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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(E) Finishes to Stone

All finishes are to be approved by the Architect.
Finish samples are required.
All stone panel edges exposed to view shall be
finished as specified above whether or not the
finishes have been indicated on the drawings.
(F) Forming of Stones

Mortices, sinkings, perforations and notches for

fixings should be formed in the factory, unless
otherwise approved.
Care should be taken in the fabrication to avoid
stunning and fractural damage to the
surrounds of the mortices.



All mitred joints as specified for all corners of

the building shall be formed in the factory, to
show only a hairline joint. The mitred joint
shall be securely bonded with epoxy resin and
reinforced with s.s. cramps or additional stone
pieces, to the Contractor's design.


All stone polishing including slab edge

polishing shall be carried out in the factory.


Unless otherwise approved by the Architect,

pin fixings shall not be utilised for the securing
of the stone panels to the building structure.


The Contractor shall allow all stone panels

forming an arc or circle on plans, elevations or
sections be true curved panels instead of
facetted ones.

Pattern of Stones
The stone panels shall be laid as indicated on the
The Contractor shall make special
installation of these panels to achieve the patterns.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work


Water Repellent Sealer / Impregnator

All dry fixed stone slab to be treated on all sides
sealer/impregnator. Except the surfaces in contact
with adhesive material, all wet fixed stone slab to be
treated on all sides with suitable breathable water
repellant sealer/impregnator.
shall be transparent and shall not cause any change
in colour or finishing to stone and shall not affect
bonding to substrate.
All sealer/impregnator
application to be carried out in factory and in
accordance with recommendation of manufacturer.

(A) External and Semi-external Stone Fixing Metals
All metals to be stainless steel type BS EN 10048, BS
EN 10095, BS EN ISO 9445-1, BS EN ISO 9445-2
grading not inferior to 304 S15, unless otherwise
approved by the Architect in writing.
(B) Internal Stone Fixing Metals
Metal fixings to stone in :

Toilet or Wet Areas :

Only stainless steel is to be used.


Internal Stone Ceilings (if any) :

Metal framing to be mild steel structural
sections in accordance with B.S. 4 and B.S.
4360 or stainless steel.
All mild steel to be protected with anti-galvanic
moisture barrier materials to GSA specifications
FS-TT-PG45 for zinc chromate primer, or alkyd
alkyl resistant bituminious paint to FS-TT-C494
type II or galvanised steel hot dip to ASTM A123-73 or B.S 2989 or BS EN ISO 14619.
Electrogalvanising to ASTM A-165-71 type NS.
All metals cut or worked on after galvanising,
to be treated with Expandite Galvafroid SB.


Internal Stone Walls :

Metals to be stainless steel. All bolts, anchors
and tie back to be stainless steel.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

High Strength Mortars: for External use on Structure

(A) For site repairs, jointing filling, patching of concrete
surfaces that are not true, or level to receive anchor
bolts, only mortars that develop high strength
rapidly should be used.
(B) Materials approved are SBD Certite or approved

Mix mortar in small batches. Mix cementitious materials
and aggregate with a minimum amount of water
homogenous. Use mortar within 2 hours after mixing.
No partially set or retempered mortar is permitted for

All cement to be portland cement to British Standard B.S.
12. For pointing of joints, white or coloured cements
shall be approved by the Architect.

All sand to be clean, sharp, washed sand. Sand with
organic or inorganic impurities would be rejected. Sand
shall comply with B.S. 882/1207.

1.5mm thick clear plastic spacers, or 1.5mm lead sheets
or approved equivalent.

To be best quality mineral pigment, of high purity, finely
ground, sunproof and specific gravity similar to Portland
Cement. The colour will be selected by the Architect.

(A) The proposed sealant should comply with the
relevant international standards and should be
totally compatible to the types of the stone to which
it is applied. The sealant should remain intact
without staining to stone, deterioration or leaking oil
in the condition it is to be used.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(B) Sealants shall be High Range Sealants with

maximum cyclic movement capable of 12% to 25%
capable of performing well under dynamic loads.
(C) Colour to be selected by the Architect.
(D) All sealants to be identified and located by product
name on shop drawings.
(E) Unless otherwise recommended backer rods shall be
polyethylene foam sponge neoprene conforming to
ASTM C509.
Backer rods shall be non-wicking, non-gasing and
non-hygrosocopic. Diameter size of the rod to be at
least 25% larger than joint width.
(F) Products must be compatible with granite and
aluminium. Site tests shall be conducted before the
final acceptance of sealant.
(G) Sealants shall not stain granite, masonry or any
materials in contact, testing report to confirm the
non-staining performance to every sealant and
stone material combination shall be submitted
before placement of order for sealant.

Anchors to be "Hilti" stainless steel expansion anchors,
stainless steel chemical anchors or equivalent approved
by the Architects.



(A) Cutting
Accurately cut, dress, drill, fit and finish stone work
to shapes and dimensions shown. Make exposed
plane surfaces true in line.
(B) Joints
Cut with edges square and at right angles to face;
make arises straight, sharp, true, and continuous at


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(C) Anchorage
Cut and slot stones in shop as required for supports,
anchors, ties, bolts, and other inserts.
(D) Expansion
Allow for expansion and contraction within limits of
joint material when cutting for anchorage devices.
(E) Sizes
Sizes required for the panels will be as indicated on
the approved shop drawings.
Tenders should be based on the overall size shown,
however, alternative recommendations will be
(F) Finish
The finish to stone panels under this Contract, shall
be as described in specification or drawings, to all
exposed faces and exposed edges unless otherwise
No surfaces shall be rubbed over with any wax, oil,
silicones, stains, polish or other surface applied


(A) The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the
installation of the stone works.
(B) The Contractor is to erect the stones in accordance
with the approved shop drawings, provide all labour,
materials, equipment, accessories and supervision
necessary to complete the installation.

Adjustability of Steel Fixings

All fixings should be designed to allow adjustability in 3
directions, to accommodate the building frame
constructional tolerances as specified.


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General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Tolerances and Setting Out

(A) The stone work shall when completed be within the
following tolerances.

Deviations from plumb, level or dimensional

angle; 1.5mm per 3 metres of length of any
member or 6mm in any total run in any line.


Maximum offset from the true alignment

between two (2) consecutive members placed
end to end must not exceed 1.0mm edge to

(B) The Contractor shall recheck and confirm the bench

marks and datum levels and grid set outs. The
Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the
accuracy of the same and shall at his own cost
rectify any errors arising from inaccurate setting out.

Dry Fixing Stone onto Vertical Surfaces

(A) Set out and Surface Preparation
Set out on site and establish all levels and planes for
the entire surface with piano wires and other
approved methods.
Locate the positions of fixing angles by survey and
ensure that all concrete surfaces in contact with
metal angles shims etc. are flat and suitable to
receive fixings by the Contractor.
(B) Installation of Anchors
Locate the position of anchor. Drilling holes shall be
carried out by experienced and skilled workers.
Install the anchor to manufacturers specifications.
Test all the anchors to 1.5 times design load for pull
out before installation of the metal fixings.
(C) Installation of Fixing Metals
Install shims, plates, support angles, check for level
and adjust to position.
Install the spring lock
washers, tighten, apply a liquid lock agent to
prevent nuts loosening.


- S4/19 -

Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(D) Installation of Stone Panel

Install the stone panel onto bearing angles and
install restraint pins check for tolerances between
installed panels, as specified in the shop drawings.
(E) Panels shall not support vertical
otherwise approved by the Architect.


Delivery from Factory



All stone panels shall be padded braced and protected on

faces and edges so that they will not be damaged during
transportation and handling. Tenderers are to describe
the methods to be adopted.

Site Storage
(A) Unless delivered to the installation area, stone shall
not be uncrated.
(B) Crated stone shall be stocked on platforms and
covered to prevent damage from other works at site.
Any damage by improper storage shall be replaced
at the cost of the Contractor.
(C) The Contractor is to note that limited space will be
available for material storage. The Contractor shall
be responsible for all costs of off-site storage and
double handling as necessary.

Handling on Site
(A) Panels shall be carefully delivered to the proposed
area of installation in crates. Manual handling or
movement of the panels should be minimised.
(B) Panels should be stacked in properly designed,
timber frames after uncrating at the site of
(C) Stone panels should preferably be put in protective
frames and mechanically moved during installation.


- S4/20 -

Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

(A) General
The Contractor shall provide and fix protection
against weather, damage and staining by other
trades, particularly against staining from timbers,
oil, wet straw, washings from steelwork, scaffolding,
concrete washings and other injurious substances.
(B) All installed internal granite or stone panelling is to
protected with a minimum of 1000 guage
polythene sheeting taped, framed and protected at
edges with timber battens.
(C) All internal granite or stone paving is to be
protected upon completion and curing, with a
minimum 1000 gauge polythene sheeting, and 3mm
plywood panelling, laid edge to edge and taped
For heavy traffic areas, a minimum 6mm plywood should
be used.


(A) The Contractor shall clean down all installed
surfaces with cleaning agents compatible with the
stones installed.
(B) Cleaning Schedule



All surfaces are to be cleaned on removal of

protection and prior to the issuance of a
(Reasonable and safe access should be
provided to the Architect for inspections.)


In the one year defects liability and

maintenance period, the Contractor shall allow
for the cost of cleaning all surfaces once, for
the inspection of defects, prior to the issuance
of the Final Certificate.

Prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Practical
Completion for the building, the Contractor shall provide
spares of stone slab material specified by the Architect.




- S4/21 -

Nov 2012

General Specification
Section 4 Mason & Stone Cladding Work

Prior to the issue of the Certificate of Practical

Completion for the building, the Contractor shall provide:
(A) Two (2) sets of Maintenance Manuals which should
(1) Details of the cleaning agents for walls and

Maintenance procedures for walls and floors.


Recommended procedures for replacement of

stone panels for dry fixed panel

(B) Two (2) Copies of as-built drawings of the stone work

installed. These drawings shall be correct in all
respects and fully dimensioned. After these
drawings have been prepared but before they
are issued to the Owner, the Contractor shall
submit two (2) copies of the drawings to the
Architect for his approval. The Contractor shall
make all amendments the Architect may deem
necessary before submitting the drawings to
the Owner.


- S4/22 -

Nov 2012

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