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What is constitution? Preamble summarizes the aim and

objectives of the constitution and
Constitution of India is the supreme law preamble of India constitution seeks to
of India. It lays down the framework establish what Ghandhiji described as
defining fundamental political principle “The India of My Dream”.
establishing the structure, procedure,
power, and duties of the government & WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, have
spells out the fundamentals rights, solemnly resolved to constitute India
directive principles & duties of citizens. into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST
ORIGIN to secure to all its citizens:

History of Indian Constitution started JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

from Government of India Act 1979. It LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief,
was an act of parliament of United faith and worship;
Kingdom to expand participation of native EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
in government. and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the
Government of India Act, 1935 was the individual and the unity and integrity of
last constitution of British Raj. After that, the Nation.
under the guidance of British Prime
Minister Celment Attle, a frame work of Fundamental rights
constitution [procedure to be followed
while drafting] was made. Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right
against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of
On 29th August, 1947, drafting committee Religion, Cultural and Educational
was appointed with Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Rights, Saving of Certain Laws, Right to
Ambedkar [who had degree from Constitutional Remedies.
Columbia University & university of
London] as chairman. Besides Dr. BR Ambedkar may bring justice for
Ambedkar the four Congress giants Pakistanis
Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhbhai Patel,
Rajendra Prasad & Abdul Kalam Azad On 5th July 2008, a book on Ambedkar
were dominant players in drafting the was launched in Pakistan by the Author
constitution. Yusuf Irfan. He said, Ambedkar struggled
hard to eliminate social injustice from
Our constitution is derived from the India & served humanity. He also said
constitution of various countries (like UK, this book would help Pakistani people
USA, Malaysia, Ireland, France, Japan, learn about fighting injustice.
Canada, Australia & Germany). It took 2
years, 11 months & 18 days to be drafted EVOLUTION OF LAWS IN 60
and came with 12 bulky volumes [22parts YEAR OLD REPUBLIC
containing 448 articles, 12 schedules, 5
appendices & 109 amendments] Nothing is static in world, all things need
to be modified with time and same is the
Although committee formed for drafting case with our constitution. Sri Lanka’s
the constitution did the job admirably by first constitution lasted for only seven
middle of 1949 & assembly approved a years and our constitution has survived
new constitution on November 25, but it for 60 years and it is because our
was signed by members on January 24, constitution is continuously amended.
1950 & came into effect on 26th January
1950, because the choice for the date of Sir Iver Jenning (constitutional historian
Republic Day was made at 1930 Lahore of common wealth) once said, Indian
session of Indian National Congress where constitution is “Too long, too rigid & too
Tri colour was raised for the first time and prolix” and it was further made complex
the concept of PURNA SWARAJA came by dominance of lawyer–politicians in
into picture. constituent assembly. So government
understood the importance of
amendments and in 2002, national aspiration to be the sovereign & secular
commission to review the working of the we have done well. The aspiration to
constitution was set up to look into provide justice (social, economic &
updating the constitution of India. political) is perhaps where we have fallen
short; while we can take pride in having
Let us discuss few important delivered, for the most part, on liberty of
amendments that shape the republic:- thought, expression, belief, faith and
worship. We need to develop a far more
1. Representation of people act 1951-Laid inclusive society to be able to justify our
down the procedure and machinery for dream of providing EQUALITY of status
preparing electoral rolls and demarcating and of opportunity.
constituencies. This act reduces
canvassing period from one month to JUDICIAL ACTIVISM - Judges believe that
fortnight. they don’t make laws, they only interpret
laws, but this is an illusion. In fact, every
2. 1951 amendment - (a) Reasonable new decision on every new situation is
restriction on freedom of speech and development of law. Law does not stand
expression and freedom to practice any still. A judge must consciously seek to
profession. (b) Introduction of 9th schedule mould the law so as to serve the need of
to insulate agrarian reform from legal the time. He must not be mere mechanic,
challenge. a mere working meson. Rather, he must
be an architect thinking as a structure as
3. Hindu marriage act 1955-Outlawed
a whole building a just strong and
polygamy and introduced the concept of
durable system for society. This concept is
in favour of progressive social policies, for
4. Protection of civil act 1955-Penalizes e.g. Supreme Court in 1989 held that
various manifestations of untouchability. right to life must be reinterpreted to
include the right to live in healthy
5. 91st constitution amendment 2003- environment with minimum disturbance
Defection can take place through merge of ecological balance with regard to “Delhi
route (when at least 2\3 of member of pollution case”.
legislature party agree to its merger with
another party)
6. Muslim women act 1986- To appease
Muslim fundamentalist. Legal service
7. 73rd amendment –Reserving 1\3
constituencies for women in panchayati
raj. Times of India & Economic Times dated
24th January 2010
8. Right to information act 2005 is
acknowledged as one of the most
progressive transparency law in the world.
Besides specifying the limited
organizations and categories of
information exempted from its
purview.RTI provided for independent
appellate bodies and penalties for errant

9. National rural employment guarantee

act (NREGA 2005) -This act guarantees
employment for 100 days in a year to
every rural household.

AZIM PREMJI-We have shown the world

that it is possible to run a billion size
population in a democratic manner.
About our achievement against the

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