Correlation Study of Source Rock and Oil in Limau Graben, South Sumatera Basin: Source Rock and Oil Characterization and Potency of Lemat Formation As Hydrocarbon Source Rocks

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M. Syaifudin1,2,a, Eddy A. Subroto2, Dardji Noeradi2, Asep H.P.Kesumajana2

Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Lemat Formation in Limau graben has been considered as syn-rift sediments until now,
consist of fluvio-lacustrine sediments, creating source rock with fluvio-lacustrine
characterization. While based on existing publications, showing that oil from Limau graben
having fluvio-deltaic characterization and generated by source rock from Talangakar
Formation with fluvio-deltaic characterization.
This paper emphasizes geochemistry methods. Source rock analysis consist of 26 samples for
carbon isotope and 14 samples for biomarker, while oil analysis consist of 15 samples for
carbon isotope and 19 samples for biomarker. Characterization has been based on qualitative
and quantitative data. Qualitative data comprise evaluation based on chromatograms and
mass-fragmentograms, whereas quantitative data consists of a series of cross-plots.
Based on geochemical analysis, source rocks of Lemat Formation in Limau Graben
interpreted as source rock with fluvio-deltaic characterization, having terrestrial influence
while Talangakar Formation in Limau Graben interpreted as source rock with deltaic
characterization, having marine and terrestrial influence. Both, consist of humic kerogen.
Whereas, oil samples in Limau Graben interpreted as oil which is generated by source rock
with fluvio-deltaic characterization, having terrestrial influence, in anoxic-suboxic-oxic
conditions, consisting of humic kerogen. Correlation result between source rocks and oils in
Limau Graben, indicating that fluvio-deltaic oil families in Limau Graben are strongly
correlate with not only the source rocks of Talangakar Formations but also with source rock
of Lemat Formation.
Key words: biomarker, terrestrial, fluvio-deltaic
1. Introduction
South Sumatra Basin is a potential and mature basin for hydrocarbon kitchen. There are a
number of sub-basins which is potential as the hydrocarbon kitchen in this basin. Limau
Graben is one of sub-basin on the South Palembang Sub-basin, formed in Upper Cretaceous
to Lower Tertiary, in extensional phase, this is the beginning of sedimentation in this area.
Lemat Formation in Limau Graben has been considered as syn-rift sediments until now,
consist of terrestrial sediment (fluvio-lacustrine), creating source rock with fluvio-lacustrine
characterization. While based on existing publications, showing that oil from Limau Graben
having fluvio-deltaic characterization and generated by source rock from Talangakar
Formation with fluvio-deltaic characterization. This is interesting to study further, especially

about possibility of source rock with fluvio-lacustrine characterization in research area. This
study emphasized to source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formation in Limau Graben,
South Palembang Sub-basin, South Sumatra Basin.
2. Research Area
The research area located in Limau Graben, South Palembang Sub Basin, South Sumatra
3. Research Methods
This paper emphasizes geochemistry methods. Source rock analysis, consist of 26 samples
for carbon isotope and 14 samples for biomarker, while oil analysis, consist of 15 samples for
carbon isotope and 19 samples for biomarker. Characterization has been based on qualitative
and quantitative data. Qualitative data comprise evaluation based on chromatograms and
mass-fragmentograms, whereas quantitative data consists of a series of cross-plots, eg. cross
plot of carbon isotope 13C saturates - aromatics, distribution of C27-C28-C29 sterane, Pr/nC17Ph/nC18, Pr/Ph-Pr/nC17, carbon isotope 13C saturates-Pr/Ph, Pr/Ph-total hopane/total sterane,
and ratio of C26/C25 (tricyclic).
The results of this study expected could explain the character of source rocks and oil in the
Limau Graben, also to find out the possibility of lacustrine source rock existence and
determine the correlation between source rocks and oils in this area, so can be known whether
Lemat Formation source rocks also have contributed to produce oil in this area or not. In
addition, to provide a new opportunity in the exploration of hydrocarbons in the Limau
Graben which considered as a mature and potential basin for hydrocarbon.
4. Regional Structural Geology of South Sumatra Basin
Geological structures that control the regional of South Sumatra (Figure 1) were influenced
by three tectonic phases (Pulunggono et al., 1992):

Compression (Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous)

Tension (Upper Cretaceous Lower Tertiary)

Compression (Middle Miocene Recent)

The first phase: started in Upper Jurassic Lower Cretaceous, characterized with the
subduction of India-Australia plate as a movement mechanism to yield primary stress to the
Sundaland trending N 30o W. This subduction resulted simple shear (N 300 o E) as strike slip
fault that was actively moved laterally. This was assumed as the cause of linearity trending NS as antithetic fault which was inactive.

The second phase: commenced during Upper Cretaceous-Lower Tertiary, characterized by the
change of the subduction trend of the India-Australia plate into N-S. This event resulted in
the formation of some geological structures (fractures) caused by tension force as linearity
with N-S direction. This phenomenon caused the formation of grabens and depressions, such
as Benakat Gulley. Initiation of graben filling with Tertiary sediments was started. In general
faults and grabens formed during this phase show N-S and WNW-ESE directions.
The third phase: commenced in the Middle Miocene-present, shown with, again, the change
of the subduction direction into N 6 o E, causing rejuvenation and inversion processes on the
paleostructures (N 300o E/N-S) by Plio-Pleistocene (N 330o E) and the uplifting of the
Barisan Montains and also the formation of some thrust faults with the Lematang fault
pattern. During this phase, the Lematang fault pattern that initially acted as depocenter of the
Muara Enim Deep has been uplifted being anticlinorium series of Pendopo-Limau (Figure
2.5). Folding and thrust-faulting processes caused by compression force occurred in the backarc basinal and floured during Plio-Pleistocene.
5. Regional Stratigraphy of Sumatra Basin
Based on the tectonostratigraphy framework, Ryacudu (2008) divides Early Tertiary rock
units in the South Sumatra Basin as follows (Figure 2):

Pre-rift sequences

This sequence consists of volcanic rock of Kikim Formations and pre-Tertiary rocks. Kikim
Formations are the oldest Tertiary rocks in the South Sumatra Basin, consist of volcanic rocks
such as volcanic breccia, agglomerate, andesitic tuffs and igneous rocks (as intrusions and
lava flows). Age of Kikim Formation based on dating K-Ar is 54-30 Ma (Paleocene - Lower
Oligocene, Ryacudu, 2008). The oldest age and the contact with pre-Tertiary rocks are
unknown, while the relation with the Formation above is unconformity.

Syn-rift sequences

Syn-rift sequence consists of rock group of Lahat Group consisting of Lemat and Benakat
Formation with interfingering relations. The main constituent of Lemat Formation are coarse
clastic rocks (sandstone) with Tuff Member and conglomerate Member, while Benakat
Formations dominated by fine clastic rocks (shale). The group does not contain fossils, dating
is determined by palinomorf Meyeripollis naharkotensis in shale of Benakat Formations
indicating Upper Oligocene Lower Early Miocene. The group has non-conformity
relationship with rock Formations above and below it. Sandstones of Lemat Formation

deposited in fluvial environment, while conglomerate is interpreted as an alluvial fan

sediment. Shale of Benakat Formations interpreted as the result of deposition in the lake
system (lacustrine).

Post-rift sequences

This sequence consists of a rock from Telisa group consisting Tanjungbaru, Talangakar,
Baturaja, and Gumai Formation. Tanjungbaru Formation, originally considered a GRM
(Gritsand Member) formerly known as a member of the Talangakar Formation. This unit is
dominated by conglomeratic sandstone deposition system as a result of braided river.
Unconformity contact with Lahat Group below it. Member of the Formation Talangakar
commonly referred to as TRM (Transition Member) proposed a Talangakar Formation. This
Formation consists of alternating sandstones and shales, with thin coal interbedded, deposited
in the transition environment. Baturaja Formation, Early Miocene (N5-N6), composed of
limestone bioclastic, kalkarenit, bioclastic sandy limestones and reefal bioherm with
interbedded of calcareous shale, deposited on the carbonate platform. Gumai Formation,
Early Miocene to Middle Miocene, composed by calcareous mudstone that contains fossil
planktonic foraminifera Globigerina and shales napalan with glaukonitic quartz sandstones.
The deposition of Gumai Formation marked the peak transgression of the South Sumatra
Basin. Air Benakat Formation, Middle Miocene, composed by the dominance of shallowmarine mudstone with sandstone interbedded which is thickening and dominating upward.
Sandstone at the top is a quartz sandstone, tufaan and glaukonitic. The presence of the tufa
material in the Formation marked the beginning of the influence of the source sediments from
the south or uplifting of the Bukit Barisan Mountains. Furthermore, the marine condition is
getting shallower so that it becomes transition environment, and then the Formation
Muaraenim deposited. Muara Enim Formation, Middle Miocene to Late Miocene. Consists of
mudstone, shale, and sandstone and coal interbedded deposited in the delta system or
transitional environment. Kasai Formation, Pliocene. Is a volcaniclastic sediment, consisting
of mudstone and sandstone's tufa interbedded deposited in fluviatil and terrestrial
6. Characterization of Source Rocks and oils in Limau Graben
Figure 3 shows location map of research area and data location of oil and source rocks in
Limau Graben. Figure 4 shows a cross plot Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18 and Pr/Ph Pr/nC17, source rocks
of lemat and Talangakar Formations, and oils in Limau Graben. This image shows both

source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formation and oils, consists of humic kerogen in
suboxic-anoxic until oxic conditions, but mostly in oxic conditions. Cross plot of carbon
isotope 13C saturates - 13C aromatics and carbon isotope 13C saturates - Pr/Ph, source rocks
of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils in Limau Graben shown in Figure 5. This
figure shows source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils consists of terrestrial
and mixed material, in anoxic-suboxic to oxic conditions, but mostly in oxic conditions.
Figure 6 shows a cross plot of Pr/Ph-hopane/sterane and sterane distribution C27, C28, and C29,
source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils in Limau Graben. From this
picture it appears that the source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils affected
by terrestrial material in anoxic -suboxic until oxic conditions, but mostly in high oxic
conditions. Besides, it also looks like Lemat Formations derived from estuarine or shallow
lacustrine to terrestrial environments, whereas Talangakar Formation and oils derived from
marine or deep lacustrine, estuarine or shallow lacustrine, and terrestrial environments.
Figure 7 is a comparison of biomarker characterization qualitatively between source rocks of
Lemat and Talangakar Formation and oils in Limau Graben. From this picture it appears that
source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils, according to ten Haven and
Schiefelbein (1995), and Peters et al. (2005), is not lacustrine sediments because has C26/C25
(tricyclic) smaller than 1. Based on tricyclic data, according to Price et al. (1987), Lemat
Formation and oils show terrestrial pattern, whereas Talangakar Formations show marine and
terrestrial pattern. These data indicate Lemat Formation interpreted as fluvio-deltaic
sediment, whereas Talangakar Formation having more marine characterization than Lemat
Formation. Based on data of 29H and 30H (hopane) distribution, it appears that source rocks of
Lemat Formation and oils are marine clastic sediments because it shows a pattern 29H <30H,
while Talangakar Formation not only show


H<30H but also show


H>30H is evaporates-

carbonate sediment (Zumberge (1984); Connan et al. (1988); Price et al. (1987), all in Waples
and Machihara (1991). From data of homohopana distribution which decreased regularly
from C31 to C35, source rock of Lemat, Talangakar Formations, and oils in Limau Graben
interpreted as depositional environment which associated with clastic sediments (Waples and
Machihara, 1991) or more oxidizing conditions (Peters and Moldowan, 1993).
Based on these data, oil in the Limau Graben interpreted originated from fluvio-deltaic source
rocks and has a correlation with Lemat and Talangakar Formations in Limau Graben.

Source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar Formations and oils in Limau Graben consists of
humic kerogen and terrestrial and mixed material. Source rocks of Lemat and Talangakar
Formations and oils in Limau Graben, is not derived from a lacustrine sediments, affected by
terrestrial material in anoxic -suboxic until oxic conditions, but mostly on high oxic
conditions. Besides, its also looks like Lemat Formations derived from estuarine or shallow
lacustrine to terrestrial environments, whereas Talangakar Formation and oils in Limau
Graben derived from marine or deep lacustrine, estuarine or shallow lacustrine, and terrestrial
environments. Based on tricyclic data, Lemat Formation and oils in Limau Graben show
terestrial pattern, whereas Talangakar Formations show marine and terrestrial pattern. These
data indicate Lemat Formation interpreted as fluvio-deltaic sediment, whereas Talangakar
Formation having more marine characteriztion than Lemat Formation. Oils in the Limau
Graben interpreted originated from fluvio-delta source rocks, has a correlation with Lemat
Formation and Talangakar Formation in Limau graben.
We would like to thank the management of Directorate General of Oil and Gas, Pertamina EP,
and Medco EP for their permission to publish this paper.
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Figure 1. Tectonic evolution of the South Sumatra Basin from Upper Jurassic-now
(Pulunggono et al., 1992)

Figure 2. Regional stratigraphy of the South Sumatra Basin (modified Ryacudu, 2008).

Figure 3. Location map of the study area and a summary of the source rock geochemical data in Limau graben.

Figure 4. Cross plot of Pr/nC17-Ph/nC18 and Pr/Ph Pr/nC17, source rocks of lemat and Talangakar Formation, and oils in Limau graben.


Figure 5. Cross plot of carbon isotope 13C saturates - 13C aromatics and carbon isotope 13C saturates - Pr/Ph, source rocks of lemat and
Talangakar Formation, and oils in Limau graben.

Figure 6. Cross plot of Pr/Ph-hopane/sterane and sterane distribution C27, C28, and C29, source rocks of lemat and Talangakar Formation, and oils
in Limau graben.

Figure 7. Comparison of biomarker characterization qualitatively between source rocks of lemat and Talangakar Formation, and oils in Limau

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