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Quantum Numbers and Electron


of Atomic


Shells and
Subshells of

of Quantum

Summary of
of Quantum

Table: The
Exceptions to
the Aufbau
and the
of the Elements Configurations Periodic Table
Orbitals, and
Hund's Rule

Quantum Numbers
The Bohr model was a one-dimensional model that used one quantum number to
describe the distribution of electrons in the atom. The only information that was
important was the size of the orbit, which was described by the n quantum number.
Schrdinger's model allowed the electron to occupy three-dimensional space. It
therefore required three coordinates, or three quantum numbers, to describe the
orbitals in which electrons can be found.
The three coordinates that come from Schrdinger's wave equations are the principal
(n), angular (l), and magnetic (m) quantum numbers. These quantum numbers
describe the size, shape, and orientation in space of the orbitals on an atom.
The principal quantum number (n) describes the size of the orbital. Orbitals for
which n = 2 are larger than those for which n = 1, for example. Because they have
opposite electrical charges, electrons are attracted to the nucleus of the atom. Energy
must therefore be absorbed to excite an electron from an orbital in which the electron
is close to the nucleus (n = 1) into an orbital in which it is further from the nucleus
(n = 2). The principal quantum number therefore indirectly describes the energy of an

The angular quantum number (l) describes the shape of the orbital. Orbitals have
shapes that are best described as spherical (l = 0), polar (l = 1), or cloverleaf (l = 2).
They can even take on more complex shapes as the value of the angular quantum
number becomes larger.

There is only one way in which a sphere (l = 0) can be oriented in space. Orbitals that
have polar (l = 1) or cloverleaf (l = 2) shapes, however, can point in different
directions. We therefore need a third quantum number, known as the magnetic
quantum number (m), to describe the orientation in space of a particular orbital. (It is
called the magnetic quantum number because the effect of different orientations of
orbitals was first observed in the presence of a magnetic field.)

Rules Governing the Allowed Combinations of Quantum Numbers

The three quantum numbers (n, l, and m) that describe an orbital are integers: 0,
1, 2, 3, and so on.
The principal quantum number (n) cannot be zero. The allowed values of n are
therefore 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on.
The angular quantum number (l) can be any integer between 0 and n - 1. If n =
3, for example, l can be either 0, 1, or 2.
The magnetic quantum number (m) can be any integer between -l and +l. If l =
2, m can be either -2, -1, 0, +1, or +2.

Practice Problem 7:
Describe the allowed combinations of the n, l, and m quantum numbers when n = 3.
Click here to check your answer to Practice Problem 7

Shells and Subshells of Orbitals

Orbitals that have the same value of the principal quantum number form a shell.
Orbitals within a shell are divided into subshells that have the same value of the
angular quantum number. Chemists describe the shell and subshell in which an orbital
belongs with a two-character code such as 2p or 4f. The first character indicates the
shell (n = 2 or n = 4). The second character identifies the subshell. By convention, the
following lowercase letters are used to indicate different subshells.


Although there is no pattern in the first four letters (s, p, d, f), the letters progress
alphabetically from that point (g, h, and so on). Some of the allowed combinations of
the n and l quantum numbers are shown in the figure below.

The third rule limiting allowed combinations of the n, l, and m quantum numbers has
an important consequence. It forces the number of subshells in a shell to be equal to
the principal quantum number for the shell. The n = 3 shell, for example, contains
three subshells: the 3s, 3p, and 3d orbitals.

Possible Combinations of Quantum Numbers

There is only one orbital in the n = 1 shell because there is only one way in which a
sphere can be oriented in space. The only allowed combination of quantum numbers
for which n = 1 is the following.


There are four orbitals in the n = 2 shell.





There is only one orbital in the 2s subshell. But, there are three orbitals in the
2p subshell because there are three directions in which a p orbital can point. One of
these orbitals is oriented along the X axis, another along the Y axis, and the third along
the Z axis of a coordinate system, as shown in the figure below. These orbitals are
therefore known as the 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals.

There are nine orbitals in the n = 3 shell.








There is one orbital in the 3s subshell and three orbitals in the 3p subshell. The n = 3
shell, however, also includes 3d orbitals.
The five different orientations of orbitals in the 3d subshell are shown in the figure
below. One of these orbitals lies in the XY plane of an XYZ coordinate system and is
called the 3dxy orbital. The 3dxz and 3dyz orbitals have the same shape, but they lie
between the axes of the coordinate system in the XZ and YZ planes. The fourth orbital
in this subshell lies along the X and Y axes and is called the 3dx2-y2 orbital. Most of the
space occupied by the fifth orbital lies along the Z axis and this orbital is called the
3dz2 orbital.

The number of orbitals in a shell is the square of the principal quantum number: 1 2 =
1, 22 = 4, 32 = 9. There is one orbital in an s subshell (l = 0), three orbitals in
a p subshell (l = 1), and five orbitals in a dsubshell (l = 2). The number of orbitals in a
subshell is therefore 2(l) + 1.
Before we can use these orbitals we need to know the number of electrons that can
occupy an orbital and how they can be distinguished from one another. Experimental
evidence suggests that an orbital can hold no more than two electrons.
To distinguish between the two electrons in an orbital, we need a fourth quantum
number. This is called the spin quantum number (s) because electrons behave as if

they were spinning in either a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion. One of the

electrons in an orbital is arbitrarily assigned an s quantum number of +1/2, the other is
assigned an s quantum number of -1/2. Thus, it takes three quantum numbers to define
an orbital but four quantum numbers to identify one of the electrons that can occupy
the orbital.
The allowed combinations of n, l, and m quantum numbers for the first four shells are
given in the table below. For each of these orbitals, there are two allowed values of the
spin quantum number, s.
An applet showing atomic and molecular orbitals from

Summary of Allowed Combinations of Quantum Numbers

Number of
Number of
Total Number of
Subshell Orbitals in the Electrons Needed
Electrons in
nl m
to Fill Subshell

10 0

20 0
2 1 1,0,-1

30 0
3 1 1,0,-1

40 0

4 1 1,0,-1
4 3 ,-1,-2,3







The Relative Energies of Atomic Orbitals

Because of the force of attraction between objects of opposite charge, the most
important factor influencing the energy of an orbital is its size and therefore the value
of the principal quantum number, n. For an atom that contains only one electron, there
is no difference between the energies of the different subshells within a shell. The 3s,
3p, and 3d orbitals, for example, have the same energy in a hydrogen atom. The Bohr
model, which specified the energies of orbits in terms of nothing more than the
distance between the electron and the nucleus, therefore works for this atom.
The hydrogen atom is unusual, however. As soon as an atom contains more than one
electron, the different subshells no longer have the same energy. Within a given shell,
the s orbitals always have the lowest energy. The energy of the subshells gradually
becomes larger as the value of the angular quantum number becomes larger.
Relative energies: s < p < d < f
As a result, two factors control the energy of an orbital for most atoms: the size of the
orbital and its shape, as shown in the figure below.

A very simple device can be constructed to estimate the relative energies of atomic
orbitals. The allowed combinations of the n and l quantum numbers are organized in a
table, as shown in the figure below and arrows are drawn at 45 degree angles pointing
toward the bottom left corner of the table.

The order of increasing energy of the orbitals is then read off by following these
arrows, starting at the top of the first line and then proceeding on to the second, third,

fourth lines, and so on. This diagram predicts the following order of increasing energy
for atomic orbitals.
1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p <4s < 3d <4p < 5s < 4d < 5p < 6s < 4f < 5d < 6p < 7s < 5f <
6d < 7p < 8s ...

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Electron Configurations, the Aufbau Principle, Degenerate Orbitals, and Hund's

The electron configuration of an atom describes the orbitals occupied by electrons
on the atom. The basis of this prediction is a rule known as the aufbau principle,
which assumes that electrons are added to an atom, one at a time, starting with the
lowest energy orbital, until all of the electrons have been placed in an appropriate
A hydrogen atom (Z = 1) has only one electron, which goes into the lowest energy
orbital, the 1s orbital. This is indicated by writing a superscript "1" after the symbol
for the orbital.
H (Z = 1): 1s1
The next element has two electrons and the second electron fills the 1s orbital because
there are only two possible values for the spin quantum number used to distinguish
between the electrons in an orbital.
He (Z = 2): 1s2
The third electron goes into the next orbital in the energy diagram, the 2s orbital.
Li (Z = 3): 1s2 2s1
The fourth electron fills this orbital.

Be (Z = 4): 1s2 2s2

After the 1s and 2s orbitals have been filled, the next lowest energy orbitals are the
three 2p orbitals. The fifth electron therefore goes into one of these orbitals.
B (Z = 5): 1s2 2s2 2p1
When the time comes to add a sixth electron, the electron configuration is obvious.
C (Z = 6): 1s2 2s2 2p2
However, there are three orbitals in the 2p subshell. Does the second electron go into
the same orbital as the first, or does it go into one of the other orbitals in this subshell?
To answer this, we need to understand the concept of degenerate orbitals. By
definition, orbitals are degenerate when they have the same energy. The energy of an
orbital depends on both its size and its shape because the electron spends more of its
time further from the nucleus of the atom as the orbital becomes larger or the shape
becomes more complex. In an isolated atom, however, the energy of an orbital doesn't
depend on the direction in which it points in space. Orbitals that differ only in their
orientation in space, such as the 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals, are therefore degenerate.
Electrons fill degenerate orbitals according to rules first stated by Friedrich
Hund. Hund's rules can be summarized as follows.
One electron is added to each of the degenerate orbitals in a subshell before two
electrons are added to any orbital in the subshell.
Electrons are added to a subshell with the same value of the spin quantum
number until each orbital in the subshell has at least one electron.
When the time comes to place two electrons into the 2p subshell we put one electron
into each of two of these orbitals. (The choice between the 2px, 2py, and 2pz orbitals is
purely arbitrary.)
C (Z = 6): 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1
The fact that both of the electrons in the 2p subshell have the same spin quantum
number can be shown by representing an electron for which s = +1/2 with an
arrow pointing up and an electron for which s = -1/2 with an arrow pointing down.

The electrons in the 2p orbitals on carbon can therefore be represented as follows.

When we get to N (Z = 7), we have to put one electron into each of the three
degenerate 2p orbitals.
N (Z = 7):

1s2 2s2 2p3

Because each orbital in this subshell now contains one electron, the next electron
added to the subshell must have the opposite spin quantum number, thereby filling
one of the 2p orbitals.
O (Z = 8):

1s2 2s2 2p4

The ninth electron fills a second orbital in this subshell.

F (Z = 9):

1s2 2s2 2p5

The tenth electron completes the 2p subshell.

Ne (Z = 10):

1s2 2s2 2p6

There is something unusually stable about atoms, such as He and Ne, that have
electron configurations with filled shells of orbitals. By convention, we therefore
write abbreviated electron configurations in terms of the number of electrons beyond
the previous element with a filled-shell electron configuration. Electron configurations
of the next two elements in the periodic table, for example, could be written as
Na (Z = 11): [Ne] 3s1
Mg (Z = 12): [Ne] 3s2
Practice Problem 8:

Predict the electron configuration for a neutral tin atom (Sn, Z = 50).
Click here to check your answer to Practice Problem 8

The aufbau process can be used to predict the electron configuration for an element.
The actual configuration used by the element has to be determined experimentally.
The experimentally determined electron configurations for the elements in the first
four rows of the periodic table are given in the table in the following section.
Learning Activity

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The Electron Configurations of the Elements

(1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Row Elements)
Atomic Number
Electron Configuration

1s2 = [He]
[He] 2s1
[He] 2s2
[He] 2s2 2p1
[He] 2s2 2p2
[He] 2s2 2p3
[He] 2s2 2p4



[He] 2s2 2p5

[He] 2s2 2p6 = [Ne]
[Ne] 3s1
[Ne] 3s2
[Ne] 3s2 3p1
[Ne] 3s2 3p2
[Ne] 3s2 3p3
[Ne] 3s2 3p4
[Ne] 3s2 3p5
[Ne] 3s2 3p6 = [Ar]
[Ar] 4s1
[Ar] 4s2
[Ar] 4s2 3d1
[Ar] 4s2 3d2
[Ar] 4s2 3d3
[Ar] 4s1 3d5
[Ar] 4s2 3d5
[Ar] 4s2 3d6
[Ar] 4s2 3d7
[Ar] 4s2 3d8
[Ar] 4s1 3d10
[Ar] 4s2 3d10
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p1
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p2
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p3
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p4
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p6 = [Kr]

Exceptions to Predicted Electron Configurations

There are several patterns in the electron configurations listed in the table in the
previous section. One of the most striking is the remarkable level of agreement
between these configurations and the configurations we would predict. There are only
two exceptions among the first 40 elements: chromium and copper.
Strict adherence to the rules of the aufbau process would predict the following
electron configurations for chromium and copper.

predicted electron configurations:

Cr (Z = 24): [Ar] 4s2 3d4

Cu (Z = 29): [Ar] 4s2 3d9

The experimentally determined electron configurations for these elements are slightly
actual electron configurations:

Cr (Z = 24): [Ar] 4s1 3d5

Cu (Z = 29): [Ar] 4s1 3d10

In each case, one electron has been transferred from the 4s orbital to a 3d orbital, even
though the 3d orbitals are supposed to be at a higher level than the 4s orbital.
Once we get beyond atomic number 40, the difference between the energies of
adjacent orbitals is small enough that it becomes much easier to transfer an electron
from one orbital to another. Most of the exceptions to the electron configuration
predicted from the aufbau diagram shown earlier therefore occur among elements
with atomic numbers larger than 40. Although it is tempting to focus attention on the
handful of elements that have electron configurations that differ from those predicted
with the aufbau diagram, the amazing thing is that this simple diagram works for so
many elements.

Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table

When electron configuration data are arranged so that we can compare elements in
one of the horizontal rows of the periodic table, we find that these rows typically
correspond to the filling of a shell of orbitals. The second row, for example, contains
elements in which the orbitals in the n = 2 shell are filled.
Li (Z = 3):
Be (Z = 4):
B (Z = 5):
C (Z = 6):
N (Z = 7):
O (Z = 8):
F (Z = 9):
Ne (Z = 10):

[He] 2s1
[He] 2s2
[He] 2s2 2p1
[He] 2s2 2p2
[He] 2s2 2p3
[He] 2s2 2p4
[He] 2s2 2p5
[He] 2s2 2p6

There is an obvious pattern within the vertical columns, or groups, of the periodic
table as well. The elements in a group have similar configurations for their outermost
electrons. This relationship can be seen by looking at the electron configurations of
elements in columns on either side of the periodic table.
Group IA

Group VIIA
[He] 2s1
[Ne] 3s1
[Ar] 4s1
[Kr] 5s1
[Xe] 6s1


[He] 2s2 2p5

[Ne] 3s2 3p5
[Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5
[Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p5
[Xe] 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p5

The figure below shows the relationship between the periodic table and the orbitals
being filled during the aufbau process. The two columns on the left side of the
periodic table correspond to the filling of ans orbital. The next 10 columns include
elements in which the five orbitals in a d subshell are filled. The six columns on the
right represent the filling of the three orbitals in a p subshell. Finally, the 14 columns
at the bottom of the table correspond to the filling of the seven orbitals in
an f subshell.

Practice Problem 9:

Predict the electron configuration for calcium (Z = 20) and zinc (Z = 30) from their positions
in the periodic table.
Click here to check your answer to Practice Problem 9

This page explains what atomic orbitals are in a way that makes
them understandable for introductory courses such as UK A level
and its equivalents. It explores s and p orbitals in some detail,
including their shapes and energies. d orbitals are described only in
terms of their energy, and f orbitals only get a passing mention.

What is an atomic orbital?

Orbitals and orbits

When a planet moves around the sun, you can plot a definite path
for it which is called an orbit. A simple view of the atom looks
similar and you may have pictured the electrons as orbiting around
the nucleus. The truth is different, and electrons in fact inhabit
regions of space known as orbitals.
Orbits and orbitals sound similar, but they have quite different
meanings. It is essential that you understand the difference
between them.
The impossibility of drawing orbits for electrons
To plot a path for something you need to know exactly where the
object is and be able to work out exactly where it's going to be an
instant later. You can't do this for electrons.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says - loosely - that you
can't know with certainty both where an electron is and where it's
going next. (What it actually says is that it is impossible to define
with absolute precision, at the same time, both the position and the
momentum of an electron.)
That makes it impossible to plot an orbit for an electron around a
nucleus. Is this a big problem? No. If something is impossible, you
have to accept it and find a way around it.
Note: Over the years I have had a steady drip of questions from students
in which it is obvious that they still think of electrons as orbiting around a
nucleus - which is completely wrong! I have added a page about why the
idea of orbits is wrong to try to avoid having to say the same thing over and
over again!

Hydrogen's electron - the 1s orbital

Note: In this diagram (and the orbital diagrams that follow), the nucleus is
shown very much larger than it really is. This is just for clarity.

Suppose you had a single hydrogen atom and at a particular

instant plotted the position of the one electron. Soon afterwards,
you do the same thing, and find that it is in a new position. You
have no idea how it got from the first place to the
You keep on doing this over and over again, and
gradually build up a sort of 3D map of the places
that the electron is likely to be found.
In the hydrogen case, the electron can be found anywhere within a
spherical space surrounding the nucleus. The diagram shows
a cross-section through this spherical space.
95% of the time (or any other percentage you choose), the electron
will be found within a fairly easily defined region of space quite
close to the nucleus. Such a region of space is called
an orbital. You can think of an orbital as being the region of space
in which the electron lives.
Note: If you wanted to be absolutely 100% sure of where the electron is,
you would have to draw an orbital the size of the Universe!

What is the electron doing in the orbital? We don't know, we can't

know, and so we just ignore the problem! All you can say is that if
an electron is in a particular orbital it will have a particular definable
Each orbital has a name.
The orbital occupied by the hydrogen electron is called a 1s

orbital. The "1" represents the fact that the orbital is in the energy
level closest to the nucleus. The "s" tells you about the shape of
the orbital. s orbitals are spherically symmetric around the nucleus in each case, like a hollow ball made of rather chunky material with
the nucleus at its centre.
The orbital on the left is a 2s orbital.This is similar to a 1s orbital
except that the region where there is the greatest chance of finding
the electron is further from the nucleus - this is an orbital at the
second energy level.
If you look carefully, you will notice that there
is another region of slightly higher electron
density (where the dots are thicker) nearer
the nucleus. ("Electron density" is another
way of talking about how likely you are to
find an electron at a particular place.)
2s (and 3s, 4s, etc) electrons spend some of their time closer to the
nucleus than you might expect. The effect of this is to slightly
reduce the energy of electrons in s orbitals. The nearer the nucleus
the electrons get, the lower their energy.
3s, 4s (etc) orbitals get progressively further from the nucleus.
p orbitals
Not all electrons inhabit s orbitals (in fact, very few electrons live in
s orbitals). At the first energy level, the only orbital available to
electrons is the 1s orbital, but at the second level,
as well as a 2s orbital, there are also orbitals
called 2p orbitals.
A p orbital is rather like 2 identical balloons tied
together at the nucleus. The diagram on the left is a
cross-section through that 3-dimensional region of
space. Once again, the orbital shows where there

is a 95% chance of finding a particular electron.

Taking chemistry further: If you imagine a horizontal plane through the
nucleus, with one lobe of the orbital above the plane and the other beneath
it, there is a zero probability of finding the electron on that plane. So how
does the electron get from one lobe to the other if it can never pass
through the plane of the nucleus? At this introductory level you just have to
accept that it does! If you want to find out more, read about the wave
nature of electrons.

Unlike an s orbital, a p orbital points in a particular direction - the

one drawn points up and down the page.
At any one energy level it is possible to have three absolutely
equivalent p orbitals pointing mutually at right angles to each other.
These are arbitrarily given the symbols px, py and pz. This is simply
for convenience - what you might think of as the x, y or z direction
changes constantly as the atom tumbles in space.
The p orbitals at the second energy level are called 2p x, 2py and
2pz. There are similar orbitals at subsequent
levels - 3px, 3py, 3pz, 4px, 4py, 4pz and so on.
All levels except for the first level have p
orbitals. At the higher levels the lobes get
more elongated, with the most likely place to
find the electron more distant from the

d and f orbitals
In addition to s and p orbitals, there are two other sets of orbitals
which become available for electrons to inhabit at higher energy
levels. At the third level, there is a set of five d orbitals (with

complicated shapes and names) as well as the 3s and 3p orbitals

(3px, 3py, 3pz). At the third level there are a total of nine orbitals
At the fourth level, as well the 4s and 4p and 4d orbitals there are
an additional seven f orbitals - 16 orbitals in all. s, p, d and f orbitals
are then available at all higher energy levels as well.
For the moment, you need to be aware that there are sets of five d
orbitals at levels from the third level upwards, but you probably
won't be expected to draw them or name them. Apart from a
passing reference, you won't come across f orbitals at all.
Note: Some UK-based syllabuses will eventually want you to be able to
draw, or at least recognise, the shapes of d orbitals. I am not including
them now because I don't want to add confusion to what is already a
difficult introductory topic. Check your syllabus and past papers to find out
what you need to know. If you are a studying a UK-based syllabus and
haven't got these, follow this link to find out how to get hold of them.

Fitting electrons into orbitals

You can think of an atom as a very bizarre house (like an inverted
pyramid!) - with the nucleus living on the ground floor, and then
various rooms (orbitals) on the higher floors occupied by the
electrons. On the first floor there is only 1 room (the 1s orbital); on
the second floor there are 4 rooms (the 2s, 2px, 2pyand
2pz orbitals); on the third floor there are 9 rooms (one 3s orbital,
three 3p orbitals and five 3d orbitals); and so on. But the rooms
aren't very big . . . Each orbital can only hold 2 electrons.
A convenient way of showing the orbitals that the electrons live in is
to draw "electrons-in-boxes".

Orbitals can be represented as boxes with the electrons in them
shown as arrows. Often an up-arrow and a down-arrow are used to
show that the electrons are in some way different.
Taking chemistry further: The need to have all electrons in an atom
different comes out of quantum theory. If they live in different orbitals, that's
fine - but if they are both in the same orbital there has to be some subtle
distinction between them. Quantum theory allocates them a property
known as "spin" - which is what the arrows are intended to suggest.

A 1s orbital holding 2 electrons would be drawn as shown on the

right, but it can be written even more quickly as 1s 2. This is read as
"one s two" - not as "one s squared".
You mustn't confuse the two numbers in this notation:

The order of filling orbitals - the Aufbau Principle

Aufbau is a German word meaning building up or construction. We
imagine that as you go from one atom to the next in the Periodic
Table, you can work out the electronic structure of the next atom by
fitting an extra electron into the next available orbital.
Electrons fill low energy orbitals (closer to the nucleus) before they
fill higher energy ones. Where there is a choice between orbitals of
equal energy, they fill the orbitals singly as far as possible.
This filling of orbitals singly where possible is known as Hund's
rule. It only applies where the orbitals have exactly the same
energies (as with p orbitals, for example), and helps to minimise the

repulsions between electrons and so makes the atom more stable.

The diagram (not to scale) summarises the energies of the orbitals
up to the 4p level that you will need to know when you are using the
Aufbau Principle.

Notice that the s orbital always has a slightly lower energy than the
p orbitals at the same energy level, so the s orbital always fills with
electrons before the corresponding p orbitals.
The real oddity is the position of the 3d orbitals. They are at a
slightly higher level than the 4s - and so it is the 4s orbital which
you fill first, followed by all the 3d orbitals and then the 4p orbitals.
Similar confusion occurs at higher levels, with so much overlap
between the energy levels that you don't fill the 4f orbitals until after
the 6s, for example.
For UK-based exam purposes, you simply have to remember that
when you are using the Aufbau Principle, you fill the 4s orbital
before the 3d orbitals. The same thing happens at the next level as
well - you fill the 5s orbital before the 4d orbitals. All the other
complications are beyond the scope of this site.
Knowing the order of filling is central to understanding how to write
electronic structures. Follow the link below to find out how to do


Questions to test your understanding

If this is the first set of questions you have done, please read theintroductory
page before you start. You will need to use the BACK BUTTON on your
browser to come back here afterwards.
questions on orbitals

Where would you like to go now?

To look at how to write electronic structures . . .
To the atomic properties menu . . .
To the atomic structure and bonding menu . . .
To Main Menu . . .

Jim Clark 2000 (last modified August 2012)

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Reference Tables

Physical Constants

Units & Conversions

Periodic Table of the Elements

Lab Techniques

Physical Chemistry
Quantum Mechanics
10: Multi-electron Atoms
Quantum Numbers
ChemWiki: The Dynamic Chemistry Hypertext > Physical Chemistry > Quantum Mechanics > 10: Multi-electron Atoms > Quantum

Quantum Numbers
Table of Contents

The Four Electronic Quantum Numbers

The Principal Quantum Number (n)
The Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l)
The Magnetic Quantum Number (ml)
The Electron Spin Quantum Number (ms)

A Closer Look at Shells, Subshells, and Orbitals

Principal Shells



A total of four quantum numbers are used to describe completely the movement and trajectories of each
electron within an atom. The combination of all quantum numbers of all electrons in an atom is described by a wave
function that complies with the Schrdinger equation. Each electron in an atom has a unique set of quantum
numbers; according to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, no two electrons can share the same combination of four
quantum numbers. Quantum numbers are important because they can be used to determine the electron
configuration of an atom and the probable location of the atom's electrons. Quantum numbers are also used to
determine other characteristics of atoms, such as ionization energy and the atomic radius.

The Four Electronic Quantum Numbers

Quantum numbers designate specific shells, subshells, orbitals, and spins of electrons. This means that they
describe completely the characteristics of an electron in an atom, i.e., they describe each unique solution to
the Schrdinger equation, or the wave function, of electrons in an atom. There are a total of four quantum numbers:
the principal quantum number (n), the orbital angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number
(ml), and the electron spin quantum number (ms). The principal quantum number, n, describes the energy of an
electron and the most probable distance of the electron from the nucleus. In other words, it refers to the size of the
orbital and the energy level an electron is placed in. The number of subshells, or l, describes the shape of the orbital.
It can also be used to determine the number of angular nodes. The magnetic quantum number, ml, describes the
energy levels in a subshell, and ms refers to the spin on the electron, which can either be up or down.

The Principal Quantum Number ( n)

The principal quantum number, n, designates the principal electron shell. Because n describes the most probable
distance of the electrons from the nucleus, the larger the number n is, the farther the electron is from the nucleus, the
larger the size of the orbital, and the larger the atom is. n can be any positive integer starting at 1,
as n=1 designates the first principal shell (the innermost shell). The first principal shell is also called the ground
state, or lowest energy state. This explains why n can not be 0 or any negative integer, because there exists no
atoms with zero or a negative amount of energy levels/principal shells. When an electron is in an excited state or it
gains energy, it may jump to the second principle shell, where

n=2. This is called absorption because the electron is

"absorbing" photons, or energy. Known as emission, electrons can also "emit" energy as they jump to lower principle
shells, where n decreases by whole numbers. As the energy of the electron increases, so does the principal quantum
number, e.g., n = 3 indicates the third principal shell, n = 4 indicates the fourth principal shell, and so on.


Example 1
If n = 7, what is the principal electron shell?

Example 2
If an electron jumped from energy level n = 5 to energy level n = 3, did absorption or emission of a photon occur?
Emission, because energy is lost by release of a photon.

The Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum

Number ( l)
The orbital angular momentum quantum number l determines the shape of an orbital, and therefore the angular
distribution. The number of angular nodes is equal to the value of the angular momentum quantum number l. (For
more information about angular nodes, see Electronic Orbitals.) Each value of l indicates a specific s, p, d, f subshell
(each unique in shape.) The value of l is dependent on the principal quantum number n. Unlike n, the value of l can
be zero. It can also be a positive integer, but it cannot be larger than one less than the principal quantum number (n1):


Example 3
If n = 7, what are the possible values of l?
Answer: Since l can be zero or a positive integer less than (n-1), it can have a value of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6.

Example 4
If l = 4, how many angular nodes does the atom have?
Answer: The number of angular nodes is equal to the value of l, so the number of nodes is also 4.

The Magnetic Quantum Number ( ml)

The magnetic quantum number ml determines the number of orbitals and their orientation within a subshell.
Consequently, its value depends on the orbital angular momentum quantum number l. Given a certain l, ml is an
interval ranging from l to +l, so it can be zero, a negative integer, or a positive integer.


Example 5
Example: If n=3, and l=2, then what are the possible values of ml ?

Answer: Since ml must range from l to +l, then ml can be: -2, -1, 0, 1, or 2.

The Electron Spin Quantum Number ( ms)

Unlike n, l, and ml, the electron spin quantum number

ms does not depend on another quantum number. It

designates the direction of the electron spin and may have a spin of +1/2, represented by, or 1/2, represented by .
This means that when ms is positive the electron has an upward spin, which can be referred to as "spin up." When it
is negative, the electron has a downward spin, so it is "spin down." The significance of the electron spin quantum
number is its determination of an atom's ability to generate a magnetic field or not. (For more information,
see Electron Spin.)


Example 5
List the possible combinations of all four quantum numbers when n=2, l=1, and ml=0.
The fourth quantum number is independent of the first three, allowing the first three quantum numbers of two
electrons to be the same. Since the spin can be +1/2 or =1/2, there are two combinations: n=2, l=1, m l =0, ms=+1/2
and n=2, l=1, ml=0 ms=-1/2

Example 6
Can an electron with ms=1/2 have a downward spin?
No, if the value of ms is positive, the electron is "spin up."

A Closer Look at Shells, Subshells, and

Principal Shells
The value of the principal quantum number n is the level of the principal electronic shell (principal level). All orbitals
that have the same n value are in the same principal level. For example, all orbitals on the second principal level
have a principal quantum number of n=2. When the value of n is higher, the number of principal electronic shells is

greater. This causes a greater distance between the farthest electron and the nucleus. As a result, the size of the
atom and its atomic radius increases.

Because the atomic radius increases, the electrons are farther from the nucleus. Thus it is easier for the atom to
expel an electron because the nucleus does not have as strong a pull on it, and the ionization energy decreases.

Example 7
Which orbital has a higher ionization energy, one with n=3 or n=2?
The orbital with n=2, because the closer the electron is to the nucleus or the smaller the atomic radius, the more
energy it takes to expel an electron.

The number of values of the orbital angular number l can also be used to identify the number of subshells in a
principal electron shell:

When n = 1, l= 0 (l takes on one value and thus there can only be one subshell)
When n = 2, l= 0, 1 (l takes on two values and thus there are two possible subshells)
When n = 3, l= 0, 1, 2 (l takes on three values and thus there are three possible subshells)
After looking at the examples above, we see that the value of n is equal to the number of subshells in a principal
electronic shell:

Principal shell with n = 1 has one subshell

Principal shell with n = 2 has two subshells

Principal shell with n = 3 has three subshells
To identify what type of possible subshells n has, these subshells have been assigned letter names. The value of l
determines the name of the subshell:
Name of Subshell

Value of l

s subshell

p subshell

d subshell

f subshell


Principal shell with n = 1 has one s subshell (l = 0)

Principal shell with n = 2 has one s subshell and one p subshell (l = 0, 1)
Principal shell with n = 3 has one s subshell, one p subshell, and one d subshell (l = 0, 1, 2)
We can designate a principal quantum number, n, and a certain subshell by combining the value of n and the name of
the subshell (which can be found using l). For example, 3p refers to the third principal quantum number (n=3) and the
p subshell (l=1).

Example 8
What is the name of the orbital with quantum numbers n=4 and l=1?
Knowing that the principal quantum number n is 4 and using the table above, we can conclude that it is 4p.

Example 9
What is the name of the oribital(s) with quantum number n=3?
3s, 3p, and 3d. Because n=3, the possible values of l = 0, 1, 2, which indicates the shapes of each subshell.

The number of orbitals in a subshell is equivalent to the number of values the magnetic quantum number ml takes on.
A helpful equation to determine the number of orbitals in a subshell is 2l +1. This equation will not give you the value
of ml, but the number of possible values that ml can take on in a particular orbital. For example, if l=1 and ml can
have values -1, 0, or +1, the value of 2l+1 will be three and there will be three different orbitals. The names of the
orbitals are named after the subshells they are found in:

s orbitals

p orbitals

d orbitals

f orbitals


-1, 0, +1

-2, -1, 0, +1, +2

-3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3

Number of orbitals in designated subshell

In the figure below, we see examples of two orbitals: the p orbital (blue) and the s orbital (red). The red s orbital is a
1s orbital. To picture a 2s orbital, imagine a layer similar to a cross section of a jawbreaker around the circle. The
layers are depicting the atoms angular nodes. To picture a 3s orbital, imagine another layer around the circle, and so
on and so on. The p orbital is similar to the shape of a dumbbell, with its orientation within a subshell depending on
ml. The shape and orientation of an orbital depends on l and ml.

To visualize and organize the first three quantum numbers, we can think of them as constituents of a house. In the
following image, the roof represents the principal quantum number n, each level represents a subshell l, and each
room represents the different orbitals ml in each subshell. The s orbital, because the value of ml can only be 0, can
only exist in one plane. The p orbital, however, has three possible values of ml and so it has three possible
orientations of the orbitals, shown by Px, Py, and Pz. The pattern continues, with the d orbital containing 5 possible
orbital orientations, and f has 7:

Another helpful visual in looking at the possible orbitals and subshells with a set of quantum numbers would be the
electron orbital diagram. (For more electron orbital diagrams, see Electron Configurations.) The characteristics of
each quantum number are depicted in different areas of this diagram.


Pauli Exclusion Principle: In 1926, Wolfgang Pauli discovered that a set of quantum numbers is specific to a

certain electron. That is, no two electrons can have the same values for n, l, ml, and ms. Although the first three
quantum numbers identify a specific orbital and may have the same values, the fourth is significant and must have
opposite spins.
Hund's Rule: Orbitals may have identical energy levels when they are of the same principal shell. These

orbitals are called degenerate, or "equal energy." According to Hund's Rule, electrons fill orbitals one at a time. This
means that when drawing electron configurations using the model with the arrows, you must fill each shell with one
electron each before starting to pair them up. Remember that the charge of an electron is negative and electrons
repel each other. Electrons will try to create distance between it and other electrons by staying unpaired. This
further explains why the spins of electrons in an orbital are opposite (i.e. +1/2 and -1/2).
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, we cannot precisely
measure the momentum and position of an electron at the same time. As the momentum of the electron is more
and more certain, the position of the electron becomes less certain, and vice versa. This helps explain integral
quantum numbers and why n=2.5 cannot exist as a principal quantum number. There must be an integral number
of wavelengths (n) in order for an electron to maintain a standing wave. If there were to be partial waves, the whole
and partial waves would cancel each other out and the particle would not move. If the particle was at rest, then its
position and momentum would be certain. Because this is not so, n must have an integral value. It is not that the
principal quantum number can only be measured in integral numbers, it is because the crest of one wave will
overlap with the trough of another, and the wave will cancel out.


Chang, Raymond. Physical Chemistry for the Biosciences. 2005, University Science Books. pp 427-428.
Gillespie, Ronald. Demystifying Introductory Chemistry. The Forum: A Contribution from the Task Force on
General Chemistry. 1996: 73;617-622.
Petrucci, Ralph. General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications, Tenth Edition.


Suppose that all you know about a certain electron is that its principal quantum number is 3. What are the
possible values for the other four quantum numbers?


Is it possible to have an electron with these quantum numbers:

n=2, l=1, ml=3, ms=1/2? Why or why


Is it possible to have two electrons with the same n, l, and ml?


How many subshells are in principal quantum level n=3?


What type of orbital is designated by quantum numbers n=4, l=3, and ml=0?


When n=3, l=0, ml=0, and ms=+1/2

l=1, ml=1,0,or+1, and ms=+1/2 or 1/2

l=2, ml=2,1,0,1, or +2, and ms=+1/2 or 1/2


or 1/2

No, it is not possible. ml=3 is not in the range of l to +l. The value should be be either -1, 0, or +1.
Yes, it is possible to have two electrons with the same

n, l, and ml. The spin of one electron must be +1/2

while the spin of the other electron must be -1/2.


There are three subshells in principal quantum level n=3.


Since l=3 refers to the f subshell, the type of orbital represented is 4f (combination of the principal quantum
number n and the name of the subshell).


Anastasiya Kamenko, Tamara Enriquez (UCD), Mandy Lam (UCD)

Dr. Craig Fisher (Japan Fine Ceramics Center)


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Azimuthal Quantum Number

Electrons present in an atom are described by a set of four numbers which are collectively known as
quantum numbers. These are of four types:
1. Principal Quantum number (n)
2. Azimuthal Quantum Number ()
3. Magnetic Quantum Number (m)
4. Spin Quantum Number (ms)

Each of these quantum numbers describes a specific feature of electron. These features include size and
shape of orbital of electron, direction of orientation and spin of orbital.
Principal quantum number describes the size of orbital of an electron. It is denoted by n. higher the value
of n, larger is the size of orbital. value of n can never be zero.
Azimuthal quantum number describes the shape and type of orbital. It is denoted by . Its value ranges
from 0 to n 1.
Azimuthal quantum number is of 4 types: s, p, d and f.

The shapes of orbital depend on these 4 types of azimuthal quantum numbers. Azimuthal quantum
numbers were first derived from Bohrs Atomic Model. It was postulated by Arnold Sommerfield.
Let us study about the Azimuthal Quantum Number in detail.

Azimuthal Quantum Number Definition

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Azimuthal Quantum Number is a type of quantum number defined for an atomic orbital which
determines its orbital angular momentum and also describes the shape of the orbital of an electron within
the shell. It is denoted in .This quantum number denotes the sub-level or sub shell in a given principal
energy shell to which an electron belongs. This is also calledsecondary quantum number. There are n
possible values of ranging from zero to one less than n for that state i.e., = 0, 1, 2...(n - 1).

The relation between angular momentum of the electron and is

Angular Momentum = (+1) h2where h = Plancks constant.

The various sub-levels or sub-shells are also designated by letters s, p, d, f depending upon the values
of as shown below:

Value of

Symbol of Sublevel

Each value of represents a particular sub-shell or sub-level.

For e.g. for n = 3, can have three values, i.e, = 0,1,2. This means that there are three subshells in the
third energy level.

What is the Azimuthal Quantum Number?

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Azimuthal Quantum is described for electrons and it is a number that defines the shape of orbital of
electrons or we can say that it indexes the shape of the volume of space occupied by an electron and
depends on the principal quantum number (n).

Each of the different azimuthal quantum number states can take 2(2 + 1) electrons.

Principal Quantum
number n

Azimuthal Quantum number

( )


Shape of the





Polar dumble

Clover Leaf


Polar dumble

Clover leaf


These orbital can take even more complex shapes according to the values of angular quantum number. A
sphere ( = 0) can be oriented in space in only one way. However orbital that has polar or cloverleaf
shapes can point in different directions. To describe the orientation in space of a particular orbital, we
therefore need a third quantum number which is known as the magnetic quantum number ( m).

There is only one type of s orbital, three types of p orbital (px, py and pz), five types of d orbital (dz2, dxy,
dzy, dxz and dx2- y2) and 7 types of forbital. These subtypes of orbital are due to magnetic quantum number
which describes the orientation of orbital in space or position of electron in the orbital.

Following diagram shows the shape of orbital depending on the value of .

Azimuthal quantum number also determines the orbital angular momentum of an electron. The magnitude
of orbital angular momentum (L) is given through the following relation:
L2 = h2 ( + 1).

is azimuthal quantum number, h is reduced plancks constant and is equal to h2.

Principal Quantum Number

Magnetic Quantum Number

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Azimuthal Quantum Number


Azimuthal Quantum Number Definition

What is the Azimuthal Quantum Number?

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Define Magnetic Quantum Number
Define Principal Quantum Number
Define Spin Quantum Number
Finding Quantum Numbers
How to Determine Spin Quantum Number
Nuclear Spin Quantum Number

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Principal Quantum Number

An atom is made up of large number of electron orbitals. These orbitals are represented by the set of
numbers known as quantum numbers.

An atomic orbital (electron cloud) of an electron in an atom is described by four set of quantum numbers.
1. Principal quantum number (n)
2. Azimuthal quantum number ()
3. Magnetic quantum number (m)
4. Spin quantum number (ms)

To determine the energy, shape, size and orientation of the electron orbital, we use the three quantum
numbers namely principal quantum number, azimuthal quantum number and magnetic quantum
number. In order to determine the electron spin we use the spin quantum number.
The significance of principal quantum number (n) is that it describes the size of the orbital. We know that
the distance of an electron is directly proportional to the energy of electron (according to Bohrs
postulates), this quantum number is also a measure of the energy of the orbital. The values of principal
quantum number are 1, 2, 3....
In this section we are discussing about the principal quantum number in detail.

Principal Quantum Number Definition

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This represents the main shell to which to electron belongs. These energy levels are denoted by the
symbols K, L, M, N for n = 1, n= 2, n = 3 respectively.
The values of n are 1, 2, 3, ..
Here, n=1 refers to the K shell,
n=2 represents L shell,
n=3 represents M shell etc.
Thus the value of n also represents the order of the shell from the nucleus. 'n' refers to the ionization
energy of the electrons in that energy level.

How can we say that Principal quantum number indicates the size of the Orbital?
We could observe that K shell (n=1) has least energy whereas L shell (n=2) has more energy compared
to K shell. Hence, the value of 'n'also represents energy of the electron.
As the value of 'n' increases, size of the shell increases. Maximum number of electrons in any shell
is 2n2. Hence the the size of the orbital can be determined using this quantum number.
Principal quantum number corresponds to energy levels in the Bohr model of the atom. It describes how
far the electron is from the nucleus. The value of n is always an integer from 1 i.e. n 1, such as n = 1,
n= 2, n = 3 7 and so on.

As the value of n increases, size of orbital also increases. Maximum number of electrons that is possible

in a shell is 2n2 and maximum number of electrons in an energy level is 4n 2.

For example:
For energy level 1, n = 1, maximum no. of electrons possible = 2 (1) 2 = 2
For energy level 2, n = 2, maximum no. of electrons possible = 2 (2) 2 = 8
For energy level 3, n = 3, maximum no. of electrons possible = 2 (3) 2 = 18
For energy level 4, n = 4 maximum no. of electrons possible = 2 (4) 2 = 32.

Principal Quantum Number Chart

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For any principal quantum number n, value of angular momentum quantum number is 0 to - 1, value of
magnetic quantum number is - to + .
Following chart shows the principal quantum number chart.

Quantum numbers
n m

No of Quantum states
In the sub shell

In the Main level

1 0

2 0

2 1

-1, 0, +1

3 0


3 1

-1, 0, +1


3 2




4 0


4 1

-1, 0, +1


4 2




4 3

-3,-2,-1, 0 ,+1,+2,+3



As shown in above chart,

For n = 1, value of = 0, the Magnetic moment is m = 0
For n = 2, value of = 0, 1, the Magnetic moment is m = 0, (- 1, 0, + 1).
For n = 3, value of = 0, 1, 2, the Magnetic moment is m = 0 , (- 1, 0, + 1), (- 2, - 1, 0, + 1, + 2).
Thus we can calculate Azimuthal quantum number () and magnetic quantum number (m) using the
principal quantum number n.

The value of n is not 0 because it represents the energy level of an electron which can never equal to 0.

Spin Quantum Number

Azimuthal Quantum Number

Related Topics
Physics Help

Physics Tutor

Principal Quantum Number


Principal Quantum Number Definition

Principal Quantum Number Chart

Related Concepts
What is Quantum Number
Azimuthal Quantum Number Definition
Define Magnetic Quantum Number
Define Spin Quantum Number
Finding Quantum Numbers
How to Determine Spin Quantum Number
Nuclear Spin Quantum Number

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Equation for Prime Numbers
Equation for Reynolds Number
Fibonacci Number Formula
Find the Median Number

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5 Number Summary Calculator
Adding Binary Numbers Calculator
Adding Complex Numbers Calculator

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Adding Real Numbers Worksheet
Addition of Mixed Numbers Worksheet
Compare and Order Numbers Worksheet
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Spin Quantum Number

The beam of hydrogen atoms passes through a heterogeneous magnetic field; it divides itself into two
parts. The atoms of these two parts have motions in opposite directions. The H atoms traveling through
heterogeneous magnetic field is the following diagram.

This observation suggests that all atoms do not have the same magnetic property. This kind of
dissimilarity is possible only if some electrons have spin motion in single direction and others have spin
motion in opposite direction.

To account for this observation, Goudsmit Uhlenbeck stated in 1925, that the electrons have quantized
spin quantum number of angular momentum.

Spin quantum number is one of the quantum numbers used to describe quantum state of an atom. Spin
quantum number for electron holds two possible values, +

12 (for anti clockwise rotation of electron

around some axis) and - 12 (for clockwise rotation).

Let us study more about the spin quantum number in this section.

Spin Quantum Number Definition

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Why does the electron behaves like a tiny magnet?

It is observed that the electron is not only revolving around the nucleus but it is also spinning on its own
axis. The spin of the electron produces a small magnetic field as a result of which the electron behaves as
a 'tiny magnet'.

Spin quantum number describes the spin orientation of the electron. It is designated by s. Since the
electron can spin only in two ways:

1. Clockwise
2. Anti-Clockwise
Therefore, the spin quantum number can take only two values:
+ 12 or - 12.

12 spin is denoted by a vertical arrow pointing upwards and

- 12 spin is denoted by a vertical arrow pointing downwards.

How Many electrons can accumulate an orbital?

Spin quantum number describes the direction in which an electron spins in an orbital. There are only two
directions possible, clockwise and anticlockwise. Two electrons in an orbital can never have same spin
i.e. spin of electrons in same orbital is opposite.

Maximum number of electrons is 2 in an orbital.

Magnetic Spin Quantum Number

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Magnetic spin quantum number is the secondary spin quantum number which ranges from s to +s in
steps of one. This generates total (2s + 1)values of ms.
The allowed values for s are non-negative integers or half-integers. All known particles are composed of
fermions (for example the electron, proton or neutron) possess half integral values.
All fermions have spin quantum number = 12, Delta baryons, which decay into protons and neutrons
have spin equal to 32 while bosons (e.g., photon, mesons) have integer spin values (1 till now but
theories predicts s = 0 for Higgs boson and s= 2 for graviton which is hypothetical carrier of gravity).
The Spin of a particle in any projected direction say z is:

sz = ms h
Here sz is spin in z (arbitrary direction).
ms is magnetic spin quantum number or secondary spin quantum number.

h is reduced Plancks Constant.

The allowed values of spin quantum number are 0, 12, 1, 32, 2, etc.

How to Determine Spin Quantum Number?

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Spin quantum number (for electrons) can be determined easily by filling up the electrons in orbital. while
filling keep in mind to fill the electrons till last orbital in one direction, after reaching last orbital of a sub
shell again start filling the orbital from first orbital but now in opposite direction of spin. Normally the
electrons are filled with anti clockwise spin or up arrow first. Second electron in the same orbital will then
have a down arrow or clockwise spin.

For example for an s sub shell which has only one orbital fill electrons as: up, down (+ 12, - 12).

For p sub shell which has 3 orbital (px, py, pz), fill electrons as: up, up, up; then from the first orbital again
as down, down, down.
(| + 12| + 12| + 12 | + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| )

(| + 12| + 12| + 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| ).

(| + 12| | + 12| | + 12| | + 12| | + 12| | + 12| | + 12| )

(| + 12| + 12| + 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| )

For d sub shell which has 5 orbital, fill electrons as: |up| up| up| up| up|, then fill from the first orbital again
as down, down, down.
(|+ 12| + 12| + 12 | + 12| 12| + 12|+ 12| +

12|+ 12|+ 12|+ 12| )

(| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| | + 12|+ 12| + 12| + 12| + 12|).

(| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| ).
For f sub shell which has 7 orbital, fill electrons as: |up| up| up| up| up| up| up|; then from the first orbital
again as down, down, down, down, down, down, down
(| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| + 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12| - 12).
Consider Selenium (Se) with atomic number 34
Its electron configuration is written as:
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p4
Consider last sub shell i.e. 4p4
It is a p sub shell, therefore 3 orbital (px, py, pz) are possible.
This sub shell contains 4 electrons as given. Now fill the first three electrons as up, up, up.
Now the last (fourth) electron is again filled in first orbital i.e. px with down spin. This is so because two
electrons in same orbital cannot have same spins ad since it is already filled with an up electron, new
entry will have down spin. Up and down denote anti clockwise and clockwise direction of spin with values
+ 12 and - 12 for electron.
|up, down| up | up |
So the spin of last electron is down or -


Consider another example of an atom say with last sub shell 3d7.
As we know a d sub shell has 5 possible orbital. So fill the first five electrons in the orbital starting from
first to fifth with up spin (+ 12) as shown:
| up| up | up | up |up |

Now we are left with two more electrons and all the orbital are filled once, so start filling orbital again from
first orbital but with down spin (-

12 ) this time. As we are left with only two electrons we will fill till second

orbital only as shown:|down |down|.

Hence electrons are filled in orbital as: (up, down), (up, down), up, up, up.

Electron Spin
Principal Quantum Number

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Physics Tutor

Spin Quantum Number


Spin Quantum Number Definition

Magnetic Spin Quantum Number
How to Determine Spin Quantum Number?

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Nuclear Spin Quantum Number
Spin Magnetic Quantum Number
What is Quantum Number
Azimuthal Quantum Number Definition
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Magnetic Quantum Number

In an atom, the state of each electron is different with respect to the nucleus. In order to define the state
of the electron completely, four quantum numbers are used. They are:

1. Principal quantum number (n)

2. Azimuthal quantum number ()
3. Magnetic quantum number (m)
4. Spin quantum number (s)
In order to specify energy, size, shape and orientation of the electron orbital, three quantum numbers are
Magnetic Quantum number is the 3rd quantum number in the set of four quantum numbers. This quantum
number is used to state the position of electron in the orbital.
Let us concentrate on Magnetic Quantum Number in this section.

Magnetic Quantum Number Definition

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The Magnetic quantum number refers to the different orientations are called as orbitals. It is
denoted by m.The number of orbitals in a particular sub shell within a principal energy level is given by
the number of values allowed to m which in turn depends on the value of .

Since magnetism is due to the angular momentum, the value of m depends on the value of . For a given
value of azimuthal, m can have integral values from - through 0 to + i.e.,
There are four sub shells. The possible values of m are all integral values from + through o to - , thus
making a total of (2 + 1) values.

s subshell : Here = 0, m can have only one value, m = 0. It means that s subshell has only one orbital.

p subshell : Here = 1, m can have three values, m = +1, 0, -1. This implies that p subshell has 3
orbitals and so on... The possible positions arepx, py and pz.

d subshell : Here = 2, m can have five values, m = +2, +1, 0, -1, -2. This implies that d subshell has 5
orbitals. The possible positions are dx2, dxy, dyz, dx2- y2, dzx.

f subshell : Here = 3, m have seven values, m = +3, +2, +1, 0, -1, -2, -3. This implies that f subshell has
7 orbitals.

The values of m can be:

, -1, -2, -3,.0, -1, -2, -3- .i.e. (2 + 1) values are possible.
The possible values of m are all integral values from + through 0 to - thus making a total of (2 +
1) values.

How to Determine Magnetic Quantum Number?

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To determine Magnetic quantum number of an electron, we should first find the type of sub shell (s, p, d
,f) or angular momentum quantum number. Angular momentum quantum number can be known from
principal quantum number. Hence from principal quantum number, we can deduce magnetic quantum
number as follows.
For principal quantum number n, angular momentum quantum number = n 1.
Further for each value of possible angular momentum quantum number , value of magnetic quantum
number is: - to + .

For example: For vanadium (V) if the principal quantum number n is 3.

= n 1 = 3 1 = 2.
m = (2 + 1) = (2(2) + 1) = 5 possible values
Thus the possible values are - 2, - 1, 0, + 1, + 2.
For vanadium configuration of last sub shell is 3d3.

Here value of magnetic quantum number of last filled electron is 0 hence value of m = 0 for the electron
of highest energy (last filled electron)in Vanadium.

Magnetic Spin Quantum Number

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Magnetic quantum number m shows the orientation of orbital spin in three dimensional space around the
nucleus or the position of electron in the orbital. Its values lies from - to + . The maximum possible
number of electrons in any orbital (position) is two (2).
Hence there are two possible electrons in an orbital with two spins i.e. up and down.

As shown s sublevel has 1 position therefore it contains maximum 2 electrons.

m = 0.
p sublevel has 3 possible orbital therefore it can have maximum of 2 3 = 6 electrons as shown:

m = -1,0,+1.
d sublevel has 5 possible orbital therefore it can have maximum of 2 5 = 10 electrons as shown:

m = -2, -1, 0, +1,+ 2.

f sublevel has 7 possible orbital therefore it can have maximum of 2 7 = 14 electrons as shown:

m = -3,- 2,- 1, 0, + 1, +2, +3.

Following table gives idea of maximum number of electron accumulating the orbital:

Sub shell

Number of Orbitals

Maximum number of electrons

s ( = 0)

p ( = 1)

d ( = 2)


f ( = 3)


Consider an example of oxygen atom which has 8 electrons: 2 electrons in inner shell (K) and 6
electrons in outer shell (L).
For innermost shell n = 1,

= 1 1 = 0 (s sub shell). m = 0. Therefore possible orbital is 1s.

Outer shell has n = 2,

= 2 -1 = 1.
This shell is made up of single s orbital and three p orbital (px, py, pz).

To fill these orbital we have some rules:

Fill the electrons with lower energy first. Hence 2s orbital will be filled first and then 2p orbital. 2 electrons
out of the 6 electrons in outer shell will be filled in 2s orbital. Now the 3rd, 4th and 5th electron will be filled
in px, py, pz orbital respectively. 6th electron will be filled again in px orbital.

Azimuthal Quantum Number

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