Progress Test 1: Princes While in The Latter There Will Be Only Monks and Beggars. "

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I. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word: (1.50 p) "Albert Einstein had a very contradictory life. He was
a ...1... mathematician and ....2...., yet, as a child, he was ...3... slow to learn that his parents were afraid he was ...4.... He
became a world-famous ...5...but as a young man he lost three jobs as a ...6... teacher. A religious man, he found ...7...
as"beautiful"as they were correct. Looking at the results of his research, he would often wonder to himself:"Could this be the
way God ...8... the Universe ?" And, yet, it was his letter to President Roosevelt in 1939 that finally ...9.... to the development of
the ...10... bomb."Recent work", he wrote," has made me expect that the element Uranium may be... l l ...into a new,
important ...12... of energy in the immediate future ...This-new ...13... can also the construction of bombs." However,
his religious spirit and maybe, his ....15... made him become, after the War a leading pacifist."
II. Turn Einstein's letter to President , Roosevelt above mentioned, into indirect speech (1 p)

III. Reformulate the following sentences so that the meaning remains the same: (3 p)
a) It might be a good idea to use honey instead of sugar. Why don't you try........................................... b)"Go on,
Jack, apply for the job", said Sally.
Sally encouraged ............................................
c) I'm quite happy to look after the ,b~aby whenever you need. I don't mind........................................................
d) I'm sorry I didn't go to the University.
I regret..............................................................
e) Winning the football pools meant he could buy the new car.
His success enabled.............................:.............,
f) Why do you call him ? He won't come.
It's no use...................................
g) I think this may be the right street.
It appears ...............................
h) Sheila hates when people tell her what to do.
Sheila can't stand......................:........
i) You should go to the dentist at once.
Don't put............ . ....................
j) The policemen were told that unnecessary force measures were forbidden.
The policemen were instructed.....................
IV. Give the adjective for each of the nouns mentioned (in certain cases more than one adjectives are possible): (2 p)
attention / society/ despair/ influence/ disgust/
misery/ irritation/ care/ skill/ gratitude/
disgust/ amusement/ worry/ importance/ favour/ interest! practice/ nature/ communication/ boredom/
V Form the suitable word from the one given in each bracket so that it should be appropriate to the meaning of the text:
(1 p)
"For a long time, people have held the (believe) that the face is in some way a reflection of (person). There is nothing
(magic) or mysterious about it.; we all have different physical (character) and Iherefore our (appear) is unique. How you feel
about yourself also has a direct influence on your facial (express). If, for example, you have a lot of self- (confident), this will
show on your face: From ancient times this connection between particular features and aspects of personality was made, and a
systematic study of the (relate) developed and became known as physiognomy. Physiognomy has proved that people's faces
(accurate) reflect their characters. For those who don't find the idea convincing, let us take the example of (identity) twins, who
not only look alike but also behave in a similar way."
VI. Report the following sentences uttered by some famous people: (1.50 p)
1. Beethoven:"l shall hear in Heaven"
2. Machiavelli:"I want to go to Hell and not to Heaven ; in the lormer place 1 shall enjoy the company of Popes, kings aRd
princes while in the latter there will be only monks and beggars. "
3. Michelangello:"lhave offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the greatness I intended it to"

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