Industrial Education Questions

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Question Paper


Maximum Marks: 50 Duration: 1 Hr.

I Answer All Questions 10x 1=10

1. The maximum number of shareholders allowed in a Public Limited Company is?
a) 20
b) 50
c) 100
d) No maximum number

2. Which of the following types of business organization is owned by its customers?

a) A Partnership
b) A Public Limited Company
c) A retail Co-operative
d) A Franchise

3. One disadvantage of forming a Partnership is?

a) The number of Partners is limited
b) Specialist skills may be introduced
c) More Financial Capital is usually available
d) Any Financial Losses must be shared

4. Which is not a form of business ownership in the private sector?

a) A Partnership
b) A National Health Service
c) A Sole Trader
d) A Public Limited Company

5. Value Added Tax (VAT) is a tax on?

a) An Employees earnings
b) The organisations profits
c) Investment earnings
d) Goods and Services

6. The level of Sales at which an organisations total cost equals its total revenue is
referred to as?
a) The Fixed Cost
b) The Variable Cost
c) The Profit Margin
e) The Break-Even point

7. The summary of an organisations assets and Liabilities at a particular point in time is

a) Trading Account
b) Profit & Loss Account
c) Balance Sheet
d) Trade Balance

8. The concept of quality is based on:

A. meeting luxury goods standards
B. producing excellent products that are superior to other similar items
C. conforming to the requirements specifications
D. maintaining uniformity of design
E. A and C

9. Quality is:
A. Zero defects found
B. Conformance to requirements
C. The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its
ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
D. b and c
E. all the above

10. The concept that it is easier and less costly to do the work right the first time is called:
A. Zero defects
B. Continuous improvement
D. The customer is the next person in the process

II. ANSWER ANY 10 questions. 10x 1=10

1. List out the types of production.
2. Define productivity.
3. What is role of an operator in industry?
4. What is known as bottleneck in parallel workstations?
5. What is known as cycle time?
6. List out the levels of management.
7. What is known as Industrial Safety?
8. What are the benefits of 5 S?
9. What are the objectives of Private Sector?
10. Define Cellular manufacturing.
11. List the responsibilities of an operator to adhere the 5S practice in factory?
12. What are the hidden cost factors of an accident?

II. Answer any 5 questions 5 x 3=15

1. Define discipline to be adopted in work place by an operator.

2. List out the responsibilities of low level or first level management.
3. Enumerate flow production.
4. Discuss Deming’s principles of management.
5. Explain what is meant by P D C A.
6. What are the main Processes of a company?

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