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Grade: 8 English worksheet

Write the answers for Q. 1, 2, 3 in your English notebook

1. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences.

a. out of work / were / if advertisements / dentists / to be / believed / for toothpaste / will soon be
b. Heart’s / and you can / to your / just use / content / this brand / sweets / gorge on
c. It guards you / no harm / ring / with it’s / will be done / as / protective
d. Unique / another / advertisement / that it’s / whiten / can / teeth / claims / action
e. May / specialists / actually / warn / that / be / harmful / the whitener

2. Below you can see a set of instructions for making potato Griddle Cakes. Complete the
following paragraph which describes how it is made. The first on has been done as an example.

Take one egg, 3 tablespoon flour, half cup milk, one teaspoon sugar and one teaspoon salt. Mix all the
ingredients until smooth. Wash, peel and grate eight medium potatoes. Add to batter. Spoon a portion of
the batter on to a hot brown on both sides. Proceed in the same way with the remaining batter. Serve
immediately with your sauce.

One egg, three tablespoon flour, half a cup of milk, one teaspoon of sugar and salt each is taken and
mixed until smooth. Eight medium potatoes are………………………i…………………….. Later, the
potatoes…………ii…………to the batter. A portion of the batter is…………iii…….. on both sides.
Remaining batter is……………..iv…………….. is later served ………v…………

3. Report the following:

Patient: Doctor I’m not well.
Doctor: What is troubling you?
Patient: I cannot eat food properly. I am suffering from this for the past two weeks.
Doctor: What did you eat yesterday?
Patient: I drank just two glasses of juice.
Doctor: Are you feeling heavy now?
Patient: Yes, slightly.
Doctor: Take the tablets morning and evening for the next two days. If you have any serious
trouble, come and meet me tomorrow.
A patient went to meet the doctor. He told the doctor that he was not well. The doctor (a) ………………
for which the patient said that (b) …………………………………… The doctor enquired (c)……………..…
The patient answered that (d) ……………………………………. (e) …………………………………….heavy
then. The patient said yes. Then the doctor told him (f) …………………………………………………………

4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate tense forms using the words given in the brackets.

Once there was a stream in the middle of a jungle. A huge oak tree …………… [stand] nearby. Many
reeds …………. also …………… [grow] on the bank of the stream. Whenever a strong wind,
……………..[blow] the proud oak ……………… [stand] straight. But, the delicate reeds
…………………. [bow] down. The oak tree …………… [say] to the reeds, “ even a light breeze
……………… [make] you bow your heads.” “Don’t be sad for us,” ………………. [reply] the reeds,
“the winds ………………….. [not hurt] any of us,” soon after, a great storm ……………… [blow] over
there. The oak ………… [stand] firm, while the reeds ……………… [move] with the wind. Suddenly,
the wind …………………. [become] very strong. It …………………. [uproot] the proud oak. The moral
of the story is that it ……………. [be] better to sway with the tide of time than …………………………
[to destroy]

5. The following passage has to be edited. There is one word missing in every line. The first one
has been done as an example for you. Don’t forget to write the word which comes before and
after the omitted word.

In a class is often noticed - Eg. class it is

That some teachers give the a…………………………………………………..
attention only those students who b…………………………………………………..
are topping studies. If there is c…………………………………………………..
a function to held somewhere d………………………………………………….
outside the school only a few e………………………………………………….
students be taken, these are the f…...................................................................
ones are always chosen. If there g…………………………………………………
is a play to staged these are the h…………………………………………………
ones always given preference.

The human Atlas Section CD ROM - Eg. Section by CD

as the name suggests a pictorial - a………………………………………………….
guide to human body. Subjects b………………………………………………….
in section include the essentials c………………………………………………….
for medical students as the d………………………………………………….
nervous digestion systems. e……………………………………………….…
Additions dissection videos make f……………………………………………………
the learning an engaging experience g……………………………………………….….

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