#280 BBB 01-28-10 20

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(601) 856-0911 I (205) 758 -861 0


Circulation = 26509


12/25/2009 • Redecorate - or deco­

rate- your work area. Paint
111111111111111 1111111 111111 111111111 the walls, replace worn out
flooring, clean out the con­
ference room, etc.
• Make a donation . Re­
member those who are less
fortunate, especially in these
challenging economic times.
Consult the BBB' s Wise
Giving Alliance
(www.give.org) to check on
BILLMOAK charities of your choice.


Evaluate business
The BBB also recommends
that consumers exercise ex­
treme caution when evaluat­
ing any business opportuni­
ty. Tips to making informed
decisions: .
• Avoid plans that in­

clude commissions for re­

cruiting additional distribu­

tors. They may be illegal

pyramid schemes.

ES this is an incredibly
busy time of year. How­
ever, December is often one
• Beware of plans asking
that you purchase expensive
products and marketing ma­
of the slowest times of year terials up front. These may be
for non-retail businesses. pyramid schemes in disguise.
The Better Business Bureau • Don't sign any con­
serving-Mississippi offers tracts or make payments in
the following suggestions for an "opportunity meeting" or
end-of-year tasks that may any pressure-filled situation.
be beneficial: Take time to think things
• Do end-of-year tax over:
planning to lower the Remember that no matter
amount of taxes due as how good a product or how
much as possible. solid a multi-level marketing
• Start a marketing plan plan may be, investment in
for the new year. Review the time as well as dollars may
best sources of leads (new be needed for your invest­
business) in previous years ment to payoff. If it sounds
and build on those. too good to be true, it prob­
• Create a contact data­ ably is.
base. Good sources for new The BBB has been serving
customers are current or Mississippi since 1964. Our
previous customers. mission is to: .
• Go shopping. Take ad­ • Promote the highest
vantage of tax-deductible standards of business ethics
purchases. Get a new com­ and conduct
puter, update office equip­ • Instill public confi­
ment, upgrade software pro­ dence in responsible busi­
grams or stock up on office nesses through education
supplies. programs
• Clean up your office. • . Protect and assist the
Remove files to be archived, general public
group files needed for tax BBB business information
purposed, throwaway accu­ can be accessed online at
mulated paperwork/mail. www.ms.bbb.org or by
• Look for new network­ phone at (800) 987-8280.
ing oPll0rtunities. Check out
business and community or­ Bill Moak is president of the
ganizations and events. Put Better Business Bureau of
some potential business­ Mississippi. E-mail him at
building activities on your www.bbbms.org. .
new year's calendar - espe-'
dally for January.

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