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YOUR local Fraser lake, Endako, Fort Fraser & area paper

Phraser Connector
Volume 35 Issue 35 April 2015

1480 copies


Busy Week of Events for Mental Health Week in May

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Mental health is more than the
absence of mental illness. Its a state of well-being.

Friday, May 1st

Crisis Centre Garage Sale
10am -3pm
Free coffee

Monday, May 4th

Kindness Day

These events
are all FREE

Participate and promote in acts of kindness all day!

Elder Abuse & Neglect Guest Speaker
10:30am 12:30pm - Lunch provided
Please sign up at Autumn Services or call 250-699-0056

Creative Writing
1pm at Autumn Services
Refreshments provided
Please sign up at Autumn Services or call 250-699-0056

Town Hall Meeting

Join us at 6pm for a social and updates on services and training opportunities
available in our community to help you and your families during the mine temporary suspension. Guest speakers include: CNC, Nechako Valley Community
Services, Progressive Employment & Northern Health.
A Q&A on what is happening at the mine can be addressed here.
Childcare will be provided down on the hard service!

Tuesday, May 5th

Endako Workers Coffee Group
10:30 am at Autumn Services
Open to all Endako Mine Employees join us for refreshments!

Walk for Awareness & Kite Flying

(Express yourself in Color! Wear lots of colorful clothing!)
This event symbolizes the recovery journey taken by persons living or lost to
mental illness.
~ 11:30am meet at the Fraser Lake Museum and join us on a walk to White
Swan Park.
~ Hotdogs provided by Northern Health, kite flying & drinks
provided by the Community Adult Literacy Program.
~ Transportation is available for participants that are not able to walk the entire
distance or need a rest or a ride home.

Wednesday, May 6th

Walk or Cycle Day
Get off the couch and walk to work or school!

Adult Coloring Day

Join us at Autumn Services 10am-12pm for some refreshments & coloring Mandalas.
Everything provided, including refreshments!

Laughter Club
11am -2pm at Autumn Services
Drop by the Centre anytime and enjoy a 15-20 minute session
Hosted off and on all day by certified Laughter Leader Michelle Robson
Refreshments provided!

Thursday, May 7th

Beyond the Blues
Mental Health screening at FLESS for students
Provided by NVCSS and Heather Megchelsen

Ladies Tea & Spa Day

11am-2pm At Autumn Services Refreshments Provided
Spa Day for Ladies ~ Learn health energy techniques
Enjoy foot spa treatments, facials draws & more!
Limited space so please pre-register
Must pre-register at Autumn Services or call 250-699-0056.
Limited Space. FREE

Friday, May 8th

Scrabble Day & Community Puzzle Building
At the Fraser Lake Library from 10am - 4pm

Coffee House
The Mental Wellness for All Coffee House Celebrates Mental Health Week at
the Royal Canadian Legion. A special evening of musical
entertainment with Jamie Neilson & Stacy Reynolds & possibly more!
Admission is Free. Everyone Welcome! 6pm

Saturday, May 9th

Expressive Art Workshop
Ever had a bad day? Did you know you can paint that?
Artists Eileen & Erin Hutson will present an art workshop facilitating the expression (depiction) of emotions and experiences, whether positive or negative.** Supplies are provided and the only experience necessary (requirement)
is an openness to try something NEW!!
Dont care to bare your soul? Try your hand at recreating all or part of
Vincent Van Goghs beautiful IRISES! FREE 1-3pm
Call Sarrah Nahornoff-Storey from more information



An editorial
By Elaine Storey




The lake returned. Three weeks earlier than last year. In celebratory fashion boats took to the water like the ducks. Some motors
sputtered with old gas in the tank, and others purred like a Cheshire Cat atop a wool blanket.
Lake Ice Ive kept track of lake ice -when it forms and when it
melts. It seems menial. But its a task that defines our winters. In
exact scientific terms if you live in a northern climate..... It gets
cold! then it stays cold for several months .and Yes, it does
get warm again! Ice is the foundation on which a northern winter
is built. In the Spring, leaves form; in the Summer grass grows; in
Fall, leaves turn colour; In late Fall, ice forms; In early Winter,
snow falls; in the middle of Winter, more snow falls; in late winter snow continues to fall; and in early spring ice eventually
melts, and you are back to Spring.
When ice forms, people immediately want on it To stand, To
sled, To ski, To skate, To drive
and to Drill holes. The bigger the
lake, the more opportunities. Ice
is recreation in the making. It
appeals to adventurists, athletes,
fisher people, hunters, photographers, birds of prey, and wild

This was a short mild winter ...we also like that. Does it mean
we are seeing the results of Global Warming? Nope it just
means the weather is cyclical and unpredictable. In the old days,
people would declare a short winter or a hot summer based on
the size of a pigs spleen or the wasps nest or the flavour of the
berries all interesting and worthy of consideration. The
Farmers Almanac has a fairly decent record for weather predicting-they use part science and part old school
The Almanac has declared that in early May the temperature
will average around 11C and precipitation will be above average in the north and below average in the south. Temperatures
for the MayLong weekend will be scattered showers, but by the
end of the month, it will be sunny and hot

Ice crystals pile up on the shoreline

Rainfall will be below normal this summer

and the hottest weather will occur in late
June, early to mid July and late July. September and October will be drier and cooler than normal. So, when planning your
summer holidays you might wish to flip
through the pages of the Farmers Almanac
and organize the weddings and family reunions accordingly.

Without ice on the lake we couldn't have cross country skiing and
skating and rural out-door hockey games and a campfire at New The Spring and Summer birds have arrived Red-Winged BlackYears Eve. We wouldn't have flat-run sledding and spinning do- birds, Barn Swallows, Hummingbirds and tons of seagulls with a
nuts on quads. And sometimes if we didn't get ice on the lake we spattering of swans and geese.
wouldn't have a place for dogs to run and coyotes to chase them.
Seasonal changes in the north are characterized by drops in temThis year the ice opened at the river mouth and remained so until perature, animal migrations and the position of the sun on the far
a mammoth west wind took the edge and relocated it to White
horizon. The northern environments remain sensitive to the idioSwan Park. Once there it tinkled on the shoreline and glistened in syncrasies of weather. Our landscapes have held steadfast even
the sun.(see insert picture). There was a nine-armed tree
through growth and development.
caught in the ice as it shifted and it bobbed up and down with the
For city dwellers, on the other hand, where the terrain has been
swells. Overnight, an east wind drove the ice back to the western
altered, and paved over, nature and weather have lost their hold.
shoreline. By noon, the wind shifted again and an angry nor
City dwellers dont pine for the first dandelions, and rarely do
wester forced the ice to backtrack past the park where the tree
they record when the water turned over and the ice formed.
with nine arms took aim at Cheese Point.
Storms blow over quickly in the city and cleanup crews are quickAnd by the 13th it was open on this end. According to my recly dispatched to shovel out or sweep up. In keeping with city livords this was the earliest in the 7 years since I have been keeping a ing, seasonal observations could be seen simply as a return to
record of the ice. In 2009 the lake opened on May 4th; 2010 it
boots and mittens in the winter and a commitment of a pink, ratwas April 17th; in 2011- May 6; in 2012 - May 2; in 2013 - April tan purse in the summer.
27 and last year it blew off on May 1st.



Stopping the Grump-Fest

By Ian Kluge (a former FLESS Teacher)
Do you know anybody who doesnt complain about the media? I dont. And with a federal election coming up, were headed towards a total grump-fest at full volume. One major step in fixing the problem is to follow the Europeans. In Spain, if you read ABC,
everyone knows you are conservative and monarchist and if you read El Pais, you are left-liberal; in France, everyone knows you are
left-wing if you read LHumanite and conservative if you read Le Figaro; left-wing Germans read Der Spiegel and conservatives read
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. These and all other major European papers clearly and openly state their political leanings, so you
know that youre getting news filtered through a left or right-wing lens and can take that into account when you read their stories.
They see no point in pretending to be absolutely objective when everyone knows they are not. Their honesty is refreshing and
worth bringing to Canada. Imagine how much misunderstanding and even anger
would be saved if the CBC or the Globe & Mail just admitted the incredibly obviOne of the neighbouring crows cleaning her toes ous truth: they are left-liberals, and more left than liberal. And Ive always
thought the Toronto Star could strike a blow for journalistic honesty by renaming
itself the Toronto Red Star. Ironically, the only Canadian media that are perfectly
up-front about their conservative right-wing bias are the SUN newspapers and
the now defunct SUN News Network. When the media claim objectivity in reporting but in fact have readily identifiable political biases they are, in effect,
deceiving their audiences. For the sake of democracy, this must stop. There is
nothing wrong with a slant in reporting but misleading audiences about your
slant inevitably creates misunderstanding, confusion and resentment. We dont
need more of that in Canada.

Part Time Help Wanted

Hairy Woodpecker at
the bird feeders

Francois Lake Market Garden

3 days a week, 4 hours per day
Start up mid April till mid Sept
Call Penny
for more Information


Martineau Plumbing & Heating

Licensed Gas Fitter & Plumber
95% High Efficient Furnace Replacement
HotWaterTank Replacement
Phone 250.699-6597
Wayne Martineau

Cell 250.699-1384

Phraser Connector


Happy Birthday to May Reid on her

87thBirthday -enjoying a visit and a
slice of birthday cake at
Autumn Services Centre


Taxes done for this this year
Lorraine needs a rest..zzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lorraine will be at Autumn
Services Next tax season

CALL 250.699-6558
Store Hours
Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 5:30 pm

Fraser Lake Building Supplies

We carry a range of lumber, plywood, mouldings, hardware, paints, tools, plumbing,
electrical and insulation. We also special order and do deliveries.

(250) 699-6506

Business directory at a glance: April 2015

Every month, paid ads will be listed in this column for customer convenience
Building Supplies
FL Building Supplies Timber Mart 250.699-6506
Employment Support Centre
Progressive Employment Vanderhoof 1.888-567-7375
Endako Rod & Gun Club
Contact Al Hunter for info 250.699-7763
Carpet Cleaning
Call Ron for your spring cleaning 250.699-8302
FL & Area Community Adult Literacy Program
CALP contact Sarrah Storey 250.699-6249
FL & Dist. Senior Citizens Society
Call 250.699-8771/ 699-1474
Fraser Lake Bottle Depot
Enter to Win Contest 250.699-8322
Francois Lake Market Garden
Call Penny 699-8048

Flowers in Vanderhoof
Stylish Stem Flower Shop 250-567-3300
A Cut Beyond 250.699-0055
High Speed Internet
ABC Communications 1.866-413-9995
Jerri Malchow
Plumbing & Heating
Martineau Plumbing & Heating 250.699-6597/699-1384
Taxes & Bookkeeping
Lorraines Bookkeeping and Tax Services 250.699-6588
Water Treatment System
Technopure Water 250.699-6688



Saturday May 9th Workshop:

Expressive Art
Ever had a bad day?
Did you know you can paint that?
Artists Eileen and Erin Hutson will present an
art workshop facilitating the expression
(depiction) of emotions and experiences,
whether positive or negative.**
Supplies are provided and the only experience
necessary (requirement) is an openness
to try something NEW!!
Dont care to bare your soul?
Try your hand at recreating all or part of
Vincent Van Goghs beautiful IRISES!

Serviced Lot for Sale

Fort Fraser
Cleared, fully serviced lot for sale in Fort Fraser
*Its the last lot on the south side of Highway 16
before the pullout.
*Asking $10,000 obo
Ideal for mobile of modular home etc.
The lot has Highway access, power,
water, and sewer

The contest will close July

31st, 2015. To enter, just
visit a Return-It Depot before
July 31st, 2015.

First Prize: one 2015 Toyota Prius

Second Prize: one Stromer E-Bike
Third Prize: two Kayaks with paddles

Cash for Empties:

*100% refund for Beer cans/bottles
*100% refund for Alcohol bottles
*100% refund for Pop/Juice/Water
Cans /Bottles/Pouches

10 and up
10 and up
5 and up

Just add your modular or mobile home

Call 250.690-7426 Or 250.699-8466
for more information

Martineau Plumbing & Heating

Licensed Gas Fitter & Plumber
95% High Efficient Furnace Replacement
HotWaterTank Replacement
Phone 250.699-6597
Wayne Martineau

Cell 250.699-1384

Open Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

We take small Appliances & Power Tools
We Take Electronic TV/Computers/ Phones/Radios
We Take Electric Microwaves/Vacuums/Heaters
We also take your cardboard boxes and paper
We take your battery recyclables and light bulbs

We also have Storage Space for


Call 250.699-8322
Help us Help You!
Keeping Fraser Lake Green!



New Fraser Lake Hours

Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Looking for a job, but not sure where to start?
Why not stop by our office and check out the Job Boards.
298 McMillan Avenue
The Employment Program of British Columbia
is funded by the Government of Canada and
the Province of British Columbia.

Legion Zone Meeting

On April 25th, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch
274 hosted a Legion Zone meeting.
The 7 Branches in the BC Central Interior Zone
are: Burns Lake, McBride, Mackenzie, Fraser
Lake, Valemont, Fort St James and Prince George
and each town had executive members present at
the meeting.
The work of this valuable service club is explained in
this quote from their national website: As a national
organization, we operate programs and services at
all levels that aim to help more than just Veterans. On a daily basis, our members provide their time and efforts to better the lives of
many, and to ensure Remembrance continues across Canada.

Most Legions throughout the province run their own Poppy

Drives, and Remembrance Day Services, but Scott says that the
Legions are much more. We are introducing a new way of doing
business that involves young people and families. We have childrens events now and we are inviting the youth groups to take
part in the Legion activities. Our memberships are on the rise,
said Scott, And the average age is now about 50.
Ninety percent of the Legions throughout the province have a
liquor license and subsist on liquor sales and the intake of memberships and money earned from events. While there are a few
dry branches, most hold a liquor license and deal with the overhead of serving and selling alcohol. With over 3000,000 members
in over 1400 Branches in Canada, Legions are constantly evolving
to manage their programs and service commitments to their individual community, We welcome new members and ideas, said
Scott. Our new logo is a sign of us moving forward.

Legion executive from within the 7 branches in the Central

pic by Estorey

Fraser Lake and District Senior Citizens Society
Silver Bitch Lodge
1 Bedroom Apartment $540 per month
-utilities includedAvailable May 1st, 2015
Rent to an Independent Senior 55+
For more information contact
250-699-8771 from 8 a,m. - noon daily
250.699-1474 (cell)
Or drop by Silver Birch
@ 199 Langley Avenue
Fraser Lake



Endako This & That

by Audrey Read

We went to visit Ron & Marilynn Ray the other day, they have the cutest puppy you ever saw. She is just a little white ball of fur with tan ears and
a little tan spot on her back. She is bringing a lot of joy to that household...and to everyone that visits!...sooo..."Whoever said you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies!"
Our daughter Shannon & I went to McBride awhile back, took a hospital bed down for one of my sisters who is in a wheel chair. It rained all the
way down, all the time we were there and all the way back! We had a wonderful visit though and found everyone in fine spirits and good health.
While in McBride I called Phyllis Toews who happens to live next door to our daughter Debbie and invited her to come with us to a fundraiser for
some people that had lost everything in a fire. We had a great time, Phillis is doing really well and wishes to be remembered to her friends here.
With gardening starting I'd like to let you in on this little poem. "Your mind is a garden, Your thoughts are the seeds, You can grow flowers....or
you can grow weeds!" I have a few flowers peaking through the snow and a few that are even brave enough to bloom! Really looking forward to
gardening season, there is nothing like getting out there playing in the dirt! I have all my seeds just waiting to find some dirt to grow in!
We don't seem to have many mice this year so the darn Hawks have taken to killing my chickens! Guess I'll have to learn to use a sling shot!!!
(They will be quite safe I'm sure! LOL!!)
We had two of the prettiest ladies in Fraser Lake visiting us today...Lorraine & Darlene Armatage, thank you ladies for the lovely plant and cookies. We took them on a tour of the cattle herd, saw our little premature calf that weighed thirty-eight pounds at birth. A normal calf usually
weighs seventy-five to ninety pounds. The two donkey's came to be petted and admired too. This year the calving grounds are really nice and dry
and with the straw from the oat hay the calves have lots of nice dry places to lay. The whole bunch of them are getting silage now, they love it and
boy do the cows milk on it!
Found this in my e-mail the other day....might be a good idea. "Tick Deterrent For Humans" one part Tea Tree Oil and two parts water. Mix in
spray bottle, spray on shoes, socks & pant cuffs.
Just had a 'phone call from our new Regional District Rep. for area "D"...Mark Parker, family man, farmer, former owner of Par 3 Sports and all
around good guy. We welcome you and wish you every good experience in the years to
come. Ralph Roy, your predecessor would have been very proud to have you take over
Beautiful filly .
Picture by Shannon
his job. Congratulations Mark!
Clinton Traquair our grandson from McBride came up and spent a few days with
us....helping with getting wood, calving and all sorts of things, we had a great visit! Too
bad he didn't live closer!
Shannon Turnbull woke up to a wonderful surprise the other day, one of her mares had a
beautiful little filly! Beautiful markings and a great disposition....just like her parents!
Heading west today I see that the "Welcome to Endako" sign has blown there
are no signs up as the one on the east end has been down for quite some time. Too bad!
Don't worry if you fail at is just life trying to move us in another direction!

Tell Mom you love

her with flowers...
Mothers Day is
Sunday May 10th

Now delivering to Ft Fraser,
Fraser Lake & Endako

Water Treatment Systems

Call 250.567-3300

Drink only the best

Stylish Stems Flower Shop

For bottled water, pick up, or delivery

Call 699-6688



Orica Canada Donation Furthers Local School Healthy Breakfast Initiative

Submitted by Orica Canada Inc. Brownsburg Quebec
We all know how important it is for children to have a healthy breakfast each morning: research shows that kids who eat breakfast are more likely to get additional fiber, calcium and
other important nutrients. They also tend to keep their weight under control, have lower
blood cholesterol levels, fewer absences from school and make fewer trips to the school
nurse with stomach complaints related to hunger.
Thanks to donations from the community and a $2,000 donation from Orica Canada, the
Fraser Lake Elementary Secondary School in Fraser Lake, British Columbia is providing a
daily healthy breakfast at no cost to any student in need at school.
Orica is proud to support the Fraser Lake community, and we are happy to partner with
the school to help provide the necessary morning fuel these kids need, said Charles Major,
Orica Country Manager - Canada.

Left to right, Marlin Peters (Orica employee),

Sherry Friesen (School Breakfast Committee)
and Betty Peters

Orica is the largest provider of commercial explosives and blasting systems to the mining
and infrastructure markets and the global leader in the provision of ground support in mining and tunnelling. The company operates
in more than 50 countries and employs over 12,500 people worldwide.

The Recreation and Small Business Fair on Saturday, April 25 was another
resounding success.

Tiffany Carter and boys, Dan Duncan & Gord Friesen check
out the Rec & Small Business Fair
photo by estorey

Over 35 vendors set up their trades inside the arena and showcased a huge
variety of home-designed crafts and baked products and art and sewing
and stitch work and locally grown honey. Other booths included a Telus
booth, soccer sign-up, jewellery, hair and face products, photography,
CALP, Autumn Services, Public Library, the Volunteer Fire Department
and many more.

Thank you from the family of Bernie Bidwell, The Bidwell Bunch and to all of you
who helped us celebrate the life of this amazing man.
The first thank you goes to Tannis Reynolds and the people of Stellaquo Village who
rented us their beautiful hall, and helped with our set-up.
Thank you to our cook Lillian and her daughter Kathy, behind the scenes workers
from Sai Kuz.
Special thanks to Maureen Olsen for picking out our music and making our CD. It
couldn't have been more appropriate.
Thank you Eileen Malchow for the chilli. It was so good the Bunch fought over it.
Thanks to May Reid and Iris Balcombe for those great tasting potato salads. Thank
you also Jeannie Fritz and family for the meat tray for the house. It was a nice variety
and again tasted so good.
Nearly last, certainly not least to you Sue Kurz Chief Cook & Bottle Washer. Good cook, head boss and lady, and all time good story
teller (jokes included) Thank You!
Lastly, thanks to Bobby and Lori Hurry for all the driving around for all the food you brought and all the personal support you
brought to the bunch. A special Big Thank you for the photo of the Bunch.
To all the others that this tired old brain cant remember, thank you so much for helping with all the food, decorating and especially
for the moral support you have given us these last few months. Thank You
Thank You for celebrating with us.. And may God Bless each of you
From Dorothy Bidwell
It has been a tradition of the Bidwell Bunch for the July long weekend to gather at Bernies log home as many of us as possible for Grandpa's Birthday. The Bunch have decided that they would like to continue to do this in honour of Grandpa Bernie and to keep this spread-all-over-crazy-mixedup-family together.
This year we will be Hill Billies, SO! YUH ALL COME YUH HEAR!



May 2015

Every Friday at 2pm

Coffee Group








1 Crisis Centre

Mental Health WEEK Activities May 1-May 9*****

Fraser Lake Kindness Day
10:30am Elder Abuse &
Neglect Speaker
1pm Creative Writing



11:30 Walk for





Victoria Day

Bike Rodeo








Adult Coloring
Laughter Club

Walking group
Stitch group
Cancer Support

8 Coffee House
Tea & Spa 11-2
Scrabble &
Puzzle Building
Walking group
Stitch group
Weight loss

Walk or Cycle Day

Walking group
Stitch group



Endako Workers
Coffee group

6pm Town Hall Meeting

School Board


Garage Sale
Walking group
Stitch group
Weight loss

Walking group
Stitch group






1-3 pm

Walking group
Stitch group
Weight loss

Walking group
Stitch group
Weight loss

Walking group
Stitch group
Weight loss



ity Potluck

Journey By Massage
Foot Care & Wellness Massage

Every Tuesday at Autumn Services

Gift Certificates

Call Cheryl Stewart

for an appointment

To add to next months

call 250-699-0056
or email:
Sponsored by

Community Potluck
Looking for a host for
Please call if you or
your group can host
AGM new date ...June
11 at 5:50 at
Autumn Services

P AGE 10


Community Page activities & meetings

Friday Night Darts
At the Fraser Lake Legion
Cost is only $2 per person
Beginners are welcome!

Autumn Services AGM

NOTE *** New date for Autumn Services AGM
is June 11 at 5:30 pm at Autumn Services Centre


Seniors Carpet Bowling

Notice of School Board Meetings

At the Fraser Lake Legion

Anyone 50 years plus is Welcome
Mon & Thurs 1-3 pm
Cost for a game and coffee is $1
New Members Welcome!
Held at the Royal Canadian Legion
Phone 699-8645 for more info

Regular Board Meetings of the Board of Education of School

District No. 91 (Nechako Lakes) for May 2015 will be held as

Mens Coffee Group will meet every Thursday morning at 10:00
a.m. at Autumn Services. Cost is $1 for chair rental. First
months coffee has been donated by Autumn Services
All GUYS welcome!


Monday, May 11, 2015

School Board Office, Vanderhoof, BC
This meeting will commence at 6:00 p.m. Members of the public
are invited to attend.
Silver Birch Annual General Meeting

FL & District Senior Citizens Society is having their AGM

Thursday, May 21, 2015
At 7:00 pm
At Silver Birch Lodge
199 Langley Avenue
New Members are Welcome

BC Cancer Agency Mammography Screening

The BC Cancer Agencys Screening Mammography mobile service will be in Fraser Lake at the FL Community Health Centre
May 28-30
Book your appointment by calling 1.800-663-9203


Mental Health & Addictions Advisory Committee:
May, 14 from 12pm-2pm. Face to Face Round Table Meeting
at Autumn Services. Lunch provided.
For more info call 250-699-0056

Fraser Lake & District Historical Society

Meetings are every 4th Wednesday of each month
This month: April 22nd at 3:30pm at the Silver Birch Lodge

Fraser Lake Public Library

The Fraser Lake Public Library is looking for more Trustees.
According to the Library Act we need to have a certain number
of Trustees. We usually meet 9 times a year. Not in July, August or December. Our meetings are usually 1 hour or less.
If you would like to volunteer to be a Library Trustee please
call Audrey at the Library at 250-699-8888.
Do you have old DVDs you want to get rid of? The Fraser
Lake Public Library will gladly take your donation.

Our Certified Esthetician

Tasha will be available for
appointments Monday,
Tuesday & Wednesday
And is excited to provide

Thinning Hair? Check out our

new product line!

Eyelash Extensions!
View of bed
with storage

19ft Rockwood Trailer

-3/4 bed and bed under table
- shower/tub
- comes with all hookups
Call Fenato to view
or for more Information

P AGE 11


The falling of the Old Spruce Tree ..

Pics by estorey

#1)Glen hanging off

the trunk, throwing
branches down as he
cuts his way to the top

Fraser Lake & Area C.A.L.P.



#2) Sawing off the top and guiding it to the ground with a
rope Dangerous work ...50
feet in the air

Thank You
I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. Dhillon and to Dr. de Vos in
Vanderhoof and to Dr. Douglas in Fraser
Lake and to all the caring nurses and staff
at St Johns Hospital who made sure my
husband was comfortable; to paramedics
Kerry and Kevin who were so quick and
efficient and to Cathy and Darwin who
were constantly on the scene to provide
assistance and assurance. I am so grateful
that Fern, Ron, Julia, Robyn, Brian,
Jackie, Bobbi and little Charlie were able
to make it up on time for a loving and, at
times, even a joyful visit; also to relatives
and friends who stopped by to cheer us up
and to reminisce. A very special Thank
You to Cousin Rose Marie for being thereand for singing. I would also like to thank
everyone who presented me with beautiful
flowers, cards, phone calls, FB messages
and emails.
love you all!
Doris Ray

Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday
At 298 McMillan Avenue
Fraser Lake, BCVOJ 1SO
Call 250.699-6249
Need help with your email?
Need help downloading pictures from your
Want to learn about Publisher program?
Want to make birthday cards?
Get HELP in the CNC Computer Lab
Every Tuesday 10am-2pm

All courses are FREE!

For more information call Sarrah Storey
C.A.L.P. Coordinator at 250-699-6249
or 250-699-1681 or

See front page for up and

coming events!

P AGE 12




Community interest

Autumn Services Centre

& Phraser Connector
312 McMillan Avenue
Fraser Lake BC
Primary Mailing Address:
Box # 557
Fraser Lake BC
V0J 1S0
Phone: (250)699-0056
Or (250) 699-7781

Phraser Connector is distributed
FREE once a month to 1480
area mail boxes
Business Card size - $30 for each insert
3xBusiness Card size - $75 for each insert
1/4 Page size - $105 for each insert
1/2 Page size - $185 for each insert
Full page size - $375 for each inserts
Ask about our rates for non-profits

To advertise call ~ Elaine Storey

699-0056 or
Dont forget to call
Autumn Services 250-699-0056
for all your
Copying & Designing needs!!
Book a Birthday Party,
Meeting or Baby Shower!

Fraser Lake & Area Cancer

We meet at NOON on the third
Tuesday of every month at Autumn Services Centre. The cost
of lunch is $5 and rent of the
chair to sit on is $1. The coffee
etc. is supplied by Autumn Services and any money left after
lunch costs are covered, is donated to Autumn Services.
Donate your Super Value till
slips to Cancer Support. For every $5000 in till slips we receive
a Super Value gift certificate in
the amount of $20 which can be
used in our draws or we can sell
them for our fundraising efforts. We sell these certificates
for $15 which gives the buyer a
25% discount on their groceries
. To date we have raised in
excess of $200 from this fundraiser alone!


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